Regulus Issue 3, 2019

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Contents Leadership and Governance

Values and Culture

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24 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42 44 45 50 51

From the Rector

From the Board


Editor/Writer: Jo Bailey Photography: Sue Oxley Cassandra Kovacs Anna Turner David Parry Rosa Horncastle Craig Morgan Printing: Caxton

Celebrating character strengths David Farmer retires; A good sport A new 'time of their lives'

Teaching and Learning

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Ballet programme en pointe The famous five; A stimulating journey

Published: November 2019 General correspondence should be addressed to: Head of Communications St Andrew’s College 347 Papanui Road Strowan Christchurch 8052 New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 940 2000 Email: Website:

Adding value and innovation

Preserving the past Celebrating diversity and inclusivity Dr Song returns ‘home’ to St Andrew’s Academic successes On top of the world An enterprising trip to Thailand Book Week celebrates ‘better together’

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Where these icons appear throughout the magazine, they indicate where further photographic or video content is available via our online channels.

Special assemblies Boarders'week; Summit bridges the divide A starry night Hitting the right notes 13 Years On A celebration of culture In Robert Burns’ footsteps Dance Revue a stunning success

TheatreFest triumph; Fluorescent fun! Grandparents’ Day Community and Service Cultural catch up New Zealand Representatives 2019 Leavers' Assembly Sports round up Winter tournament week Shooting machine elevates players

The art of creativity Keeping themselves safe Kapa haka has high value

Outdoor adventures

Resources and Environment


Three St Andrew’s College staff honoured; Campus update

(Cover) Rev. Paul Morrow and his wife Jo cross the Turley Bridge following Paul's ordination. Photo credit: Anna Turner

A tale that never gets old


From the Director of Development; Thanks to our generous supporters

Old Collegians

52 53 54

Message from the President; 50 Years On 30 Years On; Rugby reunion Gentlemen’s Luncheon; Upcoming events; Gone but not forgotten

55 56

Class Notes

Welcome to the world


12 15






From the

Rector We have discovered, unsurprisingly, that within our College executive team, our top five character strengths collectively cover a wide range.

In a previous Regulus column, I wrote of the St Andrew’s College values and the need for everyone in our community to not only understand them but to live them through their actions. Truth, Excellence, Faith, Creativity and Inclusivity – the first three being the values upon which our College was founded over 100 years ago, and the latter two being values which we believe will enable our school collectively to adapt to this VUCA world – one where volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity demands for us to be agile, responsive, innovative, and alert to constant change. In the words of researcher professor and storyteller, Brené Brown, ‘cultures thrive when there is a shared language and commitment to a set of behaviours which align with the stated values of the organisation’. A courageous culture connects its values to specific behaviours so that people know what is expected, encouraged, and rewarded within their team. Truth is a value where we seek to understand self and others, behave with moral integrity and character, build trusting relationships, and honour the values (including the DPR Values) of our College. For the last two years, students and staff have explored the VIA Character Strengths, learning our own individual preferences, celebrating these, and recognising that our teams and community are strengthened in our diversity.

My personal top five strengths are gratitude, hope, love, social intelligence, and honesty, and I have learnt to understand and appreciate what I bring to the team. By each of us knowing our own and each other’s preferences, we strengthen each other. Anyone who has studied organisational cultures or leadership development recognises that organisations (and schools are no different) are complex, messy spaces and that the challenges of increasing uncertainty in our future call for new types of leadership. I believe that most importantly, leadership needs to begin with self and at the most basic level which involves a commitment to deliver upon expectation; foster respectful relationships with all colleagues, managers, students, and parents; and be open to having honest dialogue and conversation. Without all of the above, we cannot truly deliver our best service. As we try to understand the current educational landscape and identify the challenges we collectively face, we know it is our critical task to build capacity in our young people to thrive in an uncertain future; one that is challenged in unprecedented ways including climate change, social media, threats to well-being and mental health, changing social norms, and disruptive technologies with unknown effects. Ours is not a stable future nor a stable environment, and in this instability, the power of collective action to live out our values will be far more powerful than technical solutions. It is in asking the awkward questions that we will uncover the answers to success for our future and sustainability. In exploring our value of ‘Truth’ we must be prepared to be uncomfortable and to have honest conversations in order to navigate a better future.

Through Truth, we will maintain our trust in ourselves, our colleagues, our community, and our organisation. Without trust, relationships invariably deteriorate and there can be no personal or organisational excellence. Perhaps Truth is the most important value of all, so long as we know how to embody it within our personal and collective responsibilities. I believe at St Andrew’s College we are blessed with our Presbyterian heritage and that every week our students and staff have the opportunity to reflect upon our College values lead by Rev. Paul Morrow. As eloquently explained by Board Chair Bryan Pearson in his column on page four, Paul was ordained by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa at the end of last term. I too wish to congratulate Paul and thank him for his wise, humble, servant leadership of our spiritual dimension that is so important to life at St Andrew’s. Best wishes to all for the final weeks of 2019 and a blessed Christmas season.

Christine Leighton Rector



Leadership and Governance

From the


As we come to the end of another year in the life of St Andrew’s College, I’ve been reflecting on the last 12 months in our city, Ōtautahi, Christchurch. It is spring, the blossom is out, and summer is on the way. What a glorious time of year. On a sunny, early October afternoon I was walking in the central city and for the first time since the earthquakes experienced the vibe of a city again. It was an emotional moment, a turning point following years of recovery effort and investment by so many committed and courageous people and institutions. There was no roadmap to follow and it has been a most challenging, and at times tortuous, journey with inevitable setbacks and mistakes. While there is still much to do, for me this spring and summer marks the beginning of a new era of optimism for Christchurch where there is more potential and opportunity than ever before. I find it challenging thinking about the tragic events of 15 March, particularly how life goes on and that for most of us things got back to normal pretty quickly. In many ways, this is understandable and helps us to cope in the face of such abominable circumstances. I run a bit and Hagley Park is where I love to stretch my legs.

My route takes me past the Al Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue, where today there are no longer any physical signs of that fateful day. As time goes by, it feels more and more surreal. Did that really happen here in New Zealand, in our city, to our people? I think about the victims, their families, and friends. And I think about how we felt at the time, the way in which the community came together and the commitments we made to ourselves and each other to be more inclusive, to embrace humanity, and to treat ourselves and each other with greater kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. We learnt about us that day and we must never forget those lessons. We must never forget that some will bear the scars forever and need our continuing love, compassion, and goodwill to rebuild their lives, and to feel safe in our community once again. Over the past nine years, we as a city and community have faced great adversity. It has been tough, people have suffered, and continue to suffer. However, I believe on the whole we are better and stronger for these experiences, that we can have confidence in our future, and especially in our ability to deal with whatever comes our way. A silver lining of kindness, strength, and resilience which will serve us and our city so well in the years ahead. In September, the College came together to celebrate the ordination of Paul Morrow. It was a special occasion and a personal privilege to join the official party, at Paul’s invitation, alongside Rev. Anne Stewart, Moderator of the Alpine Presbytery, and Rector Christine Leighton. Paul was appointed to the position of College Chaplain in 2011 and I think it came as a surprise to many to learn he was not an ordained Minister. It is of great credit to the Presbytery that they supported Paul’s appointment at the time, changing their rules so he could take up the role while continuing his education and training. So now it is Rev. Paul Morrow, continuing to serve God and the St Andrew’s College community

officially! The Board is so grateful for Paul and the role he plays at the very heart and soul of the College. There is much to look forward to in Christchurch, and St Andrew’s College, as we work together in support of our strategic direction, Framing our Future. We are committed to continuously improving the St Andrew’s College experience, pursuing our mission to build better people for life and, in so doing, playing our part in the future prosperity and well-being of our wonderful city and region. As the festive season approaches and summer holidays beckon, my best wishes, on behalf of the Board of Governors, to all for a positive end to 2019, and a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive.

Bryan Pearson Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Governors

Celebrating character


Based on student vote, students across all year levels in the Secondary School were recognised at the assembly for role modelling characteristics including kindness, teamwork, creativity, humility, humour, and perseverance. Head of Positive Education and Well-being, Kerry Larby, says understanding our own, and others’ character strengths, can have a significant impact on well-being and flourishing in life. “Every individual has a unique constellation of strengths which make them who they are. Research shows that developing self-awareness and understanding about our character strengths builds resilience, engagement, and well-being. Our brains tend to have a negativity bias, however, focusing on our character strengths helps us to celebrate what works, build confidence and competence, and establish more positive relationships.” The Character Strengths programme has been integrated into the culture and curriculum at St Andrew’s College over the last two years, which is based on the research of Professors Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, who, in the early 2000s, collaborated with over 55 leading academics to ponder the universal

human strengths of character, says Kerry. “This research resulted in the creation of the Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Strengths and Values, which classified 24 character strengths, underpinned by six different virtues. This was the foundation for Positive Psychology and has provided the basis for lots of different interventions and projects all over the world, many in the areas of positive education. Character strengths are now seen as a pathway to well-being, and as a school which values well-being, it is important that we continue to develop a shared vocabulary around them.”

Well-being Committee and Middle School Leaders pushing to have a formal assembly which celebrates character strengths and recognises diversity in our community.”

All staff at St Andrew’s have identified their individual ‘signature’ (or top five) character strengths by completing a Values in Action (VIA) Character Strengths Taxonomy survey. “Teachers have also completed three professional development sessions looking at the different strengths, and all have their signature character strengths on display. Making them visible is important, as this helps to build awareness of self and others, encouraging inclusivity, collaboration, and an appreciation of difference. Staff are also regularly given character awards at staff briefings to keep the dialogue alive.”

“We are committed to continually reviewing and enhancing our focus on well-being. Our aim is that, through their education, our students develop the self-awareness needed to achieve engagement and purpose, cultivate positive relationships, and adopt emotional, mental, and physical strategies which enable them to ‘bounce back’ from disappointments, and embrace challenge as necessary for growth.”

The Well-being Committee also organised activities for Student Well-being Week, which were designed to bring students together. These included a multi-ball competition against staff, a karaoke extravaganza with impressive singing and dancing, a College Jump Jam session, and sharing hot chocolates and crepes.

This year, for the first time, the programme has been embedded into the curriculum, with all Year 9 Health classes also formally completing the VIA survey. “They will continue to test and do exercises on this work, building on their strengths as they pass through the different year levels.” Kerry says student agency is one of the exciting outcomes of the character strengths work so far. “The students have real energy for this, with the

One of the organisers of Student Well-being Week, Rinay Chandra (Year 13) pours hot chocolates for Year 6 students Emily Brook, Emily Everest and Katie Foot.

5 Regulus

Student success, usually in the sporting, cultural and academic realms, is widely celebrated at St Andrew’s College. However, during the inaugural Well-being Assembly, led and organised by the student Well-being Committee, it was character strengths taking centre stage.

Leadership and Governance

Rector Christine Leighton (right) and Head of Positive Education and Well-being, Kerry Larby (left) with student organisers of Student Well-being Week and the inaugural Well-being Assembly.

David Farmer


Head of the Senior Syndicate, and Deputy Principal of the Preparatory School, David Farmer, has enjoyed working with some of the ‘great characters’ during his 33 years at St Andrew’s College. “I often think back with a sense of fun and enjoyment about some of the people I’ve worked with. When I first came to St Andrew’s in 1986, the Senior College staff room was a place of reverence and awe. Some staff had their own chairs and you made sure you didn’t sit in that area unless you were invited.” In his first year, David was a Standard 4 (Year 6) teacher, but the next year progressed to Year 8, and has taught this year level ever since. He was made Deputy Principal within a couple of years of his arrival and was Acting Principal for some time following the death of Principal, John MacDonald. “I thought about applying for the role permanently, but I liked the connection I had with my students too much to give it up. Teaching is a people activity and it is relationships which make all the difference. Firstly, students need to know that you care. They make the most progress when they feel you believe in them and their ability to achieve.” David says the transformation to a co-educational school has been a highlight of his long tenure. “It has made it more rewarding as a teacher to have that diversity of student population, and I think it is beneficial for both sexes to learn how to work together and see the benefits of collaboration.”

A good


Retiring Head of Senior Syndicate, David Farmer.

Retirement will mean a shift of focus for David, but very little slowing down. He has been an Anglican priest for five years, a role which is growing alongside the growth of his church. He also has a farm at Tai Tapu and is looking forward to spending more time with his family. As he reflects on his long career, David says he has enjoyed being part of a much greater whole. “At this point I am satisfied I have made a good and solid contribution to the life of the College. I think the students you teach are your testament, and it is what they say about you after they leave which is your legacy.”

Brushing up on his Italian skills has become a priority for former Head of Co-Curricular, Denley Jones, who left St Andrew’s College in August to take up a position as Head of Sport at the International School of Florence. “Although I’ll be speaking English in my role, I am learning Italian. I’m looking forward to the challenge, living in a new culture, and also seeing more of my family in Wales,” he said. The ‘Welsh Kiwi’ joined the staff at St Andrew’s in July 2006 and said he enjoyed seeing some incredible sportspeople come through the College’s highly regarded Sport programme. “There have also been some amazing performers who have gone on to do great things on the stage and screen.” Denley enjoyed being involved in the cultural side of life at St Andrew’s. “The assemblies have been a real highlight for me, where the phenomenal talents of our students have always blown me away.” Maintaining participation rates of close to 90 per cent in sport and cultural activities and co-ordinating the requirement for all teachers to coach or manage a sport or cultural activity, is something of which Denley was particularly proud. In his busy role at St Andrew’s, Denley was also a tutor, PE teacher, and a coach of rugby, football, cricket and athletics. He managed basketball teams, and at times was the co-ordinator of basketball, tennis, and First XI hockey, as well as being a passionate sideline supporter. He said he would miss the College, “a great school, with soul and a sense of belonging.”

Former Head of Co-Curricular, Denley Jones has left St Andrew's for a new position in Italy.

His parting message to students was to ‘back yourself’. “I’ve always told the students if you believe, you can achieve.”

Retiring after nearly 120 years combined service to St Andrew’s are Head of Media Studies Simon Williams, Head of Physical Education Geoff Stanton, Teacher in Charge of Graphics and Religious Education teacher Alastair McGowan, and Teacher in Charge of Careers and PE teacher Pete Feary.

St Andrew’s College is preparing to honour and celebrate the significant contributions made by four longserving staff members, who are retiring at the end of the year. Between them Geoff Stanton (1984), Pete Feary (1986), Alastair McGowan (1992), and Simon Williams (1997) have devoted nearly 120 years of service to the College. Geoff Stanton was the first of the four to arrive at the College and says it has been a privilege to work with such committed staff and students over 35 years. He is proud of his involvement and leadership in establishing Core Physical Education and Health classes at St Andrew’s College across all year levels, creating NCEA Physical Education across the three year levels, supporting staff as the ISEA representative for many years, and incorporating Māoritanga in the College in many different ways. He has also been heavily involved in the Sports programme, coaching and managing rugby for 18 years, the Senior A Boys’ tennis team for 30 years, badminton for 15 years, and some cricket and football. As well as leaving St Andrew’s, Geoff is also leaving Canterbury. “I’m moving back to the Far North, to help out my iwi, and work in tourism. Haere ra Hato Anaru.” Pete Feary agrees that working with good people – students and staff alike, has been a highlight of his time at St Andrew’s College. “One of the many benefits of working with young people

is that their energy and enthusiasm helps to keep you young at heart.” Pete joined the Physical Education Department in 1986 and also taught in the Science Department. He was Teacher in Charge of volleyball for 23 years and enjoyed working with ‘many enthusiastic coaches and players’. He became Head of Careers in 1990 and is happy to have helped oversee the development of a wellappointed Careers Centre, which will continue to serve students well. The introduction of co-education to St Andrew’s is one of many highlights, he says. As retirement beckons, Pete is planning spontaneous adventures, enjoying time with family and friends, travel, and giving back. “I’ll definitely be spending time in the high country with a fly rod in hand,” he says. Alastair McGowan joined the Technology Department in 1992, with the trade qualified engineer saying he never anticipated his career path would detour into teaching. “After the conclusion of the ‘Think Big’ projects and the 1987 stock market crash, I thought my chosen career was over. Teaching had other ideas and I now look back over what has been a very satisfying journey, while remaining connected to my engineering roots and passion.” He says ‘working with and inspiring amazing students’ in his subject area, celebrating student successes and achievements, starting Girls’ football, and his involvement with the Music Department have been highlights of his time at the College. On his retirement, Alastair is planning a special extended visit to his son and

family in the UK and has other ideas and projects to explore. “My nine grandchildren, and one on the way, will definitely benefit from having me around more.” Head of Media, Simon Williams, says his time at St Andrew’s has been ‘a blast, a fabulous ride’. Simon came from the television industry to start part-time work at the College in 1995, and was made a full-time staff member in 1997, running Media and Performing Arts courses. Some of the highlights of his tenure include producing numerous episodes of youth television shows On Q and Pulse and running The Fashion Show at St Andrew’s from 2002–2005 – a national youth fashion event involving around 200 students. He also ran 30 Beyond the Camera courses at St Andrew’s from 1995–2010 which ‘breathed its magic’ on 2000 students from around New Zealand. Simon is proud of creating a ‘unique in New Zealand’ television studio at St Andrew’s and seeing the progress of various College alumni who are now working in television, film, or theatre. In his retirement, Simon plans to write novels, short stories and blogs, archive 19 boxes of tapes of St Andrew’s College history, develop his garden, and restore antique furniture. “After 25 years in television, I’ve had 25 years at St Andrew’s College, where my finest work has been Beyond the Camera, and The Fashion Shows. I always said I wanted to give students the time of their lives, and I’m satisfied I have done that.”

7 Regulus

‘time of their lives’

Leadership and Governance

A new

Ballet programme

en pointe

If dance is the universal language of movement, dancers in the St Andrew’s College Ballet Academy are doing a wonderful job of communicating this spellbinding art form. The grace, elegance, and technical skill displayed during the Ballet Academy’s annual productions, and various other performances throughout each year, leaves audiences captivated, and is testament to both the students’ commitment, and the passion and drive of Artistic Director, Dr Carolyn Cairns, who founded the Ballet Academy at St Andrew’s in 2011. The Academy started small, with just 37 Preparatory School students in its first year, who all took part in the very first production of Peter and the Wolf. Today, St Andrew’s is the only school in New Zealand to provide a co-educational integrated Ballet programme on campus, with its unique and comprehensive programme encompassing the entire school from Pre-school to Year 13, says Carolyn. “We currently have over 150 students from Years 1–13 enrolled in the Academy, plus our two groups of Pre-school ballerinas, and a Dancefit class for parents. Around 110 of our dancers are from Years 1–8, which means almost a quarter of students in the Preparatory School are studying the art form.” Ballet demands discipline and dedication, and also promotes self-confidence, perseverance, and self-esteem, says Carolyn. “Current research places high value on dance and its relationship to brain development and personal wellbeing.” In 2015, the Ballet programme extended into the Secondary School with the establishment of the Year 9 ‘Ballet and Dance’ course, later followed by the Year 10 course, and finally the addition of the Ballet Company for students in Years 11–13. “I developed the programme slowly to ensure that each new step is well founded. The coursework is soundly based on the foundation of ballet, with extension into the genres of lyrical, contemporary, and jazz – all important in today’s dancer.” Rose Siebuhr (Year 13).

Educational rigour is provided with annual Ballet examinations (leading to a qualification), NCEA Dance units, and performance work throughout the year. Expanding the programme to meet its growing demand meant bringing in a second tutor, Cariad Parker, who shares Carolyn’s passion for dance, and teaching excellence. Guest tutors are invited to work within the programme, including the RNZB@StAC programme developed by Dr Cairns. Dance educators from the Royal New Zealand Ballet visit the Academy three to four times a year. This year, St Andrew’s was the only school in New Zealand to be visited by Royal New Zealand Ballet dancer, Abigail Boyle. “Having the opportunity to learn from leading professionals is a truly special experience for our dancers. It invigorates and extends both student and teacher knowledge.” The latest round of Ballet examinations brought strong results, with a record number of Secondary School dancers receiving Scholarship nominations, qualifying them to compete at the National Scholarship Awards event in Wellington. Last year, Anika Boet (Year 13) did incredibly well to be awarded second place in New Zealand, and in early November, Riley Lyons (Year 9) also gained second place at this event, which is an amazing achievement at this year level. Other recent highlights include Rose Siebuhr (Year 13) achieving the highest pre-professional examination of Solo Performance Diploma, Annie Young (Year 6) being selected to dance with the Royal New Zealand Ballet in their upcoming performance of Hansel and Gretel, the inaugural ‘Celebration Showcase’ held in Term 3; 42 dancers performing at the Isaac Theatre Royal as guests for the Dancing Like the Stars event; dancers being selected, both last year and this, as child performers in the RNZB Christmas Seasons, and last year’s stunning production of The Sleeping Beauty. Carolyn says the whole Academy are now working hard on this year’s production – The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

famous five

The ‘originals’, Ayla, Anika and Juliette agree that the Ballet Academy has been a big part of their lives at St Andrew’s College. “The Academy started not long before the February 22 earthquake. 2011 was a hard year for me, but

joining Ballet was a good distraction, giving me a way to express how I felt, and providing me with many new connections. Dr Cairns has been an amazing teacher and I am so thankful for all the hard work and dedication she has put into us and the Academy,” says Ayla. Juliette says the Ballet Academy has become a family of people she knows she can always rely on. “Some of my fondest memories are from previous shows or classes, and I’m sure if the girls and I sat down and talked, we’d be laughing for hours about the years of good times that have come from Ballet.” Anika says the connections she has made in the last eight years have been ‘the greatest’ and she finds it hard to believe that her time with the Academy is coming to an end. “I am immensely grateful for all the opportunities and experiences Dr Cairns had offered me, and particularly for developing me into the dancer I am today.”

Year 13 students Rose Siebuhr, Frankie Morrow, Juliette Newman, Anika Boet and Ayla Marshall.

The three ‘originals’, Juliette Newman, Ayla Marshall and Anika Boet during their Year 5 examination.

Ballet Academy Artistic Director, Dr Carolyn Cairns, with Anika Boet (Year 13).

A stimulating


The driving force behind the Ballet Academy, Dr Carolyn Cairns, has an enviable background in Ballet, Medical Science, and Education. She trained in Ballet, Modern Jazz, and National, danced with Southern Ballet, its companies, and Dance Arts, and has won numerous awards, including a student guest scholarship to the New Zealand School of Dance. With three university degrees from three countries and international teaching experience in education, special education, and Ballet, Carolyn came home to New Zealand and achieved her Doctorate in Education. Her dissertation focus was understanding the expert practice of teaching ballet, via research undertaken with international ballet masters within the Royal New Zealand Ballet and the Australian Ballet, which informs her professional teaching today. Carolyn has a long personal involvement with St Andrew’s. Her two grown children attended the College, her two younger children currently attend the Preparatory School, her sister and brother-in-law (Mary and Joe Leota) both teach at the College, and four nieces and nephews are Old Collegians. “My children’s connection to St Andrew’s was the reason I first brought the notion of developing a Ballet Academy to Preparatory School Principal, Jonathan Bierwirth, 11 years ago. “My journey since that first meeting has been both artistically and academically stimulating. I’m very grateful to the Board, Rector Mrs Leighton, and Mr Bierwirth for allowing me the freedom to develop this programme. It is a complete pleasure to work with and guide so many talented young dancers.”

Teaching and Learning

A group of five Year 13 students, Anika Boet, Ayla Marshall, Juliette Newman, Frankie Morrow and Rose Siebuhr, will always have a special place in the Ballet Academy’s history, says Artistic Director, Dr Carolyn Cairns. “Anika, Ayla, and Juliette were part of the original cohort who started Ballet in the Preparatory School, with Frankie joining at Year 7, and Rose at Year 9. These girls showed such passion for the Ballet Academy that they were the driving force behind the formation of a Secondary School Ballet programme. The girls have always been a very special group, and it will be sad to see them leave our Ballet family this year.”

9 Regulus


Adding value and


Year 13 students, Joe McIntosh, Ben Innes, Benjamin MacLeod and Angus Anderson.

During Agri-Innovation Week in Term 3, Year 12–13 Agribusiness students were exposed to a range of different and exciting ways in which value and innovation can be added to agricultural products and the entire supply chain, says Head of Agriculture, Natasha Cloughley. “The students took a break from their usual classroom routine to engage with interesting speakers from a range of companies. They also took part in some fun practical sessions which included making everything from hand cream, soap and kombucha, to halloumi cheese, dehydrated fruit chips, and chocolate. The students were highly engaged during the week, and came up with many creative and innovative ideas, particularly during the soap making challenge, for which they had to incorporate some kind of agricultural product.”

the uniqueness of grain-finished beef, and how this farming system differs significantly from overseas systems due to the focus on animal welfare and sustainability. “The students also got to sample some delicious Wakanui beef,” says Natasha. The Year 13 class heard from Brendon McIntosh from The Brothers Green, and Eden Sloss (OC 2013) from Original Canvas, who spoke about hemp and showed the students many different products, such as hemp seed and hemp muesli bars. The class also tried a number of skin products, and saw the different clothing products which can be made from the fibre.

One of the soap making creations.

generous with the number of products they brought in for the students to sample and taste. The students also had discussions about the best ways to cook steak and tested some Silver Fern Farms products," says Natasha.

Rick Walker, from ANZCO Foods, spoke to the Year 12 students about

Patrick McEwen from Midlands Apiaries talked to the students about the production and sale of honey and brought lots of samples of different honeys for the students to test. “There was a lot of good discussion about which one was best and why. All of the speakers during the week were so inspiring and incredibly

With several students keen to move into the agribusiness sector, Natasha says experiences like Agri-Innovation Week are extremely valuable. “Moving outside the curriculum in this way exposes students to a range of exciting possibilities which exist in the sector, particularly relating back to business and marketing, agricultural science, and product development.”

Year 13 students Bella Trott, Harrison Green, Ben Innes and Annabel Veitch.

Teacher in Charge of Agriculture, Natasha Cloughley.

Guest Speaker, General Manager Sales and Marketing ANZCO Food, Rick Walker.

Preserving the


The research conducted by the students was part of the Ngā Tapuwae initiative led by the New Zealand High Commission in London to commemorate and tell the stories of forgotten soldiers. “Copies of the booklet produced by the students are now on display in St Nicholas Church at Brockenhurst. Our group also gave copies to the New Zealand High Commissioner and his staff when we visited New Zealand House in London,” says Teacher in Charge of Travel and Tourism, Ian Morrison, who accompanied the students along with current Board member and former President of the Old Collegians Association, Nick Letham (OC 2001). The students also visited the New Zealand War Memorial in London, before venturing to Italy for a week of history and culture. Ian says bagpipes were played by Year 13 students Benjamin MacLeod and Reuben O’Neill on several occasions during the tour, including at a Remembrance Ceremony at St Nicholas Church, and during a performance to the group’s generous homestay hosts, Twynham School in Dorset. “A real highlight of the tour was at 11.00pm one evening in Venice, when the students played the bagpipes as we stood at the top of the Grand Canal.”

11 Regulus

The students’ poignant research, which included the stories of some of their own family members who served during World War I, was collated into a booklet, and presented to community leaders at Brockenhurst during the Global Education Tour to England and Italy in the Term 2 holidays. Year 13 student, Hamish Cook, said it was a ‘powerful and emotional experience’ to visit St Nicholas Church and its graveyard at Brockenhurst, where 93 fallen New Zealand soldiers are buried. “For many of us, it drove home the importance of keeping their legacy alive.”

Teaching and Learning

A group of eight Year 13 students have contributed to World War I history as part of a special research project, gathering information about soldiers who passed through the New Zealand General Hospital at Brockenhurst, in England, where 22,000 New Zealand soldiers were treated during 1916–1919.

Celebrating diversity and


Students engaged in a number of fun activities and sampled some delicious food during International Week, which was organised by International Leaders at St Andrew’s to celebrate diversity in the St Andrew’s College community. During the week, students sampled miso soup and jasmine tea, took part in origami and Chinese paper cutting activities, and joined a dumpling making class. Other highlights included a fashion show in the Quad, food stalls run by the Language Departments, and an international mufti day, with students dressing up to support their heritage, or a country they wanted to support. The mufti day raised funds for World Vision to support those in need of basic supplies in Sudan. The week culminated with the International Assembly, which was opened by a lovely medley of waiata and Pasifika songs sung in Fijian, Samoan, and Māori by our talented Māori and Pasifika Group. The combined French Language classes sang an upbeat Aux Champs-Élysées, and international staff and students carried flags representing 26 different countries into the assembly, before

delivering greetings in their native languages. Special guests were Christchurch City Councillor, Jimmy Chen, and the 76th Otaki Scholar from Robert Gordon’s College in Aberdeen, Scotland, Rohan Mudkavi, who both shared their perspectives on internationalism and opportunity in a global community. Other speeches were made by International Leader, Yuji Hattori, on his experiences and life lessons during his three years at St Andrew’s College, Danielle Smith and Sienna Beer (both Year 13) on the recent Spanish trip, Kelly Ting (Year 12) on the New Zealand/China Youth Leadership Summit hosted at St Andrew’s College, and Samantha Ferrier (Year 13) on student exchanges. Language, and Ngā Manu Kōrero awards were also given out at the assembly. Director of International Students and Exchanges, Palē Tauti, says the inaugural International Week was a unique and successful celebration of the diverse international community at the College. “It was a special and colourful week, which tied back to our new guiding value of Inclusivity at St Andrew’s. The activities provided a wonderful opportunity for students to identify with their heritage, celebrate it, and share it with others.”

returns ‘home’

Dr Young-Wook Song (OC 2001) came to St Andrew’s College in 1997 as an international student, and last year, joined the Science Department as a Physics and Science teacher. He says returning to the College has been like ‘coming home’. “St Andrew’s College means a lot to me and is a huge part of my life. I enjoyed every second when I was a student here, and it is an honour to have returned to my old classroom and be working alongside staff who were, and still are, my role models. Head of Science, Brent Cummack, really inspired me as both a teacher and basketball coach. He had a huge influence on me.” As well has having a passion for Science, Young-Wook was a keen basketballer and volleyball player when he was a student, and is now a basketball coach, and volleyball team manager at the College

St Andrew’s

– another way in which history is repeating itself. After coming to New Zealand from Korea, Young-Wook says he was made to feel welcome at St Andrew’s from the start. “My English wasn’t so great, but my teachers supported me, had a positive mindset, and backed diversity, the same values the College holds today. I felt like I was part of a big community, which helped me to feel safe at a very important time of my life and gave me the courage to get involved in lots of different things.” Inside the classroom, Young-Wook excelled. After leaving St Andrew’s he completed a Physics degree, Master’s degree, and PhD at the University of Canterbury. It was while studying for his PhD that Young-Wook discovered he had a passion for teaching after working with first year university students in the laboratory as a senior teaching assistant. “I had a lot of interaction with the students and loved to see them do well. It was also great to meet other former St Andrew’s students during this time and hear their news of the College.”

Young-Wook gained his teaching qualifications, and says he is now passing on what his former teachers taught him, both inside and outside the classroom. “I try to duplicate the support and kindness my teachers showed me, and to ensure that my students feel valued and acknowledged. It is an honour for me to follow in their footsteps.” His teaching philosophy also extends to the Te Reo concept of ako, which describes a reciprocal learning relationship between teachers and students. “Ako acknowledges that we all learn from each other,” he says. Young-Wook says he would recommend being an international student at St Andrew’s College as the ‘best adventure’. “International students find a new family here, have great experiences, and make friendships which will last a lifetime.” Dr Song undertaking an experiment with Year 9 students, Evangeline McNeil, Luke Wylie, Pieta Bayley, and Connor Higgs.

Teaching and Learning


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Dr Song



Academic Inter-House Quiz Academic Captains, Tony Zhou and Charles Zhang (both Year 13), organised an inter-house academic competition to give academically minded students across all year levels in the Secondary School the opportunity to contribute points to their respective Houses. Four House teams competed in the Quad in two events: a subject quiz competition between individual students, and a round of The Chase, based on the popular television game show, with Head of Science, Brent Cummack, being the ‘Chaser’. A highlight of the event was MacGibbon team member, Xavier Dickson (Year 12), memorising and singing the entire periodic table song to Ununoctium – The 118th Element. MacGibbon won the academic competition overall, with Thompson in second place, followed by Rutherford and Erwin. Aurecon Bridge Building Competition Naomi Dana, Mia Fraser and Chelsea Jenkins (all Year 9) won the Digital Award at the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition. The students submitted a digital design of their bridge prior to judging day. Aurecon engineers selected the best wireframes and virtually tested them using bridge analysis programs. Cantamath Three St Andrew’s College teams placed at the annual Cantamath Competition: StAC 1 and StAC 2 Year 9 teams finished third equal with 95 points – StAC 1: Mia Fraser, Gemma Lewis, Annika MacDonald and Lachlan Odlin. StAC 2: Jedd Bright, Guy Daniels, Jin Woo (Luka) Lee and Daniel Robertson; The Year 10 team was second with 90 points – Toby Harvie, Grace Lawrence, Callum Lockhart and Gavin Gao. Chemistry St Andrew’s Year 11 team of Oliver Odlin, Eva Hitchon and Felix KentonSmith finished first ahead of 21 other schools at the annual Year 11 Chemistry Competition, hosted by Ara.

Chemistry Olympia Jordan Bourke and Samuel Croot (both Year 12) were among five students from St Andrew’s to be selected as part of a 130 member student group training towards the 2020 International Chemistry Olympiad. Both students ranked in the top 10 per cent and were awarded gold certificates. Creative Writing Jack Calder (Year 11) and Luke Wyllie (Year 9) won the Sakura Award at the 2019 Vancouver International Haiku Invitational Competition. Honourable Mentions went to Zachary Piper, Gabriella Kenton-Smith, Daniel Robertson and Kyri Spenner (all Year 9), and Reeve Williams (Year 10). DELF Examinations In the French DELF examination, Juliette Newman (Year 13) and Alyssa Le (Year 11) both sat the B2 examination, passing with excellent results in all four language skills. This examination would typically not be taken until studying French at university level in New Zealand. These results give both girls the language entry requirement to study in a French university. Future Problem Solving The following Preparatory School students qualified for the Future Problem Solving National Finals:

ICAS Science Gold Medal Gemma Lewis (Year 9) won a prestigious ICAS Gold Medal in Science for scoring the top mark in Science in New Zealand in the ICAS examinations. She will attend a medal ceremony at the end of the year to publicly reward her outstanding academic achievement. Model European Conference A group of 20 Secondary School students participated in the Model European Union Conference at the University of Canterbury. The theme of the conference was a sign of the times – Does the European Union need an Army?. New Zealand Model Parliament Thomas Pope-Kerr (Year 13) and Xavier Dickason (Year 12) participated in the three-day New Zealand Model Parliament. As well as learning to debate as parliamentarians, they took on the complex issue surrounding constitutional reform, debating whether or not to codify and entrench New Zealand’s constitution. As they took on the role of an MP, the students experienced the process of a bill becoming legislation through the House of Representatives Robocup Three Preparatory School teams competed in the 2019 Robocup National Competition – two in the Junior RoboRescue and one in the Senior Rescue. In the final round of 12 teams, eight were tied for first place. Two of the Year 6 St Andrew’s College teams, comprising Sam Foote and Spencer Ballinger, and Georgia Lewis and Daisy Huang, did incredibly well, missing out on the podium by a matter of seconds. Sam and Spencer had previously finished first equal at the regional Junior RoboRescue Competition.

• Global Issues Junior Division Year 8 Team: William BainbridgeSmith, Isobel Forsey, Chantelle Xiong and Tama Connelly; • Global Issues Junior Division Individuals: Megan Simpson (Year 8) and Scarlett Gray (Year 7). Geography At the 2019 Maatangi Whenua Year 11 Inter-school Geography Competition, the team of Oscar Bloom, Graeme Campbell and Joshua Ward were second equal nationally out of 125 teams, only two points behind the overall winner, Cashmere High School

Daisy Huang and Georgia Lewis (both Year 6) checking the progress of their robots.

On top of the

world mysteries. “A lot of preparation went into the competition. It’s important to have a good knowledge of each of the subjects and curriculum, while also working on skills such as public speaking, creative writing, and essay writing.”

part of a global community with students who care as much about learning and global issues as we do.”

“It was an incredible feeling to know that all that hard work had paid off. I am happy, proud, and excited about what is to come,” says Xavier.

The win qualifies Xavier for the final round, dubbed the ‘Tournament of Champions’ which is being held at Yale University, America, in November, and will feature the top 1000 senior and top 1000 junior students from around the world. He also qualified for this round in 2018.

The two Year 12 teams finished fourth and twelfth overall, with Elena Limmer-Wood (Year 12) finishing seventh overall in the Senior section. Other top performers were Maya Wylie (Year 7) who was seventh overall in the U11 section, and Abby Ashworth (Year 8) who was the top St Andrew’s College Preparatory School scholar overall.

During the five-day global round, Xavier and 17 other students from the St Andrew’s College Preparatory School and Secondary School, took part in debating, essay writing, and a team quiz, based on the theme, ‘A World on the Margins’. They had to study six topics relating to the theme – social studies, science, history, art and music, literature, and unsolved

Xavier enjoys the challenging nature of the World Scholar’s Cup, and the opportunities it presents to meet and make friends with like-minded students from all over the world. “As well as the academic events, there were cultural fairs to learn about different countries, and scavenger hunts in teams with people of different nationalities. We felt connected as

Head of Learning Enrichment (Preparatory), Kelly McBride, who accompanied the two Year 12 teams, and six Year 7–8 teams on the trip along with Head of Teaching and Learning (Preparatory), Vicki Pettit, says all of the teams worked incredibly hard in preparation for the competition, and were highly deserving of their excellent results.

factory & showroom 400 Barbadoes Street, christchurch

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An outstanding effort by Year 12 student, Xavier Dickason, saw him named as the overall Senior Top Scholar at the World Scholar’s Cup, an international academic competition in Sydney, where he competed against more than 1000 other senior students from around the world.

Teaching and Learning

Xavier Dickason (Year 12).

(Left) Year 13 student, Jake Newlands with fellow New Zealand students researching a Thai business. (Right) Jake’s business knowledge expanded significantly during the week.

An enterprising trip to


Entrepreneurial Year 13 student, Jake Newlands, has had first-hand experience of the business world in Thailand, after being selected as part of a group of 10 Young Enterprise Scheme students from Years 11–13 to represent New Zealand on a trip to Bangkok as part of the BizVenture programme. Young Enterprise partnered with the Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence to create the week-long experience, during which the students learnt about the culture and business community in Thailand, met Kiwi entrepreneurs, networked with Thai business students to develop potential commercial links, and focused on sustainable business practices. “It was an amazing and really full-on week. My business knowledge has expanded significantly on a local and global scale, and I’ve learnt so much about the challenges of sustainability for Thai businesses.” More than 4000 students from across New Zealand applied for the opportunity, and Jake was selected after submitting a two-minute video submission based on his understanding of the commercial links New Zealand businesses already have with Thailand. His selection was also a reward for the hard work he and his fellow directors

have put into their business team, In the Mix, which produces a range of three healthy and sustainable baking mixes. Jake says visiting the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok and talking to the New Zealand ambassador gave the group a good insight into the existing trade relations between the countries, and the initiatives being put in place to increase exports to Thailand. The students also visited around a dozen local businesses to see how they are integrating sustainable practices into their operations. On top of a packed programme, the students were treated to a day tour of Bangkok, visited night time markets, and enjoyed a boat ride through the city on their final night. “It was really cool to have this experience with nine other students from New Zealand with a shared passion, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn. We all gained so much from the week.” Next year, Jake is heading to Victoria University, to pursue his interest in law, business, and politics. “I’m not entirely sure what I want to do, but after meeting the ambassador in Thailand, my dream job would have to be some kind of diplomatic role.”

Jake (right) in Thailand with other Young Enterprise representatives from New Zealand.

Teaching and Learning


‘better together’

It may have rained on the Book Week Parade, but it did not rain on the fun for the Pre-school and Preparatory School students and staff who dressed up as their favourite literary characters to celebrate the end of Book Week. The theme for this year’s Book Week was ’Better Together’, with celebrations focused on the great friendships and families of children’s literature, (along with a few unsavoury characters), who were all great examples of how we work better together.

A wonderful week full of competitions and activities designed to celebrate the best of children’s literature was enjoyed, with a highlight being a visit from the entertaining and inspiring James Russell, author of The Dragon Brother’s Trilogy picture book and The Dragon Defenders series for older children. A natural storyteller, James had all of the students engrossed during three highly inspiring sessions with the Junior, Middle and Senior Syndicates in the Preparatory School, when he read from his fabulous books, and shared stories from his life. Other events in addition to the Book Week Parade, included the annual inter-class Battle of the Books quiz, and scavenger hunts.


Book week





Painting a picture, building in the block corner, hosting an imaginary tea party, and experimenting with different art materials are just some of the many ways in which children at St Andrew’s College Pre-school express themselves creatively every day, says former Head of Pre-school, Amanda Jack. “Creativity is one of the core values at St Andrew’s, and is an essential element of almost every aspect of our programmes. With freedom to choose, children have the opportunity to follow their passions, be inventive, and explore their creativity, whether that is through art, music, construction, and play. It is wonderful to watch them immersed and fully engaged in their tasks.” Being creative helps children to utilise their vivid imaginations and unique manner of self-expression. The process also provides wide-ranging physical, emotional, and intellectual benefits. Fine motor skills and co-ordination are developed, along with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. “Self-expression gives children that feeling of sense of self and enables them to explore and express feelings and thoughts they may not yet be able to share verbally. Creativity also fosters self-confidence, and a real sense of achievement,” says Amanda. As well as exploring creativity during the

Engaging in creative activities are (from top), Romilly, Logan and Eden, Mahir, Ariya with her family, and (right) Freddie.

regular Pre-school day, the children, inspired by the teachers, create artworks for special events on the Pre-school calendar, such as Matariki, and the Pre-school Art Exhibition. “The children love to share their creations with friends and whanau.” Amanda left her role as Head of Pre-school at the end of Term 3, to take up a position as an educational consultant at InterLEAD. “I would like to thank the St Andrew’s College community for the support and kindness you showed me during my time here. I leave my position as Head of Pre-school so much richer for my experience, along with a big smile on my face, knowing what it feels like to be valued and how I have made a difference in so many lives.” Principal of the Preparatory School, Jonathan Bierwirth, says Amanda has had a ‘profound effect on anyone who has been fortunate enough to cross her path’, and that she will be ‘hugely’ missed. “Amanda has a remarkable way with people. She naturally and successfully builds confidence and respect from unreserved kindness and is calm, efficient, and capable in all that she does. Amanda leaves the Pre-school in good heart, and in a strong position in the Christchurch early education market.”


themselves safe

“The Junior Team staff identified the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme as a priority for 2019, as it had not been taught in the department for some time. Meeting Constable Richard Brunton and going through the learning outcomes, reassured us that the messages to be taught were in line with our values,” says Head of Junior Syndicate, Heather Orman.

There are four key focus areas in the Years 0–3 programme, which starts with students learning about themselves and understanding the importance of knowing their personal details, such as where they live. “During the second part of the programme, we talk about the wide range of feelings they will experience, from being happy, excited and safe, to sad, unsafe, and confused.

We also talk about their physical selves, how special their bodies are, and how they must be respected by others,” says Senior Constable Brunton. Cyber safety, and the difference between good secrets and bad secrets are also covered during the programme, along with the acronym, STAR. “This stands for stop, think, act, and report. We ask the students to think about the range of people in their lives who they can trust to ask for help if they feel unsafe or unsure.” Senior Constable Brunton was a front-line police officer for 13 years, before becoming a School Community Police Officer 15 years ago. He works with students of all ages and says the programme’s activities are all age appropriate. “Children are not learning anything beyond their years, but are empowered to speak up, rather than not say anything, if something does happen.” Heather says that she and other teachers in the Junior School have already noticed some positive outcomes for their learners. “We have seen a transition from the classroom into the playground of students choosing respectful ways to express themselves. They really enjoyed the lessons with Senior Constable Brunton. It was a highlight for them to engage in learning and conversation with a member of the Police.”

Senior Constable, Richard Brunton, was a big hit with the 1SO (New Entrants/Year 1) class, including Elena Ash (with the tiger), and Oakley Evans-Kirwan (wearing the cap) as he delivered some important safety messages.

Teaching and Learning

The extensively reviewed programme has been taught in New Zealand schools for many years. It was designed by teachers and the Police to empower students to think about whether something happening to them feels safe or unsafe, and to identify when to ask for help from someone they trust.

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Students in the Junior School were highly engaged during visits to their classrooms by School Community Police Officer, Senior Constable Richard Brunton, who guided them through some fun, age-appropriate activities, which had important safety messages at their heart.

Kapa haka has

high value

The Middle School Syndicate Kapa Haka won three categories at the 2019 Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival.

Participation, co-ordination, being part of a team, and showing respect for Te Reo Māori and New Zealand heritage, are some of the many benefits of the Middle School Kapa Haka programme, says Head of Middle Syndicate, Megan Feller, who became kapa haka co-ordinator this year. “Students have their first experience of kapa haka in Year 4 and take part in weekly practices on Wednesday afternoons right throughout their Middle School years. We are so fortunate to have Matua Steve Reid as our tutor, who starts each session with a greeting and karakia. He is a strong male role model, with considerable mana.”

through their performance, it was also due to the manner in which our students engaged with the festival and showed respect to the other seven groups,” says Megan.

All 136 students in the Middle Syndicate are part of the Kapa Haka programme and attended the 2019 Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival, where they did incredibly well to win three categories – ‘Best Use of Traditional Instrument’, ‘Tikanga’ (respect, protocol, custom, etiquette, manner), and ‘Best Uniform’. The group also achieved second place in the ‘Waiata-a-ringa’ section. “The group showed immense focus, during our Wednesday afternoon sessions with Matua Steve, leading up to the festival. All the Year 4–6 teachers attended the festival, which we felt was important to communicate to our students how much we value them as individuals and their coming together as a strong kapa haka. When our group went up on stage the vision of over 100 St Andrew’s College Preparatory students in their blue and white uniforms was simply stunning. The ‘Tikanga’ award was not just achieved

The St Andrew’s College Preparatory School has had considerable success at the Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival across all year levels.

With the help of Matua Steve, the students added some unique touches to their seven-minute routine, incorporating bagpipes (played by Year 5 student, Maggie McConnochie), and electric guitars (played by Year 6 students, Jack Shearer and Ethan Lam), when the children were performing poi. “We believe this was the first time in the history of the festival that bagpipes had been integrated into kapa haka.”

Megan says one of the secrets to the students’ success is a strong focus on respect during kapa haka sessions. “As well as learning their routines, students are encouraged to demonstrate respect for Matua Steve, for the teachers who attend the sessions, for each other, and for themselves. These values translate to their performance, when the students feel like they are part of a team and don’t want to let each other down.”

Alessio Viettone-Smithson (Year 6).

Maggie McConnochie (Year 5).

Te Reo Māori is incorporated into the programme at the Preparatory School through several other initiatives, including students’ exposure to the language, and professional development opportunities for staff. Emily Woodgate (Year 6).


adventures University of Canterbury, or attending the Canterbury A&P Show. This year, the students even fired some rockets on the Preparatory School sports field as part of a Physics study, which also had the ‘wow’ factor, says David. At the beginning of Term 2, students in the Senior Syndicate completed their highly anticipated two-night and three-day Outdoor Education adventure at Castle Hill. A Term 3 ski trip was another highlight, which backed up the students’ earlier outdoor learning.

David says the key is to build in trips and Outdoor Education experiences which are meaningful, and not just organised for the sake of going somewhere. “The students really look forward to the trips and have fun, but we ensure there are also lots of opportunities for learning.”

David says when asking students to review their time in the Preparatory School, outdoor activities and field trips rank highly among their most favourite memories. “I think this is testament to the fun aspect of these trips, which is important from the students’ perspective. However, the learning and personal development opportunities are also incredibly valuable. Co-operative activities build character, help students to gain confidence, and foster social development.”

8A and 8S Ski trip to Porters.

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In Year 8, several activities are Science based, which might include carrying out a geological, historical, and sociological study of life on the Port Hills, exploring the rocky foreshores of Kaikoura, visiting the Science Department at the

Year 8 Science trip to Lyttelton.

Teaching and Learning

Engaging in outdoor activities gives students welcome respite from the classroom, but can also improve their concentration, confidence, and academic performance, says Head of Senior Syndicate, David Farmer. “Every year, when we engage in outdoor activities, we see what I call a magnificent transformation of some students, who might lack a bit of focus and a sustained effort in the classroom, but who return from outdoor activities as effective learners with a more productive approach to work.”

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Three St Andrew’s College staff

honoured David was honoured for his long service and contribution to independent education in campus development, Human Resources, and leadership of multiple support staff teams. He has guided the College through one of the most challenging periods in its history. Over the last decade, $100 million has been invested into St Andrew’s, which has involved many challenging logistics. Thanks to David’s oversight, every facility and campus development project was delivered on time and on budget. As well as working closely with staff and students, David gets personally involves in staff events, sings with the staff barbershop quartet, and took a lead role in last year’s special Christmas production, Amahl and the Night Visitors.

Head of Music, Duncan Ferguson with his Tui award (left), and Head of Innovation and Information Services Wilj Dekkers and General Manager, David Evans after the 2019 ISNZ Honours Awards.

Three St Andrew’s College staff, Head of Music Duncan Ferguson, General Manager David Evans, and Head of Innovation and Information Services Wilj Dekkers, have been honoured at a national level for their achievements and service. Duncan said he was “very humbled” to win the Music Teacher of the Year | Kaiārahi Puoro o te Tau Tui Award at the Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards Artisan Awards on 4 November. “To even be nominated was special. While winning an award is no motivation for what I do, it is gratifying

to see that the long hours and hard work I put in has been recognised at a national level.” More than 200 nominations were received for the award. Duncan, who is in his tenth year at St Andrew’s, manages 30 flourishing co-curricular groups comprising around 140 students, who participate in a wide range of music genres, from orchestra and chamber music to jazz, rock and electronica. David and Wilj were both recognised at the 2019 ISNZ Honours Awards, presented at the Independent Schools of New Zealand Conference.

Wilj was recognised for his leadership in reimagining the St Andrew’s College Green Library and Innovation Centre, while bringing multiple opportunities for students across the College to develop innovative technologies, problem solving and computational thinking into their everyday learning. He worked closely with students on the Green Centre concept and ensured that the Library team shared in the decision-making. The Centre is now a hub for students and parents alike, and a space for collaboration and experimentation with new technologies. Wilj’s work on the Digital Technology curriculum has also been outstanding.

A new waiting shelter in the drop zone on Normans Road, outside the College shop, Thistles, is providing welcome shade and protection from the elements for students waiting to be collected during or after school. Construction of the waiting shelter, designed by Adrian Taylor of Jasmax, took place in the Term 3 holidays. It is the final piece of the puzzle in the significant drop zone redevelopment, which has made before and after school drop offs and pick-ups a safer, and more seamless experience for the St Andrew’s College community. “We are grateful to the PTA, which generously assisted with funding for the waiting shelter, and also acknowledge the kindness of the volunteers in the cafeteria, who decided to donate funds from the café surplus to its construction,” says General Manager, David Evans.



Year 13 students have also made a valuable contribution, after deciding that this year’s Leavers’ Gift will be a seat for the shelter. Elsewhere on campus, the next major developments are progressing well, with the detailed drawings phase for the new Fitness Centre, and Gym One strengthening project completed, and Naylor Love awarded the tender. Construction is due to start on this project next month. The new Theatre Complex is still in the development and design phase, with construction planned to start in December 2020.

From the Director



Thanks to our



We’ve had a highly successful start to the Your Legacy, Our Future campaign with many St Andrew’s College families taking the opportunity to support the Fitness Centre upgrade, and new Theatre Complex. This generosity will ensure that they leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. Donating a seat in the Theatre has been particularly popular, with the allocation of named seats for this year going fast. We’ve had some great feedback from parents, with several naming seats in honour of their children who have been involved in cultural pursuits such as ballet, theatre, orchestra, film, dance, and media, or who have been involved in technical back stage and front of house roles during their time at the College. After working with architect Tony Hoare of Wilkie + Bruce, we have come up with another exciting new opportunity to support the Theatre. We are incorporating ten large black basalt stones into the design of the building, which will be available for families to donate, with their family name engraved on the stone for perpetuity.

The Strowan Club is a means of thanking our Old Collegians, parents and friends who have gifted $10,000 or more to St Andrew’s College. Donors are recognised on the Strowan Club Honours Board, are invited to attend several special events each year, and receive reports on the investment performance of gifts to the College. We have had wonderful feedback about the new legacy boards, which have gone up around the College, acknowledging the important partnership between St Andrew’s and its community to bring five of the key projects on our campus to life – the Centennial Chapel, Turley Bridge, The Green Library and Innovation Centre, Spiro Science and Mathematics Centre, and the Stewart Junior Centre and Pre‑school. These projects perfectly highlight what can be achieved when we work together.

Theatre Seats and Notes Noeline and Ronald Boet P J and A J Calder Fowler Homes Ashburton Ming Hong and Ying Wu Kenton-Smith Family Howard and Wendy Klein G H and J I McFadden H and L Molloy Texas and Lynda Mundy Alex J Murray Family Miranda S A and Craig R Newbur y Ed and Nicky Newman Rudolf and Christiane Nordt St Andrew’s College PTA Michelle Tait and Mark Revis John and Alison Westgar th Wilkie + Bruce Architects Dr and Mrs Xiong Crispin Vinnell and Hannah MacKintosh Mr Li & Mrs Zhang The Holyoake Family

If you would like to support the Your Legacy, Our Future campaign, or would like to know more about any of our current projects, I would love to hear from you.

New Strowan Club Members Anonymous G H and J I McFadden Texas and Lynda Mundy Dr and Mrs Xiong

Please contact me by email on or phone on +64 21 339 707.

New Highland Members Wilkie + Bruce Architects New Thompson Founders’ Circle St Andrew’s College PTA New St Andrew’s College Fellow Members Warwick J Rathgen New 1917 Society Members Gwen Adair

23 Regulus

We are also delighted to welcome our latest Strowan Club members, Shaun and Cher Xiong, who generously sponsored a gold note in the new Theatre Complex.

We are grateful for the generosity shown each year by individuals, families and businesses connected to the College, whose support helps us to provide top class buildings and facilities for current and future students. Our community has once again shown amazing generosity in 2019. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge those who have contributed to the new Theatre Complex project, and to the new members of our special donor clubs. All remaining donations for 2019 will be published in our 2019 Philanthropy Report and on the St Andrew’s College website.

Resources and Environment

St Andrew’s College has a proud philanthropic culture and long‑held tradition of giving back.

A tale that

never gets old

Audiences were wowed by the Middle School’s playful, colourful, lyrical production of Peter Pan, the much-loved story of a free‑spirited boy, who refuses to grow up, and who whisks the ‘Darling’ children off on a magical adventure to Neverland. It is more than 115 years since Peter Pan, a play written by Sir J M Barrie, was first produced on stage, and the age-old tale has remained a firm

favourite ever since, having been retold in numerous books and comics, and performed on stage and in film. “These days we often experience stories via a digital world. However, Peter Pan asks the audience to make the leap with the performers into a world of make‑believe, where a stick can be your sword, fishing line or fort, where fairy dust can help us to fly, and where we can fight pirates and crocodiles,” says Director, Ginnie Thorner.

The fairy Tinker Bell (cleverly evoked by a light darting across the stage), a gang of pirates, a Native American princess, Tiger Lily (played enthusiastically by Year 9 student, Morgan Lee) and an imaginary crocodile were also encountered by the Darling children. Others to impress in the cast were the Storyteller, Rachel Holyoake (Year 10) whose narration provided the production with a seamless flow, and Thomas Kamo (Year 10) as Hook’s trusty sidekick, Smee, who put in a strong performance. The students playing the Lost Boys and Pirates also did a great job of bringing the story to life. A stunning score was beautifully played by a band of student musicians, directed by Head of Music, Duncan Ferguson, with the live music adding an extra dimension to the show. Bursting with magic, mayhem and make-believe, Peter Pan was another captivating and magical Middle School production, which transported both the cast and the audience, into the wonderful world of the imagination.

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Another tradition is for the characters of Mr Darling and Captain Hook to be played by one actor, and Harry Withers (Year 10) did an outstanding job in both roles. As Hook, his impressive ability to convey so much with a simple look or raising of an eyebrow, along with his excellent delivery and comic timing, raised many laughs. Another performer in dual roles was Estee Wilke (Year 10), as the glamorous Mrs Darling and a Mermaid. Her solo singing performances, particularly her rendition of Just Beyond the Stars, were mesmerising, and she also has a wonderful stage presence. Another to impress was Grace Lawrence (Year 10) in the pivotal role of Wendy, whose transformation from adolescence to womanhood is at the heart of the story. Grace had a commanding stage presence and played the role with a maturity that belied her years. She effortlessly took the audience on Wendy’s journey from child, to ‘mother’ of the gang of daring ‘Lost Boys’ whom she encountered at Neverland along with her brothers John, and Michael (played convincingly and with enthusiasm by Year 9 students Jonah Cropp and Marco Leighs).

Values and Culture

The version of Peter Pan performed by the talented Year 9–10 students in the cast, stayed true to the original story and traditions, with a ‘genderless’ Peter Pan played by Cindy Xiong (Year 10), who clearly relished evoking Peter’s energy and mischief. She is also an excellent singer, with a clear and strong voice.

Special assemblies Speakers Inspire Students started their day inspired after listening to two speakers at the final Girls’ and Boys’ Assemblies of the year. Zahra Hussaini spoke to the girls about making a difference in their community. Originally from Afghanistan, Zahra moved to New Zealand as a refugee with her family 15 years ago after spending 12 years in Iran. Her religion and parents have taught her the importance of helping people around them and giving back to their communities. She left the girls with a final quote from Imam Ali: “You presume you are a very small entity, but within you is enfolded the entire Universe.” Zahra is very active in the refugee and migrant community, representing Who is Hussain?, a non-profit organisation empowering individuals to give back to their communities. She also stood for the local body elections in Waimairi. The girls were given a card with the message ‘StAC Girls Can Make A Difference’ to remind them of their role in making positive change. At the Boys’ Assembly, Anton Matthews, owner of Fush and a Te Reo Māori teacher, gave an insightful message around what had shaped his success both in business, as an individual, and a family man. There were two key messages, among many, which stood out. The first was about hustle, with Anton explaining about the need to work hard, be prepared to make mistakes, but keep learning and moving forward. The second was about two Māori terms, which he said were opposite each other. The first was mana, which he explained as receiving strength from others based on your actions. Opposite to this was the concept of manaakitanga, which is giving and helping others. This positive sense of giving to and receiving from others in a positive and empowering way is key to a strong community, he said.

Anton Matthews (left) and Zahra Hussaini.

Boarders’ Assembly The Boarders’ Assembly is always a much-anticipated event, and this year’s ‘Kiwiana’ themed celebration of boarding didn’t disappoint. The sounds of farmyard animals including a goat, lamb, calves, dogs, and chickens all added to the atmosphere, and decorations appropriately supported the theme. The programme included a mixture of entertaining and competitive challenges, involving milk sculling, apple bobbing, and hand feeding chickens; poignant, reflective speeches on beginnings and endings, a Year 13 boarders’ moving and tuneful rendition of Dave Dobbyn’s song, Welcome Home; and a hilarious dance medley, including gumboots and pink tutus. Year 13 students, Samantha Ferrier and Jake Newlands, delivered a thoughtful Morning Comment on ‘Belonging within a community’. Heads of Boarding, Loren Hay and Daniel Bishop, the Year 13 boarders, boarding staff and others who gave technical assistance, put together a well programmed and entertaining hour. Director of Boarding, Matt Parr, was recognised by the boarders as the recipient of the Good Sort Award.


week Summit bridges



Grace Donaldson says taking part in the Youth Leadership Summit, hosted by St Andrew’s College during the Term 2 holidays, and attended by around 30 students from New Zealand and 70 from China, gave her an insight into different leadership styles, and a new perspective on China. “The purpose of the summit was to bridge the divide between the New Zealand and Chinese cultures, and to learn about leadership in diverse places as we prepare for diversity in our workplaces and lives beyond school.” Grace and Marshall Setu (Year 12) were chosen to be part of the leadership team which organised the six-day international summit, which was a great opportunity, she says. Grace was honoured to be chosen as one of the MCs for both the opening and closing ceremonies. Delegates attended two lessons each day, and took part in sports and activities in the boarding houses, where they were all housed during the week, making many new friends along the way.

Head of Boarding, Matt Parr, welcomed staff and students to a special ’Boarders’ Morning Tea’.

The team projects were a ‘massive highlight’, says Grace. “We split into groups which included five or six Chinese students, and worked together to research a topic, then present it

to the group. Our group ended up winning, with the topic being the difference between the Chinese and New Zealand governments, and how they work together with different governing styles.” Grace even got to deliver a short speech in Mandarin, after being coached by her boarding house ‘buddy’. “She sent me a note afterwards saying I had spoken very bad Chinese, but she thought I did my best.” Other St Andrew’s College students to take part in the summit were Libby McKinnel, Kelly Ting, Emily Whitnall, and Albert Bell. “All of the St Andrew’s students loved it,” says Grace.

Values and Culture

This special week included a lunchtime visit from day students, who spent time with boarders in the boarding house common rooms, and a ‘Boarders Morning Tea’ for students and staff, who were later taken on a tour of the boarding facilities by the boarders. Staff were also invited to spend time in the boarding houses after the final school bell of the day to see what this important aspect of life at St Andrew’s looks like. There were also opportunities for boarding house staff to interact and compare notes during a Boarding Staff Exchange with Adams House, Christchurch Boys’ High School. Catering Manager, Russell Gray, had the opportunity to discuss catering in boarding during a visit from Stephanie D’Mello, who is Catering Manager at Queen Margaret College in Wellington. St Andrew’s boarders were delighted to be treated to some delicious baking from the girls of St Margaret’s College, which was a ‘nice touch’, says Director of Boarding, Matt Parr. “All in all, it was a great week, which gave us the opportunity to open up boarding and raise its profile to the whole College.”

Rector Christine Leighton with Year 12 students, Albert Bell, Libby McKinnel, Emily Whitnall, Kelly Ting, Marshall Setu and Grace Donaldson at the Youth Leadership Summit (above) and addressing a summit guest (below).

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St Andrew’s College was among several Christchurch schools to embrace the inaugural New Zealand Boarding Week, initiated by the New Zealand Boarding Schools’ Association (NZBSA), with a number of fun activities enabling boarders to show other students and staff their ‘home away from home’.

A starry


A majestic starry tunnel marked the entrance to a beautifully lit and decorated event area for the much anticipated Senior College Formal, with the theme ‘A Starry Night’, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. There was a wide range of stunning outfits, which made the decision to choose the recipients of this year’s awards very tough. Congratulations to Year 12 students Flynn McGuinness and

Jessica Roche, and Year 13 students Elliot Wood and Hayley Neill, who were awarded Prince, Princess, King and Queen of the Formal, respectively. The Senior College Council, superbly led by Jake Newlands and Victoria Spratt (both Year 13), did a wonderful job of organising the event, with support from several staff who also put in hours of work behind the scenes to make this occasion possible.

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Hitting the right


Victoria started at St Andrew’s in 2015 in Year 9, on a Music and Academic Scholarship. “St Andrew’s College and particularly the Music Department has been so supportive, and positively impacted every area of my life. I’ve grown both as a person and as a musician through my experiences here and have gained so much from working with students of all ages, whether their interests are similar or different to mine.” This talented multi-instrumentalist is most well-known for playing the violin, with her skills recognised on the national and even international stage. Victoria’s biggest achievement to date was her selection as one of 80 students from around the world to perform with the 2018 International Honors String Orchestra at Carnegie Hall in New York. This year has been extraordinary for Victoria too, after being named Concert Master of the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Orchestra, performing as a soloist with the Canterbury Philharmonia Orchestra, and being the leader of St Andrew’s College’s chamber music group, Quartetto Maduro, which finished in the top six at the New Zealand Chamber Music Contest. “The national final was a fantastic experience. We had so much support from the St Andrew’s community, which really motivated us to work harder and achieve something great.”

Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13) playing with the St Andrew’s Big Band.

Values and Culture

“I started learning the piano when I was five years old, followed by the violin and viola a few years later. It wasn’t until I came to St Andrew’s College that I realised what I could do with music, branching off into other instruments as my interests changed over time.”

But that’s not all. Victoria’s musical talents also extend to jazz and pop and she has had success in these areas as well, winning Best Bassist at Southern Jam, and the Ara Songwriting Competition with her original song, Me to You. “I started song writing at first for NCEA, then realised how awesome it is to connect the words I had written on paper with my musical ideas. I learnt so much in the process of collaborating with others who had different musical strengths. It was fun experimenting and learning about what I was capable of. I was very happy with how my song turned out, so winning the award was a bonus.”

This year, Victoria was also the Assistant Music Director for the Senior Production, Parade, for which she played viola. She also assisted with the Middle School Production. Rector Christine Leighton says Victoria’s incredible achievements are something to be celebrated, and so is her character. “Victoria is a humble and gracious student, and as a College prefect has exhibited leadership in all of her interactions with staff and students. This year she was the recipient of a student-initiated Character Award at the Well-being Assembly, recognising her humility and perseverance and she was also awarded the Shipton Family Cup DPR Award at the recent Leavers' Assembly.”

Victoria (right) with two of the other members of Quartetto Maduro – Callum Hampton (Year 13), and Samuel Jeon (Year 11).

29 Regulus

Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13) demonstrates such exceptional musical talent, that it is a surprise to learn she doesn’t come from a musical family. “I’m the first musician to be brought up in my family.

In 2020, Victoria plans to study Health Sciences at Otago University, with a goal to one day be part of the New Zealand Doctors’ Orchestra.

Playing bass is another of Victoria’s many musical talents.


Years On 2007-2019

With primary, intermediate and secondar y schooling on campus at St Andrew’s College, each year there is a special group of Year 13 Leavers who have enjoyed their entire schooling at the College. This year, 12 students who arrived in Year 1 during 2006 and 2007 will walk out of the school gates for the final time, with seven of these n, students, Anika Boet, Jessica Gavi tte Andrew Blay, Ayla Marshall, Julie an Newman, Logan Vincent, and Corb Mathewson, also attending the St Andrew’s College Pre-school.

man Juliette New

day in the Since my first 1, St Andrew’s ar Ye in sandpit thing but no has given me rtunities po op e bl remarka ndships, ie fr t and steadfas ies I will or em m as l as wel ck on very ba ok continue to lo ts af f and studen fondly. The st y ne ur jo is have made th as possible, as wonderful thank you all and I’d like to Andrew’s an for making St ial home for ec incredibly sp ateful to have me. I am so gr to attend a ce had the chan ve loved school that I ha so much.

Logan Vincen t

My 13-year jo urne St Andrew’s ha y at s been filled with excitemen t and grow th. I’m happy to ha ve called it my second ho me and alway s felt warmly w elcomed by students and teachers. My time here flew by, especially in the Senior College. The last two years at St Andrew’s have been so valuable for m e. I am excited to experience lif e af ter school bu t will always have a place in my hear t for the St Andr ew’s College culture and w hat it has done for me.

t We asked the students to share wha to their time at St Andrew’s means of them, and some of the highlights being part of the StAC family.

Victor Gan

Andrew Blay

St Andrew’s My 13 years at d with many have been fille s. I am ie great memor opportunities e th r fo gr ateful n and the ve I have been gi developed ve ha I s ip sh friend re, and I he e during my tim ue to build on hope to contin e on to the ov these as I m y education. m of e ag next st

13 years. It’s a long time; same place, same faces. I have seen classmates pop in and out, and new buildings displace the rubble of the past, all contributing to an exponential growth of the College. Taking advantage of the mass of opportunities offered by St Andrew’s, I am satisfied to say I have been involved in every area, including music, sport, leadership, art (and my personal favourite – road patrol). To me, St Andrew’s College has been more than ‘just’ a school. Yes, despite being a bird in a cage, the cage still offers a good time!

Philip Nordt

As my final da ys of schoolin g tick by, the real isation that I have spent wel l ov my life at St An er half of drew’s, seem s to poke its head through the curtains of my conscious with utmost si gnificance. St Andrew’s ha s taught me that success is not found in the foreboding corner of an examination pa per, but in a deep and trut hful pursuit of knowledge and personal development. From the dankest corner of room, to the ba the props nks of Strowan Stream, St An drew’s is a trul y charming and unique place, and one that I will never forg et.

George Foote

the opportunities at St Andrew’s. I am grateful for all I have really enjoyed my 13 years the years. over all the memories I have made that the College has offered and for ever y aspect d love have I and life ificant part of my St Andrew’s has been a really sign . here itself. I will never forget my time of it from classes, to spor ts, to life

Andrew’s has My time at St t enjoyable been a long bu made many journey. I have s in the lifelong friend especially d classroom an rriculum. cu g tin or in the sp ly like to ar ul I would partic or y and at ar ep Pr e th thank arning Le ol ho Secondar y Sc Th ons. ey have Suppor t divisi t ith the suppor w provided me h ac re e lp m and skill s to he al s, which I my learning go gr ateful for. will always be

It is difficult to believe that my final year at St Andrew’s is coming to an end, after an extremely memorable 13 years. The College has provided me with countless opportunities in sports, academics and culture which have supported me throughout my life and into the future years ahead. I have made some incredible memories and friendships during my time here, which I will cherish for a lifetime.

I have loved gr owing up in the environm ent of St Andrew’s. It has shaped me in so man y vast ways. I will always lo ok back with great fond ne Prepar ator y Sc ss over hool Book Weeks and di scovering the vast wonders of the school cafeteria men u. St Andrew’s has provided me with countless frie ndships which will last a lifet ime. I would especially like to thank my parents for pr oviding me with this expe rience, and th e teachers who believed in m e and went the ex tr a mile.

Anika Boet ll Ayla Marsha

Andrew’s has My time at St amazing been filled with hts, and lig gh hi memories, my very om fr s ce en ri expe 06, which 20 in ck first day ba e rest of th r fo I will cherish d ever y ye jo en ve ha my life. I d it has an ge lle part of the Co into the person developed me uldn’t imagine I am today. I co ol years scho spending my . se el re he yw an

St Andrew’s College has become like home to me. The past 13 years have been filled with unforgettable memories, experiences and opportunities that I am truly grateful for. It’s hard to believe that this year will mark the end of an era, and I couldn’t imagine spending this portion of my life anywhere else.

Corban Math ewson D

uring my 13 ye ars at St Andrew’s, I have had man y highlights, with perhaps the greatest bein g able to com pete in the St Andr ew’s College Pipe Band at the World Championship s twice (in Year 9 and Year 12). I am ex tremel y thankful to m y parents for giving me acce ss to all the opportunities the College ha s to of fer.

Values and Culture

lder Sebastian Ca

Sebastian Gie sen

31 Regulus

Jessica Gavin

A celebration of


The incredible range of cultural talent at St Andrew’s College was celebrated at the Cultural Assembly, with everything from jazz, contemporary dance, chamber music, and singing centre stage, alongside some great speeches and a good dose of humour.

The entrance song, Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder, featured many student performers in music, song and dance, and set a fabulous upbeat tone for what was an incredible 90 minutes of entertainment. There was even a ‘paint off’ between four top performing groups, which was won by Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13), leader of the chamber music group, Quartetto Maduro. Cultural Captains, Hana Pearce and Elliot Wood, put considerable effort into organising and leading the assembly, and both gave enlightening addresses which were extremely well received. As they planned the assembly, Elliot says he and Hana were keen to showcase a variety of talent, and groups, which may not always be in the limelight. “It was important to us that we highlighted diversity and the wide range of talent at St Andrew’s.” Both students have had an outstanding year in their Cultural Captains’ roles, working well together as a team. “Our skill sets really complement each other, as Elliot is a people person and I’m a numbers person. We have

a great rapport on stage and have enjoyed hosting lots of different events together,” says Hana. Elliot says their organisation and presenting skills have improved greatly throughout the year, and they haven’t had one disagreement. Some of the events organised under their leadership include the Dancing with the Stars event, a ‘flash mob’ musical performance during the College’s Mid-winter Christmas celebrations, reinvigorating the Cultural Showcase into a charity fundraiser event, and introducing the new ‘Service to Production’ badges, which were given out at the Cultural Assembly to Year 13 students who had been in five productions. Elliot and Hana are both active in many cultural pursuits in the College, and both had key roles in the Senior Production, Parade. They agree it has been a fulfilling year, and as 2019 draws to a close, are looking forward to new experiences and opportunities. Elliot is auditioning for a Performing Arts School in Melbourne this month, and Hana plans to study Philosophy or Spanish at the University of Canterbury next year and continue with her dance and choreography.

In Robert Burns’

footsteps Centre at Dumfries, where we learnt a lot about Burns’ life, and saw the famous glass panels on which he had etched poems with his diamond point pen,” says Omri. During their visit to Dumfries, the students stayed with Jane Brown, who is the ex-president of the Robert Burns World Federation. They also met numerous past and current presidents of various Robert Burns Associations, which provided them with lots of opportunities to talk about Burns’ legacy and his renowned poems. “We saw statues of Burns everywhere during the trip, which gave us a new appreciation of how much of a figurehead he was,” says Emily.

Honouring the bard is now a key aspect of the annual scholarship, which is supported by Old Collegian, Rob Bruce-Barron (OC 1953). “It was fantastic to visit the Robert Burns

Emily enjoyed the opportunity to board at some of the schools they visited, while having a homestay at others. “I made friends much quicker in the boarding environment, but it was also great to travel to and from school with my homestay hosts and see more of the towns and cities I was staying in. Both experiences had their pros,” says Omri, who took part in hockey, debating, orchestra practice, and went to a school disco during his adventure. Emily also embraced life in the schools she visited, participating in netball and debating, and attending a flute concert masterclass, and Ceilidh band practice. “As well as the history and incredibly old, beautiful buildings, a highlight for me was definitely the people. They were so welcoming, lovely, and willing to help. I made many new friends.” Emily says she and Omri are very grateful to Mr Bruce-Barron for sponsoring the scholarship, as well as Mr Burrows, Mrs Moore and Mrs Simmons for organising the trip, and Mrs Leighton and Mr van Florenstein for their support. “It was awesome!”

Emily Tyrrell in front of a statue of Robert Burns.

Omri Kepes (left) with a fellow student at Queen Victoria School.

The students independently visited five schools during their month-long visit to Scotland, coming together for the final week at the sixth, George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh, during which time they also made the trip to Dumfries. As day students at St Andrew’s College, both Omri and

Emily and Omri at Edinburgh Castle.

33 Regulus

Taking part in a ‘kitchen concert’ at Ellisland Farm, in Dumfries, the former childhood home of famed Scottish bard, Robert Burns (1759–1796), the place where he also spent the last seven years of his life, was a highlight of Year 12 students Omri Kepes and Emily Tyrrell’s month-long adventure to Scotland as the 2019 Robert Burns Scottish Scholars. “We were part of a group of around 25 people, recreating the little concerts Burns would host in his kitchen, with the fire going and people singing, playing instruments, and telling stories. It was a really cool atmosphere, and a few people from the crowd even got up and performed,” says Emily.

Values and Culture

Sponsor, Rob Bruce Barron (OC 1953), Emily Tyrrell (Year 12), Rector Christine Leighton, Omri Kepes (Year 12) and Roland Burrows, who co-ordinates the scholarship.

Dance Revue a stunning success Audiences were wowed by the fast paced, energetic, and polished performances at this year’s Dance Revue, which showcased 31 spectacular dances, inspired by a range of styles. Heads of Dance, Isabella Pringle (Year 13) and Emily Tyrrell (Year 12), had spent much of the year planning and masterminding the event, and were thrilled with how it all came together. “The dancers did such a great job. Shows like this can come down to the wire, but they really pulled it together,” says Emily. Isabella says she and Emily almost felt like ‘mums’ during Dance Revue’s three-night run. “To watch the dancers work so hard all year, and then to see their amazing performances in the show, made us really proud.”

An eclectic mix of dance styles, including ballet, hip hop, contemporary, tap, jazz, acro, and lyrical, meant there was something for everyone in the audience to enjoy, says Isabella. “We had ten more dances on the programme than last year and had lots of great feedback saying the variety was amazing, which is what we wanted.” Isabella and Emily are cousins, who share a lifelong love of dance. “We only live two minutes away from each other and have danced together all our lives. When we were five years old, we started ballet and contemporary dance, then went to jazz. We both started hip hop when we came to St Andrew’s,” says Emily, whose older sister Sophie Tyrrell (OC 2017) is a current hip hop teacher at St Andrew’s and is also a former Head of Dance.

Other initiatives introduced by Isabella and Emily this year include a Dance Collective in Term 1 to give the dancers performance practise, Musical Theatre and Contemporary dance classes, and a seven-week ‘Dancing with the Staff’ programme, when they taught seven staff members a dance, which was performed in the Quad one lunchtime in Term 3. “Dance is such a big part of our lives and we have loved the opportunity to encourage other students and staff to try different styles, and to perform,” says Isabella.


Toby says Philip approached him at the start of the year to see if he would be interested in directing and performing a duo piece for TheatreFest, and after considering several scripts, they settled on Me and My Friend, Act One by Gillian Plowman. This challenging piece explores the relationship between a schizophrenic man and a severely autistic man, who are forced into a flatting situation when their hospital wing is shut down. “We knew on

National TheatreFest winners, Philip Nordt (left) and Toby Lee (both Year 13).

the first reading it was the piece we wanted to do and had very similar views on its direction. It was a great feeling to win the national awards. All of the hard work and rehearsals we put into the piece paid off, which was cool.” Toby says St Andrew’s provides a great environment in which to develop as a performer. “Being in a class with other students who are super keen on



Years 9–10 students, along with students from other Christchurch schools, flocked into Gym 1 for the annual StAC Years 9–10 Dance, which was organised by College prefects. With fantastic music from the DJ, and a fluorescent (UV light) theme, the evening was filled with dancing, laughter, bright face paint, and lots of fun. Proceeds from ticket sales were used as part of a Prefect Legacy Project, to purchase sports gear for Hornby Primary School. The night was enjoyed by the Years 9–10 students and was a great opportunity for the St Andrew’s College community to give back to a fantastic cause.

Drama is really good, and I’ve learnt so much from Mr Wiseman’s directing and teaching. Having a TheatreFest partner like Philip, who is willing to jump into opportunities, has also been great.” Teacher in Charge of TheatreFest, Natasha Derry, says she is ‘really proud’ of Philip and Toby, and extends her thanks to their parents for their support throughout the competition.

35 Regulus

The outstanding directing and acting skills of Year 13 students, Philip Nordt and Toby Lee, were recognised at the TheatreFest Nationals at Toi Whakaari, Wellington, when they won the Jannat Aitichson Award for Emerging Distinctive Talent and the Bryan Aitken Award for Best Youth Production. What makes these achievements even more impressive, is that the students were selected as one of only six groups nationwide to compete in the finals, against predominantly adult performers. They had previously won the Christchurch TheatreFest Competition, and were winners of the Best Youth Production and Best Overall Production at the Upper South Island Regional TheatreFest Competition.

Values and Culture




Grandparents’ Day is always a highly anticipated occasion on the calendar at St Andrew’s College, and this year was no exception. Around 600 grandparents descended on the College to enjoy a packed programme of events, and some special time with their grandchildren. Following a delicious morning tea in the Strowan House dining room, the grandparents made their way to the Centennial Chapel, where they enjoyed some wonderful student performances from various groups across all year levels. Students then proudly showed their grandparents around the campus, before they headed home at the conclusion of a delightful morning.



Christmas Hampers Each Year 11 tutor group made up a Christmas Hamper, which were delivered to the Salvation Army for families in need. The initiative was led by Meg Longley (Year 13) and Liam (JT) Longley (Year 11). City Mission Food Bank Parents, caregivers, students, and staff from the Senior College donated over 700 cans, cereals, pasta, sauce mixes, and other dried goods to help fill the shelves at the City Mission. Cuts for Cancer Year 9 boarder, Ursula Grant, cut her hair to raise money for Child Cancer. Her long locks were sent away to be carefully stored in order to make wigs for those suffering with cancer treatment. Hagar New Zealand Youth Ambassadors Elena Limmer-Wood, Kelly Ting and Brooke Matthewson (all Year 12), are 2019 Youth Ambassadors for Hagar New Zealand, which supports people who have experienced severe trauma as a result of slavery, trafficking, or abuse. The students organised a fundraising dinner for the charity, which was set up as a ‘meal lottery’ to highlight the impact poverty has on our choices and opportunities in life. The ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ were served different meals. It was a great evening, with the girls raising over $2000. Mufti Day The Middle School Leaders organised a mufti day to raise awareness for Pillars, an organisation which helps children whose parents are in prison. The theme was to dress in orange and yellow, with the event raising $1260.

Prefect Legacy Project The final Prefect Legacy project for 2019 saw the students partner with South Hornby School for a day of games and lots of fun. Throughout the year the prefect team have been fundraising, including funds raised via the Smurf Squad supporter gear and the Years 9–10 Dance, to purchase and donate a wide range of sporting equipment to South Hornby School. The prefects engaged in many different activities with the students at South Hornby School, and were joined by several members of the 2020 prefect team, to help cook and serve a sausage sizzle at lunchtime.

Wearable Arts Year 9 tutor groups were given the challenge to work as a team, show creativity, and consider using recyclable items to make Wearable Arts. The competition culminated in a fashion show in Gym 1. The students created some fabulous costumes, which made the decision extremely difficult for judges, Head of Middle School, Mikae Tuu’u, and Teacher in Charge of the Sustainability Council, Ellen Hampson. The winners were 9JGI for their fashion magazine costume. The Best Model went to Morgan Lee, for her plastic waste costume. Values and Culture

Busking and Tree Planting In August, Year 3 students were involved in a tree planting project at Mary Duncan Park on the Port Hills, as part of an inquiry called ‘Our Trees, Our Treasure’. To raise money to buy trees to plant, the children organised two busking sessions in the Junior Department. There were a variety of performances – dancing, musical items, and magic tricks, which were supported by the school community. The students visited Trees for Canterbury to collect the plants they had fundraised for.

37 Some of the amazing Wearable Arts costumes. Members of the prefect team at South Hornby School.

Te wiki ō Te Reo Māori, Māori Language The St Andrew’s College community celebrated Te wiki ō Te Reo Māori, with Te Reo/ Māori Studies teacher, Pete Westrupp, doing a wonderful job of leading and organising a number of activities enabling students to engage with this kaupapa. These included the display of special Te Reo language posters, a Whakataukī (Māori proverb) Challenge, a Kianga (phrase) Challenge, students using Te Reo Māori to loan books and laptops in the Library, students discovering the Ngā Moto World in the Minecraft Education Edition, and staff learning and singing a waiata. United Nations Youth Crisis Committee Thomas Pope-Kerr (Year 13), Xavier Dickason and Kate Hughes (both Year 12) attended the United Nations Youth Canterbury Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Simulation event, which focused on international diplomacy in New Zealand Foreign Affairs, Security, and Trade.

Well-being Assembly Character strengths were celebrated at the inaugural Well-being Assembly, which was led and organised by Heads of Well-being, Thomas Pope-Kerr and Rinay Chandra (both Year 13), the Well-being Committee, and Year 11 students Oscar Bloom and Tapenisa Havea. The guest speaker was Year 12 student, Hugh Montgomery, who shared his thoughts on the importance of well-being and resilience after a significant injury dashed his sporting hopes and dreams for 2019. The following students were the recipients of Character Awards, selected by student vote: Year 9: Lauren Whittaker – Teamwork, and Kyri Spenner – Kindness; Year 10: Selena Gan – Creativity, Luke Zhu – Humility, and Alex Wilson – Teamwork; Year 11: Harrison Cater – Humour, Zac Moore – Humour, Imogen McNeill – Perseverance, and Isabella Logie – Perseverance; Year 13: Elliot Wood – Creativity, and Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee – Humility/ Perseverance.



Cultural catch up

Art Samantha Ferrier and Jessica Gavin (both Year 13) were shortlisted, out of 2000 entries, to be part of ‘The Creators Room’, a new initiative that links visual art creators with art collectors. The student’s artwork will be included in an exhibition early next year in the CBD. Ballet Annie Young (Year 6) was selected to dance with the Royal New Zealand Ballet in their upcoming performance of Hansel and Gretel at the end of November. Dancers in Years 8–13 had some excellent results in NZAMD Ballet examinations: • Rose Siebuhr (Year 13) achieved the highest pre-professional examination of Solo Performance Diploma;

• Advanced Diploma dancers, Charlotte Sloper, Evelyn Clarke, Holly Stokes (all Year 12), achieved two Distinctions and one Honours, giving all three dancers entry to take the Solo Performance Diploma next year. The following Secondary School dancers qualified to compete at the National Scholarship Awards event in Wellington – Riley Lyons, Sophie O’Connor and Annabelle Irvine (all Year 9), Mei-Lin McClelland, Charlotte Brown and Anja Sander (all Year 10), Charlotte Sloper and Evelyn Clarke (both Year 12) and Rose Siebuhr (Year 13); Riley Lyons (Year 9) also gained second place at this evenl. In the Medal Award event, the following dancers received the top mark of Excellence Plus – Annabelle Irvine, Riley Lyons, Kate McFerran, Poppy Rumble and Ella Withers (all Year 9), Mei-Lin McClelland, Lucy Rule, Tegan Mathewson, Eva Hyde, Charlotte Brown, Anja Sander (all Year 10) and Evelyn Clark (Year 12); Year 8 dancers Eilish Johns and Siara Clarke achieved Distinction, and Amelia Kyle, Sienna Spark, Abby Baxter and Chantelle Xiong (all Year 8) achieved Honours.

Fleetwood StAC, from left Ethan Bright and Elliot Wood (both Year 13), Archie Milligan (Year 12) and William Lucas (Year 11).

Barbershop The Boys’ Barbershop, Fleetwood StAC, featuring Archie Milligan (Year 12), William Lucas (Year 11), Ethan Bright and Elliot Wood (both Year 13 – with Elliot standing in for Bruno Mitchell (Year 13)) were second in their section at the Young Singers in Harmony Regional Finals at The Piano, qualifying them for the national finals, where they placed fifth out of 15 male quartets.

Wired for Sound The group of talented young musicians in the Preparatory School rock band, Black Wired – Hayden Lam and Tama Connelly (both Year 8), Ethan Lam (Year 6), and Sam McAlister (Year 7), won first place at the Bandquest national finals, competing against the top 16 school bands in New Zealand. This was an outstanding achievement, which saw them win $3000 for St Andrew’s College, and a professional recording session at Neil Finn’s Roundhead Studios, in Auckland. Hayden, who plays drums in the band, says the students were proud to be named top Preparatory/ Primary School band in New Zealand after putting months of preparation into the competition. “We were kind of in shock at first, then felt really happy.” The students have played together for three years and have a shared love of rock music.

Tama, who plays bass guitar, said he was inspired to join a rock band after being taken to an AD/DC concert by his father. Hayden’s younger brother, Ethan Lam, plays lead guitar and is the lead singer in Black Wired while Sam McAlister plays rhythm guitar. At the national finals, the Band played Good Times Bad Times by Led Zeppelin, and their original composition, A New Beginning. Hayden says the name, Black Wired, is a nod to New Zealand’s love of the All Blacks, and how so many New Zealanders are ‘wired for black’ because of the team.

Black Wired, from left, Hayden Lam (Year 8), Sam McAlister (Year 7), Tama Connelly (Year 8) and Ethan Lam (Year 6).

Black Wired qualified for the national finals after winning the Canterbury regional Bandquest event, where Ethan won the ‘Killer’ Guitarist Award. The students plan to continue playing music together and are already preparing for next year’s Rockquest competition.

A number of students were recognised at the New Zealand Poetry Society International Poetry Competition. Those to place in the top three were: • Finnian Bierwirth (Year 9): second in the Junior Haiku, Secondary Section for his haiku Early Morning; • Wenjin (Katie) Zhang (Year 10): third in the Junior Haiku, Secondary Section for her haiku A Deer Sleeps;

A short story by Radha Gamble (Year 5), and a poem called, Enjoy the Ride, written by Louis Hyland (Year 3), were selected for publication in Toitoi. Choreography Hana Pearce (Year 13) was the choreographer for the Selwyn House School production of Mary Poppins. Hana is an Old Girl of Selwyn House School. Debating St Andrew’s College debaters took out both the Canterbury Senior and Canterbury Junior Schools’ Debating titles for 2019. The Senior team of

Meg Bowden Cooke (Year 10) was second in the Year 9–10 section of Metro Info Poems on Buses Competition with her poem, Morning Dew. Pieta Bayley’s (Year 9) poem, Palliser Bay, won first place in the Secondary Section of the Seaweek Poetry Competition. In the Secondary School Creative Writing Competition, Pieta Bayley (Year 9) was first for her collection of poems which the judge, Writer-inresidence Kerrin Davidson, described as ‘powerful and accomplished’. Harry Waddington (Year 11) was first runner-up with his short story Dollar Shop Suitcase, and second runner-up was Elena Limmer-Wood (Year 12).

This year’s Film Fest was another huge hit, with the audience dressing as their favourite film heroes, and enjoying some high quality short films. Cultural Captains, Elliot Wood and Hana Pearce (both Year 13), arrived to host the event in the Newbury family’s beautiful Pontiac. This year’s Best Film went to Sam Bowden Cooke (Year 12) for his film Hitman. The full list of award winners were: Best Actor: Archie Milligan (Year 12), Stoned; Best Actress: Juliette Newman (Year 13), Stoned; Best Sporting Actor: Gus Derry (Year 12), Hitman;

• Editor’s Selection: Amelia McAllister (Year 9) for her haiku Barrel Waves, and Isabella Galvan (Year 11) for her haiku In The Army Tanker’s Dust. Two poems and five haiku were selected for publication in the New Zealand Poetry Society’s 2019 Anthology. The poems were The Cave, written by Henry Twiss (Year 10) and Aotearoa Beauty by Meg Shearer (Year 9). The following students also had their haiku selected: Morgan Lee (Year 9) Winter’s Morning; Oliver Burnett (Year 10) The Lonely Soldier; Harry Withers (Year 10) Lunch Bell Rings; Benjamin McKeown (Year 10) The Front Line; Connor Newton (Year 11) Floating Deer.

Film Fest

Best Camera: Charles Pitts (Year 12), Two Extremes; Best Lighting: Sage Klein (Year 12), Binge; Best Original Music: Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13); Best Make-Up/Costume/ Special FX: Free Flight; Canterbury debating champions, Ethan Adams, Tom Edwards and Thomas Kamo (all Year 10), Jake Newlands and Meg Longley (both Year 13) and Andrew Garbett (Year 12).

Meg Longley and Jake Newlands (both Year 13) and Andrew Garbett (Year 12) were negating the moot, ‘This House supports tiger parenting techniques’. Meg Longley was also named Best Speaker. The win caps off an excellent year of debating for the Senior team, which also won the regional title this year.

Best Documentary/ Mockumentary: Logan Vincent and Samuel Campion (both Year 13), Secret CEO; Best Original Concept: Isla Lewis (Year 12), Window Shopping; Best Screenplay: Harrison Orange (Year 12), The Monster Under The Bed; Best Sound, Best Editing, and Best Film: Sam Bowden Cooke (Year 12), Hitman.

Junior champions were Year 10 students Thomas Kamo, Tom Edwards and Ethan Adams. They competed in the final against fellow St Andrew’s College team of Tom Rae and Trinity Hill (both Year 10) and Portia Bennie (Year 9). Thomas Kamo was named Best Speaker.

Sam Bowden Cooke (Year 12) won Best Film at this years Film Fest.

Values and Culture

Creative Writing Rebecca Bolton (Year 12) achieved a Gold Award in The Queen’s Commonwealth 2019 Essay Competition, run by the Royal Commonwealth Society.

William Carrodus (Year 8) presented his speech, You Are Not Alone, to a Regeneration Christchurch conference in the Christchurch Town Hall and received a standing ovation.

39 Regulus

Chess Artem Kutovoy (Year 3) won the Knight division in the Sarapu Cup Christchurch Pairings Tournament.

Highland Dancing Following national auditions, Milly Christie (Year 10) was accepted into the Highland Dance Company of New Zealand, which is for elite senior Highland dancers aged 14 years and over. Amelia Lyttle (Year 4) was first in the U10 Highland Fling at the Scottish Society Competition. Charlotte Sloper (Year 12) won the New Zealand U18 title for Highland Reel O Tulloch, and was also a member of the Highland Dance Company of New Zealand troupe which was awarded the President’s Award for their outstanding performance at the Performing Arts Competitions Association of New Zealand competition. Jazz Jazz bands from St Andrew’s College did extremely well at Ara JazzQuest, with the Big Band and Soul Band both winning gold category awards, and the Jazz Orchestra a silver award At Southern Jam, the St Andrew’s College Big Band were named Overall Festival Winners, the eighth time the College has won this competition. The Big Band also claimed a Gold Category award, with the Soul Band and Jazz Orchestra both receiving Silver Category awards. Serge Beaton (Year 13) was named Best Trombone, and Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13) Best Bass. Best Solo was jointly won by Serge Beaton and Flynn Megaw (Year 11) for their trombone ‘battle’. All three St Andrew’s College

The jazz band in action.

bands received the Best Improvisation Award. Seven St Andrew’s College musicians – Angus Rainey, Luca Vinnell, Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee, Lewis Edmond and Serge Beaton (all Year 13), and Flynn Megaw and Mitchell Kohing (both Year 11) were selected for the Stars Band who performed with musicians from other schools at the awards ceremony. St Andrew’s College jazz musicians in the Jazz Orchestra, Big Band, Club 347, Soul Band, Senior Combo, and newly formed Girls from Ipanema performed to an appreciative audience at Fat Eddie’s for nearly three hours in this year’s Jazz Club event ‘with a twist’. Music Gala Concert Over 100 Music students performed a special Music Gala concert at The Piano, which was an outstanding showcase of the musical talent at St Andrew’s College and a celebration of the hard work the students have put into composing, playing, singing, gigging, and competing in 2019. The jazz bands, choirs, orchestra, barbershop, and a chamber group shared their undeniable skill and some of the work they have created this year. Guests were also treated to singer/songwriter and chamber music performances in the foyer before the show. Music A number of Preparatory School students competed in the Christchurch Competitions Society – Instrumental Section Competition with excellent results:

• Anthony Song (Year 4) won the J Drury Cup for String Instrument Solo (Violin) U10; • Hansen Hong (Year 7) won the Harry Ellerm Cup for the Piano Scholarship (12–14 years), the Strong Cup for Piano Solo Own Selection (12 years), was first in J S Bach (9–12 years), and third in Sonata Recital U14. • Iona Taylor (Year 13) competed at the Dunedin Performing Arts Competition, winning first place in the Open Competition Music Theatre Solo Post 1970, and Open Competition Burns Song. She also received the Otago Scottish Council Quaich. Opera Iona Taylor (Year 13) was accepted into the New Zealand Opera Christchurch Chorus. Orchestra The St Andrew’s College Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mark Hodgkinson and led by Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13), performed with schools from around the Canterbury region at the Secondary Schools’ Orchestra Festival at the Christchurch Town Hall. After playing Camille Saint-Saëns’ Danse Macabre with alacrity, members of the St Andrew’s orchestra combined with the other nine orchestras to take part in a massed orchestra performance of around 500 players, which concluded with a powerful rendition of the Imperial March from Star Wars.

• Jakarta Klebert (Year 10): C Grade Piobaireachd and the Aitken Family Trophy;

Performing Arts Juliette Newman (Year 13), Archie Milligan (Year 12) and Bruno Mitchell (Year 13) won several prizes at the Dunedin Performing Arts Competition. Juliette achieved a first, second and third placing, three Very Highly Commended awards, was runner-up in the Taieri Musical Society Theatrical Scholarship, and won the Claire Barton Cup and Overall All Round Performer Prize. Archie achieved a first, second and third placing, a Very Highly Commended award, and was runnerup in the Otago University School of Performing Arts Prize and Classical Vocal Scholarship. Bruno achieved a first and second place, and a Very Highly Commended award.

• Argyllshire Gathering – second in the prestigious MacGregor Memorial Piobaireachd, third in the Intermediate March, Strathspey and Reel;

Singer/Songwriter Night MS01 was transformed into a fantastic venue to celebrate original compositions by nine singer/ songwriters who performed their original songs. The variety of songs and instrumentation highlighted the strength of song writing at St Andrew’s College.

Campbell Wilson (Year 12).

St Andrew’s College hosted the South Island Solo Drumming Championships – Round 3, with drummers featuring well throughout all of the grades, achieving eight first places, six second places, and four third places. Also awarded at the championships were the aggregate prize winners for the year, with St Andrew’s students doing incredibly well: • Brady Swann Cup for A Grade Aggregate Champion 2019, and James Murray Cup for B Grade Aggregate Champion 2019 – Montague Stamm (Year 11); • Brayden Drummond Cup for C Grade Aggregate Champion 2019 – Georgia Eagle (Year 9);

• The Northern Meeting – first U18 Piobaireachd, March, Strathspey and Reel;

• Arran Campbell Cup for D Grade Aggregate Champion 2019 – Ethan Higgs (Year 7);

• Lonach Highland Gathering – first U18 Piobaireachd, March, Strathspey and Reel;

• Harriet Moran Cup for Intermediate Aggregate Champion 2019 – Elena Limmer-Wood (Year 12);

• Glenisla Highland Games – first in U18 March, Strathspey and Reel.

• Alex Wilson Cup for Novice Aggregate Champion 2019 – Lucy McIntyre (Year 8);

Campbell was also named the New Zealand Young Piper of the Year for the second year in a row, winning all three U21 events in a strong field. Oskar Trafford (Year 9) was the C Grade overall winner, Timothy Justice (Year 12) won the C Grade Hornpipe and Jig, and was fourth in the B Grade Piobaireachd, and Annabelle Jones (Year 12) placed third in the C Grade 2/4 March. Noah Clarke (Year 13) played at the 9/11 Anniversary Service on Wednesday at the Christchurch Central Fire Station.

Tangata Beats Pippa McAnergney (Year 12), Hana Pearce (Year 13), Sage Klein (Year 12) and Sienna Beer (Year 13) formed a group to compete at Rockquest. Their original Song of Hope went on to be entered in the Tangata Beats competition, where they received a Highly Commended award, a significant achievement for this competition. Theatresports The Year 12 Theatresports team of Sam Bowden Cooke (captain), Xavier Dickason, Harrison Orange and Ethan Withers made the final of the annual Court Theatre Theatresports Secondary School Competition and competed against five other South Island schools. Vocal Concert An appreciative audience was entertained by two Preparatory Choirs, three Secondary Choirs including the Māori and Pasifika choir, Boys’ Barbershop – Fleetwood StAC, the Soul Band, vocal groups, soloists, and a staff musical item at the annual Vocal Concert held in the Centennial Chapel. The concert finished with a singalong.

• Ted Trollope Cup for Open Aggregate Champion 2019 – Iona Taylor (Year 13). At the Highland Piping Society’s Silver Chanter Piping Championships, St Andrew’s College pipers featured strongly throughout the grades, against a huge number of pipers from New Zealand and Australia. First placegetters were: • Oskar Trafford (Year 9): B Grade Piobaireachd and the J A Patterson Challenge Cup, C grade Strathspey/ Reel and the Trevor Smart Challenge Cup;

A Preparatory School choir during their performance.

Values and Culture

Campbell Wilson (Year 12) enjoyed outstanding solo piping success in Scotland. He competed at the Argyllshire Gathering in Oban, Glenisla Highland Games, Lonach Highland Gathering and the Northern Meeting in Inverness. Both the Argyllshire Gathering and Northern Meeting are among the highest level events in the solo piping calendar. Campbell’s results were:

• Adam MacFarlane (Year 7): Novice 2/4 March and the Couper Angus Trophy.

41 Regulus

Pipe Band Drum Sergeant Montague Stamm (Year 11) placed third at the World Solo Drumming Championship in Glasgow, Scotland, competing against 30 drummers from around the globe in the Juvenile (U16) Section 4 event.

• Emily Brook (Year 6): D Grade 2/4 March and the Barry Shaw Trophy;

New Zealand



Sport Australian Football League (AFL) Lachlan McBride (Year 11) was selected for the New Zealand U15 AFL team which competed in a Trans-Tasman series against Australia. Badminton Jack Wang and Jenny Zhu (both Year 13) were members of the New Zealand Junior Oceania team which won a silver medal in the Mixed team championship at the 2019 Victor Oceania Junior Championships in Melbourne. Jack and Jenny were also selected for the New Zealand U19 team to compete in the Badminton World Federation World Junior Championships in Russia. Basketball Mac Stodart (Year 13) was selected for the New Zealand U17 basketball team which competed at the Oceania Championships in Noumea, New Caledonia. Beach Volleyball Kate Allan (Year 12) competed with the Junior New Zealand beach volleyball team at a tournament in Los Angeles, California. Canoe Racing/Kayaking Olivia Brett (Year 13) and Flynn McGuinness (Year 12) competed in the New Zealand canoe racing team at the Asia Pacific Championships. Olivia later competed at an international regatta in Italy, before joining the New Zealand team to compete at the World Junior Championships in Bulgaria. Cricket Rhys Mariu (Year 13) was selected for the New Zealand U19 cricket team to tour Bangladesh, as well as the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Māori team. Rhys and fellow Year 13 student, Jesse Frew, were selected for the New Zealand U19 cricket team which played four matches against Australia. Equestrian Gemma Lewis (Year 9) was selected in a New Zealand Youth equestrian team to compete in Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China. Fencing Ryan Stewart (Year 10) represented New Zealand in the Australia U15/17 Nationals in Sydney.

Football Frankie Morrow (Year 13) and Jasmine Donald (Year 12) were named in the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Girls’ football team which competed in Dallas, Texas. Hockey Five St Andrew’s College players, Isabella Ambrosius (Year 13), Lucca Burley (Year 12), Harrison Darling, Etienne Harrington-Watt and Oscar Nation (all Year 13) were selected for New Zealand U18 teams. Isabella was also selected to represent the New Zealand Māori U21 Women and the New Zealand Māori Senior Women’s teams for 2019/2020. Ice Hockey Timothy Thomas (Y11) was selected for the U18 New Zealand ice hockey team to compete at the World Championships in Bulgaria next year. Orienteering Aryton Shadbolt (Year 13) and Alice Egan (Year 11) competed for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ orienteering team at the 2019 Australian Schools’ Orienteering Championships, in Wagga Wagga, Australia. Rugby Jack Sexton and Sebastian Calder (both Year 13) were selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ rugby team to play against Australia U18, Fiji Schools, and the New Zealand Schools’ Barbarians teams. Ski Racing Alys Scott (Year 10) represented the U14 New Zealand Ladies ski team in the Whistler Cup international children’s ski race, against over 140 U14 girls from all over the globe. Alys was also selected for the Snowvision New Zealand U16 Alpine Youth Squad to represent New Zealand in Europe, and at the Whistler Cup in Canada in 2020. Swimming Angus Kelliher (Year 12) and Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Year 11) were selected to represent New Zealand at the 2019 Australian State Short Course Swimming Championships in Canberra.

Tennis Duncan McCall (Year 9) represented New Zealand at three Australian international underage tennis tournaments. Trapshooting Olly Hood (Year 12) and Maggie Hood (Year 9) were selected for the New Zealand Men’s and Women’s trapshooting teams to attend the 2019 Oceania Championships in Sydney. Volleyball Georgia Hollings (Year 13) and Anaya Cole (Year 11) were selected for the New Zealand Junior Women’s volleyball team, which competed at the USA High Performance Championships in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Culture Highland Dance Charlotte Sloper (Year 12) was selected to represent New Zealand at Tattoos in Oostende, Belgium, and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Music A group of 10 St Andrew’s College students were selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Symphony Orchestra – Jin Ju (Victoria) Lee (Year 13), who was also named Concert Master, Callum Hampton, Iona Taylor, Tony Zhou, and Serge Beaton (all Year 13), Flynn Megaw (who couldn’t perform due to illness), William Lucas, and Samuel Foote (all Year 11), Grace Lawrence (Year 10) and Jin Woo (Luka) Lee (Year 9). Serge Beaton (Year 13), Flynn Megaw (Year 11) and Angus Rainey (Year 13) were selected for the National Youth Jazz Orchestra. Opera Iona Taylor (Year 13) was selected as a member of the New Zealand Opera Chorus.

Values and Culture

Back row from left: Gemma Lewis (Y9), Olivia Brett (Y13), Duncan McCall (Y9), Flynn McGuinness (Y12), Timothy Thomas (Y11) and Ryan Stewart (Y10). Second row from left: Jasmine Donald (Y12), Georgia Hollings (Y13), Jack Wang (Y12), Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11), Angus Kelliher (Y12), Mac Stodart (Y13), Jack Sexton (Y13), Sebastian Calder (Y13), Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13), Rhys Mariu (Y13) and Kate Allan (Y12). Front row from left: Alys Scott (Y10), Jenny Zhu (Y13), Anaya Cole (Y11), Frankie Morrow (13), Lucca Burley (Y12), Jesse Frew (Y13), Harrison Darling (Y13), Alice Egan (Y11), Lachlan McBride (Y11) and Isabella Ambrosius (Y13). Absent: Etienne Harrington-Watt (Y13), Oscar Nation (Y13), Olly Hood (Y12) and Maggie Hood (Y9)

Back row from left: Callum Hampton (Y13), Samuel Foote (Y11), Angus Rainey (Y13), Flynn Megaw (Y11), William Lucas (Y11) and Tony Zhou (Y13). Front row from left: Serge Beaton (Y13), Victoria Lee (Y13), Iona Taylor (Y13), Charlotte Sloper (Y12), Grace Lawrence (Y10) and Jin Woo (Luka) Lee (Y9).

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Leavers’ Assembly 2019 Leavers There were mixed emotions as the 2019 Leavers were farewelled at the Leavers’ Assembly attended by many parents and caregivers. This significant occasion was an important recognition of the eight Year 12 and 178 Year 13 leavers. Heads of College, Juliette Newman and Luca Vinnell, honoured their Dean, Bronwyn Radcliffe, who has guided and supported the Year 13 students over the last five years. Deputy Heads of College, Lewis Edmond and Frankie Morrow, reflected on the year group’s time at the College, both in the Preparatory School and the Secondary School. Many students were also celebrated with academic awards and university scholarship recipients were recognised. A group of 45 Year 13 students received offers of 66 university scholarships between them, including six students who gained scholarship offers of $20,000 or more. A slide show of Year 13 Memories highlighted some of the students’ significant milestones together. Musical numbers included Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder, sang in honour of Bronwyn Radcliffe, and Go Your Own Way, by Fleetwood Mac, which were both sung by the entire year group, accompanied by a Year 13 student band. The Year 13 ‘Good Sort’ Award was presented to Senior College Secretary, Jocelyn Simmons. Longstanding, retiring staff members, David Farmer, Simon Williams, Geoff Stanton, Alastair McGowan and Pete Feary were also honoured at the Assembly (see story on page 7).

Basketball Mac Stodart (Y13) played in the Steven Adams High School Invitational Game at the NBL Final 4 Weekend as a pre-game for the NBL Grand Final at Horncastle Arena. At the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball Tournament, the boys' team finished 22nd and the girls' team 18th. Charlotte Kyle and Sasha McIntyre (both Y6) competed in the All Stars Basketball Junior competition in the Gators Year 5–6 girls’ team, finishing first overall. Fynn Harris (Y7) was selected for the Canterbury Metro U13 basketball team to compete at the Basketball New Zealand U13 Southern Regional Championships.

The Preparatory School Girls’ First XI hockey won bronze at the AIMS Games.

Artistic Gymnastics Liam Del Rey (Y4) was first overall (Level 1) at the Canterbury Junior Championships. Athletics Maia Anderson-Broughton (Y13) was awarded Athletics Canterbury 2019 Sprinter of the Year for the second year running, which is given to the most outstanding sprinter in Canterbury, male or female, in any age group. Badminton Jack Wang (Y12) and Jenny Zhu (Y13) represented New Zealand at the 2019 Badminton World Federation Junior Championships in Kazan, Russia, where the New Zealand Junior team placed 23rd out of the 43 countries competing in the mixed team event. Jack also competed at the New Zealand U19 Badminton Championships where he was runner up in the Mixed Doubles and Men’s Doubles.

Beach Volleyball Kate Allan (Y12) travelled to Los Angeles, California with the Junior New Zealand Beach Volleyball team, and played against some of the top U18 beach volleyball players in America. She won a bronze medal at the tournament. Canterbury Primary Schools’ Winter Tournament The Year 8 Preparatory A netball team won the netball tournament at the Canterbury Primary Schools’ Winter Tournament, defeating St Margaret’s College 10–6 in the final. The Years 7–8 football team (five aside) finished third equal. Clay Target Shooting Three students achieved top three placings at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Clay Target Shooting Championships:

The history making First XI Cricket team – Gillette Cup National Finalists.

Cricket The First XI has made the Gillette Cup National Finals for the first time in the history of the tournament, after beating Christ's College in the Canterbury Gillette Cup Qualifying Final at Mainpower Oval. The National Finals are being played at Lincoln in December. Rhys Mariu (Y13) was named in the New Zealand U19 cricket team for a five-game one day series against Bangladesh. Cycling The U16 Boys’ team of Nate Pringle (Y11), Max Blockley and Joseph Connolly (both Y9) finished second in their grade at the Canterbury Schools’ Teams Time Trial Cycling Championships (Litolff Cup). Darts Lachlan Rountree (Year 11) competed at the Junior Darts World Championships in Gibraltar where he finished 11th out of 197 competitors from 31 countries. Lachlan is the number one ranked U18 player in New Zealand and is number three overall in New Zealand. Duathalon Several St Andrew’s College students achieved podium finishes at the Canterbury Schools’ Duathlon Championships, which saw them complete a 2km run, 10km bike, and 2km run: • U16 Boys’ team – Jake Jackways and Harri Silcock (both Y11) – first place;

• Maggie Hood (Y9) North Island Girls’ Skeet: first place;

• U19 Boys’ team – Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13) and Nate Pringle (Y11) – second place;

• Olly Hood (Y12) New Zealand Boys’ Skeet: third place;

• U14 Boys’ team – Tom Harris and Max Blockley (both Y9) – third place;

• Juliette Newman (Y13) New Zealand Girls’ Skeet: third place.

• U16 Girls’ individual – Jenna Hirschfeld (Y10) – third place.

Values and Culture

AIMS Games A group of 46 Preparatory School students (28 hockey players, ten netballers, five tennis players, two cross country runners, one swimmer, and one golfer) competed at the AIMS Games in Tauranga, where a total of 11,500 students from 368 schools participated. There were some outstanding results, with Hayden Lam (Y8) winning a bronze medal in the golf, and the Girls’ First XI hockey team also winning bronze. Others to finish in the top 10 were Ruby McPhail and Lily McHarg (both Y7) who were fourth in the Girls’ doubles tennis, and the Boys’ First XI hockey, which finished eighth.

The Senior A Girls’ badminton team of Jenny Zhu (Y13), Kelly Ting (Y12), Alyssa Le and Sophia Rutherford (both Y11), and Yirui (Elly) Li (Y9) won the School Sport Canterbury Premier Badminton Competition beating Burnside High School 8–1 in the final. This is rare success in this competition.

45 Regulus

Sports round up

Fencing Ryan Stewart (Y10) competed for the Canterbury Mid-South team which finished second at the National Fencing Championships. Ryan placed fifth in the individual épée.

Alex Tutty, Annabel Surveyor and Sophia Lazor (all Y11), Charlotte Roche (Y10), and Kinda Khanafer and Amelia McAllister (both Y9) were selected for U14 or U16 National Age Group Canterbury football teams.

Figure Skating Milla Newbury (Y10) maintained her first place rank in Canterbury in 2018 after finishing eighth at the National Championships. She was also second in the U18 Ladies’ Freeskate at the Canterbury Masters Figure Skating Club Open Championships. Football Frankie Morrow (Y13) and Jasmine Donald (Y12) were selected for Pride Canterbury. The Girls’ First XI finished runners-up in the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Premier Football Competition, losing the final to a strong and determined team from Burnside High School. The girls showed great strength of character after battling illness, injury, and playing in new positions on their way to the final.

Amelia McAllister (Y9), Charlotte Roche (Y10), Alex Tutty, Sophia Lazor, and Annabel Surveyor (all Y11) and Kinda Khanafer (Y9).

Golf Madeleine May (Y11) finished third in the New Zealand U19 Golf Championships held at Millbrook Resort, Queenstown. She finished two shots behind the winner, eight under par, and shot 68 on her final two rounds of the competition. Madeleine was also selected for the Canterbury U19 Women’s golf team to play in the U19 Girls’ Interprovincial Representative Tournament. Sebastian May (Y9) was selected for the Canterbury U16 Men’s golf team to play in the U19 Boys’ Interprovincial Representative Tournament. The Senior golf team of Madeleine May (Y11), Sebastian May (Y9), Mika MacDonald (Y11) and Hayden Lam (Y8) were unbeaten at the Canterbury Golf Match Play Championships, beating St Bede’s College 4–0 and Christchurch Boys’ High School 4–0 on their way to winning the title. Hayden Lam (Y8) and Ethan Lam (Y6) competed at the U.S. Kids New Zealand Junior Golf Open in Queenstown where Hayden was first in the 13–14 Year Boys’ competition, and Ethan was third in the 9–10 Year Boys’ competition.

Gymnastics Sara Yu (Y6) was second in the Ball Routine – Stage 3 at the 2019 New Zealand Gymnastics Championships in Auckland. Poppy Rumble (Y9) was selected to represent New Zealand at Level 7 at the Rhythmic Gymnastics Intermediate Victorian Championships in Melbourne. Hockey Isabella Ambrosius (Y13) represented the TeWaipounamu (South Island) Māori hockey team at the National Māori Hockey Tournament and was later selected to represent the New Zealand Māori U21 Women’s and New Zealand Māori Senior Women’s hockey teams for 2019/2020. Holly Gilray (Y9) played won bronze with the Canterbury A hockey team at the National U15 Girls’ Premier Tournament. The following students were selected for Canterbury teams: • U13A – Isabella Pringle (Y8); • U13B – Rylee McBride (Y7), Addison Williams and Zac Zaalberg (both Y8); • U13 Girls’ Development Team – Mia Montgomery (Y7); • U13 Boys’ Development Team – Max Murphy, William Bainbridge-Smith, Jack O’Neil and Harrison Justice (all Y8). The Preparatory School Girls’ First XI hockey team won the Division 2 final of the Canterbury Junior Hockey Kwik Sticks 11 a-side Competition. At the Festival of Hockey Tournament in Oamaru, Mia Montgomery (Y7) played for the Canterbury Development Team, which won the tournament undefeated. Mia was awarded the Most Valuable Player at the tournament. Ice Speed Skating Anthony Kutovoy (Y7), Louis Johnson (Y4), Artem Kutovoy and William Johnson (both Y3) placed third in the 1000m Juvenile Relay event at the New Zealand Short Track Championships.

Frankie Morrow (Y13) in action during the Girls’ First XI final.

Jackson Blake (Y9) was in the winning Canterbury United football team at the South Island U14 Football Tournament in Dunedin. James Blake (Y13) won a silver medal with his Canterbury team at the South Island U17 Football Tournament in Timaru.

Coach Kane Boulton, with the Senior Golf Team Hayden Lam (Y8), Madeleine May (Y11), Sebastian May (Y9)and Mika MacDonald (Y11).

On the ice are Artem Kutovoy and William Johnson (both Y3), Louis Johnson (Y4) and Anthony Kutovoy (Y7).

two-day Hard Enduro, and Luke was first overall in the bronze two-day Hard Enduro.

Kayaking Olivia Brett (Y13) competed at an international regatta in Italy where she won both her K1 heat and semifinal, before finishing second in the ‘A’ final. She also competed in the K2 event with former St Andrew’s College student Tilly Pritchard (OC 2019), finishing second in the final. After competing in Italy, Olivia joined the rest of the New Zealand team in France, training in 40 degree heat for the World Junior Canoe Racing Championships in Romania. At the World Championships, Olivia placed third in her heat, then fifth in her semifinal, qualifying her for the ‘B’ final where she placed sixth, giving her an international ranking of 15. In the K2 event, Olivia and her teammate were one position off making the ‘B’ final.

Riding in the Premier Junior Motocross class, Bailey Graham (Y9) won the South Island Motocross Championships, the Canterbury TT Racing Series, the Memorial Racing series, the 2019 New Zealand TT Championships, and the Canterbury Motocross Championships. Bailey also won the 2019 New Zealand MX Championships and is now the top junior rider in New Zealand.

Olivia also had outstanding results at the South Island Schools’ and Open Kayaking Championships, finishing first in Open K1 200m, Open K2 200m, Open K2 500m, Open K4 500m, Open Mixed K2 200m, Open Mixed K4 200m and U18 K1 200m. She was also third in U18 5km.

Multisport Henry Spark (Y12) won the Male Student U19 race at the ‘Salmon Run’ multisport event in Rakaia.

Motocross Cody Doerner-Corson (Y13) and Luke Doerner-Corson (Y11) competed in the Husqvarna Hard Adventure Enduro, where Cody was first in the EnduroX Silver Class, and second overall in the

Lori Graham (Y12) won the Senior Women’s class at the South Island ATV Motocross Championships, the Canterbury TT Racing Series, the Memorial Racing series, the 2019 New Zealand TT Championships, and after racing at the 2019 New Zealand MX Championships, was crowned number two in New Zealand.

• Year 8A U13 beat Marist Albion 28–9 to win Division 1; • Year 7A U12 beat Hornby 27–9 to win Division 2. Orienteering St Andrew’s students performed well at the Canterbury Schools’ Orienteering Championships: • Alice Egan (Y11): first in Intermediate Girls’ sprint event and Intermediate Girls’ long distance event; • Clayton Shadbolt (Y11): first in Intermediate Boys’ sprint event and Intermediate Boys’ long distance event; • Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13): first in Senior Boys’ sprint event and third in Senior Boys’ long distance.

Values and Culture

At the South Island Motocross Championships, Ethan McBreen (Y11) was first and Luke Doerner-Corson (Y11) was third in the Junior 12–16 125cc. At the New Zealand Extreme Off Road Championship Series Round 2, Luke Doerner-Corson (Y11) was first, and Cody Doerner-Corson (Y13) was fourth.

Netball St Andrew’s College netball teams had good success in their local competitions: • U17A beat Christchurch Girls’ High School 20–19 in the final; • Senior B were runners-up to St Margaret’s College 19–35 in the final;

47 Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13) and Clayton Shadbolt (Y11).

At the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Orienteering Championships, Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13) finished third in the sprint distance and fourth in the long distance forest race. Ayrton Shadbolt (Y13) and Alice Egan competed strongly for the New Zealand Schools’ Orienteering team at the 2019 Australian Schools’ Orienteering Championships in Australia. Clayton Shadbolt (Y11) also entered the event, with Ayrton and Clayton reaching the podium: • Ayrton Shadbolt: first in Senior Boys’ Oceania Sprint, Oceania Middle Distance, and Senior Boys’ Schools Relay, and second in Oceania/Australian Relay. Ayrton was the first New Zealander home in the Schools’ Long Distance event, placing fourth, and his team won the overall prize at the event. • Clayton Shadbolt: third in Junior Boys’ Oceania Middle Distance.

Lori Graham (Y12) won the Senior Women’s class at the South Island ATV Motocross Championships.


Karate Sophie McNee (Y10) won three medals at the New Zealand Karate Championships – gold in team Kumite (fighting), silver in the individual Kumite (fighting) (14–15 years Premier), and bronze in the individual Kata (fighting) (14–15 years Premier). She also won a bronze medal in the individual Kumite (fighting) (U14 Premier) and bronze in the individual Kata (fighting) (U14 Premier) at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Championships.

Preparatory School Sports Tour A group of 36 Preparatory School students travelled to Queensland, Australia, during the Term 2 holidays for the annual Australian Tour, with the rugby and football teams visiting Brisbane, Toowoomba, and the Sunshine Coast. Each team played four games, against Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie) in Brisbane, Toowoomba Grammar School, St Andrew’s Anglican College in Peregian Springs, and Matthew Flinders Anglican College in Buderim. They were excellent ambassadors for the College. During the trip, the students had the opportunity to billet for two nights with families from Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie), visit Dream World, White Water World, Australia Zoo, and watch theBrisbane Broncos rugby league team at Suncorp Stadium with their billets.

overall in the U15 age group category. James McLaren (Y10) was named in the Best and Fairest team selected within the tournament. The tour saw great growth throughout the entire squad and all players were involved in an intensive programme to help develop their rugby skills and game understanding.

Jack Sexton and Sebastian Calder (both Year 13).

The U14 rugby team won their division final in tough conditions against Christchurch Boys’ High School, 36–12, showing commitment, grit and belief.

Rhythmic Gymnastics Poppy Rumble (Y9) was selected to represent New Zealand in Level 7 at the Rhythmic Gymnastics Intermediate Victorian Championships in Melbourne. She was also second in ribbon at the Canterbury Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, third in ribbon and fourth overall at the South Island Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition, and qualified for the New Zealand National Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships.

DAngelo (Lino) Tauti (captain), Torian Barnes, Tamati Frost and Arden Ongley (all Y11) were part of the U16 Canterbury Metro Red rugby team, which won the prestigious South Island U16 Tournament. The team was coached by Te Reo/Māori Studies teacher, Pete Westrupp, and fellow St Andrew’s College coaches, Willie Brown and Tom Houghton. Jack Harding and Connor Newton were also selected but were unable to play due to injuries.

Sara Yu (Y6) was first in group, third in ball, second in hoop, and third overall Stage 3 Division at the Canterbury Rhythmic Championships.

Charlie Murray, Ben Innes and Dominic Clarke (all Y13), together with Joel Parry, Aminiasi (Mini) Toga and James Carr (all Y12) were in the U18 Canterbury Metro rugby team that finished as runners-up at the South Island U18 Tournament. Jack Sexton and Sebastian Calder (both Y13) were also selected for the Canterbury U18 team but didn’t play due to commitments with the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ team. Isileli Saumaki (Y12) was also selected but was unable to play due to injury. Jack Stokes (Y13) played for the Canterbury Country U18 team in the same competition.

Rowing James Tavendale (Y12) was selected for the Canterbury Interprovincial Men’s U20 rowing team for 2019, with George Rutledge and Tom Flavill (both Y13) selected as coxes. Rugby Jack Sexton and Sebastian Calder (both Y13) were selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ rugby team to play against Australia’s U18, Fiji Schools, and the New Zealand Schools’ Barbarians teams. Ashleigh Brett (Y11) was selected for the Canterbury U18 Women’s rugby team for the third year. She also captained the Canterbury U17 Māori team at the South Island tournament, as well as playing for the Canterbury Māori Women’s team. Ashleigh was selected into the South Island tournament team for both the U17 and the Women’s teams, and was asked to join the Canterbury Women’s Sevens wider training squad. Henry Russell (Y12) was given the Up and Coming Coach Award for his work with the Merivale Papanui U12 rugby team in 2019.

Jack Harding and Connor Newton (both Y11) were selected for the U16 Canterbury Metro Black team. Andrew Blay (Y13) was selected for the U18 Canterbury Barbarians rugby team. U15 Rugby Tour During the Term 2 holidays, a group of 28 of U15 rugby players toured Australia, participating in the Gold Coast Rugby Festival and a High-Performance Rugby Camp. The team played in a sevens tournament, winning three of five games. This was followed by three days of 15-a-side rugby where the team contested six games, winning three and being placed fourth

Ski and Snowboard Alys Scott (Y10) was third in the U16 Women’s event at the National Points Super G which was also the South Island Championships Super G. She was third in the Women’s U16, and second in the Women’s U16 Slalom at the Mt Hutt National Points Giant Slalom and won three gold medals at the Porter Heights National Points Slalom Race event. She was also second in the U16 Women’s event at the New Zealand National Indoor Slalom Championships. A group of Preparatory School students competed at the New Zealand Snow Sports Porter’s Junior Interfield Race with a number of students reaching the podium: • Edie Burtscher (Y6) – second Women’s U12; • Nicholas Burtscher (Y5) – third Men’s U12; • Luke Russell (Y1) – second and third Men’s U8; • Jenna Russell (Y6) – third Women’s U12. Preparatory School skiers achieved some excellence results at the Christchurch Independent Schools’ Ski Championships: • First Place Mixed Team and Fastest Team Overall – StAC Co-ed Blue: Nicholas Burtscher (Y5), Jenna Russell (Y6), Claudia Russell and Eddy Connolly (both Y7); • Second Place Mixed Team – StAC Co-ed White: Cherry Zhou (Y8), Toby Browne (Y7), Luke Russell (Y1) and Lily Ellis (Y7); • Third Place Mixed Team – StAC Co-ed Red: Elia Short (Y7), Estelle Russell (Y4), William Richards (Y7) and Oliver Searle (Y6 – DNS). Alys Scott (Y10), Thomas McKendry and Joseph Connolly (both Y9) were second in the Giant Slalom Mixed Team at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Ski and Snowboard Championships at Cardrona Alpine Resort. Surf Life Saving Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11) competed at the 2019 New Zealand Pool Rescue Championships in Auckland, where he won gold in the U19 Male Pool Lifesaver Relay and bronze in the U19 Male 50m Swim with Fins.

the New Zealand Women’s Junior Development team which competed in the USA State Championships in Fort Lauderdale. Water Polo Lucy Hamilton (Y11) and Lucy Hamilton (Y10) competed for the Canterbury U16 Women’s water polo team, in the Division 1 U16 National championships, where the team placed third.

He also won silver in the 4×100m medley relay. He set new Canterbury 17 Year Old Male records in the 100m backstroke and 50m butterfly, and was also chosen as a Team Leader for the Championship

Amelia Kyle (Y8) gained the Canterbury record for 200m medley relay, Women’s 11–12 Years, at the 2019 Swimming Canterbury West Coast Club Relay Championships.

Touch rugby The following students were selected for Canterbury Representative touch teams for the upcoming 2019/2020 season:

National Secondary Schools Swimming Championships A group of 13 swimmers competed against 730 swimmers at the National Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships in Hamilton. Relay team gold medals went to the St Andrew’s College Mixed 16 and Over team in the 200m freestyle relay, Mixed Open team in the 8×50m freestyle relay, and 16 and Over Boys’ team in both the 200m freestyle relay and the 400m freestyle relay. An impressive 55 personal bests were recorded at the competition by St Andrew’s College swimmers, with a total of 20 medals won. Individual medalists were Angus Kelliher (Y12) – four gold, one silver and two bronze, and Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11) – four gold, two silver, and two bronze. 2019 State Championships (Australia) Angus Kelliher (Y12) and Taiko TorepeOrmsby (Y11) competed at the 2019 State Championship in Canberra, Australia, as part of the New Zealand Swim team, with some outstanding results. Taiko was second in the 50m backstroke and third in the 50m freestyle, with his times setting new Canterbury records for the 16 Year Old Male category. Angus won bronze in the 100m backstroke, 200m backstroke and 50m butterfly events.

At the Swimming Canterbury West Coast annual awards evening, Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11) won the Male Swimmer of the Year (15 and Under) for the second year in a row.

• Canterbury U14 Girls’ Black: Mia Montgomery (Y7); • Canterbury U14 Girls’ White: Addison Williams (Y8); • Canterbury U14 Boys’ Red: Macklan Robertson (Y8); • Canterbury U14 Boys’ Black: Fynn Harris (Y7). Trap Shooting At the Canterbury Provincial Championships, Harrison Green (Y13) was first in B Grade and Sam Long (Y10) third.

Lucy Hamilton (Y11) and Lucy Hamilton (Y10) won bronze at the U16 Water Polo National Championships.

Weightlifting Charlotte Johns (Y12) achieved six out of six lifts at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Weightlifting Championships, where she achieved a personal best and placed fifth out of a field of 15. Zonta Sports Awards The St Andrew’s College Adventure Racing Team won the Most Outstanding Team Mixed at the annual Zonta Sports Awards. The College’s Swimming Mixed relay team and Boys’ relay team were Highly Commended in the Most Outstanding Team Mixed category, as was George Rutledge (Y13) in the Most Valued Contribution to a Team Male category for rowing.

At the ISSF North Island South Zone Championships (skeet), Olly Hood (Y12) was first in B Grade and first in Juniors. Maggie Hood (Y9) was second in C Grade, second in Juniors, and third overall. Volleyball Kate Hughes (Y12) was selected for the New Zealand Junior U19 Development volleyball team to tour Australia. Anaya Cole (Y11) and Georgia Hollings (Y13) represented New Zealand in the Junior Women’s team at the USA High Performance Championships in Florida, finishing 10th out of 145 teams. Georgia was captain of

Our Adventure Racing team, Henry Spark (Y12), Tom Wells (Y12) and Molly Spark (Y11) at the 2019 Zonta Awards. Absent – Benjamin Ferrier (Y11).

49 Regulus

Swimming Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11) broke the Swimming New Zealand Short Course 15 Years Boys’ 50m fly record in a time of 25.03. This New Zealand record is in addition to the Swimming New Zealand Long Course 15 Years Boys’ 50m backstroke record, which he already held and broke again in a time of 26.43 at the Swimming New Zealand Open Championships in June.

Values and Culture

Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y11).




Winter Tournament Week always brings a mixture of great hopes, highs and lows, along with excitement and disappointment. The St Andrew’s College teams once again demonstrated grit and resilience throughout the week and played to their best, achieving some significant results. The Girls’ badminton team were standout performers, achieving the highest national rank of the College’s 14 sports teams which competed during the week – doing incredibly well to finish third in New Zealand, and claim a bronze medal. The Girls’ hockey team made the quarter-finals of their national Federation Cup Tournament, finishing in the top eight in New Zealand for the first time in the College’s history. The Boys’ hockey teams also performed well, with the First XI making the quarter-finals at the prestigious Rankin Cup competition, where they finished eighth, and the Boys’ U15 team finishing fifth. A young First XI Boys’ football team exceeded expectations to win the Division 2 national tournament, a result which bodes well for the future of the sport at the College. St Andrew’s teams also performed well in various South Island championships,

The bronze medal winning team, Sophia Rutherford (Y11), Yirui (Elly) Li (Y9), Jenny Zhu (Y13), Kelly Ting (Y12) and Alyssa Le (Y11).

Basketball The Senior A Boys’ basketball team had an exciting tournament, beating teams they had lost to previously during the season on their way to the final and a silver medal. Their only loss in their seven lead-up matches to the final was against Middleton Grange School, who they eventually succumbed to again in the final 74–95. One of the highlights for the team was a 92–62 win over Christ’s College. The Senior A Girls’ team had four wins and two losses during their competition and finished in fifth place. The Junior Boys’ team came ninth overall, with the Junior Girls’ placing fifteenth.

with the Senior A Boys’ basketball team having a great tournament to make the final and qualify for the National Secondary Schools’ Tournament. The Senior A Girls’ basketball team also qualified for the national tournament. For the second year in a row the U15 rugby team won the South Island Co-ed Competition, after going through the competition undefeated. The First XV was fourth overall at the National Level Co-ed Top 4 Competition. At the South Island Secondary Schools’ Championships, the Senior A netball team finished in sixth place overall. Badminton The Girls’ badminton team of Jenny Zhu (Y13), Yirui (Elly) Li (Y9), Alyssa Le (Y11) and Kelly Ting (Y12) became the first school team outside the Auckland region in the last four years to claim a medal at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Badminton Championships. They had a fantastic tournament, with four wins, one loss and two drawn matches on their way to third place and a bronze medal. The team went into the tournament as the fourth ranked national team after winning the 2019 School Sport Canterbury Premier Badminton Competition.

Samuel Campion (Y13)

Football The young First XI Boys’ football team did incredibly well to claim the Malcolm Cowie Cup for winning the Second Division at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Football Tournament. They won six matches and had just one loss on their way to the final, when they beat Waitakere College 3–1. The First XI Girls’ football team also did well, finishing 25th overall after a four win, three loss record at their tournament. Hockey It was not so long ago that the First XI Girls’ hockey team was competing in the Division 3 national tournament, so for them to eclipse their top 16 national ranking from last year to make the quarter-finals in 2019, was a significant achievement. The team had three wins, three losses, and a draw on their way to this excellent result. The First XI Boys’ had a three win, two loss and two draw record on their way to eighth place in the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Rankin Cup Competition. The Boys’ U15 team were also impressive, placing fifth nationally in their competition, which highlights the strength of the hockey programme at St Andrew’s College.

First XI Boys’ football team with the Malcolm Cowie Cup.

Shooting machine

elevates players

Isabella Ambrosius (Y13)

U15 Rugby

The basketball shooting machine has been a great addition to the College’s basketball programme.

An impressive new basketball shooting machine is already enhancing the skills and reflexes of basketball players at St Andrew’s College, says Head Coach, Aled Jones. “Repetition and building muscle memory are the keys to successful shooting. With this machine, players can get up to around 600 shots in a 30-minute session, allowing them to build muscle memory in the most effective way, in the shortest amount of time.” Aled said the machine was a great asset to the Senior Boys’ and Girls’ teams as they prepared for their national tournaments. “The players love it, as it simulates a game-like experience, helps to improve their shooting percentage, and there are no tiresome rebounds to chase. It also completely transforms their jump shot." Large nets at the top of the machine surround the hoop, and help to improve technique, along with the quality and arc of the players’ shots. The balls are fed

back into the machine, which fires them out to the players at preprogrammed areas of the court, a few seconds apart. A digital screen on the machine shows the number of shots attempted, the number made, and the percentage scored. Aled says the Sports Department had wanted to get a basketball shooting machine for some time and a large part of the $15,000 cost was fundraised. “A group of enthusiastic parents formed a fundraising committee and organised several activities to raise funds, including a silent auction at the Commodore Hotel, and a car raffle.” Although the Senior teams initially had the most use out of the machine, Aled says it is being made available to all teams at set times, under supervision. “The shooting machine is a great asset to the basketball programme, and we are sure it will lead to some excellent results on game day

51 Regulus

Rugby The U15 team’s great run at the South Island U15 Co-ed Tournament continued, with the team going through unbeaten (five wins and a draw) to claim the title. They had an emphatic 24–0 win over Dunstan High School in the final. Cameron Blackwood, Mitchell Fitzpatrick and Joshua Carr (all Y10) were named in the Tournament Team. The First XV placed fourth overall at the New Zealand Barbarians National First XV Co-ed Championships, with the U16 team placing third in their Quadrangular Tournament during Winter Tournament Week.

Values and Culture

Netball The Senior Girls’ netball team played strongly at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Championships, with five wins, two losses and a draw, seeing them finish in sixth place overall. Star performers, Kate Allan (Y12) and Lose Faingaanuku (Y11), were named in the South Island Netball Tournament Team.


from the


50 years on… The class of 1969 had an enjoyable reunion in September. A few attendees were present at the Cultural Assembly on the Friday morning, and were impressed by the stunning array of talent. A group of 46 Old Collegians and some partners, attended a Cocktail Party on the Friday evening. Judging by the decibel level it was a great evening, which continued on at No. 4 bar in Merivale. Viewing Bert Govan’s classic car collection was a highlight of the Saturday morning, along with

On Thursday 26 September, I attended the Ordination of our College Chaplin, Rev. Paul Morrow. Over 200 guests from the St Andrew’s community came together in the Centennial Chapel to witness Paul take his vows. This was a very special occasion, especially for Paul and his family. On behalf of all Old Collegians, we congratulate Paul on this great achievement.

Class of


On Friday 20 – Saturday 21 September, St Andrew’s hosted the 50 Years On Reunion. I attended the start of the Saturday night dinner and had the privilege to perform the Address to the Haggis. Thank you to those who worked hard to co-ordinate and ensure a well-attended event. Unfortunately, the 40 Years On Reunion has had to be delayed this year, but I look forward to the 10 Years On event later in the year. I enjoyed attending the College’s Music Gala Concert at The Piano on Monday 9 September. The musical talent on display was truly amazing, with a highlight being a piece written by Old Collegian, Isaac Shatford (2014), called Real Mature, which was performed by the College’s outstanding violin quartet, Quartetto Maduro, which finished in the top six in New Zealand at the national Chamber Music Competition. While The Piano is a fabulous concert venue, we look forward to the new Theatre Complex at St Andrew’s opening in late 2021. Finally, please send through any Old Collegian news you may have. It is always interesting to read what our Old Cols have been up to, and I’m sure there are more stories out there that can be shared. Jonathan Wells (1987) President

a visit to Auto Restorations, to see an amazing array of cars in various states of rebuild. A sumptuous dinner was held in Strowan House on the Saturday evening, attended by 62 Old Collegians and partners, as well as Rector, Christine Leighton, and Board Chair, Bryan Pearson. The Old Collegians’ President, Jonathan Wells, gave a spirited Address to the Haggis. The rekindled friendships and sharing of stories from school days past made for a wonderful gathering, enjoyed by all.

Old Collegians enjoying the 50 Years On reunion.

Class of


Old Collegians at the 30 Years On Reunion.

30 years on…

Old Collegians

After a tour of the College and morning tea, Evert gave the attendees a snapshot of where the College is at today. “We were all heartened by the success of St Andrew’s and the extremely bright future ahead with full rolls and amazing opportunities for students,” says Geoff. The group met again that evening at a city bar, where many wives and partners also gathered. Stories about school days were shared long into the night and the group is already planning another get together in a couple of years’ time.

53 Regulus

Many reconnections were made when 60 members of the class of 1985 gathered on Friday 27 September. Organiser Geoff Spark said it was great to catch up, with some attendees not returning to the College in 30 years. “Most of us were able to recognise each other, but naturally a few have aged and changed shape a little since our school days. We attended a Secondary School assembly and were interested in a slideshow put together by Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein, which outlined some of the changes in education over the last 30 years. Girls were integrated into the school the year after we left, and what a great vision it was to make St Andrew’s College co-ed.”

Rugby reunion On Saturday 3 August, the College welcomed back the First XV teams from 1999, 1989, 1979, 1969 and 1959. With almost 100 in attendance, and a wide variety of ages it made for a boisterous and fun gathering. At game time all eyes shifted to the number one field to watch our current First XV take on old foes Christ’s College where unfortunately it wasn’t our day and our team was defeated. The mood wasn’t dampened however, as many stories and laughs were shared at the special after match function and the spirit of the thistle and St Andrew’s College was honoured and celebrated.

Class of

1989 Members of the 1989 First XV.



Around 95 Old Collegians, ranging in age from 70 to 93 years old, gathered in the Strowan House dining room for the annual Gentlemen’s Luncheon on Friday 18 October. This is always a wonderful occasion, giving our Old Collegians the chance to reminisce about the good old days and their time at St Andrew’s College. Guests enjoyed a delicious lunch, and a wonderful musical performance from Michael Lawrence. George Scrimshaw (1955) did a toast to absent friends and read the roll of those who had passed. Ray French (1946) said a beautiful Grace, and Ernie Poole (1950) proposed a lovely, and at times humorous, toast to the College, which had the guests laughing. Rector Christine Leighton said the Gentlemen’s Luncheon is one her favourite events of the year, and she enjoyed hearing the tales from the past, alongside Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, and Alumni and Events Co-ordinator, Kelsey Williams.


Old Collegians


1 December St Andrew’s College Prizegiving, Horncastle Arena

20 March 2020 Founders’ Day

26 February 2020 Old Collegian Blenheim event – (TBC)

20–21 March 2020 60 Years On Reunion

Gone but not forgotten Scott Gray (1941) David Blackwell (1944) William Bettle (1945) George Lincoln Wethey (1945) Raines Bloxham (1947) Leon Rex Welsford (1948) Peter Stevens (1949) Stuart James Alexander Pain (1962) Colin Urquhart (1964) Geoff Clements QSM (1965)

For the 2020 Old Collegian Events Calendar please visit

David Julian Wray (1976) Richard Pratt (1990)


Steve Hartley (2001) is an audio engineer who worked on both the US Open Tennis in New York and the Rugby World Cup in Japan.

The St Andrew’s College community was saddened to learn of the passing of Richard Pratt (1990) who died earlier this year of a brain tumour at the age of 47. Richard was a wellknown student and boarder amongst his year group and was an outstanding schoolboy rugby player, who captained the 1990 First XV. Under his leadership the team achieved a record 42–10 win over Christchurch Boys’ High School, which still stands today. Of note, is that the opposition side that day contained future All Black, Andrew Mehrtens.

Fergus Grenfell (2014) was one of 25 young people selected to represent the future of the Asia-New Zealand relationship by the Asia New Zealand Foundation ‘Te Whitau Tūhono ’ at a ceremony at Parliament in October. The Hurunui Polo Club team featuring Old Collegians Tom Johnson (2015), Hamish Cottier (1981), Jimmy Downes (2015), and Sam Martin (2015), won the Gould Cup, one of the South Island Polo Association’s major cups at the end of season tournament.

Chris Simcock.

Patrick (Paddy) Carroll (2009) completed over 200 performances for The Pop Up Globe, Auckland, having performed in New Zealand and Sydney in three plays; playing the dramatic lover, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, appearing in The Merchant Of Venice, and playing the eccentric Orsino in Twelfth Night. Ben Murray (2013) and Neil MacLeod (2016) composed music for a section of this year’s World of Wearable Arts show. Former Head of Media, Ella Harris (2014) and Jordan Mauger (2001) are working for Netflix in Auckland on a remake of an anime production called Cowboy BeBop. Eliza Grigg (2014) was second at the National Slalom Championships at the New Zealand Alpine National Championships at Coronet Peak.

Steve Walton (2017) won the One News Ross Stevens Award, for a journalism student who has shown the most promise in their first year at New Zealand Broadcasting School. Angus Syme (2017) and Dion Vaudrey (2018) received their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards at a ceremony in Dunedin. Georgia Foster (2018) is a rower with significant potential who has taken an opportunity at NCAA DI Oregon State. Georgia competed for St Andrew’s College at four Maadi Cups and for Avon at the National Championships in February, where she won three gold medals. Shilo Klein (2017) started for the Canterbury rugby team and scored two tries in their semi-final clash with Wellington. Ben Taylor (2017) was selected for the Men’s ‘Bolt’ team for the Red Bull Ignite7 rugby sevens tournament. Taylor Graham (2018) has won five New Zealand motocross titles this year.

Old Collegians

Dr Murray Laugesen (1953) has gifted the Secondary School Library a copy of his recently published book, My Life in Public Health, A memoir from the frontlines of global disease eradication, children’s health and ending smoking, which has a foreword written by former New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark. Throughout his long career as a health specialist, Murray was involved in some major health initiatives, both nationally and globally. In India, he popularised the immunisation of children, with his efforts vaccinating against smallpox, polio and tetanus leading to India being free of these diseases. In New Zealand in 1984, Murray launched the first serious campaign to reduce smoking, and together with then, Minister of Health, Helen Clark, was the architect of the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990.

Eliza Grigg.

55 Regulus

Dr Murray Laugesen’s new book.

Chris Simcock (2008) is the founder of Impact Ventures, which invests in start-ups that are trying to solve big problems, such as combatting climate change and eradicating poverty. Prior to setting up his company, Chris gained an Honours degree in Finance at the University of Canterbury and worked in investment banking for a number of years. Chris visited St Andrew’s in August and spoke to a group of students and staff about how he sees the agribusiness industry as an area in which New Zealand investors could target investment towards more sustainable practices.

Welcome to the world Braxton Ari Joe Wildey

Son of Caitlyn (nee Scott) Wildey (2009) born 22 January 2019.

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A Bonny Bear for your baby! Have you had a baby recently? We’d love to hear about this new addition to your family. Send us a photo of your baby and your contact details and we will send you a complimentary St Andrew’s College Bonny Bear. This cute teddy bear is a part of our St Andrew’s College merchandising range and is especially for our St Andrew’s community members. For more information visit our website

Email your photo and contact details to Kelsey Williams at




Congratulations to our students for their outstanding successes across sports, cultural and academic areas.




66 awarded

Bronze Medal National Division 1



Top Mark in New Zealand – Year 9 Science

Mixed Team South Island Champion; Winner Summer Canterbury Schools Tournament (Primary)

FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVERS: Second Place International Junior Division



SISS Championships – Sixth place; Winner Canterbury Tournament (Primary)

International Top Scholar



Runners-up Year 10 Cantamath

Winner U15 Co-ed South Island competition; First XV South Island Co-Ed Champions

GEOGRAPHY: Joint runners-up Year 11 Geography National Competition



AIMS Games Bronze Medal (Primary girls)

First and Second Place ARA Year 11 Chemistry Competition

SKIING: Runners-up SISS Giant Slalom Mixed Team

CRICKET: First XI Finalist Gillette Cup (NZ Top 6); Second place Canterbury Regional Tournament (Primary GIrls)




NZSS Championships – Third place

NZSSSO 10 Musicians and Concert Master

BASKETBALL: Runners-up SISS Tournament – Senior Boys



Winners Bandquest Nationals (Primary)

NZSS Championships – 12 gold medals



Gold Medals ARA Jazzquest Big Band and Soul Band; Festival Winners Southern Jam Big Band

Bronze Medal NZSS Tournament – Senior Girls


VOLLEYBALL: Winner SISS Girls Division 1; Canterbury Jnr Championships – Fourth place

Top 6 NZCT Chamber Music Contest



Winner Ara Songwriting

Bronze Medal NZSS Championships U16 Girls

DEBATING: Winner Canterbury Schools’ Senior Regional Tournament

ROWING: Winner SISS U15 B8+ and U16 B8+



Best Youth Production; Best Emerging Talent

SISS Championships – 12 Gold Medals



Winner NZSS Championships Mixed Team; Runners-up SISS Mixed Team; Winner Zonta Sports Awards Most Outstanding Team Mixed

National Juvenile Champions; National Drumming and Piping titles

BALLET: Second Place NZAMD Ballet Scholarship Award




College Productions

Outstanding Cultural Celebrations

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Ballet Academy) Peter Pan (Middle School) Parade (Senior College)

Winter Music Festival Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival


Dance Revue Film Fest

Enquire now — applications close May 2020 Ph +64 3 940 2016

347 Papanui Road, Christchurch 8052, New Zealand P +64 3 940 2000 W

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