2021 TIDINGS - Jan/Feb

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TIDINGS a newsletter of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and School


TIDINGS From the Associate Rector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Capital Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A Note from the Vestry Nominating Committee . . . 6 Annual Meeting Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vestry Candidates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 9 Music at St. Luke’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Children’s Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Youth Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Adult Formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Financial Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Green Door Giving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Happy New Year! Thank you to everyone who sent in your family photos! While we can’t celebrate events together just yet, seeing your families celebrating the season of Advent brought us together. Lent is right around the corner and as we prepare for Easter I would love to hear your baptism and confirmation memories. If you are interested in sharing your story please send me an email: andreat@stlukes-sa.net. You can also reach out if you have suggestions for features you would like to see here, on Facebook, Instagram, or our website. Look for other ways to participate in our weekly e-news email and on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Thank you!


TO THE BODY Congratulations to those who were baptized in the last few months of 2020! Emily Joy Baldauf Logan Patric Ranaweeva Anne Marie Newell Triesch Rowen Spencer Walton Addison Marie Schimpff Harris Arneson Allen For more information on being baptized or having your child baptized at St. Luke’s, contact Ilya Franco, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy, at clergysec@stlukes-sa.net.



OUR VISION St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is called by God to illuminate San Antonio with the light of Christ through transformative education for people of all ages, compassionate care for every member of our community, and inspiring worship and music in the Episcopal tradition.

2021 Altar Flowers Many families have special days during the year which they commemorate by sponsoring the flowers on the altar of St. Luke’s Church. It can mark the anniversary of a birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, or be used as an expression of joy of thanksgiving at any time. Your name and message will be printed in the Sunday bulletin and will be listed on our Sunday Livestream.

January 30 • 7:30 am Cub Scout Pack #275 Pinewood Derby

This year we’ve made it even easier to sign up! Choose the Sunday(s) you would like to sponsor on our website or by using the sign up poster as you have in the past. Your dedication can be made in honor, memory, or thanksgiving of friends and family members. Your donation of $75 can be dropped off in the offering plate or at the church office. If you are unable to get to the office, you can also mail your donation or make an online payment (select Flower Fund).

January 31 • Noon Annual Parish Meeting, see page 7 for more details.

Multiple dedications can be received for a Sunday to allow everyone in the congregation to honor their loved ones and family celebrations.

January 17 • 4:30 pm Evensong - Livestream and in person. January 18 - MLK Day Church Office Closed and will reopen on 1/19.

January 31 Confirmation classes begin, see page 12 for more details. February 14 - Happy Valentine’s Day! February 15 • 6 pm Vestry Meeting February 17 - Ash Wednesday

From the

ASSOCIATE RECTOR Dear friends, In late July of 2019 I began to knit a pair of socks. I had just finished knitting a large shawl, and I wanted a smaller project to take on. I was also thirty-five weeks pregnant at the time, and I was hopeful that a pair of socks could be completed before my baby arrived. However, as I found myself seeking naps and early bedtimes as often as possible I more often than not traded in my knitting needles for a soft pillow to doze on, dreaming about my swollen feet someday fitting back into my regular collection of favorite shoes. The last time I picked up the sock was the day I went into labor. I was at home having contractions for most the afternoon and I needed something for my hands to do. We left the house for the hospital at 10:30 pm, and that was it for the sock. It was still on the coffee table when I returned, Baby James in my arms, two days later, but I wouldn’t pick it up again until just a few days ago. As I wrapped the yarn full of reds, yellows, purples, and greens around my fingers once more I found myself thinking back to the way life was before. In a way this sock, this simple looping one strand of yarn through another over and over again, stood for the way life had stopped. Life as I knew it died, and something else was born, not just my son, but myself, the way I viewed life, and the way I went about my days. I think whether we were ready, or wanted it to, life for us came to a stop this year. We had to put down the knitting needles of control, daily routine, and community as we had always known it. We had to change our habits and prepare for a life that looked quite different, once which felt strange and perhaps even unfamiliar. 4 TIDINGS

In the 16th chapter of John’s Gospel Jesus assures his disciples, “Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy. When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world. So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” We have been in the throes of labor pains for months, and there is no certain end in sight. We are still waiting, actively waiting, for the birth of new life that will allow us to move forward, to see the hope of new life in our arms instead of only carrying it in our hearts. We long for the time when life has calmed enough that we can continue the work that we had to surrender, even as we know it will be different, perhaps forever changed from what it was before. I still need to knit this sock’s companion, and they won’t match perfectly. This first sock will have a unique shift right in the top of the foot where I had to improvise and try to remember where I had left off the pattern when I set it down for the long wait. Our lives will be no different. As we move forward this part of our lives will stand out, it will be slightly bumpy and lumpy, and not perfectly match with our plans. One day though, we will get to knit the rest of our lives back together, forever changed, yet forever carried in the arms of Jesus who sustains us. With hope and joy, THE REV. REAGAN GONZALEZ Associate Rector reagang@stlukes-sa.net


Transformation & Celebration


For generations, God’s grace has touched people’s lives here in countless ways. People have known great joy in moments like weddings and baptisms. At funerals, people have received God’s spirit of comfort. Children have grown up, at St. Luke’s Episcopal School and in the church’s Sunday school program, learning how they are beloved of God. People have come here and been inspired to go out and care for those in need in the larger community. On this campus, we meet God, we nurture meaningful relationships with one another, and take God’s grace back out into the world. Over the years, the people of St. Luke’s have tended to the buildings and grounds that God has entrusted to us. In addition to the ongoing maintenance needs that always exist, occasionally there is a moment when God calls us to take on something big, to stretch ourselves and take on ambitious goals, to commit to projects that will enhance our campus and make it a stronger setting

Our Goal

We seek to raise $2 million for this campaign: Pipe organ $ 1,050,000 Retirement of debt $ 225,000 Stained glass $ 250,000 Parlor renovation $ 100,000 Landscaping $ 125,000 HVAC $ 250,000 Total $ 2,000,000


for us to accomplish our mission of illuminating San Antonio with the Light of Christ.

This is one of those moments. For the past year, the Vestry has reflected on the capital needs facing St. Luke’s right now. Even during the pandemic, when it would have been tempting to put off discussions until a return to normalcy, rather than sitting still, the Vestry kept discussions moving forward, settling in the summer on a set number of capital projects. Those projects are: • A new pipe organ, to replace the current organ that was damaged beyond repair several years ago. Read more about this on page 10. • Retirement of debt that was taken on for the failed organ repair project • Refurbishment of the church’s stained glass windows • Renovation of the Parlor and the kitchenette and restrooms adjacent to the Parlor • Enhancements to the landscaping • Repairs and replacement of critical elements of our HVAC system Visit our website, slecsa.org to view an in depth look at each project. As you read, please hold St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and School in your prayers. We hope that the Holy Spirit will inspire you to dream big with us and to commit to a transformative financial gift to support the goals of the campaign so that we at St. Luke’s can continue to celebrate God’s presence in our midst as we continue to share God’s grace with the world.

We look forward to publicly recognizing all contributors in print, and we intend to install a wall plaque next year acknowledging donors at the following levels, with each level named for one of the traditional Heavenly Virtues: Charity $100,000+ Hope $50,000 – $99,999 Faith $20,000 – $49,999 Diligence $10,000 – $19,999 Kindness $5,000 – $9,999


Please contact us if you would like to discuss your participation. When the Holy Spirit moves you, we hope you’ll complete a commitment card and return it to the church. We are excited about the future, and we are confident of God’s blessings for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and School in the coming years!


REPORT FROM THE VESTRY NOMINATING COMMITTEE As many of you are aware, on an annual basis a group of church members have joined together at the end of the year to form a Vestry Nominating Committee. This group has been formed as a tradition, however the Church Vestry Bylaws also provide guidance as to the formation of this committee. Article X of the SLEC Vestry Bylaws state:

uncertainty, and at times chaos, to be asked to make a three year commitment is a daunting weight to place in front of on an individual. The committee was extremely considerate of this and each member of the Vestry Nominating Committee approached this task balancing what was best for the church, while respecting each invitee.

At the regular meeting of the Vestry in November, a Nominating Committee consisting of a minimum of 10 members from Vestry members with expiring terms and church members in good standing, plus the Rector and Senior Warden shall present a slate of nominees, including a minimum of one person for each impending vacancy, and shall report such action at the next Annual Parish Meeting.

The committee worked together very well and the collaboration to find the best candidates to represent St. Luke’s Episcopal Church as potential Vestry members was extraordinary. The committee vetted and then approached several people with diverse backgrounds, experience, and history with the church. After approaching several people, over the course of two weeks the church also invited members of the congregation to be considered for election to the Vestry or suggest candidates who were church members to fulfill the canonical expectation of being faithful “in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God.”

This year, five members of the Vestry with expiring terms and five church members in good standing joined together to form the Vestry Nominating Committee. I would like to thank these individuals for their work and service to the church. They are as follows: VESTRY MEMBERS Will Holshouser Seth McCabe Mike McMillan Roger Thurmond Renee Wright

CHURCH MEMBERS David Chidgey Jenny Holshouser Virginia Lyda Mary Penaloza Lisa Petrosky

The committee met several times to discuss potential nominees, vetted those nominees with the assistance of church staff, and then invited members of the church in good standing to run as Vestry Nominees. It goes without saying that this year has been, well, different. The committee understood this fully as it approached this process and had an underlying knowledge of what it meant to reach out to a church member and ask them to consider running as a Vestry Nominee in 2021. In a year like no other, the invitation to be a Vestry Nominee carried with it a different level of meaning than in years past. In a world of 6 TIDINGS

After thoughtful consideration, the Vestry Nominating Committee unanimously recommended a slate of five individuals who had accepted the call to be Vestry Nominees to fill the five retiring members of the Vestry. In turn, the Vestry unanimously approved these five individuals to be presented to the congregation as Vestry Nominees. In a year that has been undoubtedly challenging for all, this slate of Vestry Nominees represents our church and congregation well. I am extremely happy with the work that the Vestry Nominating Committee has performed and I can say that we as a group are delighted to present these five individuals to you as Vestry Nominees. We are extremely fortunate to have five willing members of this church who will represent us well. The Vestry Nominating Committee and the Vestry hope that you will join us in approving this slate of five individuals as the next class of the Vestry. With gratitude, Seth McCabe Senior Warden SLECSA.ORG


The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 31, at noon. We will meet in the church, and the meeting will be livestreamed via Zoom for the sake of people who prefer to participate remotely. We will share Zoom credentials in the week before the Annual Meeting. The Annual Report will be available in print and in electronic format before the meeting.


ears attending St. Luke’s: Y 4 years Occupation: Sr. Account Manager at Apex Systems

What groups or Ministries of St. Luke’s are you involved with? The past 4 years I served as the assistant youth minister. During that time, I taught middle and high school Sunday school as well. I have also been a member of the young adult small group since coming to St. Luke’s. What do you love about St. Luke’s? Both my Dad and my Grandfather are Episcopal priests, so I grew up in the Episcopal Church, and always went to the church that my Dad served at the time. After college I found myself wanting to grow in my faith and establish a church home outside of what I had always known through my parents and grandparents. Soon after I moved back to San Antonio, I accepted an invitation to help serve the youth at St Luke’s, and shortly after that I was invited to join the young adult small group.



I love that there is always an invitation at St. Luke’s. Whether it is an invitation to get involved in a particular ministry or just to dive deeper into my own prayer life and faith. With two new priests at the helm, I think it is a very exciting time to be at St. Luke’s, and I would love to be a part of assisting and advising them in making available all the invitations St. Luke’s has to offer. What gifts or skills would you bring to vestry leadership? From my work with the youth and my membership in the young adult small group, I have the unique perspective of knowing issues that are important to the next generation of leaders of our church. I would love to be an advocate for those groups. I am a very solution-oriented person, and I am able to look at an issue or topic from all sides to come up with the most favorable outcome. I am engaged in different ministries within St. Luke as well as the diocese, and I am not afraid to get involved in new ministries that would deepen my personal faith or benefit my role at St. Luke’s.



2021VESTRY ANN ALLEN Years attending St. Luke’s: All my life! Occupation: Retired What groups or ministries of St. Luke’s are you involved with? I am currently involved in assisting with Godly Play as a storyteller, and in addition I am a member of a Lay Eucharistic Ministry team and I serve on the Board of the Green Door as Christian Giving Chair. What do you love about St. Luke’s? St. Luke’s has been my church home my entire life and so it’s difficult to name only one thing. If I had to do that, however, I’d say that it’s that St. Luke’s makes people feel that same sense of being “at home” from the moment they

PEGGY PACE Years attending St Luke’s: 20 years. I attended from 1982-1985, then moved to New Orleans. I rejoined in 2006, when my daughter, Ava, enrolled at St. Luke’s School at age 3. Occupation: I am a retired oil and gas lawyer. What groups or Ministries of St. Luke’s are you involved with? Because of Covid, I have not been involved. I was on the Search Committee for Father Irv. and worked closely with Father Read during my time as board member and then Chair of the Board of St. Luke’s School until 2017.


enter the doors. I feel that this has been, and continues to be, something that defines St. Luke’s: that people are made to feel welcomed and “at home” whether they are first-time visitors or long-time members. What gifts or skills would you bring to Vestry leadership? I suppose that the answer would be more along the lines of gifts rather then specific skills. Because of my “longevity” here I feel that I might bring a sense of “perspective”: a history of where we’ve been with an enthusiasm for looking forward to seeing where the Lord will take us. Most of my time here has been spent in ministry to children and families, and so I have a deep awareness of and devotion to the importance that vibrant ministry to the ongoing life of this parish.

What do you love about St. Luke’s? My favorite thing about St. Luke’s is the sense of community. It has become both my spiritual home and my emotional home. I love the bond between church and school and resulting focus on our young people. What gifts or skills would you bring to vestry leadership? I have an institutional memory of Church-School relations because of my years on the Board of the school, and I understand the financial interactions and interdependency. I have also had interactions with the Diocese, giving me a vertical comprehension of operations. I serve on the board of the Bank of San Antonio, giving me experience with fiscal and fiduciary responsibility.


CANDIDATES DOUG WALTON Years attending St Luke’s: 4 years Occupation: Pathologist What groups or Ministries of St. Luke’s are you involved with? Ushering, Young Adult Small Group What do you love about St. Luke’s? St. Luke’s is where I discover, practice, and celebrate the life of Christ; it’s my spiritual home. I began attending St. Luke’s in 2013, Father Tim True officiated my wedding (a curate at St. Luke’s at the time) in 2014, and both

ANN VINEYARD ANN VINEYARD Years attending St Luke’s: 32 years Occupation: Retired high school teacher (Speech, English, and drama) Currently: Financial Partner in company that builds small shopping centers. What groups are you involved in at St Luke’s? Since 2014, I’ve been a lay reader, mostly at the 8 am service, but also at special services (Christmas, Easter, baptisms,) and lately at 10:30am and 6 pm, whenever needed. I’m a member of Friends of Music, supporting the organist, choir and any musical events. Music is very important to me, so I am pleased to be involved with fund@STLUKESCHURCH

of my young children were baptized here. My family and I moved out of state in 2017 and we have just returned in 2020. I love the people of St. Luke’s who continue to inspire and encourage me to walk closer with our God. What gifts or skills would you bring to vestry leadership? I am currently an active duty airman in the US Air Force. I have the unique perspective of participating in two other Episcopal communities in Mississippi and Tennessee from 2017 to 2020 due to military moves. These recent experiences may bring fresh ideas to the table. I am also a father to a young family (ages 3 years and 3 months) and now feel I have a deep appreciation for the needs and concerns of our cherished family units.

raising for the new organ. The Friday Morning Bible Study is especially meaningful and inspirational to me. What do you love about St Luke’s? St Luke’s has always reminded me of the church I grew up in New Jersey. It was and St Luke’s is now the basis of my love for the Episcopal church. The liturgy, music, and inspirational ministers, as well as friendly people in the congregation are an important part of my life. What skills do you have to offer to the church? I’m hoping my enthusiasm for the church and it’s music will be useful for fundraising and coordination of events. I’m looking forward to getting to know more members of this wonderful congregation.



MUSIC AT ST. LUKE’S THE ORGAN: THE DISEMBODIED VOICE OF GOD You’ve likely heard of the “King of Instruments” – a term Mozart used to describe the organ – but the organ is first and foremost a liturgical instrument. The oldest organ in the world was built in 1434 and is still playing at the Basilica of Notre Dame de Valere in Switzerland. Before Valere there was a very famous organ built in 900AD at Winchester Cathedral which had four hundred pipes and required two people to play it, plus seventy strong men to pump the bellows. It was described as having an “iron voice” and could be heard throughout the city. This is an exhilarating time as St. Luke’s moves ahead with its new organ as part of our Capital Campaign. We’ve had our trials with the old organ failing mechanically, followed by the company that was hired to rebuild it causing so much damage, declaring bankruptcy, and going out of business. Please know that the Vestry and Contract Committee has put every assurance in place to guarantee the success of this project. This is a new organ but in the spirit of responsible stewardship we are using a good portion of the current instrument: quality pipework, hardware such as stop solenoids, swell engines, etc. One new significant aspect is the inclusion of an Antiphonal Division, though we are looking to fund a pipe façade to cover its grille. Those who have attended St. Luke’s since the early eighties will remember the original organ used to live above the flower room and spoke into the current Baptistery; a section of the organ will do that to support large congregations and add to the flexibility of the instrument.



If you would like to become an “organ donor” visit slecsa.org/capitalcampaign


In addition to the organ’s liturgical function it will be a first class recital instrument, and we will inaugurate it through a new Arts Series with celebrity recitalists. We will also feature a wide range of other genres: the Texas Children’s Choir, IlluMen (who will be Artists-in-Residence,) SA Symphonic Wind Band, and guests from further afield. One particular part of this series will be Concerts for a Cause which is intended to support those in need, be it food insecurity, homelessness, women’s shelters, abused animals, the underserved, those who fall through the cracks of life. I truly hope you will be part of the realization and celebration of this magnificent new event in the life of St. Luke’s congregation and the San Antonio community.



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You can find the entire catalogue of music from St. Luke’s Choir on our website - slecsa.org/music/. You can find selections from our Christmas services, all of the music from Lessons and Carols, and anthems from past services from every season. You can download them to listen from your devices or listen directly on the website.

Organist and Director of Music russellj@stlukes-sa.net


CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES A Note of Gratitude from the


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It is easy to get bogged down in all of the difficult things about this time and there is a space for that. There is a space for grief. But despite the grief that comes with not being able to gather in the same ways at church, as I take a look back at the last few months gratitude shines forth. Thank you

to all who have helped with an idea, a listening ear, your time, your talents, and an encouraging word. Even if I haven’t had a chance to acknowledge you please know that I am truly grateful. As we move into the Spring Family Chapel on the Lawn and 4th and 5th grade Sunday school will continue and we will continue to find creative ways to be together as a Family Ministries community.



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The Children and Family Ministries committee has brainstormed, come up with great ideas, organized events, and kept me on track throughout this time. Marquel McCabe and Caroline Mowen have continued their leadership of the 4th and 5th grade class and have done an amazing job leading their class via zoom. Several volunteers including Ann Allen, Katherine Hampsten and Lynne McMillan have shared Godly Play stories via video and during

Family Chapel on the Lawn on Sunday mornings. Jill Martinez helped coordinate both the Fall Festival and the Advent Wreath Event and several volunteers helped with both events. Lori Koehler came up with the vision and directed a beautiful Christmas Pageant video. She also had the great idea of a watch party on the lawn. It was wonderful to celebrate the pageant and those who created it with this community event.


Despite the challenges of pandemic times I find myself extremely grateful. Children and Family ministries at St. Luke’s have had to change significantly and I could not have managed all those changes without a great ministry team behind me.

Director of Children and Family Ministries suzannaf@stlukes-sa.net

MONDAY MOMS’ GROUP RETURNS! Please join us for coffee, breakfast, and fellowship Monday mornings this Spring. Our first meeting will be January 25th, from 9 am - 11 am on the front lawn. Pack your lawn chair, bring a mask, for this amazing socially distanced gathering. The group will be selecting a Spring book in February. Our nursery is currently closed children but are welcome under your supervision. @STLUKESCHURCH




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Happy New Year! With a new semester beginning, we are so excited to offer more ways for youth to keep growing in their faith and be a part of St. Luke’s! The Youth Ministry continues to grow in relationship with each other as we discuss difficult scripture and dive into what it means to be a disciple of Christ. On Sunday, we’ve jumped from one parable to the next, discovering a different perspective from when we first have seen some of these stories. Roberta Kidder and Andrea Cutter bring energy and playfulness to their lessons, along with some hilarious icebreaker games.

YOUTH GROUP Every Wednesday evening we meet to play new and old exciting games, share where we are with God that week, and continue taking steps towards learning just how big the love is that Jesus has for us. Come check it out! 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Middle School 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: High School SOME THINGS TO REMEMBER: • Bring a mask, a way of love to keep each other safe. • Keep a distance of six feet from anyone who has not been in your bubble (ie., Parents, guardians, siblings) • Bring chairs or blankets

SUNDAY SCHOOL IS BACK! All classes will take place from 9:30-10:15 am. You can now find links to all zoom meeting rooms on our website: www.slecsa.org/zoom/ MIDDLE SCHOOL: LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM & ON ZOOM Students will finish discussing parables and begin an exciting project- a student made podcast! HIGH SCHOOL: YOUTH ROOM & ON ZOOM Using John Newton’s book, Reckless Love: The Scandal of Grace in a Performance-Driven World, students will see how God works in the age when success is the most important factor. 12 TIDINGS

Director of Youth Ministries sarahc@stlukes-sa.net

CONFIRMATION CLASSES It is that time of year for students to start thinking about if they would like to be confirmed! Classes will begin January 31st through April 25th, with confirmation Sunday being May 2nd. These classes are geared towards any student in grades 8 through 12. If you have a student who is interested in getting confirmed, please email Sarah. Please include their name, grade, and what school they are attending. The schedule for confirmation classes: January 31st: Introduction February 7th: Baptism February 14th: Overview of Bible & the Bible by Heart February 21st: Lord’s Prayer February 28th: Nicene Creed & Apostles’ Creed March 7th - 14th: No class, Spring Break March 21st: Church History March 28th: The Book of Common Prayer April 4th: No class, Easter Sunday April 11th: Seasons of the Church April 18th: Sacraments April 25th: Commissioning May 2nd: Confirmation Sunday

SUNDAY with SIPS Sarah

Another weekly opportunity has been added! Sunday Coffee Sips with Sarah is a chance to sip on your favorite coffee or drink and chat one on one with Sarah, Director of Youth Ministries. Students are welcome to bring a friend or two (3 people max per time slot). Each student can sign up for a 40 minute time slot between 3:00 pm to 6:20 pm. We meet at the Starbucks at the Quarry but we’re always looking for new locations! Send your suggestions to Sarah and stay tuned for upcoming location details. Sign up at: bit.ly/SundaySipsSignUp



NEW! You can now find links to all zoom meeting rooms on our website: www.slecsa.org/zoom/

“We totally enjoyed Reagan’s Advent class. We learned how the Church began to celebrate Christmas. Reagan led group discussion about the foretelling of Jesus’ birth as well as the actual birth circumstances reported in Luke’s gospel. Her use of images of ancient biblical art was an added treat.” ~ Denise and David Chidgey “I appreciated the Advent adult education series, not only for the scriptural insights, power point slides made available to us via email and prayer that bookended each session but because Reagan enriched the class with interesting, helpful tips for our spiritual growth like recommending www. bibleodyssey.org for our questions and study. I plan to continue to attend adult education on Sunday mornings via zoom and, eventually, in person.” ~ Gretchen Bealer @STLUKESCHURCH

“I really enjoyed Reagan’s class. Advent 2020 was unlike most and we long for understanding. Reagan brought us fresh insights and reflections into a subject that we think about every year. She helped us better prepare our hearts to allow the Christ-child to enter in.” ~ Mary Penaloza

“I think Reagan’s feminine approach to the traditions of our church is very enlightening - she sees the centuries of male interpretation in a welcoming new light!” ~ Nancy Mortensen “I agree wholeheartedly with Mom (above), we love her passion as she shares her in-depth discussions and presentations. The stories of Joseph and Mary and others from the Bible that she covered during the Advent season opened my heart to new thoughts during this special time of the year. We are so excited to see what she brings to us for 2021... Come join the conversation with us!” ~Sara Spreen


If you have any questions or would like the Power Point slides sent to you, just let Rev. Reagan know by emailing her: reagang@stlukes-sa.net. You may join us in person in the Small Conference Room or by Zoom!

Whether you participate in person or via Zoom Adult Formation classes help you grow in your faith. Join our email list to be the first to find out about the new session starting in February. Email publish@stlukes-sa.net to get on the list!

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January 17th: The Nicene Creed January 24th: The Book of Common Prayer Through the Ages


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During the month of January, we have been exploring Christianity and Traditions 101. Each class will cover a different topic to refresh your memories and hopefully give you new insights into our great faith. We meet from 9:30 am - 10:15 am Sunday mornings. There are two classes left in this series:

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Associate Rector reagang@stlukes-sa.net


FINANCIAL REPORT The Finance Committee will provide a financial update with each issue of Tidings. This report shows the revenues received and expenditures through November 2020. December’s report will be released in our 2020 Annual Report. If you have any questions, please contact the Vestry Treasurer, Bill Bangert or the Parish Administrator, Dave Thomas at (210) 828-6425.




Thanks to the dedication of the Green Door staff and volunteers, as well as to the devoted patrons of the Green Door Thrift Shop, the following organizations received grants this year through the Green Door Christian Giving Fund:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

World Missions

Housing / Food Insecurity

Diocese of West Texas World Missons

Habitat Builders of West Texas Christian Assistance Ministry San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry Green Spaces Alliances of South Texas Corazon Ministries

Elderly / Seniors Morningside Ministries North East Senior Assistance

Substance Abuse Pay It Forward Clean and Sober Living Alpha Home

Women’s Ministries Magdalena House Women’s Storybook Project of Texas Visitation House Ministries, Inc. Family Violence Prevention Services

Special Needs Low Vision Resource Center Mission Road Development Center Hemisfair Conservancy Guide Dogs of Texas Believe It Foundation

SA Life Academy SA Clubhouse Alamo City Performing Arts Association

Children, Youth and Families Diocese of West Texas College Missions St. Luke’s Episcopal School Good Samaritan Community Services Any Baby Can, Inc. Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas

End of Life Support Friends of Hospice ABODE Contemplative Care for the Dying

Excellence - Every Day, Every Way Grades PK3 through 8.


Apply Now for 2021-2022! Learn more about the application process at sles-sa.org. @STLUKESCHURCH



St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and School 11 St. Luke’s Lane San Antonio, Texas 78209

Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid San Antonio,TX Permit No. 1001

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 11 St. Luke’s Lane, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210)828-6425 | www.slecsa.org The Rev. Irv Cutter

Gracie Gonzalez

Rector - rector@stlukes-sa.net

Facilities Manager - gracieg@stlukes-sa.net

The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez

Suzanna Green

Associate Rector - rgonzalez@stlukes-sa.net

Director of Children's Ministries - suzannaf@stlukes-sa.net

Ilya Franco

Andrea Thompson

Administrative Assistant to Clergy - clergysec@stlukes-sa.net

Director of Communications - andreat@stlukes-sa.net

Chelsea Collins

Amy Foster

Head of School - ccollins@sles-sa.org

Mustard Seed Director - mustardseed@stlukes-sa.net

Russell Jackson

David Thomas

Music Director & Organist - russellj@stlukes-sa.net

Parish Administrator - davidt@stlukes-sa.net

Dr. David Heller

Rhonda Malary

Associate Organist - dheller@trinity.edu

Finance Secretary - rhonda@stlukes-sa.net

January / February 2021 Vol. 62, No. 1

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