Monday, March 19, 2012

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SECTION F REGULARS Jeff Riches (left), Matt Sonnenberg (middle) and Pat Tebbs (right) encourage their favorite team from the USU student section in Las Vegas. This is the first year the USU men’s basketball team has not won a WAC championship in the past five years. MIKE JOHNSON photo

BROCKEITH PANE MUSCLES past Louisiana Tech defenders. This year, neither USU baksetball team made it to the final round of the tournament. MIKE JOHNSON photo

AJ GARCIA, A LAS VEGAS MUSICIAN, played his drums on the Strip. After WAC Tournament games ended, Aggie fans in attendance roamed the sites and got a head start on Spring Break. MIKE JOHNSON photo

EVERY YEAR, USU STUDENTS TRAVEL to Las Vegas, not only to watch the WAC Tournament and cheer on the Aggies, but to -take advantage of the city life and famous attractions located on the Las Vegas Strip. The WAC Tournament proves to be a good reason to get away. MIKE JOHNSON photo

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