Issue 6

Page 58

small, little, big things. by EJAZ AHMED

We all have had our share of joyous moments when we were under the blanket of bliss, which unseemly shrouded and denigrated the bleak path ahead. However, those larks clearly defined us. When I was young, I used to look forward to sit on the trolleys of the departmental stores and being pushed around the immaculately arranged drafty aisles. The colourful world whizzed around me. These scanty bursts of joy ride lauded my shopping experience. The whole world was my oyster. As time passed by, my steel Benz grew smaller and became less captivating as my legs could no longer be accommodated into those tiny compartments. Well, I convinced myself with that reason but there was something else to it. I thought that if I did sit on those carts again it would be considered condescending, even though I could not restrain myself to the strong impulsive inviting aura of the cart. So I bid farewell to the chauffeured days and turned myself away reluctantly.

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