Star Weekly - Sunbury Macedon Ranges - 5th March 2024

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Show time!

Mount Macedon’s annual Autumn Flower and Produce Show will return from March 16 to 17, boasting more than a century of horticultural history.

The free show is open to all residents in the Macedon Ranges, with no charge for entries, and entries from children especially welcome.

Mount Macedon and District Horticultural Society president Stephen Ryan still remembers attending the annual show and the excitement that lingered after submitting an entry as a young child.

“It’s very nostalgic because some of my earliest memories was entering as a young child… it was highly exciting,” he said. “I guess it sort of hooked me to being a part of a horticultural society in the first place.”

And hooked Stephen was. He became president of the society when he was 19 and attended both milestone celebrations. “I was at the 50th birthday party as a 10 year old. For me to have been there at that one and the 100th one, there has to be some record there,” he said laughing.

“[The show] is like an old fashioned country fair. It’s unashamedly slightly daggy… [but] a great way for children to become engaged in horticulture.”

Visitors are welcome on Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday when Devonshire teas will be available. It will be held in the society’s hall at 583 Mount Macedon Road, Mount Macedon.

Details: https://www.

Power battle in motion

Hume councillors debated the importance of who gets to raise issues at council meetings, followingapushandpulltoleadtheadvocacy for a Jacksons Hill Master plan update.

Councillor Jarrod Bell raised a notice of motion that council write to both Sunbury MP Josh Bull and and the Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny, seeking an update on progress on the implementation of the Jacksons Hill Master plan.


This follows councillor Trevor Dance’s notice of motion on February 12, which failed to attract as seconder, that “council write to Josh Bull asking why Jacksons Hill has seen no improvement or works done to open this majestic site that is rotting away since the master plan was approved”.

In “the spirit of cooperation and collaboration,” Cr Bell offered Cr Dance the opportunity to move the officer recommendation in the meeting’s agenda.

Cr Dance accepted the offer and said

public pressure has been applied “which was good to see”.

“Everyone knew I obviously raised a similar notice of motion… and for the first time ever this term no councillors in the chamberevenbotheredtosecondit,”hesaid.

“Obviously there’s been a lot of public pressure out there in the last weeks… but Cr Bell has gone a bit of a way to amend that tonight… so I thank him for that.”

Cr Bell said he understood why there may have been some confusion across the

chamber and community as to why he submitted this notice of motion that was so similar to Cr Dance’s previous notice.

“I disagreed with some of the underlying functions and the claims and I was planning on seeking a number of amendments in line with the content of my notice of motion being put forward to us tonight,” he said.

“Idonotthinkitcorrectorpropertosecond a motion that I fully agreed to amending.”

■ Continued: Page 3.

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Zoe Moffatt Mount Macedon and District Horticultural Society president Stephen Ryan. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 390552_03

Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators.

Giving Victorian children the best start means more qualified teachers and educators are needed across the state.

Get up to $50,000* on top of your salary for positions at a priority service.

Search for a position with a financial incentive through the Early Childhood Jobs board at

*Terms and conditions apply, visit 12672390-AV10-24

Hollywood no more as sign goes

Property developer Villawood will remove its Hollywood-style sign from Jackson Creek Hill after it was revealed the company did not get the required permit for the sign.

The sign, which Villawood said was erected on private land, made headlines after residents expressed their frustrations about it and its location facing Emu Bottom Wetlands.

Resident Lisa O’Brien has been a leading proponentagainstthesignandsaidit’sfantastic it is going to be taken down.

“It’sonlyasmallwinforSunbury,butit’sstill a win,” Ms O’Brien said.

“If we can stop them (Villawood) from being underhanded and make sure they follow

council protocols then we will be better off. “We, as a Sunbury community, need to be aware of what our Sunbury icons are and we need to be protective over them.”

Ms O’Brien said she was told by deputy mayor Karen Sherry on February 23, that it did not appear any planning permit had been approved which was required for business identification signage.

In her communication, which Star Weekly has seen, councillor Sherry said the structure appeared to meet the definition of business identification signage under the Hume Planning Scheme.

“AworkerfromVillawoodcontactedmeand said they had contacted all the proper people and… everyone was happy with [the sign],” Ms O’Brien said “Then when I raised it was advertising and required a permit, the worker quickly got off the phone.”

A Hume council spokesperson confirmed

School fete brings old-fashioned fun

Woodend residents are invited to have some good old-fashioned fun at the St Ambrose Parish School Fete on Saturday, March 16.

The event promises to have something for all ages to enjoy, including plenty of activities for the kids, from art and crafts and face painting, to an obstacle course and dunking machine.

There will also be plenty of stalls to choose from, including books, clothing, plants, bric-a-brac, honey, show bags and more.

School principal Bronwyn Phillips said the school community is delighted to be able to

open its doors for everyone to enjoy a fete to remember

“Our main aim is to bring people together to connect, have fun, reinforce friendships, and celebrate our local town and wonderful school,” she said.

“Our fete is entirely volunteer-driven, under the management of a dedicated event committee made up of conscientious parents.

“[They] are working tirelessly to ensure the event is both successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.“

Ms Phillips said the funds that are raised will be used to support projects that benefit the whole school.

Otherhighlightsincludeasilentauctionwith plenty of amazing prizes up for grabs, along with live entertainment, including DJ tunes.

Residents are encouraged to make a day of it and enjoy tasty treats all day long, with a BBQ, coffee van and scones and jam all on offer.

The fete will take place from 9am until 1pm. Details: StAmbroseParishSchoolFete/

Illegal firewood cutting costs thousands

A 39-year-old Kyneton man has been convicted and fined $3000 after pleading guilty to two charges related to illegal firewood cutting from public land.

On Friday, February 16, the man admitted to damaging wildlife habitat and illegally cutting native red stringybark trees in the Metcalfe State Forest in September 2022.

Parks Victoria and Conservation Regulator authorised officers, police and Game Management Authority investigated after the man was caught on concealed cameras using a chainsaw to illegally cut timber in the forest.

The cameras were installed as part of the Parks Victoria-led Operation Centaur

targeting the illegal removal of critical habitat andhollow-bearingtreesonpubliclandinthe Central Highlands.

Parks Victoria ranger team leader Mathew Sobey said the impact of the crime is why offenders face significant fines or jail time.

“The loss of these native habitat trees for personal gain is devastating and it will take hundreds of years to replace them,” he said.

“The court result sends a clear message that illegal firewood theft for personal or commercial gain will not be tolerated on Victoria’s public land.”

In sentencing, Magistrate Megan Aumair outlined the importance of deterring this

a permit is required for the Villawood sign, following an investigation into the matter.

“Council has communicated this to the developer and given them notice to remove the sign within 14 days,” they said.

“The developer has flagged [its] intention to remove the sign…. [and] will in future work with council to ensure required permits are in place before any works are undertaken.”

Villawood confirmed in a statement it is in the process of applying for a permit and in the meantime the lettering will be taken down.

Villawood did not answer questions asking why it didn’t apply for a permit and did not comment on the worker who told Ms O’Brien “they had contacted all the proper people and… everyone was happy with [the sign]“.

Power battle in motion

■ From page 1.

Councillor Joseph Haweil said it was very nice to see Cr Bell and Cr Dance working together and said he thought something should always be given the opportunity for discussion.

“Very many cases in the past term I have seconded motions that I’ve subsequently voted against,” he said.

Discussing the motion, Cr Dance said he wants to know what the government is going to do in the future regarding Jacksons Hill, not what they’ve done in the past.

“When are you going to get off your butts government and get out there and do something there?” he said.

“The longer this goes on the worse the state of that building is going to get, and it’sverycrucialtothehistoryofSunbury and Hume.”

Cr Bell said he also feels frustration with the pace of development of the site.

“Wewouldlovetoseemorehappening and more achieved in the execution of thisimportantplantopreserveJacksons Hill,” he said

“I would like to invite representatives of the department to join us at a council briefing to share… their plans so we can hear directly and they can hear directly from us our concerns and our issues.

“We need to use every single tool that’s available to us and that includes getting the bureaucratics to sit across the table from us so they can hear from us directly.”

Mr Bull declined to comment.

kind of illegal behaviour.

She reiterated that there are lawful ways and times to collect firewood for personal use and that permits are available for commercial purposes.

The Metcalfe State Forest is home to a range of native wildlife that rely on tree hollows for shelter, nesting, and protection from predators, including sugar gliders and yellow-footed antechinus, as well as white-throated treecreepers and bougainville skinks.

Report any illegal cutting or removal of firewood to Parks Victoria on 131 963 or the Conservation Regulator on 136 186.

St Ambrose Parish School principal Bronwyn Phillips with school captains Elijah and Ava. (Damjan Janevski) 389729_03 The Villawood sign in Sunbury. (Supplied)

Council divided on rate cap move

Macedon Ranges council will not write to the stategovernmenttoexpressitsconcernabout the upcoming rate cap, following extensive debate in the chamber.

The cap for the 2024-25 financial year has been set at 2.75 per cent, down from the 3.5 per cent cap that was in place for 2023-24. It is still higher than in 2022-23 and 2021-22, which were both under two per cent due to COVID-19.

The local government minister each year sets a local council rate cap limit for the next financial year, which was first introduced in 2016.

Councillor Geoff Neil raised the notice of motion on February 28, and said he cannot recall when the cap was equal to Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI is a quarterly measure of inflation.

“It has invariably been set at a rate below CPI, thus we have been chasing our tails since the rate cap was introduced,” Cr Neil said.

“We suffer from CPI increases just like everyone else. Our expenses are getting higher and our revenue is not keeping pace.”

Cr Neil said he was asking the minister to reconsider her position, and set the rate cap in line with CPI.

“There is only so much squeezing one can take before the juice runs out,” he said.

“The rate cap… doesn’t recognise the increased costs we are facing, maintaining the status quo let alone delivering new services that meet our community expectations.”

Cr Jennifer Anderson disagreed with the notice and said council needs to look at a more holistic picture of the financial sustainability of councils.

“I think trying to link a rate cap to CPI in isolation is not the right mechanism to do this,” she said.

“CPI is a calculation about everyday living and council is not everyday living. We will

share some costs with the community but there are a lot of council costs that are very different to community costs.

“There are a lot of other issues facing local governments now to do with financial sustainability that is not just to do with the rate cap.

“It needs to be a more holistic picture… [and] involve the community, involve our colleagues and have actual call to action and look for solutions.”

Cr Bill West, Cr Neil and Cr Dominic Bonanno voted for the motion. Cr Janet Pearce, Cr Anderson, Cr Mark Ridgeway, Cr Annette Death, Cr Christine Walker and Cr Rob Guthrie all voted against the motion.

Driving change in Hume

The community can now comment on Hume council’s draft transport strategy.

Councillors adapted the draft strategy at the February 26 council meeting with the agenda stating the strategy will guide the council in addressing transport challenges and working towards a future that provides greater choice for a vibrant and liveable municipality.

Councillor Karen Sherry said “The past 10 years has seen a revolution of thinking to better reflect the broader spectrum of transport and place outcomes”.

“This has been brought about by a change in demand, for example in the habits of young people towards using public transport more frequently, and enthusiastically embarrassing alternatives such as e-scooters and bikes.”

Bush kinder program expands

Gisborne’s youngest students will be able to learn and play more in the great outdoors, thanks to an expansion of the bush kinder program.

GlobalVillageLearning(formerlyGisborne Montessori School) will receive a $6000 grant to offer a bush kinder program in 2024, which delivers outdoor learning at places including parks, bushland and beaches.

Thisgrantannouncementcomesamidstthe schools redesign to be Montessori inspired, student empowered and future focused.

Executive director Peter Hutton said he is very excited about the possibilities the grant will open up for them.

“We think this grant and the kinder aligns with our Montessori background and what it means for the school, and in terms of our philosophy of getting young people out in the community for their learning” he said.

“One of the things that excites us is that this is going to the purchase of a trailer which means we will have something permanent to take to a site.

“We imagine this trailer will be fitted out with learning equipment, first-aid gear, water and a bush kitchen. We also just recently purchased two new 12 seater minibuses with tow bars.”

Now five weeks into the new school year,

Mr Hutton said it’s an exciting time for the whole school, with renovations happening throughout.

“Everything is going really well, we had a lot of work done over the holidays and the young people were excited to come back and see everything.

“We‘ve also done a complete revamp of our senior school and we’ve got some fairly magnificent tech facilities.

“We are also just about to get $125,000 of purpose designed future to support modern ways of learning through collaboration.”

Cr Sherry said roads and streets are no longer just thoroughfares you travel through as quickly as possible to get home.

“They have a right to be enjoyed,” she said. “The strategy invites us to plan for precincts where we might trial micro transport options such as e-bikes and scooters.

“We could trial proposals where a group of primary school aged children can be traveling together… on e-bikes or scooters.

“We don’t believe that transport is a one size fits all, and I don’t believe we can emulate the inner city.”

The community feedback will be one for four weeks.

Short-term reception pain

Telstra customers in Macedon will be temporarily impacted by outages or reduction in mobile coverage this month, following scheduled works on the site.

Telstra announced on February 27, that there will be no mobile coverage for Telstra 3G and 4G from its mobile base station in Macedon from March 4 until March 8.

Worksonthe3Gnetworkwillbecompleted byFridayafternoon,March8,whileworkson the 4G network will be complete by Sunday, March 10.

Temporary interruptions will also occur at times until March 13, during daylight hours as Telstra completes the call testing and integration of the network.

Customers will receive text messages

advising of the upcoming works.

Regional general manager Steve Tinker saidwhilecrewsneedtoworkduringdaylight for safety, they will only be switching off the site when needed and will have it back on as quickly as possible.

“There’s never a good time to undertake this work of work but once it is completed, it will mean better mobile services for local residents,” he said.

“As a company, we heavily invest in improving regional connectivity and this site is another example of our commitment.”

Landline services, NBN internet services and mobile coverage from other providers will not be impacted, and any triple-0 calls will be diverted to a working mobile network.

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Global Village Learning principal Peter Hutton with kids Thea, 4, Sage, 3, and Arlo, 4. (Damjan Janevski) 390402_01

Empowering, educating

When Woodend born and raised podcast host Laura Crozier is asked what her hopes and dreamsareforeveryyounggirlgrowingupher answer is simple and thoughtful.

“I want them to be educated… and empowered,” she said.

“I want them to be educated on consent and what it is, and I want them to be educated and empowered on how to say no.”

This answer is one born from the depths of Laura’s own experience becoming a victim survivor of sexual assault at 15-years-old.

“I was scared and afraid and I wanted help,” she said.

“I often just remember how I felt in those months following my assault and just wanting someonetoguidemeintherightdirection,and wanting there to be a conversation and not feel ashamed about that conversation.”

This experience was the catalyst for a series of events, starting with a video to help victim survivors of sexual assault, followed by the beginningoftheGrowingUpCluelesspodcast.

“We were lucky enough to receive some funding and my friend and co-host Miranda and I were just really keen to continue the discussion around sexual health and consent.”

Laura said while there have been a lot of big steps forward in the world of consent education, there aren’t enough resources and ongoing support.

“I think there needs to be more support and professional development for teachers because I think maybe we underestimate how of a subject it is to talk about and discuss with young people.

“Idon’tthinkmandatingitisenough,Ithink there’s still so much disparity between the level of consent education that’s delivered from metro and regional and rural areas.

“That’s something that needs to be looked at as well, whether it’s that there’s more access for training and development in metro areas for the people teaching that content, I don’t know.

“There’s a lot of things to think about. If you go into a rural area, you’ll see and you’ll hear thatteachersandschoolsdon’tfeelequippedto deliver that education and that it falls short.”

Laura and co-host Miranda Johnson-Jones

will both be on the Macedon Ranges panel for its International Women’s Day event on March 8.

Astheyhavebothnowmovedawayfromthe Macedon Ranges, Laura said it was a nice full circle moment to get the opportunity to speak to the community where their podcast first started.


EPA waste charges laid

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has laid six charges against a company for failing to clean up construction and demolition waste in Sunbury.

OnFebruary22,theEPAannounced it laid the charges against Frontlink Pty Ltd and company director Natalie Mondous for failing to comply with an environmental action notice it issued requiring the clean up.

Frontlink Pty Ltd owns a rural property in Sunbury where the waste was left contrary to the Environment Protection Act 2017.

EPA chief investigator Rhonda Murray said construction, demolition and asbestos waste pose a major environmentalandhumanhealthrisk.

“[This] is why EPA focuses on its proper management, transportation and disposal that must be done according to the regulations,” she said.

“We are actively enforcing regulationswheneverwefindinstances of breaches particularly with asbestos waste and will continue to do so.

“Everyone has a duty to protect the environment and EPA will enforce the regulations on behalf of the Victorian community.

“We encourage people to report their litter and pollution concerns to us by calling 1300 372 842 or online at”

The matter is scheduled to be heard in Broadmeadows Magistrates Court on May 10.

Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 5 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS lifestyle deanside
Growing Up Clueless podcast host Laura Crozier. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 391109_04

Creating green spaces

Sunbury and Macedon Ranges schools are invited to get involved in Greater Western Water’s (GWW) Trees for Schools program to help increase tree canopy cover and create more green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Up to 4000 native trees are available as part of the program, which GWW will distribute through an expression of interest process open to every primary and secondary school located in their service area.

Eligible schools will be given up to 50 trees, along with stakes and guards to protect the trees until they can grow independently.

Mapping and analysis has shown the western region currently has the lowest tree canopy cover in Melbourne at 5.5 per cent. In comparison, canopy cover in the eastern suburbs is 25.9 per cent.

GWW’s general manager of strategy and partnershipsKessiaThomsonisencouragingall eligible schools to get involved and contribute to a greener, healthier western region and a more climate resilient future.

“Tree canopy improves air quality, cooling through shading and provides habitats for birds, insects and some mammals,” she said.

“The program will not only raise awareness about the benefits of green spaces and how trees help to reduce urban heat, but also provides an opportunity for an active learning environment.

“Students can participate in preparing sites, planting trees and doing general maintenance and watering.”

Ms Thomson said GWW hopes to build on the success of last year’s program where 27 schools in the region received more than 1000 trees to plant.

GWW’s service area covers the local government areas of Moorabool, Melton, Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, MooneeValley,WyndhamandYarra,andparts of Hume, Macedon Ranges and Melbourne.

Expressions of interest are open until Monday, April 22.



Sunbury house fire

Firefighters fought a blaze at a Sunbury house on Saturday morning. Triple-0 call takers received several calls from people reporting a house on fire in Bellview Drive. When Fire Rescue Victoria crews arrived they found a brick house with the front two rooms alight. The fire was deemed under control within 26 minutes of the first FRV trucks arriving, and both power and gas companies were there to isolate services to the property. All occupants were accounted for with no injuries reported. Police and ambulance also assisted FRV.

Riddells Creek footbridge work

Macedon Ranges council has confirmed work is now underway to replace the existing timber footbridge and fencing outside the bakery at 82 Main Street in Riddells Creek. Traffic management, signage and detours will be in place during the works, with the service road closed to vehicles at times. Council said contractors will work closely with directly impacted businesses and residents to keep any disruptions minimal. Works are expected to be completed by April, weather permitting. Updates:



Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly



6 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU
Students from Riddells Creek Primary School planting trees in 2023. (Supplied)

$5 million dollar rubbish problem

Hume council spent almost $5 million removing illegally dumped rubbish in the 2022-23 financial year, with statistics revealing the problem is set to cost ratepayers even more this year.

Councillors discussed the ways to reduce the cost and the frequency of illegal dumping at a meetingonMonday,February26,withthecost of potential education campaigns fueling the debate.

Cr Sam Misho said money spent to reduce the amount of illegally dumped rubbish in Hume was an investment.

“Therewere11,000illegaldumpingincidents in Hume, $4.7 million in clean up costs, $233,000 worth of fines, which I’m not too sure how much of that has been collected,” he said.

“4,881 tonnes of litter and dumped rubbish [were] removed. Craigieburn [has] the highest number of dumping incidents recorded, [and] Broadmeadows [had the] highest incident ratio by number of dwellings.

“Despite the $4.7 million spent to remove illegally dumped rubbish, the actual behaviour is on the upper trend.

“This is not a once off $4.7 million, this is rather perhaps every year. So if statistics are saying it’s actually on an upward trend, which

Cemetery funds boost

Malmsbury Cemetery has received a $10,000 grant to upgrade and maintain its facilities.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas announced the funding on February 19, which is delivered through the 2023-24 Cemetery Grants Program.

Malmsbury Cemetery is among 48 cemetery trusts across the state sharing in this grant round, which supports upgrades and costs relating to infrastructure, facilities, maintenance, equipment and training.

Chris Byrnes from Malmsbury Cemetery Trustsaidthefundswillbeusedtosurveyashes specific plots, in a currently unused section of the cemetery overlooking the Malmsbury Reservoir.

“This is one of a series of initiatives that have been funded by the Department of Health,” he said. “[It has] helped ensure the long-term futureofthecemeteryandbroadenitsabilityto

meet the needs of the local community.”

Ms Thomas said the cemetery plays an important role in the local community.

“This grant will provide them with an opportunity to get much-needed upgrades,” she said. “Providing Victorians with peaceful places to visit and honour loved ones who have died makes these grants all the more important.”

The state government said Victoria’s cemeteries are important community spaces, where people can reflect on the past and remember those no longer with them.

Grant rounds are awarded twice each year, with applications for the current round closing on March 31. A selection panel assess each application against the assessment criteria.

For more information and to apply, visit cemetery-grants-program.

means in 2024 we should see more than $5 million perhaps.”

Cr Misho raised a notice of motion to complete a mailout of an A5 waste information card with a magnet back, along with a barcode to direct residents to council’s website for more information and to arrange for a collection.

The motion also included a hotline number to report failures to satisfy promises made by council or the contractor, and to investigate options to utilise multi media channels to inform the community and focus on multicultural communication.

This was then amended by Cr Trevor Dance that a report comes back to council in regards

to the costings to implement the program, following concerns raised about the cost of the program.

Cr Carly Moore seconded the amendment and acknowledged dumping rubbish was an “enormous” problem in Hume.

“I’m certainly happy to support some of these initiatives but I don’t want to commit to a position… without understanding what exactly is this going to cost,” she said.

“[As well as] what are the resources that are going to be involved and what kind of benefits do we expect to see.”

Thisreportisexpectedtoreturntocouncilat its next meeting on March 12.

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Malmsbury Cemetery Trust

Council floats 24/7 library plan

Humeresidentsmaysoonbeabletovisitalocal library at any time, day or night, following council’s investigation into trialing 24 hour library access.

Mayor Naim Kurt raised the notice of motionatameetingonFebruary26,forofficers to investigate 24/7 library requirements, including the suitability of a trial, and provide a briefing report to council on the findings.

Cr Kurt said Hume libraries currently operate across eight physical locations, and whiletheyprovideservicestoalargepercentage

of the community, branch hours can still be unsuitable for residents.

“There are industry examples of library services… that have implemented 24-hour library access to one or more branches, which supports greater accessibility,” he said.

“I’ve always been a big admirer of the Libraries After Dark program and wanted to see ways we could make our libraries open beyond the 4pm closing time on the weekend and… 8pm on weekdays.

“I know many in our community find these hours a barrier to accessing library services. Across our municipality, on average we have

Courting connections

Sunbury Downs College students and the surroundingcommunityhaverecentlystepped out onto two newly refurbished courts, thanks to a $50,000 funding grant.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull visited the school on Fridaytotakealookatthenewcourtupgrades, which was made possible through the Sunbury and Bulla Neighbourhood Fund West Gate Tunnel Project.

PrincipalWarwickBeynonsaidtheupgrades include the resurfacing of two courts with durable multi purpose synthetic covering for basketball and netball use, as well as new goal posts and backboard structures.

“One of main reasons we wanted the upgrades is for outside organisations to have access to top quality facilities for training and competition,” he said. “We like to offer our facilitiestocommunitygroupsoutsideofhours [use].We’reawarethere’sashortfalloffacilities in the area, specifically for netball.


“We wanted to make sure we did the best we could to support young people in clubs to provide a venue for [them].”

MrBeynonsaidtheschoolhasanenrollment of700kids,andthecourtsareusedbyabout30 families who bring their children to training outside of school hours.

“It’s only been open for a full week now… [but the kids] are absolutely thrilled they are very thankful and appreciative.

“Sport is an ideal opportunity to be challenged, experience success and failure, and develop resilience.

“It’s about the interpersonal skills, the friendship and the interaction with peers.”

larger families with limited study spaces at home and many residents who work… shift jobs.

“It’s clear our current hours aren’t meeting the needs of everyone in our community. Education is crucial for social mobility and breaking cycles of disadvantage.

“Byprovidingequitableaccesstoeducational resources beyond traditional hours, we can empower individuals to improve their skills and prospects.”

Cr Kurt pointed to the success of the Foster library service in South Gippsland, which provides24/7availabilityforapprovedpatrons.

“It was made accessible through the use of a library membership card and its had a remarkable input into the local economy and people who have been able to go out to the library.

“I remember when I was in university studying and how much I used to appreciate theabilitytogotouniversitylibraries[and]stay past and up to midnight. I would have much ratherdoneitclosertohomeinBroadmeadows and being able to go home afterwards but that option wasn’t available.”

Officers will provide a briefing to council on the findings by June 2024.

Earn, learn and lead

With International Women’s Day right around the corner, an entrepreneur and corporate leaderishighlightingthecentralroleeconomic empowerment plays in a gender equal world.

Head of growth and partnerships for not-for-profit social enterprise Sisterworks, Shamila Gopalan works with migrant refugee and asylum seeker women to economically empowerthemthroughemploymentandskills development.

Ms Gopalan will be speaking on the panel at Macedon Ranges council International Women’s Day event at Kyneton Town Hall, on March 8.

“[Sisterworks] basically [is] that kickstart to them navigating the entire Australian system and making a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of their families and communities,” she said.

MsGopalansaidwhenwomenaresupported to have economic empowerment they build their capabilities and strengthen their capacity to earn, learn and lead.

“Whenwomenaregivenequalopportunities to earn, learn and lead, entire communities thrive.

“First and foremost, you need to have inclusion so counter and emphasise the importance of recognising and including women in all aspects of society.

“We have to take into account women from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, socio-economic statuses, that call for solutions that address each of the unique challenges faced.

“I think we have to remember the intersectional part of it as well. There’s no one size fits all.”

When asked to reflect on this year’s theme of ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress,’ Ms Gopalan said investment needs to be intentional.

“Women’s empowerment requires intentional investment and that investment needs to go beyond financial support.

“[It] needs to include providing resources, opportunities, education and avenues for growth and development.

“Our society needs to advocate for where women have equal opportunities… in all spheres of life.”

8 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU We have Double Passes to giveaway to the BBC Earth Experience for each of our newspapers across Victoria.. enter now! Scan the QR CODE to ENTER or visit For more information on the BBC Earth Experience and tickets, please visit: WIN
From fireflies putting on a spectacular light
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immersive exhibition brings together state of the art audio visual technology and breathtaking footage from BBC Studios Seven Worlds, One Planet on an unrivalled scale.
monkeys huddling together to
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Travel the natural world and journey across the seven continents in one epic experience narrated by David Attenborough. 12673297-MS10-24
- the exhibition everyone is talking about!
SisterWorks head of growth and partnerships, Shamila Gopalan. (Supplied) Sunbury Downs College principal Warwick Beynon and Sunbury MP Josh Bull testing out the new courts. (Supplied)

20 years of enriching lives at Lifestyle Communities

Lifestyle Communities is where downsizing your home means upgrading to a vibrant life filled with boundless possibilities.

They’re not just builders; they’re architects of unforgettable experiences and designers of homes filled with an undeniable sense of belonging.

Theycatertotheyoung-at-heartintheir50s and above, whether still working, retiring to reinvent, or just ready for a change. It’s a place where neighbours soon become close friends and where laughter and fun never get old.

Celebrating excellence

Two decades of passion and innovation are behind Lifestyle Communities’ commitment to purposeful, joyful living. Managing director and co-founder James Kelly shares:

“Our homeowners are the heartbeat of our community. From day one, our mission has been clear: to be a ‘business for purpose’ that enriches lives and fosters meaningful connections”.

“Wesetouttocreateanupliftingexperience for downsizers, to offer a space that strikes the perfect balance between connection and privacy, independence and activity. With a clearly defined purpose and commitment to this goal, 20 years later, we’re proud to say that we still lead the market in our product offering.”

Lifestyle upgrade

Beautifully designed, low-maintenance homes are surrounded by state-of-the-art amenities. The clubhouseis the pulsation hub

of the communities offeringa sophisticated arena of leisure, social mingling, and wellnessdesigned to make every moment a cherished memory.You can join friends for a delightful lunch, break a sweat in the gym, or unwind by the pool.

Timeless commitment

With over 25 communities across Victoria, Lifestyle Communities has an unwavering long-term commitment to its communities, nurturing them for the long haul.

“We reimagine, revitalise, and reinvent, ensuringthateachcommunityisalignedwith ourpursuitofexcellence.LifestyleBrookfield, our inaugural community, stands tall as a testament to our enduring dedication,” Mr Kelly said.

Holiday your way

The dedicated Lifestyle team is constantly striving to exceed expectations, recently launching Club Lifestyle at Lifestyle Bellarine, which offers free seaside escapes to all Lifestyle Communities homeowners. Homeowners can choose to stay in a cosy villa, bring their caravan and enjoy one of the premium-powered sites, or embark on a road trip in a fully equipped Lifestyle Motorhome.

Life enriched

Lifestyle Communities provide not just a home but a lifestyle. Discover a community that shapes unforgettable experiences, nurturesmeaningfulconnections,andtailors a vibrant lifestyle to enrich your everyday life.

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Driving safety improvements

Works to deliver key safety improvements on Black Forest Drive between Woodend and Macedon began in late February, and are expected to be completed later this year, weather permitting.

Theimprovementsincludechangingthelane configuration for new dedicated bike lanes, a new painted centre median for new right-turn lanesandpedestrianrefuges,rumblestripsand road surface resealing.

These works follow the road’s deadly history between Woodend and Macedon, recording 35 crashes resulting in serious injury and five

fatalities since 2001.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said they are listening to the community.

“The community told us this section of road was dangerous, we’ve listened and now we’re getting on with delivering works to make it safer,” she said.

The government said the dedicated bike lanes will improve safety by separating bikes from other vehicles and making bike riders more visible to other road users.

Rumblestripswhichcreateanaudiblesound and vibration to warn drivers when they veer

Top honours for student

A Kyneton student has been awarded one of Bendigo TAFE’s top honours at its industry excellence awards held in late February.

Elliot Foster commenced his journey with TAFE and explored his passion caring for animals after struggling to continue education in mainstream school.

He was recognised as the Inspirational Student of the Year at the industry awards, and he has been nominated for a 7 News Vic Young Achiever Award.

As a neuro-diverse learner, Elliot began a certificate II in animal care and advanced to the certificate III in animal care services where he quickly progressed with some customised support in place.

Speaking about his journey with TAFE, Elliot said they organised to do a kind of split course.

“My mum would always drive me and stay in the car park, and I would always go and sit

with her for lunch,” he said.

“It was not easy to integrate myself but then eventually I did start to break out of my shell a bit and I was able to catch public transport on my own.

“I’ve always loved animals since I was young, the way that they behave, the way that they can understand us and the connection we can have with them.

“That’s why I chose to come here and do animal studies at Bendigo TAFE and throughout the year, I knew that I could start taking the next step.

“I kind of wanted to do something that helps other people through animals, they’ve helped me with my anxiety and keep me very grounded and centred and give me a lot more confidence as well.”

Elliot currently works with a mobile animal farm based in Kyneton, assisting with caring for animals and setting up for various events across Victoria.


out of their lane will also be installed between thenewlanestoreducethechanceofcollisions occurring. New right-hand turn lanes for accessing side roads will be added at 13 locations in the new centre median to provide safer turning for all road users and reduce the risk of nose-to-tail collisions.

The new centre median can also be used by all road users to safely turn into properties without needing to stop in a traffic lane.

Pedestrian islands will be built at key locations to boost safety, especially for school children using bus stops.

The works are designed to improve safety for all road users along a 12-kilometre stretch of Black Forest Drive between Quarry Road and Mount Macedon Road.

The government said safety improvements have been informed by crash history data, road safety guidelines, community feedback and the surrounding environment. Work will be completed in sections along Black Forest Drive to minimise impact to traffic, but there will be some disruptions while works are taking place with reduced speeds and delays expected of up to 10 minutes.

To all those Unsinkable Guys out there –You might think it’s safe to have a few drinks around water, skip the life jacket when you’re out on the boat or go for a swim without checking the conditions.

But statistics prove that 4 out of 5 drownings are men.
Just remember that no one’s unsinkable.
Inspirational Student of the Year winner Elliot Foster with Bendigo TAFE chief executive Sally Curtain. (Supplied)

Women’s health matters: Victoria’s bold step forward

“We know that women’s health hasn’t been taken seriously. It’s not a niche issue when it affectsmorethanhalfthepopulation.Women’s health has too often been overlooked and underdiagnosed.“

Victorian Health Minister and Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas MP understands the long-standing struggle some women have faced in receiving the healthcare they need. In a world where women’s health concerns can be sidelined, Victoria is stepping forward because women’s health matters.

The Victorian government’s announcement of a $153 million investment in women’s health represents a crucial shift in priorities. The funding will establish more women’s health clinics, provide greater access to treatment for conditions like endometriosis, and has already established a Women’s Health Advisory Panel.

While women’s health disparities exist globally, Victoria is leading the way in recognisingthe urgency of these issues and committing significant resources.

“On International Women’s Day, I’m proud that we’re setting a precedent for healthcare policies and services that prioritise gender equity,” said Ms Thomas.

The first inquiry into women’s pain marks a pivotal moment in Victoria’s healthcare landscape. The Inquiry into Women’s Pain invites submissions from all women ensuring our experiences are shared andcan contribute to shaping policies that impact our lives.

By listening to women’s lived experiences, the inquiry will unravel the complexities surrounding women’s pain, work to understandexisting barriers and identify strategies to alleviate women’s pain and improve health outcomes.

“Not looking after women’s health is holding women back from reaching their full potential. We’ll keep listening to women - because

women deserve to have their pain believed and relieved,“ said Ms Thomas.

You can play a part in shaping the future of women’s healthcare. Submissions to the

Inquiry into Women’s Pain are open until July 31, 2024. Anyone living in Victoria, regardless of background or expertise, is encouraged to participate.

Inquiry into Women’s Pain Submissions:

Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 11 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Advertising feature 12672089-JB10-24
Premier Jacinta Allan with Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas.
Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 13 12672416-JB10-24

Report finds persistent abuse

A report into disability and mental health support facilities was raised in parliament, after it found persistent abuse, neglect, and violence is being experienced by some of Victoria’s most vulnerable citizens.

Disability Minister Lizzie Blandthorn raised the community visitors annual report on February 20, and acknowledged there is more work to do to support residential services and disability services in Victoria.

The report, which was released in early February, provides insights into the impact of the ongoing lack of accessible and affordable housing, as well as service provider good


In 2022-23, 384 appointed volunteer community visitors and their 117 trainees conducted 3793 visits at 1270 facilities

The report is based on their inquiries and observations throughout the year as documented in their visit reports.

This report found one north metro resident who uses a wheelchair was physically threatened, and highlights the ongoing challenges within Victoria’s support services.

The report told the story of Reign (not their real name), a young nonbinary person, who encounteredsignificantbarrierstobasicneeds and respect within their living environment.


Reign, prevented them from freely accessing the bathroom, refused to allow the room temperature to be adjusted, and regularly referred to Reign as ‘it’,” the report said.

“There were also physical access issues such as a front door too heavy to open, and door handles that were too high.”

Reign was able to get intervention by community visitors, to receive crucial support and information about advocacy services, leading to improvements in their living conditions, such as the installation of a split system.

However,accordingtothereportReignstill lives there and the situation remains far from resolved. They have to continue to navigate an

Rolling up their sleeves to clean up

Hume council staff hit the streets at the end of February, to spread the word out about Clean Up Australia Day, which was held again on Sunday.

The event is held every year on the first Sunday in March, and has been running for more than three decades, attracting more than 21 million environmentally conscious volunteers.

Council said it is proud of the beautiful landscapes that its community is surrounded by, and it encourages all residents to take its lead and strive for a better Hume by keeping

the suburbs clean.

Mayor Naim Kurt said keeping Hume clean is the responsibility of every member of the community.

“Every year, dumped rubbish costs our council and residents $4.7 million to remove, butthiscanchangeifeverypersondoestheirbit to reduce waste and keep their neighbourhood clean,” he said.

“I encourage our residents to roll up their sleeves and participate in a Clean Up Australia Day event, together we can stop the harm litter is causing in Hume”

Anyone wanting to be involved can find, join, register to host or provide a donation to a locally organised clean up at the Clean Up Australia Day website.

It gives everyone a chance to take pride in their area while meeting other locals and giving back to the community.

Residents can stay up to date with the Keep Hume Clean campaign, to understand what council is doing year-round to protect Hume streets from rubbish.

Details: join-a-clean-up

environment that feels unsafe and unsuitable.

Victorian public advocate and chair of the Combined Board Dr Colleen Pearce said community visitors play a crucial role in bringing these issues to light and facilitating positive changes.

“Reign’s story is not just a testament to their strength but also a clear call to action for us to continue advocating for the dignity and rights of all Victorians in support services,” she said.

“It’s clear that while progress has been made, much work remains to be done to ensure that all residents in Victoria’s mental health accommodation live in environments that respect their rights and dignity.”

Give feedback on rezoning

Residents are invited to provide feedback on a planning scheme amendment that proposes to rezone land in Malmsbury and facilitate the development of a new residential subdivision.

Amendment C154macr is a combined planning scheme amendment and planning permit application for 1 Wills Street on the eastern edge of the Malmsburytownship.Thesiteiscurrently zoned for agricultural use, however its shape, size and close proximity to existing residential development limit its use for this purpose. The area surrounding the site is characterised by single-storey residential buildings of modestsitecoverage,withgenerousfront setbacks and well-established gardens.

The proposed amendment will result in land being rezoned for a residential subdivision consisting of nine lots with minimum lot sizes of 2000 square metres.

Council director planning and environment Rebecca Stockfeld said the rezoning will help facilitate residential growth.

“Theplanningschemeseekstocontain development within the Malmsbury township boundary and facilitate developmentoftheperipheryofthetown which features larger lots, significant landscaping and generous setbacks,” she said.

“Planning controls in the new zoning will ensure any development reflects the preferred characteristics of Malmsbury by designating minimum lot sizes, maximumbuildingheightsandensuring front setbacks can accommodate the establishment of canopy trees.”

14 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU from an outlet near you It'sFREE SCAN TO FIND YOUROUTLET 12665596-AP06-24
Clean Up Australia Day is held every year on the first Sunday in March. (Supplied)

Renter pain eases in Macedon

Macedon renters are experiencing some of the least rental pain in Victoria, according to new data from Suburbtrends.

Suburbtrends releases a monthly Rental Pain Index (RPI) which scores suburb groups out of a hundred on rental pain, the score is derived from measuring rental prices, household incomes, vacancy rates and advertised rentals.

The suburb of Macedon received the lowest RPI score of 3.03, while the Riddells Creek suburb received 83.78, which was the highest in the Macedon Ranges. Anything over 75 is considered “extreme” rental pain.

Meanwhile closer to Melbourne, south Sunbury scored 79.74, west Sunbury scored 79.70, and Sunbury scored 69.01.

Suburbtrends founder Kent Lardner said this month’s RPI highlights a concerning trend within the Melbourne market, signaling growing distress rather than improvement.

“Historically, Melbourne has offered relatively favorable living conditions compared to income levels,” he said.

“Yet, it’s troubling to observe that a considerable number of suburbs and their residents are now dedicating over 30 per cent

of their household income towards rent.”

Throughout Melbourne’s north-west, the RPI has surged, spotlighting suburbs where residents face “extreme pain“ due to escalating rental costs.

Mr Lardner said this trend forewarns that a vast majority of Melbourne’s renters are on the brink of crossing this critical threshold within the year.

“Surpassing the 30 per cent mark, particularly amidst rising living costs, significantly curtails disposable income, impacting the very lifestyle amenities that define Melbourne’s charm.“

Stepping up to help make

Sunbury’s Shammi Parekh wants to inspire others ahead of International Women’s Day.

Ms Parehk was among the winners at last year’s Hume council community awards for her work in the community.

She has lived in Hume for 35 years and noticed when she moved to Sunbury that the area lacked cultural diversity compared to other suburbs like Broadmeadows.

“In 2019, I founded the Multicultural Resources Hub in Sunbury,” she said. “MCR Hub provides essential information, guidance, and advice to immigrants in order to help them feel more positive and included in the community.

“We celebrate individual and community uniqueness, value cultural differences, and recognize the benefits of inclusion.

“Working alongside Hume City Council and the state government has given me the confidence and support to create programs

and deliver opportunities that help connect communities together.”

Ms Parekh said ever since she had been a child that she wanted to help and inspire those around her.

It’s a passion that she still has today and says that International Women’s Day is special.

“International Women’s Day, to me, is a reminder of the immense importance of genderequalityandwomen’srightsacrossthe globe. It inspires me to deepen my knowledge and understanding of the struggles and challenges that women face worldwide.

“It encourages me to raise awareness and celebrate the importance of equal representation of women in our community and to strive towards reducing the gender gap in all aspects of life, including education, employment, healthcare, and political representation.”

Ms Parekh will spend IWD with the Multicultural Resources Hub, which in collaboration with National Care Centre, GUIH, and Goonawarra Neighbourhood House, will be celebrating the contribution and achievements of the diverse group of multicultural women in our community.

Sheencouragesotherwomentobeinvolved in the community.

“I firmly believe that every woman possesses a unique quality that sets her apart. However, many women may struggle to realise their full potential without help. In such instances, a helping hand can make all the difference by providing the necessary guidance and support to unleash a woman’s true potential.”

Other suburbs in the Macedon Ranges fared better than Riddells Creek, with Gisborne receiving the second highest RPI of 56.66 in the municipality.

Diggers Rest received a RPI of 42.13, while Romsey scored 18.18.

Amidst this latest date, Mr Lardner has urged policymakers to adopt innovative strategies in response to the Index’s findings.

“As we step into 2024, the RPI not only highlights the severe challenges faced by renters across Australia but also serves as a call to action for out of-the-box thinking from our policymakers,” he said.

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Hume more inclusive


Jacksons Creek Combined Probus

The club meets on the second Monday of each month at the Sunbury Bowling Club at 10am. This friendly group of men and women enjoy outings and meetings each month and twice yearly trips away staying in cabins and caravans. Visitors and new members are warmly welcomed

■ Doug, 5428 3317, or Teresa, 0417 373 006

Craft and conversation

Head down to the Sunbury Library on Mondays at noon for the craft and conversation group. The program is free and open to people aged 15 years and older.


Chill Out Sunbury

Chill Out Sunbury is a free event for 12 and 18 years old to participate in activities such as trivia, games, and more. Happening every Wednesday,

3.30-5.30pm at the Sunbury Youth Centre, 51-53 Evans Street.


Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club

Come along and be part of Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Social games are on Mondays, 9.30am- noon, and team competitions are on Thursdays, 9.30am-12.30pm at Eric Boardman Stadium, Wilsons Lane.


Come have a chat

Delve into deeper topics and enjoy intriguing conversations by joining the Table 8 Discussion Group. Chats every Tuesday from 10.30-11.30am at Macedon Lounge, 40 Victoria Street, Macedon.

■ Carol, 0431 186 575

Family History and Heritage Society

If you’ve got a hankering to learn more about Sunbury and your own family history, come along to meetings at 1.30pm on the third Thursday of each month at the Sunbury Senior Citizens Centre, 8 O’Shanassy Street, Sunbury.


Rotary club

The Sunbury Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at the Ball Court Hotel, 60 Macedon Street, Sunbury from 7pm.


Ladies probus

The Woodlands Ladies Probus Club of Sunbury meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Sunbury Bowling Club at 9.45am.

■ Leonie, 0401 764 182

Sunbury Ladies Probus Club

The Sunbury Ladies Probus Club meets at 9.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Sunbury Football Social Club rooms.

■ Pat, 0433 789 754, or Sylvia, 0417 170 142

Sunbury Combined Probus Club

The Sunbury Combined Probus Club meets every fourth Thursday of the month at the Sunbury Football Social Club at 10am.

■ Carmel, 0416 477 271


Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Toastmasters helps its members develop their public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 7.20-9.30pm, at the Sunbury Senior Citizens Hall.


Sunbury Seniors

Sunbury Seniors (55 or older) meet on Mondays and Fridays at 8 O’Shanassy Street, Sunbury, from 10am-3pm. A variety of activities are offered – indoor bowls, cards, snooker, guest speakers, day excursions, subsidised lunches or just a cup of coffee and a chat.

■ 0434 400 754

Probus Club Of Sunbury

Join the Probus Club of Sunbury on the first Wednesday of the month at the Sunbury Bowling club at 9.30am. It’s a friendly men’s group open to visitors and new members, with a number of great events held each month.

■ Greg, 0417 593 035

CWA Woodend Eves

The CWA Woodend Eves Branch is part of the Central Highlands group and meets every third Tuesday at 7pm at the Woodend Neighbourhood house. All women are welcome.


Hume Men’s Shed

The Hume Men’s Shed (Sunbury) is a non for profit organisation, meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 158 Evans Street Sunbury. The group caters for men be it carpentry, welding, metal work, gardening or just to chat.

■ or 0438 677 425

Sunbury Badminton Club

The Sunbury Badminton Club plays social

games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays nights from 7.30-9.30 pm, and on Wednesdays 10am-12pm. Monday night is a round robin competition from 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome to attend at Clarke Oval Stadium, 49 Riddell Road.


One Voice Sunbury

One Voice Sunbury community choir rehearses each Tuesday from 6.30pm at Goonawarra Neighbourhood House. Fun and welcoming choir, new members welcome, no prior singing experience required. Just join in the fun.


Gisborne Uniting Church

A representative from Ambulance Victoria will be visiting the Gisborne Uniting Church at 23 Brantome Street, on March 12 from 10am to 12 noon. They will show residents how and when to use the newly acquired defibrillator and also provide a CPR update. This session is for all ages, and an open invitation is extended to the community to join. Morning tea will be served.

Car boot sale

Tylden Uniting Church will be hosting a car boot sale on March 11, 9am at the church grounds. Residents can book a site for $20, and there will be other stalls on the day including a sausage sizzle, devonshire tea, as well as cakes and produce.

■ Glenda, 0427 157 622


Yoga classes at Sunbury Neighbourhood House focus on supporting participants

to slow down and move well. Special attention is given to mindful awareness of movement that builds strength in a healthy and safe way, Monday mornings, Thursday evenings and Friday mornings.

■ to enrol or call SNH, 9740 6978

Neighbourhood Garden

Become part of Sunbury’s Neighbourhood Garden and grow edible and useful plants in a social group at Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive Sunbury. All skill sets are welcome at working bees on the third Saturday of each month, 10am-12.30pm, February-November.

■ or call SNH, 9740 6978

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather lunchtime will have Julie Peters as the guest speaker for the upcoming lunch on Thursday, March 7, 12pm to 2pm. Residents are invited to join the Country LGBTIQA+ Country Inclusion Program to hear from the inspirational former media professional. The luncheon will be held at the Victoria Hotel Woodend.

■ Bookings:

Art Group

The Woodend Art Group holds classes and workshops in the studios in the Woodend railway station complex. They also have a social Tuesday where members and interested people can come along in the morning, have a coffee and paint together in a social environment.

■ Colin Robinson, 0407 426 252

WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication
This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of science teacher Sharelle Brownbill, who has been given a $10,000 grant to further her STEM studies. Janevski) 391167_01


1, 19-down Author of Alice'sAdventuresin Wonderland (5,7)

4 Practical (9)

9 Controller of meeting (5)

10 Ship’s petty officer (9)

11 Birds of prey (6)

12 Severe or harmful (8)

14 Makes a good point (10)

15 – de toilette (3)

17 Extraterrestrial craft (1.1.1)

19 Black and white (10)

23 Period of instruction (8)

24 Protozoan (6)

26 Music-makers (9)

27 Soldier of Hebrew Bible (5)

28 Replicated (9)

29 Sham (5)



1 Cabinet (6)

2 Argue noisily and angrily (7)

3 Waitstaff (7)

4 Bars (4)

5 Extremely greedy (10)

6 Govern incompetently (7)

7 Acrobatic apparatus (7)

8 Interpret (8)

13 Group of owls (10)

16 Rump (8)

18 Perfect (7)

19 See 1-across

20 Member of ancient Germanic tribe (7)

21 Breastbone (7)

22 Somewhat (6)

25 Utilised (4)

Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

Today’s Aim:

19 words: Good 28 words: Very good 38 words: Excellent

No. 175





aims, farm,

1 Who is the creator of comic strip CalvinandHobbes?

2 Myocardial infarction is the medical name for what bodily occurance?

3 Quentin Tarantino’s (pictured) 2021 debut fiction book is a novelisation of which of his films?

4 Belmopan is the capital city of which Central American country?

5 In which decade was the Rubik’s Cube invented?

6 Lion’s mane is one of the largest species of which marine animal?

7 The geometric shape torus can be colloquially described as what kind of shape?

8 The annual music festival Coachella is held in which US state?

9 What is the main flavour of the sweet spread kaya?

10 Novelist and poet James Joyce was born in which country?

No. 175 No. 175 No.
solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. No. 175 93 7 72 89 3 8 5642 91 6 5342 7985 73 6 6179 4 easy 5 678 72 16 259 8 8 67 1 935 723 4 89 1 medium 9841 85 5491 32 4 43 1 63 2 69 5 26 9 87 3 hard
farms, film, films, firm, firms, foam, foams, form, formal,
FORMALISM, forms, from, imam, immoral, loam, mail, mails, maim, maims, marl, marls, mars, milo, mimosa, moil, moils, molar, moral,
rims, roam, roams, salmi, slam, slim, soma
DOZEN EASED EDGES EDITS EGGED ERASE ERRED EVENT EVOKE FETES GENRE HARES INANE ISLES KAYAK KNEES LOVED NOSES PACTS PARED PAUSE PENAL PRISE RAPID RARER RENEW RUNGS SENSE SERVE SHEDS SHIES SLEWS STACK STARS UNITE 6 LETTERS DETAIN EXTRAS OXYGEN STRAIN 7 LETTERS AWESOME EVIDENT INNARDS MURKIER REREADS RUINING 8 LETTERS DAMPENED ENTRUSTS RELENTED SKELETON 11 LETTERS STEREOTYPED UTILISATION 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 O Y G Z K L T W F V N M E B J P H C X D I S A Q R U Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible 08-03-24 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 531647982 783291456 426519738 248953671 962475813 819732564 697128345 154386297 375864129 easy medium hard 942583167 416752389 874921653 385167492 258439716 593846271 167294835 739618524 621375948 928354716 831249675 253487961 315876249 649735182 496513827 764921538 572168394 187692453 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 QU 1. Bill Watterson 2. Heart attack 3. HollywoodinTime...aUponOnce 4. Belize 5. 1970s (1974) 6. Jellyfish 7. Doughnut 8. California 9. Coconut 10. Ireland ANSWERS:


DARREN HARVEY LELLIOTT late of 26 Sullivan Court, Romsey, Victoria, Pensioner, deceased. CREDITORS, next of kin, and others having claims in respect of the Estate of the above named deceased, who died on 17 December 2023 are required by Heather Annette Lelliott, the Executor of the Will of the deceased to send particulars of their claims to her care of the

address by 7 May 2024 after which date the Executor may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which she then has notice.


Packaged Liquor Licence Application

We Gisborne Superfresh Pty Ltd has applied to the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation on 29th December 2023 for the variation of a packaged liquor licence at Shop 5 Gisborne Village S/Centre Cnr Robertson and Brantome Streets, Gisborne. Minor change to licensed area perimeter to encompass an existing checkout. Any person may object to the grant of this Packaged liquor licence application on the grounds that:

•it would detract from, or be detrimental to, the amenity of the area in which the premises are situated, and/or

•it would be conducive to or encourage the misuse or abuse of alcohol.

An objection must state the reasons for the objection.

All objections are treated as public documents.

Objections must be made in writing to:

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation

GPO Box 1988 Melbourne VIC 3001. Objections must be made no later than 30 days after the date of this notice


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1. Name the five sports that make up the modern pentathlon.

2. Which two golfers have won the most PGA Tour wins, with 82 each?

3. Hayley Raso was shortlisted for which international soccer award in 2023?

4. What are the three disciplines of fencing, which share their name with the type of blade used?

5. The cork centre of a baseball is known as a what?

6. Which Melbourne Demons star was recently forced into retirement following a concussion?

Name the ATP tennis tournament hosted annually in Doha.

Which country did retired gymnast Nadia Comaneci represent?

Australian Isaac Cooper won gold at the World Aquatic Championships for which event?

Which former AFLW player is set to join Channel 7’s 2024 commentary team?

How many goals did the Matildas score in their first Olympic qualifier against Uzbekistan?

WWE recently made its return to Australia with its Elimination Chamber event held in which city?

13. Actor Tom Selleck was originally offered what kind of sporting scholarship to Montana State University?

14. What colour are the laces on an AFL football?

15. A set of golf clubs is limited to a maximum of how many?

16. What sport is played by the central characters in the US TV series Yellowjackets?

17. Which Norwegian figure skater and actor holds the women’s record for the most Olympic and World Titles?

18. What is the title of tennis star Andre Agassi’s 2009 memoir?

19. Who is the coach of Manchester United FC?

20. What sport is set to premiere at the 2024 Paris Olympics?

21. Which stadium hosted the recent Matildas Olympic qualifier against Uzbekistan?

22. NRL star Adam Reynolds recently signed a contract extension with which club?

23. Jordin Canada won the WNBL MVP award after playing with which team during the 2023/24 season?

24. The LIV Golf League is returning to which Australian city in April?

25. Which NBL team has a mascot known as Birdman?

26. Cricketer Nathan Lyon recently called for an end to Test Series of what length?

27. Competitors from which two countries will compete under the banner of Individual Neutral Athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics?

28. The Winnipeg Jets are a team in which sporting competition?

29. In what year did Essendon last win an AFL final?

30. Darcy Moore is the captain of which AFL club?

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Comaneci Hayley Raso

Toyota coupe in race to catch up

It has taken more than a decade but the Toyota 86 has finally been given the boost it has deserved, with the third iteration joining the GR Supra and GR Yaris to benefit directly from Toyota’s multi-championship-winning involvement in international motorsport with Toyota Gazoo Racing.

It has some catching up to do.

Evolving from the original 86, launched in Australia in 2012 signalling Toyota’s renewed commitment to sports-car engineering –remembertheSupra,MR2andCelicaGT-Four - the classic front-engine/rear drive coupe has picked up the pace of the past 10 years.

The GR86, says Toyota, builds on this heritage with improved performance, dynamics, technology and styling, while retaining the affordability and usability of its predecessor. There’s no doubting the engineering advances over the original. The GR86autowillhit100km/hinbetween6.3and 6.8 secs, depending on the model, according to the maker.

However, there are some question marks against the pricing and comfort and convenience of the new car. The GR86 comes in two grades GT and GTS in manual and automatic versions. The new GR86 is priced at $43,240,pluson-roadcosts,fortheGTwiththe GTS (the test vehicle) costing $45,390, more than $8000 over the previous model (from $32,180).

As for comfort and convenience, getting in and out of the car can be fraught. Not only is the vehicle close to the ground, the two doors, on the wide side to allow entry to the back seats,havelimitedopeningintightspotsfound in modern public parking, requiring a degree of suppleness. On the plus side, there’s enough space to take four specialist wheels for a day at the track.

The GR86 is covered by Toyota Warranty Advantage, offering five-year unlimited

kilometre coverage extending to seven-years on engine and driveline, with capped-price servicing for the first five years or 75,000km and each 12-month/15,000m service costing $280.


On the outside, the GR86 retains the outgoing model’s sporty shape and proportions, while Toyota Gazoo Racing’s global motorsport input has added cooling and aerodynamic improvements with a 0.276 coefficient of drag.

Longer and lower than the previous 86, the new GR86 features a long bonnet, sloping rooflineandtaperedrearendwithaprominent lip spoiler, giving the vehicle a low, planted stance. GR badging front and rear.

The GTS has the advantage of intelligent adaptive LED headlights with auto-levelling and headlamp cleaner, LED daytime running lights and rear fog lights. Dual exhaust pipes and GR badging front and rear, plus 18-inch black alloy wheels with 215/40R18 tyres, complete the sporty look.


The new GR86 is offered in two trim levels, the GT featuring black fabric upholstery, while the GTS wears two-tone Ultrasuede and leather-accented upholstery in black/silver or black/red. While offering four sports-style deep-set seats, the coupe is strictly a 2+2, with rear leg room something of a myth, even with average-size adults in the front.

The 237 litres of luggage space is enough, Toyotaclaims,tocarrythefore-mentionedfour spare wheels for a day of circuit driving, when the rear seats are folded, or to take luggage for a weekend away.


All variants feature an upgraded 8-inch multimedia infotainment system with DAB+ digital radio and compatibility with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The screen is

Toyota GR86 GT Manual and Automatic:

Toyota GR86 GTS Manual and Automatic:

Note: These prices do not include government or dealer delivery charges. Contact your local Toyota dealer for drive-away prices.

mated with a configurable 7-inch TFT colour LCDdisplaywithaTrackMode,designedwith help from Toyota Gazoo Racing’s professional drivers, to provide real-time readouts for circuit driving.

The six-speaker audio system is boosted by Active Sound Control for quality sound reproduction, hence occupant enjoyment.


Powering the GR86 is a new 2.4-litre horizontally opposed four-cylinder engine producing a maximum of 174 kW and 250 Nm, at least 22 kW and 38 Nm over the 2-litre motor it takes over from. Pairing with the unit are either a six-speed manual or six-speed torque-converter automatic, with the latter featuring paddle shifters and a range of drive modes to tailor performance to driver preferences.

Straight-line acceleration is also improved, with the GR86 automatic able to sprint from zero to 100km/h in 6.8 seconds.


Standard equipment across the range includes seven airbags, reversing camera with dynamic guidelines, ABS brakes, vehicle stability control, tyre pressure warning and front/rear seatbelt warnings.

Automatic models add more active safety equipment including pre-collision braking with pedestrian and daytime cyclist detection,

parking support brake with rear parking sensors, active cruise control, and lane departure alert. GTS grades further add rear cross traffic alert and blind spot monitor.

Driving The naturally aspirated boxer engine provides linear throttle response and the ability to rev effortlessly up scale, with technologies including optimised D4-S direct injection helpingtoprovidesignificantlymoretorquefor better mid-range response.

With pleasant memories of the original 86, frankly, I would have traded in the auto transmissionofthetestvehicleforthesix-speed manual any day. More fun.

Toyota advises premium unleaded fuel and claims a combined urban/highway consumption of 8.8 litres per 100 kilometres. The test car recorded 10.7 litres per 100 kilometres in city traffic and 4.9 litres per 100 kilometres on the motorway.

Multiple advances have been made under the skin, including revisions to the suspension andsteering,withlarger-diameterfrontbrakes and chassis reinforcements that significantly improve torsional and lateral rigidity.

A focus on weight reduction and a lower centre of gravity result in sharper agility, handling and responsiveness. A limited-slip Torsen differential on the rear axle is designed to maximise handling.

Those wanting to take their GR86 to the trackcanalsochoosefromfivedifferentvehicle stability control settings ranging from full on to being completely switched off.

Summary The GR(-ed) Toyota 86, from the beginning, presented a few challenges. For a start there was the wallet-stripping price increase, then the need for human contortions to get in and out of the extra-low slung seating and finally, a smooth, if uninspiring, automatic driving experience. However, it’s getting there.

After a decade, Toyota is finally a serious sports car contender with its GR86 sports coupe. (Supplied)

Heywood era beginning at Jets

New Sunbury Jets men’s coach Nathan Heywood is anticipating exciting times ahead as preparations for this year’s Big V state championship season ramps up.

The Jets finished second last season, losing their finals match-ups in straight sets under coach John White.

Now with a new coach and a new team including new imports, Joshua Yorke-Frazer, Benjamon Robertson and Joel Coffey, 2024 looms as a promising season.

“We’ve done all the hard yards putting the effortinonthecourt,trainingupandwe’vehad a couple of practice matches to test ourselves out,” Heywood said. “We’re really looking forwardtothenextmonth,justfinetuningand launching into the season.

“It’s been exciting, the challenges of building a team, having all those conversations behind the scenes, then working on putting the pieces

of the jigsaw puzzles together and seeing it all come together has been quite exciting.

“We took a bit of an opportunity to reset and re-establish ourselves as a team.

“With a new coach and new players coming inmeantwecouldalsolookatthegamestyleto match the personnel coming in and hopefully showcase their skill sets.

“We want to be a high octane, high tempo team that really challenges teams. Not only skill wise, but athletically so hopefully we’ll be exciting to watch.”

Not only have the Jets added three quality imports but there has been a target to acquire local talent.

Heywood said captain Nathan Marshall returns as does Jeremey Wragg who has come through the Sunbury ranks.

Nathan Baker and Kyle Collins have also returned after stints away.

TheJetsaren’tsettingaceilingonthemselves in terms of a win-loss ratio, instead Heywood is focussing on how the team plays and gels together.

Heywood is confident that with the local talentreturningtotheclubandtheJetsimports all living together the chemistry will not take long to form.

“We’ve got some goals on what we look like offensively and defensively but we’ll measure ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for,” he said.

“What that turns into in terms of wins and losses, towards the end of the season, we’ll definitely be much stronger and more in sync that what we may be at the start of the season.

“Chemistry and connection is the key to any team and having some juniors that played together before and our new imports living together will hopefully fast track that.”

High expectations set

Sunbury United is seeking more consistency this FV state league 3 north-west season as it seeks to improve on last season.

United finished in seventh spot in its first season under Danny Moore and showed when it played well it could match it with the best in the competition.

But at times, Sunbury found itself unable to make the most of opportunities and it proved costly.

Moore said they had clear expectations heading into the season.

“Consistency is the key for sure,” he said.

“I think this year our mantra is we want to demand more out of each other as a group.

“We want to finish in one of the promotion spots, it’s the clear expectation “We want to work hard.

“Ifwedothesameaslastyear,wewillgetthe same outcome.

“We want to put the foot down.”

Moore said they had managed to keep the bulk of the group together from last season which would be a big thing going forward.

He said they had looked to add to the attacking end.

We’ve kept the bulk of the squad together and added some new faces in,” he said. “It’s really helpful and makes it easier with gelling the group.

“We’re focusing on getting the new players in and how to optmise how to play with each otherandfocusingonhavingacohesiveteam.”

Among those joining United is Jason Hayne who won the league best and fairest with Heidelberg Eagles last season, former United junior Harry Thompson, striker Reno Damianou, another former United player Jake Zomaya and Tyrese Smith-Grant who played in the National Premier League under-23 competition last year.

Moore said they also had some depth within their squad.

“We’ve got a big focus on bringing through

RDFNL names interleague coaches

The Riddell District Football Netball League has announced its interleague coaches, with the league to have representativeseniorwomen’sfootball for the first time.

The league will face the Southern Football Netball League on May 11. It’s been five years since the RDFNL played senior interleague.

Leading the charge on the football field for the men’s team will be Wallan coach Daniel Nolan.

Nolan has coached in the league for severalseasonsnowandhasdeveloped strong relations with opposition players and coaches as well as having an extensive knowledge of the league and its players.

Macedon forward Jason Cooke is the under-19s coach.

Cooke had success with his Macedon under-19 charges in last year’s RDFNL competition winning the premiership.

Heading up the women’s program is Scott Caton who is the newly appointed Woodend Hesket women’s senior coach.

Club development manager Grant McMillian was pleased to appoint three well regarded coaches to the football roles.

some younger players from the reserves,” he said. “There’s half a dozen players who are in the mix to make the step up into seniors.

“They’llbepushingandwe’llbeencouraging it to happen more this year.”

Things have started well for United, with wins in its opening two Australia Cup games.

United started with a win against Gisborne before backing it up against Yarra Jets.

In the third round, United will face state league 4 west side West Point.

“I’m very happy, “ Moore said of the couple of wins so far.

“I would say in a playing sense, we’ve played competitive cup games where we’ve been solid without being spectacular.

“We’ve got the job done and done enough to progress. The league is our bread and butter and always focusing on the home and away season.

“The cup games are an opportunity to blend in new players and have that competitive edge with something riding on the line.”

“All of our appointed coaches have a great passion for Interleague football and are giving up their time on top of their club coaching roles so are very well committed,“ he said. “It is an honour for players and coaches to be able to represent their league, and Interleague games provide another opportunity to display the calibre and depth of football talent that exists in the RDFNL.“

Katie Clarke in her first season of A-grade coaching at Macedon has been named the netball coach. Clarke has been a key member of many RDFNL representative netball teams on court.

League netball manager Grace Bibby said Clarke has been a massive supporter of the RDFNL.

“She brings so much energy and fun to our competition and we are confident she will put a very competitive team together to take on Southern Football Netball League,” she said. “Both leagues have great depth to their competitions and we are looking forward to showcasing a great game of netball in May.”

Nathan Marshall. (Jacob Pattison) 330725_01 Tyrese Smith-Grant has joined Sunbury United. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 387685_13

Lancefield knocked out of the Jensen Shield

Lancefield’s Gisborne and District Cricket Association Jensen Shield season might have come to an end on Saturday, but there’s still plenty of good signs for the future.

After sneaking into the top four, the Tigers pushed minor premiers Aintree in their semi final, going down by 18 runs in the end.

Tigers coach Alan Sinclair said in the end they were just beaten by a better team.

“I thought we played pretty well,” he said. “I think when we went out we thought anything about 250 would be a good score.

“The last few overs of the innings we allowed them able to generate that score.”

Aintree finished 8-270 from its overs to put itself on top after the first half of the game.

Joel Regan was the pick of the bowlers for the Tigers, taking three wickets.

The Tigers got off to a good start in their run chase, putting on 57 for the first wicket.

They then lost two quick ones, before being able to steady.

The Tigers continued to fight but ultimately feel short, finishing 7-252.

Sinclair said had they known they would have made 252 at the start of the day, they would have taken it

Regan topped off a strong game making 76 off 58 balls to top score for the Tigers.

Sinclair said despite not making the final game of the season they would take some real positives out of the season.

“We had three teams at the club, we haven’t had three times in years,” he said. ”Our first team just snuck into finals which was good and the second XI played finals.

“We’ve got a lot of young players in the first team which we didn’t have when I was coming through.

“Harvey Lehner scored 42 not out in the

final. He’s a 17-year-old kid and really stood above on Saturday.

Sinclair said they were hoping they could use this year as a building block to climb up the grades in the future. It was Sinclair’s first season as coach of the side.

“It[s really good to see from a club perspective,” he said. “Hopefully the next few years we can keep growing and keep playing well and climb the ranks into McIntyre one day.

Aintree will face St Anthony’s in the grand final after the Saints beat Melton South Royals in the other semi final.

The Royals were bowled out for just 89, with the Saints reaching the target four wickets down, finishing 4-90 in the 24th over.

Roos’ moment of truth

Just 267 runs stand between the Sunbury Kangaroos and their first ever Gisborne and District Cricket Association McIntyre Cup final series.

The Kangaroos entered the round on Saturday in fourth spot, with Woodend hot on their heels in the fight for the last finals spot.

The Kangaroos challenge in the final round isn’t any easy one, facing third placed Sunbury United in a two-day clash

After day one, Kangaroos coach Graeme Bennett was reasonably happy with the position the side finds themselves in.

“We did well to peg them back,” he said. “They were 1-150 at tea and boys dug deep and picked up.

“We found some extra wickets after tea. To keep them to 260 was good considering where they were.”

United finished its 80 overs at 9-266. Damien Edwards and Steve Fogarty top scored with 75-apiece.

Michael Fox picked up four wickets for the Kangaroos and Jas King got three, all after tea. Bennett said they were confident in being able to chase down the runs this Saturday.

“Our batting has been our strength all season,” he said. “Corey [Woolley] got 100 in the last game and Jas King 100 in the game before that

“Dylan [Caruana] made 80 odd in the last game as well. The talent is there to make the runs, it’s about turning up and doing it.”

For the Kangaroos to even be in finals consideration is massive for the club, The Kangaroos are one of the smallest clubs in the competition.

Bennett says they’re aware of what it means to the club to be in this situation.

“The club has never played McIntyre Cup finals before,” he said. “To be on the cusp of playing finals is massive.

“We’ve got a few young kids in Corey and Dylan standing up and we’re having success on the field.

“It’s not just one or two people getting the job done.”

A win against United could result in the Kangaroos finishing in third spot which would be another plus for the club.

In other matches, Woodend made 9-268 against Gisborne as it tries to keep its finals hopes alive.

Harry Lawson top scored for Woodend with 83, while Riley Vernon was the pick of the bowlers for the Dragons with three.

Romsey is on top against Diggers Rest Bulla in their clash.

The Redbacks are still a chance to finish top, are 1-70 in reply to the Burras 222.

Jake Reid top scored with 76 for the Burras, who will be relegated no matter the result.

Jed Richardson (42 not out) and Matthew Milne (26 not out) will resume on day two.

Romsey goes through to GF

Romsey is the first team through to the Ballarat Highlands Bowls Region Highlands division 1 grand final, beating Kyneton Golf on Saturday.

In a rematch of last season’s preliminary final, the semi final match up would have a different outcome with Romsey turning the tables.

The minor premier was able to come away with the win, 64 (14)-46 (2).

Cameron Austin’s rink won 22-10 and Aaron Young’s rink won 27-13 to guide their side to victory.

Matt Brundell’s rink lost 23-15, with Adrian Plowman claiming the win for Golf.

Romsey now has a week off while Golf will face cross town rivals, Kyneton, in the preliminary final.

Kyneton won through to the preliminary final with a strong semi final win against Gisborne.

Kyneton claimed all three rinks in the 68 (16)-46 (0) win.

Mark Smoljo’ rink won 19-15, Neil Jamieson’s rink won 26-16 and Anthony Mathison’s rink won 23-15.

It was a good weekend for Romsey, with its division 2 team also through to the grand final after beating Kilmore 2, 81 (16)-43 (0).

Simon Mayger’s rink was the big winner, winning 34-11.

Kilmore will now face Kyneton Golf 2 in the preliminary final, after Golf beat Gisborne 2 in the other semi final, 60 (14)-47 (2).

In division 3, Lancefield 2 is the first team through to the grand final after beating Gisborne 3, 74 (14)-60 (2)

Lancefield will face the winner of Gisborne 3 and Romsey 3 in the grand final, after Romsey won through to the preliminary final, beating Kilmore 3, 65 (16)-46 (0).

Lancefield’s cricket side. (Supplied) Macedon is on top against Rupertswood as it aims to finish its season on a high. Rupo was bowled out for just 134 with Max Sen Dryver and Tim Berzins taking three wickets each. The Cats will resume at 1-76. Adam Fearnley (Jacob Pattison) 382208_02 Cameron Austin. (Joe Mastroianni). 302287_05

Positive Burras are ready for a big off season

While Diggers Rest Bulla is set to be relegated out of the Gisborne and District Cricket Association McIntyre Cup, club president Corey Goforth said the club is in a promising position.

After finishing fourth last season, the club lost the majority of its first XI as well as its coach, now with a half a match still to play in the season, the Burras haven’t won a game.

However, Goforth said with plenty of youth around the club, the Burras may not stay in the Johnstone Shield for too long.

“At the end of the day, the club lost eight of its first XI players from the last season, if not more,” he said.

“A couple injuries at the start of the year like Darren Quarrell going down with his hamstring, and Alex Hasset and Tristan Krizanic both being in and out of the side due to work availability made it hard to really compete.

“It made it a really young side but compared to where we were last year. Last year there were a lot of blokes who weren’t really wanting to push that higher standard of cricket, this year those younger kids have all put their hands up to wear it on the chin and get that experience knowing that the results probably won’t come our way.”

Those that left the club included, Rhys Berry who moved to Victorian Sub-District Cricket Association club Melton while Rasika Batepola, Indika Massalage and Gayan Welikalage have all moved to Sunbury, which plays in the Victorian Turf Cricket Association.

Club legend Quarrell took the reins as coach for this season, however, Goforth said this season was about finding his feet at the club.

He is the club’s second highest ever wicket taker with 261 wickets.

“He’s still trying to work out what coach

he wants to be,” he said. “This year he hasn’t taken full control, he just wants to understand where people are at first.”

Goforth said this off-season is poised to be a big one for the club with potential recruits already in mind.

“There are a couple of pieces we need and this group knows it,” he said. “We still do want to go young… we’re looking at a top end batsman. We really need that person who can sit there all day.

“The other one we’re looking at is a spin bowler, I think we really lacked the slow option in the comp this year.”

The Burras are half way through their match with Romsey.

The Redbacks who are still a chance to finish top, are 1-70 in reply to the Burras 222.

Jake Reid top scored with 76 for the Burras.

Jed Richardson (42 not out) and Matthew Milne (26 not out) will resume on day two. Tristan Krizanic (Ljubica Vrankovic)

Hollow to lead Cannons

New Calder Cannons captain Damon Hollow says it’s an honour to be named skipper of the Coates Talent League side.

Hollow first made his under-18s Cannons debut in 2022 and was made a member of the club’s leadership group last year as a bottom aged player.

“It’s an honour to be captain of the team and it’s definitely something that I wanted to do this year,” he said.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while, now it’s just about being the best leader possible for the team.”

Hollow said he was first asked by his coaches if he would be interested in being a part of the leadership group again, before being offered the top position after a training session.

“I was a little bit shocked to be honest,” he said. “I was stoked to just be a part of that (leadership group).

Then they pulled me aside after training and said I was going to be captain.

“I was shocked but there was a bit of relief,

it felt good.”

The 17-year-old played his junior football at Westmeadows in the Essendon District Football League and is currently aligned with Epping in the Northern Football League where his father Brad Hollow is senior coach.

He was a Vic Metro under-16 representative in 2022 and has also been an EDFL interleague representative during his junior career.

“Throughout local footy I’ve always been captain and then I had the opportunity to captain the futures team at the Cannons,” he said.

“I’m a very vocal leader, and I always love to help people and try not only myself but other people better for their footy.”

Hollow played 12 Talent League matches last season, averaging 16.6 disposals, 2.4 tackles and kicking 10 goals.

He was cut from the Vic Metro squad last year and he said making a return into the ‘big V’ jumper is one of his main goals for 2024.

“I want to enjoy myself and not put as much pressure on myself,” he said. “Last year I put a lot of pressure on myself and I didn’t enjoy it

Sports shorts

Nike F.C Cup

The first two rounds of the 2024 Nike F.C Cup with 74 teams learning their fate. Round one will be played on the weekend of March 17 and round two is set to be played on the weekend of March 24. The entrants for round one women’s state league 3, 4 and 5 as well as regional and metropolitan clubs. In round one Sunbury United will have a bye. In round two, Sunbury United will play Altona City.

Big V

The fixtures for the upcoming Big V season have been released, with the championship men’s and women’s competitions kicking off on April 6. In round one, the Sunbury Jets men will face last season’s premiers McKinnon on April 6. The women’s Jets outfit will begin their season before the men take the court against McKinnon Cougars.


as much.”

“I’ve cleared my mindset and I’ve started to enjoy it a lot more and the form comes off that. I’m hoping to get a good start to the year and get invited to Vic Metro hopefully and go from there.

“As a team, I think if we stick to our structures and game plans and play as a team and not be selfish and think we can go very far and be very competitive.

“We’re all training pretty hard, getting the gains in and getting the kilometres up. We’re looking really fit at the moment and our game is improving every session.”

Making up the leadership group around Hollow is Jayden Nguyen and Isaac Kako as co-vice captains and Nash King, Kieran Gallagher and Hamish Bird as leadership group members.

“We’ve got some class in the leadership group, some good leaders and some good players as well,” he said.

The Cannons kick off their season on March 23 against the Sandringham Dragons at RSEA Park.

East Sunbury suffered a final round loss in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association Johnstone Shield on Saturday. Facing finals bound Aintree, the Thunder sent Aintree in and it made 201. The match went down to the wire, with the Thunder finishing 9-194. The loss was enough to knock the Thunder out of the top four, missing finals by 0.3 points with Kilmore sneaking in ahead of it in fourth spot. Riddell finished its season with a big loss to Eynesbury. The Bombers finished the season bottom.


Sunbury finished its season with a loss in the Victorian Turf Cricket Association McNamara Shield on Saturday. Facing finals bound West Newport, the Roar restricted it to 6-156 from its 40 overs. The Roar fell well short, bowled out for 124 with six overs remaining. The Roar finished the season in second bottom, but did enough to avoid relegation.



Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews


Damon Hollow (third from right) with his leadership group
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