Regulus Issue 2, 2021

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Contents Leadership and Governance


Editor/Writer: Jo Bailey Photography: Anna Turner Sue Oxley Rosa Horncastle Craig Morgan Peanut Productions Lightforge Photography Tim McPhee Jono Oxley Photosport Printing: Caxton

2 From the Rector 4 From the Board 5 History making women in leadership 6 Middle School Leaders making a difference


Meet the 2021 Student Captains

Teaching and Learning

8 Health, physical activity, and life skills

9 Physical Education leads to exciting options

10 Meet the Senior Learning Support Team

11 The importance of NCEA Level 1 12 In the Spirit;

General correspondence should be addressed to: Head of Communications St Andrew’s College 347 Papanui Road Strowan Christchurch 8052 New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 940 2000 Email: Website: Find us online:  Facebook  YouTube

Where these icons appear throughout the magazine, they indicate where further photographic or video content is available via our online channels.

(Cover) Cast of Chicago: High School Edition Photo credit: Sue Oxley

Chicago dazzles; Timeless story brilliantly told

30 Boarding House tutors have key role; Boarders’ Olympic themed dinner

31 32

Boarders’ Olympic themed dinner Scottish traditions at St Andrew’s heart

34 Exceptional talent on display 35 Water is Life project 36 Girls' Breakfast; Years 2–3 Disco

37 Girls’ and Boys’ Assemblies; Schools’ Pride Week

38 Year 11 Semi-formal;

World Vision 40 Hour Famine

14 Academic successes 15 Future Problem Solvers top five 16 French immersion in Akaroa;


13 Exploring Hillary’s Hut in virtual reality; Pushed to new limits

Former Flames fire up netball programme

in the world

Travel and Tourism experiences

17 Competing with the world’s best;

Global Education students explore closer to home

18 Discovering culture and heritage 19 Oral language a Junior School focus 20 Learning about our own backyard 21 Peer Mediators making Resources and Environment

22 From the Director of Development 23 A culture of giving; A helping hand for the Arts

24 25

Campus update Open Christchurch

Sports round up

Old Collegians

52 Message from the President; Events

53 Events 54 Class notes 55 Upcoming Events;

Gone but not forgotten

a positive difference

Flickr  Instagram


39 Special assemblies 40 Well-being leaders inspire 41 Connections across the miles 42 Cultural catch up 46 Community and service 47 Hoop It Up Gala Dinner;

Forging College-wide connections

Published: August 2021

Values and Culture


Welcome to the world

21 16

52 5

38 41


From the

Rector changes in detail, but we are all capable of personally reflecting upon events and how they have shaped who we are today.

A recent event, held to farewell two longstanding Board Members, gave me an opportunity to reflect upon community and the interconnectedness of people past, present, and future. Bryan Pearson and Sandra WrightTaylor were recognised for their 12 years of service to St Andrew’s College as members of the Board of Governors, both assuming office in June 2009. A group of 60 guests attended the dinner held in their honour including four previous Board Chairs: Neil Thomson (1979–1988), Brian Gargiulo (1996–2002), Hugh Matthews (2003—2006), Garry Moore (2006—2017) and outgoing Chair Bryan Pearson (2017—2021). Also present were OCA Presidents, Neil Thomson, Guy Gunn, Mark Mulholland, Nick Letham, Jonathan Wells and Meg Black, along with Foundation Trustees and Board Members from the last 12 years. The tenure of Neil Thomson as Board Chair began when Ian Galloway was nearing the end of his 21 years as Rector and ended four years before girls were officially admitted into the Senior College in 1992. The years represented by those present, have witnessed much change both in society at large and at St Andrew's College. Some of this change has been deliberate and planned and some a response to unexpected events. It is the task of a historian to record these

In the span of 40 years from 1980–2020, the College has expanded from 768 students (all boys – 571 in the Secondary School and 197 in the Preparatory School) to 1580 students (1120 in the Secondary and 460 in the Preparatory School) with 40 per cent girls. Next year marks 30 years since the College set upon the journey of becoming fully co-educational. The educational offering has exploded during that time, with subjects and learning pedagogy adapting to reflect societal change, not least the rapid advances in technology and digital communication. Such adaptation is reflected in new learning opportunities at St Andrew’s College including Digitech, Design and Visual Communication, Robotics and Coding, Enterprise Education, Te Reo Māori, Athlete Development and Sports Performance programmes, Digital Technology, Media Studies, Travel and Tourism, and Agribusiness. Other more traditional subjects have been modified to ensure they remain relevant and responsive to the changing demands of knowledge and competencies of today’s learners. Unexpected events have also changed the way we view and prepare for the future world. In Christchurch, our thinking has been shaped by the earthquakes of 2010–2012, tragic Mosque attacks, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Added to these are further societal challenges of racism, equity and privilege; sexual harassment and abuse; mental health and well‑being; gender identity and diversity; the influence of social media on relationships, perceptions and reality; and growing awareness of the effects of climate change on our sustainable future. Some of the ways St Andrew’s College has responded include evolving Health and Religious Education programmes, Te Waka and decision-making guidance, a well-being strategy, leadership voices of staff and students in assemblies, chapels, speech competitions and debates, and Future Problem Solving challenges. In their educational journey, our young people are confronting these issues and finding ways to form their own opinions about what is right, wise, just, and good for their future.

In our St Andrew’s College Vision Statement, ‘Together growing better people, for Life’, we aim to strike the right balance between knowing our history, responding to the present and preparing for their future. The decisions we make today will affect the world our young people inherit, and which is theirs to influence. We all understand that change is inevitable and the disruption it causes brings both inconvenience and opportunity. The last 40 years at St Andrew’s College have seen the College enjoy much progress by adapting to change in a considered and deliberate way. Our investment in our campus with our new boarding houses, Preparatory School, Gym2, the Stewart Junior Centre and Pre-school, The Green Library and Innovation Centre, Centennial Chapel, StACFit Fitness Centre, and the soon to be started Ben Gough Family Theatre, are all designed to support this change both now and into the future. Knowing our stories and our history, acknowledging both successes and failures, disappointments and celebrations, helps us to make wise decisions for our individual and collective future. I have no doubt that our Well‑being programme, curricular and co-curricular opportunities, committed and dedicated staff, and connected community of parents and Old Collegians, remain an important part of the way forward. The College values of Truth, Excellence, Faith, Inclusivity and Creativity, alongside wise leadership and governance, will continue to guide us as we navigate our way through the next 40 years. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Christine Leighton Rector

Felicity Odlin was welcomed as the new Board Chair along with two new Board Members: Peter Nelson (Alpine Presbytery Nominee) and Stephanie Bain (Old Collegian Nominee). Entertainment was provided by the outstanding Chamber Music group, Vich Perfect, who were finalists of the NZCT Chamber Music Competition. Samuel Foote (Year 13) provided piano music during the dinner.

Top: Rector Christine Leighton and former Board Chair, Bryan Pearson (2017–2021) with the stunning mere he gifted to the College. Second: Retired Board Member, Sandra WrightTaylor with Christine Leighton. Third: Former Board Chairs, Garry Moore (2006–2017) and Bryan Pearson (2017–2021), were presented with Rector’s Medals by Christine Leighton. Bottom: Old Collegians Association President Meg Black (centre) with former OCA Presidents (from left), Guy Gunn (OC 1979), Mark Mulholland (OC 1973), Nick Letham (OC 2001) and Jonathan Wells (OC 1987).

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A special Board Farewell Dinner, attended by 60 guests, was held to honour 12 years’ service on the Board of Governors by Bryan Pearson (also Board Chair from 2017–2021) and Sandra Wright-Taylor, the Alpine Presbytery Nominee). Bryan Pearson gifted a stunning mere carved from Ngāi Tahu Pounamu – a symbol of leadership and wisdom to acknowledge the role of Rectors of the College. In turn Bryan Pearson and Garry Moore (Board Chair 2006–2017) were presented with the Rector’s Medal in recognition of their contributions as Board Chair throughout a sometimes turbulent, yet progressive last 14 years. Three other former Board Chairs, and Foundation Trustees and OCA Presidents from the last 12 years were also in attendance.

Leadership and Governance

Board Farewell Dinner

From the


At the College’s 104th Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1 July, we bid a fond farewell to Bryan Pearson and Sandra Wright-Taylor as outgoing Board members. Bryan and Sandra started together on the Board of Governors 12 years ago and have both contributed greatly to the governance of the College during their respective tenures. Bryan initially came to the Board as the Old Collegians Nominee and has served the last four years as Board Chair. By his own admission, a late bloomer, Bryan’s dedicated service to the Board has been exemplary. School management and his Board colleagues have come to greatly respect Bryan’s intellect, poise, and experience. In the words of fellow Board member, Malcolm Johns: “Bryan has left his footprints in the history of St Andrew’s by quietly and thoughtfully placing his fingerprints on its future.” Bryan leaves the Board with our best wishes, and we know that he will still be a big part of the St Andrew’s College community.

Sandra came to the board as the Alpine Presbytery Nominee in 2009 and her tenure has been notable for the perspective, compassion, wisdom, and courage she has brought to the table. Always conscious of the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, she could always be relied upon for a common sense and insightful contribution. As well as the three children Sandra and her late husband, Geoff, supported through St Andrew’s College, she has positively influenced the lives of many other young people through her service on the Board.

• generous support for the Community Support Programme in response to COVID-19;

The new Old Collegians Nominee is Stephanie Bain, who was one of the first girls to attend St Andrew’s in 1992. Stephanie is married to Paul Swettenham and they have two children, Alexander (Year 2) and Sebastian (Pre-school). Stephanie and Paul run a human resources consulting business, Sunstone Talent, which specialises in IT recruitment and HR services.

• completion of the new StACFit Fitness Centre.

Peter Nelson joins the board as the new Alpine Presbytery Nominee. An Old Collegian from 1961–1973, Peter is relishing the opportunity to contribute to school life again. He is the Managing Director of Sculpture Hospitality which works in the hospitality sector to develop and grow their businesses. Outside of work, Peter mentors Canterbury rugby referees, and is the current chair of the Alpine Presbytery Mission Board. Nick Letham (OC 2001) was appointed Deputy Chair at the AGM and we look forward to him bringing his comprehensive knowledge and expertise to that role. The AGM was a good opportunity to reflect on the College’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as a number of highlights over 2020 including:

• the most outstanding NCEA and Scholarship results on record; • the 1st XV rugby winning the UC Cup; • the Senior A netball team winning SuperNet as the top school in the Christchurch region; • St Andrew’s College Chamber Group placing in the top six in the national competition; • 12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Awards; and

Fortunately, 2021 is looking like a much more settled year. The College is halfway through its 2019–2023 Strategic Framework with the overall objectives of being at the leading edge of high performance education and Together, Building Better People, for Life. We are also very excited about the new Ben Gough Family Theatre which will be constructed over 2022 and 2023, and acknowledge the contribution of all those families who have donated to the fundraising campaign so far. I feel tremendously honoured and privileged to take up the role as Board Chair at this juncture in St Andrew’s history. Thanks to the great foundations set by previous Chairs, Board members and our strong management team, the College is in a great position to provide our students with the roots and wings to flourish in an ever changing world.

Felicity Odlin Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Governors

History making

women in leadership

The gender balance has been slowly shifting in College leadership roles over this time, as the number of girls at the College have increased to 40 per cent. Rector Christine Leighton has been in her role for almost 14 years and during that time the percentage of female teachers has grown to 52 per cent in the Secondary School (full-time equivalent). A number of females are also represented in significant senior leadership roles across the College. Some other stakeholder groups have recently reached some ‘firsts’ in female leadership with Meg Black (OC 2010) becoming President of the Old Collegians Association in 2020. At the Annual General Meeting of the College on 1 July, Felicity Odlin was ratified as the first female Board Chair in St Andrew’s College history, and Stephanie Bain (OC 1992) became the first female to sit on the Board of Governors as the Old Collegian Nominee. “St Andrew’s has been co-ed for 30 years and during that time girls have been actively involved as student leaders. However, it has taken some time for governance positions to catch up. The appointments of Meg, Felicity and Stephanie feel like an important milestone,” says Rector Christine Leighton.

It is interesting to note that the first girls entering in Year 12 or Year 13 in 1992 are now in their mid-40s, and many of those first student have their own children at St Andrew’s College. Felicity Odlin says it is an ‘absolute honour’ to be the new Board Chair. “The role is about serving and giving my time and skills in the best way possible to this amazing community we are all part of.” Felicity is the current Finance Manager for Global Culture retail stores throughout New Zealand and joined the Board of Governors in 2016. Her experience working with multi-disciplinary teams in small and medium size businesses, and background in accounting and financial roles, have been a great asset to the Board, particularly the Finance and Audit Committee, and the Student Disciplinary Committee. She has deep roots at St Andrew’s. Her brother and grandfather both attended, and she and husband, Mark, have two sons currently at the College, Oliver (Year 13) and Lachlan (Year 11). They are excited and proud about their mother taking on the Board Chair’s role, she says. “It’s great for them to see men and women sitting alongside each other at the Board table, working together, and using their complementary skills to benefit the College community.” Old Collegian Nominee on the Board, Stephanie Bain, brings a unique perspective to the Board table, as she was one of the first girls to join St Andrew’s when it became co‑educational in 1992. Stephanie’s father is also a proud Old Collegian, she had two great-uncles who were among the College’s earliest students, and many of her cousins

are Old Collegians too. “It was such a momentous and courageous change for St Andrew’s to become co-educational. I was privileged to be one of the first female students at the College, and we learnt so much about having to earn our place in a male dominated world. There has been a generational shift since then and it is now a very different environment. Having my sons, Alexander (Year 2) and Sebastian (Pre-school), at St Andrew’s has given me another perspective again.” Stephanie is a Director and Principal Human Resources Consultant at Sunstone Talent, a company she runs with her husband, Paul Swettenham. “I’m excited to help ensure that the Board continues to build on the legacy and lives to the values and traditions which are already here, and also take things forward as we continue into the future.” Meg Black, a Chartered Accountant who is working for Synlait, is approaching one year in the role as President of the Old Collegians Association. “I’ve really grown in confidence over the last year and am grateful to the Executive for their support. I’ve always loved coming back to St Andrew’s and walking into Strowan House, and it’s a great feeling to be giving back to the College and representing a group of people who have such a strong connection to it.” Christine says the strong female representation in these key leadership roles is important for all young women and men, and shows that St Andrew’s College has matured into a co-educational environment where boys and girls, men and women, truly work effectively alongside each other.

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St Andrew’s College will reach a special milestone in 2022, when it celebrates 30 years since the first female students came through its gates and it became a co-educational school.

Leadership and Governance

Old Collegians Nominee on the Board of Governors Stephanie Bain; Board Chair Felicity Odlin; Rector Christine Leighton and President of the Old Collegians Association Meg Black.

Middle School Leaders

making a


A passionate and proactive group of 31 Middle School Leaders are making a significant difference in the College, based on the theme of ‘giving back’, says Year 11 Dean, Donna Jones. “These young leaders are a fantastic group of students, with a great skill set, who since the very first training day when they were challenged to decorate cookies, then sell them to raise money for charity, have really bought into the giving back theme.”

A small group of Middle School Leaders have been running a clothing drive to support two charities ‘adopted’ by the year group – Clothed in Love, a clothing bank for donated children’s clothing and shoes, and Dress for Success, which helps to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing them with professional attire. Giving to others in the St Andrew’s College community is also important to the Middle School Leaders. They have established Peer Tutoring, working alongside Year 9 students to support their learning, and are planning a dodge ball tournament for Year 9 students in Term 3, says Torin Ward (Year 11). “The Year 9 students will compete in tutor groups, and we are also thinking about running a competition directed towards more non-sporty students, maybe something with an academic focus.” Organising and running the Middle School Assemblies is one of the tasks assigned to a committee of seven Middle School Leaders. Struan Gordon (Year 11) says they collectively decide who is going to host the assembly, and which songs, notices, awards, and activities might be included. “We try to make the assemblies as fun and engaging as we can. They are also a cool leadership opportunity, as they gives us the chance to gain confidence speaking to a large group of people.”

Another Year 11 committee of young leaders has been responsible for setting up the new Middle School Sports Shed, which is now in the former office of Head of Middle School, Mikae Tuu’u, says Lauren Whittaker (Year 11). “We got some new sports gear and set it up in Term 2. Our job is to oversee the Sports Shed, and create weekly schedules for the Year 10–11 students who are putting in community service hours to run it as part of working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award.” The Middle School Leaders have also made connections with the Senior College prefects under a buddy system. Poppy Rumble (Year 11) has been paired with Head Girl, Tapenisa Havea (Year 13). She says it has been really beneficial to spend one lunchtime with Tapenisa each week to learn about leadership and the activities she is tasked with. “I love it. It’s really fun to talk to her and I’m learning a lot.” The Year 11 Semi-formal in June, was another fantastic event on the Middle School calendar which was organised by the young leaders. Donna says with so many students in this year’s cohort interested in community and service, an additional Community Connections Committee has been established to give a further 10 students a leadership opportunity. “Together with the Tutor Group representatives, we have around 60 leadership roles in Year 11 this year. They are a busy year group, who are doing more than people realise.” Left: Holly Gilray (Year 11) taking part in the cookie decorating team building challenge. Below: Students distributing and collecting sports gear from the new Middle School Sports Shed which was set up and is overseen by the Middle School Leaders.

2021Student Captains

Meet the

Cultural Captains

Sports Captains

William Lucas

Catelin Riordan

Olivia Geneblaza

William says it is a privilege to be a 2021 Academic Captain. He has enjoyed helping to organise the LEAP Reading and Peer Tutoring programmes, plus introducing other fun House and lunchtime academic activities. One of his goals is to help students be proud of their best academic efforts and not compare themselves to others. He advocates for students achieving a better balance between their academic workload and cultural and sporting commitments. As well as achieving Academic Colours and a Top 15 academic ranking for the last two years, William’s talent for music sees him take part in Big Band, Barbershop Quartet, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Senior Jazz Combo. He is planning to study first-year Health Sciences at Otago University next year and is interested in medical research as a career path.

Emma Prince

Emma is grateful for the opportunity to be an Academic Captain and is keen to be a positive role model, and help others reach their academic potential. She encourages students to give New Zealand Scholarship examinations a go, and is excited about plans to introduce more academic events into inter-House competitions. In 2020, Emma passed both NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 with an Excellence endorsement, and she is currently studying a Mathematics course at university. She achieved her ATCL Piano Diploma in Year 11 and has been a member of the Symphony Orchestra since Year 9. She has also been involved in several College productions, including this year’s senior production, Chicago: High School Edition. Emma is considering going to the University of Auckland next year to study either Science or Architecture.

Catelin is proud to be a 2021 Cultural Captain, and to promote the exciting diversity of culture at St Andrew’s. She has been instrumental in the introduction of a new Cultural Week, encompassing the annual Cultural Assembly, workshops, open rehearsals, performance, and many more activities. Catelin is a highly talented performer, who has had a number of lead roles in productions, including Roxie Hart in this year’s acclaimed show, Chicago: High School Edition. She is a member of the Senior A Girls’ volleyball team, which won its division at the national championships this year. Catelin is exploring a range of options for 2022, including studying Communications at Victoria University, Architecture at Massey University, Performing Arts in Melbourne, or possibly a taking gap year and working.

Scarlett Rumble

Olivia says she is both privileged and grateful to be a Sports Captain at St Andrew’s College. She is keen to make a positive difference in the role, and to ensure that the 2021 Sports Council leaves a legacy which is remembered. Encouraging student engagement in sports activities is one of her goals, and she is excited to be helping to plan a new House competition based around the idea of a ‘top team’, which will be a fun way for students to get involved and represent their House. Olivia is the captain of the Girls’ 1st XI hockey team, and was selected in the Canterbury U18B team to compete at nationals in Wellington. She is still contemplating tertiary study options for 2022 at either University of Auckland or University of Canterbury, potentially in Sport and Recreation, or Commerce.

Scarlett is honoured to be a 2021 Cultural Captain and says seeing different year groups in the College bond over shared cultural interests is one of her goals. In addition to Cultural Week, Scarlett is excited to be helping to organise a packed cultural programme at the College, including the popular Cultural Showcases.

Taiko Torepe-Ormsby

An accomplished performer, Scarlett has taken part in productions over the last five years and had one of the lead roles in the 2020 show, Cry-Baby. She is also part of the choir, is a Speech and Drama student, runs the Years 9–10 D-Cubed Drama club, and has previously been involved in StAC Dance.

Taiko is known for his incredible exploits as a swimmer. He is a multiple New Zealand title and record holder, New Zealand representative, is the 2021 South Island Swimmer of the Year, and is in the Surf Life Saving New Zealand Development Squad. He is captain of the swimming team at St Andrew’s, and is a member of the Senior A water polo team. Taiko is also a member of the Pasifika group at the College.

Next year, Scarlett plans to study a Bachelor of Arts at Victoria University with a Major in English Literature, Minoring in Theatre. She also hopes to sit her TTC Speech and Drama Diploma Examination in 2022.

Taiko says it is truly an honour to be a Sports Captain at St Andrew’s College in 2021. He helped to organise the House basketball tournament, and Athletics Day, and is excited about the highly anticipated boarders versus day students rugby league match he has organised, which will take place in Term 3.

In 2022, he will continue to progress with a swimming career after winning a scholarship to the University of Wisconsin.

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Academic Captains

Leadership and Governance

The 2021 Student Captions, from left, Catelin Riordan, Olivia Geneblaza, William Lucas, Taiko Torepe-Ormsby, Scarlett Rumble, Emma Prince.

It is no secret that physical activity helps to improve young people’s physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, and with core Physical Education compulsory at all levels in the Secondary School, there are plenty of opportunities for students to get active, utilising the College’s outstanding facilities, including two gymnasiums and the new StACFit Fitness Centre. Learning new skills, taking part in practical physical activities, and understanding the importance of being active are all reinforced in the core Physical Education programme. However, Head of Physical Education, Ben Eves (OC 2004), says the department is about so much more. “As well as teaching core PE, the 10 talented teachers on our team are responsible for the NCEA Physical Education programme, the Health curriculum across the whole Secondary School, and run the flagship Year 10 Te Waka programme, which covers health, life skills, and the Rite Journey Programme. We are all incredibly passionate about it.” Each year, some students in Years 12–13 also attempt the New Zealand Scholarship examination in Physical Education, which is the pinnacle of learning in NCEA.

of students, as well as their physical well-being. I also believe Physical Education is one of the only subjects in the curriculum where the five Key Competencies are naturally occurring.” Ben says Physical Education and Health teaches students skills that will help them in the world beyond school, along with building strong social connections. “The range of topics we cover in these subject areas have changed so much in the last five years. In recent months, we have talked about topics like vaping, and consent. These important conversations help to build awareness, teach life skills, and inform students about keeping themselves safe. Our team also help students to understand the importance of their own hauora, and how they can positively impact on that.” When it comes to careers, Physical Education and Health offer a wide range of options beyond the obvious sports coaching, personal training, or teaching roles, says Ben. “We encourage students to look beyond Levels 1–3 at where Levels 6–10 can take them. We have a big poster in the classroom which highlights the many key pathways they can take.

Hauora, the holistic Māori philosophy of health and well-being, is a major focus for the department, says Ben. “Using this model, we focus on the mental, social, and spiritual well-being


physical activity, life skills and

These include higher education, getting involved in Health Science, Sports Science, specialist fields like psychology, podiatry, and chiropractic, and even becoming a lecturer in these subjects, and so much more.” Ben says his team has received feedback from a number of Old Collegians studying Health Sciences at university, who say the soft skills and aspects of sociology they picked up in Physical Education and Health have helped them to excel in their studies. “Critical thinking, looking at things from different perspectives, and validation of arguments are all great skills they learn in our subject.” As an Old Collegian, Ben is a great example of where studying Physical Education can lead. After completing his degree, he taught Physical Education at schools in Germany and Malaysia, and gained his Masters in Educational Leadership while teaching overseas, before returning to New Zealand to join the Physical Education team at St Andrew’s College.

Physical Education leads to

exciting options

) ll (OC 2019 Ayla Marsha en arshall has be

James Kennedy (OC 2006)

James Kennedy says his studies in Physical Education at St Andrew’s definitely helped to prepare him for his future career as a podiatrist. “My passion for Physical Education was nurtured at St Andrew’s and ultimately led me to choosing podiatry when I decided on a long-term career path. I loved the practical aspects of the subject, both at St Andrew’s, and at the University of Otago, where I gained a bachelor’s degree and Master’s in Physical Education.” After leaving university, James worked as a personal trainer on cruise ships. During this time, he developed a passion for injuries to the lower limb and foot, so gave up life at sea to return to New Zealand to specialise in podiatry. His ultimate goals are to run his own podiatry business, and nurture people into the wider field of Physical Education, he says. “Physical Education is about so much more than sport and exercise. Learning how to communicate effectively and work together as a team are just a few other skills it helped me to develop. Without Physical Education, I would not have the knowledge and skills which have allowed me to get to where I am today.”

As a keen sportsman, Head of Middle School and Old Collegian, Mikae Tuu’u, really enjoye d the physical aspects of his Physical Education studies at St Andrew’s. However, since working with a number of Scholarsh ip PE students at the College, he says it is the critical thinking elements of the subject which sta nd out to him now. “It’s fascin ating to get students thinking abo ut how physical activity impact s on self, others, and society.” Mikae originally planne d to join the Police Force after sch ool, but when he was told to do something else first, dec ided to study Physical Educat ion. “Teaching Physical Edu cation and getting people active looked like a job I would enjoy. I also thought the Physical Edu cation teachers at St Andrew’s were pretty cool.” After leaving St Andrew’s , Mikae gained a Bachelor of Edu cation majoring in Physical Edu cation and Histor y then juggle da teaching career with rug by for some time. He attended four Junior Rugby World Cu ps, was a member of the New Zea land U19 and U21 teams, pla yed for Canterbury and Northlan d, and was a member of the Auckland Blues squad. He joined St Andrew’s College in 2015 to run the Elite Sports Studies programme and becam e Head of Middle School in 201 8. Mikae says he continues to util ise many aspects of Physical Edu cation in his leadership role, inc luding interpersonal skills, the Hauora model, and understandin g how to look after his own we ll-being.

Teaching and Learning

Mikae Tuu’u (OC 2003)

9 Regulus

young, Ayla M ying Physical Since she was t spor t, so stud ou as a natural passionate ab ge ew’s Colle w p a deeper dr An St at n io Educat to develo ys. “I was keen n choice, she sa dies work whe bo r ou w ho of g in d nd ye jo ta unders I really en ysical activity. le it comes to ph loved being ab d an t, ec bj su e th in al ty tic rie ac the va ry, to pr I learnt in theo to apply what but in my own s, as cl in ly t on situations, no ” s. of clas spor ts outside n for ove her passio Pete Fear y, dr eat r, gr he a ac as te w n u, io , Mikae Tuu’ ol ysical Educat ho Ph r Sc rship e he la dl ho ys id sa Sc She ead of M Zealand Year 11, and H tstanding New Ou an g in the subject in ev hi e way to her ac suppor t on th n. io at uc Ed studying in Physical o where she is versity of Otag ience. “I ni Sc U t e or th Sp at d ar an second ye in Exercise g in ng Physical or yi aj ud m Ayla is in her st e, lor of Scienc owledge from he kn ac B of a nt ds ou ar tow good am n sections degree with a apply to certai I went into my which I could , nding of what ’s ta ew rs dr de An me a better un Education at St ng vi gi , ty si at univer of my papers .” ng rations ni ar le was y, and has aspi y Physiother ap ud st . to am y te pl ts ap or to tional sp e, Ayla plans regional or na Post-graduat ther apist for a io ys ph ts or to be a sp

Meet the

Senior Learning Senior College students across the academic spectrum who require some extra help with their learning, or pastoral needs, are supported by an important group of staff, says Head of Senior College, John Ruge. “The Senior College Learning Support team provides a huge amount of support for students with a wide variety of learning needs. I am incredibly proud of the exceptional work these staff do with our students, and for the enormous amount of discretionary effort that they bring to their jobs. Our community benefits every day from their commitment and dedication to our young people.” The Learning Support team meet fortnightly, and is led by Ellen Hampson, who is the Teacher in Charge of the VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses at Years 11–13, which are focused on vocational skill development, and learning skills required to successfully enter the working world. Ellen is also the Teacher in Charge of Academic Extension and Enrichment. This encompasses the extension programme for gifted students right across the Secondary School, which Ellen leads with support from Assistant Head of Secondary School, Helaina Coote. This role sees Ellen teaching the Year 9– 10

Support Team

Academic Enrichment and Extension (ACEE) classes and supporting Years 11–13 extension and enrichment opportunities, including the Brain Bee Neuroscience Competition, Model EU and UN Conferences, Research Projects, Ethics and Philosophy Conferences, and the UC Star Programme.

Another valuable member of the Learning Support team until the end of Term 2, was Ali McCormick, a specialist speech and language therapist, who is trained in positive psychology and coaching. Ali also worked with a small group of students, providing one-onone intensive intervention with literacy, self-management, and study skills.

Ellen also works closely with Learning Support teacher, Shelley Broad, whose role has grown significantly since she started at St Andrew’s in 2004, to help four students struggling with literacy and numeracy. Ellen and Shelley develop Individual Learning Programmes for students in the Senior College, who have been identified as benefitting from a broader programme, or who require additional academic or pastoral support. Many of these students work in small group study sessions with Shelley, who offers study support with a specific focus on developing key competencies such as self-management, organisational skills, and improving functional vocabulary for the classroom. Shelley also facilitates the Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) which provides reader/writers, extra time, computers, or other special accommodation for students with their NCEA assessments; and maintains the learning Support Register, along with Cynthia Parker, who co-ordinates the College’s Teacher Aide team.

Providing external support is Colleen MacKechnie, a Seabrook McKenzie tutor, who offers specialist tutoring to address underpinning issues associated with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. The final member of the team is Careers Advisor, Richard Webster, who helps students to plan for life beyond the College gates, providing valuable information around career options, alternative pathways, opportunities for work experience, and other industry training opportunities. “At our fortnightly meetings we review the progress of students who are in our highest intervention category, and talk about other students who may need extra help,” says John Ruge. “The focus is continually on making sure every student in the Senior College is successful in reaching their potential and achieving qualifications that will give them options when they leave school.” The Senior Learning Support Team, from left, Shelley Broad, Richard Webster, John Ruge, Ellen Hampson and Ali McCormick.

St Andrew’s College is proudly traditional in its approach to NCEA, despite several schools around New Zealand dropping the NCEA Level 1 Certificate for their Year 11 students, says Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein. “Some schools have foregone NCEA Level 1 in favour of other programmes, while students at other schools still study Level 1 courses in Year 11, but do not enter most of their work for assessment. At St Andrew’s, we strongly believe in the merits of the overarching NCEA framework, which has the foundation NCEA Level 1 course, with its internal assessments and external examinations, at its heart.” Evert believes the ‘highly achievable’ NCEA Level 1 programme is critical preparation for the big step up to NCEA Level 2 and Level 3, and future tertiary study. “During their Level 1 studies, students figure out the NCEA system and how to make the most of it to reach their goals. They develop resilience, experience success and failure, and figure out what works for them. It really does set them up for future success.”

Other benefits of the NCEA Level 1 programme, include the structure and focus it provides for students, along with personal goals to aim at, he says. “The programme’s flexibility provides students with the opportunity to learn and be assessed in many different ways. They get a real sense of achievement from gaining this nationally recognised benchmark.” In early 2021, a number of focus groups were held across the College, where completely unsolicited feedback from students across the academic spectrum was unanimous – that NCEA Level 1 is critical to their future academic success, whether at NCEA, New Zealand Scholarship, or tertiary level. “I was delighted that every single student we surveyed took such a mature approach to the question and validated the College’s position. They were thinking about the long game, where they wanted to head in the future, and the importance of NCEA Level 1 to help them get to there. Not one parent has said get rid of NCEA Level 1 either.”

Teaching and Learning

NCEA Level 1

11 St Andrew’s College achieved record-breaking academic success in NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship Awards in 2020, which included an outstanding 99.6 per cent of students achieving NCEA Level 1. Evert says the overall results are testament to a sustained focus on the NCEA framework and the College’s ‘no one left behind’ policy, which recognises each student as an individual, and guides them to reach their full potential. “Our learning, pastoral, and well-being teams work alongside our students at every step of their learning journey to support their goals. Teachers and senior management keep a close eye on students’ progress by utilising a powerful analytics service called Power BI. This helps us to provide extra support if needed at the earliest stage, and identify our most capable academic scholars, who may be offered personalised extension programmes, the opportunity to take NCEA courses a year early, and Scholarships in a wide range of subjects. We are incredibly proud of the culture of excellence at St Andrew’s College, where everyone gets lifted up to be their best, wherever on the academic spectrum they sit.”


The importance of

Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein, talks over the NCEA framework with Year 12 students, Sophie Law and Joshua Carr.

In the


The Spirit of Adventure Team Trophy Challenge was delayed for a year due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, however this did nothing to dim the experience for the group of 10 enthusiastic Year 11 students who took part in the adventure in early May. After departing from Auckland, the students spent five days sailing in the Hauraki Gulf with students from Coromandel Area School, Wairarapa College, and Mount Hutt College. During the voyage they learnt many new sailing skills and developed their capacity to work as a team. They started each morning with the traditional 6.30am jump into the ocean, before rising to the various challenges ahead of them each day. The team was supported by Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic) and English teacher, Helaina Coote, who said living in close quarters with a diverse range of young people from across the country, alongside days jam-packed with activities, meant that students needed to be resilient, as well as open to uncertainty and new experiences. “Each had the opportunity to develop their character further by setting personal and group goals and I am confident that each will have experienced growth as a result.” Back: Daniel Dolan, Mia Fraser, Amelia McAllister, Kate McFerran, Thomas Butterfield, Josh Ongley. Front: Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic) Helaina Coote, Payton KimberReynolds, Lauren Whittaker, Mitchell Corkery, Bailee Atkinson.


Sailing a tall ship was a fantastic experience for the students, which alongside the many new friendships they forged, made the trip one that will be remembered for years to come.

College-wide connections

New across-College connections were forged in Term 1, when Year 11 tutor groups visited the Preparatory School each Thursday morning for a month to work with younger students. Together, they took part in a variety of activities, including the development of research skills, reading and Mathematics. The Year 11 students also helped the Preparatory School students to edit their writing and provided support for reading comprehension activities. The initiative came about through the development of a new Community Connections Committee created for students in Year 11 who have a passion for community and service. Louis Van der Bent was the organiser of the tutor group project, collaborating with key staff in the Preparatory School, and linking Year 11 tutor groups with Preparatory School classes. The new Community Connections Committee has also developed connections with Allenvale School, local charity Clothed in Love, and helped to co-ordinate the College’s support for the Latimer Square luncheon which takes place each Sunday. The Committee also helped to run the Preparatory School Years 2–3 Dance, with money raised donated to Pillars. Year 11 Dean, Donna Jones, says the students on the committee decided to continue a tradition of connecting with the Preparatory School for reading, which she had previously implemented with her own tutor groups. “Supporting younger students with their learning has also given the senior students the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills. It really is a wonderful way to forge stronger connections across the College.”

Top: Year 11 student Laai Tuasa working with Kobe Ford during tutor group visits. Bottom: Year 11 students Kaylee McDonald and India Wilkie help Sadie Sawma (Year 4).

An outstanding virtual reality (VR) educational resource, developed by the Antarctic Heritage Trust, provided the Year 9 Social Studies classes with an incredible, and fully immersive way to explore the famous hut used by Sir Edmund Hillary and his team during their famous polar dash in the 1950s. The ground-breaking technology was created by the Trust in conjunction with the Auckland University of Technology. More than 4000 hours of development work went into the project. Hillary’s Hut was initially used as a base for the party of 23 men engaged in exploration and important scientific research as part of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (TAE) and the New Zealand party of the International Geophysical Year (IGY). It was restored by the Antarctic Heritage Trust, which is a world leader in cold-climate heritage conservation, in time for Scott Base’s 60th anniversary.

Hillary’s Hut in

virtual reality

The VR experience was set up in The Green Library and Innovation Centre, and really brought the hut to life for the Year 9 students. They were able to move between its five rooms like they were on site in Antarctica and learn about what it must have been like for the men in Hillary’s team who lived and worked there. It also provided them with greater insight into one of the world’s greatest exploration stories. The narration within the hut was recorded by Sir Edmund’s son, Peter Hillary, which added another special touch to the experience.

Teaching and Learning




Pushed to

new limits

During the first half of Term 2, the Year 9 camps at Peel Forest provided students with the opportunity to push themselves to new limits, face new challenges, and forge strong connections with classmates. On the first day of the three-day adventure, students were tested by a fun navigation challenge in the forest.

A high ropes course was one of the exciting activities on the Year 9 camps.

The highlight of day two was white water rafting on the Rangitata River, which saw the students working as a team to safely manoeuvre their raft on the choppy water. In the evening they had fun showing off their singing prowess at a ‘Sing Star’ competition.

After cleaning the cabins and packing up their gear on the final day, it was on to the high ropes course at Geraldine High School, which pushed some students outside their comfort zone, and was a fun way to end the camp before heading back to Christchurch. Catering Manager, Russell Gray, did a fantastic job of sourcing food for the camps, and ensuring the students were well fuelled with delicious meals for their various adventures. Tutors and a senior staff member attended each of the camps and also contributed greatly to their success. Head of Values and Culture, Hamish Bell, says that the camps proved to be a huge success and a wonderful opportunity for each of the Year 9 classes to strengthen their friendships. “We were lucky to be able to provide this opportunity during a time when our Castle Hill Outdoor Centre has been temporarily closed.”





Thomas Rae (Year 12) won the Galactic Arch Bronze Award in the Australian-based 2021 Sky-Watcher Astrophotographer of the Year Competition.

Following an unbeaten streak, StAC Blue, Oscar Bloom, Thomas Forsey (both Year 13) and Thomas Kamo (Year 12) won the Canterbury Regional Debating Competition. The young StAC White team of Tom Edwards, Ethan Adams (both Year 12) and Luke Wylie (Year 11), made it to the semi-final.

Brain Bee Year 11 students Gemma Lewis, Frederica Todhunter, Alexandra Irwin and Mia Fraser were third in the group competition at the Regional Finals of the South Island Brain Bee Group Challenge, a competition for secondary school students in Year 11 to learn about the functions of the brain, neuroscience research, careers in neuroscience, and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses. The students are now preparing for the individual component of the Brain Bee competition in August.

Creative Writing In the Young New Zealander Writers 2021 National Secondary Student Writing Competition, Not There but Somewhere, Samuel Davies (Year 13) was shortlisted for his poem, Bound for his Telescope, which was also selected for publication in an anthology. Harrison Justice (Year 10) was shortlisted for his short story, and Daniel Officer (Year 9) was longlisted for his short story. Ania Kuziel (Year 8) had her story When I met the General published in Toitoi. In the National Flash Fiction Day Youth Competition 2021, Theo Eulink (Year 9) was shortlisted for his piece, The Gravedigger. Theo also received a judge’s mention in the FABO Short Story Competition for another piece of flash fiction.

Emerging Leaders Conference A group of 20 Year 12 students attended the Emerging Leaders Conference at Christ’s College, with the theme ‘Courage is the key to great leadership’.

GirlBoss Edge Sophie Thomas and Isla Calder (both Year 11) were accepted into the GirlBoss Edge: Primary Industries 10-day programme which took place over the term break, when they joined and connected with some of New Zealand’s brightest leaders.

Horticulture Sea-am Thompson (Year 10) won the 2021 Young Gardener of Year Award at the Christchurch Beautifying Association Awards.

Learning Community HUB Ōtautahi Academic Awards Emma Prince and Arisa Mori (both Year 13) won awards for outstanding Academic Achievement at the Learning Community HUB Ōtautahi Awards, which celebrates achievement in education for ethnic students in Ōtautahi. Alvin Chen (Year 13) was recognised for the impressive leadership as an International Cultural Leader. Samuel Jeon (Year 13) is a prefect and role model to younger members of the College Orchestra.

Samuel Jeon, Emma Prince, Arisa Mori and Alvin Chen (all Year 13) at the Learning Community HUB Awards.

Mathematics The Year 11 team of Gemma Lewis, Annika MacDonald, Finlay FairweatherLogie and Lachlan Odlin was second out of 16 schools competing at the Canterbury Mathematics Association Year 11 Casio Competition.

Model European Conference A group of 19 students attended the twoday Model European Union Conference at the University of Canterbury, where all students demonstrated sound knowledge of their European Union nations, parties, and affiliated committees and argued the draft directive with confident skilled expertise.

Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition Lily Champion-Smith (Year 11 – Senior Te Reo), Penelope Taulafo (Year 11 – Senior English) and William Kamo (Year 10 – Junior English) competed in three of the four categories at the Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition.

Poetry Aneel Bartlett (Year 4) won first prize for his poem, Whale, at the Environment Canterbury Seaweek Poetry Competition Prizegiving 2021. Other students to make the final were Nalani (Lani) Wylie (Year 4) with her poem Early Morning in Akaroa, and Tayla Ford (Year 5) with The Little Dolphin.


Mia Fraser, Alexandra Irwin, Gemma Lewis and Frederica Todhunter (all Year 11) with Teacher in Charge of Extension and Enrichment, Ellen Hampson, were third in the Brain Bee Regional Finals.

In the VEX Robotics Kiwibots Challenge final as part of Tech Week Christchurch 2021, StAC 1 The Bog Roses, made up of Flynn Blackler, William Couper, Owen Menzies, and Bryn Hall (all Year 10), won the Senior Canterbury Kiwibot Challenge competition with an outstanding autonomous programme.

Future Problem Solvers

top five in the world

Hannah Withers and James Anthony (Year 9) competed in the Individual competition, with Hannah achieving a highly creditable seventh place. Future Problem Solving is a global programme that prepares students for the future world, with a focus on developing critical, creative, and caring thinking. The St Andrew’s College students qualified for the International Final after success at the national event in 2020. Normally the students would travel to

In March, they discovered the extremely challenging topic for the international event was Neurotechnology, and began to study the basics of the topic, including the structure of the brain. By June, they were developing potential, future technological solutions for brain conditions and looking at where the most up to date research could move in the next 20–30 years “The preparation for the international competition was a marathon of learning, but the students really enjoyed the challenge. We are grateful to the New Zealand Brain Research Institute and many of its experts including neurologists, researchers, and other scientists who assisted us along the way,” says Julie.

A growing number of students in Years 5–13 are becoming passionate about the Future Problem Solving programme. Topics studied by the Years 5–13 students this year include Youth in Competitive Sport, Wearable Technology, Human Environmental Impact, and Personalised Medicine. Twice a week, a group of Secondary School students meet with Julie Rogers for an hour before school at 7.20am to be part of the Future Problem Solving programme and develop the skills to compete against other teams in New Zealand and possibly internationally. “The learning journey we experience in Future Problem Solving is comprehensive and challenging. But it’s also so much fun,” says Julie.

During the online competition, the students faced a future scene set in 2045, which challenged them with a number of scenarios. They worked through the FPS problem-solving method over the two-hour period to meet the challenges set. Once finished, they took their action plan and over the next six hours turned it into a four minute dramatic presentation. The next day they nervously watched the remote awards ceremony and were delighted with the results.

Teaching and Learning

Year 8 students, Daniel Liu, Katie Foot, Kate Ramsay, Tom Simpson, Hannah Withers and Sara Yu, won fourth place in the world in the Presentation of Action Plan division, with Daniel, Katie, Kate and Tom placing fifth in the Global Issues Problem Solving Booklet. “St Andrew’s College was the only school in New Zealand to place in the top ten in the written booklet, and to attain the double award. There were approximately 60 teams from all around the world in their division, so we are truly delighted with the results,” says the students’ coach, Julie Rogers, who spent months working with the students in preparation for the competition.

the USA to compete in person, but this has been impossible for the last two years due to COVID-19.

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A superb effort saw a group of Preparatory School students achieve the best results of any New Zealand school at the Future Problem Solving International Finals.

Top: Future Problem Solving coach, Julie Rogers, with Corin Simock (Year 12), Alyssa Le and Abby Jones (both Year 13). Bottom, left to right: Year 8 students, Tom Simpson, Daniel Liu, Kate Ramsay and Katie Foot working on their fifth place getting Global Issues Problem Solving Booklet. Left, left (left to right): Tom Simpson, Sara Yu, Katie Foot, Kate Ramsay, Hannah Withers and Daniel Liu (all Year 8).

French immersion in


The Year 12–13 French students were immersed in French language, culture, and of course food, during a fun and educational three-day trip to picturesque Akaroa. Activities included participating in an Amazing Race, watching a French movie, and visits to the Giant’s House, and the museum. In true French style, there was a big emphasis on gastronomy during the trip. The students enthusiastically prepared a two-course meal together – which encompassed the traditional French dishes, boeuf bourguignon and tarte tatin. They also enjoyed their half-day visit to the Akaroa Cooking School, where they were able to eat the delicious dishes which were demonstrated to

Travel and Tourism experiences

A group of 29 Year 13 Travel and Tourism students experienced an action-packed four days in Queenstown and its environs, to gain an insight into being a tourist in this stunning resort area. One of the highlights was a trip on the Dart River Wilderness Jetboat, from Glenorchy, into the heart of the Mount Aspiring National Park, where they saw some of New Zealand’s most spectacular and breathtaking scenery. Another was the efforts of 13 brave students who chose to bungy jump at Kawarau Bridge with only Tom Sexton getting totally immersed in the freezing water. The students took in panoramic views as they rode the gondola, then enjoyed a luge ride down the mountain, surrounded by freshly fallen snow. They also visited Arrowtown to learn

about the history of the town’s Chinese settlers, Queenstown Park Boutique Hotel to gain an insight into the impact of COVID-19 on tourism operators in the region, and Queenstown Resort College, where some students are considering a pathway into Adventure Tourism or Hospitality. In June, a group of 26 Year 12 Travel and Tourism students and staff spent three days on the West Coast exploring the sights and attractions that the region has to offer. The purpose of the trip was the investigation of the economic, social, and cultural impacts of tourism on a region. The weather was at its best, with some boys even hitting the surf. Travel and Tourism students have enjoyed excursions to Queenstown, and the West Coast.

them – steak avec beurre, aux herbes fines, and mousse au chocolat. Elise, the resident French crêpe maker, also taught the students how to make traditional French crêpes and they all had a turn producing their own. The students were also focused on their French conversation skills while in Akaroa and prepared and recorded one of their NCEA internals at the conclusion of the trip. The opportunity to have such an authentic language experience in a French-inspired village right on our doorstep was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Soaking up French culture and cuisine in Akaroa.

world’s best

explore closer to home With the planned overseas experience to Dubai, England, and Italy unable to take place this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the focus for the Global Education programme turned instead to our own backyard.

One of St Andrew’s College’s top young academics, Gemma Lewis (Year 11), did incredibly well to be selected as part of a three-member New Zealand team to compete against other top young female coders from around the world, at the inaugural European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics, which aims to bridge the gender gap in Computer Science. During the competition, the participants solved challenging problems by designing and implementing efficient algorithms. “It was the first time a New Zealand team had taken part. I learnt heaps and it was a brilliant experience,” says Gemma. The competition was held in Zurich, Switzerland, but unfortunately, due to COVID-19, most of the 157 girls from 43 countries had to compete online. Gemma was selected for the New Zealand team after competing in the nationwide Year 10 Girls’ Programming Contest in 2020 and being invited to participate in a January camp for 30 girls, in preparation for the five-day Olympiad. The Auckland branch of software company, Xero, was a great support, providing the team with a specially set up room for them to use during the competition. “Each of us had a virtual machine, and the only website we could access was Code Forces, where we submitted our code. We competed from 8.00pm to 1.00am because of the time difference with Europe.”

Unfortunately, the girls’ individual points on the first night of the competition were not counted, after a misunderstanding by the New Zealand supervisors, who allowed the girls to talk about the problems when this was not permitted. Although she didn’t have a chance of winning, it was still an amazing experience, says Gemma. “We learnt so much and connected online with girls from all over the world during many social activities, including a movie night, virtual Escape Room, and through video calls to each other.” Before she took part in the Year 10 Girls’ Programming Contest last year, Gemma hadn’t done coding before. “I would definitely encourage more girls to give it a try. It is very similar to problem-solving in Mathematics. The only difference is that you have to code a solution rather than find a number.” Since Year 5, multi-talented Gemma has won an exceptional six ICAS gold medals (for the top student in the ICAS examinations in New Zealand) for a number of subjects, and is a member of the Brain Bee team that finished third at the regional South Island finals. She is still weighing up her options for further study once she leaves St Andrew’s College, and says Computer Science is definitely among the possibilities. Top: Gemma Lewis (Year 11) left, with team mates from other New Zealand schools on Day 1 of the Olympiad.

In the last week of the Term 1 holidays, Director of Short-Term Tours, Ian Morrison, led a group of eight Year 13 students on a five-day tour based in the top half of the South Island. Students took part in a range of exciting activities, including skydiving, walking part of the Abel Tasman Coast Track, visiting Wharariki Beach, and an Italian language and food experience. Ian says the students enjoyed the opportunity to explore new parts of New Zealand and contribute to the local economy. “Global Education was started to give students opportunities they would not get as part of the normal College programme and these students certainly benefited from this local variation of what is normally an international experience.” Global Education students enjoyed their adventures in the upper South Island.

Teaching and Learning

with the

Global Education students

17 Regulus



culture culture and


A Cultural Celebration and Matariki experiences were among the highlights of a heritage and culture focus in the Pre-school in Term 2. Head of Pre-school, Phillipa Stephens, says the children in the Pre-school come from a diverse range of backgrounds including the United Kingdom, Māori, Chinese, Samoan, Korean, Japanese, and Russian, plus of course New Zealand, and have enjoyed learning about their multicultural identity. “When the children start to understand and celebrate each other’s culture, they also get to know themselves, which helps them to develop a positive self-identity and a sense of belonging.” The focus on culture has begun with an internal evaluation by the teachers on how they can make different cultures more visible in the Pre‑school. They also looked at ways to weave more learning around this into the curriculum. “We have also been having valuable conversations with our families to learn more about their heritage, and how they celebrate their own culture and history.” Pre-school teachers are engaging in professional development around Te Reo and have found several ways to incorporate the language into the classroom, as well as developing knowledge around their own pepeha. “We have informally woven culture into the programme in many other ways,

including Drama, books, practising saying hello in different languages, songs, and talking about food from different cultures.” Finding their place of origin on a world map is another way the children have explored their identity. The Cultural Celebration on Friday 2 July was a special celebration of diversity and inclusivity in the Pre‑school, says Phillipa. “It was lovely to come together with our families and have the children share the songs they have been practising over the past term for this event.” The Pre-school children also joined children in the Junior School to celebrate Matariki. “The Pre-school children always enjoy visiting the Preparatory School and this celebration was no different. The children had a great time creating and talking about Matariki, the Māori New Year.” Phillipa says the focus on culture and heritage has further strengthened the Pre-school’s relationships with its families. “As well as learning more about our Pre-school community, we have become more aware of the different ways we can support the well‑being of our children and families from different cultures and welcome them into our St Andrew’s community.”

Pre-school children and their families celebrated their culture and heritage at a special Cultural Celebration.

Oral language

a Junior School focus

In the other Year 1 classes, teacher, Greta Henley, has introduced sharing groups for news with the children encouraged to take turns at sharing and listening carefully when it is not their turn. They are also enjoying Oral Language Barrier Games, using whiteboards to develop their listening and instructional language skills.

The introduction of visual prompts to help develop a safe, respectful talking environment has been positive for the children in both Year 2 classes, says teacher, Caroline Gardiner. “The children contribute purposeful and relevant ideas to discussions around shared text and are more aware and comfortable with their role in the classroom. Quieter students are more willing to answer questions and share ideas.” Teacher, Monique O’Sullivan, has noticed the same benefits using the visual prompts in her Year 2 classroom and says establishing talking buddies at writing time has helped the children to work together to pre-plan and structure their story ideas.

Heather says each term, the teachers introduce a new focus around oral language in their classrooms, and they meet regularly as a group to share and discuss their discoveries. “This work on oral language also links beautifully with our new StAC Up pastoral care and values system in the Preparatory School, particularly around creating a safe and respectful talking environment in our classrooms.”

Teaching and Learning

In Heather’s New Entrant class, the children have become engaged in a core board activity, which was introduced to help a non-verbal classmate. “The core board has helped the children to explore other avenues of communicating and has shown them they can share quite complex messages by simply touching the different pictures on the board. It has given them a greater understanding of their classmate and makes him feel valued and supported too.”

Teacher, Marlene Van der Bent, says reduced teacher questioning has encouraged greater sharing of the children’s comments and opinions in her Year 1 class.


Children in teacher Kodie Kutyn and Jane Radford’s Year 3 classes have been working on becoming effective listeners and realising there are different types of listening, including listening to obtain information, evaluate ideas, form opinions, and build relationships. In Term 2, they also experienced listening for enjoyment, after being introduced to stories by New Zealand authors on Radio New Zealand Storytime.


Throughout 2021, teachers in the Junior School are engaged in a Syndicate-wide focus on oral language, which is resulting in some exciting initiatives and activities for the children, says Head of Junior Syndicate, Heather Orman. “As a team, our professional learning is an ongoing priority. We identified oral language as an area we really wanted to focus on this year, with our priority being the development of traits for effective teaching of oral language. Together, we are following the latest research and information, and bouncing ideas off each other as we introduce different initiatives into our classrooms. This approach has enriched our learning far more than if we were doing individual professional development.”

Top: Teacher Aide, Robyn Thomas works on a core board activity with William Song (New Entrant). Middle: Olivia Han (New Entrant). Below: Head of Junior Syndicate, Heather Orman, engaging with students from New Entrant class 1SO in an oral language activity.

Learning about our

own backyard

Studying some of the fascinating people, wonderful places, Kiwiana, and important heritage of New Zealand was a strong focus for the Years 4–6 students during Term 2, says Head of Middle Syndicate, Meg Feller. “Each of the year groups have worked on a different focus, which has resulted in lots of shared learning and connections across the team. The students have loved it, especially the associated field trips, and really enjoyed sharing some of their work and experiences at our fortnightly Syndicate Assemblies.” The Year 4 students have been delving into the lives of some of our most famous New Zealanders and learning about the country’s geography. They enjoyed a field trip to Canterbury Museum where they took part in the World Famous in New Zealand programme, learning from an engaging museum educator about four groups of people – Nurse Maude, Sir Edmund Hillary, Ivan Mauger, and Fred and Myrtle, who created the famous paua shell house. “After writing a short biography about one of these people, the students chose whether to write about another Kiwi, or a place in New Zealand, perhaps creating a road trip, or pamphlet promoting an area. It was a fantastic project for the students’ reading, research, and writing skills.”

Taking a trip into the past, was the topic for the Year 5 students, whose work was based around the theme, ‘Our Ancestors, Our People’. The students have undertaken some fascinating inquiries into the lives of early Māori and Pakeha settlers. Studying heritage places and Māori culture was an engaging topic for the Year 6 students. They visited Washpen Falls, at Windwhistle, described as a ‘pocket of paradise where moa once roamed’, and were rewarded with great views at the top of the ancient volcanic canyon after completing the adventure walk. They also saw historic Māori sites along the way, including Māori ovens, the areas in which moa were hunted, and were able to identify native trees which were used in traditional Māori medicine. Meg says students right across the Syndicate have been highly engaged with their studies. “The students really enjoyed getting out of the classroom and learning about New Zealand history and our identity as Kiwis. The shared learning across the teams has helped us all to see things from different perspectives, which has been valuable too.” Middle Syndicate students have enjoyed some engaging field trips to places like the Canterbury Museum and Washpen Falls as part of their New Zealand studies.

Peer Mediators

making a



Morgan says the programme is a ‘whole school culture shift around behaviour management’ as part of the introduction of the StAC Up pastoral care and values system, introduced this year. “Learning from the Peer Mediators is helping our younger students to develop the values, knowledge, and competencies that will help enable them to feel safe and secure in the school environment. The programme is also providing the prefect group with a tangible leadership experience, something they can take with them as they progress into the Secondary School.” Younger students can approach the mediators to help them with any small issue they might be dealing with. The mediators have been trained to be fair, not to take sides, or to get emotionally involved. They wear lanyards with The Five Magic Questions printed on them, which prompt reflection, reconciliation, and restoration, along with some useful open-ended questions and a Mediator Checklist.

Year 8 Peer Mediators, Emily de Joux and William Pringle (right), chat with Year 7 students, Sophie Veitch, Chloe McFedries and Victoria Cairns Knight during a lunch break.

As well as solving problems, the Peer Mediators are encouraged to interact with other students in positive ways, and model good behaviour. “The mediators have full teacher support and are trained to ask for help if they feel a situation is too difficult for them to resolve,” says Morgan. Morgan says the StAC Up Peer Mediation programme gives students, including the Peer Mediators, the chance to develop all areas of New Zealand Curriculum’s Key Competencies – thinking, using language, symbols and text, managing self, relating to others, and participating and contributing. “The programme also fits particularly well within the learning area of mental health in the Health and Physical Education curriculum.” The benefits of the new programme have already been noticed in the playground, with reduced incidents and conflict, and students being encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour, he says. “The Peer Mediators are a highly valued group of young leaders, who are definitely having a positive and constructive influence on school life.”

factory & showroom 400 Barbadoes Street, christchurch

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The new StAC Up Peer Mediation programme is led by Year 8 Team Leader, Morgan Sheppard, and involves the 26 prefects in the Preparatory School, he says. “The prefects all completed external training, and at the start of Term 2, were excited to start their rostered weekly one half-hour lunchtime duty in pairs. We are very proud of the mature way in which they are approaching their roles, particularly in the way they are teaching the language of mediation. They are sharing the message that conflict isn’t always bad and can lead to positive change if handled effectively. Sometimes sitting down and talking about issues is the only way for students to move beyond the original problem.”

Teaching and Learning

Since the start of Term 2, lunchtimes in the Preparatory School playgrounds have looked a little different, with the addition of green vest-wearing Peer Mediators, who model good behaviour and good language, and help the younger children to deal with any potential conflict in effective and peaceful ways.

From the Director of

Development to prepare for this year’s appeal. We communicated via email, social media, and good old-fashioned letters (to those without email addresses) and included a link to a short and fun promotional video explaining the great need for this new facility. It featured many of our past and present cultural students with a special appearance by Rector, Christine Leighton. A heartfelt thanks to all the students, our Rector, and the talented Rick Harvie (OC 1989), from Belmont Productions, who helped our office to achieve a record Annual Giving result of raising $111,119.

We have much to celebrate and acknowledge at this time, as we reach the half-way mark of our Your Legacy, Our Future campaign. This campaign kicked off in 2019 with the goal to raise $4 million for both the new StACFit Fitness Centre completed in Term 1 of this year, and the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, a build that will commence at the end of this year. We are very pleased to announce that we have raised $2.3 million as at 30 June. These legacy gifts are through the generosity of our current families, students, staff, Old Collegians, Old Collegian Association, and Ladies Circle. It is incredible to think it was exactly 100 years ago this year that St Andrew’s College put on their first drama production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, with a cast of 23 students. The College roll at the time was just 268 students. Our recent Senior Production, Chicago: High School Edition, was limited to a cast of 35 to fit the stage. Today, with a roll of 1580, we have clearly outgrown our theatrette and the time is right to build the new Ben Gough Family Theatre. The stage in the new theatre will be double the size of the existing stage, so imagine how many more current and future students will be able to showcase their talents. This year’s 2021 Annual Giving Appeal was launched in June with the aim to fundraise $50,000 in a record 14 days, to be directed towards the new Ben Gough Family Theatre. With banks moving to a cheque-free future, we had to re-think and re-design how we could best reach the support of our community. Working together with our Communications Department, we built a digital online giving platform in 2020

We had a record number of families and Old Collegians gifting to the Ben Gough Family Theatre and a record number of theatre seats donated. These family legacy gifts provide a permanent recognition opportunity with a plaque on a theatre seat. Other recognition gift options are a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Note from the College Song, which will form an artwork to be displayed in the Old Collegians’ Foyer. The Strowan Club welcomes and acknowledges with gratitude and great generosity, individuals who help the College and Foundation through significant family legacy gifts. St Andrew’s College is also most fortunate to receive bequests. Read about our most recent bequest left to the College by Ernie Poole (OC 1950) on the following page. The St Andrew’s College Foundation invests and manages gifts to the College to ensure financial stability for perpetuity, and the ongoing funding for major capital projects and scholarship opportunities. Our team is looking forward to touching base with our existing community over the next 18 months, to continue to seek support in donations for the balance of our fundraising campaign. I am confident that we will end this year strong, with continued support for our Your Legacy, Our Future campaign. For those who have made a gift to StACFit, the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, the Centennial Chapel, and the Endeavour or John Sinclair Scholarships already, thank you, once again. Miranda Newbury Director of Development

Thanks to our Donors Theatre Seats and Notes 4 × Anonymous Joan and Peter Alty Ballin family Bloom Family Twiss Boock Family Rebecca Brown The Burnett Family Jonathan Cordner Freya Donaldson Austin Donaldson Lewis and Sharon Evans B and E Fleming Dr A Gamble and Ms J Loming Sophie Goode Gower Family Hilson Family Hooper Family Joshua Inglis David Jarman Kylie and Daniel Kamo Mui Kim Michael, Linda and Mitchell Kohing Theo and Sofia Lagias Quentin Lovatt Michaelides Family Nixon Reynolds Family Odlin Family Ornsby Family PAKnSAVE Rangior a Simon and Beck Riordan Jonathan Scragg Vaudrey Family Jacob Wang and Chloe Wang Graham and Val Well s J and V Well s Ladies Circle Fitness Centre – Bronze Plaque The Pugh Family New Strowan Club Members Andy and Karen Munro B and E Fleming The Pugh Family New Thompson Founders’ Circle Gina Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation

giving Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, the culture of philanthropy at St Andrew’s has remained incredibly strong, with many past and present families and Old Collegians contributing to the College in many ways, whether financially, volunteering, or by giving their time and advice.

One of the latest initiatives, the Ernie Poole Fellowship for Leadership Development, is aimed at providing professional development for staff, which will in turn benefit the education of our young people. The Fellowship is possible thanks to a substantial bequest left by Ernie Poole (OC 1950), who passed away in April 2020.

Last year, many families facing hardship and uncertainty due to the pandemic were assisted by the St Andrew’s College Community Support Programme, an initiative borne from the lockdown, which enabled a number of students to remain at the College. St Andrew’s

The recipient of the Ernie Poole Fellowship will be determined at the discretion of the Rector each year, and will go towards funding leadership programmes, courses, leadership study, and visiting other high performing schools in New Zealand and Australia.

Rector Christine Leighton and the late Ernie Poole (OC 1950).

St Andrew’s is grateful for every contribution from its supportive community. Of particular note are the five incredibly generous StAC Fellows, Michael Spiro (OC 1947), Warwick Rathgen (OC 1954), George Hight (OC 1955), Mark Stewart (OC 1980), and Ben Gough (OC 1991), who over the years have each donated in excess of $500,000 to the College.

A helping hand


for the


Founder of the Fife Foundation, Gina Satterthwaite, says the Foundation’s donation is in honour of her father, Blair Gough, who was a student at St Andrew’s College from 1951–1965. “Dad was a single child and his father died when he was eight years old. His education at St Andrew’s was very important to him. It is the place where he gained his values, and the friendships he made here stayed with him for life.” Gina’s brother, Ben Gough, has independently made a substantial donation to the new Theatre, which will bear his name. Blair Gough passed away 10 years ago from melanoma. The Fife Foundation is a Founding Patron of Melanoma


A generous and significant donation from the Fife Foundation in support of the Your Legacy, Our Future campaign will have a positive impact on St Andrew’s College students for decades to come.

The funds are being directed towards building the Dance Studio, Drama Studio, and lighting in the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, which once complete, will be utilised by generations of future students.

Resources and Environment

A culture of

has also continued to receive many generous donations, some of which have gone towards the exciting new Fitness Centre and Ben Gough Family Theatre developments, and others towards scholarships for students who may not have been otherwise able to attend the College.

Director of Development, Miranda Newbury (right) chats with Gina Satterthwaite of the Fife Foundation, and her children, Georgia and Jack (Year 10) about the new Theatre.

New Zealand and is the only charity in New Zealand dedicated to preventing avoidable deaths and suffering from melanoma. It is named after Gina’s grandmother, Margaret Fife, and supports several other projects, along with the charitable efforts of people whose work creates lasting change and publicly inspires compassion and empathy. Several members of the Gough family have attended St Andrew’s College, including Ben Gough (OC 1991) and Gina’s son, Jack Satterthwaite (Year 10). Both Jack, and his older sister Georgia (currently a student at Ara) are on the Fife Foundation team and share the family values of compassion and helping others. “My children are my inspiration. I want them to be talking about the

issues facing people and the planet and making a difference. One of our mantras is ‘we get the people right; we get our planet right’.” Gina says both Jack and Georgia have gained enormous benefits and life skills from their involvement in the Arts while at school, and she is excited about the opportunities the new Ben Gough Family Theatre will provide for future generations. “Where else should we give but to the next generation? Our children are our legacy.”

Visit the Fife Foundation website:


update Construction of the highly anticipated Ben Gough Family Theatre will get underway on schedule in early December 2021, says General Manager, David Evans. “We’ve completed extensive consultation with key users and industry experts, and the detailed design of the whole development has been completed. Quantity Surveyors, Rawlinsons, have also completed scheduling of quantities and a revised elemental estimate. In June, the Board agreed to proceed to tender, which we expect to be awarded in late August.” The stunning design, by Wilkie and Bruce, has gathered all Theatre and Dance facilities into one purpose-built building. The new auditorium will include 265 seats with increased seating tier height and depth and improved sight

lines created by a staggered seating layout. The footprint of the stage and wings will be around twice as large as the existing theatrette. “A new overhead gantry system will allow full creative use of theatrical lighting tailored to any performance, giving students valuable hands-on experience of theatre lighting and set up. The black exposed gantries, lighting, and air conditioning ducts and diffusers will create a modern studio-theatre aesthetic, similar to the Court Theatre,” says David. The acoustic design of the auditorium has been tailored for musical theatre and will further enhance the already incredible productions St Andrew’s College is renowned for. Changing rooms, a large workshop area with vehicle-sized access onto the stage, and extensive prop and costume storage are other features of the new Theatre. The existing mini gym is being converted into a small, flexible Black Box Theatre and Drama Studio. The

completed facility will also include two dedicated Ballet/Dance Studio spaces. Remodelling of the existing Cafeteria will create the main public entrance and foyer of the Theatre. David says some works will begin to the existing facilities before construction formally begins, including providing an alternative Ballet/Dance space, setting up a temporary cafeteria servery in the Senior College cafeteria space, setting up a temporary AV control booth in Gym 1, and rerouting electrical data and fire services on each side of the construction zone. “A significant amount of time, effort, and hard work has gone into this project from a variety of stakeholders, and we are excited that construction will soon be underway. We are also grateful to the Ben Gough Family Foundation, and the Fife Foundation for their significant donations, and other donations from the St Andrew’s College community, which are helping us to bring this project to life.” The Ben Gough Family Theatre is expected to open in Term 2, 2023.


Several hundred visitors took the opportunity to visit St Andrew’s College over the weekend of Saturday 15 – Sunday 16 May, to tour the spectacular Centennial Chapel and historic Strowan House as part of Open Christchurch, a celebration of Christchurch’s most exceptional architecture. These buildings were among 40 which were open to the public for free as part of the initiative. On the Sunday, Jane Rooney, of Architectus, led two well-received Architects Tours of the Centennial Chapel, providing fascinating insights into its stunning, and national awardwinning design.

Visitors to St Andrew’s during the weekend were also able to visit the grand old lady, Strowan House, which provides a ‘march through the styles of the late 1800s’, including Carpenter Gothic, Stick Style, and Queen Anne. Although significantly damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes, the sensitive restoration of Strowan House has

Senior Architect, Jane Rooney, of Architectus, leads an Architects Tour of the Centennial Chapel during the Open Christchurch weekend.

preserved its unique character and heritage. Guests enjoyed viewing some of the celebrated craftsmanship, including carvings of native flora and fauna in the dining room.

25 Regulus

Open Christchurch said in its promotional material that the striking sculptural form of the roof, with its peaks and valleys, announces how well the Centennial Chapel successfully blends a contemporary look and feel with heritage. “The pitched roof references the early

V huts that served as churches in the European settlement of Christchurch. The Memorial Wall, a dark and reflective space of heavy brick, holds treasures from the demolished 1950s Memorial Chapel and runs one length of the building; a folded glass screen runs the length of the other, opening up a visual connection to both the College and stream; seating runs between the two. The result: a building that captures the past, serves the present, and looks to the future.”

Resources and Environment






There was razzle dazzle to burn when the Senior Production of Chicago: High School Edition, had its spectacular run at the start of Term 2. Over six sold-out shows, audiences were wowed by the remarkable showcase of talent, teamwork, and creativity on display. With so many sensational, toe-tapping musical numbers, and outstanding performances from the cast, it was almost impossible to pick a highlight from the song and dance extravaganza. Rector Christine Leighton said the show was simply stunning. “During the performance I had to keep reminding myself that I was at a school show and not in town at a professional theatre. The cast and those who put the show together were incredible, and the singing, dancing, and acting were of an exceptional standard.”

Values and Culture

The stunning production of Chicago: High School Edition brought the roaring 1920s to life in spectacular fashion and was the result of a great deal of hard work from the cast, band, and crew, says Director, and Head of Drama and Dance, Laurence Wiseman. “I am so proud of everyone involved. They worked positively, collaboratively, and empathetically with each other, and I know for certain their passion and hard work translated into the incredible performances.” It can be a risky business mounting a provocative show as well-known as Chicago, which has also been immortalised as a six-time Oscar award winning film, but then, Laurence is not one to shy away from a challenge. “I have tended to steer clear of these types of shows before, as there are preconceived notions and certain expectations about what they will look like. However, there comes a time, for whatever reason, when one finds themselves in the position of having just the right students for a particular show. This was one of those times.”

Laurence says Chicago’s themes of how the media circus controls the narrative, spin doctors work their magic, and the fine line between truth and fiction, are timeless, he says. “Nowadays, with the explosion of social media platforms, discerning the truth about anything is made rather difficult. The discussions Chicago enabled with the cast around these issues were invaluable, interesting, and highly engaging.” Laurence says the beauty of creating theatre in a school environment is having the license to explore, play, wonder, and take risks. “The whole team fully supported the vision and were unapologetic in creating a version of Chicago which was a little different from the traditional. While the many creative individuals in the production and design team have worked their magic, special mention must be made of our choreographer, Hana Pearce (OC 2019). Chicago without dance is like a library without books – it just doesn’t work. The quality she achieved from a cast of largely non-dancers was outstanding, and this show would not be what it was without her.”

Others in the production team to make a significant contribution to the show were Head of Music Duncan Ferguson (Musical Director), Performing Arts Co-ordinator Ginnie Thorner (Production Manager), and Sylvia Campbell (Costume Design and Construction), along with the rest of the crew, the incredible band who brought the superb score to life, volunteers, and parent helpers.

Chicago: High School Edition is the last Senior Production to be held in the existing Theatre before it is demolished to make way for the new purpose-built Performing Arts Centre, the Ben Gough Family Theatre, which will open in Term 2, 2023.



Although set 100 years ago, Chicago’s satirical look at fame, justice, and the media machine resonate just as strongly today. The story unfolds as conniving Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap. Once he finds out he has been duped, Amos turns on Roxie, who is convicted and sent to death row. While in Cook County Jail, Roxie stops at nothing to create a media storm and raise her profile, competing with another ‘Merry Murderess’, Velma Kelly, for both the spotlight and the headlines. The feuding femme fatales are both represented by big shot, smarmy lawyer, Billy Flynn. But it is not long before the celebrity criminals realise there is greater power in joining forces in search of fame, fortune, and ultimately, acquittal.

The show opened with a spine-tingling performance of All That Jazz, by Grace Lawrence (Year 12) as hardened murderer Velma, and Estee Wilke (Year 12) as her sister, and ultimately her murder victim, Veronica, whose powerhouse voices and song and dance number immediately captivated the audience. Catelin Riordan (Year 13) was flawless as Roxie. As well as being a talented singer and dancer, Catelin delivered an incredible acting performance to portray the nuances of a seemingly naïve and vulnerable character, but who was in fact, cunningly playing all those around her, to create the sort of fame and attention she craved. Catelin had great chemistry with Grace Lawrence, who was equally as outstanding as Velma Kelly. Their soaring notes and high kicking dance numbers were impressive.

Timeless story

brilliantly told

Jack Calder (Year 13) totally nailed the character acting required to pay the master manipulator Billy Flynn, which was highly evident in both the iconic Razzle Dazzle, and the incredible number We Both Reached for the Gun where he played a puppet master, with Catelin (Roxie) as his marionette, as they tried to convince the gathered media of her innocence. It was a tour de force performance from them both. Another to shine was Thomas Wells (Year 13) as Roxie’s wronged, but still faithful husband, Amos. He perfectly captured the sweet but downtrodden character, and his performance of Mister Cellophane was both warm and heartbreaking. Madeline Bailey (Year 13) also had a strong stage presence as sassy Mama Morton, the corrupt top dog of Cook County Jail, who was always happy to accept a bribe. She had a great voice, and particularly shone in When You’re Good to Mama.

Values and Culture

Harry Withers (Year 12) is another star of the future. He delivered an energetic performance as the Master of Ceremonies linking many scenes and songs together. He was particularly impressive in Cell Block Tango with the other Merry Murderesses of Cook County Jail – played with intensity and relish by Lily Welsford (Year 13), Elise Vaudrey (Year 12), Lucy Ojala (Year 12), Poppy Rumble (Year 11) and Selena Gan (Year 12).

Scarlett Rumble (Year 13) had great fun in her role as Mary Sunshine, the sob sister newspaper reporter, as did the other students in speaking parts. They were well supported by a company of 16 enthusiastic students who gave their all, especially in the other big production numbers.

The set, costuming, and stunning score, delivered by Musical Director, Duncan Ferguson and the 13-member band, perfectly set the scene for 1920s Chicago. Spectacular choreography by Hana Pearce (OC 2019) was another key element to creating a wildly entertaining and hugely fun show.



Boarding House

tutors key role have

Director of Boarding, Matt Parr, says the boarding houses at St Andrew’s College have a valued team of 15 tutors, who do a fantastic job of ensuring boarders feel welcomed, safe, and supported. “Our tutors are highly relatable and build really strong relationships with the boarders. They get to know them well and are the first port of call if they need some support.”

Year 10 students Jack Pitts, Henry Gray and William Long in the workshop with tutor, Jono Oxley.

Each night at 6.00pm, the tutors come on duty to cover the nightshift in the boarding houses, and do everything from supervision of Prep and dinner, to connecting with the students, making sure they are all in bed on time, and organising fun after-school and weekend activities. The tutor group includes a mix of males and females from many different backgrounds, including Old Collegians, people from Ghana, USA, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Guatemala, and even teachers at St Andrew’s. “Many of our tutors are educators, so they really understand how to help the boarders to balance academic achievement with their health and well-being, and cocurricular activities. One of the great things about the variety of our tutors, is that there is someone for every student in our diverse boarding population to connect to,” says Matt. Most of the tutors either live on site in the boarding houses, or in nearby St Andrew’s College accommodation. “St Andrew’s is a home away from home and community for our tutors as well, which really helps them to understand what it is like for the boarders and builds a real sense of community and connection.”

Tutor Bailey McCann (centre) with from left, Violet Inkson, Lucy Rosenberg (both Year 9), Jenna Meikle (Year 13) and Ella Gunn (Year 11).

Tom Rutherford (Year 12), Harry Preston (Year 13), Sam Rogers (Year 13), tutor Juan Chang, Taylor Farrell (Year 11), Jake Breslin (Year 12) and Marshall Stokes (Year 11).

Included on the tutor team are Old Collegian, Jono Oxley (OC 2012), former international student, Bailey McCann (OC 2016) and ex-professional footballer, Juan Chang.

at Carlton Mill Corner at its furthest point. The BK Boys’ running club has proved so popular, that keen runners in the group have gone on to compete in events including the Mud Run, and Christchurch Half Marathon.

Over the last four years, boarders from MacGibbon House have headed off on the famous weekly ‘BK Runs’ with Jono, which takes a regular route around the streets of Strowan and Merivale and reaches the Burger King

Jono’s influence on the health and well-being of the boarders doesn’t stop there. Over the last four years he has also coached small swimming groups at Graham Condon Recreation and Sport Centre. In May, he started the

StAC Boarders’ Swim Club, a learn-toswim group, who he takes to Wharenui Pool. Most of these initiatives are undertaken in his own time. Jono has been a tutor since 2016 and says his favourite thing about the role is being able to have a positive influence on the boys. “They look up to us as older brother figures and it’s an absolute pleasure to be able to build them up and encourage them. I really enjoy challenging them with their sport too.”

Boarders enjoying activities such as the famous ‘BK Run‘ and land yachting, which were both organised by tutor, Jono Oxley (OC 2012).

Originally from the USA/Canada, Bailey McCann (OC 2016), was an international student at St Andrew’s from Year 11 and has come back to the tight-knit boarding community as a tutor this year. “I absolutely loved my time as a boarder and valued the relationships I made with the tutors. I wanted to have the same impact. It has been a highlight to have my sister, Regan (Year 13), in Thompson House. It’s special for us to be living under the same roof again after seven years.” Bailey also enjoys ‘hanging out’, with the girls in the common room in the evenings. “There is always a group of girls who come down for a chat, or to play boardgames or cards. It’s a great time for them to debrief about their day.” Bailey says being very adaptable and able to go with the flow are hallmarks of a good tutor, as every night is different. “It is important we are compassionate and caring with the girls and trustworthy, so they feel they can come to us when they are struggling with something. I think there is a delicate balance between

Another tutor to have an impact on the sports scene at St Andrew’s College is ex‑professional football player, and 2020 New Zealand Latin American Sportsman of the Year, Juan Chang. Along with being a tutor, Juan is coach of the Girls’ 1st XI football team, and also coaches the Mainland Football Women’s champion side. “I decided to come to St Andrew’s because of football and when the opportunity came up to become a tutor in Rutherford House, I didn’t think twice. I had already felt a real connection with the College. I went to university in the USA, where I boarded, so being surrounded by something bigger than me has always been key in my life.” Juan is German born and Guatemalan raised, and enjoys the role’s focus looking after the boarders, making sure that they are on track with their daily routines, keeping up with schoolwork, and maintaining a good life balance. “The key qualities of being a good tutor are being a good listener, being patient, and overall just being a good person who is willing to serve and put others before you. St Andrew’s College is my second home, and I can’t picture my life at this stage without being here. I’m surrounded by great people, from the boarders, to management, and all of the people behind the scenes in the boarding community.”

2021 Tutor Group MacGibbon House • Kelly-Ann Barr

Thompson House • Grace Craig

Rutherford House • Cletus Adams

• Ruihi Kawenga

• Lydia Evans

• Juan Chang

• Jono Oxley

• Katie Hayes

• James Jenkinson

• Reuben Spicer

• Bailey McCann

• Liam Smith

• Pete Westrupp

• Anna McMillan

• Jack Morrow


Olympic themed


Values and Culture

Although he was a day student himself while at the College, Jono loves being involved with the boarding community. “It is a big engine with a lot of energy. There is always something happening. If I have some down time, I often come in off duty and spend time with the kids and staff.”

being a friend to the girls and relatable, yet also having the professional boundaries where they respect you.”

31 Regulus

A builder by trade, Jono enjoys getting boys out into the workshop to build things or taking the boarders off campus. “Many of the boys are country kids who like to go exploring in the hills, so I try to take them to nearby places like that.”

There was an Olympic celebration in the Strowan House dining room for the Boarders’ special themed dinner on Thursday 1 July. The New Zealand colours of black, white, and silver were well represented, and Heads of Boarding, Jake Jackways and Sophie Innes, along with their House Leaders, organised a series of three fiercely contested ‘Olympic’ events – a milkdrinking race, cake decorating, and cake eating races. Gold medals went to winning teams and Erwin House was the overall winner, with points going towards the Diane Needham Cup.


traditions at

St Andrew’s heart It may be 104 years since St Andrew’s College was set up to educate the sons of the Presbyterian and Scottish community of Canterbury, but time has done little to dim the College’s Caledonian spirit, pride in its heritage, and strong links to the traditions of the past. “We take great pride in our long history and the fact that the essential values and vision founded in the Scottish Presbyterian traditions of the Christian faith, which anchored the College’s creation in the early 20th century, are still alive and flourishing today,” says Rector Christine Leighton. The thrilling skirl of the bagpipes, the boom of the bass drum, and seeing the College flag, with its ancient blue and white saltire cross being hoisted up the flagpole, continue to be universal experiences for every St Andrew’s student. The twirl of Highland dancers and distinctive Ferguson tartan are also regularly on display, both intrinsically woven into the fabric of College life. “The Scottish thistle is perhaps the most recognised emblem of St Andrew’s and signals the College’s distinct character. Our students love to wear and represent the thistle, and upholding its reputation is at the heart of school spirit,” says Christine. New members to the St Andrew’s family often get their first real taste of the College’s Scottish traditions at the annual Founders’ Day Assembly and Highland Games, which honour the founders of the College. The moving assembly, which includes the spirited Address to the Haggis and robust singing of the traditional College Song, is followed by a spirited Highland Games, when there is fierce House competition in everything from chanting, Highland dancing, and singing, to wheat sheaf tossing, medicine ball throwing, and the ‘dead man’s run’. The most special of the early visionaries honoured each Founders’ Day is Rev. Alexander Thompson, who was minister of St Andrew’s Church, on Lincoln Road, when he had the idea to establish New Zealand’s second Presbyterian school in Christchurch (after Wellington’s Scots College). “Rev. Thompson was a scholar, visionary, indomitable fundraiser and a tireless worker, friend and good man, whose vision, commitment, and character were inspirational. He was committed to the College’s founding values of Truth, Excellence and Faith, and to establishing a school which taught not only reading, writing and arithmetic, but which worked with parents and guardians to develop a sound character amongst the children,” says Christine. Due largely to Rev. Thompson’s determination, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Boys’ College was opened on 6 February 1917 at the Manse next to St Andrew’s Church. The two-storey brick house had ample room for classrooms and dormitories for the original 19 students, offering ‘Education for Christian Manhood and Citizenship’. However the roll swelled much quicker than expected, a new location was secured and St Andrew’s College reopened its doors in the gracious Strowan homestead a year later, in February 1918.

The College’s first Headmaster, Sydney Dickinson, served in the role for three years, and was pivotal in cementing many aspects of Scottish heritage, including founding the College Pipe Band in 1919, and overseeing the release of the College’s first magazine, Thistledown.

Burns’ famous poem Address to the Haggis is regularly performed at special College events, usually with great relish by Old Collegians. Hilarity often ensues mid-poem, when the top of the thistle stuck into the haggis is swiped off by a sword. At last year’s Highland Games, Catelin Riordan (now Year 13) did an outstanding job when she became the first female in College history to perform the poem. Magnificent centenary celebrations in 2017 marked an important milestone in the history of St Andrew’s College, with much of its Scottish heritage on full display. The Pipe Band Centenary in 2019 was another special event. In 2022, St Andrew’s will celebrate another memorable milestone – 30 years since the first female students walked through its gates, and the College became co-educational. “Over the last three decades, St Andrew’s College has undergone a significant transformation from a conservative, single-sex school, to a truly 21st-century co-educational school. Alongside providing a world-class education for both boys and girls, we continue to live the traditional values of Truth, Faith and Excellence established more than a century ago, alongside the more recently introduced values of Creativity and Inclusivity. The special spirit of the College founders and the unique history and traditions of St Andrew’s College continue to be celebrated and remain just as important today as they have ever been.”

33 Regulus

Over many decades, St Andrew’s College has maintained strong links with a number of Scottish schools, relationships that were cemented in 2002, when the first Dunblane Scholar, James Marriner (OC 2003), visited Scotland. Since 2006, a girl and boy from Year 12 have each won scholarships to travel to Scotland, first as Strowan Scottish Scholars, and for the last three years, as Robert Burns Scottish Scholars, supported by Old Collegian, Rob Bruce-Barron (OC 1953). “Honouring Burns, the famed Scottish bard, is a key aspect of this wonderful scholarship, alongside independent visits by the students to several Scottish schools. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has disrupted this scholarship over the last two years, however, we are delighted that we have been able to arrange an alternative New Zealand tour for our present scholars, Year 13 students, Isabella Galvan and Oscar Bloom. In September, they will visit some of our fellow Presbyterian schools, John McGlashan College and Columba College, (Dunedin), Lindisfarne College and Iona College ( Hawke’s Bay), and Kristin School in Auckland,” says Christine.

Values and Culture

The St Andrew’s College Pipe Band has been a visible link to the College’s Scottish traditions throughout its history, regularly winning regional, national, and even international competitions, and playing at everything from College events, chapel services and ceremonies, to Ceilidh gatherings and in later years, the stunning StAC Attack concerts, under the guidance of Pipe Band Director, Richard Hawke (OC 1980), and his wife Julie Hawke, who runs the Julie Hawke School of Highland Dancing at St Andrew’s. “The commitment, discipline, musicality, and talent of those who learn the pipes and drums at St Andrew’s is universally admired,” says Christine.

Exceptional talent on display

Each term, a special Performance Project Evening is being held in the Preparatory School, to give Year 7–8 students the opportunity to share some of their wonderful in-class work. These evenings have been introduced instead of a full-scale Preparatory School Drama production this year.

This is the seventeenth year Ginnie has taught Dance and Drama to Preparatory School students. During this time she has created eight full Years 7–8 productions, and has worked with over 1800 students, helping them to perform on stage. “In all the shows we put on, including the recent Performance Evenings, there are many students who have never performed on stage before. It is a privilege to be able to give them that experience.”

The appreciative audiences were wowed by the talent on display, as students presented a combination of dance, film, and drama performances.

By the end of 2021, Ginnie will have also directed and produced 10 Middle School productions and produced eight Senior productions. She says others who made a significant contribution to the Preparatory School Performance Project Evenings are Head of Music, Duncan Ferguson, for operating sound at the rehearsals and the performances, Hana Pearce (OC 2019), for the lighting plotting and technical support, and Senior Theatre students, Struan Gordon, Daniel Dolan, Poppy Rumble (all Year 11), Sarah Anthony (Year 12) and Josh Inglis, Thomas Wells, Scarlett Rumble and Kyla Hughes (all Year 13) who have supported the Preparatory School students.

In Term 1, the specialist D-Squared group also performed a play at the Performance Evening, and each term are creating something new for the audience. This group meets at lunchtimes and is for students with a shared interest in Drama who are keen to develop their performance skills. Performing Arts Co-ordinator, Ginnie Thorner, produces and directs the Performance Evenings, and says students gain so much from working extensively with stories in their Drama work. “Exploring imagination and story in Drama really helps them to build an understanding of the human experience, develop empathy, and learn how others see the world. Drama is about so much more than acting, or being a tree,” she said.



Water is Life

A legacy project started by students in 2017 to improve water quality in Strowan Stream, has become part of an exciting international programme called Water is Life.

is Life is a great example of global citizenship, helping them realise they all have a common goal to make the world a better place from a sustainability perspective.”

Through Dutch colleagues, former Head of Innovation and Information Services, Wilj Dekkers, heard about the Water is Life Association, which is a co-operation between Raffles Institution, Singapore, and Maurick College, Netherlands. It aims to bring talented young students from different countries together, to plant the seeds of friendship and dialogue, instil awareness on the issue of water management, and develop scientific, diplomatic, and leadership skills in young participants.

The students began their project by completing a research proposal. Kelvin Nicolle of Waterwatch Education Trust will become a valued mentor, helping the students to test Strowan Stream for a range of indicators of stream health, including E.coli, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, heavy metals/conductivity, nitrates, turbidity, and invertebrate investigations. In time, permanent sensors will be placed in Strowan Stream to provide monitoring of some of the factors. For now, testing will continue via a comprehensive portable testing kit which the students can manage themselves in both Strowan Stream, and also in the Waimakariri River, where the same testing regime will begin in Term 3.

Teacher in Charge of the Sustainability Council, Ellen Hampson, says six Year 12 ACEE students, Corin Simcock, Toby Harvie, Tom Edwards, Luke Zhu, Sarah Anthony and Skye Atkins, have enlisted for the Water is Life project at St Andrew’s College. “The students are highly competent and have committed to analysing the factors that degrade potable water quality at both a micro (Strowan Stream) and macro level (Waimakariri River) in Canterbury, along with associated mitigation. All the students have been on the Sustainability Council at St Andrew’s for some time.” The students are connected with students from Maurick College in the Netherlands, who are working on their own Water is Life project. “This collaboration across continents between our students through Water

The major pollutant in Strowan Stream is E.coli, sourced from waterfowl. In 2019, Corin Simcock, Toby Harvie, Tom Edwards and Luke Zhu were key members of a team that initiated the ‘Duckbuster Project’ which was developed with the support of Tech Expert, Bryn Lewis, with the aim of minimising the waterfowl population on Strowan Stream. “The plan is to complete the build of the prototype as part of the Water is Life project, and nudge the ducks off the stream, in the hope they will move to a rural area. Over the five years of testing, the E.coli levels have reduced significantly in the stream

due to a range of mitigative factors, including a dredging project organised by General Manager, David Evans, who has been a significant support to the Sustainability Council since its inception in 2016.” Along with Ellen (Sustainability/ Enviro-Science), teachers Santhia Hamburg (Chemistry) and Sarah Bishop (Biology) have supported the project, with others to help going forward including Director of ICT, Dave Hart, ECAN Educational Advisor, Matt Stanford and Nick Moody, also from ECAN. The Water is Life project Phase 1 is due for completion in late July 2022, and the students will present their findings at a virtual Water is Life Conference in the fourth quarter of 2022. The students will hopefully get to meet their counterparts from Maurick College in January 2023, as they are planning a trip to New Zealand.

Year 12 students Sarah Anthony, Corin Simcock, Skye Atkins and Luke Zhu working with Kelvin Nicolle of Waterwatch Education Trust.

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The Water is Life project team (back) Luke Zhu, Sarah Anthony, Tobie Harvie (front) Skye Atkins, Corin Simcock and Tom Edwards (all Year 12) with the ‘Duckbuster’ prototype 1.

Values and Culture




A large group of excited 140 Year 8–9 girls and their mothers or special friends gathered in a beautifully decorated Strowan House dining room early on Tuesday 30 March, for the 2021 Girls’ Breakfast, which had the theme, ‘StAC Girls Can Create Their Own Joy’. As well as enjoying a delicious breakfast, the girls and their guests listened to an inspirational talk from St Andrew’s Physical Education and Health teacher, and, at the time, expectant mum, Heidi Koning (OC 2010), who shared her own personal and incredibly courageous story. “It was a real honour to be asked to speak at the Girls’ Breakfast. I found it extremely empowering to share my journey with the girls and their mothers. I hope that by sharing the lessons I learnt about coping through the hard times, and cherishing the wonderful times, I was able to inspire them to believe that, even when times are tough, you can bounce forward.” Aptly, Heidi’s middle name is Joy, after her late mother, which inspired the theme of the breakfast.

Years 2–3


There were some very cool dance moves, fantastic outfits, and lots of smiles in the Junior Department for the Years 2–3 Disco. The event was organised by a group of Year 11 student volunteers, supported by Oscar Bloom (Year 13) and Year 11 Dean, Donna Jones, and was attended by over 60 Year 2–3 students. The Year 11 students co-ordinated all aspects of the evening, creating a fun and vibrant atmosphere with decorations, a DJ, and prizes. The disco was a huge success, with approximately $600 raised for Pillars New Zealand.


Students heard from a range of panelists at the Boys’ and Girls’ Assemblies.



Vibrant colour was evident around the campus during Schools’ Pride Week, when St Andrew’s College students and teachers, recognised the positive impact of people in the LGBTQIA+ community. It was a time to celebrate and affirm rainbow identities and help to increase a sense of belonging and reduce the experiences of bullying for rainbow youth. Led by the College’s Rainbow Group, the event celebrated diversity and the St Andrew’s value of Inclusivity. Rainbow pins were made for the prefects and staff to wear, and the rainbow flag flew proudly outside the Middle School Office. The Green Library and Innovation Centre celebrated

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Girls’ and Boys’

There was a change of focus for the regular Girls’ and Boys’ Assemblies for Secondary School students, with the latest assemblies organised and led by the Head Students. Their idea was to enable the voice of young people on topical issues which relate to them. The girls heard questions on a variety of topics including role models, societal pressures, social media, and asking for support, which were put to a panel of Year 13 students: Madeleine May, Scarlett Rumble and Sophie Clark. The Senior boys invited back a panel of Old Collegians. Lewis Edmond (OC 2019), Jack Rule (OC 2020), Leo Noordanus (OC 2018) and Sam Crosbie (OC 2009), who shared some lessons on life experiences beyond school and relationships in the real world. The Junior boys listened to some thoughts from a panel of Year 13 students: Oliver Graves, Oscar Bloom, Will Stodart and Thomas Forsey, about role models at St Andrew’s, and learning lessons from the right people. All of the assemblies were a great success and enjoyed by the students. Heads of College, Jack Calder, Tapenisa Havea, Arden Ongley, Isabella Galvan, Jake Jackways and Sophie Innes, did some excellent planning, and showed initiative, and courage in organising these events.

Pride Month with a book display titled ‘Out on the Shelves’, and prefects wore colourful socks and tights. Alongside the student Well‑being Committee and prefects, the Rainbow Group members also served hot chocolate to students. Two Middle School Leaders organised for Jennifer Shields from Qtopia to join students for a lunchtime session to discuss how their non-profit organisation works to celebrate, educate, and advocate for young rainbow people. The proceeds from the rainbow-themed day went towards Qtopia’s important work in Ōtautahi and the wider Waitaha/Canterbury area. The student Well-being Committee also delivered a beautiful rainbow cake for a rainbow student and staff meeting.

Rainbow identities were celebrated during special Schools’ Pride Week activities, led by Rainbow Group members, and the Well-being Committee.

Year 11

Semi-formal All the glitz and glamour of Vegas was on display at Riccarton Park for the Year 11 Semi-formal on Saturday 26 June.

Dressed in their finery, the students enjoyed a wonderful atmosphere and a great night of music, photos galore, a delicious supper, and epic dance moves busted out on the dance floor. The Semi-formal Committee started planning the event at the start of the year and did a tremendous job of pulling it all together. Connor Higgs (Year 11), who was one of the six students on the organising committee, says once they settled on the Vegas theme, the planning really started to ramp up. “The theme gave us a picture of how we wanted the night to look, and what sort of decorations and food we wanted. We also put out forms to collect students’ song requests, which the DJ played on the night. We are really happy with how it went, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. There was a lot of dancing and good times.” Connor says the committee was also grateful to the College prefects, Head of Middle School, Mikae Tuu’u, Year 11 Dean, Donna Jones, and the Communications Department for their help with organising and running the Semi-formal.

World Vision

40 Hour Famine

An incredible new record of over $25,000 was raised for the World Vision 40 Hour Famine, thanks to the dedication of the Community Service team, and generosity of the St Andrew’s College community. This amount easily exceeded the target of $16,000. The Community Service team organised some fantastic fundraising activities, including a water balloon throwing competition, a boarders versus day students netball match, a quiz,

and a Year 10 rowing challenge, which saw students collectively row 556.5km. The Year 9 and Preparatory School students were also involved in the Famine in various formats. The funds are going towards Sub‑Saharan Africa and will make a big difference to those who need it most. To celebrate the fundraising target being reached, the Sports Captains, Heads of College, and some teachers were soaked at a ‘Soaked for Sub-Saharan Africa’ event, which made for an entertaining lunchtime in the Quad.


Prefects’ Assembly

The highly anticipated Boarders’ Assembly was another entertaining event, with much hilarity, insightful speeches, and several special guests by way of well-behaved canines, pigs, and even some chickens.

The Prefects’ Assembly was a colourful, action-packed High School Musical style extravaganza, which highlighted the importance of friendship, fun, ritual, and tradition. Gym 1 was beautifully transformed into East High, and the assembly featured some special guests alongside the prefects – Troy (Head of Senior College, John Ruge), Gabriella (Senior College Secretary, Jocelyn Simmons), Ryan (Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein) and Sharpay Evans (Rector, Christine Leighton).

The Year 13 boarders’ talents were on full display in videos, singing, and dance routines. There was a hilarious ‘Top Town’ competition, and original lyrics were written for Fred Dagg’s classic Kiwi song, If it Weren’t for your Gumboots, to celebrate boarding life. Farrah Richards and Montague Stamm (both Year 13) delivered the Boarders’ Comment, highlighting the advantages of boarding. Heads of Boarding, Sophie Innes and Jake Jackways, and all the Year 13 boarders put a huge amount of effort and energy into organising the assembly, which was enjoyed by all. Fittingly, the assembly fell on the same day as Gumboot Friday, with many students and staff sporting their favourite gumboots to raise money for young people’s mental health.

Also featured were many High School Musical hits, a full address from ‘Sharpay’, thoughtful Morning Comment addresses from Jacob Gavin and Zack Waite (both Year 13), and the presentation of DPR Awards to Louis Van der Bent (Year 11) and Sophia Chark (Year 13). For the first time in College history, drummers, Montague Stamm (Year 13) and Hayden Lam (Year 10), led the processional, instead of the usual pipers. The first ever ‘Star Dazzle’ Award was presented to Board Chair, Bryan Pearson, who has since retired after 12 years of service to the Board of Governors, with the last four as Chair. The prefect team did a great job of showing that a dynamic group, with an inclusive culture and shared purpose produces the best result.

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Boarders’ Assembly

Values and Culture



leaders inspire

Oscar Bloom (Year 13) and Selena Gan (Year 12) are doing an extraordinary job as Heads of Well-being, leading the committee to implement a number of exciting initiatives, which are making a difference to students across the whole College, says Head of Well-being, Kerry Larby. “I’m incredibly proud of these young people. They have such agency and are making a real difference. I know the contribution of the Well-being Committee of 2021 will impact positively on younger students and our community for years to come.”

Selena Gan says the upcoming Well-being Assembly, is another big project for the Well-being Committee. “As well as hearing from a wellrespected student speaker, a number of Character Awards will be given out. These will focus on unsung heroes, people who go under the radar but who create positive change, stand up for others, and create a safe environment.”

In Term 2, the Well-being Committee initiated a large workshop event where they posted some big picture questions to around 240 Year 13 students, asking them to reflect on their experiences at St Andrew’s College. They were posed three questions: When is St Andrew’s College at its best? When exactly have you felt supported at St Andrew’s College? Where do you see opportunity for St Andrew’s College to improve in the future?

Character strengths have been a recent focus for Year 12 students, who were required to give a two-minute speech on one of their top character strengths, says Selena. “Oscar and I created exemplar videos of us talking about our own character strengths to make it easier for the students to know where to begin.”

The Well-being Committee then spent significant time collating the feedback, which was written on more than 1200 Post It Notes, before coming up with key patterns to share with school management and leaders. “The process empowered students to think critically about their time at the College. We had a lot of positive feedback about facilities, co-curricular activities, and school spirit. We also had feedback about areas for change around the curriculum (particularly

Health), classroom culture, and individuality,” says Oscar Bloom. Mentoring young well-being leaders in the Preparatory School is another valuable project, says Oscar. “The four Year 8 students in the Preparatory School Well-being team have so many amazing ideas. Our mentoring project is helping them to be good listeners, actioners, and leaders once they reach the Secondary School. We think this project is pretty transformational and should continue for years to come.” Oscar learnt the value of mentoring himself, after previously being mentored by Thomas Pope Kerr (OC 2019). He is continuing this legacy by mentoring Lachlan Odlin (Year 11), one of the younger students on the Well-being Committee.

Selena is proud to be one of the Heads of Well-being and says one of the key goals of the committee is to continually take small steps to positively impact the culture at St Andrew’s. Oscar says the role is one of the most important things he has done during his time at St Andrew’s. “It has given me the opportunity to give back, and to be an agent of change. Projects like helping to create the new Health curriculum, starting the Year 8 Well-being Committee, Character Awards, Unsung Heroes Awards, and the organisation of Pride Week will hopefully make a longterm difference to students—and for me that is what is most important. I would also like to thank Ms Larby for being our biggest champion and supporter. She is an amazing advocate for students and well-being.”

Selena Gan (Year 12), Lachlan Odlin (Year 11) and Oscar Bloom (Year 13), review responses from Year 13 students about their experiences at St Andrew’s College.

across the miles

There is no telling how soon the New Zealand borders will reopen, and students can start to embark on exciting adventures to faraway destinations, as part of the thriving Exchange programme at St Andrew’s College. Head of International Students and Exchanges, Palē Tauti, says students are disappointed they don’t have the opportunity to make physical visits to Australia, Scotland, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, under the 12 different exchanges currently offered by the College. However, a new Penpal Exchange programme is at least helping to bridge some of the gap. Four Year 10 students, Emily Gjelstad, Catherine Lattimore, Isobel Bhatia and Isobel Forsey, are the latest to become digitally connected with penpals from Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC) in Sydney. “The girls are matched with four Year 10 girls from PLC and connect through various forms of communication. It is a great opportunity for them to find out about each other’s countries and about each other,” says Palē.

Catherine Lattimore says her penpal is a ‘lovely girl’ who loves to chat, and their conversations have progressed from emails to social media. “We had original contact over email but have moved to Snapchat now. We talk about our schools, what we do, and getting to know each other more.” Having the opportunity to connect with someone overseas has been one positive to come out of the experience for Emily Gjelstad. “I thought it was something spontaneous to do and that it would be cool to get to know people outside of New Zealand. I often email my penpal when something happens.” Isobel Forsey was already familiar with writing to penpals, after corresponding with an American student she met during an academic trip to the United States in 2019. “I still keep in touch with her. Hearing her perspective of the pandemic and overall life is truly eye-opening. Having connection in a time of great disruption and talking to someone who is your age and is a lot like you, is very grounding. It also helps us to acknowledge the privilege we have in New Zealand, because unlike many others, we can be mostly certain of a positive future.”

Another alternative to keep students connected to the global community has been studying the Global Competencies Certificate, through AFS Exchanges, says Palē. “We have trialled this with Year 12 and Year 13 international students and it has gone really well. This challenging programme helps students to learn about global culture and becoming global citizens. Through the Senior College Options programme there is the possibility of students in Term 3 being involved in an online group with students connecting from all over the world via Zoom, which is exciting.” Exchanges to Australia are likely to be the first to come back on stream, however given the ‘temperamental’ Australian bubble, it is impossible to say when this might be. “At this stage everything is on hold, and we can’t create any new exchanges. However, once safe travel does reopen around the world, there will likely be opportunities to create new exchanges with different countries, such as the USA, which is already starting to show an interest in what we are doing down here.”

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Year 10 students Catherine Lattimore, Isobel Bhatia, Isobel Forsey and Emily Gjelstad are part of a new Penpal Exchange programme.

Cultural catch up

Ballet During their national tour, the Rehearsal Director and two professional dancers from the Footnote New Zealand Dance Company, New Zealand’s longest running professional contemporary dance company, held master classes with Year 10–11 Ballet and Dance Studies dancers, sharing contemporary techniques and repertoire from their show.

Year 10–11 Ballet and Dance Studies dancers, with dancers from Footnote New Zealand Dance Company.

In June, Lauren Byrne, Dance Educator from the Royal New Zealand Ballet, took two days of master classes with the Ballet Academy dancers (Years 7–13). The classes focused on balletic technique and learning a piece of repertoire from the current Royal New Zealand Ballet season, Giselle. Year 9–13 Ballet dancers performed over two nights in Dancing Like the Stars, at the Isaac Theatre Royal. For some, it was their debut on this historic stage. Ballet Academy Diploma Programme dancers (Years 9–13) performed a collection of classical, jazz, and contemporary work from their class studies at the Senior Showcase. Twentyone Secondary School dancers achieved their Bronze and Silver Performance Awards. The Junior and Intermediate Companies, from the Preparatory School Ballet Academy programme, also performed their new dances.

Big Sing A group of 56 students in Staccoro and Stacchorus, represented St Andrew’s College at the Big Sing competition. Staccoro won Best Performance of a Romantic Era Piece and the special ‘Spirit of the Festival’ Youth Ambassadors Award, which recognises that the choir and its members exemplified the spirit of Big Sing by encouraging leadership, community participation, collaboration, and innovation.

Chamber Music Following outstanding performances at the Regional Final of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest, Vich Perfect – Grace Lawrence (Year 12), Christine Jeon (Year 10) and Samuel Jeon (Year 13), and The Babarians – Samuel Jeon and Christine Jeon, together with Justin Hodges from Christ’s College, have both reached the National Finals Weekend of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest, to be held in Christchurch in early August. Both groups progressed through the Christchurch District, Canterbury District, and Regional Finals to qualify for the national finals, so this is an exceptional achievement, particularly for Samuel Jeon who has reached the semi-finals or finals every year he has been eligible to enter.

Festival of the Spoken Word The annual Festival of the Spoken Word Speech Competition took place in two parts, with the Junior competition held in the Centennial Chapel to find the Year 9–10 winners, and the Senior students competing in The Green Library and Innovation Centre two weeks later. There were some fantastic speakers on display in both competitions. In the Junior event, the top three speakers from each year group were very impressive as they delivered their speeches. The winners were Scarlett Gray (Year 9) and Megan Simpson (Year 10). The other finalists were Kaelan Graham and Catalina Serrano Burgos (both Year 9), and Chantelle Xiong and Eilish Johns (both Year 10).

In the Senior event, the 10 speakers were truly outstanding and impressed the judges, teachers, and audience with their thoughtful, insightful comments on topical issues. The overall winner (Best Speaker of the Night) was Harry Withers (Year 12), who won the Mark Ellerm Cup. The Year 11 winner was Lily Champion-Smith. Judges for the event were Meg Longley (OC 2019), and published author and Head of Senior School at St Margaret’s College, Sian Evans, and it was hosted by Heads of Debating, Thomas Kamo (Year 12) and Oscar Bloom (Year 13). • Year 9 – Scarlett Gray; • Year 10 – Megan Simpson; • Year 11 – Lily Champion-Smith; • Year 12 – Harry Withers (also winner of the Mark Ellerm Cup for Best Speaker of the Night).

Participants and winners in the Festival of the Spoken Word Speech Competition.

Highland Dancing A small group of dancers from Julie Hawke School of Highland Dance attended the 109th Annual Highland and National Dancing Championships in Dunedin over the Queen’s Birthday weekend with some wonderful results. • Milly Christie (Year 12) – fourth in the U18 South Island Championship Single Time Irish Jig, third in the U18 Otago Championship Seann Triubhas, and first in the U18 South Island Championship Highland Fling; • Brianna Sloper (Year 12) – first in the U18 Otago Championship Highland Reel; • Siara Clarke (Year 10) – first in the U16 Otago Championship Seann Triubhas, second in the U16 South Island Championship Sailors Hornpipe, and winner of the trophy for U16 Most Points Highland Classes.

Barbershop The St Andrew’s College Barbershop, StAC Sabbath, William Lucas, Samuel Foote, Matthew Fleming and Jack Calder (all Year 13), won the Young Singers in Harmony Barbershop Christchurch Regional Contest, and will now compete at the Nationals competition in September.

Vich Perfect – Grace Lawrence (Year 12), Christine Jeon (Year 10) and Samuel Jeon (Year 13) performing at the Regional Final of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest.

These three students also excelled at the Top of the South Marlborough/ Nelson Championships. Milly Christie (Year 12) was the overall U18 Champion, Brianna Sloper (Year 12) the U18 Runner-up Champion, and Siara Clarke (Year 10) was the overall U16 Champion.


The band also performed in public as part of the Schools’ Festival and even managed to keep going while playing in a tent during a thunderstorm and torrential rain.

Music Two of the College’s piano trios performed at the Concerts for Christchurch Lunchtime Concert held at the Ron Ball Studio in the Christchurch Town Hall to an appreciative audience of around 100 people. Vich Perfect, consisting of Grace Lawrence (Year 12), Christine Jeon (Year 10) and Samuel Jeon (Year 13), played the fourth movement of Shostakovich’s Piano Trio No 2. 8 Strings, and 88 Keys, made up of Miu Kim, Jasmine Hooker (both Year 9) and Sea-am Thompson (Year 10), gave the first movement of Beethoven’s Piano Trio Op.1. No 3. Sea-am Thompson (Year 10) was awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Award in Music for excelling in his music examinations.

Orchestra and Chamber Groups Showcases The Orchestra and Chamber groups entertained an appreciative audience with outstanding classical performances featuring Year 3–13 students in a special showcase in the Centennial Chapel. The orchestras played with great confidence, and the quality of the chamber groups was superb. Some Senior students have given many years of dedication to Music at St Andrew’s, showing leadership, and giving valuable encouragement to the younger students.

Preparatory School Music Concerts There have been two wonderful Preparatory School Music Concerts. The first was an opportunity for Preparatory School students to present a solo performance on instruments including piano, violin, cornet, and euphonium, to supportive family and friends. The second concert in the Centennial Chapel, featured items by the Cantare Choir, Junior Choir, Preparatory School Orchestra, and the chamber group. The two Year 8 music scholars, Anya Fang and Jessica Drury, presented dazzling solo performances on the violin and piano.

Preparatory School Music Following auditions for Representative Groups of the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival, the following Preparatory School students were selected for 2021: • Music Festival Symphony Orchestra – Matthew Bluck (Year 8 Violin), Yuxin (Alice) Chen (Year 7 Trumpet), Yutian (Tianna) Chen (Year 6 Trumpet and Cornet), Jessica Drury (Year 8 Violin), Daniel Liu (Year 8 Cello), Anthony Song (Year 6 Violin), Selena Zhang (Year 8 Violin), Lucas Zhong (Year 7 Violin); • Senior Representative Choir – Hanxi (Cicy) Chen, Emma Geddes, Eden Taylor (all Year 7), Emily Watt, Annie Young (both Year 8); • Junior Representative Choir – Lexie Dong (Year 5), Alyssa Geddes, Jacob (Jake) Triplow (both Year 6).

Commemoration Service at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in Wellington. The event was streamed live on TVNZ1. World Online ‘Spring’ Solo Championships Snare drummers Connor Higgs (Year 11) and Ethan Higgs (Year 9) achieved amazing results in the World Online ‘Spring’ Solo Championships. The overall competition for bagpiping, snare drumming, tenor and bass drumming received over 4100 entries across all the grades from around the world. Connor Higgs (Year 11): second overall Grade 1, 2nd Grade 1 March, Strathspey and Reel, and 6/8 March, 3rd Grade 1 Hornpipe and Jig, second overall Grade 2, 2nd Grade 2 March, 6th Strathspey and Reel, 1st 6/8 March, 4th Hornpipe and Jig. Ethan Higgs (Year 9): seventh overall Grade 2, 3rd 6/8 March, 6th Hornpipe and Jig, second overall Grade 3, 5th March, Strathspey and Reel, 2nd 6/8 March, 3rd Hornpipe and Jig.

Values and Culture

Club 347 also won a Gold Award at the Ara JazzQuest Combo Competition, with special mentions again to Samuel Foote for his piano playing and original composition, and Flynn Megaw for his outstanding trombone playing.

Mark Hodgkinson conducting the orchestra at the Orchestra and Chamber Groups Showcase.

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In the highly competitive combo category at the New Zealand Youth Jazz Festival in Tauranga, Senior Jazz combo, Club 347, did incredibly well to come away with a Gold award. Their set featured two original pieces composed by Samuel Foote and Flynn Megaw (both Year 13) along with the test piece Mr PC and the beautiful ballad Skylark, sung by Lucca Ballara (Year 13).

Hawke’s Bay Easter Highland Games D Grade Piping: Maggie McConnochie (Year 7) first in Piobaireachd, third in 2/4 March and Slow March, fourth in Strathspey and Reel, and third overall.

Pipe Band Rachel Holyoake (Year 12) and Lucas Paterson (Year 10) were selected for the New Zealand National Youth Pipe Band after a successful audition process. Georgia Eagle, Connor Higgs, Emily Ung (all Year 11), Lucas Paterson (Year 10), Brooke Mathewson and Elena Limmer-Wood (both OC 2020) performed as part of the National Youth Pipe Band of New Zealand at this year’s National ANZAC

Emily Watt (Year 8) performing at the Preparatory School Music Concert.

Mackenzie A&P Show First placegetters in piping and drumming at this competition were: • Georgia Hill (Year 11): first in Open – George Hill Memorial Trophy; • Madison Hughes (Year 10): first in D Grade Novice March; • Alanna Brook (Year 8): first in Intermediate Tenor Drumming, first in D Grade Tenor Drumming; • Emily Brook (Year 8): first in C Grade Strathspey and Reel, first in D Grade Slow March; • Charlie Gregg (Year 6): first in Novice. Solo’s @ StAC – Autumn Event First placegetters were: Snare Drumming • Georgia Eagle (Year 11): first in A Grade March, Strathspey and Reel, Hornpipe and Jig, and first overall in A Grade, first in B Grade March, Strathspey and Reel, Hornpipe and Jig, and first overall in B Grade; • Daniel Liu (Year 8): first in C Grade March, and first overall in C Grade; • Ethan Lam (Year 8): first in C Grade Strathspey and Reel, first in D Grade March, Strathspey and Reel, and first overall in D Grade; • Radha Gamble (Year 7): first in Novice Drum Pad Event, and Drum Event.

Tenor Drumming • Lucy McIntyre (Year 10); first in Intermediate Grade Strathspey and Reel, and first overall in Intermediate Grade; • Harrison Justice (Year 10): first in Hornpipe and Jig; • Dara Ballard (Year 10): first in Novice March.

Bass Drumming • Quentin Lovatt (Year 11): first in Intermediate Grade March, Strathspey and Reel, Hornpipe and Jig, and first overall in Intermediate Grade. Highland Piping Society of Canterbury Solo Piping Events First placegetters in the first round were: • Lucas Paterson (Year 10): first in B Grade Piobaireachd, C Grade Piobaireachd, 2/4 March; • Oskar Trafford (Year 11): first B Grade 2/4 March, Strathspey/Reel; • Iona Lawson (Year 10): first in C Grade Strathspey/Reel, D Grade Piobaireachd; • Anthony Song (Year 6): first Novice.

First placegetters in the second round were: • Lucas Paterson (Year 10): first in B Grade Piobaireachd; • Tayla Eagle (Year 9): first B Grade and C Grade Strathspey/Reel, first C Grade Piobaireachd; • Iona Lawson (Year 10): first C Grade Strathspey/Reel; • Maggie McConnochie (Year 7): first D Grade Piobaireachd, 2/4 March; • Emily Brook (Year 8): first D Grade Strathspey/Reel; • Samuel Jaspersmith (Year 11): first Novice. Otago Centre Queen’s Birthday Solo Piping Competition Ten St Andrew’s College Pipe Band pipers travelled to Dunedin to compete in the Otago Centre Queen’s Birthday Solo Piping Competition. A highlight from the weekend was Pipe Major Oskar Trafford (Year 11) winning the Dunedin Silver Medal Piobaireachd event after finishing as runner-up.

Out of 80 entries in the Online Region of Smokefree Rockquest, Alice Burnett and Jack Calder (both Year 13), who make up the duo Good Morning December, were named as one of the eight acts in the online Solo/Duo category to go forward to the National Finals.

Senior College Productions A group of Year 13 students (from left below) Josh Inglis, Samuel Foote, Thomas Wells, Imogen Roberts, Catelin Riordan, Lily Welsford, Madeline Bailey and Jack Calder, celebrated being part of five or more productions during their time at St Andrew’s College, either as performers, crew, or in the band. All have shown great commitment to theatre at the College.

Top placings: • Oskar Trafford (Year 11): Dunedin Silver Medal Piobaireachd; • Lucas Paterson (Year 10): first U16 2/4 March; • Iona Lawson (Year 10): first and Otago Champion D Grade 2/4 March; • Rylan Cliff (Year 9) first D Grade Strathspey/Reel; • Maggie McConnochie (Year 7): Most Points Lady Piper in D Grade. Winter Solo Drumming St Andrew’s College hosted the Winter Solo Drumming event, with Pipe Band drummers performing extremely well to win 15 first placings, 18 second placings, and 15 third placings.

Rockquest It was a great achievement for 28 students across five bands to qualify for the Rockquest Canterbury Regional Finals, after great performances in earlier heats. All the bands, Black Wired, Casper and the Frowny Face Club, Afterglows, High Voltage, and A Little Soul, played extremely well and had great connections with their audiences. A Little Soul, a nine-piece band, placed third with two great songs, and Alice Burnett (Year 13) of Casper and the Frowny Face Club won Best Song. Music Tutor, Michael Sumner, Rock School Co-ordinator, Kristian Giles, and Head of Music, Duncan Ferguson, put in a great deal of work helping the students to prepare for the competition.

Vocal Concert Stacchorus and Staccoro choirs, the Boys’ Barbershop StAC Sabbath, vocal soloists, and the piano trio Vich Perfect, performed a vocal concert at the St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. This was a great opportunity for all these groups to perform in front of an appreciative audience as they prepared for their various competitions.

Winter Cultural Showcase Cultural Captains, Scarlett Rumble and Caitlin Riordan (both Year 13), organised a fantastic Winter Cultural Showcase. A group of 50 student performers were involved in the evening of dance, theatre, music and spoken word. With some winter puns, the Captains hosted a wonderful evening and the audience was treated to some great talent. Gold coin donations raised $250 for So They Can.

A performance during the Winter Cultural Showcase.

Remarkable musician’s

This year’s contest will mark the end of a remarkable journey for Samuel. He has been a semi‑finalist or finalist every year he has been eligible to enter the competition, from 2017 to 2021. Moreover, he has reached the finals on two different instruments, violin in 2019 and piano in 2020. Samuel says he is happy and relieved to have made it to finals weekend once more. “It is always exciting and rewarding for me, especially because of the recognition from the school. As a musician, it’s so much fun working with other talented musicians because it really amplifies your expressive voice on the instrument.”

Competing in the competition in two different groups is a lot of work, but he is used to it, he says. “Christine and I really have to be focused and control our stamina, so we don’t wear ourselves out every round.” Samuel says the siblings are fortunate to have their aunty, Mijin Jeon, as their piano teacher and musical mentor. “She is a pianist herself and we would always join in when she would have her recitals. For us, chamber music started quite early because I played the violin, Christine played the cello, and my aunt played the piano. My dad and my grandma love to sing.” Although Samuel is a talented pianist and violinist, piano is without doubt his favourite instrument, he says. “I love the sound of the piano a lot more as well as the physical touch of fingers on the keys. With piano, you can express multiple ideas and lines at the same time.”

He says he is grateful for the support of the St Andrew’s College community for his music. “St Andrew’s has truly been the most supportive community for our music and has given me the freedom to strive to be the best I can be. I love how whether I’m playing in the school orchestra, or working with students from other schools, the staff and the community have always supported and congratulated our achievements just the same.” Earlier this year, Samuel passed the FTCL Diploma Examination, a Trinity College of London Performance Diploma which is the equivalent to a post graduate course recital at a conservatoire or university. He aspires to be a full-time musician in the future, preferably a concert pianist. “I have applied for many universities in New Zealand and overseas and I hope that COVID-19 will be over soon so that I can travel and study in Europe. There’s still a long way to go for my playing but I really want to enjoy the journey, wherever I end up.” Samuel Jeon (Year 13)

45 Regulus

Following outstanding performances, two groups from St Andrew’s College have made the National Finals Week of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest, and incredibly both groups feature one of the College’s most exceptional musicians, Samuel Jeon (Year 13), along with his talented sister, Christine (Year 10).

Values and Culture

amazing record



Climate event in Christchurch alongside thousands of other students. The students marched from Cathedral Square to the Christchurch City Council building where they spoke with Christchurch Mayor, Lianne Dalziel. The strikers laid out a set of demands including a push for more available, cheaper public transport, and the ceasing of the Tarras Airport project.



Sophie Goodie (Year 13) has shown dedication and hard work to raise an incredible $2240 for the Ben Gough Family Theatre by selling 224 packets of her handmade hair scrunchies in the uniform shop Thistles. She exceeded her goal of raising $2000, which has allowed her to donate a Theatre Seat to the new theatre.

Gumboot Friday

Hundreds of our students and staff wore their favourite gumboots on ‘Gumboot Friday’ and donated in support of I AM HOPE, an important cause supporting young people’s mental health. Lunchtime entertainment was provided by the Agriculture Committee, featuring a sausage sizzle and an obstacle course challenge.

Matariki Hāngi

A special College hāngi was put down to celebrate Matariki.

Preparatory School Sports Gear Donations

Over the last few months, the Preparatory School has made significant donations of sports gear to The EPIC Sports Project, including 100 soccer balls, numerous hockey sticks, sports shoes, and other sports equipment. These donations have allowed many children an opportunity to play the sports that they love.

Random Act of Kindness

Students from tutor group 12IMO delivered sports equipment donated by class members to Casebrook Intermediate School, as part of a ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ challenge issued by Year 12 Dean, Sarah Bishop, during Term 1.

To celebrate Matariki, a hāngi was put down on Monday 5 July at the College. The fire was lit at 6.00am, the hāngi put down at 10.00am and uplifted at 3.20pm to be served. All Te Reo Māori students helped in different stages throughout the day while also having their scheduled classes in a makeshift classroom next to the hāngi pit. Students from the Māori and Pasifika group were also on hand to help.

Red Cross First Aid Training

Staff members, Pete Westrupp, Wade Parata, Jono Oxley, Lauren Wilkes, Trent Harris and Maia Westrupp, all played a big part in the success of the hāngi.

School Strike for Climate

The Year 10 classes completed their child minding Red Cross First Aid Certificate which count towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award. During the full-day course, they took part in a mix of theory and practical exercises, along with a written component. The students enjoyed developing their knowledge of CPR and responding to emergencies. A group of six St Andrew’s College students from the Sustainability Council, took part in the School Strike 4

Tree Planting

A group of 18 prefects spent an afternoon planting trees at the Christchurch Adventure Park as part of a Community Service project.

World Vision Leadership Conference

A group of Community Service students attended the World Vision Leadership Conference with a focus on preparing the students to facilitate the 40 Hour Famine fundraising for 2021. The students listened to inspirational speakers who shared how the 40 Hour Famine fundraising efforts over the years has positively impacted many around the globe. It challenged the students to think about their responsibility to support and help others less fortunate than themselves.

Year 8 Community Service

As part of a leadership journey, students from class 8S took part in a community project at Richmond Community Gardens. They spent the day extending the Red Zone fruit tree understories, spreading mulch and compost in the fungi farm, as well as weeding, tidying, turning over the Four Maiden’s berm planting, and sweeping paths. The students took on the challenge positively, and demonstrated leadership, as they learnt new skills and met new people. The Agriculture Committee, which provided lunchtime entertainment on Gumboot Friday.

Hoop It Up Gala Dinner

On Saturday 12 June, the St Andrew’s College Basketball Fundraising Committee hosted the second Hoop It Up Gala Dinner at the Russley Golf Club. The sold-out event helped raise funds for the competitive Secondary School basketball programme. Speakers, Jack Salt (Basketball New Zealand) and Stephen Fleming (New Zealand Cricket), spoke superbly about the importance of community within sporting contexts, amongst other topics.


fire up netball


The incredible depth of talent among the high-quality coaching staff in the St Andrew’s College netball programme is highlighted by this image of the 2001 Canterbury Flames team. Former Flame, Kelly Hutton (top left), is the Senior B team manager. Next to her is Anna Galvan, who coaches the Senior B team. Seated in the middle row are Margie Foster (left), who runs the Motivationz Academy, and Jo Andrew, who is the Senior A team coach and the College’s Netball Strategic Director. It is wonderful to have such fantastic netball role models sharing their knowledge and experience with St Andrew’s players. All four took part in a special Heritage Night run by the Tactix on Monday 17 May, which celebrated the original Flames.

47 Regulus


Values and Culture

The St Andrew’s basketball community is incredibly grateful to the number of sponsors and supporters who helped to make this highly successful event possible.

Sports round up

Athletics A group of 44 students competed at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships, achieving an outstanding ten first placings, four second, and eleven third placings. Tapenisa Havea (Y13) had an exceptional championship, setting new South Island records in the U19 Girls’ shot put and discus, beating the previous discus record by an incredible seven metres. She was also second in the U19 Girls’ 100 metres at the event and was awarded the Outstanding Female Athlete Award for 2021.

Placegetters were:

Adventure Racing At the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Adventure Racing Championships, StAC White, made up of Alice Egan, Zachary Moore (both Y13), Jenna Hirschfeld (Y12) and Payton Kimber-Reynolds (Y11), took out the national Mixed team title in the 12 Hour Challenge, after completing 11 hours and 45 minutes of mountain biking, rogaining, kayaking, orienteering, problem-solving, and navigation in wet and windy conditions. In the South Island Secondary Schools’ Adventure Racing Championships, which were part of the Kaikoura Adventure Race, the Girls’ team of Alice Egan, Tatiana Keogan (both Y13), Jenna Hirschfeld and Emily Davis (both Y12) won the Girls’ section. The Mixed team of Molly Spark, Benjamin Ferrier, Joseph Drury, and Oliver Affleck (all Y13) finished second in the Mixed section and third overall against all school teams. The Boys’ team of Joseph Connolly, Max Blockley, Connor Rocket (all Y11) and Tom Edwards (Y12) finished third in the Boys’ section. In the Hillary Challenge 6-hour qualifying race for the national final in October, the Mixed Premier team of Benjamin Ferrier, Zachary Moore, Joseph Drury, Oliver Affleck, Molly Spark, Alice Egan (all Y13), Jenna Hirschfeld (Y12) and Payton Kimber-Reynolds (Y11) finished third with 1970 points out of a possible 1980, to secure a place in the final.

First place

• Kavanah Lene (Y11): U15 Girls shot put; • Natalia Geneblaza (Y11): U16 Girls long jump; • Isabella Gibson (Y13): U19 Girls 800m; • Neve Moulai (Y13): U19 Girls 1500m; • Couper Killick (Y12): U16 Boys shot put; • Jonah Cropp (Y11): Open walk; • Tapenisa Havea (Y13): U19 Girls discus (new record by 7m), U19 Girls shot put (new record); • U19 Boys 4×400m relay: Arden Ongley, Jake Jackways, Oliver Graves (all Y13), Michael McCaskey (Y12); • U16 Girls 4×100m relay: Sienna Stowers-Smith, Nikkita McIntyre, Jorja Williams (all Y11), Maia Columbus (Y12).

Second place

• Kavanah Lene: U15 Girls discus; • Couper Killick: U16 Boys discus; • Tapenisa Havea: U19 Girls 100m;


• Maia Columbus (Y12): U16 Girls 200m.

The following students were invited by Basketball New Zealand to the 2021 U16 and U17 Selection Camps, which were preparation for the Junior National teams.

Third place

• Natalia Geneblaza: U16 Girls triple jump; • Maia Columbus: U16 Girls 100m; • Neve Moulai: U19 Girls 800m; • Ava Gardiner (Y9): U14 Girls 80m hurdles; • Scarlett Kirby (Y12): U19 Girls hammer; • Jake Jackways (Y13): U19 Boys 800m; • Torin Ward (Y11): U16 Boys pole vault; • Lily Gamble (Y13: U19 Girls pole vault; • Sienna Stowers-Smith (Y11): U16 Girls 400m; • U19 Boys 4×100m: Arden Ongley, Will Anderson (both Y13), Michael McCaskey, Hayden Vickery (both Y12); • U19 Girls 4×100m: Tapenisa Havea, Ashley Farrell, Olivia Geneblaza (all Y13), Natalia Geneblaza (Y11).

Badminton Jenna Hirschfeld (Y12), Zachary Moore (Y13), Payton Kimber-Reynolds (Y11), Alice Egan (Y13).

Competing at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships, from top, Tapenisa Havea (Y13), Couper Killick (Y12) and Maia Columbus (Y12) and Jorja Williams (Y11).

At the Badminton Canterbury Open, Yirui (Elly) Li (Y11) finished as the top women’s player for Canterbury and won the Mixed Doubles Open.

• U16 Girls: Lauren Whittaker (Y11) and Karereatua Williams (Y12); • U17 Girls: Madeline-Rose Morrow (Y12) and Grace Cameron (Y13). The following students were selected for regional basketball representative teams: • Canterbury U15: Molly-Belle Morrow, Carter Rhodes both (Y10), Kavanah Lene (Y11); • North Canterbury U15: Ophelia Powell, Rafferty Powell, Ella Sharpe (all Y10); • Canterbury U17: Grace Cameron (Y13), Madeline-Rose Morrow, Karereatua Williams (both Y12), Mitchell Corkery, Lauren Whittaker, Jett Nicholson (all Y11); • Canterbury U19: Benjamin Freeman, Tanae Lavery, Jackson Rhodes (all Y13); • Canterbury Rams training squad: Benjamin Freeman, Tanae Lavery, Jackson Rhodes; • New Zealand U14 development squad: Ophelia Powell, Rafferty Powell, Ruby Beynon, Benjamin Ashman (all Y10).

New Zealand Basketball Championships

Over Queen’s Birthday weekend, four Year 13 basketball players, Te Rina Cooper, Benjamin Freeman, Tanae Lavery, Jackson Rhodes, along with coach Mason Whittaker, and two Old Collegians, Flynn McGuinness (OC 2020) and Hannah Crabtree (OC 2020) represented Canterbury at the U19 National Basketball Championships. The Canterbury women finished second, and the Canterbury men won the U19 Championship.

ISSA Basketball Tournament

In the Years 7–8 competition at the inaugural ISSA basketball tournament, the Preparatory School Girls’ A team dominated their competition, winning all three games to qualify for the CPSSA tournament in Term 3.


ISSA Zone Cross Country/ CPSSA Cross Country

A group of 47 Preparatory School students competed at the ISSA Zone Cross Country at Roto Kohatu Reserve, where several placed in the top six and qualified for the CPSSA event. At the CPSSA event, Sasha McIntyre put in an exceptional performance backing up her win at the ISSA event to win the Year 8 Girls’ event. Top six from the ISSA Cross Country:

• Year 7: Finn Bruwer 1st;

Cross Country

Alys Scott (Y12) placed second in New Zealand, fifth in Oceania, and 40th in the world in the 16–17 Years 2021 Crossfit Open, competing against over 2000 girls from around the world. Alys will represent New Zealand in the Teen Individual Oceania Championship in Brisbane and has made it through to the next round in the Crossfit Open to compete for a place in the World Crossfit Games.

• Senior Girls: Neve Moulai (Y13): 2nd; • Junior Girls: Hannah Hughes (Y10): 9th; • Year 9 Girls: Amber De Wit: 5th, Jasmine Hooker: 10th; • Year 9 Boys: Adam MacFarlane: 3rd.

Preparatory School Cross Country

The Preparatory School Cross Country was run under perfect conditions onsite. The House spirit added to the occasion, with the top six students for Years 5–8 qualifying for the Independent Zone Cross Country.


• Year 4: Frank McHarg, Isabelle Harrison;


Dressage Gemma Lewis (Y11) and Georgia Lewis (Y8) represented New Zealand (U25) in the Inaugural Virtual Dressage Competition. Four riders each from seven countries (New Zealand, Australia, UK, Hong Kong, South Africa, USA, and Canada) were chosen to ride in up to two of the five categories, and had to send in a video of their dressage test for a panel of international judges to mark. Georgia finished fifth, and Georgia seventh out of 28 riders in the Prix Caprilli test, and Gemma was second in the Pas de Deux pairs dressage test. Their New Zealand teams finished second in both disciplines.

• Year 5: Riley Pringle, Isla Marshall;


• Year 6: Theo Smith, Hayley Stowell;

At the National Mounted Games Pairs and Teams in Hastings, Georgia Lewis (Y8) came second in the U12 Pairs and fifth in U17 Teams.

• Year 7: Finn Bruwer, Adele Sherborne; • Year 8: Jack Shearer, Sasha McIntyre.

Noah Grossmith (Y10) and Ryan Stewart (Y12) competed in the National U17 and U15 Fencing competitions in Wellington, where Ryan won the U17 Men’s Epee National title, and Noah was sixth in the U15 Men’s Epee.

• Year 6: Hayley Stowell 1st, Louis Johnson 3rd, Eva Crawford 4th, Theo Smith 4th; • Year 8: Sasha McIntyre 1st, Jessica Drury 4th, Jack Shearer 4th, Beau Robertson 5th, Olivia Ratcliffe 5th, William Crawford 6th.

A group of 16 students competed at the 2021 Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Cross Country Championships with a number of top 10 finishes. Neve Moulai (Y13) put in a stunning performance to finish second in the Senior Girls’ race. Top 10 placegetters were:


• Year 5: Isla Marshall 4th, Zia Thornley 5th, Taylor Ford 6th, Riley Pringle 6th;

At the Canterbury Cricket Association Awards, Archie Reekie (Y13) won the Neil Cook Memorial Trophy for Wicketkeeper of the Year playing for the Country ‘A’ team.

Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Cross Country Championships

Gemma Lewis (Y11) was selected for the Canterbury Pony Club Area Games team.

Values and Culture

House spirit was on display at the annual Secondary School House Basketball Competition. The final saw a tight first five minutes with MacGibbon holding a two-point lead over the Erwin team. However, the energy of the supporters and talent in the MacGibbon team allowed them to run away with the win 28–14.

49 Ryan Stewart (Y12) and Noah Grossmith (Y10)

Figure Skating Milla Newbury (Y12) was second in the Ladies Solo Freestyle U18 Intermediate Novice grade at the New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association Canterbury Club Championships. She will represent Canterbury at the National Championships in October.

Football Kiara Bercelli (Y12) and Megan Simpson (Y10) attended a National U17 football training camp as a result of national trials held in March.

Grass Karting Josh Silcock (Y10) finished third overall in the Junior Grade at the 2021 New Zealand Grass Kart Championships.

Josh Silcock (Y12).


House Basketball



The following students were selected for Canterbury U18 hockey teams, with the Boys’ 1st XI coach, Joe Piggott, also selected to coach Canterbury U18A:

In her first ever half marathon, Molly Spark (Y13) was the first woman over the finish line out of 446 female runners at the Saint Clair Vineyard Half Marathon. She was 18th overall out of a total of 678 runners.

• Boys’ U18A: Jakarta Klebert, Hugh Nixon, Adam Redway, Jonathon Rollinson (all Y12) and Cameron Slee (Y13); • Girls’ U18B: Olivia Geneblaza (Y13), Holly Gilray and Alissa Tamaki (both Y11); • Boys’ U18B: Joel Rogers, Luke Slee (both Year 11) and Harry Withers (Year 12).

Ice Hockey Quentin Lovatt (Y11) was selected for the Canterbury U18 ice hockey team.

Indoor Cricket Harrison Bisphan (Y13) was named in the Canterbury 21 and Under team to compete at the nationals.

Jet Sports Jake Wilson (Y8) won the 10–12 years age group at the 2021 New Zealand Jet Sports Nationals. He was also the overall winner for all three Junior Development classes at the nationals – Novice, 10–12 years, and 13–15 years.

Mt Difficulty Ascent Run Molly Spark (Y13) was the first Junior (U18) to be allowed to enter and compete in the Mt Difficulty Ascent Run due to its difficult nature and steep terrain and finished as the seventh female overall.

Multisport A group of seven students competed in individual races at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Multisport Championships in Rotorua, completing a 4.5km kayak, 21km mountain bike ride, and 5.5km run. All did incredibly well to finish in the top ten: • Male U19: Benjamin Ferrier 4th, Joseph Drury 7th, Zachary Moore 8th, Oliver Affleck 9th (all Y13); • Female U19: Molly Spark (Y13) 2nd, Jenna Hirschfeld (Y12) 3rd; • Male U14: Matthew Hirschfeld (Y9) 2nd.

North Canterbury team in a curtainraiser match for the Tactix. After great results in their Saturday competition, the Senior A netball team won their way to the Premier Grade Competition. In one week, Isabella Galvan (Y13) shot 100 per cent in two games – a top of the table clash against Lincoln University B in the Saturday competition, and a win over Christchurch Girls’ High School in the SuperNet competition the following Wednesday.

Orienteering Clayton Shadbolt (Y13) finished second in the U18 Men’s competition at the National Orienteering Championships in Woodhill Forest, north of Auckland. Alice Egan and Clayton Shadbolt (both Y13) competed with the Southern Region Orienteering Schools’ teams at the Queen’s Birthday New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Trials. Clayton’s team won the National Senior Boys’ title, with Alice’s team second overall in the Senior Girls’ Division. Alice was selected for the New Zealand Schools’ team to compete at the Australian Championships and Southern Cross Schools’ Challenge in late September/early October.

Rhythmic Gymnastics Kalisa Zhang (Y6) was second overall at the South Island Championships for rhythmic gymnastics, after finishing first in hoop, second in rope, and third in free and ball in Stage 3. At the Canterbury Primary Schools’ Rhythmic Gymnastics competition, Nika Meyn (Y6) won the Stage 3 section, and Elissa Croy (Y8) won Level 7. Nika was also selected to represent Canterbury at the New Zealand National Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships.

Jake Wilson (Y8)

Jump Jam The St Andrew’s Jump Jam team came second in the Years 5–8 section of the Regional Jump Jam Competition. They were also awarded Merit in Presentation, and Excellence in Technical Execution.

Molly Spark and Joseph Drury (both Y13)

Netball Holly Munro, Otolose (Lose) Faingaanuku, Isabella Galvan (all Y13) and Karereatua Williams (Y12) played for the U18 Christchurch Red team against the U18

Road Race A group of students competed in the Canterbury Road Race Championship held at the A&P Showgrounds with several top ten finishes. Top three placegetters were Neve Moulai (Y13) who was second in the Senior Girls’ race, and Hannah Hughes (Y10) who was second in the U16 Girls’ event.


At the Canterbury Rowing Association Awards, the St Andrew’s College Boys’ Eight crew was awarded the San Agata Cup for winning the Canterbury Schools Head of the River Regatta.

Rugby The 1st XV enjoyed the fantastic atmosphere of playing at Orangetheory Stadium against Nelson College in the curtain-raiser for the Super Rugby Aotearoa final. Ashleigh Brett (Y13) was selected for the Canterbury Rugby FPC Development Squad for 2021.

Squash Jacob Horrey (Y12) was third at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Individual Squash Championships.

A group of 13 Preparatory School students competed at the CPSSA Swimming Championships, against more than 600 competitors. Those to achieve a top 10 placing were:

Taiko Torepe-Ormsby

• Year 5 – Jackson Morrow 9th freestyle, William Johnson 7th backstroke, Kaia Hartstonge 3rd breaststroke and 4th freestyle, Chelsea Li second backstroke, Isla Marshall 3rd backstroke;

Aon New Zealand Swimming Championships

• Year 6 – Louis Johnson 8th backstroke, Anthony Song 4th freestyle;

The following St Andrew’s College swimmers achieved impressive results at the Aon New Zealand Swimming Championships: • Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y13): 50m freestyle – 1st 17 years, 2nd Open; 50m butterfly – 1st 17 years, 4th Open; 100m butterfly – 1st 17 years, 5th Open; 100m freestyle – 2nd 17 years; 100m backstroke – 3rd 17 years; • Bree Middleton (Y13): 400m freestyle – 4th 17 years.

South Island Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships

A team of 11 swimmers competed at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships, winning an impressive 35 medals including relays (18 gold, 7 silver, 10 bronze). Many of the swimmers achieved significant personal bests. The team won the trophy for the Top School in the Boys’ Relay competition and were the secondhighest points scoring school out of 43 schools. Gold medal winners were:

Taekwondo Maddison Bisphan (Y12) was first in Individual Black Belt 14–17 Years Poomsae and second in Black Belt Open Teams Poomsae at the Taekwondo Union New Zealand (TUNZ) South Island Invitational Championships.

Tennis Finlay Emslie-Robson (Y12) competed in Darwin at two International Tennis Federation (ITF) tournaments, reaching the quarter-finals in the singles and placing second in the doubles at the first tournament, and reaching the semifinals and winning the doubles in the second tournament. Finlay now has an ITF world ranking of 710 and still has another two years of playing U18, with his goal to make top 100.

• Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y13): gold in Mens 17–18 years 100 IM, 50m backstroke, 100m freestyle, 100m butterfly, 50m freestyle; Mens 16–18 years Skins race, 200m Freestyle Elimination Race;

Jacob Horrey (Y12), Hamish Bishop (Y13) and Bodie Oxenham (Y9) competed at the South Island Schools’ Squash Championships and did well against higher-ranked players to finish fifth in the tournament.

• William McConchie (Y9): gold Boys 13 Years 100m IM, 100m breaststroke, 50m breaststroke;


• Jaden Hu (Y10): gold Boys 14 Years 100m backstroke;

Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y13) has had an outstanding year in the pool. He won three golds, five silvers, and a bronze medal at the Aon New Zealand Swimming Championships, setting four Canterbury records in the heats and final. Taiko also received retrospective selection into the 2020 New Zealand Junior Pan Pacific Championship team, given to swimmers who were unable to compete due to COVID-19. He was named as the Emerging Swimmer of the Year by the New Zealand Swimming Alumni, due to him excelling within the qualifying period in Olympic Long Course or Short Course events; and was named the Outstanding Young Sportsman of the Year at the 2021 ORIX New Zealand Canterbury Sports Awards.

• Year 8 – Jessica Drury 3rd breaststroke and butterfly.

• Connor Barr (Y13): gold Mens 17–18 years 50m breaststroke, 100m backstroke;

• Callum Lockhart (Y12): gold Mens 16 years 50m backstroke; • Isabella McConchie (Y11): gold Girls 15 years 100m backstroke; • Connor Barr, William McConchie, Taiko Torepe-Ormsby, Callum Lockhart: gold 4×50m Medley Men 16–18 years; • Connor Barr, Noah Fanene (Y9), Callum Lockhart, Taiko TorepeOrmsby: gold 4×50m freestyle Men 16–18 years; • Callum Lockhart, Isabella McConchie, Holly McCarthy (Y10), Connor Barr: gold 4×25 Open Mixed Freestyle Kick Relay.

Values and Culture

Sam Long and Georgia Thomson (both Y12)

CPSSA Swimming Championships

51 Regulus

Georgia Thomson and Sam Long (both Y12) were selected for the South Island U18 rowing team which beat the North Island team at the two-day North versus South Regatta at Lake Karapiro. Sam was in the winning crews for the Boys’ U18 Pair and the Boys’ U18 8+, establishing himself as the fastest stroke side rower at the regatta. Georgia was second in the Girls’ U18 Single and was in the winning crew for the Girls’ U18 4X+. Senior Boys’ rowing coach, Tim Hopkins, coached the Men’s sweep team and his crews were unbeaten over the entire regatta.

Finlay Emslie-Robson (Y12) (second right)

Duncan McCall (Year 11) was selected to represent the New Zealand U15 Boys’ team at the Australian Teams Championships on the Gold Coast.

Trap Shooting During a round of the Canterbury Area High Schools’ Competition, Jono Baynon (Y12) shot 20/20 targets in the Single Rise round, followed by a shootoff with 13 others. Jono shot over 90 targets on the day, without missing, to win the Senior Single Rise round. His exceptional form was again on display during the Sports Exchange against Timaru Boys’ High School, where he achieved another perfect score of 90/90, making his running total of consecutive hits at that time over 150. Connor Higgs (Y11) also achieved 20/20 in the Single Rise at the Timaru exchange.


from the

President We have been most fortunate to see our Old Collegian events return to pre-COVID19 normalcy in the past few months, welcoming back many familiar faces to the College. After not being held last year, to be back in the Centennial Chapel for the 2021 Anzac Day Service felt even more poignant than usual. It was evident from the number who attended that many others, including a number of Old Collegians, felt the same way. I felt particularly honoured to lay the Old Collegian Association wreath and to read the Roll of Honour alongside Rector Christine Leighton as we remembered those who gave their lives for us. The 50 Years On reunion classes of 1970 and 1971 were also held in May and June, respectively. The 1970 reunion group which included Mike Johnston (Scrump – 1974), very much enjoyed watching the St Andrew’s 1st XV beat Christchurch Boys’ High School before attending their reunion dinner in Strowan House and reminiscing about when they themselves had beaten Boys’ High. Gordon McCormick (1974) made a memorable Toast to the College, and John Stevenson (1974) performed the Address to the Haggis in front of his year group, which was highly entertaining. Thank you to Andy Munro (1974) for playing a key role in helping to organise the function. Alex McLaughlin (1975) followed suit at the 1971 reunion and addressed the haggis in front of his year group. The 1971 reunion group spent Friday and Saturday evening in Strowan House catching up on the years that had passed since many of them were sleeping upstairs as boarders. Thank you to Rob Mulholland (1975) and Peter Chamberlain (1975) for assisting with organising the function. Old Collegian, Jonathan Scragg (1996), was most generous in hosting the Old Collegians’ regional event at the Duncan Cotterill offices in Wellington. The event had a great turn out of Old Collegians ranging from 1962–2014. The evening was full of lively conversations, and we were fortunate to have current Head Boy, Jack Calder, attend and say a few words about how it felt to meet some of the Old Collegian group that he himself will be joining at the end of the year. The 101st Old Collegians Association AGM was held in Strowan House on Wednesday 16 June, when we acknowledged outgoing Board Chair, Bryan Pearson (1980) for his 12 years as the Old Collegian nominee on the Board of Governors. We thank Bryan for his time and strong leadership over this period. Meg Black (2010) President

Wellington Old Collegians

Cocktail Function

On Thursday 10 June, the Wellington Old Collegians Cocktail Function was generously hosted by Jonathan Scragg (1996) at the offices of Duncan Cotterill, Wellington, with a fantastic attendance. It was a wonderful event and very well represented by Old Collegians from across the decades. Special guest was Head Boy, Jack Calder, who along with his father Paul (1986), enjoyed meeting fellow Old Collegians from the region. Jack’s impromptu address to the group highlighted the importance of these gatherings, especially for the younger Old Collegians, to appreciate the rich history, connections, stories, and lifelong friends that come from attending St Andrew’s College. A big thanks to Jonathan, and Duncan Cotterill, for making this reunion possible.


Years On College in 50 years to reminisce with old friends. On Saturday afternoon, the group had the opportunity to attend the St Andrew’s 1st XV versus Christchurch Boys’ High School 1st XV rugby game, playing for the Bill Thompson Memorial Shield. After a jersey presentation and pep talk by the Old Collegians to the players, a three-peat victory happened for the first time in 50 years. Afterwards, at the Reunion Dinner, they were treated to a delightful recital of Burns’ poem Address to the Haggis by John Stevenson (1974) followed by an entertaining toast from the 1974 Head Prefect, Gordon McCormick. To end the reunion, a moving chapel service was well attended, where they remembered those from the group who were gone, but not forgotten. A big thank you to Andy Munro (1974) who did a fantastic job of helping to organise the weekend.

19to71 1975


Old Collegians

On Friday 21 May, around 40 Old Collegians were welcomed back to St Andrew’s College for their 50 Years On Reunion. This reunion was for the Class of 1970–1974, which was cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The Cocktail Party was a great opportunity for some who had not been back to the



Years On

The second 50 Years On reunion for 2021 was hosted at the College on Friday 18–Saturday 19 June and was attended by a group of 39 Old Collegians from the class of 1971– 1975 and their partners. It was the first time back for some, with many Old Collegians commenting on how amazing the facilities were at the College, and how many areas were unrecognisable from their time. On Friday evening they attended a Cocktail Party, and on the Saturday morning, several of the group watched the St Andrew’s 1st XV rugby team


defeat Waimea Combined Schools. Rob Mulholland (1975) had the honour of presenting the jerseys to the players. The Reunion Dinner on Saturday night was generously attended once again, and the group was treated to a brilliant rendition of the Address to the Haggis by Alex McLaughlin (1975). Some very funny speeches and stories from Peter Chamberlain (1975) and Ken McKenzie (1975) followed and the laughter could be heard well into the night. A big thanks to Peter Chamberlain and Rob Mulholland for all their help in making this a fabulous event.


19to70 1974

Class notes Hugh Wilson (1962) has been restoring Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, since 1987. He has been guiding the Rod Donald Trust (Rod Donald – 1975), which plans to use Hugh’s oncecontroversial conservation methods to restore Te Ahu Pātiki (Mt Herbert) to its former glory.

In the best form of his life, the former world champion double sculler John Storey (2005), has retired from rowing ahead of the Tokyo Olympics to focus on his family. World Champion Henry Nicholls (2009) was part of the 2021 Black Caps team which won the inaugural ICC World Test Championship. Henry’s brother Willy Nicholls (2007), pictured right, was New Zealand Cricket’s digital and communications executive and travelled with the team.

George Black

George Black (2014) ran 100km from Hawarden, North Canterbury, to Hagley Park in Christchurch in Red Band gumboots to raise funds for the North Canterbury Rural Support Trust. George completed the run in 12 hours and raised more than $20,000. Sam Lane (OC 2015) was in the Black Sticks men’s hockey team competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Hugh Wilson

Simon London (2000) has moved to London to begin his studies in a twoyear Directing Fiction Masters course at the National Film and Television School. Simon has been on stage and screen both in New Zealand and overseas since leaving the College and starred in, amongst other shows, Shortland Street, Doctor, Doctor, and several Hobbit feature films. He has also worked extensively in theatre throughout Australasia and the UK.

Henry and Willy Nicholls Photo credit: Photosport NZ

Richie Mo’unga (2012) was named in the All Blacks squad for the 2021 Steinlager Series Tests against Fiji and Tonga. Joshua Guillemot-Rodgerson (2013) was promoted to soloist at the Royal New Zealand Ballet following his debut as Albrecht in Giselle in Wellington.

Raymond Nu’u (OC 2015) was named in the All Blacks Sevens White team to compete at the Takiwhitu Tūturu tournament in Wellington, which was part of the All Blacks Sevens Olympic preparation. He has also joined Otago rugby after three seasons with Southland. Ray previously featured in Canterbury age-group sides before linking up with the Crusaders Academy, but an injury in 2017 stalled his progress and he joined Southland the following year. Alex Wilson (2016) was one of the first six people to graduate with a Master of Criminal Justice from University of Canterbury, which was presented at the Christchurch Town Hall in April.

Alex Wilson Simon London

Steven Hartley (2001), Tim Murdoch (2004), Rupert McKee (2011) and Patrick Duncan (1999), who found their love of television in the St Andrew’s TV studio, have been helping to manage TV coverage at the Olympics in Tokyo. Steven and Patrick were producing the audio side of television coverage at the sailing venue for OBS, Tim was on the sailing team as one of the Camera Control Unit operators, and Rupert was working as a broadcast engineer at the IBC (International Broadcast Centre) providing services for SKY Sports NZ.

Joshua Guillemot-Rodgerson

Robbie Stokes (2013) won the Canterbury Rally Championships on Sunday 6 June, the second year in a row that he and his co-driver, sister Amy, have won the title. Their father Brian Stokes (1975), a former national rally champion, was part of Robbie’s race crew. Robbie’s brother Jack Stokes (2019) also competed, placing fourth in his class and 24th overall.

Lucy-Rose Beattie (2017) graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Business, Spanish, and Political Science. She was awarded the Golden Key International Honour Society for being in the top 15 per cent of students for academic achievement at the University of Canterbury and won a Scholarship to study her Master’s in Development Studies at The Hague, Netherlands from August 2021. Nicholas Beattie (2017) has graduated with a Master of Planning with First Class Honours in 2020 and is now working at Aurecon as a planner.

Jack Sexton (2019) was a member of the New Zealand U20 rugby team, which took part in a domestic series of matches after travel restrictions saw the cancellation of their Oceania fixtures against Australia. At the Canterbury Cricket Association Awards Rhys Mariu (OC 2019) was named as the U19 Men’s Batsman of the Year, and Henry Shipley (OC 2014) won the Williams Cup for the Top Run Scorer for the Senior Team, with 474 runs. Jack Wang (2020) was crowned the 2021 Crystal Ashley Designs MVP at the New Zealand Badminton League in May. Charlotte Sloper (2020) is part of the Highland Dance Company of New Zealand and performed at the finals of the South Island Ballet Awards at the Isaac Theatre Royal. Daniel Bishop, Dame Patsy Reddy and Lachie Wells

Lachie Wells (2018) and Daniel Bishop (2019) attended the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award Ceremony at the Government House in Wellington where they met the Governor General, Her Excellency Dame Patsy Reddy.

Upcoming events 1st XV Rugby Reunion – Years of 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 Saturday 7 August Old Collegians Association Annual Dinner Friday 13 August 40 Years On Reunion (Class of 1981–1985) Friday 10 – Saturday 11 September Gentlemen’s Luncheon Friday 15 October Grandparents’ Day Friday 22 October 10 Years On Reunion (Class of 2007–2011) Thursday 11 November

Old Collegians

Matt Jones (2018) is pursuing his football dream in America, playing in USL Division Two for Lionsbridge for the summer break. Blair Currie (2018) has been playing football for Texas team, the San Antonio Athenians in a USA Women’s Pro Am league over the northern summer. In August, she is taking up a scholarship with Spring Arbor University in Michigan.

55 Jack Sexton

Tell us your news! If you know of any Old Collegians you think should be featured in our Class Notes section or would like to tell us what you are up to, we’d love to hear from you. It doesn’t have to be a significant achievement – our community just loves to hear about what fellow Old Collegians are doing. So please do not be shy and send any updates and information to

Gone not forgotten but

Hugh Adams (1940) Graham Mander (1949) Robin Wilson (1952) John Williamson (1952) David Bates (1953) Brian McGillivray (1953) Russell Rountree (1954) Ian Simmers (1955) Douglas Anderson (1957) Robert Fairbairn (1957)

Jack Marris (1957) Keith Bush (1957) Roger Malcolmson (1959) Andrew Edge (1980) Craig Partridge (1985) John McIntosh (1988) Keith Hadleigh Jones (1997) Christopher McBryde (1998) Sam Wormald (2007)


Maeve Burns (2017) is one of the UC undergraduates chosen to participate in the UCMe marketing project this year. As part of this, her image has been adorning bus stops, buildings, and billboards throughout New Zealand.

Welcome to the world Arlo Joshua Maclean

Polly Joy Konin

g Daughter of Physica l Educatio Health tea n an ch born 21 Ju er, Heidi Koning (20 d 10) ne 2021.

y Maclean Son of Kel se (2009) t) ar (née Sm 2021. born 21 June

Isabel Malia Tuu’u

Daughter of Head of Middle School, Mikae Tuu’u (2003) born 5 March 2021.

A Bonny Bear for your baby! Have you had a baby recently? We’d love to hear about this new addition to your family. Send us a photo of your baby and your contact details and we will send you a complimentary St Andrew’s College Bonny Bear. This cute teddy bear is a part of our St Andrew’s College merchandising range and is especially for our St Andrew’s community members. For more information visit our website

Email your photo and contact details to Lisa Clark at

s a m t s i r h C s

PTA Fundraiser


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