Web designing Company Southampton

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Benefits of Accelerated Mobile Pages The Accelerated Mobile Page project is an open-source web development technology created solely for the improvement and performance of content and advertisements on the World Wide Web. Led by Google, this project can be compared to Facebook’s instant articles feature, including several other search, social, and web publishing platforms across the globe. Why is the Accelerated Mobile Pages technology considered important? AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages is considered important for obvious reasons:    

Improved engagement. Faster site loading time. Significant reduction in bounce rate. Improved ranking on mobile SERP.

Advantages or AMPs 1. Lightning-fast speed It’s no surprise that one of the fundamental advantages of AMP pages lies in the loading speed, especially given the project was created for that purpose alone. Researches also point to the fact that most people abandon a site taking longer than 3 seconds to open. Businesses adopting the AMP technology could thereby benefit by decreasing the mobile abandonment rates and increasing the number of conversions at one and the same time. 2. Improved ranking on mobile SERP Although AMPs are not considered a crucial ranking factor, they can have a positive influence on mobile ranking purely because of their quicker loading time. And then again, if Google starts prioritizing AMPs, it may even have more effect on its search engine results page. 3. Wide range of ad supportability AMPs aim to support a wide range of ad networks, formats, and technologies. The fundamental objective is to deliver advertisements that are quicker than the blink of an eye, while allowing the content to be worthy of seizing the viewer’s notice. This feature can definitely help to increase the influence of advertisers and improve ROI on marketing expenses. 4. Better publisher visibility If a webpage is optimized via AMP, search engines will display the symbol in green (symbolizing a bolt of lightning). The inclusion of these symbols can play a direct hand in improving your click-through numbers. In addition to this, Google has also started displaying AMP webpages in visually dominating carousels. This

will naturally draw the attention of users, and any content displayed within these carousels will get a significant boost in traffic in terms of search queries related to the page content. 5. Impeccable analytics The importance of visitor behavior tracking has increased significantly in recent times. AMPs take these things into account. Developers can now choose from two tags that can automatically track visitor data including the number of visitor count, conversions or clicks, video tracking, links, and more. A final word‌ AMPs do come with a lot of advantages, like faster loading speed, better UX, higher mobile SERP ranking, and lower bounce rate, but then, it also ties your site down to Google. If your site cache is not stored by Google, you won’t be having any mobile page. And then, AMP is also not too easy to install. But then do not worry. Any professional web designing company in Southampton can help you out in this regard. To know more details about web designing company in Southampton you can visit https://www.jacreativestudio.com/website-design/

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