Advanced Guide To Enochian Magick A Complete Manual of Angelic Magick by Gerald Schueler

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SIGILS OF WATCHTOWER DEITIES If the student uses a little ingenuity and imagination in this matter, he will discover quite a lot as to the nature and import of Sigils. The significance of the emblems may be divined, from one point of view, by employing them as "doors" through which to skry in the spirit- vision. More can be learned this way concerning the real implication of Sigils than almost by any other method. The Golden Dawn's Talismans and Sigils The Rase of Letters shown in Figure 6 is adapted from the Golden Dawn Rose Cross Lamen, which is specifically designed for use with the Hebrew alphabet. Figure 6 contains the Enochian equivalent. There are three rows containing a total of 21 regions and 26 letters. The symbolism of the Rose is as follows: 1. The inner three regions surrounding the central circle symbolize the active cosmic elements of Water, Air and Fire which surround, and operate upan, the Earth. 2. The second row of seven letters represents the seven sacred planets. 3. The third and outermost row of eleven regions represents the pentagram and hexagram united (5+6=11). 4. Each region of letters represents a petal of the Rose. Using AIK BKR (reference AIK BKR AND THE AETHYRS later in this manual) the petals/regions add to 3 (3+7+11 21=2+1=3), the number of rows in the Rose. The Rose is used to determine the sigils for the deities of the four Watchtowers. Begin with the first letter รณf the narre in the corresponding petal of the Rose. Draw straight unes from letter to letter as they appear in the narre. The pattern so drawn is the sigil of the deity. Awways begin each sigil with a small circie. At the last letter, end the sigil with a


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