Items Vol. 22 No. 2, Pt 2 (1968)

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VOLUME 22 . NO.2, PART 2 . JUNE 1968 230 PARK AVENUE路 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017

INDEX TO ITEMS, VOLUMES 1-20 (1947-66) ARTICLES Abramovitz, Moses. Studies of Economic Growth in Industrialized Countries: A New Program of the Committee on Economic Growth, 18:5 Administration of the Law of Torts: A Fourth Summer Research Training Institute on Interrelations of the Law and Other Social Institutions To Be Held in 1961, 14:32 Almond, Gabriel A. Research in Comparative Politics: Plans of a New Council Committee, 8:1 - - - . The Seminar on Comparative Politics, June 1956, 10:45 - - - . See Rokkan, Stein, 19:29 Bachman, Kenneth L. See Brinegar, George K., 13:1 Beals, Ralph L. The Social Sciences in South America, 4: I Wendell Clark Bennett 1905-1953, 7:25 Bennett, Wendell C. Research in Cross-Cultural Education, 6:3 Bergson, Abram. The Conference on Soviet Economic Growth: Conditions and Perspectives, 6:29 Black, C. E. Contributions of the Joint Committee on Slavic Studies to the Advancement of Research in Its Field, 9:40 Bowman, Mary Jean. The Conference on Research on Expectations, Uncertainty, and Business Behavior, 10:32 Breese, Gerald. Frontiers of Housing Research: Report on a Symposium, 2(4):4 Bressler, R. G., Tr. Agricultural Economics Research in the United Kingdom, 1(4):8 Brim, Orville G., Jr. Socialization through the Life Cycle, 18:1 Brinegar, George K., Kenneth L. Bachman, and Herman M. Southworth. Reorientations in Research in Agricultural Economics, 13:1 Brozen, Yale. Social Implications of Technological Change, 3:31 Bruner, Edward M. Differential Culture Change: Report on the Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar, 1956, 11: 1 Burgess, Ernest W. Research Planning in the Field of Marriage and the Family, 2(4): 1 Carroll, John B. The Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar on Linguzstics and Psychology, 5:40 Casagrande, Joseph B. The Southwest Project in Comparative Psycho linguistics: A Progress Report, 10:41

- - - . See Smith, M. Brewster, 7:26 Casagrande, Joseph B., and Elbridge Sibley. Area Research Training Fellowships and Travel Grants for Area Research: An Epilogue, 7:37 - - - . Fellows of the Social Science Research Council, 1925-1951: Some Statistics, 6: 13 Clausen, John A. Social Science in the Mental Health Field, 9:37 Cochran, Thomas C. An International Economic History Association, 16:40 Coleman, James S. Education and the Political Scientist, 19:5 Commission on Human Resources and Advanced Education Appointed by the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, 17:32 Cottrell, Leonard S., Jr. Basic Research Objectives as a Strategic Factor in the Advancement of the Social Sciences, 5:15 Council Fellowships and Grants for Research, 1957-58,11:32 Craig, Gordon A., and Bryce Wood. The History of American Military Policy: A New Program of Grants for Research, 8: 13 Crane, Robert T. Charles Edward Merriam 1874-1953, 7:1 - - - . In Tribute to Wesley Clair Mitchell, 2(4): 1 Cronbach, Lee J. The Committee on Learning and the Educational Process, 18:54 Current Council Activities Relating to Research Training, 5:43 The Dartmouth Conference on Learning Theory, 4:37 Dore, Ronald P. Some Comparisons of Latin American and Asian Studies with Special Reference to Research on Japan, 17:13

Eggan, Fred. The Ninth Pacific Science Congress, 12: 13 Evans, G. Heberton, Jr. "Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial TImes to 1957," 14:16 Faculty Research Grants to Liberal Arts Colleges, 5: 18 Feldman, Arnold S., and Wilbert E. Moore. Moot Points in the Theory of Labor Commitment in Developing Areas, 14:37 Ferguson, Charles A. Directions in Sociolinguistics: Report on an Interdisciplinary Seminar, 19: I Folger, John K. plans of the Commission on Human Re路 sources and Advanced Education, 19:31

Foreign Area Training Fellowship Program Transferred from the Ford Foundation to Joint Sponsorship by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, 16: 1 Galenson, Walter. Committee on the Economy of China:

First Report of the Director of Research, 16:29 Ginsburg, Norton. The International Conference on "The

Study of Urbanization:' 19:49 Gordon, R. A. Research on Economic Stability, 13:37 Gottschalk, Louis. Report on the Work of the Council's

Committee on Historical Analysis, 12:25 Grants for Field Studies of Political Groups: A New Program of the Committee on Comparative Politics, 10: 1 Grants for Latin American Studies: A New Program of the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, 13:31 Grants for Research on American Governmental and Legal Processes: Expansion of the Program of the Committee on Political Behavior, 13:32 Grants for Research on American Governmental Processes: A New Program of the Committee on Political Behavior, 10:16 Grants for Research on National Security Policy with Particular Emphasis on Economic Problems: A Third Program of the Council's Committee, 13:4 Grants for Research on Problems of National Defense, 1939-55, 10: 17 Grimshaw, Allen D. See Useem, John, 20:46

Kalven, Harry, Jr., and Richard D. Schwartz. Administration of the Law of Torts: The 1961 Summer Research

Training Institute on Interrelations of Law and Other Social Institutions, 16:2 Kalven, Harry, Jr., and Bryce Wood. Research in the Field of Torts, 14:42 Katcher, Allan. Research on the Behavior of Small Groups: Report on the Monterey Conference, 9:31 Kessen, William. Intellective Development in Children: A Conference on Piaget's Contributions in Relation to Other Theories of Children's Thinking, 14:25 Key, V. 0., Jr. Strategies in Research on Public Affairs, 10:29 Kirk, Dudley. Population Census Monographs: Objectives and Plans of the Committee, 14:31 Klein, Lawrence R. The Dartmouth Conference on an Econometric Model of the United States, 15:34 - - - . The Second Summer Conference on an Econometric Model of the United States: Summary Report, 16:37 Klineberg, Otto. Tensions Affecting International Understanding, 2(2):5 Koekebakker, Jaap. See van Gils, Maarten R., 19:50 Kuznets, Simon. Comparative Study of Long-Term ReCOl路ds of Economic Growth, 9:42 - - - . "Economic Trends in the Soviet Union": Some Concluding Comments Based on a Conference Sponsored by the Committee on Economic Growth, 17:1 - - - . Notes on the Study of Economic Growth, 13:13 LaPalombara, Joseph. The Comparative Roles of Groups

Hart, Clyde W. Survey Methods in Research on Health

Problems: A Report on the Summer Research Training Institute, 1956, 11: 16 Hauser, Philip M. Report on the Work of the Committee on Urbanization, 13:40 Heard, Alexander. Research on Political Behavior: Report of a Conference, 3:41 Herring, Pendleton. Basic Social Science Development: The Role of the Council in a New Program of Support, 4:25 - - - . International Social Science Council Conference, 9:1 - - - . Robert Treat Crane 1880-1962, 16:37 - - - . On Science and the Polity, 15:1(Part 2) - - - . The Social Sciences in a European Perspective, 2 (3): 1 - - - . The Social Sciences in Latin America, 16:13 - - - . The Social Sciences in Modern Society, 1(1):2 - - - . Technological Change and Atomic Energ;y, 3:5 Hoebel, E. Adamson. Law and Social Relations: A Report on the Summer Research Training Institute, 1956, 11:4 Holland, Kenneth. The Fulbright Act, 2(1):7 Hoover, Edgar M. The Conference on Natural Resources and Economic Growth, 14:13 Hovland, Carl I., Arthur A. Lumsdaine, and Fred D. Sheffield. "Experiments on Mass Communication:' 3: 13 Hyman, Herbert. Isolation, Measurement, and Control of Interviewer Effect, 3: 15 Hymes, Dell H. On Studying the History of Anthropolog;y, 16:25 Janowitz, Morris. The Military in American Society, 17:45 Johnston, Bruce F., and Herman M. Southworth. Agricul-

tural Development: Problems and Issues, 20:29 Jones, Harold E. The Berkeley Seminar on Old Age Re-

search, 4:26 - - . The 1948 Meeting of the Canadian SSRC, 2(3):7 - - - . Pacific Coast Activities of the Council: Report of the Pacific Coast Repl路esentative, 1948-49, 3:28 2

in Political Systems, 15:18 LaPalombara, Joseph, and Myron Weiner. Political Parties

and Political Development: Observations from a Comparative Survey, 20: 1 Leigh, Robert D. The Public Library Inquiry, 1(2):5 Leighton, Alexander H. Explorations in Social Psychiatry, 11:26 Leiserson, Avery. Systematic Research in Political Behavior: A Preliminary Report, 5:29 Lindzey, Gardner. Genetics and the Social Sciences, 18:29 Lumsdaine, Arthur A. See Hovland, Carl I., 3: 13. Macridis, Roy C. Comparative Politics: Method and Re-

search, 6:45 Madow, William G. Activities of the Committee on Mathematical Training of Social Scientists, 1952-57, 11 :44 Marquis, Donald G. College Influences on Personality De-

ve[opment: Report of a Research Planning Conference, 12:27 - - - . Social Science and UNESCO: Report on the Ninth General Conference in New Delhi, 1956, 11:13 Matrilineal Descent Systems: A Preliminary Statement about the Summer Seminar, 9:5 McCarthy, Philip J. See Stephan, Frederick F., 1(2):1 McCormick, Richard P. Conference on Early American Political Behavior, 11:49 Merton, Robert K. The History of Quantification in the Sciences: Report on a Conference, 14: 1 Miller, George A. Applications of Mathematics in Social Psychological Research, 11 :41 Mitchell, Rowland L., Jr. On Studying the History of Anthropolog;y: Reflections of a Historian: 16:27 Modigliani, Franco. Monetary Policy and the Rate of Economic Activity: A Project of the Committee on Economic Stability, 18:36 - - - . Research on the Links between Monetary Policy and Economic Activity: A Progress Report of a Subcommittee of the Committee on Economic Stability, 20:7 VOLUME






Moore, Wilbert E. A Note on the Measurement of Social

Change, 12:42 - - . See Feldman, Arnold S., 14:37 Moore, Wilbert E., and Richard C. Snyder. The Conference on Theory of Organization, 6:41 Morrisett, Lloyd N. Preschool Education: Report on a Conference, 20: 17 - - - . Research on College Influences on Personality: Report on the Andover Conference, March 26-28, 1959, 13:28 Mosely, Philip E. The "Books for Europe" Program, 1(2):3 Mosteller, Frederick. Mathematical Models for Behavior Theory: A Brief Report on an Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar, 5:32 Narrowing the Gap between Field Studies and Laboratory Experiments in Social Psychology: A Statement by the Summer Seminar, 8:37 New Council Activity in Agricultural Economics, 7:9 Newell, Allen. See Simon, Herbert A., 12:37 Nichols, Roy F. Social Science Research in Britain, 3:37 A Note on the Pronunciation of "Shibboleth:' 19: 16 Palmer, Francis H. Critical Periods of Development: Report on a Conference, 15: 13 Parnes, Herbert S. Occupational Choice: A Brief Report on the 1954 Seminar, 8:42 Pennock, J. Roland. Conference on Political Theory and

the Organization and Processes of Modern Democracy, 11:47 Perception of Persons: Report of the Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar, 10:2 Poffenberger, A. T. The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Social Science Research Council, 1(3):5 - - - . The Work of the Social Science Research Council, 1(1):1 Psycholinguistics: A Sketch of the Area and Some Activities of the Council's Committee on Linguistics and Psychology, 8:29 Pye, Lucian W. Political Modernization and Research on the Process of Political Socialization, 13:25 Recommended Policies for the Mathematical Training of Social Scientists, 9: 13 Research on the Economy of China: Ford Foundation Grant to the Council, 15:45 Research on International Organization: Program of a New Committee, 17:31 Research on Personality Development in Youth: Program of a New Council Committee, 12:5 Research on State Politics: A New Program of Grants-in-Aid, 9:25 Research Training: Two New Programs, 7:7 Restructuring of the Council's General Fellowship and Grant Programs, 13:33 Riecken, Henry W. Survey of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 20:45 Rockefeller Foundation Continues Support of Council Fellowships and Grants-in-Aid througn Capital Grant, 17:4 Rockefeller Foundation Support of the Council, 5:43 Rokkan, Stein, and Gabrief A. Almond. International Conference on Comparative Social Science Research, April 22-24, 1965, 19:29 Schnore, Leo F. "The Study of Urbanization": Report of a

Council Committee, 19:45 Schultz, Theodore W. Economic Efficiency: Its Meaning,

Measurement, and Application to Agricultural Problems, 4:39 JUNE


Schwartz, Richard D. See Kalven, Harry, Jr., 16:2 Seeman, Melvin. Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar

on Status and Stratification, 5:42 Sheffield, Fred D. See Hovland, Carl I., 3: 13 . Shryock, Richard H. The History and Sociology of Science, 10:13 Sibley, Elbridge. The Alumni of the Council's Undergradu-

ate Research Training Program, 15:46 - - - . Education in Social Science and the Selection of Students for Training as Professional Social Scientists, 5:25 - - - . Financial Aid for the Individual Scholar: Preliminary Report of a Study of the Status of Self-Directed Research, 4:13 - - - . Notes on Research Training Fellowship Policies, 3:18 - - - . The Problem of Social Science Personnel: Recruitment or Training? 1(4):1 - - - . Recruitment, Selection, and Training of Research Workers, 1(1):7 - - - . Study of Support for Individual Research Activities, 2(4):6 - - . See Casagrande, Joseph B., 6:13, 7:37; also 19:16 Simmons, Ernest J. The Conference on Continuity and Change in RUSSIan and Soviet Thought, 8:15 Simon, Herbert A. Training for Research on Organizations: A Report on the Summer Institute, 1957, 12: 1 Simon, Herbert A., and Allen Newell. Simulation of Cognitive Processes: A Report on the Summer Research Training Institute, 1958, 12:37 Slichter, Sumner H. The State of Economics, 3:25 Smith, M. Brewster. The Conference on Cross-Cultural Research on Personality Development, 9:27 - - - . Conference on Nonintellective Determinants of Achievement, 7:13 - - - . Report on the Work of the Committee on CrossCultural Education, 12:40 - - - . Socialization for Competence, 19:17 Smith, M. Brewster, and Joseph B. Casagrande. The CrossCultural Education Projects: A Progress Report, 7:26 Snyder, Richard C. See Moore, Wilbert E., 6:41 Social Science Research Council Receives Lord and Taylor Award, 8:19 Southworth, Herman M. See Brinegar, George K., 13: 1 - - - . See Johnston, Bruce F., 20:29 Spengler, Joseph J. Demographic and Economic Trends in the Developing Countries: Report on a Conference Held on October 10-12, 1963, 17:43 Stephan, Frederick F., and Philip J. McCarthy. Studies in Samplin15 under the Committee on Measurement of Opinion, Attitudes and Consumer Wants, 1(2):1 "Studies in Social Psychology in World War II": The Work of the War Department's Research Branch, Information and Education Division, 3: 1 Summer Research Training Institutes: A New Council Program, 8: 17 Taeuber, Irene B. China's Population, 18: 13 Taylor, George E. Notes on the Second National Confer-

ence on the Study of World Areas, 4:29 Thomas, Dorothy S. The Committee on Migration Differ-

entials and Its Relation to Other Council Activities, 6:18 Truman, David B. The Implications of Political Behavior • Research, 5:37 - - - . Theory and Research on Metropolitan Political Leadership: Report on a Conference, 15: 1 Tyler, Ralph W. The Committee on Personality Develop-

ment in Youth, 15:32 Useem, John. Notes on the Sociological Study of Language, 17:29

Useem, john, and Allen D. Grimshaw. Comparative Sociology, 20:46 van Gils, Maarten R., and jaap Koekebakker. The First European Summer School on Social Psychology, The Hague, July 15 - August 11, 1965, 19:50 Verba, Sidney. Use of Survey Methods in the Study of Political Modernization: Report of a Conference, 18:6 Volkart, Edmund H. "Social Behavior and Personality: Contributions of W. I. Thomas to Theory and Social Research:' 5: 13 Wagley, Charles. "Social Science Research on Latin America": Summary of Possibilities and Needs from the Report of the Summer Seminar, 1963, 18:49 - - - . The Study of World Areas: A Report on the National Conference, 2(1):1 - - . See Wood, Bryce, 15:41 Washington Staff of the Council Moves to New York, 11:25 Webbink, Paul. Renewal of the Council's Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar Program, 8:4 - - - . University Organization for Social Science Research, 2(2): I - - . See Young, Donald, 1(3):1 Weiler, E. T. An Appraisal of the Summer Research Training Institute on Monetary and Credit Policy, 1957, 12:4 Weiner, Myron. See LaPalombara, joseph, 20: 1 Ben Willerman, 1917-1965, 19:43 Wilson, Robert N. The Undergraduate Social Scientist, 8:25 Wolfle, Dael. America's Resources of Specialized Talent, 8:45 - - - . Plans for Studies of America's Trained Talent, 5:1 Wood, Bryce. The Conference on the Near East: Social Dynamics and the Cultural Setting, 7: 1 - - - . The Conference on Problems of Area Research in Contemporary Africa, 7:42 - - - . Constituent Meeting of the Provisional International Social Science Council, 6:50 - - - . Report on the Conference on National Security Policy: Problems of Research and Teaching, 11:29 - - - . See Craig, Gordon A., 8:13 - - - . See Kalven, Harry, jr., 14:42 Wood, Bryce, and Charles Wagley. The Social Sciences: Parochial or Cosmopolitan? Reflections on the InterAmerican Conference on Research and Training in Sociology, 15:41 Wright, Mary C. Sources for Study of Contemporary China: Foreword to a Forthcoming Research Guide, 17:41 Young, Donald. First Steps toward an International Social Science Council, 6: 1 - - . Louis Wirth 1897-1952, 6:21 Young, Donald, and Paul Webbink. Current Problems of Council Concern in Research Organization, 1(3): 1 Young, Francis A. The Fulbright Program in Asia, 15:29 COMMITTEE BRIEFS AND OTHER REPORTS African Studies, 14:24; 15:8; 16:10, 21; 17:9; 18:10; 19:12, 23, 32, 42; 20: 13 Agricultural Economics, 7:9, 32, 46; 12:6; 13:1, 43; 14:44; 15:21; 16:6; 20:29 Agricultural Marketing Research, 1(1):7; 1(3):7; 1(4):8; 2(1):8 Analysis of Economic Census Data, 10:48; 11:35; 12:16, 30; 13:5,43; 15:37; 16:16; 17:33


Analysis of Experience of Research Branch, Information and Education Division, ASF, 1(1):7; 1(4):9; 3: 1, 13, 44; 4:32 Analysis of Pre-election Polls and Forecasts, 2(4):7; 3:6 Area Research Training Fellowships, 2(1):8, 11; 2(3):11; 2(4):10; 3:10, 23, 35, 46; 4:11, 22, 34, 46; 5:22, 35, 47; 6:25, 39, 54; 7:21, 37 Areas for Social and Economic Statistics, 19:24; 20:9,34 Asian Studies, 13:23; 14:8; 15:26; 16:21; 17:9; 18:25; 19:27; 20:26 Auxiliary Research Awards, 12:24; 13:10; 15:40; 16:22 Business Enterprise Research, 8:6; 10:7, 32; 11:50 Census Monographs, 4:32, 44; 5:8, 44; 9:34; 10:7, 18; 11:5 Civil-Military Relations Research, 6:35, 52; 8:6, 13; 9:11; 10:17, 26 Comparative Developmental Behavior, 15:13; 17:33; 19:33 Comparative Politics, 8:1; 9:34; 10:1,45; 11:8,35; 12:9,30; 13:17, 25; 14:33; 15:18, 37; 16:6, 30, 42; 17:33, 47; 18:6; 19:5, 29; 20: 1, 9, 22 Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, 1(1):8; 1(3):7; 2(1):8; 3:44; 4:32; 5:1; 8:12; 17:32; 19:7 Contemporary China, 13:44; 14:24, 34, 44; 15:8, 21, 48; 16:10,43; 17:21,41; 18:10, 19; 19:8,13,24,33,42; 20:14 Liaison Committee on Study of Contemporary China, 20:10, 34 Subcommittee on Research on Chinese Society, 16:6, 16, 31,43; 17:4, 34,48; 18:8, 13, 20; 20:22, 52 Cross-Cultural Education, 6:3, 21, 52; 7:26; 8:7, 47; 10:7, 19; 12:40 Economic Growth, 3:7, 34; 4:8; 5:8, 20; 6:22, 53; 7:11, 32, 46; 8:8, 18,47; 9:42; 10:6,7,48; 11:6,36,50; 12:6,31,43; 13: 13, 44; 14: 13, 37, 45; 15:4, 48; 16: 16, 44; 17: 1, 20, 34, 43; 18:5; 19:8; 20:10 Economic History, 1(1)8; 1(2):6; 1(3):8; 1(4):9; 2(1):8; 2(2):7, 11; 2(3):8; 2(4):7; 3:7, 19, 23, 34, 45; 4:45 Economic Stability, 13:37; 15:4, 34; 16:37; 17:35; 18:36; 20:7 Economy of China, 16:29; 17:48; 19:34, 54; 20:22, 35 Exchanges with Asian Institutions, 16:16, 31; 17:21; 19:8, 24; 20:10 Exchanges with the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 17:5, 12 Exploratory Committee on a Records Management Center, 2(1):9 Faculty Research Fellowships, 4:6,33; 5:21; 6:24; 7:20; 8:20; 9:18; 10:21; 11:19; 12:17; 13:18; 14:6, 21; 15:6, 24; 16:8, 19, 45; 17:7, 49; 18:23 Faculty Research Grants [1951-52], 5:18; 6:27 Faculty Research Grants [1964-], 19: 11, 26, 55; 20:25 Family and Economic Behavior, 12:31; 13:5 Family Research, 2(2):7; 2(4): 1 Federal Government and Research, 1(1):8 Foreign Area Fellowship Program, 16: 1, 31; 17:23, 38; 18:8, 39; 19:8, 35; 20:36 Genetics and Behavior, 17:48; 18:20, 29 Government Records and Research, 1(2):7; 1(3):8 Government Statistics, 1(2):7 Governmental and Legal Processes, 19:9, 12; 20:10, 12, 22 Grants-in-Aid, 1(2):10; 2(2):11; 3:23; 4:23; 5:23; 6:27; 7:21; 8:21; 9:22; 10:25; 11:21; 12:20; 13:7, 21; 14:6, 21; 15:6, 25; 16:8, 20, 46; 17:8, 50; 18:24 Grants for Research on Governmental Affairs, 12:8; 13:8; 14:22; 15:26; 16:9, 21 ' Historical Analysis, 11:36,49; 12:25; 16:32 Historical Statistics, 10:49; 12:7; 13:6,34; 14:16 VOLUME






Historiography, 2(2):7; 3:7; 4:45; 8:8 History of Science, 10:13; 11:50; 13:34, 44; 14:1 Housing Research, 1(2):7; 1(3):8; 1(4):9; 2(1):9; 2(2):8; 2(4):4; 3:7, 19, 45; 4:33, 45; 5:8 Human Resources and Advanced Education, 17:32; 18:56; 19:9, 31 Human Resources and Advanced Training, 5: 1, 44; 6:36; 7:33; 8: 18, 45 Identification of Talent, 5:33, 45; 6:22, 33; 7:13 Intellective Processes Research, 13:44; 14:25; 15:22, 49; 16:32; 17:35; 18:20 International Conference Travel Grants, 11:51; 12:9, 23; 13:10; 14:9; 15:10,27; 16:11,46; 17:11, 23, 38, 50; 18:11, 27, 38 International Congresses in the United States, 18:8; 19:9 International Cooperation among Social Scientists, 3:45; 4:8, 18, 45; 5:9, 45; 6:9 International Exchange of Persons, 2(1):7; 3:19; 4:18, 42; 5:9; 6:10, 36; 8:8; 9:8, 24; 10:12, 19; 11:12; 13:6; 15:29 International Organization, 17:31; 18:25; 19: 12, 42; 20:10, 13, 35 International Relations Research, 2(4):8; 4:9 Social Science in Italy, 20:10, 35, 52 Labor Market Research, 1(1):8; 1(2):7; 1(3):8; 1(4):9; 2(1):9; 2(3):9; 2(4):8; 3:20; 4:9, 19, 33, 45; 5:9, 45; 6:22; 7:11, 47; 8:9; 10:8 Latin American Studies Uoint with ACLS], 13:31; 14:23; 15:8,37,41; 16:10, 14,33; 17:5, 10, 13,35; 18:10,26,49; 19:9, 13; 20:14, 23, 28, 52 Latin American Studies Uoint with ACLS and NRC], 1(3):9 Learning and the Educational Process, 17:49; 18:8, 21, 54, 56; 19:10, 24; 20:11, 17 Linguistics and Psychology, 7:11; 8:9, 29; 9:17; 10:8, 41; 12:7,31; 13:17; 14:18; 15:22 Mathematical Training of Social Scientists, 7:8, 23; 8:10, 48; 9:13, 23; 11:6, 9, 41, 44 Mathematics in Social Science Research, 12:32, 44; 13:18, 35; 15:37,52; 16:17,23,48; 17:22,36,52; 18:21,26 Measurement of Opinion, Attitudes and Consumer Wants, 1(2): 1; 1(3):9; 1(4):9; 2(1):9; 2(3):9; 3: 15; 8: 10 Migration Differentials, 5:9; 6:18; 10:8 National Security Policy Research, 10:17; 11:8,22,29; 12:8, 22; 13:4,44; 14:7; 15:7,26; 16:9,44; 17:9,36,45 Natural Science - Social Science Fellowship Board, 2(3): 12 Near and Middle East [1951-59], 5:9; 6:10, 23; 7:1; 10:19; 11:6, 24, 36, 51; 12:8; 13:9 Near and Middle East Uoint with ACLS], 13:45; 14:8; 15:9, 27,49; 16:11; 17:10; 18:11; 19:14; 20:15, 23, 28, 53 Organization for Research, 1(1):9; 1(3):9; 2(2):1; 2(4):8; 4:19 Pacific Coast Committee on Community Studies, 1(2):8; 2(2):8; 3:7, 20, 29; 4:19; 5:34 Paclfic Coast Committee on Labor MaThet Research, 1(3): 10; 2(1):9; 2(3):10; 2(4):8; 3:8, 29 Pacific Coast Committee on Old Age Research, 4:20, 26; 5:20, 45; 6:23; 7:33 Pacific Coast Committee on Price Policies, 1(4):10; 2(3):10; 3:8, 30, 45; 4:33 Pacific Coast Committee on Social Statistics, 2(1):10; 2(2):8; 2(3): 10; 3:21, 28; 4:20; 5: 10, 34, 45; 6:23, 53; 7:33; 9:9, 34; 10:49 Personality Development, 9: 10, 27 JUNE


Personality Development in Youth, 12:5, 27, 44; 13: 18, 28; 15:5, 32; 16:33 Political Behavior, 4:20; 5:10, 29, 37; 6:10, 23, 53; 7:47; 8:10; 9:10, 18, 25; 10:16, 26, 29; 11:8, 23, 38; 12:9, 21; 13:8,23,32; 14:5,7,23,32,42; 15:1,7, 10; 16:2,9,34,44; 17:8, 9, 50 Political Theory and Legal Philosophy Fellowships, 9:21; 10:24; 11:20, 37, 47; 12:19; 13:21; 14:22; 15:26; 16:20; 17:8; 18:24 Population Census Monographs, 13:45; 14:31; 15:5; 16:7; 20:11 Preservation and Use of Economic Data, 15:38; 16:45 Preventive Medicine and Social Science Research, 8: 10; 10:9; 12:32 Psychiatry and Social Science Research, 5:10; 6:37; 9:10, 37; 11:26 Public Library Inquiry, 1(2):5; 1(4):10; 2(1):10; 2(2):8; 3:8, 21 Research Training, 9:35, 48; 10:9,20,49,52; 11:4,6, 10, 16, 56; 12:1, 4, 10, 44 Scaling Theory and Methods, 5:46; 6:38; 8:10; 11:37 Simulation of Cognitive Processes, 12:11, 37; 13:18; 14:5; 16:7, 48; 17:22 Simulation of Psychological and Social Processes, 18:48; 19: 10, 25, 34, 54; 20: 11, 23 Slavic and East European Grants [1960-62], 14:45; 15:9; 16:17, 22 Slavic Studies, 2(1):10; 2(2):9; 2(4):9; 3:8, 22; 4:9, 21; 6:11, 29,38; 8:15; 9:36,40; 10:21,27; 11:7,23,38; 12:16,22, 33; 13:7, 9, 35, 46; 14:7, 18 Subcommittee on Grants for Slavic and East European Studies, 17:11; 18:26; 19:27; 20:27 Social Adjustment in Old Age, 1(2):8; 1(3):10; 2(1):10 Social Aspects of Atomic Energy, 1(1):9; 1(2):8 Social Behavior, 5:46; 6:11, 23, 38, 53; 7:11,47; 8:11 Social Implications of Atomic Energy and Technological Change, 3:31, 34; 4:10, 46; 5:20 Social Relations Aspects of International Tensions, 2(2):5; 4:21 Social Science Periodicals for Europe, 2(2):9; 2(4):9; 3:9 Social Science Personnel, 1(1):10; 1(2):9; 1(4):11; 2(1):11; 2(2):9; 2(3):10; 2(4):9; 3:10, 18, 22, 35, 46; 4:22, 34, 46; 5:21,35,47; 6:25; 7:20, 34; 8:20; 9:19; 10:21; 11:19; 12:17, 22; 13:18, 23; 14:19; 15:22; 16:18; 17:6; 18:22; 19:25; 20:24 Socialization and Social Structure, 15:5; 16:17; 18:1, 9; 19:17; 20:11, 35 Sociolinguistics, 17:29, 52; 18:22; 19:1; 20:12 Source Book of Historical Statistics, 1(1):9; 1(3):10; 1(4):10 Southern Asia, 3:35, 46; 4: 10; 5: 10, 34, 46; 6:24 Southern Regional, 1(2):8, 11 Survey of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 20:45 Techniques for Reducing Group Hostility, 1(1):9; 1(3):10 W. I. Thomas' Contributions to Social Science, 3:46; 5:11, 13 Transnational Social Psychology, 18:56; 19:34, 50; 20: 12, 36 Undergraduate Research Training, 7:8, 22; 8:11, 22, 25; 9:20, 35; 10:22, 23, 38; 11:20, 38 Urbanization, 12:45; 13:40; 19:45, 49 War Studies, 1(1):9; 1(2):9; 1(3): 10; 2(4): 10 Western Committee on Regional Economic Analysis, 6:54; 7:34 World Area Research, 1(1): 10; 1(2):9; 1(3): 11; 1(4): 10; 2(1): 1; 2(4): 10; 4: 10, 29; 5: 11, 35; 6:24


INTERUNIVERSITY SUMMER RESEARCH SEMINARS American Diplomatic History, 10:6 The Berkeley Seminar on Old Age Research, 4:26 Cognition and Perception of Persons, 9: 17; 10:2 Comparative Politics, 6:7, 45 Comparative Study of Political Leadership, 9: 17 Cultural Interchange, 6:7 The Dartmouth Conference on Learning Theory, 4:37 Differential Culture Change, 10:6; 11: 1 Economic Efficiency: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Application to Agricultural Problems, 4:39 Family Research, 6:7 Human Motivation, 9: 17 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars, 1951, 5:6 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars, 1952, 6:7 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars, 1955, 9:16 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars, 1956, 10:6 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars for Social Scientists, 4: 7 Kinship Research, 9:5 Leadership and Group Behavior, 6:8 Linguistics and Psychology, 5:6, 40; 8:30 Mathematical Models for Behavior Theory, 5:7, 32 Narrowing the Gap between Field Studies and Laboratory Experiments, 8:37 Occupational Choice, 8:42 Perception and Learning, 4: 18 Political Behavior Research, 5:7, 29, 37 Presidential Nominating Politics, 9: 16 Psycholinguistics, 8:30 Renewal of the Council's Interuniversity Summer Research Seminar Program, 8:4 Social Integration, 6:8 Source Materials for the Mathematical Training of Social Scientists, 6: 35 Status and Stratification, 5:7, 42 Theories of Economic Growth, 10:6 PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS Administration of Fellowships and Grants-in-Aid, 2(3):10 Area Research Training Feflowships and Travel Grants, 2(1):11; 2(3):11; 2(4):10; 3:10,23,35,46; 4:11, 22, 34, 46; 5:22, 35, 47; 6:25, 39, 54; 7:21 Auxiliary Research Awards, 13: 10, 16:22 Committees, 1(2):11; 1(4):11; 2(4):11; 3:35, 46; 4:11, 35, 47; 5:11, 23, 35,47; 6:39,54; 7:1>4; 8:35; 9:12,47; 10:11, 50; 11:11, 38, 52; 12:11, 45; 13:11, 47; 14:34, 46; 15:38, 50; 16:34; 17:37, 51; 18:57; 19:14; 20:15, 42, 54 Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, 2(4):11; 8:12; 14:47 Directors of the Council, 1(1):10; 1(2):11; 1(4):11; 2(1):11; 2(4):11; 3:9, 47; 4:11, 34; 5:11, 35; 6:12, 54; 7:12, M; 8:11, 34; 9:11,47; 10:9, 50; 11:7, 52; 12:8, 45; 13:7, 46; 14:5, 45; 15:5, 38; 16:7, 34; 17:5, 36; 18:9, 57; 19:11, 56; 20:12, 53 Economic History Fellowships, 2(2):11; 3:23 Faculty Research Fellowships, 4:33; 5:21; 6:24; 7:20; 8:20; 9:18; 10:21; 11:19; 12:17; 13:18; 14:6,21; 15:6, 24; 16:8, 19,45; 17:7,49; 18:23 Faculty Research Grants, 11 :22; 12:20; 13:8, 22; 19: 11, 26, 55; 20:25 Faculty Research Grants to Liberal Arts Colleges, 5:19; 6:27 First-Year Graduate Study Fellowships, 8: 11; 9:20; 10:22; 11:20, 38 Foreign Area Fellowships, 17:23, 38; 18:39; 19:35; 20:36 Fulbright Program, 4:42


Grants for African Studies, 15:8; 16:10, 21; 17:9; 18:10; 19:12, 42; 20:13 Grants-in-Aid, 1(2):10; 2(2):11; 3:23; 4:23; 5:23; 6:27; 7:21; 8:21; 9:22; 10:25; 11:21; 12:20; 13:7, 21; 14:6, 21; 15:6, 25; 16:8, 20, 46; 17:8, 50; 18:24 Grants for Asian Studies, 13:23; 14:8; 15:26; 16:21; 17:9; 18:25; 19:27; 20:26 Grants for Field Studies of Political Groups in Foreign Areas, 11:8; 12:9 Grants for Latin American Studies, 14:23; 15:8; 16: 10; 17:10; 18:10, 26; 19:13; 20:14, 28 Grants for Research on American Governmental Processes, 11:8, 38; 12:9, 21; 13:8, 23; and Legal Processes, 14:7; 15:7; 16:9; 17:8,50; 19:12; 20:12 Grants for Research on Contemporary China, 15:8; 16: 10; 17:21; 18:10; 19:13, 42; 20:14 . Grants for Research on History of American Military Policy, 9:11; 10:26; 11:22 Grants for Research on International Organization, 18:25; 19:12, 42; 20:13 Grants for Research on National Defense Problems, 11:8; 12:22; on National Security Policy, 14:7; 15:7, 26; 16:9; 17:9 Grants for Research on the Near and Middle East, 12:8; 13:9; 14:8; 15:9,27; 16:11; 17:10; 18:11; 19:14; 20:15,28 Grants for Research on State Politics, 10:26; 11:23; 12:21 Grants for Slavic and East European Studies, 10:27; 11:23; 12:22; 13:9; 14:7; 15:9; 16:22; 17:11; 18:26; 19:27; 20:27 International Conference Travel Grants, 11:51; 12:9, 23; 13: 10; 14:9; 15: 10, 27; 16: 11, 46; 17: 11, 23, 38, 50; 18: 11, 27, 38 Joint Fellowships in Natural and Social Sciences, 2(3):12 Officers and Staff of the Council, 2(2):9; 2(3):10, 12; 3:47; 4:34,47; 5:11, 35, 48; 6:54; 7:34; 8:34; 9:47; 10:50; 11:52; 12:33, 45; 13:46; 14:23, 35, 45; 15:38; 16:34; 17:36, 37; 18:57; 19:43, 56; 20:24, 53 Pacific Coast Representative, 1(1): 11 Political Theory and Legal Philosophy Fellowships, 9:21; 10:24; 11 :20; 12: 19; 13:21; 14:22; 15:26; 16:20; 17:8; 18:24 President of the Council, 2(2):9 Research Training Fellowships, 1(1): 10; 1(2):9; 1(4): 11; 2(1);11; 2(2):9; 2(3):10; 3:10,22,35,46; 4:22, 34,46; 5:21, 35, 47; 6:25; 7:20, 34; 8:20; 9:19; 10:21; 11:19; 12:17; 13:18; 14:19; 15:22; 16:18; 17:6; 18:22; 19:25; 20:24 Senior Awards for Research on Governmental Affairs, 12:8; 13:8; 14:22; 15:26; 16:9,21; 17:9 Southern Grants-in-Aid, 1(2): 11 Summer Grants for Field Training in Social Anthropology, 12:22; 13:23 Summer Institutes in Mathematics, 7:23; 9:23; 11:9; 16:23; 17:22; 18:26 Summer Research Training Institutes, 10:9; 11:10; 12:10, 11; 14:23; 15:10; 16:23; 17:22; 18:26 Undergraduate Research Stipends, 7:22; 8:22; 9:20, 35; 10:23, 38 Washington Office of the Council, 20:24, 44 ANNOUNCEMENTS Address List of Present Fellows and Grantees, 7:36 Area Research Training Fellowships and Travel Grants, 2(1):12 Auxiliary Research Awards, 12:24; 15:40 Commission on Human Resources and Advanced Education, 17:32 Directory of Council Fellows, 4:48 Economic History Fellowships, 1(4):12; 2(4):12 Exchanges with the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 17:12 Faculty Research Fellowships, 4:6; 8:36 VOLUME






Faculty Research Grants, 10:40; 12:24; 18:36 Faculty Research Grants. to Liberal Arts ~ollege~, 5:18 Fellowships for CompletIon of Doctoral DIssertatIons, 11 :53 Fellowships and Grants, 3:24, 48; 4:24, 36; 5:24, 36; 6:40, 56; 7:19,36; 8:36; 10:39; 11:32; 12:35; 13:33,36,48; 14:36, 48; 15:39; 16:36; 17:40; 18:48; 19:44; 20:44 Fellowships in Political Theory and Legal Philosophy, 8:36 Ford Foundation Grant to the Council, 11:53 Foreign Area Training Fellowship Program Transferred, 16: 1 Fulbright Programs, 5:24 6:40; 7:24; 9:24; 10:12; 11:12; 12:12; 15:12, 28; 16:12,24; 17:28 Grants-in-Aid, 1(4): 12; 2(4):11; 12:24 Grants for Asian Studies, 13: 12 Grants for Intensive Study of Computer Simulation Programs, 18:48 Grants for Latin American Studies, 13:31 Grants for Research on Africa, 14:24 Grants for Research on American Governmental and Legal Processes, 13:32 Grants for Research on Contemforary China, 14:24 Grants for Research on History 0 American Military Policy, 8:13, 36 Grants for Research on National Security Policy, 13:4; 15:40 Grants for Research on the Near and Middle East, 11 :24 Grants for Slavic and East European Studies, 9:36 Institute in Mathematics, 7:8; 8:36 International Conference Travel Grants, 11:40, 53; 13:12 International Congresses in the United States, 12:36 Interuniversity Summer Research Seminars, 4:7, 36; 5:6; 6:7; 8:4, 36 Joint Fellowships in the Natural and Social Sciences, 1(4): 12; 2(4): 11 New Council Offices, 12:33 Research on the Economy of China, 15:45

Research on International Organization, 17:~1 Research Seminar on Sociolinguistics, 17:52 Rockefeller Foundation Capital Grant, 17:4 Senior Research Program in Governmental Affairs, 11:24 Slavic and East European Studies Travel Grants for International Conferences, 12: 12 Summer Grants for Field Training in Social Anthropology, 12:12, 48 Summer Research Training Institutes, 8:17, 36, 52; 9:48; 10:39, 52; 11:32, 56; 14:32; 15:52; 16:48; 17:52 Undergraduate Research Stipends, 7:8, 48; 8:36 U. S. Book Exchange, Inc., 3:10 PUBLICATIONS Books and Miscellaneous Reports, 1(2):12; 1(3):11; 2(1):1l; 2(2): 12; 2(3): 12; 2(4): 12; 3: 11, 36, 47; 4: 12, 24, 35, 48; 5:12; 8:24, 36, 49; 9:12, 36; 10:12, 28; 11:12, 55; 12:35, 47; 13:48; 14:12, 35, 47; 15:12, 28; 16:24, 35, 47; 17:28, 39, 51; 18:12, 46, 59; 19:14, 28, 43, 56; 20:16, 28, 43, 56 Census Monographs, 9:24, 36; 10:12, 28, 40, 51; 11:11, 39, 55; 12: 11, 24, 34, 47; 13: 11, 24, 35 Council Bulletins, Monographs, and Pamphlets, 1(1):12; 1(2):12; 1(3):11; 1(4):12; 2(1):12; 2(2):12; 2(3):12; 2(4):12; 3:11, 36,47; 4:12, 24, 35, 36,47,48; 5:12,24, 36, 48; 6:12,28,39,40,55; 7:12, 35; 8:12,24,35,49; 9:12, 24, 36; 10:11, 27, 40, 51; 11:11, 39, 55; 12:24, 34, 46; 13:12, 24,35,48; 14:11,35,47; 15:11,27; 16:24,35,47 Cross-Cultural Education Monographs, 10:12, 28, 40, 51; 11:12,39,55; 12:34,47; 14:12,35,48; 15:12, 28 Directory of Fellows, 6:12, 28, 40, 55; 7:12 Memoranda, 3: 11, 36, 48; 4:48 Public Administration Pamphlets, 1(3): 11 Public Administration Reports, 1(2):12 Social Securi ty Publications, 1(3): 12





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