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SO, YOU’VE GOT A BRAND-NEW STABICRAFT. CONGRATULATIONS. IT’S ROCKING THOSE SLICK STRAIGHT LINES AND FLASHING MORE STYLE THAN AN ITALIAN FASHION PARADE. BUT CALM DOWN FOR A MINUTE. WE HAVE TO TALK PAINT. Before you catch your first fish or ski off into the sunset, you need to know how to take care of that new paint job. The DNA of the paint Stabicraft uses on its boats is the same as that on new cars. Just like a new vehicle acquires scratches and chips that need to be patched up, so your new nautical purchase deserves the same attention. First up — giving your boat a bath. For optimum care, it’s a good idea to wash down your boat after each use with an auto-branded cleaner, not household detergent or soap — and don’t use brushes or a broom. The range of paint finishes that Stabicraft offers requires different cleaning action for different finishes. Gloss paintwork has a shiny and durable finish that can withstand harsher cleaning than, say, a matte finish. With gloss paintwork, you need to regularly polish and wax just like you’d freshen up your Beemer. But matte paintwork is non-reflective and requires a gentler approach. This finish needs to be cleaned with specific solutions as almost anything else risks damage. Don’t use wax, cleaning solvents or any other solution devised to bring shine to regular paint as this will lead to potential damage. The only thing that works is water with a microfibre cloth (the extremely soft fabric). Don’t use

a brush or sponge as this may also cause damage. Use two buckets of water, each with its own set of microfibre towels. Fill the first bucket with a solution of water and liquid car-wash soap; the second should only have water. OK, so that’s keeping your baby clean. Now we need to talk about patching the scratching. You need to be ready when the inevitable happens while wrestling with “the one that got away” and you, or the father-in-law, chips the paintwork. These chips should be dabbed with paint (dab bottle paint supplied) and scratches filled to cover and protect any exposed alloy. Just remember: water and salt can be abrasive and harsh on painted finishes, so don’t take shortcuts. A little love spent on your pride and joy now will prove a priceless investment in the long run. For more information check out ISSUE 02 | 83


9/5/19 1:27 pm

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