Greenwood School Memories 1921-1984

Page 80

Pre-school conference consisted of one day.

Purcell McCue, Jr. and I

went to Mcintire School auditorium for this occasion.

Purcell was going to

teach but his career was interrupted that year by a call from Uncle Sam.


Bourne Wayland filled the year out.


Mother and I had labored over a navy blue crepe dress with lots of tucks which I wore with a red hat for this one day conference at Mcintire School. This was the appropriate dress for the occasion.


As strange as it may seem

now, I fitted in with the rest of my appearance. By the time I



lived through the first day of school and "all those


children" I wondered many times if I still had not been better off in Monterey raising chickens.

A chicken farm had been my ambition when I was told I had

to go to college by my parents.

a $4.


My enrollment during my Greenwood teaching years from 1942-1955 was in the 40's.

Perhaps in the last years I was at Greenwood the upper 30's.

I had

52 in my class one year and 48 on another occasion. I


regret that I did not keep a permanent copy of each year's enrollment,

also a dairy.


I know the diary would have made a "best sellers" list.

no to was rr

Teaching then was so different than it was in the latter part of my 35


years as a teacher. We only had one record player (Victrola) for the entire school and a box of records where you signed up to use them. supply as now.

a bag

Easy books were not in abundant

The floors were oiled and reoiled during the year.

We had a

part time librarian.

She r "shop

The principal taught and coached. Teachers had lots of extra duties--bus duty, plays, suppers, May Days and P.T.A. programs.

P.T.A. meetings were such a bore to me through the years.

High school students would help the primary teachers at times because of our heavy


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