How to Fix a Clogged Shower Drain...

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How to Fix a Clogged Shower Drain Source: When there are some nasty things stuck in the drain, all you need to do is clean them off so that things do not remain stuck and you can fix the clogged shower drain. Initially, no liquid detergent or home remedy will work if your drain is overflowing with dirty water and wont allow it to drain. You need to find the source of the blockage and remove it pronto. Heres how you can do it:

Use Your Hands: In case the thing that is clogging the shower drain is really huge and refuses to pass through but one you can easily reach out to, might have to get involved personally; that is by using your hands. All you need to do is wear some huge and thick gloves or you can even tie a polythene bag around your hand and just put your hands in and grab the dirt causing the blockage. Once it is removed, the water will begin to flow inside.

Wire Hanger: When the ball of dirt is to far down for you to see, dont worry. A wire hanger will come to the rescue in this case. Just take any easily bendable wire hanger and straighten it out as best as you can. Then, take the last end and bend it into the shape of a hook. Once you have something that resembles a long wire with a hook at its end, just begin to fish in. As soon as you feel something solid, let the hook catch it and snatch it out. Bingo, you now know how to fix a clogged shower drain. The only tricky part is remembering not to push the gunk deeper. You need to remove it or the large glop will continue to block the rest of the drainage pipe and cause more problems from time-to-time.

Use a Plunger: A plunger is present in every home. So, you wont have to go out of your way to get it. While plunging might not be a permanent solution, it will help you deal with it temporarily, that is until you have time to deal with the blockage problem once and for all. A plunger is best for when you are short on time and the clogged shower drain is giving you a headache. Just plunge the plunger in a few times and watch how all the water begins to disappear. For getting a better result, you can apply something greasy at the end soft end of the plunger, such as petroleum jelly for instance. Once the dirty water starts to go in, open the shower to test whether the water is draining or not.

Vacuum: Not many people have ever thought of it, but it is one of the smartest techniques. If you own a wet and dry vacuum at home, all you need to do is place the one seal that best fits the drain, change the setting to vacuum liquid and turn it on. Vacuum cleaners are super powerful at suctioning and before you know it, the main cause of the shower blockage will be moving in through the vacuum pipe and into the vacuum bucket. It might look a bit messy, but you can always wash your vacuum bucket after using it. Ways to Fix and Clean a Clogged Shower Dain Using Home Remedies: You dont really have to search far and wide to look for things that might help you fix the clogged shower drain. As a matter of fact, why waste money when there are many thing at home that might not only help you unclog the drain, but will also clean it up and get rid of the bacteria that are

throwing a party inside the drain. Learning how to fix a clogged shower drain is not rocket science. By the time you finish reading this, youll be a pro at it. Just ensure that before trying any of these tricks, you should have visibly cleaned as much of the hair and other visible things that are blocking the drain by using the tools and methods explained above.

Homemade Concoctions: Just take a huge bowl and pour a cup of baking soda in it. Then, add white vinegar in the same amount as well as a cup of salt. Pour the mixture in the drain and leave it. After an hour, run hot water and your drain will be squeaky clean.

Pepsi: It could be Pepsi, Coke or any other fizzy drink. Since they contain a good amount of phosphoric acid it has a high PH value it works wonders to clean the drain. Just pour 2 cans of pop into the drain, let it work its corrosive magic and after 20 minutes or so, run hot water over it.

Baking Soda and Salt: Another homemade concoction for you to know how to fix a clogged shower drain; all you have to do is blend completely equal amount of baking soda and salt and dissolve it with 4 parts of boiling water. Let it stay overnight and do its job. Come morning, everything will be right again.

Boiling Water: If you have none of the other ingredients at home and feel like your shower drain is dirty and smelling badly, youll be glad you came across this blog and learned how to fix a clogged shower drain. All you need is a kettle full of boiling water. Pour it gently and bit-by-bit into the dirty drain. By the time youll finish with the process. Your drain will have already been cleaned up.

Dish Washing Detergent: While you might have cleaned out all the hair and debris, you certainly wouldnt have gotten rid of all the germs that it left behind. It might only be a shower drain but you dont want it to be full of germs and bacteria. To deal with that, you just need to pour half a cup of dish-washing detergent into the drain. Since dish washer is soapy, it will act as a lubricant and will not only clean up the residue of what was clogging the drain in the first place, but will also clean the drain as well. After 5 minutes, pour boiling water into the drain as well so that hair does not get stuck inside the shower drain.

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