Georgia Pollinator Plants of the Year 2021 - poster

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Georgia Pollinator Plants of the Year The benefits of creating a diverse garden, rich with native wildflowers are well documented. Increasingly, home gardeners are urged to participate in a revolutionary shift in the way that we landscape. The responsibility to protect and conserve valuable pollinators no longer falls exclusively on the shoulders of ecologists, entomologists and restoration professionals. Our choices in landscape plants can reflect and promote the outstanding plant and insect biodiversity found in Georgia. This responsibility may be daunting for some. Where do I start? What do I plant? And where do I source them? A new program, Georgia Pollinator Plants of the Year, aims to provide the answers. This program annually recognizes four top-performing landscape plants in four categories: Spring Bloomer, Summer Bloomer, Fall Bloomer and Georgia Native. Selections are nominated by gardeners across the state and are voted on by a committee of entomologists, horticulturists, green industry professionals and plant conservationists in order to promote species that look stunning in the garden and provide high ecological value.

Spring Bloomer

Fall Bloomer

Summer Bloomer

Georgia Native

False Rosemary (Conradina canescens)

Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia)

Downy Goldenrod (Solidago petiolaris)

Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)

False Rosemary is a dwarf evergreen shrub in the mint

Sweet Pepperbush is a small to medium

This drought-tolerant wildflower is one of the

This attractive native wildflower needs no introduction

family. This is an outstanding plant for xeric gardens

sized deciduous shrub excellent for shade or

smaller goldenrods standing at 1-3’ tall. In late

and is well-loved for its ability to host caterpillars of

and requires well-drained soil. Fragrant evergreen

rain gardens. This shrub bursts to life in the

summer to fall, this plant puts on a dramatic

the Monarch Butterfly, Queen Butterfly, and Milkweed

leaves give rise to swathes of delicate purple flowers

heat of summer when attractive spikelets of

show of color as spikes of sunny yellow flower

Tussock Moth. Gardeners delight in long-lasting bright

in the springtime providing an excellent source of

white flowers emerge from glossy dark-green

clusters reach toward the sky. Look no further

orange blooms that attract numerous insect pollinators.

nectar and pollen to early emerging native bees.

foliage. The fragrant blooms are attractive to

for a high-impact pollinator plant. Downy

This is an excellent drought-tolerant plant to include in

Allow its branches to drape down the side of a stone

many pollinators, especially bumble bees, and

Goldenrod supports at least 112 species of

your perennial border, wildflower meadow, or potted

wall or pot for a dramatic and lush effect.

even the occasional hummingbird

butterflies and moths and attracts a delightful


array of other native pollinators.

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