Southscope magazine April 2012

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Anoop Menon has registered success in a very different manner. After his initial stint ZLWK WHOH ÂżOPV DQG VHULDOV $QRRS PDGH his silverscreen debut as one of the heroes in Vinayan’s Kattuchembakam – a movie ZKLFK QHLWKHU GLG ZHOO DW WKH ER[ RIÂżFH QRU GLG LW EHQHÂżW KLP %XW $QRRS VHHPV WR VHH this failure making a way for his consequent success- “That Kattuchembakam was a Ă€RS SURYHG JRRG IRU PH LQ D ZD\ Âł,W WDXJKW PH WKDW D ÂżOP LV QRW D VLPSOH WKLQJ I realised that a lot of people work hard to PDNH D ÂżOP KDSSHQ DQG , DOVR XQGHUVWRRG that a great deal of hard work has to be put in from my part too. Looking back, I now know that I was an amateur actor. From .DWWXFKHPEDNDP RQ LW ZDV D VORZ UHÂżQLQJ polishing process which has continued till my latest release, Ee Adutha Kaalathu.â€? The movie has hit the screens and is winning appreciation all around. Ee Adutha Kaalathu


A pril 2012 | Southscope

has been directed by Arun Kumar Aravind (with whom Anoop had earlier done Cocktail), and Anoop plays one of the key FKDUDFWHUV LQ WKH ÂżOP +H ZD[HV HORTXHQW RQ KLV UROH LQ WKH ÂżOP Âł, ORYH P\ UROH LWÂśV VR unlike me. A megalomaniacal, yet slightly effeminate cop, who is very bothered about KLV DSSHDUDQFH EXW WRWDOO\ LQHIÂżFLHQWÂŤ+H thinks he is brilliant, but he is not. That was a new experience for me. It’s a role that none of the heroes would do, simply because it’s so unlike a hero; there is no heroism in him. But I loved doing it.â€? He is happy with the response that the role has elicited, “I am happy that times are changing and the audience is ready to accept different kinds of roles. Beautiful is a brilliant example.â€? Beautiful, released a few months back, had Anoop playing a key role along with -D\DVXU\D 7KH 9. 3UDNDVK GLUHFWHG ÂżOP KDG Anoop Menon as the scenarist as well as the

O\ULFLVW DQG WKH ÂżOP GLG ZHOO RQ DOO FRXQWV Explains Anoop, “Beautiful was so unlike RXU XVXDO ÂżOPV LW WROG WKH VWRU\ RI WZR IDLOHG men and still it won not just critical acclaim, but commercial success too. This should prove inspiring to a new generation of actors, writers and directors.â€? Which brings me to my next question. Acting or writing scripts, what gives Anoop Menon WKH PRVW VDWLVIDFWLRQ" +HUHÂśV KLV DQVZHU “Writing, no doubt. Writing is a solitary process....When you are acting, you are supported by and work with many people and there are many factors involved. You have with you the director, the writer, your co-actors, the associate director and others, but in writing you are alone, and you enjoy it the most.â€? Anoop, who got a break with Ranjith’s Thirakatha had also tried his hand at scripting

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