Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

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Hyperbole: Opponents are still human beings

Single and Pregnant? 3INGLE 0REGNANT

-continued from page 11

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even gotten a front-row seat to watch of every program in the state across discussions that illustrate this per- the board regardless of impact. While fectly. my wording may suggest Everyone can agree how I feel about those that there’s a deficit “The dificit two plans we’ll just clear because, well, numbers up – I agree with the are numbers, statistics didn’t get here first set of people. tend to be pretty uni- in the space of Here’s the important versally convincing as a year, so trying thing though: Nobody they’re objective. The out of hand and to rid ourselves gets problem that’s been decides it’s appropriate going on within Utah this of it in one year to call one side of the round of budgeting has will just end up argument Communist, been that certain groups hurting everyone nor does anybody say feel differently about the other group are a how quickly we need more when we bunch of Nazis, and to close the gap of that don’t really need can’t we all be grateful deficit. Some on both to make this dis- for that? There are of sides of the aisle are saycourse bills that come ing we need to do so in appear in one up in any legislature that steps. The deficit didn’t sweep.” I personally feel are just get here in the space of a beyond the bounds of year, so trying to rid ourridiculous, but it doesn’t selves of it in one year will just end mean that the person proposing them up hurting everyone more when we is suddenly no longer a human who don’t really need to make this disap- deserves any level of respect in the pear in one sweep. There are others, course of my disagreeing with them. though, who want to cut 7-10 percent Now it may sound like I’m sim-

ply copying the mantra of my dearly beloved Jon Stewart, but oddly enough I’ve genuinely felt this way for some time. I feel that any person who goes running about shouting that the other side is a bunch of mindless zombies should be thoroughly ignored. This is the primary reason I can’t stand people like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. If I ever get out of hand like those people, I’d hope someone would call me out on making no point. Hyperbole and ignorance get our discussion nowhere, they don’t educate the voting populace and they don’t get your point any traction – or at least they certainly shouldn’t. They simply get the other side red – or perhaps blue – in the face shouting back at you, and when everyone’s yelling, no one can hear.

Anna Jane Harris is a junior majoring in political science. She can be reached at anna.j.harris@aggiemail.

Belief: Religion can be more than heritage -continued from page 11

passes a wide range of identity and practice. Some of us are pure pioneer stock, while others are the only Mormon among their family. Perhaps this is all religion means to some of us. It is our heritage, a familiar place that ties us to both family and friends. In fact, the most difficult challenge for those who have left the religion of their fathers for another path is the damage or complete severing of these social ties. For many, religion goes beyond heritage. It is an ideology that defines personal philosophies and lifestyles. It may give a healthy sense of purpose and direction to an individual, acting as a compass of sorts as human beings continue to ponder the great questions that have preoccupied phi-

losophers for thousands of nations, many still adhere years. It is true that religion to the famous line from rarely attracts with its argu- the Confessions of St. ments for the Augustine, in existence of which he says “It is true that god, however “… our hearts its reverence religion rarely are restless for the great attracts with its until they find questions of arguments for rest in you life should not (God).” To go unnoticed. the existence of these individuScience has god, however its als, religion is made great reverence for not a means to advancements find answers. that give ratio- the great quesIt is a means to nal answers tions of life connect with to questions should not go something that were once greater than unnoticed.” given only their selves. supernatural So why is explanation. it important The abundant to ponder mysteries that once shaped such questions? After all, reality seem fewer and far it wouldn’t be worth it to between with each passing dedicate time to a worthyear. In spite of all these less endeavor. I argue that advancements and expla- there are indeed benefits to

Take the time to express your views in a letter to the editor. Submission box found at

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Cam Davis is a senior studying political science and religious studies. He can be reached at cam.

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be had from such inquiries. By understanding what religion means to ourselves, we are able to gain a greater appreciation for both our own faith and the faith of those who worship in a slightly different manner. By realizing the importance and impact of religion in both our lives and the lives of others we gain a new perspective, and perhaps a newfound reverence for the institution of religion as a whole. The way we define terms such as truth and love may change. The lens through which we see the world can shift, and if we stop and look around every once in a while we might find that paths that once appeared to veer off in different directions are aimed at the same destination. So, what does religion mean to you? What leads you to frequent your respective religious establishment? What keeps you away? How does religion affect the way we – even those of us who have attempted to leave religion behind – view concepts as fundamental as time, love and justice? Take the time to ask yourself those questions, even if you have asked them before.

Soniya Patel MBA, 2010

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