Items Vol. 45 No. 2-3 (1991)

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Council Personnel ew Director and Officer At it meeting on June 4. 1991. the Council' bard of director elected three new member ': Lawrence D. Bobo. Uni erity of California. Lo Angele . a repre entative of the American ciological A iati n; Joel herzer. ni erity f Te a . Austin. and David Ward. Uni er ity of Wi c nino Madi on. a director -at-large. They will allerve a three-year term. effective July I. 1991. The C un it' officer for 1991 -92 were al 0 elected or re-elected by the bard. Reelected: C ra B. Marrett. Univer ity of Wi con in. Madi on. chair of the board of director; David L. Featherman. Social Science Re earch Council. pre ident; and Ronald J. Peleck. ial Science Re earch Council. a i tant trea urer. Newly elected officer : R bert M. Coen. orthwe tern Univerity. vice-chair; Emily Martin. The John Hopkin Univer ity. ecretary; and Franci X. Sutton. D bb Ferry. Y. trea urer. Newly-appointed t the C mmittee on Pr blem and Policy (P&P) ~ r a one-year term. effective July I. 1991: Robert H.

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Bate. Duke ni er ity; Lawrence D. Bobo; William M. Cron n. Yale Univer ity; Joel Sherzer; and David Ward.

taff Change M. PRI ILL TO ha been prom ted to the po ition f taff aociate to the J int Committee n African tudie. M. tone joined the Council in 19 a program a ociate to the Africa program and ha been prin ipally re pon ible for taffing the African Agriculture Project. She will replace Tom Lodge who i returning to South Africa t re ume teaching at the Univer ity of the Witwater rand. M. tone received her Ph .D. in anthropology from the Univerity of Arizona in 19 8. The focu of her re earch ha been i ue of agricultural development and gender in We t Africa. Her di ertation wa entitled "Women. Work, and Family: A Re tudy of the Kofyar of Nigeria." M . Stone' current publication examine the cheduling and organization of labor in the context of rapid agricultural change in the We t African avanna.

ew taff Appointment ALICE M. O'Co OR ha joined the Council a taff a ciate to the Committee for Re earch on the Urban Undercla . effective June I, 1991. M,. O'Connor received an M.A. in hi tory in 19 2 and a Ph.D. in May 1991 fr m the John Hopkin Univer ity. Her di ertation wa entitled "From Lower CIa to Undercla : The Poor in American Social Science. 1930-1970." She received her undergraduate training at Trinity College in Hartford . M . O'Connor ha pecialized in 19th-20th century American intellectual hi t ry and in the hi tory of ocial policy. Prior to coming to the Council, M . O'Connor erved for four yean. a a i tant director to the Project on Social Welfare and the American Future, at the Ford F undation She bring t the Council a profound concern with the iues of urban and rural po erty with a particular intere t in the implication of ocial cientific re earch for public policy. She will hare re pon ibility with Martha Gephart ~ rtaff work related to the urban undercla program. along \\'ith other dutie at the Council.





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