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Remember This?: People, Things and Events from 1952 to the Present Day (US Edition) (Milestone Memories)

Do you know someone who is 71 years old in 2023? Give them a trip down memory lane with this pocketsized book of their life.Remember This? charts the news stories, changing fashions and the rise and fall of sporting heroes, TV quiz shows, film stars and more&#8212all selected to match the significant

birthdays of readers born in 1952.This book of easyto-browse lists begins with a snapshot of the US in the year they were born childhood memories of life in the 1950s and the bedtime stories they enjoyed. They&#8217ll rediscover the music and food of their teenage years and beyond, and read again the headlines from their biggest birthdays.Remember This? is brought to life with archive photography, trivia and news snippets to bring treasured memories flooding back for 71 year olds.This updated 2023 US edition is compiled for anyone born in 1952 other Milestone Memories titles are available for every year from 1935 to 1965.

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