Items Vol. 23 No. 3 (1969)

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tion and -political radicalism in the Scandinavian countries (renewal) Peter M. Lange, Ph.D. candidate in political science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for Italian language training and research in the United States and Italy on internal operations of its Communist and Socialist Parties David S. Lindenfeld, Ph.D. candidate in history, University of Chicago, for research in Austria, Germany, and Belgium on thought psychology, 1894-1915 Hans-Eberhard Mueller, Ph.D. candidate in sociology, University of California, Berkeley, for a comparative study in Germany and England of the development of systems of higher education in those countries and in Russia Alan R. Posner, Ph.D. candidate in government, Columbia University, for research in the United States and Western Europe on Italy and the Atlantic Alliance Jack Reece, Ph.D. candidate in history, Stanford University, for preparation of a dissertation on the Breton Nationalist Movement in the twentieth century (renewal) A. Joshua Sherman, D. Phil. candidate in history, University of Oxford, for completion of research and preparation of a dissertation in England on British government policies toward refugees from the Third Reich, 1933-39 (renewal) Sandra S. Smith, Ph.D. candidate in history, University of North Carolina, for research in France on the nobles of the French National Convention Ezra N. Suleiman, Ph.D. candidate in government, Columbia University, for research in France on directors of the Central Administration under the Fourth and Fifth Republics Timothy A. Tilton, Ph.D. candidate in government, Harvard University, for intensive German language training and research in West Germany on North German peasant politics Dietmar U. Wagner, Ph.D. candidate in history, University of Michigan, for research in Germany on student movements in the Revolution of 1848 Mark A. Wasserman, Ph.D. candidate in economics, University of Illinois, for completion of research in England and France on British and French national planning in the 1960's (renewal) Robert F. Willis, Ph.D. candidate in musicology, Columbia University, for preparation of a dissertation on Bellini in the musical life of nineteenth-century Western Europe (renewal) Howard J. Zehr, Ph.D. candidate in history, Rutgers University, for German and French language training and research in Germany and France on their criminal records

Special Awards for Latin America and the Caribbean North A merican Grantees Allan M. Arbeter, Pediatric Resident, Tufts New England Medical Center, for an internship in the Department of Nutrition, University of Antioquia, Faculty of Medicine, Medellin, Colombia, and visiting residency at the Hospital in Haliconia, and participation in its research project on malnutrition in children 44

David A. Brading, Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley, for research on the development of the Mexican hacienda in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in affiliation with the College of Mexico as a visiting scholar and participant in the research seminar, Center for Historical Studies Marshall S. Chrostowski, Ph.D. candidate in geography, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, for research on pasturage in the lowlands of east-central Peru, in affiliation with the Tarapoto Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, and teaching field methods in pasture research Stephen Conn, Attorney, Navajo Legal Services, Crownpoint, New Mexico, for research on the internal legal systems of Brazilian marginal communities, in affiliation with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Brasilia, and participation in seminars on the common law of the favelas David V. Fleischer, Ph.D. candidate in political science, University of Florida, for research on political recruitment in Minas Gerais, in affiliation with the Department of Political Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, and participation in development of the department's data bank Loretta L. Good, Ph.D. candidate in economics, Cornell University, for course work in area studies and research on the characteristics of viable small joint manufacturing ventures of Mexican and United States private entrepreneurs (affiliation and further activities to be determined) Barry N. Heyman, Ph.D. candidate in comparative education, University of Wisconsin, for research on the role of primary school teachers in community leadership, in affiliation with the Center for Social, Economic, Political, and Anthropological Research, Lima, and participation in organization of a seminar on education Barclay M. Hudson, Ph.D. candidate in education, Harvard University, for research on the development of planning models for educational administration at the municipal level, in affiliation with the Interdisciplinary Committee on Urban Development, Santiago, and teaching field research techniques and educational planning Peter N. Landerman, Ph.D. candidate in linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles, for research on Quechua and Aymara dialects, in affiliation with the Summer Institutes of Linguistics, Peru and Bolivia, and assisting in a bilingual education program of the Institutes and the Ministries of Education Anne L. Maino, Ph.D. in plant pathology, University of California, Berkeley, for Spanish language training and research on the incidence of disease, including diagnosis and laboratory culture of organisms, in affiliation with the National University of the South, Bahia Blanca, and University of Neuquen, Argentina, and teaching plant pathology and field research techniques William F. Martin, Ph.D. in zoology, University of Texas, for research on the evolution of communication in two closely related amphibian families, and the acoustics of pre-Colombian whistles, in affiliation with the Department of Zoology, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, and teaching laboratory techniques and supervising students' research Marcella Mazzarelli, Ph.D. candidate in cultural anthropology, University of Illinois, for Spanish language VOLUME




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