StartUp Health Magazine_Issue 03 (2019)

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you tired and dehydrated? What about TD Bank collaborating with LifeDojo to join financial and personal health coaches into one modern consumer experience? Collaboration doesn’t just happen at the enterprise level, between industry titans like Amazon and JP Morgan. When the Wright brothers took flight, their ragtag band of dreamers and doers beat out the well-funded industry. It was scrappy upstarts with little experience and less money who thought about the problem in a new way and ultimately succeeded. They were unencumbered and unconstrained by legacy challenges. So if you’re one of these big players in the industry, there’s new opportunity to lean in and support the entrepreneurs reimagining the future. 4. New Business Models: Transform Health Costs Into Investments

Perhaps the biggest opportunity for innovation in health is around rethinking business models. The time is now to completely rethink who pays, how money flows, how pricing is structured and market expansion. Consider how business models have changed in other industries like banking, media, communications, travel and entertainment. By shifting from a cost mindset to a longer-term investment mindset, there are ways to radically reduce costs (by cutting out layers of bureaucracy, leveraging technology, changing incentive structures, considering the value of data, etc.) and shift to a growth paradigm measured by wellbeing, happiness, productivity and innovation. 5. New Global Opportunities: Build for the Rising Billions

Yes health is regional, but it’s also universal. There’s a unique opportunity today to create global solutions – ones that work in the most underserved areas and for everyone else, too. We tend to think about health solutions for only a few people at a time. But, when we reframe with a global lens, and design for the seven and a half billion people who need care, we need to bring a fresh mindset to every solution. When you think at that scale, you have to build from a clean slate. You’ve got to rethink pricing, business models, distribution, regulation and marketing. Because health is important and essential to every human on earth, it can cross borders and connect disparate people. ******* We’re living in the most exciting time in history for transforming health – but there is still too little imagination being unleashed on our greatest health challenges. Together we need to choose to go to the moon again. The time is now to stop inching forward and start racing past the health innovation paradox.

The Neobiological Revolution is at Hand " How many of you use a neuro-prosthetic Jane device for cognitive enhancement? Most, I’m guessing. Metcalfe It’s more frequently referred to as a smartphone, and consumers bought 1.5 billion of them last year. Founder of Neo.Life; Or maybe you’re one of the millions of people who Co-founder use a fitness tracker, and who contributed to $2.5 bilof WIRED lion in sales last year. If you’re reading this magazine, chances are you’re one of the 15 million Americans who have sequenced your DNA, perhaps discovering family or medical issues that affect you or people you love. You might even have sought an extra measure of control over your own reproduction by freezing eggs or embryos. All these trends are signs of an enormous change that’s transforming our brains, bodies, families, lifestyles and the very definition of what it means to be human. I call it the Neobiological Revolution. Twenty-five years ago, I started WIRED magazine with my partner, Louis Rossetto, who coined the term “Digital Revolution.” WIRED covered the most important story of our modern era: how digital technology was changing work, business, education, entertainment, politics and culture. There is a new revolution underway that allows us to alter our DNA, map our brains, command existing organisms to do our bidding, and create new ones never seen before. Homo sapiens is seizing control of its own evolution.

Innovation in genetic sequencing has driven down the cost of decoding a human genome from $100 million in the year 2000 to less than $1,000 today. 15

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