My Story - Skills for Life

Page 50

My Story - Tunisia by anonymous Once again, the blood pumped furiously back into my vital organs, allowing my basic senses to bring my unconscious self back from probably the most deepest sleep I have ever slept. The very first thing I remember feeling, whilst trying to focus on the images around me, was the feeling of utter confusion.’ ‘Where am I?’ and ‘What’s that noise?’ So, I briefly glanced around after I was able to focus a little more on what was going on. Suddenly, I felt extremely nauseous. Not the kind you would get from travel sickness or physical illness, but the kind you’d get from excessive drinking and taking copious amounts of illegal highs, and all without remembering a single second of what you have done. I woke up and couldn’t recognize a single thing around me, and when you have no idea where you are or what time it is, or even what day it is, you would too, I reckon. So yep, I felt as sick, as a sick man who felt sick. And I think I would have been if I had food in my stomach. I focused a little more to try and get my bearings......... And then the questions started to run through my head. ‘What the going on?’ ‘Why is there a couple sitting next to me, talking German? ‘ ‘What is that flashing light doing outside this window?’


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