Old Collegians Association Annual Report 2022

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This report outlines the activities by the Old Collegians Association (OCA) during 2022.

At the OCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in August we farewelled our first female president, Meg Black (OC 2010). Thank you, Meg, for all of your leadership, hard work and service over your tenure. We also farewelled James Tapper (OC 2010). At the end of the year, we welcomed two new Executive members, Phil de Joux (OC 1994) and Greg Reynolds (OC 1973).


Our annual ANZAC Day Service was held in the Centennial Chapel. Meg Black joined Rector, Christine Leighton, to read the Roll of Honour as we remembered those who gave their lives for us.

Annual Dinner

On Friday 12 August 2022, the OCA hosted its Annual Dinner. A group of 110 guests, including Old Collegians ranging in peer years from 1949–2017, were treated to a fabulous night, where three special Old Collegians were honoured and celebrated during the presentation of the OCA’s annual awards.

The Maginness Cup Sports Award was awarded to Charlotte Elley (OC 2014) who is now playing for the Bay of Plenty Magic after seven seasons with Canterbury’s Mainland Tactix. The Cockram Cultural Award went to Sandy McCutcheon (OC 1964). Sandy was brought up in New Zealand and moved to Australia in the 1970s. Most of his working life was spent in either radio or theatre, as an actor and director. He has written 22 plays which have been professionally produced, and he is a best-selling novelist who is now based in Fes, Morocco. Marianne Hargreaves kindly accepted this award on Sandy’s behalf. The Alister Newton Service Award was awarded to Professor Ronald Jones CNZM (OC 1957). Professor Jones was honoured for the contribution he has made to women’s health services both in Aotearoa and around the world. In 1984, he and two of his colleagues published a scientific paper that exposed the truth of New Zealand’s worst medical tragedy, the ‘unfortunate experiment’, where women who had a lesion of the cervix were being observed rather than treated, many of whom died as a result. Earlier last year, Professor Jones was the first New Zealander to receive a prestigious award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The evening was expertly emceed by Meg Black (OC 2010); Jonathan Wells (OC 1987) gave another wonderful Address to a Haggis, and Catering Manager, Russell Gray, and his team delivered a superb meal. A great night was had by all.


In 2022 we hosted 10 Years On (Class of 2008–2012), a double 40 Years On (Classes of 1981–1985 and 1982–1986), and the 1st XV Rugby Reunion (teams of 1952, 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012).


The 50 Years On (Class of 1972–1976) and the 60 Years On (Class of 1962–1966) were cancelled due to COVID-19 and are being combined with the 2023 reunion groups.

Celebrating 30 Years of Girls at St Andrew’s College 1992–2002

A group of nearly 100 female Old Collegians and their partners gathered from all over New Zealand and Australia on Saturday 24 September for a special 30 Years of Girls celebration, in honour of all the Old Girls who have graduated from St Andrew’s between 1992–2021.

An all-female mini-Pipe Band greeted the guests at the Centennial Chapel, where they were warmly welcomed by Rector, Christine Leighton. Old Collegians who are no longer with us were remembered, and the College Song was sung to just the pipes for the first time in St Andrew’s College history.

The emcee for the event, Bridie Connell (Head Girl 2007), travelled from Sydney and delivered a hilarious night for the guests. Rector, Christine Leighton, and Meg Black delivered a funny and nostalgic presentation which reviewed the evolution of the College from 1992–2022. Bridie hosted a panel discussion with Stephanie Bain (OC 1992 and Board Member), Amiria Rule (OC 2001 and Head of Learning Support), Lizzie Stevenson (Head Girl 2017) and Grace Lawrence (Head Prefect 2022), answering questions about their memories of their time at the College, what they learnt from being at a co-ed school, and how St Andrew’s had shaped their lives.

Cindy Xiong (Year 13) sang her stunning Play It Strange award-winning song, Colourblind, and attendees watched a video featuring photos of the majority of female students from the last 30 years.

The guests were then piped over the Turley Bridge to Strowan House where a fabulous feast awaited. The entertaining Address to a Haggis was performed by the College’s first ever female addresser, Catie Riordan (OC 2021).

Gentlemen’s Luncheon

On Friday 14 October, 90 Old Collegians attended the Gentlemen’s Luncheon. We decided to do things a bit differently this year, so instead of the usual College Tour after morning tea, we had arranged a performance in Centennial Chapel.

Music Teacher and Honorary Old Collegian, Bryan Botting, played Danny Boy on the grand piano for our guests. He then accompanied Cindy Xiong (Year 13), who sang a moving rendition of Judy Garland’s version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow Richard Hawke (OC 1980 and Pipe Band Director) led us on the bagpipes with a hearty rendition of The College Song and we finished with Bryan and Richard playing us out with Highland Cathedral

We were treated to another delicious meal from Russell Gray and his catering team, while the memories and laughter could be heard all around the room. OCA President Sam Crosbie (OC 2009) welcomed the group, ranging in age from 74 to 99. We were also celebrating the Class of 1952’s 70 Years On reunion, and we received toasts from two class members, John McCaskey and Don Davison (both OC 1956).

Rector, Christine Leighton, then shared a special gift with us that had been given to her at morning tea. It was a pristine College Cap from 1925, owned by Gerald Oliphant Morrison (OC 1927). Gerald was a College prefect in 1925, served on the Board of Governors and was also the President of the OCA for several years in the early 1940s. He left New Zealand in 1943 to serve as a Lieutenant in Italy for the New Zealand Army, and was tragically killed in December of that year. We remember Gerald in our Memorial Enclave in the Centennial Chapel. Thank you to William Southgate (OC 1958) for gifting this special piece of memorabilia to St Andrew’s College in your uncle’s memory.

In her reply to the Toast to the College, Christine also gave an update on the recent successes at the College, including some outstanding results in sport, culture, and academia at a national and international level.

3 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2022

Annual Golf Tournament

The annual OCA Golf Tournament was held at Waitikiri Golf Course on Friday 28 October, after being postponed in March due to COVID-19. A field of 76 golfers played in ideal conditions. It was a great day for the Nicholls family, with Andrew Nicholls (OC 2004) winning the Old Collegians Cup for the Best Round of the Day, and Janet Nicholls winning the Women’s Section.

Auckland Regional Event

On Thursday 2 June, a group of around 50 Old Collegians gathered at The Northern Club, a stunning venue in Auckland’s city centre. Our most senior guest attended the College from 1956 and our youngest left in 2016, so there were a lot of years represented. It was great to see many familiar faces again, but also some Old Collegians who had hadn’t attended a St Andrew’s reunion since leaving the College many years ago. It was wonderful to reconnect with them and share the exciting things that are happening in our community.

Meg Black spoke about the role of the OCA across the College and Rector, Christine Leighton, took questions from the floor about the College’s recent academic and sporting successes.

Thank you to Michael Woods (OC 1966) for organising The Northern Club venue.

College Prizegiving

Prizegiving was held once again at the Christchurch Arena and was a celebration of the amazing talent at St Andrew’s College. The large number of academic achievements were well-celebrated. Special congratulations to the Duxes of the College, Toby Harvie, Corin Simcock and Luke Zhu.

2022 Leavers’ Dinner

It was a privilege to welcome the 2022 Leavers into the OCA and present them with our badge after another challenging year at the College. The Year 13 Dean, Liz Gormack made a moving speech which deservedly concluded with a standing ovation.

5 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2022
Sam Crosbie (OC 2009) OCA President


The following financial report provides a summary of the accounts accepted by the St Andrew’s College OCA and lodged with Charities Services (CC27778).

BDO completed a review of the OCA accounts and the Executive would like to highlight:

• an audit or review of the OCA’s accounts is not required by law but we engage BDO to undertake a review for the purpose of good governance practices and to give comfort to the Executive and membership that the OCA’s finances are being appropriately managed;

• that BDO issued a clean review opinion for the 2022 accounts;

• BDO audits the College’s accounts and has provided a clean audit review of the College’s accounts. This includes an audit of the College’s bank account processes; and

• a full version of the OCA Performance Report is available on request to the St Andrew’s College Alumni and Community Relations Co-ordinator.

St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association:

PATRON: Christine Leighton

PRESIDENT: Sam Crosbie (OC 2009)

VICE PRESIDENT: Louise Merrick (OC 2012)



ACCOUNTANT: College Financial Controller


Olivia Brown (OC 2010)

Gideon Couper (OC 1987)

Sam Crosbie (OC 2009)

Phil de Joux (OC 1994)

Nick Letham (OC 2001)

Kelvin McMillan (OC 1977)

Zoe Merrick (OC 2014)

Mark Mulholland (OC 1973)

Stuart Munro (OC 2003)

Greg Reynolds (OC 1973)

Jonathan Wells (OC 1987)

6 ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE OLD COLLEGIANS ASSOCIATION EXPENSES Employee contribution 22,000 20,000 Donations — 50,000 Prizes and grants 8,000 8,100 Functions 30,109 34,793 Fund realised loss on disposals 12,179 19,489 Fund unrealised loss of revaluations 67,732 — Other expenses 17,718 9,859 Total Expenses 157,738 142,241 NET INCOME (DEFICIT) (61,180) 13,630
INCOME 2022 2021 St Andrew’s College membership contribution 50,740 58,088 Merchandise sales 538 1040 Functions 30,480 35,736 Interest, dividends and other investment revenue 14,800 15,367 Unrealised gains on revaluations — 45,640 Total Income 96,558 155,871

Summary of Alumni Functions

The St Andrew’s College OCA aims to cement and promote friendships established at school, and contribute actively to the growth and development of the College. The OCA run reunions and functions to support this objective.

School and Community Donations

The OCA has a proud history of supporting St Andrew’s College through donations and non-financial support. This is a summary of our donations and grants (e.g. hardship and travel) over the last nine years:

Key Donations

There were no major donations made in 2022. The OCA donations are possible through the careful management of the OCA investments.

7 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2022
FUNCTIONS 2022 2021 Reunions 5 7 Other functions 5 3 Ticket sales 30,480 35,736 Function expenses 30,109 34,793 SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 371 943
BALANCE SHEET 2022 2021 ASSETS Current assets 140,209 117,775 Investments 471,858 528,720 Total Assets 612,067 646,495 LIABILITIES Current liabilities 78,643 51,890 Total Liabilities 78,643 51,890 TOTAL ASSETS LESS LIABILITIES 533,424 594,605
GRANTS 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 9 Year TOTAL Hardship and Travel grants 4400 4500 2300 1570 500 6500 2350 1000 23,120 Prizes 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 32,400 Donations 50,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 400,000 TOTAL DONATIONS, GRANTS, AND PRIZES 8,000 58,100 85,900 55,170 54,100 60,100 45,950 44,600 43,000 455,520
347 Papanui Road, Christchurch 8052, New Zealand P +64 3 940 2000 W stac.school.nz OLD COLLEGIANS ASSOCIATION St Andrew s C o llege O C A

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