Spirit Magazine 2018

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Dear Friends, While it is easy to find articles on the importance of play for child development, the topic of play and its importance in adulthood is less frequently emphasized. The old saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is an old and wise maxim. What does play in adulthood create? The list of benefits is long. Here are a few: social interaction and stimulation, stress reduction, creativity, renewed energy, insights, and most importantly, increased brain function. The key to a happy and healthy lifestyle is BALANCE. The first paragraph of the SSMO Constitutions states: “Our foundresses lived out their desire to become women of prayer, community, and service.” We are all called to foster and develop those aspects of our lives in a balanced manner. A few suggestions are included here: Prayer • Have a playful conversation with God. • Take a walk in a quiet and beautiful location and enjoy God’s creation. Community/Family (We are all part of some type of family.) • Plan a family game night. • Plan an outing – getting all involved – and then go! Service/Ministry/Work • Share the task and give credit where credit is due. • Take breaks to enjoy co-workers and to decompress. Remember, “Laughter is the best medicine.” And there is scientific data to prove it! So, enjoy your prayer time, your family time, and your ministry/work time with as much play and laughter as you can create!

– Sister Charlene Herinckx ‘66 Superior General, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon



“Batter up!” “Let’s start with that C chord again.” “Swish!” “BINGO!” “Can you ride your bike to the park with me?” “I think it’s Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the library!” These phrases from my childhood bring back such fond memories. And, as I recall fun times on the field, at church practicing with the “folk group,” on the basketball court, in the parish hall, on my Schwinn bicycle and on the living room floor with siblings, I now know that these experiences of play taught me some fantastic lessons. Whether it was teamwork or sportsmanship or eye-hand coordination or problem-solving or being of service, playing has been an important element of my development from infancy through adulthood. Our Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus offers similar opportunities daily for those who live, study, rehabilitate, teach and serve here. We are musicians and ball-players! We are individuals striving to reclaim motion temporarily lost due to a stroke! We are Sisters in community, enjoying an afternoon recreation! We are VALIANTS! We are God’s creations learning how to be our best selves, developing our unique gifts! Let’s play!

– Sister Adele Marie Altenhofen President, SSMO Ministries Corporation



Play 4



Sisters at Play  6

Playing for a Cause  19

Valiants at Play  8

Alumni Notes  20

Violinists at Play  12

The Plays  25

Charisma Dance  14

History of Hoops  26

Memory at Play  16

History of Music  27

Play as Therapy  18 sisters of st. mary of oregon

Questions, comments or address changes:

ministries corporation

Sister Adele Marie Altenhofen, President sisters of st. mary of oregon Sister Charlene Herinckx ’66, Superior General

Editor: Stacy Kean, APR Photographers/Videographers: Alysha Beck, Will Campbell, Lizette Santiago Contributors: Dr. Alison Balbag, Liz Kiefer McDevitt ‘11, Lizette Santiago The award-winning Spirit magazine is published by the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries. All rights reserved.



ssmo ministries corporation

4440 SW 148th Avenue | Beaverton, OR 97078 503-644-9181 | spirit@ssmoministries.org

Cover: Students and Sisters at play characterize the vibrant community on the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus. Clockwise from left are Sister Charlene Herinckx, Sister Alexa Rebecca Weight, Ashley Chu, Samantha Taylor, Sister Marie Bernadette George and Trey Eberhart. Pictured above: Kayla Robbins, Sister Patricia Marie Landin and Adriana Blas-Arellano. Back cover: Members of the Valley Catholic High School choir and Maryville resident Marie Fitzgerald with a Valley Catholic Early Learning School student.

Sisters at Play

In addition to game days, competitive rounds of bocce ball, and card games, the Sisters also play music together. A number of the Sisters are involved in the Sisters’ choir. Sister Marcella Parrish, a member of the Sisters’ choir says, “When I was a child, a teacher told me that ‘singing is twice praying.’ I love to sing and choir is a prayerful way for me to enjoy singing. I enjoy the company of the other Sisters in choir and our participation is a gift to the other Sisters at prayer.” Sister Marie Bernadette echoes Sister Marcella’s sentiments, “The singing brings joy to my



heart. It was St. Augustine who said, ‘he who sings, prays twice.’ Many of the songs we sing are joyful. When we play music together, we have a lot of fun. Sometimes when we sing, I catch Sister Colleen’s eye and we smile and laugh.” For her part, Sister Colleen says, “I have been involved with choirs since I was a teenager so I was very eager to join in the Sisters’ choir when I entered.  I like to add a little tambourine or other percussion in the mix when I can, and some might notice a little dancing going on up in the choir loft.  What better way to praise God!”

Above: Members of the Sisters’ choir are (left to right, back row) Sister Juliana Monti, Sister Denise Klaas, Sister Rita Rose Stohosky, Sister Colleen Schmitt, Sister Ellen Therese Berger, Sister Marcella Parrish, Sister M. John Therese Miller, (front row) Sister Marie Bernadette George, Sister Julie Doan, and Sister Anna Nguyen. Left: Sister M.John Therese Miller is an accomplished harp player who has played since she was a freshman in high school.

“The children I taught for 48 years showed me the value of play. Experiencing the smiles and laughter of the little ones made me feel light hearted and refreshed. I enjoyed play activities such as skiing and swimming. I feel play has contributed to my present health, for I am still active at age 82.” – SR. RITA ROSE STOHOSKY PICTURED WITH SR. PATRICIA MARIE LANDIN

“Laughter and play are good for the heart. Having fun is important to building community.” – SR. ALEXA REBECCA WEIGHT

“Play brings joy and relaxation. You have to have fun in life. Play is a wonderful way of connecting with others.” – SR. BARBARA ROSE SOHLER



Valiants at Play

The 2018 Oregonian Cup is Valley Catholic’s fifth cup in seven years. Pictured are high school students (left to right, back row) Will French, George Eisenhardt, Peter Boileau, Quinn Schroeder, (front row) Callie Kawaguchi, Ashley Chu, Hannah Johnson, and Annmarie Gallardo.



A Valiant Victory: Oregonian Cup “It starts with the Sisters – their hisIn 2017-2018, Valley Catholic tory here, their support, their prayers, earned its fifth Oregonian Cup in the their traditions,” said Joel Sobotka, Val- past seven years. This was cause for ley Catholic athletic director and head great celebration at the beginning of boys’ basketball coach. this academic year. The Oregonian To someone on the outside of the Cup was presented at an all-school asValley Catholic community, it may sembly in September, demonstrating seem odd to mention the Sisters of St. the award’s campus-wide significance. Mary of Oregon in connection with the The celebration was not limited to Oregonian Cup. This award is granted just athletes or the high school. by the Oregon School Activities Associ“The ‘team’ is so much more than ation (OSAA) based on a point system the athletes. It’s the Sisters cheering us that incorporates activities, athletics, ac- on and the blessing of what they have ademic achievement and sportsmanship. built here. It is the excellence in acaThe Oregonian Cup may be per- demics and activities. It is the parents ceived by some people as an award just and teachers supporting the kids. It’s based on sports performance, but it is the elementary and middle school kids much more. The award is a symbol of that are learning and developing their the “Be Valiant” ethos that permeates the skills and looking up to the high school Valley Catholic community as a whole. kids on a game night. It’s the alumThe core values of the Sisters of St. ni, family, and friends who travel for Mary of Oregon (SSMO) which infuse games and cheer the athletes on,” said Valley Catholic culture are, “Live Val- Joel Sobotka, reflecting on the Oregoiantly, Strive for Excellence, Hon- nian Cup honor. “Everybody is here or the Unique Gifts of Each Person for each other.” and Celebrate God and Life.”



Valiants at Play Athletics

Excellence in Everything. Acad e m i cs




Opportunity for Everyone. Sportsmanship



Violinists at Play

Sister Denise Starts Fourth Grade Students on a Music-Making Journey “In sharing the love of God and sharing the love of music, I might just go a bit overboard!” Sister Denise Klaas says in her office, just after a new group of fourth grade students have left the music room. It is mid-September and the fourth grade violin class is just starting to get to know their instruments. Sister Denise says that fourth grade is a special time in a child’s development to acquaint them with music and challenge them to learn a new skill. Sister Denise says the students are, “…energetic, willing to try new things. They are eager, and that makes them easier to teach than older kids or adults. They are still pliable.”



All fourth graders at Valley Catholic take violin lessons with Sister Denise. This opportunity allows students to learn about music and opens the door to participation in other music groups as they move through middle school, high school and beyond. They learn responsibility through having to take care of their own instrument, and they are challenged to work together and perform for an audience. “I love to see the joy on their faces when they are successful and it is a wonderful accomplishment. I see their progress in performances and the parents see it too,” says Sister Denise. Sister Denise has been teaching music for 28 years,

and doesn’t anticipate slowing down, “This is my ministry: to bring the love of God in the ministry of music. I’m just praising God every time I teach.” One of her students was Paul Caballero, who has taught Math and English at Valley Catholic Middle School for the past five years. “I remember when I came back to campus as a new teacher and Sister Denise recognized me right away, even though I hadn’t seen her in years, and she said, ‘Hi, Paul, what are you doing here?’” he recalled with a smile. Paul remembers that he and his classmates looked forward to being in the fourth grade violin class, “We were very excited. It was a big thing, to get your own violin. I remember violin class was awesome… she taught traditional songs and hymns, but also fun and goofy songs, such as ‘Who Stole the Cookie?’ and ‘Fifty Nifty United States.’ I still remember that!” After Paul graduated from Valley Catholic High School he went to Gonzaga University. It was at Gonzaga that the advantages he gleaned from his fourth grade violin class became apparent. He recalls, “I took a classical music class, and I already knew a lot about classical music from Sister Denise. I also took guitar as an elective, and it was easier for me than for some of my

classmates, because I knew how to read music.” Now Paul and Sister Denise are colleagues at Valley Catholic, and Paul says, “It’s comforting to see her around, because I grew up with her and she seems to be loving teaching as much as ever.”

Opposite: Sister Denise Klaas teaches Valley Catholic fourth-graders the basics of how to play the violin. Left: Valley Catholic fourthgrade students repetitively practice holding their violins in the correct positions. Above: Fourth-grader Anushka Nishar plays a piece on violin.



Charisma Dance The Perfect Season Charisma’s performance of their routine, “The Night Orchestra,” earned first-place at the 2018 Oregon School Activities Association 4A State Championships. Charisma completed their season with first-place wins at each event in which they competed in 2018. “No matter how many times we win, it brings back the emotions from the first win,” said head coach and choreographer, Jessica Anderson. “I couldn’t have asked for a better team this year. They’re such hard workers.”

Photos courtesy Charles Chu

Memory at Play “What Dr. Alison Balbag might not have predicted as a fifth grader, is how her choice to learn the harp would eventually intersect with her burgeoning interest in health, and how this intersection would lead to groundbreaking and life-changing research.”

It started with a mint green flier. Alison, a fifth grad- recent harp performance and played it for him when er, received the flier from Sr. Juliana. The Music School he was in intensive care. The music seemed to have had a special offer open to all fifth graders to learn the a healing effect. Her grandfather recovered and went harp at a reduced fee. on to live for another five years. An intriguing fact that “I knew that a chance to learn the harp was a rare Alison learned about her grandfather at this time was opportunity. I’ve always been very grateful for all of the that he started taking piano and ukulele lessons before support from the Sisters, my family, and the communi- he fell ill. ty which contributed to the education I received at St. “His path to recovery through music inspired me to Mary of the Valley and Valley Catholic,” Alison recalls. pursue my interest in the music-health connection. I What Dr. Alison Balbag might not have predicted then went on to my second doctorate in Gerontology.” as a fifth grader is how her choice to learn the harp Alison explains that gerontology is the study of agwould eventually intersect with her burgeoning inter- ing across the entire lifespan, “pre-womb to tomb” or est in health, and how this intersection would lead to lifespan development. groundbreaking and life-changing research. Her research investigates music’s influence on Alison graduated from Valley Catholic. Her music health and development at all ages across the lifespan. interest and harp skills now deeply rooted, she went on What she discovered was profound: music has preto earn her doctorate in Harp Performance and plays ventative and protective effects throughout the lifespan. the harp professionally. Her research has found that musicians have a signifiAnother turning point came when Alison’s grand- cantly reduced likelihood of developing dementia or father fell gravely ill. Alison brought a recording of a cognitive impairment compared to non-musicians



(“Playing a musical instrument as a protective factor against dementia and cognitive impairment: A population-based twin study.” Alison Balbag et al.  International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2014). Much of music making’s power derives from the demand on the brain. The brain power required to make music taps into both hemispheres of the brain, as Alison explains, “Music is very multimodal – for example, along with creativity and expression there is math and sequence recognition, there is auditory learning happening in conjunction with kinesthetic learning, as well as problem-solving and memory. And in ensembles, there’s also social engagement. What’s particularly noteworthy is that the music skillset can transfer and benefit non-musical areas of our lives.” And, as she maintained in her interview with National Geographic in 2014, “Playing music may be an efficient way to stimulate the brain, she says, cutting across a broad swath of its regions and cognitive functions and with ripple effects through the decades.” (National Geographic, January, 2014 “Your Aging Brain Will Be in Better Shape If You’ve Taken Music Lessons” by Diane Cole) Another fascinating aspect of music memory is that it is spared even in dementia. The most powerful music memory is formed during a critical time in development, the late teens and early twenties. If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t find your keys, but you still remember all the lyrics to a special song at your homecoming dance…it’s your brain music memory. These music memories have a demonstrated ripple effect for patients who have dementia. When memorable music from a person’s teens and early twenties is played, it activates other memories, and reduces agitation and depression in dementia patients. Her quest for empirical scientific knowledge about the many benefits of music is part of a larger passion to reframe music and arts education as critical to a preventive health strategy. She is a teacher and a passionate advocate for music education and the arts. “We were very fortunate to have such a strong music education program at Valley Catholic. Exposure to different forms of music-making is important, and Valley was unique in that music education was a core component of the daily curriculum.”



In September of this year, Alison came back to where it all began. Now a double doctor, “Dr. Dr.” Balbag is a professor at the University of Southern California and a professional harpist. She was back on the Valley Catholic campus to speak as part of the Bethany Center series for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Sr. Juliana, who had given her the mint green flier when she was in fifth grade, introduced her. Alison shared with the Sisters and guests the findings of her research and even played a song on the harp. She also engaged the Sisters in a fun music-making exercise at the end of her talk. “I was helping Sr. John Therese, who was my wonderful harp teacher, take the harp back to the Music School, and it was great to be back in a place that was extremely influential to my path. It’s always wonderful to see the Sisters and to keep learning from them. I feel very blessed and am forever thankful for my St. Mary’s and Valley Catholic education.”

Play as Therapy Noodle Duels Build Strength Ever y Thursday at 11:00 a.m., residents at Maryville gather inside the activities room for “Noodle Duels.” Many residents shared that this is their favorite activity of the day. “Noodle Duels is a game I came up with during my first role as an activities coordinator at a previous memory care facility,” says Kyah Felds, Maryville’s Activities Director since spring, 2018.  “I found that residents would often sleep through most group activities, mostly due to cognitive impairment or the results of normal aging,” says Kyah, “but I did notice the residents responded actively to whacking a beach ball around with a pool noodle.”  The Noodle Duels game is great for improving hand-eye coordination, motor skills and exercising. The residents form a circle and each person has a pool noodle and there are two beach balls placed in the center of the residents’ circle. When the game begins, the instructor scatters the beach balls and the residents gleefully begin whacking the balls to opposite sides.   “It’s good exercise and it gives me something fun to do,” says Diane, a resident at Maryville. “It keeps me out of my room. It’s my favorite activity!” Activities Assistant Missy Billings says Noodle Duels is the highlight of the day for most residents. “They love whacking the beach balls. Sometimes the residents get competitive with each other.” “It is fun, comedic, engaging, and it’s an easy way for them to get exercise without feeling like exercise,” says Kyah. “Residents really enjoy Noodle Duels because it speaks to their inner child and brings some joy and laughter to their day in a very simple way.”



Playing for a Cause

Whole in One Golf Tournament One of the best “let’s play” days of the whole year, for the whole Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus is… The Whole in One Golf Tournament. On a spectacular sunny September day, supporters, friends, teachers, staff, alumni and Sisters (and even a Mayor – Beaverton’s own Denny Doyle) came together at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club for the annual tournament. The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation team makes the tournament an exceptional event which brings together all entities on the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus. Friends and supporters of Valley Catholic, Maryville and the Sisters join together in a fun day of fellowship, golf, and many smiles. Raquel Apodaca is a Valley Catholic parent, SSMO Foundation Board Director and an enthusiastic golf tournament volunteer. “It is a big event and I thought it was an important event to support as a board director, so a couple of years ago I volunteered to sell raffle tickets. I’ve sold raffle tickets for a few years and people know



me. It is great because I get to be a representative of Valley Catholic and meet other parents and alumni and it is fun to see them come back year after year.” Raquel’s daughters attend Valley Catholic, and she says, “I believe they are getting an amazing education. Valley Catholic has wonderful, passionate teachers; the schools are ethnically diverse; and the students have a foundation on which to build a future of being supportive of their community and each other.” Greg Gilbert’s company, Independent Dispatch, Inc. (IDI), was the presenting sponsor for the third year in a row. “I’m supportive of the whole community, Valley Catholic, Maryville and the Sisters. It is such an embracing community. At the school there truly is opportunity for everyone. A kid will have a chance to try many things - they can pursue sports and be in a play. They will get a chance to thrive.” Greg and his wife Stephanie are Valley Catholic parents. This year’s Whole in One Golf Tournament welcomed 120 golfers and continued the tradition of being one of the best days of the whole year for the whole Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus.

Alumni Notes

Lieutenant Alexander Kinney, ‘06, recently graduated from the Navy’s Submarine Officer Advanced Course (SOAC), in Groton, Connecticut. The advanced training is a six month course, and Alex finished first in his class. He has now transferred back to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where he serves as the Weapons Officer aboard the USS Chicago, which is a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine.

Jami Cheng ‘11 married Samuel Lyman Trumbo on June 29, 2018 in Marriottsville, Maryland. They met through church and served together on mission trips to Peru through Grace Life Church.

Hollynd Boyden ‘13, received a Fulbright Fellowship to serve as an English Teaching Assistant in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico for the 20182019 school year. Each week, she assists in eight different classrooms and conducts daily conversation clubs for students at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco. Beginning in October, Hollynd will be working as a volunteer in the community for the side project associated with her fellowship. She is interested in working with public health programs that address both nutrition and maternal health for the people living in Villahermosa. The primary goal of the Fulbright Fellowship is to share her culture and learn about Mexican culture and help promote a mutual understanding between our two countries in the world today. Hollynd travels on the weekends to explore the diverse and beautiful aspects of Mexico. She will be living in Villahermosa until the beginning of June 2019.




Classmates Erin Gibbs ‘11, Anna Harris ‘11, and Austin Lundin ‘11 took part in the 37th annual Hood to Coast relay race in August. Stretching approximately 200 miles, it is one of the longest and largest relay races in the world. These alumnae have participated in the relay several years in a row. Gibbs shared, “It is a continuation of the passion for fitness that was nurtured during our time at Valley.”




Melissa Haines Carlston ‘11 married Nick Carlston in Hillsboro, Oregon on August 8, 2018. Their wedding party included VC alumnus, Tom Haines ‘09. Melissa and Nick met at a Hillsboro Hops baseball game three years ago. They sat near each other in the stands several times in a row before striking up a conversation and “the rest is history.” They were engaged at Disney World last year during a hurricane.

Lily D’Amico ‘12, in partnership with her fiancé, launched a backpacking brand that specializes in multipurpose backpacking items. The first Pac Back product, Trio, is a patent pending backpacking mattress pad that can also serve as a chair and pillow. It can be found online at pacbackgear.com and it will be in stock at Next Adventure in Portland starting in October 2018. Lily remarked, “Special thanks to all of my teachers who provided me with an educational foundation to make this possible! Go Valiants!”

Alumni Notes Liam Walsh ‘14 and Hannah Wilson Walsh ‘14 were married on August 11th, 2018. Liam and Hannah met in high school. Their bridal party was full of siblings and friends who all attended Valley Catholic High School as well. Pictured left to right: Becca Gould ‘14, Caitlin Rossetti Walsh ‘07, Caitlin Walsh Reed ‘05, Samantha Wilson ‘16, Carter Buuck ‘14, Conor Walsh ‘10, Sean Walsh ‘07, and Sam Teague ‘14.

Tom Rogers ‘09 and his wife, Jucel, welcomed their first child Ophelia Charlotte Erroba Rogers on September 22, 2018. Tom is currently working on a comic book series, “Herald: Lovecraft and Tesla”, as well as other art endeavors. Jucel works at Women’s Healthcare Associates as a patient services representative.

Kohler Johnson ‘04 and friends climbed Mt. Hood on April 30th.



Alumni Baby Liliana just couldn’t wait to meet her parents, Robin and Angela Burghard Smeulders ‘06, and big sister, Rosalie (age 2 1/2). Liliana was born on August 9, 2018 while speeding down the Autobahn on the way to the hospital from the family’s home in Germany.

Notes Debbie Buckley Convery ‘89 moved back to Oregon with her family in the summer of 2016 to work for her dream company – Nike. Debbie has been away for over 20 years living in New York, Seattle and Luxembourg. She has loved exploring all of the new experiences Portland has to offer with her family. This area brings back many great memories of growing up and her time at SMV! On August 24th Stephanie Haugen ‘08 married Brian Harris at St. Mary’s by the Sea in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. Several VCHS alumni were in attendance and part of the wedding party including Andy Haugen ‘07, Liska Yamada ‘08, Allie (Low) Gardunia ‘08, Lani Nguyen ‘08, Dana Pauwels ‘08.



Save the Date

valley catholic school


The Plays Valley Catholic’s Drama Department produces two major shows each year. Productions in Spring and Fall of 2018:


“Valley Catholic’s drama program is focused on giving students a positive experience in which they appreciate the work that goes into creating a theatrical production. Other wonderful benefits arise from this experience: confidence, camaraderie, dedication, and growth in performance or technical skills. Our program is unique in that we, like athletics, have a no-cut policy for

Photos courtesy Scott Cary

students who audition. That means that we find a role for every student who wants to be involved in the play. This allows students to learn from each other, commit to their role and their cast mates, and develop


dynamic performances on stage, no matter how experienced they are. The biggest rewards for me as a director are seeing the students become better and more confident in their performances (on stage or on tech crew), and even more so to see them come together as an ensemble—a little family that forms

Photos courtesy Scott Cary

and bonds with each other for each production. We are blessed to have such a thriving drama program here at Valley.” – Ginnie Sutfin Fine Arts Department Chair



History A Look Back of the Girls’ Basketball Teams of 1935, 1946 and 1955, show a Valiant Tradition It is said that Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels. As we look back at some of the “uniforms” of the St. Mary of the Valley girls’ basketball teams of the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s, their hoops skills seem that much more impressive.

of Hoops

Mother Seraphim Theisen

Sr. Juliana(left) & Sr. M. John Therese in the 1960s.

History of Music

The tradition of “Let’s Play” music began more for your entire life,” said Sister Juliana. than 100 years ago. In 1893, a music studio was in“Music and the arts are essential to the education cluded in the construction of the Sisters’ first Mother- of the entire person. It is very special that our former house in Beaverton. It was Mother Seraphim Theisen students’ lives are enriched by the Fine Arts, and that who established the Music Conservatory when the cur- many also use their musical gifts in worship and praise,” rent Motherhouse was constructed in the 1930s. Those said Sister M. John Therese. rooms ring with music to this day. Sister Juliana, who leads the Music School today, Through the Sisters’ efforts, many generations of speaks with enthusiasm about the variety of students students have gained an appreciation for music, learned and teachers now active in the school, “We have great to be skillful musicians and enriched the lives of their teachers, and Valley Catholic Music School provides communities through musical performance. music education to children and adults. We teach fiveTwo Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Sister Juliana year-olds and we have had 72-year-old students.” Monti and Sister M. John Therese Miller, have held Sister Juliana adds, “We are especially proud of the various administrative and teaching roles in music ed- fact that we have produced at least two students with ucation over the past five decades. They have worked Doctorates in Music, one of whom is Yayoi Uno Everett in the Music School and helped establish and promote who lives in Chicago and teaches at the University of music education across all academic levels at Valley Illinois.  Yayoi was a student of Sister Catherine Hertel.  Catholic School. The second was just here as a speaker for Bethany CenThey recall the evolution of many music education ter.  Her name is Alison Balbag. She has two doctorates offerings, recitals, and trips to Disneyland, San Fran- and is on the staff of University of Southern California.  cisco, Vancouver, B.C., and Hawaii with choirs and or- She spoke on the healing power of music.” (see page 16) chestras over the years. While the Music School has a remarkable past, Both Sister Juliana and Sister M. John Therese be- Sister Juliana also imagines what great possibilities lie lieve in the lasting impact of a music education. ahead. Whatever the future may hold, there will be a “Students gain an appreciation for music, and when continuing tradition of music, thanks to the legacy of they perform in public it builds confidence. Music is the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon’s dedication and spirit. something that can bring you relaxation and enjoyment



4440 SW 148th Avenue Beaverton, OR 97078 ssmoministries.org



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