St Andrew's College Philanthropy Report 2020

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Philanthropy Report 2020 Giving at St Andrew’s College: Philanthropy, Volunteering and Community

From the St Andrew’s College Foundation Since the Foundation was established in 1991, the Foundation funds have continued to grow. Total assets at year-end were $11.1 million in 2018 after a market correction, then grew to $12.9 million after a very successful 2019.

The continuing role of the Foundation is to oversee the management and prudent investment of the accumulated gifts and donations which are generously given from our community to the College. We are continually monitoring our investment strategy, and our central focus is to protect the long-term financial sustainability and independence of St Andrew’s College.

Despite the market turbulence caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation’s portfolio has grown to $13.8 million at 31 December 2020. Trustees would like to thank our investment advisers for the outstanding investment performance of our diversified portfolio which added 8.51% during the year (after fees and taxes). This performance was well in excess of all relevant benchmarks. I would like to thank those people who have generously given in 2020. Through giving to the Foundation, you are also contributing to covering the cost of scholarships, as the capital growth of the fund is increasingly covering scholarships. This allows students, who in other circumstances

would not have the opportunity to attend St Andrew’s College to gain an education, which will prepare them for their future beyond school in a diverse society. If you would like to know more about becoming a donor to this crucial part of the College, please contact the College’s Director of Development, Miranda Newbury. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Foundation Trustees for their wisdom in 2020; David Boyd, Matthew Lancaster and Richard Smith.

Rodger Finlay Chairman St Andrew’s College Foundation

A Culture of Giving From the Rector

The 2020 global pandemic had a significant effect on philanthropy across the world. However, at St Andrew’s College there was generosity of spirit and action in this most challenging year. Many of our families faced uncertainty and hardship, and meeting tuition fees for the year for some was unachievable. Thanks to an initiative borne out of the lockdown, the St Andrew’s College Community Support Programme, financial assistance was extended to these families for the 2020 academic year which enabled a number of students to remain at the College. Other significant donations included a gift from the Sinclair family, which funded the new John Sinclair Scholarship, granting fees assistance to a senior student. There were also 10 donors to our donor societies, and a significant gift and pledge from Gina Satterthwaite, in the name of the Fife Foundation, towards the Ben Gough Family Theatre.

I remain very grateful to the PTA, Ladies’ Circle, St Andrew’s College Foundation, Old Collegians Association, and parents who continue to support the College, not only in donations but in giving of their time to support College events.

The students of today are the beneficiaries of the generosity of all those who have gone before, and it is important we continue to honour these contributions to encourage future philanthropists. Our collective responsibility is undeniable.

We could not provide all the activities we do without this support.

Critical to the success of our philanthropic programme is our Development team. Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, Development Co-ordinator, Mel Rissman, and Alumni and Events Co-ordinator, Kelsey Williams, worked tirelessly to keep the community engaged and motivated in this difficult year.

I am very mindful that St Andrew’s College, as an independent school, is largely reliant upon payment of tuition fees to fund our operations. Our parents, often supported by grandparents or other family members, make considerable sacrifices to give their child a St Andrew’s College education. The tuition fees fund the ‘here and now’, the salaries of teachers, support staff and specialist sports coaches, and cultural tutors. The College operates as efficiently as possible to enable any annual surplus to be invested back into the College for future capital projects. All the new facilities the College has enjoyed over the last twelve years, including the new Preparatory School (Stewart Junior Centre and Pre-school), Gym 2, new boarding houses, Centennial Chapel, The Green Library and Innovation Centre, the astro turf, outside recreation spaces and landscaped grounds, and in 2020 the addition of the StACFit Fitness Centre, have resulted from this sound financial management. I cannot overstate, however, the important contribution from generous people in our community.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to St Andrew’s College throughout 2020. Without your support St Andrew’s would not have the confidence to continue to aim to be ‘at the leading edge of high performance educational practice, and to provide our young people with the roots and wings to flourish in an ever changing world’.

Christine Leighton Rector

A Culture of Giving From the Director of Development In early March, a $10,000 bequest was received from Mr William Gray (OC 1946). I met with William’s partner Bryan who, at the time, explained that the reason William left this gift was that his time at St Andrew’s College had been positive and life changing.

We are truly grateful for another year of generosity shown by our College community, with donations of $687,543 raised. This brings the overall total of our Your Legacy, Our Future campaign to $1.7 million, in support of the College Foundation, the relocation and build of the new StACFit Fitness Centre, and the exciting new Ben Gough Family Theatre. The College received a generous donation in February from the Sinclair family in honour of their father, John R Sinclair, Deputy Rector (1983–1996) and Administration Manager (1997–2000) of St Andrew’s College. The John Sinclair Scholarship is to be awarded to a student to attend St Andrew’s College (Years 11–13) who might not otherwise be able to attend or remain at the College, but who, in the Rector’s assessment, is highly motivated to make a positive academic, sporting, or cultural contribution to the College.

At the end of March, we were all faced with uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Compulsory lockdowns meant that our students and families were confined to their homes and bubbles, and there was a level of financial uncertainty many of us had not experienced before. This was a cause of concern for present and future planning for us all and greatly influenced our decision making and direction of how we could support one another ‘right here and now’. The meaning of the word philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. In 104 years of philanthropy at St Andrew’s College, this is the first time where close to $1 million was rebated back to our existing parent families. At the same time, in response to the lockdown, the College established the 2020 Community Support Programme to provide short-term assistance to families in our College community who were experiencing severe financial hardship at a level that put the enrolment of their child, or children, for the remainder of the academic year at risk. There was incredible support

from within the St Andrew’s College family, including existing parents, Rector Christine Leighton, staff, the Old Collegians Association, Ladies’ Circle, Burnett Valley Trust, and alumni from near and far. Many parents re-directed their school rebate to the Community Support Programme ($177,825) and this year’s Annual Giving ($22,175), supported by our Old Collegian community. Together we raised $200,000 which helped many families to receive fee assistance during this difficult time. In September we were excited to announce a major gift to the College’s latest campus development, the Ben Gough Family Theatre, which is being directed towards the Drama and Dance studios, including professional lighting for both. This gift is in honour of Old Collegian, Blair T Gough (OC 1964), father of Gina Satterthwaite, who has made the gift on behalf of the Fife Foundation. Gina’s father, brother, and presently her son, have all attended St Andrew’s College. This year we welcomed 10 new members to the Strowan Club – Old Collegians, parents, and friends of the College who have gifted $10,000 or more to St Andrew’s College. Special thanks to those who consistently give and who are recognised through our True Blue Society (members who have donated five times or more). It has been heartening to see so many past and present families continue to support our College this year in many

ways; financially, by volunteering to bring our community together, and in making contributions of time and advice. A common thread as to why families connected to St Andrew’s feel compelled to leave a legacy to the College is a personal one. It is their wish to help provide a better opportunity for others not as fortunate, or to be able to honour their child or family through recognition on a plaque

for a pursuit their child was passionate about. Many also wish to ensure that the College continues to provide the best quality facilities for students today and into the future. I acknowledge and thank my Development team – Development Co-ordinator, Mel Rissman, and Alumni and Events Co-ordinator, Kelsey Williams – for their energy, support, and desire to keep focused in this very challenging year.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support to the College. The culture of philanthropy at St Andrew’s College is strong.

Miranda Newbury Director of Development

Fitness Centre Fundraiser In early February 2020, the Development Office saw an opportunity to hold a fundraiser over a lunchtime for the new Fitness Centre in partnership with John Jones Steel (Crusader Sponsor), who donated 300 tickets to a Crusaders rugby game. These tickets were sold at a highly reduced cost to students and families, which raised $781.60 in one day, generating some excitement for the students and encouraging them to attend a Crusaders home game, while promoting the build of the new Fitness Centre to our community.

The Sponsorship Support Programme This year we launched our Sponsorship Support Programme. Sponsorship gives our College that extra edge and helps our students to be their best. It helps drive a culture of excellence in sports and the arts. As a College, we want to recognise our sponsors and value their contribution to our community. The Development Office is an important part of this connection, between sponsor and the College, where our role is to recognise their generosity to support St Andrew’s College students. The programme has three tier levels of recognised sponsorship, with sponsors able to be recognised or remain

anonymous. Sponsors who agree to be recognised are acknowledged on our ‘Thanking our Sponsors’ page under ‘Giving at StAC’ on the College website, displaying their company logo and a link to their business website, detailing the sport or cultural activity or event they are sponsoring. Parents involved in co-curricular, and a number of our Old Collegians, are generous in this regard. Some of these are long standing relationships with a particular sport or activity, some are new, and we are delighted to report that in 2020, a total of $68,665 was directed to various areas. We would like to thank

all those families and businesses who have supported us in many different areas and activities.

Your Legacy, Our Future The Your Legacy, Our Future fundraising campaign (2019–2023) aims to raise $4 million for the College’s new StACFit Fitness Centre, the Ben Gough Family Theatre, and the St Andrew’s College Foundation. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have raised $1.7 million in our first two years towards our goal. Many of the community groups featured in this Philanthropy Report have contributed to the Your Legacy, Our Future campaign through their fundraising.

StACFit – New Fitness Centre The Fitness Centre build project commenced in December 2019 and was completed end of Term 4 2020. It is a magnificent space for all our students. The new centre benefits all members of the College community, and helps support physical, mental, and emotional well-being of students, sports teams, curriculum classes, and staff. The new Fitness Centre is centred around providing: • a recreation facility to help support the holistic well-being of all students and staff; • an opportunity for individuals and teams to prepare well for their respective codes; • a recreation facility for all to utilise for general well-being and good health, which meets high standards of health and safety. Features of the spacious 41-metre long by 8-metre wide (308 square metre) facility include a high roof, which creates a sense of space, a 24-metre exercise strip, an extensive range of fitness equipment, and acoustic windows which provide a light, airy feel to the facility, as well as a connection to Gym 1. To make room for the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, we relocated the existing Fitness Centre to above Gym 1. Along with the construction of a brand new spacious and fully equipped Fitness Centre, this project included strengthening Gym 1 and upgrading of the changing room facilities.

The Ben Gough Family Theatre Update This exciting new build development commences Term 4 2021 and will be completed for Term 1 2023. We were excited to announce a major gift to the College’s latest development, the Ben Gough Family Theatre, which is being directed towards the Drama and Dance Studios, including professional lighting for both. This gift is in honour of Old Collegian, Blair T Gough (OC 1964), father of Gina Satterthwaite, who has made the gift on behalf of the Fife Foundation. Gina’s father, brother,

and presently her son, have all attended St Andrew’s College. Many people in the St Andrew’s community visit the Theatre each year to watch our enthusiastic, talented students perform in top quality theatre and ballet productions, music, and dance performances. The Theatre is also a place where students can learn to participate in behind-the-scene roles, such as sound, music and lighting, costumes, make-up, set design, props, stage management, directing, and producing.

Features of the Ben Gough Family Theatre include: • larger stage and backstage areas; • enhanced sound and lighting; • new designated areas for changing and storage; • a larger entranceway and foyer with space for food facilities; • greater comfort and seating capacity for the audience.

Our Community and our Volunteers This Philanthropy Report thanks and acknowledges members of the St Andrew’s College community who gave to the College in 2020 through monetary donation, gifts-in-kind, and volunteering. The following articles demonstrate the commitment of students, volunteers, and donors who give back to the College, help others outside of our community, and who are creating the success of Your Legacy, Our Future.

Community Projects In 2020, our Chapel and Community Service teams had to contend with the COVID-19 lockdowns, and yet they continued to be at the heart of our community, giving and making us aware of the needs within our local, national, and international communities. The generosity of our young people and families associated with the College have continued to impact many lives. The students supported different charities and worked in various ways to raise money for this. Once again, the World Vision 40 Hour Famine was a highlight in the fundraising area, mainly due to the creative initiative to have an event, ‘Scream for Malawi’, to raise awareness at a time people were struggling in isolation. The Community Service Team, led by Lucy CammockElliott and Kelly Ting (both Year 13), helped raise $14,273, which was over $4000 more than the previous year. Due to the lockdown, many of our chapel

services in Term 1 were cancelled and therefore offerings were not taken. Through our mufti days in 2020 the Community Service Leaders created opportunities for KidsCan. Items, including sanitary and hygiene products, were collected and given out to schools in need of these. They also collected stationery items in Term 4 for Decile 1 primary schools. In Term 3, the International Council mufti day raised $1400 for the Mya Mental Health, and the Middle School Leaders mufti day raised $1216.80. Through our Sunday evening chapel services, offerings raised a total of $3816. The money raised went to Big Brother Big Sister Christchurch, City Mission, and The Salvation Army. This was significantly down on last year’s total due to the cancellation of numerous chapels due to COVID-19 Alert Level changes. A total of $702.80

was given through donations at the door at the Christmas Eve chapel service for the Christchurch City Mission. We ended the year with the tradition of donating presents to the City Mission. Staff, students, and families generously donated a huge number of presents, which were placed around the Christmas tree in the Centennial Chapel. On Monday 14 December, these presents were collected by the City Mission in time for them to distribute to those in need at Christmas. St Andrew’s College continues to show wonderful generosity through our chapel giving, mufti days, and community service initiatives.

Rev. Paul Morrow Chaplain

2020 Leavers’ Gift The 2020 leavers’ gift is the reinstating of the Memorial Chapel’s weathervane, built in 1955. This gift combines the tradition of the College, with the modern aspects (the students). The leavers wanted their gift to encompass the endurance and adaptability that the students, staff, and families, have had to go through this year, but specifically the 2020 leavers. It will be 65 years this year since the weathervane was initially installed onto the Memorial Chapel and stood so proudly through many a storm. The weathervane idea came about after many weeks of trial and error with sculptures and art pieces. The 2020 leavers landed on this idea after finding out that the weathervane was sitting in a bush outside the Preparatory School. As a group, we wanted such a rich piece of St Andrew’s College history to be restored and we were endeared by the resilience of the weathervane.

Grace Donaldson Year 13

Many writers, poets, politicians, and songwriters have spoken of the ‘winds of change’. Living in a time when one knows that change is in the air, can be unnerving and unsettling. But with this change comes hope for a future which is ours to influence. As our leavers step into their world beyond school,

they will draw upon this past to help shape their future communities. For 50 years a small, yet symbolic artefact, watched over the ‘winds of change’ at St Andrew’s College. For the last eight years after the deconstruction of the Memorial Chapel it has lain forgotten and neglected in a corner of the bottom field. Thanks to a gift initiated by our Year 13 leavers this year, this original weathervane, which proudly graced the bell-tower of the Memorial Chapel will once again stand upright on College grounds. In reflecting the changing winds and fortunes of our school, the weathervane seems a fitting symbol for this turbulent year in 2020. After the deconstruction of the Memorial Chapel in 2014 we have built the Centennial Chapel, opened in October 2016, the year that our present Year 13 students were in Year 9. As we laid the foundation stone for this new Chapel, we chose a whakataukī ‘Te toka tū moana, ora toa ronganui’ – your strength is like a rock standing in raging waters. I suggest the appropriateness of the whakataukī is standing the test of time, in the unfolding events of 2020. Once again, we have weathered the storms and stand firm upon our Presbyterian foundations, and the weathervane will once again monitor the winds of change as they blow through our campus.

Christine Leighton Rector

Events Committee and Class Parent Programme St Andrew’s College is extremely lucky to have some wonderful volunteers who come together to assist our Alumni and Events Co-ordinator, Kelsey Williams, throughout the year. The Events Committee includes current and past parents, Old Collegians, and friends of the College. This group can be called upon for all sorts of extra assistance around the College, including the annual Boarders’ Dinner, coat check-in at College formals, and help behind the scenes at special fundraising and

College community events. There are no meetings for this group, and volunteers offer their help at times which suit them. The Class Parent Programme has been successfully run in the Preparatory School for many years and was introduced into Year 9 in 2018. The purpose of the programme is for each class to have a couple of parents who will organise social events during the year. This programme also provides

invaluable support and connections between teachers and parents, while providing a wonderful way for new families to meet other parents. Meetings are held each term to help support this group, and a speaker from around the College is invited to keep them up to date with key areas. We are extremely appreciative of all our awesome volunteers, and a big thank you goes out to our 2020 Events Committee team and our Preparatory School and Year 9 class parents.

Old Collegians Association The Old Collegians Association is a strong supporter of St Andrew’s College’s culture of philanthropy. The loyalty of the Old Collegian community is evident by their ongoing generosity, testimony to the pride former students still have in the College, which is a result of experiences they themselves had as students at the College.

The Old Collegians Executive would like to thank the year group representatives who each year assist with the planning and co-ordination of our alumni reunions, and ultimately resulting in their success. The Old Collegians Association supports the College in a number of ways from donating major gifts to the College and providing fees assistance, to providing funding

for College events. This year the Association is proud to have provided significant financial support to the Community Support Programme, implemented by the College post the COVID-19 lockdown.

Meg Black Old Collegians Association President

Preparatory School The St Andrew’s College community spirit starts in the Preparatory School, and a big thank you goes to our Class Parent volunteers who ‘gifted’ their time to the school. This group of people played a significant role in welcoming new and returning families to the school at the start of the year. During the year, the connections continued as the volunteers organised fun events and evenings out. It was a fun way for everyone to get to know each other. We know these connections are valuable and they often lead to lifetime friendships. We thank the PTA for their generous support. The children and staff sincerely appreciated the funding during 2020 which supported areas of need and special projects. The Year 4–8 students received funding to purchase equipment to use at lunchtimes. This included a variety of ‘Big Games’ and other equipment, including hula hoops, skipping ropes, and tennis rackets. The Junior Department team would like to thank the parents who gave their time to ensure the school trips could happen, including Beach Education, Orana Park, and the Year 3 trips to plant native trees at Duncan Park. The College Cafeteria gifted three all-weather umbrellas to reside in the Years 4–8 courtyard at the end of 2020. With a 6.8m span, these umbrellas will provide sun protection to the children for many years to come. Sincere thanks to Cafeteria Manager, Sharon McDonald, and her team of parent helpers for this generous and much appreciated gift.

Jonathan Bierwirth Principal of Preparatory School

The Ladies’ Circle Like so many other groups during the COVID-19 lockdown, the Ladies’ Circle missed several meetings. We continue to enjoy our monthly meetings on the last Friday of the month, with our numbers remaining at just over 100. Our ladies derive much pleasure in the money we accrue from our different ventures being directed to the

College. This last year we contributed to the College Community Support Programme and are currently working towards benefiting the new Ben Gough Family Theatre. We have a diverse programme planned for 2021 which hopefully will continue uninterrupted.

Our thanks and appreciation go to Rector, Christine Leighton, and the other staff members who so generously share their time and support with us.

Elizabeth Peacock The Ladies’ Circle President

Pipe Band


The St Andrew’s College Pipe Band contributes to many community events each year. The band was pleased to support the following events in 2020:

The PTA continues to support the College by managing the Second-hand Uniform Shop, fundraising, and helping at College community functions and events.

• Hororata Highland Games; • ANZAC Day – pipers from their homes during the lockdown; • Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Founders’ Day; • retirement village recitals. Pipers also played for various events and functions including reunions, weddings, and funerals. The College also hosted and sponsored a number of significant Pipe Band related events: • Labour Weekend – New Zealand Championship Silver Chanter Solo Piping Championships; • Comunn Na Piobaireachd – Clasp, Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals for solo piping; • Solo Piping local competitions (4); • Solo Drumming competitions (1). The Pipe Band is extremely grateful for the significant financial support it received during 2020. The bands rely heavily upon fundraising events to fund Pipe Band activities. Many volunteers contribute to the Parents and Supporters Committee. This group contribute significantly in fundraising which enabled each band member to be subsidised for competition trips away. This group was led by Mr Rainer Klebert. The band also acknowledges the financial support from the Air Rescue Services Trust. The band is proud of its ongoing contribution to the wider community, and very grateful to supporters and contributors to the Pipe Band.

Richard Hawke Pipe Band Director

Cafeteria I would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who give up their time to come and help with the preparation of food and serving it during morning tea and lunchtime to the students. Our volunteers include mothers, fathers, grandparents, and aunties. They all like that the cafeteria is a light-hearted place to work and also the fact that they get to interact with the students. Our menu covers a lot of healthy options, and we now cater for people who are gluten free or vegan. In 2020 the profits from the cafeteria gifted three all-weather umbrellas to reside in the Years 4–8 courtyard at the end of 2020. With a 6.8m span, these umbrellas will provide sun protection to the children for many years to come, valued at $21,000. Without the help of volunteers, we would not be able to make contributions like this.

2020 was a year where events were limited, and cancellation and postponements were commonplace. The PTA continued to support requested events when they were eventually held, and we appreciate all the PTA members, associates, and partners who changed plans regularly to accommodate changes in dates and times of College events. The main source of income for the PTA to redistribute to the College continued to be through the Second-hand Uniform Shop. The shop is operated by a dedicated group of parent volunteers and members of the PTA, to whom we are immensely grateful for their time and commitment. The PTA again this year provided the annual Christmas cake fundraiser. In 2020 the funds raised through selling Christmas cakes were dedicated to the outfitting of the College’s new addition of a C Pipe Band, thus providing younger students for years to come the ability to wear a full Pipe Band uniform while performing on behalf of the College. The total funds raised were $8300. Due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 the PTA did not host or ‘support host’ a largescale fundraising event for the College, as has been the case in previous years. PTA donations made to St Andrew’s College in 2020 totalled over $22,200: • wind blade flags and ground spikes for the Preparatory School $2000; • Pipe Band (new kilts B Band) $3900; • Rowing Club (Oarsome O’Fare) $3000; • Pipe Band (new uniform C Band) $8300; • Preparatory School lunchtime activities equipment $5000.

If you would like to volunteer in the cafeteria, please come in and see our friendly cafeteria staff. We are always looking for extra help.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the PTA, or supporting at events the PTA is involved in, or able to volunteer at the Second-hand Uniform Shop, please email

Sharon McDonald

Stephen Higgs

Cafeteria Manager

PTA President

Celebrating Co-curricular St Andrew’s College offers an extensive co-curricular programme, with over 50 different sports and cultural activities. College students benefit from these opportunities with well over 95 per cent of students involved in weekly co-curricular activities. The staff contribution to the programme is much appreciated and, in addition to this, the programme relies heavily on the support of parents and the wider College community. The College is fortunate to have many parent volunteers who give freely of their time to offer the best opportunities possible. Also, several sporting codes receive generous donations and sponsorship which have contributed significantly to the cost of equipment, uniform, and travel to tournaments. Thank you to all who have contributed in 2020, and not only the ones highlighted in this report, as your support has been much appreciated.

Cricket and Rugby


The cricket and rugby teams at St Andrew’s College are very appreciative of the loyal support that they receive from sponsors. Both teams had very successful seasons with the 1st XI cricket team winning the Gillette Cup and the 1st XV rugby team winning the UC Championship.

St Andrew’s College is fortunate to have some very good support from businesses in terms of sponsorship and services. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to Canterbury Teamwear for their sponsorship support as our official sports uniform supplier and to Canterbury Sports Wholesale who supply sports equipment to the College, and for their ongoing sponsorship of the College sports programme. I would also like to thank Lone Star for their generous gifting of vouchers so that we may acknowledge those people who have gone beyond their call of duty.

In 2020, cricket was once again supported by Perennial Turf, and rugby by Kooga, No.4 Bar and Restaurant, Apollo Projects, and Maugers Contracting. Along with these sponsors, the players would also like to thank their parents for the continued support that they show both on and off the field.

Rugby Sponsors for 2020: • • • • • • • •

Apollo Projects – Principal; CoolTranz Ltd; Elmwood Trading Company; Gary Cockram Hyundai; Kilvarock Vineyards Ltd; Kooga; Maugers Contracting; Maxwells Drycleaning Ltd;

Mike Johnston Head of Cricket and Rugby

• • • • • • •

Multisport Surfaces Ltd; No.4 Bar and Restaurant; Riccarton Cleaning Supplies Ltd; ROA Mining Company Ltd; Prox Sentinel; Selwyn Earthworks Ltd; Terrafirma Turf.

In addition to strategic business partnerships, the College Sport and Co-Curricular programmes rely heavily on family and business support to offer the best opportunities possible to students, and we thank you all for this support.

Mark Lane Director of Sport and Co-curricular Activities

Basketball The basketball programme at St Andrew’s College had a recordsetting year, entering more than 30 teams in the Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday competitions. In order to facilitate this, a huge thank you must be extended to our coaches, managers, students, and parents, as well as the incredible support shown by the philanthropic parties listed below: • Silver Sponsor – Miles Construction Limited; • Silver Sponsor – Oxford Edge; • Canterbury Rams; • Commodore Hotel;

• Wairau River Wines; • Mitre 10; • Stephen Fleming. The StAC Basketball Fundraising Committee – Alastair Miles, Graeme Rhodes, Vicki Farrant, Michelle Patterson, Caroline Whittaker, Jacqueline Gilbert, Charlie Longley, Brydon Heller, Aled Jones, Wade Parata and Ben Eves – worked exceptionally hard to support our basketballers. This included organising the iPhone auction, Hoop It Up dinner (unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19), and the end-of-year Prizegiving.

With student sign-ups and interest continuing to grow within our community, the basketball community is looking forward to building upon this momentum in 2021.

Ben Eves Teacher in Charge of Basketball

• Lone Star;

Charity Golf Tournament On Friday 20 November 2020, St Andrew’s College hosted their third Charity Golf Tournament, which was first held in 2018. Our foundation sponsor, John Jones Steel, generously supported this event and it is with gratitude that we acknowledge Managing Director, Frank Van Schaijik, for his ongoing support of this event. The original concept for this tournament came from the idea to combine fundraising with a charity, and give an opportunity for a sporting team to learn about raising funds, not only for their own development but to also support a local charity. With the unexpected arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, many sporting fixtures at the College were cancelled and this disruption also created economic uncertainty for many

businesses who have supported this tournament in the past. For this reason the organisers, Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, and Assistant Chaplain, Jo Morrow, proposed a different style of fundraiser, whereby a donation would be accepted for a team to participate in this event, with all monies raised, including the post tournament auction, directed to support the ongoing work of the Chalky Carr Trust. The charity’s vision is to raise funds to make a practical impact for a person living with a cancer diagnosis, or their family members who need support through the journey. The event was hosted at the spectacular Clearwater Golf Club and we would like to give recognition to our special guest, one of our own students, Madeleine May (Year 12), who was named the Canterbury Women’s Golfer

of the Year. The 2020 winner of the St Andrew’s Charity Golf Tournament trophy was John Jones Steel. The day would not have been complete without hospitality and a team of volunteers. A special thanks to New World Durham Street, Coffee Culture, Asahi Beverages, MG Marketing, Whisky Galore, Hellers NZ’s Butcher, Wairau River Wines, Sarah, Josh and Jamie Carr, Joel Parry, Hamish Bond, and the St Andrew’s College Media Team. The tournament raised $27,000 and, after costs, the event generated $22,349 for the Chalky Carr Trust.

Miranda Newbury Director of Development Golf Tournament Organiser

Rowing St Andrew’s College rowing has a great squad this season, with over 80 rowers competing in regattas over Term 1, and another 31 currently in our Year 9 Learn to Row programme. The growth and success of rowing at St Andrew’s College would not be possible without the huge effort and commitment of our staff, coaches, managers, Parent Committee members, parent volunteers, supporters, and families. Mark Carrodus has worked hard over the past two years to build a sponsor programme to support the College’s rowing club. Mark has been successful in signing up our sponsors for two seasons, raising over $70,000. A huge thank you to Steve and Jacqui McDonald of PAK’nSAVE Riccarton, and Craig Lewis and Helen Trappit of Lewis Bradford, our Gold sponsors for the 2021 and 2022 seasons. Mitre 10 MEGA Hornby and Papanui, Buddle Findlay, Armstrong Prestige, and Gibbons are our Silver sponsors for 2021 and 2022. SkyTech and Viden Engineering are our Bronze sponsors. We are truly grateful for your commitment to the St Andrew’s College rowing programme. Rowing is a massive logistic exercise and relies heavily on parent volunteer effort. Jenny Rutherford and Emma Farrell have committed hundreds of hours organising and running a team of volunteers feeding our team at all our camps and regattas this season. Our team is fortunate to be catered for so well.

Our Parent Committee which supports our rowers is led by Andrew Rutledge. Andrew puts in a huge amount of time and energy throughout the entire season, ensuring all facets of our programme run efficiently and to a high standard. Our entire Parent Committee has been extremely committed and dedicated, putting in many hours behind the scenes to make this season happen. This does not go unnoticed and is extremely appreciated. Julian Martel maintains all of our boats and rowing equipment, dedicating a large amount of time to making sure we have equipment of the highest quality. Julian’s time and effort is greatly appreciated by all involved in rowing at St Andrew’s. Liesl Carrodus has organised the Oarsome O’Fare fundraising event for St Andrew’s College over the past few years. This is a huge task to undertake and involves many hours of work. Thank you Liesl for all of your time and effort in organising this event, which has been an integral part in the running of our programme and the purchasing of new plant. This year’s efforts raised $26,000 to support the student programme. The rowing club is fortunate for your support. Your generosity has been extremely appreciated by all involved in St Andrew’s rowing and allows us to run our programme for all our St Andrew’s rowers.

Guy Williams Director of Rowing

Liz Inglis has dedicated numerous days of her holidays to support our team at our rowing camps. The girls will miss her next season.

Tennis St Andrew’s College tennis over a number of years has been generously supported by Wilson Tennis (NZ). Students were supplied equipment, strings, balls, and apparel through this sponsorship, for which we are very grateful. The tennis programme has been the most successful sport in the

College for the past 15 years, gaining seven national titles and four runnersup placings. These results have been in no small part to the contribution of Wilson Tennis (NZ). Tennis at St Andrew’s is developing all the time, and numbers and quality of our players is ever increasing.

The College would like to thank Wilson Tennis (NZ) for its ongoing support of tennis at St Andrew’s.

Hamish Faulls Tennis Coach

Your gifts to St Andrew’s College Your Legacy, Our Future Campaign 2020

How did you give in 2020?

In 2020, the total gifts made to our St Andrew’s College Your Legacy, Our Future Campaign totalled $687,543. The majority of those gifts were directed to the College Foundation (which includes the Endeavour and Endeavour Rugby Scholarship fund), Ben Gough Family Theatre and Centennial Chapel. Cash donations include Annual Giving, Year 13 Family Legacy Gift, and Bequests.

1 7

1 Year 13


Parent Appeal


2 Annual Giving Alumni Only

3 Community Support Programme

4 Bequest

The College is also thankful for the additional gifts and generosity directed towards the College’s many co-curricular activities in 2020 (not included in these graphs), and acknowledges all gifts and sponsorship supporting St Andrew’s College.


5 Step Into Our Future

6 5

6 Your Legacy, Our Future

7 StAC Scholarship

Where did you direct your gifts in 2020?

1 14

2 3



8 7 10 6 9 5

8 Note Silver for Theatre

2 Endeavour

9 New Theatre

Scholarship Fund

3 Endeavour Scholarship - Rugby



1 StAC Scholarship

Ticket Levy 10 Plaque Bronze

for Fitness Centre

4 Naming Rights

11 Centennial Chapel

5 Theatre Seats

12 Capital Development

6 General Gift to Theatre

7 Note Gold for Theatre

- Sports and Cultural Centre 13 Year 13 Appeal 14 Community Support


Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

The acknowledgements shown below gratefully recognise financial gifts made to St Andrew’s College between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.

Gifts to Your Legacy, Our Future: Anonymous (29) Alty Family D and K Anderson Bain Family Errol Ballin Baxendale Family Bensley Family Bissell Lagias Family Mr Alistair A Black Blackmore Family Blake Family Boock Family Booth/Caulfield Family Abby Boyer Brandon Family Brook Family Browne Family Trust Buist Family Burnett Valley Trust Burtscher Family Cammock-Elliott Family Carr Family Kit and Wendy Chambers Clayton Family Cloughley Nortje Family

Comyn Family

David Jarman

Corkery Family

Donna Jones

Coventry Family

Johns Family

Crozier Family

Kenton-Smith Family

Day Family

Kepes Family

Cody, Luke and Shey Doerner-Corson

Kinney Family

Everest Family

Christine and Gavin Leighton

Fan Family

Logie Family

Flanagan Family

Longley Family

Fleming Family

Mr Andrew N Lowden

F B Fletcher

Igor Macedo De Lucena

Warren Fletcher

Ma Family

Foot Family

March Family

Forsey Family

Steven and Jacqui McDonald

Mr R H French

McIntyre Family

The Ben Gough Family Foundation

McLaren Family

Mr Andrew J Grant and Prof

McLean-Kuijer Family

Hui Meng Chang and Family

Meeks Family

William Gray Estate

Morris/Greig Family

Richard Halliday

Morrow Family

Harris Family

Mr and Mrs Nesbit

Harrison Family

Miranda and Craig Newbury

Andrew and Andrea Harvey

Rick and Janet Nicholls

Harvie Family

Nixon Reynolds Family

Hassall Family

Noordanus Family

Heasley Family Kelly Hinkley and Murray James

Mr Michael G Norris and Ms Patricia R M Dart

Hix Family

Odlin Family

Mr J K Hyslop

M and S Oxley

David and Christine Janett

Palmer Rowe Family

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

McPherson Family

Gray Family

Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

Gifts to Your Legacy, Our Future: Louise and Ray Patchett

Smith Family

Tutty Family

Michael and Michelle Patterson and Family

The Smith Family

E and J Ullrich Family

Geoff and Rochelle Spark

Ullrich Family

Mr E G Perry

Robert and Margaret Spark and Family

Van der Bent Family

Pitts Family

George Spencer

Evert van Florenstein

Pye Family

St Andrew’s College Cricket – 2019 Gillette Cup Winners

Walker Family

St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association

Ting Wang

Mr A K and Mrs M Rhodes Roberts Family Gina (Gough) Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation Schelp Family Coroner Tim Scott and Ms Kathriona Benvie

St Andrew’s College Ladies Circle St Andrew’s College Rugby – 2020 UC Championship Winners St Andrew’s College Rugby

D Barry Shaw

Stephen Taylor

Short Family

Taylor Family

John Sinclair and Family

Thomson Family

The Family of Isabella Smith

John Threlkeld

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Tony and Joyce Wallace and Family Mr Graham C and Mrs Val Wells John and Alison Westgarth Alan and Adrienne Winnicott Woodgate Family Min Chuan Wu Yoon Family Zwaan Verheul Family

Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

Thanking our Donors

Strowan Club Members

St Andrew’s College and the St Andrew’s College Foundation are strengthened through financial contributions and bequests, which help to maintain the high standard of independent education at St Andrew’s College. Through income earned on the St Andrew’s College Foundation invested endowment, funds are directed to areas of need at the Board of Governors’ request.

Anonymous (14)

Mr Grant E and Mrs Jennifer Dickey

Derrick Abbott

Mr Graham T, Mrs Leila M and Mr Craig H Dowling

Mr Colin* W Anderson and Family Mr David A Anderson Robert and Marion Anderson Stuart and Debbie Anderson Mrs Alison Ballantyne Tim Barnett Mr Bruce and Mrs Jane Bascand Jo Bigford and Wayne Flemming Bosch Robert NZ Ltd Mr Mark and Dr Robin Bowman David and Catherine Boyer Millie Bremner Mr A Paul and Mrs Joan* Brown Rob R Bruce-Barron Mr Chris D Burke Mr Simon D Burke

Strowan Club

Burnett Valley Trust The Burns Family

The St Andrew’s College Donor Societies began in 2007 with the establishment of Strowan Club, as a means of thanking our Old Collegians, parents, and friends who have gifted $10,000 or more to St Andrew’s College. The following list includes all members who have given recently, or who based upon their cumulative giving, are now welcomed to the Strowan Club, Highland Club, Thompson Founders Circle, and StAC Fellow.

Bede and Melanie Cammock-Elliott Canterbury Foundation Mr Simon and Mrs Tracey Challies Mr M G Cockram S J Collins* Family Trust Mr Gideon and Mrs Amie-Jane Couper John Crothall/In memory of E Alan Crothall Bridget and David Cushing Peter and Julianne Darling Mr Don and Mrs Liz Davison

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Mr Peter R and Mrs Rana E Eggleton Mr and Mrs Stewart Elms Ms Deb A Fahey Ms Deb Rev Dr D W Featherston* Beverly and Jim* Forrester Mr Stuart J V and Mrs Sue Fox Dr Ivor S Francis* Mr Bruce J and Mrs Ailsa Fraser Mr Rob Gendall* Keith* and Jennifer Gillanders Ben and Penny Gough Mr Andrew J Grant and Prof Hui Meng Chang and Family Dr H Scott Gray* Chris and Sarah Green and Family Andrew and Wendy Griffiths Mrs Joan Grumitt* Mr D Nigel Gualter and Ms Kristy O’Connor Earl* and Lani Hagaman Mr Rick Hallifax John* and Jan Hampton and Family David and Michelle Harrison J L Hay Charitable Trust Mr George F and Mrs Merrilyn E* Hight Mr Euan and Mrs Dawne* Hilson David and Christine Janett Mr David J Jarman and Ms Moira Farrell

Mr Peter F and Mrs Carlyn Ullrich

Peter Johnston* and Family

Mr Graham B and Mrs Lorna Robertson

Brent and Vicky Jones

Mr Murray D Rose

Mr Noel A and Mrs Brigitte J Walton

Prof. Ron Jones

Murray Rose and Richard Rose

Geoff and Mary Wells Family Trust

Mr Peter D Kennedy

Mrs Shirley J Rudkin

Mr Graham C and Mrs Val Wells

Mr Bill Kensington*

Gina Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation

J and V Wells

Christine and Gavin Leighton

The Scanlon Family

Mr Kerry J Wells

Jim* and Jen Livingstone

Mr D W G and Mrs P J Scott

Mr Michael C Wells

Mace Engineering Ltd

Mr Paul W Scott

John and Alison Westgarth

Mr Andrew and Mrs Joanne D Macgregor

Mr George and Mrs Kay Scrimshaw

Wilkie + Bruce Architects

Barry and Cheryl* Maister

Mr Allan D* and Mrs Cynthia* Shand

Mr Alun T* and Mrs Miriam Wilkie

Emeritus Prof. Athol W* and Mrs Ngaire J Mann

Jun Wha Shin

Mr Peter* and Mrs Judy* Wilkinson

Mr Michael and Mrs Kate Sidey

Mr Chris J and Mrs Jilly J Marshall

Sir Gil and Joy Simpson

Mr Rick S Wilson and Ms Janine M Mayson

Mr Phil and Mrs Linda Mauger

John Sinclair and Family

Paul and Jill Wright

Steven and Jacqui McDonald

Dr Harsh P Singh and Mrs Anu Pratap

Dr and Mrs Xiong

Grant and Jenny McFadden

Mr Donald A Sloss

Amelia McGoldrick Trust

Robert and Jill Sloss

Mr William J A and Mrs Carol E Young

Mr Kelvin R and Mrs Sally A McMillan

Mr Murray G and Mrs Linda V Smith

L B Miller Charitable Trust

David A Solomon

W M and H M Milliken

Mr Robert C* and Mrs Margaret Spark

Mr Garry M Moore

Mr R L B Spear

Mr Gregory J Moore

Prof. Michael Spiro

Rev. Paul and Jo Morrow Texas and Lynda Mundy

St Andrew’s College Board of Governors

Andrew and Karen Munro

St Andrew’s College Ladies Circle

Mrs Beveley Murray

St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association

Mr Stewart M Johns

Miranda and Craig Newbury Mr Ed and Mrs Nicky Newman Mr Dougal and Mrs Diane Norrie Mr Michael G Norris and Ms Patricia R M Dart

St Andrew’s College PTA St Andrew’s College Rugby Club Mr Roland Stead Graeme and Ally Stevenson

Mr Michael H (1972) and Mrs Linda J Nutt

Mr Evan Stewart

Robin and Shirleen Oakley

Mr Mark J Stewart and Ms Ainsley Walter

M and S Oxley Michael and Michelle Patterson and Family Bryan and Susie Pearson Mr Richard* and Mrs Anne Peate Mrs Almut and Mr Richard Perrett The Perry Family Mr Malcolm H J Petrie Mr Cameron C Pickering George* and Lynda Pickering Mr Grahame and Mrs Glen Price Mr Warwick J Rathgen

Mr W John Strowger Dr Jurgen and Mrs Petra M* Suppan Mr J M and Mrs G Syme Bill and Dian Taylor Neil D Thomson Mr Peter and Mrs Pip L Trumic Mr Murray A and Mrs Margaret H Turley Mr William M and Mrs Pam* Turner Mr John W and Mrs Josephine Ullrich

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Tony and Joyce Wallace and Family


1917 Society The 1917 Society is for those generous members of our community who have pledged a bequest to the College. We are privileged that they have chosen to endow part of their estate to St Andrew’s College upon their passing. For those who have shared their plans with us, we are glad to be able to thank them and welcome them as members of the 1917 Society.

Bequests Received between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020 Mr W A Gray

Your generosity is greatly appreciated For further information please contact Director of Development, Miranda Newbury P +64 3 940 2068  E  W

St Andrew’s College Charities Commission Registration #CC22462 St Andrew’s College Foundation Charities Commission Registration #CC25213

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