Sarasota, 941-343-2315. Avant
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Cashmere, Wool
Written by Dylan Campbell, Barbie Heit and Jacob Ogles. Photography by Wyatt Kostygan and Wes Roberts.
Cover: A progressivevegandinner with offerings from O&A Coffee Supply, Summer Tap Juice Bar, Green Zebra Café, Ka Papa and Lila, photography by Wyatt Kostygan. This page top to bottom: Open Neck Pullover in Coastal, and Ribbed Funnel Neck in Dark Hollyhock, Style, John Blvd, Toi di in and
Colore Vori Stramati
Contents September 2022 trendsport 22 WE DON’T HAVE A CRYSTAL BALL, but we do have the inside scoop on what’s shining under the SRQ spotlight. Here’s a close-up look at the most recent bank buyouts and mergers, the newest and hottest spots to hit the lively restaurant scene and the final farewell to our beloved Hyatt Regency. So grab a slice of vegan lasagna and a creamy, frozen shaved snow treat for dessert while you visit with some of the city’s most famous icons, take a stroll along The Bay and get a good look at where we are headed this season.

rocketkids 76 From the classroom to the real world, local teens with outstanding leadership qualities take the spotlight. givingcoast 93 Executive Director of Teen Court Sarasota, Heather Todd inspires, encourages and edu cates young people to be the best that they can be every day.
srqist 10
September 2022 ELITE TOP ATTORNEYS LEGAL GUIDE 2022 HONOREES Meet the honorees nominated by their peers to be recognized in SRQ Magazine’s Elite Top Attorneys Peer Review program. This page clockwise: Bill Waddill, chief operating officer for The Bay Park Conservancy, at the newly opened kayak launch platform, photo by Wes Roberts. The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature hosts students at a fossil dig in the Nebraska Badlands. Shrimp linguine from Café L’Europe, photo by Wyatt Kostygan.
Sarasota raised and Los Angeles based artist Christian Sampson, who specializes in color-light pro jection, is never too far from home with his permanent exhibit “Vita in Motu” at the Ringling/SAM. forage 71 Sarasota staple Cafe L’Europe seeks a special balance as it heads into a new era.
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The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature partnered with the Toomey Foundation for the Natural Sciences to create a week-long fossil-digging expedition in the Nebraska Badlands for Manatee County students. Luke McFatrich, founder of Dingbat Theatre Project, made theater accessible during the height of inaccessibility throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. culture city 15

The magazine in your hands offers enormous insight into our community, but the most informed in our community follow our constant coverage of Sarasota and the Bradenton Area in SRQ Daily. The electronic newsletter is a must-read in thousands of inboxes. Check our special editions: the Monday Business Edition, the Wednesday Philanthropy Edition, the Friday Weekend Edition and the much-discussed Saturday Perspectives Edition, featuring a diverse range of opinions from the region’s top pundits and newsmakers. SIGN UP ONLINE AT SRQMAG.COM/SRQDAILY ORIGINS OF “SRQ”
The “SRQ” in SRQ magazine originates from the designated call letters for the local Sarasota Bradenton International Airport. “SR” was the original abbreviation for the airport before the growth in total number of airports required the use of a three-letter code. Letters like “X” and “Q” were used as filler, thus the original “SR” was revised to “SRQ,” much as the Los Angeles airport became “LAX.” As a regional publication committed to the residents of and visitors to both Sarasota and Manatee counties, SRQ captures the place that we call home.
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EDITORIAL INTERN Dylan Campbell SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRINT AND DIGITAL EDITION Join our readers in the pleasurable experience of receiving SRQ magazine in your mailbox every month during season and bimonthly during the summer. To reserve your subscription, provide your information and payment online. You can set up multiple addresses, renewals and special instructions directly through your online account. When you subscribe online, your first print issue will arrive in your mailbox in 6-10 weeks. Subscribe online at SRQMAG.COM/SUBSCRIBE. Contact us via email at subscribe@srqme.com Vol. 25, Issue 247 Copyright © 2022 SRQ MEDIA. SRQ: Live Local | Love Locall. Sarasota and Bradenton Area is published 10 times a year. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The entire contents of SRQ are copyrighted by Trafalger Communications, Inc. Column and department names are property of Trafalger Communications, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without express written permission of the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION: Subscriptions to SRQ are $36 for 20 issues. Single copies are $4 at area newsstands.

srqist STORIES ABOUT THE LOCAL PEOPLE, PLACES AND EXPERIENCES THAT DEFINE OUR HOMETOWN INTO BADLANDSTHE The Bishop Museum partnered with the Toomey Foundation for the Natural Sciences to create a week-long fossil-digging expedition. Dylan Campbell

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The Badland’s distant past as swampy, temperate water source for mammals has turned its unique geological formations into a graveyard of prehistoric animals. Many of the fossilized remains students found came from the Oligocene Epoch, some 33-23 million years ago. It was the era of the mammal, where early ancestors of our modern animals such as the Mesohippus, Saber-toothed Cats, and Oreodonts roaming the continent.
“IT’S A LOT OF FUN TO TAKE A ROCK PICK TO SOLID STONE with your friends or people you just newly met—it creates a great connection,” says Constance Mae Castro, a 14-year-old Manatee County student.
In recent years, the excursion has geared itself toward students, aged 11-14, in the hopes of enderging interest in paleontology and the natural sciences. “We focused on 11-14 year olds, kids just entering their last year of elementary school or middle school. At that age they still have a passion to learn and try new things, but also are coming into their own a little bit and figuring out what they want to do with their lives,” says Christine Michael, the Co-Curator of Learning at the Bishop and one of the chaperones of the trip. Instead of a week spent toiling in the hot sun, the expedition was broken up into two parts: three days spent in the field with Toomey, Roger Portell, Collections Director of Invertebrate Paleontology and Micropaleontology at the University of Florida/Florida Museum of Natural History, and Aaron Bokelmann, a Manatee High science teacher and close friend of Jim’s, and three days spent sightseeing local attractions such as Mt. Rushmore, the Crazy Horse National Monument, and The Mammoth Site. “As a kid, all we are exposed to is what our parents know, what our teachers know, and that’s kind of it. This trip was so great because we brought the parents along too. Some of them admitted that they’d never sign up for this type of thing, but their kid was interested and boom, here they are sitting in the dirt and digging up a fossil with a rock hammer,” says Michael. “On our first day, we had lunch and got to know Aaron, Jim, and Rodger, and then rode ATVs out to the field. We started out in a calmer, less hilly location where we saw lots of teeth, bones, and fragments of tortoise shells. Everybody at least found something that day, which was really great,” says Constance.
For the past decade, the trip, funded by the Toomey Foundation for Natural Sciences, has taken Manatee County school teachers out to Bradenton entrepreneur Jim Toomey’s ranch in the Nebraska Badlands for a week-long, fossil digging expedition. Although a businessman by trade, Toomey grew up hunting for fossils in the old Apac mine — now known as Benderson Park — and has transferred his love for paleontology into a career spent benefitting the natural sciences.
While finding the fossils was one thing, excavating them from layers of solid dirt and rock was another endeavor in and of itself. The multistep process involved students using different tools such as paint brushes, rock hammers, and screw drivers to dig around the fossil and create a pedestal of sorts for it to sit on. “The goal is to try and figure out how big a piece you have without digging out the whole thing. It’s kind of a slow exploration,” says Michael. Once the fossil is out of the ground, dirt pedestal and all, a plaster jacket is molded around the entire piece to prevent erosion. Those plaster molds, or field jackets are sent back to an associate of Toomey’s who breaks away the dirt and pieces the fossil back together for the student who found it. “The biggest fossil that I found was a whole turtle shell, about a foot across from neck to rear,” says Jacob Farrington, an 11-year old-student. “We’ll get it back in about a year,” he adds, referencing Fossil Christmas, the event in which the students are given back their reconstructed fossils in roughly a year’s time. For as arduous a process as fossil digging was and as excruciating the wait is for students to see their fossils, it’s a journey that has been well worth the time and effort. “ In our group, we just all connected. Right off the bat we were great friends, even now we’ve gone over to Jacobs house, and are still talking to them after the trip,” says Constance. SRQ
Sometimes digging up the past is all it takes to make new friends. The earth’s past, that is, specifically the fossilized remains of dinosaurs that walked this planet some 30-odd million years ago. That’s what eight Manatee County students and their parents found themselves doing this past June, when they departed for the Nebraska Badlands as a part of the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature’s annual Fossil Expedition.
“I wanted to go on the trip because I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up and I was really interested in learning about some of the ancestors of some of our modern mammals,” attests Constance.

“I ALWAYS KNEW I WANTED TO OPEN A PRODUCTION COMPANY,” says Luke McFatrich, founder of Dingbat Theatre Project. “It’s been my dream ever since I joined my first theater group in 7th grade, but there was just never enough time in my schedule to give it a real shot.” However, when 2020 rolled around, Luke and his good friend Brian Finnerty, like much of the rest of the world, found themselves with nothing but time. Armed with the same ambition, Luke, who worked as the Community Engagement Coordinator at Venice Theater and Brian went about putting on their first production — Brian and Luke’s Live Holiday Jamboree — in December 2020 at The Bazaar on Apricot and Lime. “It was an original review with just me, Brian and musical director Michelle Kasanofsky. It was funny, we did a bunch of different songs, sold out, had a blast and thought huh, something must be here,” says McFatrich.
Dingbat Theatre Project paves the way for ultra-accessible, audience friendly theater. Dylan Campbell Something was, in fact, very much there. A need for accessible, live entertainment could be felt throughout the community ever since the initial lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. That communal craving struck at just the right moment for creatives like Luke and Brian to bring their craft to the light. “The Players Centrewas very generous with us at the beginning. They did A Christmas Carol at the Bizarre Apricot and allowed us to use their spaces without charge. Because it was an original holiday review, we didn’t have to pay for any licensing and could keep all the revenue — the Players Centre and Bizarre’s generosity allowed us to pocket that money and put it into production costs for Shrek the following year,” attests Luke McFatrich. Shrek the Musical, which Dingbat Theatre project put on in May 2021, was the next in a line of communitydriven productions made on a shoe-string budget done by the company in 2021 including Hedwig and the Angry Inch and The Spongebob Musical. “I like that our productions are from a very collaborative place — everybody has a stake in us including the actors. Creating accessible theater is our biggest goal— not only financially, but in the stories we present. Audiences here tend to be older and of a certain wealth. For example Shrek the Musical typically has over 30 actors in character- realistic costumes. Our version has 3 actors playing 100 characters in costumes we made ourselves,” states McFatrich. While financial restraints regaled Dingbat Theatre Project to a part-time endeavor for Luke and Brian, their future was bright. It’s was a burden McFatrich has been happy to shoulder. The past two years have been invaluable to not only the growth of Dingbat Theatre Project, but also the blossoming of McFatrich’s knowledge of the industry. “I don’t want to call it a product, but it really is. You’d love for it to just be a bunch of kids in their twenties making art, but when people are paying $30 to go to it, there’s a level of production quality that’s expected of it, especially with Sarasota being such a theater town,” says McFatrich.
As of this past summer, a partnership with ReFlex Arts Dance, a local dance and yoga school, has enabled Dingbat to continue on a larger scale — and for McFatrich to pursue his dream full time. “ReFlex Arts Dance is the producing organization for the shows that we’re doing — both of them will performed in a newer, bigger studio than last time. We’re also doing a bunch of educational programs through it as well. I’ve transitioned to doing this full-time and I’m very, very happy,” says McFatrich. SRQ
Above: The Dingbat intolight-heartedProjectTheatrebringsfuntheSarasotatheaterscene.
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FOR SARASOTA-BORN ARTIST CHRISTIAN SAMPSON, his life is always in motion. It’s been that way since he was a young boy, sailing across the waters of the Sarasota Bay and has stayed in flux ever since — from his time spent at Ringling College of Art and Design to the decades in New York City as a contemporary artist to his recent relocation to Los Angeles. Although Sampson, who specializes in color-light projection, has made a career out of moving with light, he always brings pieces of his hometown along for the ride. Now, with his exhibit Vita In Motu, a permanent fixture at the Sarasota Art Museum (SAM), a part of Sampson, will forever be fixed to Sarasota. “To have grown up here, it’s a real honor to have a permanent piece back in my hometown,” says Sampson.
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Sarasota raised and Los Angeles based artist Christian Sampson specializes in color-light projection. Dylan Campbell culturecity

Sampson was approached about creating an installation for SAM’s opening back in 2018 after Ann Marie Russel, then the director of SAM, visited his studio in New York City. Sampson’s approach to the project, as is his approach to much of his work, was site-specific. “As the museum was finishing and opening she said that they had this space with these windows with a lot of light that might be good for an exhibit. I did a visit, brought some samples and just started experimenting with the way the sun’s trajectory was coming across the windows and floors. I was trying to think of a way that I could incorporate the windows and the space to have something dynamic and interactive that would both involve the viewer and enable the natural beauty and light of Florida to come through and hit these sculptures,” says Sampson.
Although Sampson’s work is decidedly contemporary in style, his methodology functions similarly to that of an artist in a more traditional medium, such as a painter. “I always think about how do I animate this space to make an interactive installation and create something that is 1 plus 1 equals another dimension?
It’s like a blank canvas and then I use light as a paintbox to paint that space,” states Sampson.
If light is Sampson’s paint brush, then his palette is derived from the amalgamation of experiences from his childhood and formative years spent on Florida’s west coast. His time spent at Ringling College of Art and Design earning his BFA made a particular impression on Vita In Motu. “I worked for years at the Ca’ d’zan and the way the sun filtered through the stained glass windows made me think about this installation. My job at the Ringling was to change the lightbulbs that had burned out on the paintings. I would notice all the different ranges in color in the kelvin scale and how they affected the paintings differently,” says Sampson.
Sampson’s 2019 installation Vita in Motu - or “life in motion” was created for the Sarasota Art Museum’s inaugural exhibit Color. Theory. & (b/w). The installation, which is on view in the museum’s third-floor Jonathan McCague arcade, uses the building’s architecture to create an ever-changing light show–sunlight pours through the hallway’s wide, lens-covered windows, onto dichroic film sculptures, which projects the light onto the walls, floors, and windows of the space. The installation is more of an experience than a “traditional” art exhibit—as the sun descends throughout the day, eventually to be replaced by colored LED lights to create projections from the sculptures, the viewer can witness the art change in real time. “When art is working it allows the viewer to interact one on one with the piece. I want to create a sensory piece that allows the viewer to let colors evoke emotions, feelings, experiences. I want them to be able to formulate their own experiences to those elements,” says Sampson.
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The bright pinks, blues, and yellows so prominent across Sampson’s work are a callback to the vibrant natural colors found in Florida. “I grew up on the water. I remember being transfixed by the coral reefs the first time I went snorkeling when I was five years old. The lights and colors of the environment shaped my palette as a young person. In Vita In Motu, I was especially trying to highlight that brilliant blue sky that gets a lot of clouds–I was trying to layer those colors so you get this reflection and projection that gives these clouds these forms and at the same time is multidimensional,” states Sampson.
From New York City to Los Angeles, Sampson’s career has taken him to every corner of the country. Through his work, however, the colors of Florida’s gulf coast–of his home, his childhood, his internal paintbrush–will live on no matter where they find themselves. SRQ This page: Memories of Christian Sampson’s childhood influence his lightever-changingshow,“Vita in Motu”, now on permanent display at the Sarasota Art Museum.

Grapevine Communications is known for Advertising, Marketing, PR and Social Media… but we do so much more. Our cavalcade of 23 capable creatives comprises forward-thinking, hard-working, self-described strategy nerds who write, design, code, concept, film and illustrate materials that ignite the spark for the fireworks we burst for our clients. We’re based right here in Lakewood Ranch, but we work with businesses, organizations, non-profits, professionals and anyone else who seeks a bottom-line boost from anywhere across the country. This year marks our twentieth anniversary, and we look forward to creating, innovating and celebrating our way into the next twenty years. | 5201 SARASOTA, FL 34240 | 941.351.0024
I think we are more capably tapping into our potential. Since purchasing the business five years ago, I’ve taken an aggressive yet cliché approach to achieving this: you’ve got to spend money to make money. This was done by heavily investing in our team. The company encourages growth and pays for continuing education, leadership and training courses, and special certifications. By empowering our staff, we enhanced our creativity, increased our capabilities and improved our deliverables on projects. We are stronger and more profitable together.
YOUR TEAM HAS SAID THEY TAKE THE SUCCESS OF YOUR CLIENTS VERY SERIOUSLY . . . THEMSELVES, NOT SO MUCH. HOW DOES THIS PLAY INTO THE CULTURE AT GRAPEVINE? Company culture is a big part of what makes Grapevine who we are. Life in our office is fast paced, driven by unique personalities who bring fun to the table and create a diverse, welcoming atmosphere of creativity and family. We offer a hybrid work-from-home allowance, where staff can split their time between home and office as needed. We regularly schedule potluck lunches to share recipes and laughs, and our “grapeful” jar is always stuffed with little notes to celebrate how grateful we are for each other’s accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Personally, our staff simply embraces the mantra “family first.” We never want to get too busy making money that we forget to make a life.
THERE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE NEW WAYS TO REACH CONSUMERS. HOW HAS GRAPEVINE KEPT UP WITH THE TRENDS? In our profession, you have to be a step ahead of the trends to bring results to your clients – recognizing where audiences can be found, hitting those areas and intriguing them to take action. As social media, digital marketing and video production became paramount, we expanded these departments to meet the needs of our existing clients while attracting new ones along the way. This was complemented by our sales team’s abilities to address clients’ needs with relevant, in-depth strategies that utilize these emerging channels.

We don’t have a crystal ball, but we do have the inside scoop on what’s shining under the SRQ spotlight. Here’s a close-up look at the most recent bank buyouts and mergers, the newest and ho est spots to hit the lively restaurant scene, and the final farewell to our beloved Hya Regency. So grab a slice of vegan lasagna and a creamy, frozen shaved snow treat for dessert while you visit with some of the city’s most famous icons, take a stroll along The Bay and get a good look at where we are headed this season.

PHOTOGRAPHY BY WYATT KOSTYGAN AND WES ROBERTS This page: Bill Waddill, chief operating officer for The Bay ConservancyPark at the newly opened kayak launch site Photo by Roberts.Wes

How will Sarasota’s cultural heritage play into this park?
The cultural centerpiece is the planned performing arts center that the city and the Sarasota Per forming Arts Center Foundation are working on. That’s probably a six or seven-year initiative and that will be the cultural centerpiece. But we have got some amazing existing cultural activities and buildings in the cultural district alone here that runs along 41, including the city’s first performing art center, the (Sarasota Municipal) auditorium, the city’s first library, the Chidsey Building, city’s first Chamber build ing and the city’s first Garden Club building, all four of which are on the National Register. We’re already beginning to think about what will be our second major project on the site, which is the cultural district. We’ve begun design. We expect next year to begin construction of a renovation of the cultural district that sort of brings to life and stitch es together all of these amazing historic buildings.
What are you most looking forward to bringing to fru ition? The thing I like the most is once we open a park, coming to it and watching families come out and enjoy it— kids play on the playground, families throwing a football on the lawn, yoga class un der a big tree, getting something to eat at a concession stand, launch ing their paddle board or kayaking into the bayou. That kind of stuff, to me, that’s probably the most excit ing thing. I get a lot of satisfaction out of helping bring a community together with a team and then how our team navigates the process to design, and get building permits, and funding for, and then build a place. Then finally to see it actually come to fruition and see families and people of all ages out there enjoying it. To me, that’s the best part of what I do. J.Ogles
about 300 million gallons a year of untreated stormwater that flows directly into the Bay every year, so as we build each phase, we’re put ting all of that stormwater through our stormwater treatment train. As part of the Mango Bayou Walk way project that we did, we also dredged about two to three feet of polluted silt out of the Bayou. That’s about a quarter-mile-long body of water. For decades sand, oil, and grease from parking lots and U.S. 41 have drained into it. Not much was living in that soil, so we got a permit to dredge out two to three feet of that silt, high in certain pollutants, including arsenic, and then had to take it to a landfill in Apopka. By removing all of that, we restored better tidal flow, so the water is cleaner in that bayou, and then the soil down at the bottom of the bayou is, of course, cleaner. Our environmental experts expect that it will come back to life. We suspected because of when it was built that a lot of it probably didn’t meet current requirements for stormwater treatment, but it wasn’t until we began working on our Phase 1 and the engineers and environmental scientists really dug in and started seeing what the existing conditions were that we discovered how much work there was to be done to pretreat all the stormwater. That’s something that is an important part of our initiative. Can you tell me what sort of public input have you guys had about what you’ve opened so far? We’ve been asking the community how they liked it. We asked them what they wanted to see, we started testing some of it, and then we asked them what they like. Often the public votes with their feet. Some programs, we get 200 people to, like Zumba and sal sa. We know that those are things they’re excited about. Then there are other offerings that we have not gotten as strong a following, and so we’re trying to learn. Is that because we don’t have the right program, or is it the wrong time of year or that kind of thing? We’re learning a lot from our community about what they want to do. Is there anything people can look to as a model for what The Bay will be, such as Curtis Hixon Park or Central Park? You mentioned two of them. Klyde Warren Park in Dallas is another one. The key to doing a great park for a community is learning from other great parks around the country. (The Bay Chairman) A.G. Lafley and I and some of our other staff, have taken the Central Park Training Course. Central Park’s been around for over a hundred years. There’s certainly a lot to be learned from them on how to build a park, but also how to manage a park. But then what’s key is you take the best practices from other places, but you have to make sure that you incorporate them in a way that fit the site that we have, the climate that we have, the site con straints that we have, this beautiful stretch of the Bay, the environ mental constraints that we need, and the things that our community likes to do. You put it in a box and shake it all up and come up with a design that is of Sarasota and the people that live here in Sarasota. That’s what makes it successful. We can’t take Curtis Hixon Park in downtown Tampa and just drop it like it is here.
The Bay For All
TREND SPORT SRQ: What are the most important recent projects The Bay Conservancy has completed and what’s next in the timeline? Bill Waddill We are racing to the ribbon cutting of our Phase 1 grand opening. Some of it’s already open, but the 10 acres from U.S. 41 on the south end of the site along Boulevard of the Arts all the way to the water. We’re going to be doing a “10 Days at The Bay” grand opening from Oct. 14-23, with the actual ribbon cutting on Friday, Oct. 21 at 10am. We have a really beautiful but relatively small half-mile walkway called the Man grove Bayou Walkway that’s open. We did a little improvement to the Fountain Garden here about a year and a half ago or two years ago, but this is our first meaningful chunk of park. It’s about 20% or 25% of the park that will open in October. We’ve been testing different sorts of recreation activities — yoga and things like that — and we’ve been testing different local musical artists to see what resonates with the community. Early in the visioning pro cess, a set of guiding prin ciples was laid out. How are those directing development of The Bay? Those principles include building a park that’s free and welcoming for all, which we’re doing— and doing it in a way that is a green and blue oasis. Job one is building a great park for our community, but right beneath it, job 1-B is restoring the environment as a part of what we do. I always like to say that while we’ve got the patient open for heart surgery, we’re fixing the kidneys while we’re in there. This is an old site, much of it almost 100 years old. It was built before the Clean Water Act. There are, by our engineers calculations, 24 | srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local Right: The Raw Taco Salad with romaine, housemade taco ‘meat’ (walnuts, sundried tomato, Zebracream,cashewandavocado,spices),tomato,house-madesourGreenCafé.
Portions of The Bay, the ambitious public space planned at the Sarasota Bayfront, have started to become accessible to the public. We spoke with Bill Waddill, chief operating officer for The Bay Park Conservancy, about what lies ahead.
O&A Coffee and Supply, 1316 Main Street, Sarasota. 941-552-8659. B. Heit
O&A Coffee and Supply Orange. Espresso. Soda. Three things that don’t seem to go together at all. Yet after being introduced about four years ago, the blood orange espresso soda is one of O&A Coffee and Supply’s best sellers. So how did this extraordinary concoction come to be? “Soda with coffee was a weird underground trend a few years back,” says O&A owner, Justin Bannister. “But it was heavy and dark and did not represent Florida at all. We wanted to come up with a unique coffee drink more representative of the Sunshine State.” After playing around with differ ent flavors and profiles, Bannister and his team came up with a cool, robust taste that held up well to espresso. “When you mix orange and coffee together, the acidic properties of both negate each other,” he says. “You end up with a really refreshing, zero acidity drink that’s bubbly, sweet, tart, and a little weird. Kind of like Florida. And, It changes flavors about 2-3 times as the carbonation goes into the espresso, making it that much more unique.” Layered with blood orange on bottom and espresso on top, this strange and unique soda is as pretty as it is odd. For $5 you can pick up a blood orange espresso soda at O&A’s downtown store, or their newest location at Waterside Place in Lakewood Ranch.
Progressive Vegan Dining Plant-based meals, drinks, desserts, and even lifestyles are more popular than ever and luckily, Sarasota’s plant-based scene is growing like weeds. Whether you follow a vegan/vegetarian diet or you’re seeking healthier options in town, you’ll find lots to choose from right here in your own backyard. Long-standing favorites as well as newer options focus on locally-grown, organic ingredients, making everything that much tastier.
srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local | 25PHOTOGRAPHY BY WYATT KOSTYGAN.

Summer Tap Juice Bar, 411 S Pineapple Ave, Sarasota, 941-993-1449. B. Heit
It’s always summer at Summer Tap Juice Bar and the Dragon Raspberry Smoothie is the perfect way to stay cool all year round. Made with dragon fruit, strawberries, raspberries, natural apple juice and a tablespoon of organic agave nectar, this delicious smoothie is one of Summer Tap’s most popular drinks. Owner Galina Naguibine attributes the frozen delight’s success to the fresh and delicious ingredients. “In addition to the health benefits that are important to most adults,” she says, “kids really love it because of its dragon name and its bright pink color!” A perfect pairing in both taste and vibrant colors, the pesto tomato savory toast made with fresh tomatoes and vegan cheese with a basil balsamic glaze is served on multigrain vegan bread. All the ingredients are very fresh and blend together well,” says Galina. “It’s like a salad served on toast!”
TREND SPORT 26 | srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local POWER BREAKFAST Summer Tap Juice Bar

Green Zebra Café, Downtown location: 1377 Main St, Sarasota, 941- 312-6707. St. Armands Circle: 476 John Ringling Blvd, 941-388-2848 B. Heit
With one location on Main Street and the other on St. Armands Circle, The Green Zebra Café’s vegan, gluten-free and raw selections are easy to access on the go or for a relaxing sit-down dining experience. The mango thai wrap, made with fresh mango slices mixed with shredded red cabbage, fresh herbs, almond cream and carrot, all wrapped up in romaine is a crowd pleaser that is healthy and refreshing. If you’re in the mood for Italian, you might try the Tuscan lasagna, layered with zucchini noodles, and house-made raw marinara, cashew cheese, basil, pesto and to matoes—just what Nonna would make if she was serving a vegan meal. Rather go with Mexican?
No problemo! The Raw Taco Salad with romaine, house-made taco ‘meat’ (walnuts, sundried tomato, spices), avocado, tomato, and housemade cashew sour cream is muy delicioso! “With our new dinner menu veggies and fruits are at the center of the plate, they are not a side or a garnish anymore, they are the stars of the show,” says owner Elena Ianakiev. “The menu is 80% plant based, with very unique dishes. When we craft and test each recipe, we want to create an exciting menu that will appeal not only to vegan and vegetarians but to omnivore diners as well. We want to change the perspective of what veg etables can be,” she adds. All of the menu items at Green Zebra are gluten-free, or can be made gluten free upon request. They also offer a se lection of vegan, organic and sustainable wines.
srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local | 27 PHOTOGRAPHY BY WYATT KOSTYGAN.

Although Ka Papa Cuisine offers 100% plant based and vegan dining, the irresistibly decadent desserts they have concocted are sure to attract all types of diners–from vegan to omni vore. The gluten-free berry crumble debuted this summer and is filled with organic wild blueberries, strawberries and raspberries topped with a rich and buttery oat crumble. For a lighter berry-licious option, the blueberry-red wine sorbet is silky and house-made with whipped ‘cream’ and seasonal fruit puree. And for the cookie monsters in the crowd, the cast iron cookie is a must. This sizzling hot skillet cookie with cinnamon ‘cream’ is available in plain, Belgian dark chocolate or pecan or both. A chocolate lover’s delight, the cake of the night—a chocolate cake consisting of rich Belgian dark choco late ganache infused with salted cara mel and a hint of creamy peanut butter is to die for. Searching for gluten-free options? You’ll definitely want to try the gluten-free carrot cake, which is extra fudgy with toasted walnuts and zesty lemon-‘cream cheese’ frosting.
This page: Cast iron cookie from Ka Papa, 1830 S Osprey Ave Ste 104, Sarasota, 941-6008700. Barbecue tofu roll from Lila, 1576 Main St, Sarasota, 941-2961042 I info@lilasrq.com BY WYATT KOSTYGAN.
Ka Papa, 1830 S Osprey Ave Ste 104, Sarasota, 941-600-8700 B. Heit
Looking for great vegan sushi? Then it’s time to get rollin’ at Lila on Main Street. The captain’s “scallop” roll, made with fresh ingredients like white yam, hearts of palm salad, avocado, rice, spicy mayo and unagi sauce is light and perfect as an appetizer or light meal. Craving some smoky barbecue? The BBQ tofu roll is filled with avocado, rice, Dragon BBQ sauce, smoked tofu cream cheese and toasted sesame seeds. But according to Mariana Cejas, manager of Lila, the mushroom spider roll is the most popular of the rolls, probably because of its crunchy, earthy taste. Made with tempura oyster mushroom, daikon, rice, avocado, spicy mayo, unagi sauce, this is a must-try specialty. All of the sushi rolls at Lila are vegan and gluten free. Lila, 1576 Main St, Sarasota, 941-296-1042. B. Heit
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—J.Ogles Grand Gillespie Gillespie Park, long an established neighborhood north of Fruitville Road, has seen some massive changes in the past five years, with modern mansions and multi-family housing dotting the streets. “People are taking advantage of the zoning there and thinking outside the box,” said architect Jesse Balaity, himself a recent transplant into the neighborhood. “People are getting creative with how they use the land.” Balaity right now is working on a 3,900-square-foot house and another 6,000-square-foot house, the first modern and the latter Mediterranean. But he knows there are also homes in the 2,000 squarefoot range coming in. He sees interest from creatives who want a studio for work in their living space, whether that’s for architecture or pottery. He also just opened a multi-family unit with shared outdoor space for units, bringing new flavor to the housing inventory mix.
Many worried the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 would cripple Sarasota tourism forever. Instead, it prompted a massive migration, both of visitors and new residents to the region. Whether because of Florida’s low-key lockdown policies or just the sudden simultaneous revelation that if you ever want to move to Sarasota it may as well be now, the area saw a sudden boom in interest. As of May, the Sarasota-Manatee area still had barely more than one month’s inventory of homes. The nearly 1,900 active listings at the time marked a much larger supply than was available just a year ago. But home sellers still on average move their homes from new listings to closed sales in less than a week. “Competition will be fierce for the foreseeable future and there isn’t a market correction around the corner,” said Alex Krumm, the broker-owner of NextHome Excellence and this year’s president of the Realtor Association of Sarasota and Manatee. The boom has cemented Sarasota’s reputation as well as one of the top 10 destinations for snowbirds to move and set up their second homes. And Ben Bakker, a Michael Saunders and Company Realtor and President of the Commercial Real Estate Alliance, expects organic growth to continue in the region. “The multiple factors created this fortunate and positive perfect storm for the commercial and residential market, and we still haven’t finished going through those,” he said. But the high demand has also exacerbated an affordable housing issue in a region already grappling with the problem. The average sale price in the area in May climbed over $699,000, hardly a price that will draw young professionals into home ownership. But Bakker said that isn’t an issue contained to Sarasota or even Florida. “It’s not just local. In all four corners of the country, we’re dealing with this problem,” he said. “We need workforce affordable housing at affordable rates and with an affordable inventory just as much as any place in America.”
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—J.Ogles Bank Buyouts
The banking environment around Sarasota changed dramatically in the Great Recession as an area with a high concentration of community banks saw many fail, their assets absorbed by other institutions. But in a post-COVID boom, banks today seem more likely to consolidate in mergers large and small. BB&T two years ago merged with Suntrust to form Truist. Georgia-based United Community Banks in 2020 purchased Seaside National Bank. Locally, Seacoast Bank, a Stuart-based, bought Sabal Palm Bank in January and $389 million worth of deposits with it. “We’re excited to enter the highly attractive and dynamic Sarasota market,” said Seacoast CEO Charles Shaffer. So what’s driving this change of accounts? Dennis Murphy, founding president CEO of Gulfside Bank, suggests in many ways, the strength of banking today was born from the hardship finance faced in the region a decade ago. Yes, the recession swallowed many troubled institutions, but those that survived came out battle-tested and strong. Murphy worked for Gateway Bank of Southwest Florida before it was bought by CenterState Bank, which later was purchased by South State Bank. “Now a lot of the legacy banks have been sold,” Murphy said. “They have run the gamut, survived and now have been purchased. But we have not seen a lot of new ones come out of the ground.” Gulfside, in fact, is one of the few community banks to launch at a time when many institutions in the region folded into larger companies. Advances in technology have both made smaller players able to keep up with major institutions with services offered, but that makes combining assets simpler as well. As for Gulfside, Murphy founded the bank three and half years ago, and the institution hasn’t matured to the point where a merger or acquisition is even on the horizon. But he also still believes in the value of a community bank providing for small business owners in the area it serves. “I still believe relationships matter,” he said. —J.Ogles
The Great Pangration

Marine Laboratory and Dr. Manuel Gordillo, an infectious disease specialist at Sarasota Memorial Hospital leading the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic. Other untold icons include Sarasota native Buck O’Neil, the first African-American coach in Major League Baseball and John Rivers, a leader in the Civil Rights Movement in Sarasota. “My inspiration was to create a bridge between the different parts of our community–a lot of people paved the way for what we know as Sarasota,” says Suarez. Suarez’s paintings, however, are not to be mistaken for traditional portraits. Just like the identities of their subjects these portraits are multi-layered and complex—a compilation of digital images rendered onto the canvas and fused together by Suarez’s brushstrokes. “I start by compiling images of these individuals that are representative of them and tell a story in and of themselves and fuse them together. It’s my own language that I’ve built over the years. I call it the in-between where you start overlapping the images where they literally interact with each other,” says Suarez. “Within that there’s a series of other layers which are more abstract and impressionistic that deal more in the moment of making and in the process of it. There’s a rational aspect of the paintings and then there’s a more emotive aspect of them as well,” he adds. It’s a design language and artistic process that stems partially from Suarez’s love of the improvisational nature of jazz music—while studying for his Masters in Architecture at UCLA in 1997, Suarez focused his thesis work on the concept of jazz as a model for architecture. Consequently, his painting has explored much of the same territory. Suarez’s ability to let go–to access the improvisational, in-between state that makes his art his own–has grown over the course of his career. “All those ideas I had from jazz, the improvisation, and layering of different pieces together has bled into my work and gotten more and more sharpened over time as I’ve felt more comfortable in feeling free to let go,” says Suarez.—D.Campbell
Untold Icons
With every revolution of the sun into the Gulf waters, the story of Sarasota grows longer. It is not a story that lives through dates and timelines, through laws enacted, buildings raised, or companies formed—it lives on through people. By the mark they made on those around them, by their presence in the community–in the wake of our actions lies the fabric of the story. Each year passes by and more people add to that story, until it grows into something much larger than anyone could have imagined. In that growth, people become memories and many of them become lost. In his upcoming series at the Art Ovation Hotel, Sarasota Icons, Javi Suarez wants us to remember them. “The series encompasses some of the traditional Sarasota Icons, like Marie Selby and John and Mabel Ringling, but also some of the lesser known individuals that include members of the latin community and african american community such as John Rivers, Ed James, and Buck O’Neil,” says Suarez. Suarez, an award-winning architect who balances being a contemporary artist with his full-time role as Principal Vice President of Suarez Architecture, moved to Sarasota from Puerto Rico when he was ten years old. In telling the story of untold Sarasota icons, he is also painting a portrait of his experiences as a first generation immigrant.
“The series has evolved into a bit of telling the story of Sarasota and telling my story at the same time. I see my experiences of when we first moved here in the 80s and Sarasota’s history differently as an adult, a professional, and a father than I did as I child. The more that I allow myself to try to put myself in someone else’s shoes and interact with other communities, the more I realize there’s a bigger story to tell,” attests Suarez. Some of the portraits that tell the larger story of Sarasota are those of the late Dr. Eugenie Clark, the “Shark Lady,” a pioneer female marine biologist and one of the founders of Mote Right: Javi Suarez working in his studios; with paintings featuring Buck O’Neil and Dr. Eugenie Clark.

Brick and Mortar It doesn’t feel like all that long ago everyone was cooped up in their homes. Now, every major cultural institution seems ready to build a new destination to visit. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens has more public spaces and a new master plan in motion. The Asolo Repertory Theater is opening the Koski Center. “On June 23, we celebrated the opening of the first phase of the Robert and Beverly Koski Center expansion, including the primary Margot and Warren Coville Rehearsal Hall,” said Asolo Rep Managing Director Linda DiGabriele. “As we look forward to the completion of phase two fundraising, which will include necessary production and education auxiliary spaces, we were delighted to hear Asolo Rep would be the recipient of a $500,000 Florida Department of State Cultural Facilities grant. This will give us positive momentum as we look towards the fall and the 2022-2023 performance season.”
Meanwhile, Selby Gardens this year executed a $31-million bond sale to launch a major renovation of the Downtown campus. That means come August 2023, Phase 1 should be ready to open to the public. “It’s so rewarding to see the Master Plan coming to life,” said Selby Gardens President and CEO Jennifer Rominiecki. “Selby Gardens’ Master Plan is full speed ahead, thanks to the significant support we’ve received from donors and bond investors.” Growth in the region and philanthropic enthusiasm for projects has sparked one of the greatest physical expansions in assets in the region in decades. That has extended from Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where a new oncology tower opened this year, to Mote Science and Education Aquarium, where a capital campaign has raised upward of $90 million and construction has entered phase 2 at Nathan Benderson Park. —J.Ogles srq
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Austin DeGroot and Lucas Morris have been best friends since the 5th grade. They’ve always dreamt about owning a business together and in November of 2021, that dream became a reality when they opened Vampire Penguin Sarasota, a dessert shop serving up irresistible, light and creamy desserts made from shaved snow. Shaved snow is unlike any other dessert around, according to DeGroot and Morris. “It’s extremely light and fluffy, almost like a cotton candy texture, but as it melts, it gets creamy just like ice cream,” they say.
The shop’s menu is loaded with customizable options with the most popular items being the Strawberry Cheesecake and S’moreos. The strawberry cheesecake consists of strawberry and vanilla shaved snow with graham cracker crumbs, fresh cut strawberries and cheesecake pieces all topped with white chocolate, condensed milk, and strawberry sauce. The S’moreos is made from a dreamy base of cookies and cream shaved snow, topped with graham cracker crumbs, oreo, marshmallows, and chocolate sauce. But the newest addition which debuted this summer, Strawberry Lemonade, is making a hard case as a personal favorite of both owners. This refreshing treat consists of strawberry and lemon shaved snow with fresh cut strawberries and strawberry sauce drizzle. The soon to be released root beer flavor also promises to be a big hit. A licensed company, the Vampire Penguin Sarasota store menu is completely unique to Sarasota and the Landings location. “We are all independently owned so our store is totally different from other stores. We just all share the same name,” says DeGroot. ”It helps to add creativity to our store and allows our store to be unique.” Vampire Penguin is all the rage amongst local kids, but unlike many other frozen treats, it’s equally popular with Sarasota’s health-conscious grown-ups. Why? “It’s a lot healthier than ice cream,” the owners share. “Our regular portion size is 12 ounces. In this portion you can expect 50-75 calories and 8-5 grams of sugar. In that same portion of ice cream, there are around 700 calories and 72 grams of sugar. Not to mention that our snows are not like most as they aren’t flavored with syrups on top. Instead we grind all of our quality ingredients into the snow right in our store before freezing it. Couple all that with the fact that our snow is all gluten-free and 13 out of our 18 flavors are dairy-free, we have options for everyone!” —B.Heit Vampire Penguin is located at 4976 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, in the Landings Shopping Plaza, 941-923-8155.
It’s Love at First Bite

Dasha Reich is always searching for inspiration. So it came naturally, for her upcoming show at the Art Ovation Hotel, that she’d call upon a lifetime of travel, culture and experience. “The exhibition is called Life’s Silk Road because I’ve lived in so many places in my life and everything has influenced me and stayed with me. It started with Prague, where I was born, and continues to Jerasulem, where I studied, then to New York City, and now Sarasota. With this show even though the paintings are very much abstract they reminded me of my travels,” says Reich. Reich is an abstract painter and artist who works primarily with a very unique set of materials–pure pigments and epoxy resins. This medium allows Reich to create paintings that are at once abstract, yet resemblant of the natural world. “My resin room is kind of like my laboratory—all of my paintings are resin mixed with high pigments which results in a lot of little chemical reactions and mixtures. I’m using a material from England that has qualities that other resin’s do not have which allows me to do interesting tricks with it,” attests Reich Although Reich has always been engaged in art —her mother was an artist and Reich attended the renowned Bezazel Academy of Art and Design as an adolescent in Jerusalem—her introduction to resin was a happy accident. “My husband was an orthodontist and knew a lot about different epoxies and resins. When I first used them something just clicked,” says Reich. While Reich has been working with resin both as a painter and a sculptor for the past 25 years, her show this fall at Art Ovation represents a new step for her: the switch to purely abstract designs as opposed to the multi-layered resin paintings she was known for. Whereas in her previous work, which involved meticulously curating layers of flowers and lines—a process which could take up to three months—her large-scale abstract paintings must be completed in a manner of hours due to how quickly the resin cures or dries. In these moments, Reich draws upon her career in the fashion industry, one in which she learned how to make quick decisions in choosing complementary colors. “Six months of the year I was on the road—working with colors and fabrics and making fast decisions. It carries over to my work with resin, you don’t have days and days to make a decision.” Even still, there’s a calculated method to the madness. Due to the large scale of her paintings, Reich may spend an entire day preparing the canvas and sorting out the technical details of which colors to use and when to use them. After that, all that’s left to do is trust her instincts and dive in. “I know what I want to achieve but I compromise a lot during the painting process because the resin has a mind of its own. It becomes a 50-50 mix between what I want and what the resin wants. Letting go is still a very new and somewhat frightening thing for me,” confesses Reich.
Sticking With It

Separate And Better?
— Democrat Hagen Brody and Republican Mark Smith — had each raised more than $60,000 for the race. Joe Neunder, a Republican running for Maio’s seat, reported raising more than $120,000 through June.
Restaurant Revitalization
Ziegler opted not to run in a single-member district, in part frustrated that the redistricting process put the Republican in a Democrat-leaning seat. But he maintains voters were better served when they could elect all five county commissioners. Single-member district voting, in his eyes, changed the relationship voters have with the board.
“Everyone lost 80% of their representation and 80% of their accountability,” he said. “They lost the right to vote for four of five county commissioners, and you need a majority to get anything done.” But candidates running under the new system have fully embraced it. Democrat Mike Cosentino said regardless of what money candidates can raise and spend, grassroots candidates can outwork well-funded candidates and win anyway. “It gives a guy like me a chance to win without having to spend $100,000,” he said.
Once this year’s Sarasota County Commission elections conclude, the board will be made up entirely of commissioners elected in single-member district elections. And after voters in March shot down a county-wide referendum that would have restored countywide votes to decide all five commissioners, it seems like parochial elections are here to stay. For Kindra Muntz, who spent years lobbying for district-level voting. She said simply reducing the costs of running a race has gone down, as candidates spend less money on mailers and can win without traveling the entire county looking for votes. That said, a review of expenses shows plenty of money still pouring into races. Commissioners Christian Ziegler and Alan Maio spent about $86,000 and $135,000 respectively to win elections in 2018, the last time commissioners were decided in countywide votes. Before the primary had even concluded, two candidates running to succeed Ziegler
A rainbow of rich colors fills the curved glasses on the bar at Summer Tap Juice Bar, a new business thriving in Burns Court. Opened in April, the business has seen customers crowding to slurp down smoothies. The restaurant industry took a serious hit from extended lockdown policies. But while the pandemic left many a table flipped upside down for most of 2020, it also created a health consciousness within the population. “Having a healthier lifestyle, it’s where everyone is going,” said Galina Naguibine. “This is something I wanted for myself with my family.” Her’s isn’t the only business doing well in the area right now. From Meliora in Hillview to Shiny Gumbo in Gulfgate to Deep Lagoon Seafood in Lakewood Ranch, restaurateurs see opportunity for more brick-and-mortar locations to serve customers throughout the region. And existing entrepreneurs have also seen reason to invest further in their portfolio of restaurants. Anna Maria Oyster Bar owner John Horne just bought and took over management for Café L’Europe in St. Armands Circle and expressed confidence in the future of the restaurant. “Café L’Europe has been a mainstay in the Sarasota, Lido and Longboat Key area for fine dining and an impeccable experience, so when Ron and Julie (Milton) made the hard decision to retire and offered us the opportunity to add this iconic restaurant to our hospitality group, we jumped at the chance to take the reins for the next 50 years,” he said.—J.Ogles
srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local | 33ILLUSTRATION BY WOODY WOODMAN.

TREND SPORT 34 | srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local PHOTOGRAPHY BY WES ROBERTS
An Eclectic Fall From subdued earthbound hues to riveting patterns, trends this fall point toward the individualistic. Fashion is in the eye of the beholder, and certainly in Sarasota and beyond, our local purveyors curate an abundant collection of styles.
Top row, left to right: CR13 Gathered Hem Workshirt Yellow Plaid, $725, Silvia Tcherassi, Lucaya Shirt, in Grey Floral, $760, Ulla Johnson Handmade Eliza Blouse in Indigo, $545; Wolford Marina Leggings in Ash/Black, $172, Wolford Marina Cardigan in Ash and Black, $342, Brown and Black Wolford Shaping Slit Leggings in Caramel and Black, $190, Wolford Shaping Slit Top in Caramel and Black, $195; Lotus Boutique, 1464 Main St., Sarasota, 941-906-7080. Cinq à Sept tous les jours, Giles Pant in Olive, $265, Amanda Uprichard Mikey Top, $176, Janessa Leone Eloise Hat in Natural and Black, $250, Influence Style, 474 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, 941-343-2315; and A.L.C. Bondi Skort in Black Accordian, $295, Lotus. Proenza Schouler Large Mercer Leather Tote WB221007 Color 102 ,$495, Lotus. Metallic Canvas Cooler Tote with Gray Fringe by Hatattack $150, Influence. Free City Let’s Go Long-Sleeved Tee, $216, Lotus. Brayden Fisherman Boot in 4021 Boardwalk Blue. Cam. Portogallo by Free People, $328, Free People Lawless Fringe Western Boot in Pink Multi, $198; T.Georgiano’s Boutique, 1409-B 1st St, Sarasota, 941-870-3727. Opposite page: Vince Open Neck Pullover in Coastal, $345 and Vince Ribbed Funnel Neck in Dark Hollyhock, $375; Influence Style, 474 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, 941-343-2315. Avant Toi Maglia Collo Macchia di Colore Vori Stramati in Cashmere, Wool and Silk, $910, Lotus Boutique, 1464 Main St., Sarasota, 941-906-7080, lotus-boutiques.myshopify.com, @lotusboutique. Wehve- Magenta Throw-Wrap yourself in luxurious materials, guilt-free, $1025, Pansy Bayou, 1533 Dolphin Street, Sarasota, 941.413-5115, pansybayou.com.


PHOTOGRAPHY BY WES ROBERTS. Opposite page, Top left: “Retro with a Modern Twist,” Jewel Blouse in Satin, Ecru, $195, The Mae Pants in Black, $215, Scrunch handbag in black and tan, $62, Briar Faux Croc Straw Crossbody in Taupe, $67; Camilyn Beth, 75 S Palm Ave, Sarasota, 941-313-2217.
Bottom left: Hudson Remi High-Rise Straight Ankle Jean, $245; Project Social T Los Angeles, Shoulder Pad Muscle Tank in Washed Black, $6; Free People Pinecone Sweater, $178; Alvara Cognac Leather Clog by Steve Madden, $119; T.Georgiano’s Boutique, 1409-B 1st St, Sarasota, 941-870-3727..
Farewell Hyatt For Virginia Haley, the Hyatt Regency represents more than a major tourist destination. It’s also the place she landed her current job as president of Visit Sarasota County (“It was called the Convention and Visitors Bureau back then.)” Board members took over a two-story suite on the top level of the iconic hotel and quizzed Haley and other finalists for the job about what makes Sarasota tourism special. “I was a nervous wreck,” Haley said. “Then I found out when I was downstairs that I had won the job. So there’s a very personal connection to me.” That will make it all the more bittersweet a year from now when the Hyatt collapses and Kolter Urban begins construction on a new Thompson Hotel. And while Haley said tourism leaders will certainly welcome a new luxury resort alongside the Ritz-Carlton, Westin and other waterfront resorts, there’s no question the region will feel the loss. The Hyatt opened in 1973, and with massive conference space and a beachfront destination, the facility put Sarasota on the map as a business tourism destination. Countless John Deer conventions, Chamber of Commerce luncheons and political galas took place in the cavernous first floor hall. “The Hyatt was the only substantial hotel on the mainland until the Ritz-Carlton was built,” said Andy Dorr, a Gilbane executive who worked for Githler Development on a major Hyatt renovation. It hosted many important community and family events such as weddings and other things that we all hold dear. The list is too large to mention.” Haley said the modern Sarasota destination in many ways sprung forth because Hyatt paved the way. And even when most luxurious competitors opened their doors, the Hyatt offered an accessible appeal, making it a place many in the community visited numerous times whether they ever stayed a night in a room there. “Countless big meetings have been held there by every alphabet group there is in Tallahassee — various ‘State Association of Fill-in-the-Blank,” she said. But there have been national conferences too. We hosted a biggie a few years ago with the Southeast Tourism Society.” Dorr said he will miss the Hyatt but also knows the nature of the business remains an evolving one. “It is a mid century classic building and in some ways sad to see it go but things also need to change,” he said. “We need to wait and see what the proposed replacement develop plans are in judge whether the replacement buildings are as good or even better than what was there today.”—J.Ogles srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local | 37
Bottom right: T.Georgianos is the home of True Blue Vibes. A true homage to Sarasota and coastal living. The motto is to ‘Live Authentic’, inspiring others in their pursuit of happiness and self love and to remind one another we are all connected. Through beautiful hues of colors that honor our gorgeous sunsets the brand comes to life in these souvenir keepsakes. Shown are the Live Authentic quilt made in Portugal, $275, Live Authentic hat, $45, and Coolest Girl Shirt, $69. The official launch of the brand and all that it encapsulates will be revealed later in 2022 or early 2023. “It’s been a decade in the making to see this vision through fully,” says T. Georgiano Owner and Founder Tatyana Sharoubim. This page: Sage: The Label, Won’t Forget Surplice Top in Taupe and Black, $78, Hidden Happi Crop Flare Coated Black, $88, Sahira Jewelry Necklace, $48, I-SEA Topanga Black Sunglasses $28, Kut From the Kloth, Cream Jeans. High Rise Rachael Fab Ab Mom Jean in Ecru, $99, I-SEA Tortoise and Gold Sunglasses, $49, Olivaceous Black Jalie Halter Top, $36, Leslie Curtis Handcrafted Collier Hoop Earrings in Gold, $52, Modern Soul, 59 S Boulevard of the Presidents, 941-260-5744.
Top right clockwise: R13 Cross Over Jeans Faded Black, $545 and L’Agence Sada High Rise Cropped Slim in Light Mocha $255, Lotus Boutique, 1464 Main St., Sarasota, 941-906-7080.; AGolde 90’s Crop Mid Rise in Nerve and Citizens of Humanity, Daphne Crop High Rise Stovetop Archive Comfort Stretch in Black, Influence Style, 474 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, 941-343-2315; L’Agence Margot High Rise Skinny in Cappuccino Brown Coated, $265, and L’Agence Paris Sada High Rise Cropped Slim in Light Dusty Pink, $255, Lotus; Organic Denim Frame Le High Straight High Rise Straight Fit in Cream, $245, Influence.


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DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe.
The Sarasota and Bradenton Area region is home to a robust cadre of legal minds. As part of the annual SRQ Magazine Elite Top Attorneys program, we invited attorneys from Anna Maria and Lakewood Ranch down through Downtown Sarasota, Venice and North Port to nominate the peers who had garnered their utmost respect—whether on the same or opposite side of the negotiating table—and they answered. The respect of one’s peers, especially in the discerning legal profession, reflects a defining level of great achieve ment. We are humbled by the overwhelming number of thoughtful nominations we received from this community of professionals this year and are pleased to share the results with you, our readers.
The legal profession is part of a proud and long lineage that has been vital in establishing our modern world. The quality of a society can be judged in part by the measure of fairness manifested in how individuals are treated by our system of laws. Conscientious and skilled litigators are the reliable engines of our legal system, and the smart, skilled men and women represented in this peer-review program ensure the inevitable conflicts of human life can be dealt with in a manner that is equitable and honest. We hope you enjoy meeting SRQ Magazine’s 2022 Elite Top Attorneys—congratulations are in order.
QUESTIONS: For research/methodology questions, contact the research team at surveys@datajoe.com.
In SRQ Magazine’s 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide and awards section you will meet this year’s honorees whose skills have helped their clients realize their goals. Many of our honorees share their expertise with the community as noted by their philanthropic and leadership contributions.
FINAL NOTE: We recognize that there are many good lawyers who are not shown in this repre sentative list. This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of responding lawyers in the region. We take time and energy to ensure fair voting, although we understand that the results of this survey nomination and Internet research campaign are not an objective metric. We certainly do not discount the fact that many, many good and effective lawyers may not appear on the list.
METHODOLOGY To create the list, the magazine contracted DataJoe Research to facilitate an online peer-voting process and Internet research process. DataJoe Research is a software and research company specializing in data collection and verification, and conducts various nom inations across the United States on behalf of publishers. To create the list, DataJoe Research facilitated an online peer-voting process. DataJoe checked and confirmed that each published win ner had, at time of review, a current, active license status with the appropriate state regulatory board. If we were not able to find evidence of a lawyer’s current, active registration with the state regula tory board, that lawyer was excluded from the list. In addition, we checked available public sources to identify lawyers disciplined for an infraction by the state regulatory board. These entities were excluded from the list. Finally, DataJoe presented the tallied result to the magazine for its final review and adjustments.

Positioning Statement Legal experts for life’s biggest occasions. Testimonial “Knowledgeable, professional and caring. As my sister is an attorney in another state, I’ve always had high expectations in legal representation, and have been fortunate to find good representation in the several states where we have lived. Having good counsel is very important, both to protect your interests and to smooth the way in important and high-value transactions. I researched carefully before choosing Berlin Patten Ebling, and have been very happy with my choice. Everyone at the firm is first rate and they have developed a culture of service and excellence. Highly recommended.” SRQ
In his spare time, Dan enjoys boating, fishing, SCUBA diving, traveling, and watching the Florida Gators. He has two small children and is told that he loves them very much.
MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 41
FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION September 23, 2004 DEGREES University of Florida, Fredric G. Levin College of Law, 2004 PRACTICE AREAS TrialRealContractsCommercialCivilLocalCity/County/BusinessBankingAdmiraltyAdministrativeandMaritimeGovernmentLitigationLitigationEstate LAW FIRM Berlin Patten Ebling, PLLC CONTACT 3700 S. Tamiami Trl Ste 200, Sarasota, FL 34239 941.954.9991 | dguarnieri@berlinpatten.com | berlinpatten.com
BIO Dan Guarnieri has been practicing law since 2004. He is a partner in Berlin Patten Ebling’s Sarasota o ce, and manages the fi rm’s litigation group. He has broad-ranging civil experience including complex commercial litigation, real property disputes, contract disputes, construction litigation, commercial collections, commercial foreclosures and local government representation. He also has considerable experience in assisting clients with business entity formation, business transactions, regulatory and compliance counseling, and other business representation with an eye toward avoiding litigation. He represents commercial lenders, along with business owners in the telecommunications, security, construction, and manufacturing industries. He has been lead counsel on numerous cases that have been tried to judgment and has handled appeals in both state and federal courts.

Larsen, Gary H Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 266906 Telford, Leslie Mediation Services of Southern Florida Inc PO Box 941-957-3004Sarasota1948FL34230-1948|Lic.212644
FIRST Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide. HONOREES
Christian, Benjamin A Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 1033821
Whitmire, Elisabeth Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.109318
Hammersley,ANDARBITRATIONMEDIATIONPhilip N Legacy Norton Hammersley Lopez & Skokos PA 1819 Main St | Ste 610 Sarasota FL 941-954-469134236-5974|Lic.280887
Lyons, Robert G Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-953-813834237|Lic. 234230 Watts, Dana J Ulrich Scarlett Watts & Dean PA 713 S Orange Ave | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-955-510034236|Lic. 292141 O’Day, Sharon Sharon O’Day PA 1858 Ringling Blvd | Ste 110 Sarasota FL 941-228-857134236-5917|Lic.415472 Icard, Thomas F Jr Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-953-813234237|Lic. 162741 Vaughan-Birch, Norman Kirk Pinkerton PA 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 6th Sarasota FL 941-364-240034236-6717|Lic.116463
ANDBANKRUPTCYWORKOUTRoberts,Kelly Roberts Law PLLC 2075 Main St | Ste 23 Sarasota FL 941-444-978334237-6031|Lic.83804
Gore-Maglio, Jennifer Anne Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 88013
ATTORNEYS FOR NON Marshall,PROFITSElizabeth C Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-661434236|Lic. 440884 Hecker, Susan Barrett Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-662534236|Lic. 948380 Fields, Pamela Legal Aid of Manasota 1900 Main St | Ste 302 Sarasota FL 941-366-003834236-5927|Lic.37015
Johnson, Sherri L Johnson Legal of Florida PL 2937 Bee Ridge Rd | Ste 1 Sarasota FL 941-926-115534239-7119|Lic.134775
Grimes, Michele B Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-661134236|Lic. 264393 Pitchford, Malcolm J Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-270534236|Lic. 175403 Messick, Robert E Icard Merrill Cullis Timm Furen & Ginsburg PA 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 314773 Norton, Sam D Norton Hammersley Lopez & Skokos PA 1819 Main St | Ste 610 Sarasota FL 941-954-469134236-5974|Lic.484105
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APPELLATE LAW Butler, Jesse R Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic.84058 Wallace, David A Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota, FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.608386
Pennewill, Betsy Community Foundation of Sarasota County 2635 Fruitville Rd Sarasota FL 941-556-715234237-5222|Lic.156140
Stover, Robin Gulfcoast Legal Services Inc 1112 Manatee Ave E | Fl 2nd Bradenton FL 34208-2152 941-746-6151 | Lic. 64494
Stockham, Susan L Law Office of Susan L Stockham PA 4017 Swift Rd Sarasota FL 941-924-494934231-6542|Lic.342521
Gensmer, Timothy W Law Office of Timothy W Gensmer PA 2831 Ringling Blvd | Ste 202A Sarasota FL 941-952-937734237-5348|Lic.586242
Salisbury, Debra M Law Office of Debra M Salisbury PA 3293 Fruitville Rd | Unit 101 Sarasota FL 941-366-161634237-6453|Lic.973769
Blanton, Laurie L Holland Law Group PA 3639 Cortez Rd. W. Ste 130 Bradenton, FL 34210 941-306-3601 | Lic. 54483
Haskins, Mark A Mark A Haskins PA 2801 Fruitville Rd | Ste 230 Sarasota, FL 941-281-400034237-5365|Lic.881627 Brannan, Stephen G Stephen G Brannan & M. Joseph Loeb Jr. Esq 1800 2nd St | Ste 903 Sarasota FL 941-792-169534236|Lic. 521442
Leibovitz, Janella Legal Aid of Manasota 1900 Main St | Ste 302 Sarasota FL 941-366-003834236-5927|Lic.194824

44 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Hildreth, Mark D Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-274734236|Lic. 454893
Ellis, Sherry F Sherry F Ellis Law PLLC 1834 Main St Sarasota FL 941-363-080034236-5912|Lic.146668
BUSINESS LAW Jackson, Daniel J “Dan” Rising Stars Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 1015499 Wilson, Michael J Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-204334236|Lic. 641502
Buffington, Zachary B Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-893-400034236|Lic. 87748
BANKRUPTCY AND WORKOUT cont. Cole, Richard J III Cole & Cole Law PA 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 24 Sarasota FL 941-365-405534236-5928|Lic.59708
Ruberg, Jodi M Kirk-Pinkerton PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 99985 Band, Gregory S Band Law Group 1 S School Ave | Ste 500 Sarasota FL 941-917-050534237-6015|Lic.869902 Harnden, Sarah J Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 92299 Cejka, Jason Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 1011255 Schembri, Jenifer S Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 154458 DeLeo, Daniel J Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-274034236|Lic. 14268 Whitney, Jonathan P Lutz Bobo & Telfair PA 2 N Tamiami Trl | Fl 5th Sarasota FL 941-951-180034236-5574|Lic.14874
Schwartz, Mark A Legacy Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-662134236|Lic. 664367 Spivey, Barry F Legacy Barry F Spivey PA 645 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-840-199134236|Lic. 130660 Gomez, Conrado Jr Rising Stars Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 1010973 Polk, Bonnie Lee Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-554834236|Lic. 30678 Parpas, George Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-662634236|Lic. 1018371 Johnson, Andrea M Law Office of Andrea M Johnson PA Bradenton 941-896-7215FL| Lic. 802751 Guarnieri, Daniel C Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|914401 Chin, Warren H Eastmoore Crauwels & DuBose PA 1626 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-888834236-6815|Lic.124960
Compton, John M Norton Hammersley Lopez & Skokos PA 1819 Main St | Ste 610 Sarasota FL 941-954-469134236-5974|Lic.128058 Caswell, Christopher Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 371211 CIVIL LAW LITIGATION
Schuchat, Michael E Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 85382 Douberly, Andrew L Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 88193 Grosso, Jennifer L Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.637815
Dorman, Lori M Persson Cohen Mooney Fernandez & Jackson PA 6853 Energy Ct Lakewood Ranch FL 34240 941-306-4730 | Lic. 75401 Crittenden, Aaron B Harllee & Bald PA 202 Old Main St Bradenton FL 34205 941-744-5537 | Lic. 112878 Castro, Sara Castro Potts Law Firm PLLC 1990 Main St | Ste 750 Sarasota FL 941-300-959534236|Lic. 1010197 McKay, Scott D McKay Law Firm PA 1904 Manatee Ave W | Ste 300 Bradenton FL 34205 941-251-4951 | Lic. 187800 Trimyer, Brian L Harllee & Bald PA 202 Old Main St Bradenton FL 34205 941-744-5537 | Lic. 183792

FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION December 26, 2006 DEGREES Albany Law School of Union University, 2004 PRACTICE AREAS Motor Vehicle Accidents Slip and Fall/ Trip and Fall Cases Nursing Home Neglect Medical InsuranceMalpractice LAW FIRM Mallard Perez, PLLC HONOREE | Personal Injury COURTNEY FLANDREAU SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 45
Courtney leverages her skills and compassion for her clients to maximize settlements and win di cult trials against insurance companies.
Courtney provides exceptional service to her clients, applying the knowledge she gained as a defense lawyer together with extensive trial experience, to help those who have been hurt due to the negligence of another. She is dedicated to providing personalized, e ective legal representation to her clients.
What distinguishes your work and your firm from others? Mallard Perez is a small firm with a big reputation for winning trials.
Earlier this year, they won a $28 million verdict against DCF. This was a case most lawyers would have turned away, but not Mallard Perez. They knew they had to make things right for the victim. Unlike larger firms, they personally know their clients and the details of their individual cases, which is vital to their success. When they are not in the courtroom, they are busy giving back to the community. Courtney is involved with the Manatee River Rotary Club, her church and animal rescue. CONTACT 889 N Washington Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 941.952.1682 | courtney@mallardperez.com | mallardperez.com
BIO Courtney Flandreau has been a trial attorney for over fifteen years, representing both plainti s and defendants throughout Florida. Earlier in her career, Courtney served as senior sta attorney for one of the largest insurance companies in the country, representing hundreds of defendants in accident cases. She became a plainti ’s attorney in 2017 and now exclusively advocates for the wrongfully injured.
Tell us about yourself and your firm. Courtney was excited to join Mallard Perez over the summer of 2021, where she will continue to represent the injured and hold wrongdoers accountable. She is dedicated to helping those who have been injured in an automobile accident, as the result of unsafe conditions at a store or restaurant, or due to medical malpractice. She also provides conscientious representation to the most vulnerable clients, including those injured as the result of child abuse or neglect, or mistreatment in a nursing home.

COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Hall, M Lewis III Legacy Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203234236|Lic. 249513 Hutton, Steven D Legacy Hutton Dominko & Swaim 2639 Fruitville Rd | Ste 302 SarasotaFL 941-364-929234237|Lic. 342221 Bentley, Morgan R Legacy Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.962287 Garcia, Martin Legacy Garcia Dell 1819 Main St | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-960-810134236-5976|Lic.817597
Dell, Josh R Garcia Dell 1819 Main St | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-960-810134236-5976|Lic.92341
Johnson, Charles F Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 898937 Swaim, Yuliya V Hutton Dominko & Swaim 2639 Fruitville Rd | Ste 302 Sarasota FL 941-364-929234237|Lic. 100406
Pastorick, William “Dirk” Williams AttorneysParkeratLaw 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203634236|Lic. 1033411 Gregory, Tommy E Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203634236|Lic. 374120 Kison, Amanda R Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.96151
Moore, Fred E Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 273480
Bartlett, Charles J Legacy Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-953-811334237|Lic. 273422 Bowen, Jill M Rising Stars Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.1019549 Stall, Tyler B Rising Stars Hutton Dominko & Swaim 2639 Fruitville Rd | Ste 302 Sarasota FL 941-364-929234237|Lic. 116074
Chase, Steven J Legacy Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota, FL 941-364-270834236|Lic. 210277 Dart, Thomas H Legacy Adams and Reese LLP 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 700 Sarasota FL 941-316-760334236|Lic. 228788
CIVIL LITIGATIONLAW cont. Haskins, Alison H Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 149462 Kessler, Bryan Berg & Kessler 1872 S Tamiami Trl | Ste D Venice FL 941-493-087134293-3129|Lic.97974
Wade, Lloydann Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 124898
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Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 124513 McComb, William C Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 87063 Ebling, Jamie Adam Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 369284 Infanti, Michael P Infanti Law Firm LLC PO Box 941-256-7246Sarasota5292FL34277-5292|Lic.483590
Fredericks, David J Anderson & Givens PA 5500 Bee Ridge Rd | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-866-434834233|Lic. 84185 Jensen, Adria Maria Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-273934236|Lic. 11690 Norton, Hunter G Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-277134236|Lic. 30534 Reilly, Patrick J Snyder & Reilly Trial Lawyers 355 W Venice Ave Venice FL 941-485-962634285-2004|Lic.125109 Hanson, Mark Lobeck & Hanson PA 2033 Main St | Ste 403 Sarasota FL 941-955-562234237-6063|Lic.472182
France, Michael A France Litigation Group 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 800 Sarasota FL 941-953-360034236-6782|Lic.521345 Chapman, John The John Chapman Law Firm PA 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 870 Sarasota FL 941-404-461634236-6765|Lic.846820 Dominko, Przemyslaw L Hutton Dominko & Swaim 2639 Fruitville Rd | Ste 302 Sarasota FL 941-364-929234237|Lic. 74143 Goodrich, Brian D Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.106948
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.

First, we do not advertise. Mallard Perez’s business model is based entirely on providing outstanding representation and on educating our clients throughout the process. So far, this has resulted in over 20 years of satisfied clients and exponential growth over the last two decades.
Tell us about yourself and your firm. When I first decided to go to law school, I knew I wanted to pursue a legal practice that helped people. I graduated with honors from the Florida State University College of Law and went to work for a firm that sued insurance companies for acting in bad faith and failing to settle claims.
My firm is di erent from many other personal injury law firms in two ways.
I learned a great deal in those first three years of practice about the claims handling process, and from there, I decided I wanted to use my knowledge of the insurance and claim process to help people injured by another’s negligence. What distinguishes your work and your firm from others?
Second, Mallard Perez attorneys bring 100 years of collective legal experience to the table. This, along with a long track record of multi-million-dollar trial verdicts, helps us resolve a vast majority of our cases for fair amounts without ever going to trial.
CONTACT 889 N Washington Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 941.952.1682 elizete@mallardperez.com
FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION September 27, 2012 DEGREES Florida State University College of Law, with honors, 2012 PRACTICE AREAS Personal Injury Litigation Nursing Home Negligence Medical Malpractice YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 10 years LAW FIRM Mallard Perez, PLLC ELIZETE D. VELADO HONOREE | Personal Injury SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 47
BIO A member of the Florida Bar since 2012, Elizete Velado has spent her entire legal career representing individuals and small businesses that have been disenfranchised or mistreated by an insurance company. She continues this pursuit at Mallard Perez by protecting the legal rights of those who have been severely injured. An accomplished writer, she has been published in the Florida State University Journal of Transnational Law and several trade publications. Her litigation practice includes cases involving motor vehicle crashes, nursing home neglect, medical malpractice, and cases involving sexual assault or child abuse. She works hard to secure the best outcome possible for her clients and is in the process of working toward board certification in Civil Trial Law.
| mallardperez.com

Solnoki, Drew The Byrd Law Firm 2151 Main St | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-954-340034237-6005|Lic.661341 Valcarcel, Erika Valcarcel Law 2170 Main St | Ste 204 Sarasota FL 941-363-790034237-6033|Lic.670405
FIRST Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide. HONOREES
CORPORATE COUNSEL Zuberer, Telese Icard Merrill Cullis Timm Furen & Ginsburg PA 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 179371 CORPORATE FINANCE, MERGERS Hanan,ACQUISITIONSANDBenjamin R Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-278834236|Lic. 89559 Lapointe, Matthew J Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 16138 CRIMINAL DEFENSE Byrd, Derek The Byrd Law Firm 2151 Main St | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-954-340034237-6005|Lic.81167 Wagner, Dustin S Lightning Law PLLC 1201 6th Ave W | Ste 100 Bradenton FL 34205-7400 941-993-4226 | Lic. 98164 Reid, Jason Attorney Jason Reid 912 7th Ave E Bradenton FL 34208 941-920-5662 | Lic. 28307 Zimmerman, Mark R Zimmerman & Zimmerman Firm 2055 Wood St | Ste 118 Sarasota FL 941-364-850334237-7928|Lic.911666
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Pouget, Andrew Fowler Law Group PA 2075 Main St | Ste 38 Sarasota FL 941-404-890934237|Lic. 1013551 Fowler, James A Jr Fowler Law Group PA 2075 Main St | Ste 38 Sarasota FL 941-404-890934237-6031|Lic.55830 McIntosh, Brett McIntosh Law 766 Hudson Ave | Ste B Sarasota FL 941-306-323034236-7739|Lic.993972
CONSUMER DEBT Wilson, Andrew C Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 103203 Ellis, Richard V Richard V Ellis Law 2187 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-841-121034237|Lic. 288322 Avrutis, Thomas L Hodges Avrutis & Foeller PA 201 Fletcher Ave Sarasota FL 941-955-730034237-6044|Lic.369365
Rosin, Andrew W Law Offices of Andrew W Rosin PA 1966 Hillview St Sarasota FL 941-359-260434239-3607|Lic.598305
LITIGATIONCOMMERCIALcont. Serrano, Meghan O Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-278334236|Lic. 53124 Gurley, Alex Gurley and Associates 601 S Osprey Ave Sarasota FL 941-556-149234236-7526|LIC.126321
CONSTRUCTIONGurley,DavidE Legacy Gurley Associates 601 S Osprey Ave Sarasota FL 941-556-148034236-7526|Lic.402214 Walker, Douglas E Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-554534236|Lic. 713031 Preston, David S Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 23973
Henson, Brett M Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-275234236|Lic. 84259 Owen, Ryan W Adams and Reese LLP 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 700 Sarasota FL 941-316-764034236|Lic. 29355 Murphy, Michael P Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 40207 Hanson, Erik M Shutts & Bowen LLP 1858 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-552-377434236|Lic. 98529 Rans, E Zachary Shutts & Bowen LLP 1858 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-552-378734236|Lic. 316740 Fant, Michael A Jr Gurley & Associates 601 S Osprey Ave Sarasota FL 941-556-148934236-7526|Lic.100713 Staine, Christopher A Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-271834236|Lic. 572861 Abate, Anthony J Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-270734236|Lic. 289558 Tannenbaum, Alan E Tannenbaum Law Group PL 1990 Main St | Ste 725 Sarasota FL 941-316-011134236-6007|Lic.259144 Sanchez, Albert A Sanchez Law PLLC 2055 Wood St | Ste 220 Sarasota FL 941-366-000134237-7931|Lic.267953

The Fowler Law Group is a lowvolume, high-attention law firm that focuses on providing exceptional client service and proudly stands behind the firm’s motto: “Respect, Reputation, Protection.” The Fowler Law Group believes criminal defense is more than just getting results; it is about providing high caliber service along the way. How do you represent, protect and support your clients?
Since matriculating in 2018, Andrew has continued the firm’s legacy of providing high-quality criminal defense to Sarasota, Bradenton and Tampa. Andrew’s depth of legal knowledge and proficiency in legal writing provides an essential element to FLG’s comprehensive approach to criminal defense, and his aptitude for appellate practice sets FLG apart as a full-service criminal defense firm in the SRQ area.
BIO Andrew Pouget is a lifelong student of the law and vigilant advocate for justice. He understands that success is earned by hard work, determination, quality legal research, and framing arguments with precision and articulation. His passion for law is the driving force that compels him to take the extra step, and he does not quit until he achieves the best possible result for his clients.
Fowler Law Group o ers services for Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, Juvenile Criminal Defense, Speeding/ Tra c Tickets, Sealing and Expunging Criminal Records and Reversing Driver’s License Suspensions.
Tell us about yourself and your firm. Andrew graduated suma cum laude with a 4.0 GPA in the honors college of University of Detroit Mercy, boasting majors in philosophy, political science, and pre-law. A co-founder of Phi Alpha Delta, Andrew also served as President of the Political Science Association. In 2009 he graduated magna cum laude from Michigan State University College of Law, the only student to ever graduate with a concentration in criminal law while also receiving a certificate from the nationally renowned Geo rey Fieger Trial Practice Institute. Andrew was a public defender before joining the Fowler Law Group where he serves as senior partner. What distinguishes your work and your firm from others?
DEGREES • University of Detroit Mercy Suma Cum Laude. Majors in philosophy, political science, and pre-law. • Detroit College of Law, Magna Cum Laude, Juris Doctorate. Certificates in Trial Practice and Criminal Law. AREAS CriminalCriminalDefenseAppealsLaw OF EXPERIENCE years LAW FIRM Fowler Law Group, P.A. 2075 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34237 941.404.8909 | andrew@teamflg.com thefowlerlawgroup.com

ELDER Wiesner,LAWIraS Legacy Advocates in Aging, Law Office of Wiesner Smith 328 N Rhodes Ave Sarasota FL 941-242-727034237|Lic. 222887 Schadt, Rachel B Rising Stars Teresa K Bowman PA 3277 Fruitville Rd | Ste D-2 Sarasota FL 941-735-520034227|Lic. 127500
Griffith, Kevin McIntosh Law 766 Hudson Ave | Ste B Sarasota FL 941-306-323034236-7739|Lic.102647
Rizzo, Anne Marie Finebloom Haenel & Higgins PA 1414 S Tamiami Trl Sarasota FL 941-444-444434239-2901|Lic.35007
Mogensen, Andrea Flynn Law Office of Andrea Flynn Mogensen PA 677 N Washington Blvd | Ste 128 Sarasota FL 941-955-106634236-4241|Lic.549681 Baily, Allan Law Offices of Baily & Baily PA 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 18 Sarasota FL 941-364-999734236-5928|Lic.138241
50 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
Darville, Wyndel G The Law Office of Wyndel G Darville 49 N East Ave Sarasota FL 941-564-531934237-6057|Lic.110736
Finebloom, Darren The Law Place 1414 S Tamiami Trl Sarasota FL 941-444-444434239-2901|Lic.336660
Butler, Sierra Butler Elder Law PA 8784 East SR 70 | Ste 102 Bradenton FL 34202 941-254-6611 | Lic. 103145 Byrne, Sean M Bach & Jacobs PA 240 S Pineapple Ave | Ste 700 Sarasota FL 941-906-123134236-6725|Lic.51988
Buckman, Allie R Buckman & Buckman PA 2023 Constitution Blvd Sarasota FL 941-923-770034231|Lic. 118584
Bennett, Jeanne O’Brien & Bennett PA 1800 2nd St | Ste 819 Sarasota FL 941-316-920034236-5987|Lic.32881 Johnson, James E II Greene Hamrick Quinlan & Schermer PA 410 43rd St W | Ste N Bradenton FL 34209-2923 941-747-1871 | Lic. 61621 Worley, Jami C Worley Elder Law PLLC 4916 26th St W | Ste 152 Bradenton FL 34207-1712 941-448-1302 | Lic. 1003559 O’Brien, Gerald F O’Brien & Bennett PA 1800 2nd St | Ste 819 Sarasota FL 941-316-920034236-5987|Lic.768820
Likens, Christopher A Christopher A Likens PA 1800 2nd St | Ste 971 Sarasota FL 941-365-783834236-5992|Lic.981303 Pillion, Kevin Life Planning Law Firm PA 1671 Mound St Sarasota FL 941-914-600034236|Lic. 70288 Barry, Matthew D Lyons Beaudry & Harrison PA 1605 Main St | Ste 1111 Sarasota FL 941-444-640734236|Lic. 104886
CRIMINAL DEFENSE cont. Dunn, Adam The Dunn Firm PA 1269 1st St | Ste 8 Sarasota FL 941-866-435234236-5518|Lic.107323
Hibbert, Andrew T Glenn and Hibbert PA 100 Wallace Ave | Ste 360 Sarasota FL 941-357-177534237-6065|Lic.91470
Smith, Daniel H Advocates in Aging, Law Office of Wiesner Smith 328 N Rhodes Ave Sarasota FL 941-242-727034237-4651|Lic.1006829
Shaffer, William Bouziane & Shaffer Attorneys at Law LLC 2170 Main St | Ste 103 Sarasota FL 941-404-494034237-6026|Lic.65952
Boyer, Andrew R Boyer & Boyer PA 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 21 Sarasota FL 941-365-230434236-5967|Lic.35409 Bowman, Teresa K Teresa K Bowman PA 3277 Fruitville Rd | Ste D-2 Sarasota FL 941-735-520034227|Lic. 21453 Boyer, Edwin M Boyer & Boyer PA 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 21 Sarasota FL 941-365-230434236-5967|Lic.252719
Proctor, Rebecca J Proctor Elder Law PA 3639 Cortez Rd W | Ste 108 Bradenton FL 34210-3157 941-251-6969 | Lic. 629774
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Sobel, Donna Irvin Donna Irvin Sobel PA 4900 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34209-3859 941-747-0001 | Lic. 370096 Dine, Erika Dine Elder Law PO Box Lakewood110463Ranch FL 34211 941-746-3900 | Lic. 634581 Ferrari, John L Jr Ferrari Butler & Moneymaker PLLC 2477 Stickney Point Rd | Ste 107B Sarasota FL 941-960-167634231-4069|Lic.111132
Moneymaker, Liz Liz Moneymaker PA 714 Manatee Ave E | Ste C Bradenton FL 34208-1235 941-677-7237 | Lic. 885851 Lyons, Neil T Luhrsen Goldberg LLC 6954 Professional Pkwy Sarasota FL 941-212-260034240-8414|Lic.91826
Toups, Bishop L Bishop L Toups PA 2014 4th SarasotaStFL 941-882-073134237-4304|Lic.120525
EDUCATION Windsor, Jane Elizabeth Windsor Law LLC 2014 4th SarasotaStFL 941-584-951034237-4304|Lic.86988

Moore, S William Legacy Moore Bowman & Reese PA 551 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 100 Sarasota FL 941-365-380034232|Lic. 157268 Blucher, Paul A Legacy Blucher Law Group PLLC 7300 Delainey Ct Sarasota FL 941-361-114534240-8445|Lic.860409
Grondahl, Paul F Paul F Grondahl PA 2017 Manatee Ave W Bradenton 941-251-6900FL34205-5863|Lic.97918
Delpech, Melinda A Band Law Group 1 S School Ave | Ste 500 Sarasota FL 941-917-050534237-6015|Lic.973238
Marble, Robert The Law Offices of Robert A Marble PL 2075 Main St | Ste 18 Sarasota FL 941-531-198134236-4241|Lic.32924
Wallace, Jaime L Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 370665 Brown, Faith Z Brown Brown & Kuhn 1001 3rd Ave W | Ste 375 Bradenton FL 34205-7841 941-953-2825 | Lic. 11280 Rudd, Tinley Marie Law Offices of Tinley M Rudd Esq 2127 Ringling Blvd | Ste 103 SarasotaFL 941-870-397734237|Lic. 22902 Boeller, Sara Sawyer Boeller Law PA 2190 S Tamiami Trl Venice FL 941-315-859834293|Lic. 37190 Lascelle, Jennie Your Family Matters PA 3277 F ruitville Rd, Ste F2 Sarasota FL 941-275-278534276|Lic. 527130 McDermott, Paul M McDermott Law Offices PLLC 6151 Lake Osprey Dr | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-225-255034240|Lic.114933 Krotec, Peter J Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 34236-5919 941-365-7171 | Lic. 747361 Bates-Buchanan, Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan & Savitsky Law Group PA 333 Tamiami Trl S | Ste 298 Venice FL 941-799-301534285-2427|Lic.179183
Policastro, Dan The Law Office of Dan Policastro PL 355 W Venice Ave Venice FL 941-882-436734285-2004|Lic.100788
Meshberger, Lindsey A Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 36451 Keane, Dana Keane & Keane Attorneys at Law 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 5 Sarasota FL 941-366-725534236-5932|Lic.30425 Drumm, William William Drumm PA 434 S Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 941-955-170034236-7100|Lic.288240 Sobel, Edward B Edward B Sobel PA 4900 Manatee Ave W | Ste 206 Bradenton FL 34209-3859 941-746-1203 | Lic. 369888 Bell, Lisa Ann Lisa Bell PA 435 12th St W | Ste 216 Bradenton FL 34205-7820 941-404-4625 | Lic. 97100
Poole, Kenneth M Jr Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.21223 Bragg, Adam Bragg Law Firm PLLC 2055 Wood St | Ste 209 Sarasota FL 941-893-155534237-7929|Lic.71542
Burns, Jennifer Children’s Legal Services 3260 Fruitville Rd | Suite B Sarasota FL 941-876-520034237-6423|Lic.112404
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
FAMILY LAW Blue, Deborah J Legacy Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 522030
Norman, Colleen Schipani Norman & McLain PA 1605 Main St | Ste 1110 Sarasota FL 941-499-815434236-5809|Lic.63306
52 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
Resnick, Michael L Legacy Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.157765 King, Amanda M Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.78996 Evans, Natalya Your Family Matters PA 3277 Fruitville Rd | Ste F2 Sarasota FL 941-275-278534237-6410|Lic.67277 Murphy, Stephanie L The Murphy Law Group 2127 Ringling Blvd | Ste 102 Sarasota FL 941-328-814234237-7025|Lic.553751 Byrd, Heather The Byrd Law Firm 2151 Main St | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 34237-6005 941-954-3400 | Lic. 76074 Schipani, Philip J Schipani, Norman, & Mclain PA 1605 Main St | Ste 1110 SarasotaFL 941-499-815434236-5809|Lic.557528
Young, Robert L Band Gates & Dramis 2070 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-366-801034237-7002|Lic.107122
Wilson, Mark A Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 107431 Guy, Jeffrey M Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-271434236|Lic. 92428 Loftus, Leslie Loftus Law 1858 Ringling Blvd | Ste 110 Sarasota FL 941-444-727834236-5917|Lic.996440

Villaverde, Monica The Law Offices of Monica Villaverde 1990 Main St | Ste 725 Sarasota FL 941-284-498534236-6007|Lic.71014
Cohen, Andrew Persson Cohen Mooney Fernandez & Jackson PA 6853 Energy Ct Lakewood Ranch FL 34240 941-306-4730 | Lic. 89176 Mooney, Maggie D Persson Cohen Mooney Fernandez & Jackson PA 6853 Energy Ct Lakewood Ranch FL 34240 941-306-4730 | Lic. 555924
FAMILY LAW cont. Gillett, Carmen R Carmen R Gillett PLLC 1845 Morrill St Sarasota FL 941-366-982634236-6932|Lic.375446 Kowtko, W Matthew Kowtko Law Group 1800 2nd St | Ste 882 Sarasota FL 941-227-494534236-5988|Lic.111142
Compton, Jennifer B Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-275434236|Lic. 128041 Collier, Jason A Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-279134236|Lic. 733318 Joshi, Nikhil N Hultman & Joshi PA 2055 Wood St | Ste 208 Sarasota FL 941-218-280034237|Lic. 123803 Farrelly, Jessica M Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 103055
Bailey, Crystal Sarasota County Sheriff ’s Office 6010 Cattleridge Dr Sarasota FL 941-861-580034232-6060|Lic.69010
Rosenberg, Bruce Rosenberg Law PA 1895 Floyd St | Ste B Sarasota FL 941-373-677734239-2927|Lic.994782 IMMIGRATION LAW Jaensch, P Christopher Jaensch Immigration Law Firm 2198 Main St Sarasota FL 941-366-984134237-6024|Lic.72044 Ramos, Jason P Law Offices of Jason P Ramos PLLC 306 N Rhodes Ave | Ste 109 Sarasota FL 941-306-238434237|Lic. 70388 Jaensch, Karins Victoria Jaensch Immigration Law Firm 2198 Main St Sarasota FL 941-366-984134237-6024|Lic.47333 Sandaire, Stephanie B Black Rock Legal Group PLLC 1215 Manatee Ave W | Ste 101 Bradenton FL 34205-7517 941-404-5775 | Lic. 52761 Rolfes,INSURANCEAJames Legacy Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 373524
GOVERNMENT Barnebey,ADMINISTRATIVEANDMarkP Legacy Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 370827 Fournier, Robert M The City of Sarasota 1 S School Ave | Ste 700 Sarasota FL 941-906-119934237-6045|Lic.262730
Stamoulis,PROPERTYINTELLECTUALRIGHTSElizabethM Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-554634236|Lic. 120765 Cherry, Douglas A Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-273834236|Lic. 333130 Portnow, Adam B Law Office of Adam B Portnow PL 2071 Main St Sarasota FL 941-373-179734237-6038|Lic.56807 LABOR EMPLOYMENTANDFowler-Hermes,Jennifer Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-255834236|Lic. 127442 Farb, Gail E Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-255734236|Lic. 619191 Sensenig, Christine Sensenig Law Firm PA 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 230 Sarasota FL 941-953-282834236-6930|Lic.74276
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Kardash, Regina A Persson Cohen Mooney Fernandez & Jackson PA 6853 Energy Ct Lakewood Ranch FL 34240 941-306-4730 | Lic. 66381 Fernandez, Kelly M Persson Cohen Mooney Fernandez & Jackson PA 6853 Energy Ct Lakewood Ranch FL 34240 941-306-4730 | Lic. 676081 HEALTH CARE LAW Moore, John L Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-662034236|Lic. 908118 Stroud, Robert S Blalock Walters PA 2 N Tamiami Trl | Ste 408 Sarasota FL 941-748-010034236-5591|Lic.783781
Rosenberg, Alexis Rosenberg Law PA 1895 Floyd St | Ste B Sarasota FL 941-373-677734239-2927|Lic.335400
Peairs, Jeffrey D Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 875260 Nigro, Christopher M Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 56590 Carson-Freymann, Catherine M Goodman McGuffey LLP 6751 Professional Pkwy Sarasota FL 941-806-298434240-8448|Lic.418986
54 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide

BIO A board-certified specialist in Wills, Trusts and Estates, Richard (Rick) Gans is president and shareholder with Fergeson, Skipper, PA, and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his clients . Gans has been part of Fergeson Skipper since 1994 and has an AV® Preeminent™ Peer Review Rating from Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest rating available for an attorney’s legal ability and professional ethics. Gans’ extensive educational background includes earning his BA from Cornell University, his MA from the University of Michigan and his JD from the University of Washington School of Law. Gans then went on to receive his LLM in Taxation from the University of Florida College of Law.
CONTACT 1515 Ringling Blvd., 10 Floor, Sarasota, Florida 34236 941.957.1900 | rgans@fergusonskipper.com | FergesonSkipper.com
HONOREE | Wills RICHARD R. GANS SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 55
A fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, Gans is also an accomplished speaker and author, with a growing number of published and peer-respected works. His extensive record of accolades includes the Best Lawyers® in America list from 2010-2021 and 15 consecutive years as a Florida Super FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION December 23, 1994 DEGREES BA from Cornell University MA from the University ofJDMichiganfromthe University of Washington School of Law LLM in Taxation from the University of Florida College of Law
PRACTICE AREAS FL Real Estate Law: Title Examination, Title Issuance and Resolving Title Issues Land Acquisition and Construction Agreements Commercial and Residential Closings LAW FIRM Fergeson Skipper Named a 2022 “Best Law Firm” by U.S. News Best Lawyers Tier 1 Sarasota: Tax, Trusts & Estates Law; Tier 2 Sarasota: Litigation, Trusts & Estates

Perez, Alan L Mallard Perez PLLC 889 N Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 941-952-168234236|Lic. 60409 Mallard, Damian Mallard Perez PLLC 889 N Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 941-952-168234236|Lic. 882348
Lincoln, Robert K Law Office of Robert K Lincoln PA 2055 Wood St | Ste 206 Sarasota FL 941-681-870034237-7929|Lic.6122
LAND USE ENVIRONMENT Bailey, Charles D Jr Legacy Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-660934236|Lic. 135878
Patrick S McArdle Esq 1023 Manatee Ave W | Ste 411 Bradenton FL 34205-7827 941-214-7122 | Lic. 99548 Eastmoore, Theodore C Matthews Eastmoore Hardy Crauwels & Garcia PA 1626 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-888834236-6815|Lic.300950
Iyampillai, Patrick Rising Stars Hale Law PA 2803 Fruitville Rd | Ste 240 Sarasota FL 941-735-452934237|Lic. 1001457
Chalfant, Marjorie The Nurse Attorney PA 8039 Cooper Creek Blvd | Ste 105 Bradenton FL 34201-3007 941-210-4220 | Lic. 738611 PERSONAL INJURY Telfair, Charles W Legacy Lutz Bobo & Telfair PA 2 N Tamiami Trl | Fl 5th Sarasota FL 941-951-180034236-5574|Lic.883964
Chapman, Anne W Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 828491 Malatesta, Frank Michael Malatesta Law Office 871 Venetia Bay Blvd | Ste 235 Venice FL 941-256-381234285-8047|Lic.97080
Williams, Tamara J Rising Stars Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 127625
Merrill, William W III Legacy Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic.341207
Brockway, G Matthew Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 SarasotaFL 941-953-812534237|Lic. 52626 Colburn, Casey The Colburn Firm PL 7321 Merchant Ct | Ste A Lakewood Ranch FL 34240-8466 941-9286801 | Lic. 647551 Petruff, Patricia A Dye Harrison Kirkland Petruff Pratt & St Paul PLLC 1206 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-4411 | Lic. 260991 Powers, Marisa J Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 795771 Patten, Brenda L Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 383236 Rees, Stephen D Jr Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-907-000634237|Lic. 17460 Dillard-Spahn, Stacy Law Office of Robert K Lincoln PA 2055 Wood St | Ste 206 SarasotaFL 941-681-870034237-7929|Lic.22496
DuBose, E Keith Matthews Eastmoore Hardy Crauwels & Garcia PA 1626 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-888834236-6815|Lic.84999 Bucha, Sandra L McCue Reams Bucha & Associates 524 9th St BradentonWFL 800-332-199234205-7736|Lic.11780 Horne, James M Kallins & Little PA 1910 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 941-210-600034205|Lic.98994
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Mapes, Sara Hamilton Price & Marshall PA 2400 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205-4934 941-748-0550 | Lic. 112618 Rudacille, Scott E Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 866121 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE DEFENSE Legacy Marchbank, Ralph L Jr Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 305571 MEDICAL McArdle,PLAINTIFFMALPRACTICEPatrickS
Battaglia, Alyson Legler Murphy & Battaglia LLP 2411 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-5599 | Lic. 56548
Luhrsen, Julie S Luhrsen Goldberg LLC 6954 Professional Pkwy Sarasota FL 941-212-260034240-8414|Lic.163848
56 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
Castellano, Nicholas J II Buckman & Buckman PA 2023 Constitution Blvd Sarasota FL 941-923-770034231|Lic. 118601 Hultman, Lori Hultman & Joshi PA 2055 Wood St | Ste 208 Sarasota FL 941-218-280034237|Lic. 250511 Duggan, Patrick J Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th SarasotaFL 941-364-273534236|Lic. 899461
Bailey, Charles D III Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-555134236|Lic.17884

Fernandez, Stephen Shapiro Goldman Babboni Fernandez & Walsh 3550 S Tamiami Trl | Fl 3rd Sarasota FL 941-954-123434239-6014|Lic.723673
Lindauer, Danielle M Becker & Lindauer LLC 11023 Gatewood Dr | Ste 103 Bradenton FL 34211 941-567-6728 | Lic. 44505 Flandreau, Courtney Mallard Perez PLLC 889 N Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 941-952-168234236|Lic. 32713 Sammons, Trevor Hale Law PA 2803 Fruitville Rd | Ste 240 Sarasota FL 941-735-452934237|Lic. 127423 Martinez, Kelli Legler Murphy & Battaglia LLP 2411 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-5599 | Lic. 1009766 Tomlinson, Mark S Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 112225 Denny, Charles W IV Dickinson & Gibbons PA 401 N Cattlemen Rd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-468034232|Lic. 488615 Legler, Kennedy Legler Murphy & Battaglia LLP 2411 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-5599 | Lic. 570184
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Stephan, Michele S Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 SarasotaFL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 96628
58 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
PERSONAL INJURY cont. Westheimer, F Scott Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.100242 Hale, Patrick Hale Law PA 2803 Fruitville Rd | Ste 240 Sarasota FL 941-735-452934237|Lic. 113304 Reeves, Grace Legler Murphy & Battaglia LLP 2411 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-5599 | Lic. 119586 Delgado, Jim Shapiro | Delgado 308 Cocoanut Ave Sarasota FL 941-954-400034236-4920|Lic.155446
Murphy, Michael T Hale Law PA 2803 Fruitville Rd | Ste 240 Sarasota FL 941-735-452934237|Lic. 524492 Gormley, Barbara H Barbara H Gormley PA 2831 Ringling Blvd | Ste 214E Sarasota FL 941-366-129034237|Lic. 164747 Christine, Karly R Christine Law PA 5531 Marquesas Cir Sarasota FL 941-548-955534233|Lic. 91484 Harris, Tom Harris Law Group 1226 Fruitville Rd Sarasota FL 941-366-086034236|Lic. 879614
Goldman, David L Goldman FernandezBabboni&Walsh 3550 S Tamiami Trl | Fl 3rd Sarasota FL 941-954-123434239-6014|Lic.724300 Robertson, Bill The Robertson Law Firm 1990 9th St | Ste 100 Sarasota FL 941-364-245534236-4229|Lic.436607 Kenyon, Amy Kenyon Law Group PLLC 1215 Manatee Ave W | Ste 105 Bradenton FL 34205-7517 941-225-2616 | Lic. 73526 Barak, Anthony Barak Law Group 1322 3rd Ave W Bradenton FL 34205-7528 941-782-8242 | Lic. 523380
Hagopian, Gregory S Gallagher & Hagopian PL 4420 5th St W Bradenton FL 34207-1531 941-727-6944 | Lic. 980481 Heintz, Steven E Heintz & Becker 905 6th Ave W Bradenton FL 34205-7701 941-748-2916 | Lic. 307645 Coballasi Durand, Andres Kenyon Law Group PLLC 1215 Manatee Ave W | Ste 105 Bradenton FL 34205-7517 941-894-1234 | Lic. 71637 PRODUCT LIABILITY Rising Stars Cowgill, Michael J Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 1010945 Sayeg, Ilyas Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic.99140 Maglio, Altom M Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 88005
Velado, Elizete Mallard Perez PLLC 889 N Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 3423 6 941-952-1682 | Lic. 99668 Manganiello, Anthony J III Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 52307 Walsh, Bernard F Shapiro Goldman Babboni Fernandez & Walsh 3550 S Tamiami Trl | Fl 3rd Sarasota FL 941-954-123434239-6014|Lic.263826 Goldberg, Christina A Luhrsen Goldberg LLC 6954 Professional Pkwy Sarasota FL 941-212-260034240-8414|Lic.41081
Murphy, Daniel Goldman FernandezBabboni&Walsh 3550 S Tamiami Trl | Fl 3rd Sarasota FL 941-954-123434239-6014|Lic.119576

CONTACT 2831 Ringling Blvd., Suite 214E, Sarasota, Florida 34237 941-366-1290 | barbara@barbarahgormleypa.com | barbarahgormleypa.com
University, Shepard
SinceMartindale-Hubbell®AssociationAVPreeminent®2014tothepresent2022 FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION April 16, 1999 PRACTICE AREAS Motor Vehicle Accidents Trucking Motorcycle,AccidentsBicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Negligent Security resulting in injury Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents Nursing Home and ALF abuse DEGREES
Over the last 23 years, attorney Barbara H. Gormley has proudly represented only individuals that have been injured as a result of the negligence of another. Ms. Gormley is rated “AV Preeminent” which is the highest level of peer rating and means that her peers, lawyers and judges, have ranked her at the highest level of professional excellence for her legal knowledge, communication skills and ethical standards. Ms. Gormley has provided the highest quality of legal services both inside and out of the courtroom since 1999 and is known for treating every case as if it is going to trial. She represents clients throughout the State of Florida.
Center, Davie, Florida YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 23+ years LAW FIRM The Law Office of Barbara H. Gormley, P.A. BARBARA H. GORMLEY, ESQ. HONOREE | Personal Injury SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 59
Her practice involves personal injury, including serious and catastrophic injuries, wrongful death as a result of automobile and trucking accidents, pedestrians and bicyclists hit by a motor vehicle, motorcycle accidents, trip/slip and fall cases on commercial and residential properties, negligent security resulting in injury cases, as well as nursing home and assisted living facility abuse cases. Tell us about yourself.
Juris Doctor Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, Davie, Florida, Deans List Member of the Nova Southeastern University’s Moot Court Honor Society State Bar of Florida, Admitted 1999 U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida Florida Bar Association, Trial Lawyers Section Member Eagle Member of the Florida Justice Association Sarasota County Bar Juris Nova Southeastern Broad Law

FIRST EDITION Abridged listings excerpted from the original printing of the complete 2021 Elite Top Attorneys honorees in September 2021.
Lawrence, Richard SRQ Property Law PLLC 1800 2nd St | Ste 888 Sarasota FL 941-479-850034236-5988|Lic.30463 Cason, Nancy E Syprett Meshad PA 1900 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-365-717134236-5919|Lic.574244
Johnson, Ann S Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 936561
60 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
REAL Dunlap,ESTATEScottW Legacy Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 471844 Shea, John J Legacy Barnes Walker Goethe Perron & Shea PLLC 1776 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-556-599934236|Lic. 261424 Walters, Clifford L III Legacy Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 221971 Moretti, Mallory A Rising Stars Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 1008343 Van Duren, Jacob Rising Stars Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 1026425 Christie, Nicole F Rising Stars Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-256434236|Lic. 1003223 Currin, Peter T Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203034236|Lic. 190446 Ryskamp, Patrick W Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203534236|Lic. 178179 Luzier, Thomas B Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-893-400534236|Lic. 899194 Battagli, Joseph B Battaglia Law PLLC 9040 Town Center Pkwy Lakewood Ranch FL 34202-4101 941-677-0088 | Lic. 58199 Conaboy, Andrew J Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 114391 Gonzalez, Moore Lisa Lisa Gonzalez Moore Esq 9040 Town Center Pkwy Bradenton FL 34202-4101 941-822-8780 | Lic. 484377 Nohren, Alyssa M Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 SarasotaFL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 352410 Kohl, Lauren P Gibson Kohl & Wolff PL 1800 2nd St | Ste 901 Sarasota FL 941-365-116634236-5997|Lic.155829 Riddell, Cynthia Riddell Law Group 3400 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 202 Sarasota FL 941-444-226734239-6093|Lic.51456 Golm, Crystal D Golm Law Firm 4916 26th St W | Suite 132 Bradenton FL 34205 941-704-4049 | Lic. 14794 Bauer, Mallory Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 1008343 Koontz, Jo Ann Koontz & Associates PL 1613 Fruitville Rd Sarasota FL 941-225-261534236-8525|Lic.29111 Wickman, John E Wickman Law Group PLLC 46 N Washington Blvd | Ste 15 Sarasota FL 941-259-610034236|Lic. 46884 Coldiron, Natalie G Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-365-621634237|Lic.99420
Featherstone, Ryan A Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 17824 Brej, Caroleen B Bentley Goodrich Kison 783 S Orange Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-556-903034236-4702|Lic.93188
Smith, T R Mackey Law Group PA 1402 3rd Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-746-6225 | Lic. 104549 Belle, Michael J Law Office of Michael J Belle 2364 Fruitville Rd Sarasota FL 941-955-921234237|Lic. 840882
Villaveces, Juan C Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-276534236|Lic. 188042 Christy, Erin Hope Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-273234236|Lic. 60510 Edwards, Sheryl The Edwards Law Firm PL 500 S Washington Blvd | Ste 400 Sarasota FL 941-363-011034236-7139|Lic.57495
Thompson, Matthew J Kauffman Law Office PLLC 1990 Main St | Ste 725 Sarasota FL 941-479-300634236|Lic. 28555 Carr, Kathryn Angell Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-270934236|Lic. 363618
Scarlett, Donald W Jr Ulrich Scarlett Watts & Dean PA 713 S Orange Ave | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-955-510034236|Lic. 138101
Gibson, James D Gibson Kohl & Wolff PL 1800 2nd St | Ste 717 Sarasota FL 941-362-888034236-5966|Lic.709069

TRIBAL Levinson,LAWPamela G Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 538345 WILLSGregoria, Ric Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203134236|Lic. 908551 Troiano, Jeffrey T Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-663834236|Lic. 31557 Frano, Rose-Anne B Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203334236|Lic. 592218 Gerling, Dana Laganella Affordable Attorney Gerling Law Group 6148 State Road 70 E Bradenton FL 941-756-660034203|Lic.503991 Gerling, Rodney Affordable Attorney Gerling Law Group 6148 State Road 70 E Bradenton FL 941-756-660034203|Lic.554340 Burchett, Charla M Shutts & Bowen LLP 1858 Ringling Blvd | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-552-378034236|Lic. 813230
Mayper, Matthew B Fergeson Skipper PA Attorneys At Law 1515 Ringling Blvd | 10th Fl Sarasota FL 941-957-190034236-6769|Lic.956820 Fergeson, James O Jr Fergeson Skipper PA Attorneys At Law 1515 Ringling Blvd | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-957-190034236-6769|Lic.171298 TRAFFIC LAW Haenel, David The Law Place 1414 S Tamiami Trl Sarasota FL 941-444-444434239-2901|Lic.494712
62 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
FIRST EDITION Abridged listings excerpted from the original printing of the complete 2021 Elite Top Attorneys honorees in September 2021.
Pitchford, Jan W Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-271034236|Lic. 507784 Horstkamp, Julie A Horstkamp Law Firm PLLC 901 Venetia Bay Blvd | Ste 260 Venice FL 941-584-206034285-8050|Lic.149446
Shaw, Timothy S Blalock Walters 802 11th Street W Bradenton, FL 34205 941-748-0100 | Lic. 331661 Najmy, Louis J Najmy Thompson PL 3400 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-907-399934239-6093|Lic.158402
Heedy, Alisa M Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-552-256934236|Lic. 119749 Heedy, David B Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-279434236|Lic. 119196 Savary, Johnson S Jr Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 162220
REAL ESTATE cont. Berlin, Evan N Berlin Patten Ebling PLLC 3700 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 200 Sarasota FL 941-954-999134239|Lic. 980919 Tullidge, Amanda C Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 106698 Plummer, Matthew R Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 51404 Chapman, Kenneth D Jr Bowman George Scheb Kimbrough Koach & Chapman PA 2750 Ringling Blvd | Ste 3 Sarasota FL 941-366-551034237-6300|Lic.863394
Saba, Richard D Richard D Saba PA 2033 Main St | Ste 400 Sarasota FL 941-952-099034237-6063|Lic.175810 SECURITIES LAW Clayton, Drew Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-366-810034237|Lic. 739464 Taaffe, Michael S Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP 240 S Pineapple Ave | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-364-272034236|Lic. 490318 SPORTS LAW Unkel, Christina E Maglio Christopher & Toale Law Firm 1605 Main St | Ste 710 Sarasota FL 888-952-524234236|Lic. 99203 TAX Bauer,LAWChristopher M Rising Stars Dunlap & Moran PA 22 S Links Ave | Ste 300 Sarasota FL 941-366-011534236|Lic. 1012136 Wagner, E John II Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-203734236|Lic. 167551 McLaughlin, Thomas J Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-536-204234236|Lic. 772291 King, Mary E Law Office of Mary E King P L 3389 Magic Oak Ln Sarasota FL 941-906-758534232-1821|Lic.987001
Payne, David W The Payne Law Group PLLC 766 Hudson Ave | Ste C Sarasota FL 941-487-280034236|Lic. 958530 Gans, Richard R Fergeson Skipper PA Attorneys At Law 1515 Ringling Blvd | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-957-190034236-6769|Lic.40878 Silberstein, David M Silberstein Law Firm PLLC 1515 Ringling Blvd | Ste 860 Sarasota FL 941-953-440034236|Lic. 436879

BIO M. Brandon Robinson’s legal career began combating consumer fraud while serving as the Elder Consumer Protection Fellow for Stetson University College of Law. After transitioning to private practice, Brandon became active in the local legal community by serving as a Director of the Manatee County Young Lawyers Division and a Member of the Florida Bar Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Brandon is a Department of Veterans Affairs Accredited Attorney and a Marine Corps Combat Veteran. Tell us about yourself and your firm. Brandon Robinson received his Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Hannibal-LaGrange University in 2011. Brandon earned his Juris Doctor and a Certificate of Concentration in Elder Law from Stetson University College of Law, graduating cum laude in 2015. Upon graduation, Brandon received the Matthew Bender Elder Law Book Award as well as the William F. Blew Pro Bono Service Award, having provided over 470 hours of pro bono services during law school. Brandon is licensed to practice in all Florida Courts as well as The United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. from Venice High School. Dawn graduated from Stetson University College in December of 1998. Dawn Marie worked for legal aid in Daytona and Bradenton doing family and elder law as Managing Attorney, before opening the Bates-Buchanan & Savitsky Law Group where she has been the primary attorney in more than 70 trials. Dawn Marie handles Estate Planning, Trust Administration, Probate and Bankruptcy law. Dawn Marie is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law and Circuit Civil and Foreclosure Mediator. Dawn Marie is also trained as a Collaborative Family Law Attorney. In addition, Dawn Marie has a project where she does pet trust for animal owners for free to keep them out of kill shelters. We are the Lady Lawyers of Florida, “a small law firm that is big enough to fight for you, but small enough to care.”
CONTACT 3119 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, FL 941-brobinson@barneswalker.com34205741-8224|barneswalker.com
CONTACT 333 Tamiami Trail S | Suite 298 Venice FL 34285 | 941-799-3015 dawnb@ladylawyersfla.com LadyLawyersFLA.com PRACTICE AREAS VeteransGuardianshipProbateTrustDisability DEGREES • Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management , Hannibal-LaGrange University • Juris Doctor & Certificate of Concentration in Elder Law Stetson University College of Law LAW FIRM Barnes Walker, Goethe, Perron & Shea, PLLC PRACTICE AREAS Probate, Estate Planning and Trust andMediation,Administration,ConsumerBankruptcy DEGREES A.S. Legal Assisting; B.A. University of South Florida; J.D. Stetson University College of Law YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 25 years LAW FIRM Bates-Buchanan & Savitsky Law Group, P.A. 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 63

WILLS cont. Casanueva, Melissa Butler Elder Law PA 8784 East SR 70 | Ste 102 Bradenton FL 34202 941-254-6611 | Lic. 105788
Najmy, Joseph L Najmy Thompson PL 3400 S Tamiami Trl | Ste 201 Sarasota FL 941-907-399934239-6093|Lic.847283
Launching this year, explore our region’s the
FIRST EDITION Recognizing the attorneys in the region who garnered the respect of their professional peers as honorees for the 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Legal Guide.
Fowler, Christopher J Norton Hammersley Lopez & Skokos PA 1819 Main St | Ste 610 Sarasota FL 941-954-469134236-5974|Lic.104085
Hamrick, Michael M Greene Hamrick Quinlan & Schermer PA 410 43rd St W | Ste N Bradenton FL 34209-2923 941-747-1871 | Lic. 290556 Elmore, Douglas J Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-663734236|Lic. 20858 Goethe, Jeffrey S Barnes Walker Goethe Perron & Shea PLLC 3119 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205-3350 941-741-8224 | Lic. 861420
Waskom, Elsbeth Muirhead Gaylor Steves Waskom 901 Ridgewood Ave Venice FL 941-484-300034285-6938|Lic.932140
online directory SRQMAG.COM/SRQATTORNEYSat:
Tullidge, Daniel L Fergeson Skipper PA Attorneys At Law 1515 Ringling Blvd | Fl 10th Sarasota FL 941-957-190034236|Lic. 106749 Guy, Scarlett R Guy Law 2170 Main St Ste 205 Sarasota FL 941-822-886934237|Lic. 627623 Kaplan, Todd D Icard Merrill Attorneys & Counselors 2033 Main St | Ste 600 Sarasota FL 941-907-000634237|Lic. 613371 Bartirome, Anthony D Blalock Walters PA 802 11th St BradentonWFL 34205-7734 941-748-0100 | Lic. 606316
64 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
Archbold, J Allison Archbold Law Firm PA 2389 Ringling Blvd | Ste A Sarasota FL 941-960-882534237|Lic. 115088 Stewart, Alexander A Dye Harrison Kirkland Petruff Pratt & St Paul PLLC 1206 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-4411 | Lic. 122110 Arroyo, Erik Band Gates & Dramis 2070 Ringling Blvd Sarasota FL 941-366-801034237-7002|Lic.123485
Robinson, M Brandon Barnes Walker Goethe Perron & Shea PLLC 3119 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205-3350 941-741-8224 | Lic. 119364 Mroczkowski, Tina M Bowman George Scheb Kimbrough Koach & Ch 2750 Ringling Blvd | Ste 3 Sarasota FL 941-366-551034237-6300|Lic.96629
Diaz, Elizabeth P Williams Parker Attorneys at Law 200 S Orange Ave Sarasota FL 941-329-663134236|Lic. 92847
Murphy, Edward Legler Murphy & Battaglia LLP 2411 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL 34205 941-748-5599 | Lic. 67792 Annunciata, Amanda Berlin Law Firm 200 N Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 941-777-700034236|Lic. 115553
Glaser, Whitney C Whitney C Glaser PA 3027 Manatee Ave W | Ste B Bradenton FL 34205-4200 941-241-8266 | Lic. 59072
Cromley,COMPENSATIONWORKER’STerriF Carlson Meissner Hart & Hayslett 714 Manatee Ave E | Ste C Bradenton FL 941-202-460034208-1235|Lic.118230
attorneys on

CONTACT 2937 Bee Ridge Rd. Suite 1 Sarasota, FL 34239 sjohnson@johnsonlegalfl .com 941-926-1155 johnsonlegaloffl orida.com PRACTICE AREAS Bankruptcy Law Property Tax Law Homestead Exemption Liens Probate DEGREES University of Florida College of Law with honors YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 24 years LAW FIRM Johnson Legal of Florida, P.L. SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 65
7/22/22, 12:51 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=cm#inbox/FMfcgzGpHHKDKnkhSfSQGrMpFNSVNXfj?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1PM
SARA BOELLER HONOREE | Family Law CONTACT 2190 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34293 941.800.4990 | saraboeller@boellerlaw.com |
HONOREE | Bankruptcy BIO Sherri L. Johnson graduated with honors from the University of Florida College of Law, and has practiced law in Sarasota for the last 24 years. Ms. Johnson is a former president of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers and the Sarasota County Bar Association and is a Master Emeritus of the Judge John M. Scheb American Inn of Court. In 2022, she was recognized as a Florida Super Lawyer and one of Florida Trend Magazine’s Legal Elite. About yourself and your firm. Johnson Legal of Florida, P.L. primarily represents debtors in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases. However, Sherri Johnson, a former special magistrate for the value adjustment boards of several Florida counties, also represents taxpayers in property tax appeals, including disputes over property valuation, denial of exemptions and agricultural classifications, and in removing homestead tax liens and assessments for back taxes. Ms. Johnson is admitted to practice before all Florida courts, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, and her property tax cases have resulted in many significant appellate decisions, including a recent decision by the Supreme Court of Florida.
BIO Sara Sawyer Boeller, Esq. is a respected family law attorney serving all of Sarasota, Venice, Manatee, Charlotte County and the surrounding areas. As a native of New Glarus, Wisconsin, Sara Boeller attended the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, where she earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, with a minor in Political Science. Recognizing her passion for resolving complex legal situations within the family, she earned her Juris Doctorate degree from the prestigious Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg Florida. A Background That has Proven Instrumental to Family Law Cases. experience for her clients, Attorney Boeller went on to earn her Masters of Arts Degree in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling from the University of South Florida. In 2013, Mrs. Boeller established Boeller Counseling, LLC, a full-service mental health counseling practice. With this extensive background, she is not only extremely experienced in litigating the very complex matters of family law in the courtroom, but she also provides a sympathetic, compassionate, and e ective approach to every family law matter. Her unique blend of skills provides clients with a more therapeutic transition throughout the legal process. Attorney Boeller began her legal career litigating family law matters at Gulfcoast Legal Aid in Sarasota, Florida. She then went on to practice exclusively in family law in the private sector. Attorney Boeller also strives to participate in volunteer activities related to family law including organizations such as the Guardian Ad Litem program.

BIO Charles W. Telfair IV is a Personal Injury Attorney. Telfair began his career at Holland and Knight back in 1989. Holland and Knight chose to relocate to Tampa and Lutz, Bobo and Telfair opened its doors in April of 1992. Through his career Telfair has had the privilege of working with some of the biggest corporations in the world: Tropicana, Volvo Penta, Stanely Bostich, to name a few. Telfair believes accessibility and honesty are what his client’s appreciate the most. Personal Injury law is personal. Telfair puts forth his energy, knowledge and time to ensure the best possible outcome for his clients.
MISSION Lutz, Bobo & Telfair is an AV rated law firm, by Martindale Hubbell. This means that our peers have given us the highest rating for both ethics and legal ability. Here at Lutz, Bobo & Telfair we are privileged to work with you, and we are honored to share our experience with you. At Lutz, Bobo and Telfair we treat our clients the way we prefer to be treated.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, University of Tampa on a full ROTC scholarship, in 1987. Attended Officer Basic School at Fort McClellan (1988). Juris Doctorate, Stetson University College of Law in 1990, Stanley Milledge Award. Retired from the US Army Reserves as Captain in 2000. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 31 years LAW FIRM Lutz, Bobo & Telfair Trial Lawyers CONTACT 2 North Tamiami Trl. 5th Floor | Sarasota, Florida, 34236 941-951-1800 | cwtelfair@lutzbobo.com | lbtlaw.com

BIO Ms. Loftus is a family law attorney who has practiced in Sarasota and Manatee Counties since 2002. She was licensed to practice law in 1984, in Chicago, Illinois. In 1994, she became licensed in Florida. Loftus enjoys her practice and her clients, with whom she works closely to provide individualized service. It is important to her that clients feel welcome, understood, and informed. Ms. Loftus favors negotiated and agreed resolutions where possible and is an active collaborative law practitioner. Some cases are not collaborative and cannot be agreed, however, and when litigating, Loftus is steadfast, purposeful and determined. She is a vigorous and experienced advocate. Loftus balances her professional life with volunteerism. Currently, she serves the Florida Bar’s Grievance Committee and Chair of the 12th Judicial Circuit’s Professionalism Panel. She is a former member of the board of the Sarasota Tiger Bay Club, the Ringling College Library Association, the City of Sarasota’s Board of Adjustment, and the Board of the Florida House on Capital Hill. CONTACT 1858 Ringling Blvd. Ste 110, Sarasota FL 34236 941-444-7278 | leslie@loftuslaw.net | loftuslaw.net 2018 -2022 Designated a “Super Lawyer”, an honor afforded to only 5% of Florida lawyers. AV Rated by Martindale Hubbell since 1996 Awarded the C.L. McKaig award for EditionRecognizedprofessionalism.inthe2018ofFlorida Legal Trend Magazine as one of Florida’s “Legal Elite.” FIRM Loftus Law

PRACTICE AREAS Collaborative Divorce Divorce Law DEGREES • Juris Doctor degree, Regent University (VA) • Bachelor’s degree, University Wisconsin-Madisonof YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 21 years LAW FIRM McDermott Law Offices, PLLC. PRACTICE AREAS Business RealConstructionLitigationLitigationEstateLitigation DEGREES Albert Sanchez obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida with High Honors and his Juris Doctorate from UF where he was a Member and Editor of the UF Law Review. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 30+ years LAW FIRM Sanchez Law, PLLC CONTACT 6151 Lake Osprey Drive | Suite 300 | Sarasota, FL 34240 941-225-2550 | paul@mcdermottlawoffices.com | mcdermottlawoffi ces.com CONTACT 2055 Wood Str. | Suite 220 | Sarasota, Fl 34237 941-366-0001 | Albert@sanchezlawfl a.com | sanchezlawfl a.com
Every case is unique and requires a strategy to e ciently accomplish the client’s objectives. In a divorce case, our coste ective approach to resolve a case is to fi rst attempt settlement through negotiation, then attend private mediation and if necessary, pursue litigation in court. This three-tiered approach attempts to preserve client assets, promote civility and safeguard children. Mr. McDermott is also trained in Collaborative Divorce, an emerging method of dispute resolution that helps parties resolve their disputes respectfully, confidentially, fairly and relatively quickly outside of court by engaging a team of collaboratively trained professionals to work together in a team environment.
Mr. Sanchez is a member of the Florida Supreme Court Business and Contracts Jury Instruction Committee. Practice Areas: Business, Construction and Real Estate Litigation and Dispute Resolution. About the firm. Sanchez Law provides legal advice in the resolution of business, construction and real estate disputes based on a two step process. Initially, Mr. Sanchez performs with his client a thorough review and analysis of the facts relevant to the dispute and the law applicable to the dispute. Once this investigative analysis is performed and the client is advised of how di erent interpretations of applicable law might a ect his/her chances of success, discussions proceed to determine the best strategy for the client going forward. This approach seeks to assist the client in making sound decisions when weighing the costs, risks and rewards of a business, construction or real estate dispute.
Albert Sanchez obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida with High Honors and his Juris Doctorate from UF where he was a Member and Editor of the UF Law Review. He has practiced law in Sarasota for over 30 years. During this period, from 1997-2012, he was also the managing partner of a real estate development and homebuilding company and a licensed contractor. This business experience has given him additional insight into how best to advise his clients when faced with a business, construction or real estate dispute.
BIO Paul McDermott is a trusted family law practitioner with more than twenty years of experience. He is a member of the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar and the Sarasota Collaborative of Family Law Professionals (sarasotacollaborative.com). He founded McDermott Law O ces in Lakewood Ranch, a fi rm focused exclusively on family law and divorce cases. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from Regent University (VA) in 2001 and his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998.
How do you represent, protect and support your clients?
Business Litigation

CHRISTINE SENSENIG HONOREE | Labor & Employment Christine Sensenig is the managing partner of She provides human resources and employment law advice as well as litigation defense to employers of all sizes in all aspects of the employment relationship. To build strong longterm relationships with clients, the fi rm explores the “why” behind a client’s concerns. In employment law, clients have needs in “real time” and the fi rm believes in being an accessible resource to our clients. Christine Sensenig is grateful to have been recognized in her community by colleagues that she respects and admires Elite Top Attorneys. “I do my best because I am counting on you counting on me.” CONTACT 1515 Ringling Blvd., Suite 230, Sarasota, FL 34236 941.953.2828 | csensenig@senseniglawfirm.com | senseniglawfi rm.com DEGREES • University of South Florida, B.A., B.A., 1988 • University of South Florida, M.L.A., 1992 • University of Florida, Levin College of Law, 1995 RECOGNITION Florida Trend Magazine Legal Elite, Martindale2009,AlumniUniversitySuperLawyer,2009-20222015-2022ofFloridaLeaderoftheYear,AVRatedbyHubbell LAW FIRM Sensenig Law Firm, P.A.

Pennewill is a member of the Public Policy Committee of Philanthropy Southeast and the past board chair of Charitable Gift Planners of Southwest Florida.
MISSION Community impact powered by philanthropy. The Community Foundation of Sarasota County unites people and organizations to create opportunities across generations to improve lives. Each one of us has the potential to impact a person, cause, community. Be The One. CONTACT 7321 Merchant Ct Ste A Sarasota, FL 34240 941.928-6801 | 850-692-9656 | Casey@CaseyColburn.com | caseycolburn.com FL
34237 941-955-3000 | betsy@cfsarasota.org | cfsarasota.org FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION September 17, 2003. Also licensed in Pennsylvania. PRACTICE AREAS Zoning | Land Use Environmental | Real Estate Sustainability | Due Diligence FEMA | ShoppingEnforcementRedevelopmentContaminatedRiparianPermittingGreenPermittingDevelopment|WetlandsBuilding|Waterfront|ConservationRights|DocksSiteRemediation|Code|Ethics|CopyrightCenterLaw. LAW FIRM The Colburn Firm, PL FLORIDA BAR DATE OF ADMISSION September 24, 1998. PRACTICE AREAS Planned Giving Techniques Compliance with Regulations for Foundations LAW FIRM Community Foundation of Sarasota County 70 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide
CASEY COLBURN HONOREE | Land Use, Environmental Law
CONTACT 2635 Fruitville Road | Sarasota,
Mr. Colburn’s Florida-based boutique law practice is devoted to the acquisition, disposition and/or the redevelopment of real estate. Casey assists landown ers with zoning and permitting, often in the retail shopping center, waterfront, hospitality and housing He helps property owners to ensure proper appli cation of FEMA’s “50% Rule” and other environmental, wet land, protected species, dock and navigation regulations. He leads due diligence teams to assist investors, mergers, and financing. Casey also participates in the development and implementation of environmental rules, cleanup actions, renewable energy technologies, ethical practices, and sus tainable strategies. He has lectured about his experience with these topics. A significant part of his practice now involves co-counsel relationships with other lawyers and law firms from across the country. “Being brought in to as sist a colleague with a valued client requires respect and confidence that I truly value, much like being recognized again this year by my talented local peers. Thank you, SRQ.” Betsy Pennewill serves as general counsel at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, working with donors and professional advisors to craft planned giving agreements and ensuring compliance with IRC regulations for foundations. She is also skilled in real estate transactions and estate planning matters.

PRACTICE AREAS Elder EstateLawPlanning COMMUNITY INVOLVMENT Recipient of the First Theresa Award of the Theresa Foundation, 1995. Witness before Congressional Older Americans Caucus, Chair Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy, III. Guest on Today Show, Bryant Gumbel, October 1996.
HONOREE Elder Law BIO Daniel H. Smith is an attorney at Advocates in Aging focusing on Elder Law, Medicaid Planning, Guardianship, Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning, Special Needs Planning, Probate and Trust Administration, Veterans Benefits, and Long-Term Care Issues. Daniel is licensed to practice law in Florida and Virginia. He received his J.D. cum laude, George Mason University School of Law (2015), and his B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2005). Tell us about yourself and your firm. Daniel is also a VA Accredited Attorney, representing veterans and their families in appeals of VA Benefits decisions. Daniel also assists seniors in retaining and/or restoring their rights, representing elderly individuals in court and administrative proceedings.
Elder EstateLawPlanning DEGREES J.D. cum laude, George Mason University School of Law (2015) B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2005). YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 7 years LAW FIRM Advocates in Aging, Law Office of Wiesner Smith
SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL | 2022 Elite Top Attorneys Awards Legal Guide | 71
YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 40+ years LAW FIRM Advocates in Aging, Law Office of Wiesner Smith
BIO Ira Stewart Wiesner is founder of Advocates in Aging, Sarasota’s fi rst dedicated Elder Law fi rm. For over 40 years he has guided clients on issues of aging and disability, preserving assets and accessing care. He was founding member and Chair of the Florida Bar Elder Law Sections. Ira’s contributions to the emerging field earned him election as President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and selection as a Fellow of the Academy. MISSION Our mission is to help protect the assets, preserve the independence, and maintain the dignity and security of our clients as they confront the issues of aging or illness. CONTACT 328 N. Rhodes Ave. Sarasota, FL 34237 941-365-9900 | ira@wiesnerlaw.com | wiesnerlaw.com CONTACT 328 N Rhodes Ave | Sarasota, Florida 34237 941-365-9900 | daniel@wiesnerlaw.com | wiesnerlaw.com

JOHN HORNE WAS DRIVING DOWN GULF OF MEXICO DRIVE WITH HIS WIFE, AMANDA, contemplating a major purchase. It was a chilly (for Florida) January day, and the gregarious restaurateur realized the major investment he was about to make — a fine dining restaurant with a 50-year history of delighting local foodies — is exactly what some of his industry pals were leaving behind. Ray and D’Arcy Arpke were stepping away from Euphemia Haye on Longboat Key after more than 40 years. Sean Murphy sold Beach Bistro after 36 years. J.P. and Shay Knaggs walked away from downtown Sarasota’s Bijou Cafe after 35 years. It was a tough time in the restaurant industry, and it wasn’t about to get any easier. And yet, here was Horne, ever the entertainer, always the optimist, one week away from entering the fine-dining fray. What did the others know that he didn’t? “Have I lost my mind?” he asked Amanda. The purchase in question, of course, is the St. Armands mainstay Cafe L’Europe. The front of the restaurant famously served as John Ringling’s sales office in Sarasota’s earliest days. Then in 1973, Dutch immigrants Titus Letschert and Norbert Goldner opened an eatery they hoped would bring classy European fare to locals and tourists alike. As countless restaurants launched and closed around it, Cafe L’Europe sustained its excellence. In other words, it’s not just any restaurant Horne was buying. After all, it’s where Arpke, Knaggs, Harry Christensen (of Harry’s Continental Kitchen fame), and countless successful local chefs got their start. This is Cafe L’Europe we’re talking about. The Grande Dame. Horne first visited the property at 431 St. Armands Cir. in the early 1980s while he was working as a server at Fast Eddie’s on Anna Maria Island. “Man, it was a special treat to go down there,” Horne says. “I can remember going there as a family for my parents’ anniversary. It was that special place to go.” He even remembers what he ate. There was an escargot appetizer (loved it), and the entree . . . duck. “I’m a duck nut,” Horne says, recalling the only dish that’s remained on the menu for all of Cafe L’Europe’s existence. “I can still remember eating duck there. It was that memorable. Incredible.”
Below: The Cafe L’Europe shrimp linguine, served in a white wine lemon butter sauce, carries just a hint of heat.
AT THE TABLE srq magazine_
72 | srq magazine_ SEPT22 live local
How Cafe L’Europe’s new owners aim to steward the Grande Dame into Sarasota’s fine dining future. Kevin Allen |

forage 74 | srq magazine_ SEPT22
If there’s ever been a restaurateur up to the task, it’s Horne. This is a man who built an empire that includes four (soon-to-be five) Anna Maria Oyster Bar locations. A man who bet on himself in 1995 when he bankrolled the first location on City Pier. A man whose restaurants are so well known they’re a local household acronym: AMOB. He knows this area and the wants and needs of its dining public. Horne and his magnetic personality are as much a fixture here as the restaurant he plans to transform.
It’ll be a delicate balance to marry that tradition—the special place to go—with the need to satisfy a shifting population with evolving expectations for fine dining. Visit any big city and check out the hippest fine dining spots. You see jeans. You hear rock ‘n’ roll, hip-hop. It’s loud. They are alters to foodiedom. Sarasota isn’t quite there yet, but its dining scene is changing, alright. So where does that leave Cafe L’Europe?
You won’t find files in the file cabinet. You won’t find pens and paper clips in the drawers.
You’ll find the key ingredient to the restaurant’s “bottom drawer sauce”, a tangy honey glaze with a special kick that comes from the jars of fermenting hot peppers, carrots, onions and more that hide in Chef Cuarta’s desk. Is the fried chicken sandwich distinctively European? Eh. Maybe not, but three distinct layers of crunch —the toasted bun, the pickled veggies, and the fried chicken breading—hit perfectly with the sauce’s spice and sweetness.
Cafe L’Europe has been the backdrop to half a century’s worth of celebrations. Fancy first dates, schmoopy proposals, innumerable birthdays, anniversaries and moments of joy. The backdrop itself will evolve along with the menu. Expect a completely renovated interior this year that intends to reflect the restaurant’s culinary evolution while nodding to its elegant past. “Special” is a word Horne returns to again and again when discussing Cafe L’Europe. When contemplating that first impression he had of the restaurant, he takes a moment, smiles. “You know,” he says, blue eyes lighting up. “It was just an awesome restaurant. Yeah. You could always count on it being just fabulous.” He’s betting the same for Sarasota diners. So, has John Horne lost his mind? Not if you ask him. SRQ
“That’s definitely where the Kentucky comes in,” he admits. The menu evolution alone proves that this is not your grandfather’s Cafe L’Europe. There’s the L’Europe smashburger that — you guessed it—goes above and beyond what you thought a burger could be. It starts with the meat, which is locally sourced from Tampa’s Providence Cattle Company. When you eat the L’Europe smashburger, you’re biting into top-quality, antibiotic-free, growthhormone free, beef that has never crossed state lines. It is decidedly, proudly Florida. The onion jam that gives it a distinct and unique umami boost? Maybe it’s European. Maybe it’s from another plane of existence altogether. Paired with smoked cheddar, house-made pickles, dijonnaise and the lightly toasted sesame bun, it’ll make you question whether all those burgers you ate in the past were really burgers at all. Fear not, L’Europe loyalists, across-thepond favorites remain. Try the croque madame. We’re not talking Oscar Mayer deli ham here. live local Left to right: Cafe L’Europe’s lunch menu features a traditional croque madame, with imported ham from Paris and a meticulously prepared sunny-side-up egg. John and Amanda Horne took over as Cafe L’Europe’s owners—or, “stewards” in John’s words—this past February.
“I’ve felt like a steward, I truly have,” Horne says of his eight months at the helm. “I felt like it’s our turn to steward this awesome property.”
If there’s an ingredient that can be made inhouse at Cafe L’Europe, it is. The lunch menu overhaul, which debuted this past summer, set the tone for the restaurant’s future. For the pièce de résistance on his fried chicken sandwich, the Kentucky native turned his new office desk into a fermenting station.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY WYATT KOSTYGAN. This is specially imported Jambon de Paris, melty gruyere, bechamel, dijon mustard and a perfectly fried egg. Remember when I told you Cuarta was a perfectionist? The sunny-side-up egg is a lovely round, precisely cooked topper that begs for your knife and fork to do their thing ASAP. And the quiche? C’mon. It’s a light, fluffy, pillowy dream. The crust is buttery, flaky, yet not-toorich. The custard is firm and melty at first bite, set atop a bed of salty bacon and caramelized onions, gruyere and a perfectly browned on top to boot. It’s unlike any quiche you’ve ever had, borne from hours and hours of Cuarta’s trial and error. He and his team landed on a process where they blind bake the pie shell, layer in the custard again, and again, and again . . . and another layer, until it’s ready to slow bake for just over 40 minutes. “I think it’s one of those dishes that just translates,” Cuarta says. “No matter how old or young you are. It’s a good, classic dish no matter who you are.” You can taste the time it took to perfect it. And that’s just lunch. The dinner menu will see a similar overhaul, but some Cafe L’Europe standbys like the aforementioned duck will remain — but perhaps with a twist. “We’re in Florida,” says Cuarta, “so why wouldn’t you do a duck l’orange?” Not only is he shaking up the menu, Cuarta is also busy upskilling his new coworkers. “What I really, really admire about him is he’s teaching all the time,” Horne says. “He is constantly showing a sous chef or a new chef or a new cook on the line, here’s what I’m doing and here’s why I’m doing it. The guy teaches 24-7.”
To do this, he needs a chef who understands the delicate balance between exclusivity and accessibility. Enter Jose Cuarta. He was tapped as executive chef after nearly three years in the kitchen at the Michelin-rated Tampa hotspot Oak & Ola, where he studied under James Beard award winning chef (and Emeril Lagasse protege) Anne Kearney. Intense and exacting, Cuarta’s passion is as evident in the way he discusses food as it is in the way he prepares it. He believes in minimizing dishes. Keeping it simple. A balance of flavors. His is a never-ending pursuit of culinary perfection.

Photos by Wyatt Kostygan
Outstanding young ladies and gentlemen show what it takes to be a leader. Barbie Heit.
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OUR COMMUNITY IS FILLED WITH MANY INCREDIBLE YOUNG PEOPLE doing such amazing things. Each of the students in this issue have been chosen as this year’s SRQ Magazine’s Outstanding Youth Leaders based on their values, determination and outstanding achievements in various aspects of their lives in and out of school. A special thank you to the nonprofit community partners who shared the stories of many of their young ambassadors with us as part of the program including The Boys and Girls Clubs of Sarasota and Desoto Counties, Suncoast Science Center/Fab Lab, Girl Scouts of the Gulfcoast, Girls Inc., and Girls and Boys Clubs of Manatee County. live local Nathan W Natalie C.
AbigailAkiel Miranda M. Diego

My goal is to graduate college with a bachelors degree and to be successful in whatever I do.
Taylor S Lillian
aspects of the Fab Lab’s annual remote control car competition for K-12 students. In summer 2022, Natalie elevated her leadership role by serving as a summer intern, helping facilitate and manage several Fab Lab programs.
Who is your role model and why? My role model is my mother, seeing her accomplish everything and the hard work and dedication she puts into everything shows me that I can do it too!
Lillie has been at Girls Inc. since 2016.
Miranda is an eighth grade student at Sarasota Middle School who is involved in both basketball and track. She has been at Girls Inc. since kindergarten and is a 2019 recipient of Girls Inc.’s She Knows Where She is Growing award. What inspires you to be a leader amongst your peers? What inspires me is my desire to better myself by creating an environment where my peers and I can challenge each other to learn and grow. When I see my peers struggle in any way, be it intellectually, physically, or emotionally, I want to try my best to help them in any way I can, by helping them myself or pointing them in the right direction to help them help themselves.
Natalie, an 11th grade student at Out of Door Academy began volunteering at the Fab Lab for summer camp support in 2020. When the opportunity arose to be at the front of the class and develop and teach her own handson STEAM classes, she took it and joined the SPEC (Student Projects & Education Committee). Since 2021, she has developed and led over 10 classes and camps. She also mentors junior instructors so they can build experience and confidence to lead their own classes. Natalie is incredibly passionate about girls in STEAM and is helping develop outreach programming to expose more underserved girls to the possibilities within science, technology, engineering, art and math. Natalie also serves on the RC Car Executive Committee where she helps plan all
Tell us about your inspiration to be a role model and your goals for the future. I try to be a leader because I had a leader that showed me right from wrong and it helped me a lot. I want to be that for others. My role models are the people who never give up no matter what. My goal for the future is to do well in rowing and to never give up on engineering.
Lillie is an eighth-grader at Brookside Middle School. She puts her knowledge to the test as a participant on her school’s robotics team. Aside from academics, she is also involved in rowing.
ROBOTICS CAPTAIN Diego, a senior at Pine View School, joined the Fab Lab in his sophomore year at the urging of his friend who was a current volunteer. He has taken part in a variety of programs, including the RC Car Committee, the Student Proposals and Education Committee (SPEC), and the Student Community Innovation Project (SCIP). Outside of school and the Fab Lab, he enjoys playing frisbee and soccer as well as working on engineering projects for the fun of it. This past year he served as the Team Captain of his high school robotics team, Jungle Robotics, and after a year of not meeting due to COVID-19, they came back stronger than ever and won the Judge’s Award for their robot design. Diego spends much of his time mentoring younger volunteers so they will be equipped to continue the legacy he helped build. Diego was also part of the inaugural Student Community Innovation Program class in 2020 where he helped build an educational website teaching elementary school students about COVID-19 safety.
What are your goals for the future? My goal is to become a mechanical engineer working around the world and not in one consistent place. That may be a bold dream, but I’ve always been one to enjoy traveling and not staying stationary in a specific location. I want to get out there and see the world and do the things that I love like engineering and frisbee and making friends and being spontaneous. I hope to establish new friendships along the way while keeping my old ones and to leave impacts on the communities that I visit, create, and learn from.
A college bound senior at Southeast High School, Taylor is an Ambassador in Girl Scouts (which is the highest level) and is working on her Gold Award with them as a community service project. She is Co-Captain of the Nolettes Dance and Auxiliary Dance Team.
Leading a team allows me to identify people’s strengths and help them reach their full potential.
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What inspires you to be a leader amongst your peers? I love bringing out the best in people.
CHAMPION FOR THE HOMELESS Boys & Girls Clubs of Manatee County recently named Isabel F., a senior at Bayshore High School, as the organization’s 2022-23 Youth of the Year Representative. Isabel is passionate about helping others, especially the homeless. What is one of your goals for the future? My goal is to further my education and go to college for dentistry, with aspirations of becoming an orthodontist. I want to be successful at whatever I do and make my family proud. As well as continuing to help others around me in need.
Honestly though, I don’t think about trying to be a leader amongst my peers very often. What’s satisfying about being a leader isn’t the leading in and of itself, but rather the work you do and the change that comes from it. I think the best leaders are those without a desire to lead, but a desire to improve their community.

Akiel is a current junior at Sarasota Military Academy. He joined the Boys & Girls Club to deepen his involvement with the community and to make a difference. An active participant in volunteer programs, Akiel has witnessed firsthand the difference a group of driven teens can make within their community. Akiel is currently enrolled in BGCSDC’s STAR Leadership Training Program and is an active member of Youth Council.
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What is one of your goals for the future? I hope to be in a position to empower others the way the community has empowered me. Hopefully that will be somewhere in the fields of either healthcare or law. I’m grateful to be in this position because I want to be a beacon of light for others who may be struggling. I want them to know that they can direct their own lives. It doesn’t have to be directed by others.
What inspires you to be a leader? The Boys and Girls Clubs inspires me. I came there to become a leader and it taught me how to be one. I originally wanted to show up for the entrepreneurship program but I’ve stayed for advocacy and youth council and everything it has to offer. The club and the staff inspire me daily.
LA SERTOA FEMALE LEADERSHIP CLUB PRESIDENT Last fall, Quinn earned her Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) Diploma through her studies at Sarasota High School, where she is a current Senior in the top 10% of her class. A proud member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties, Quinn serves on behalf of The Club as the STAR Youth Leader for the Sarasota County Human Services Advisory Council. Quinn is President of La Sertoa Female Leadership Club, the Vice President of Student Government, a member of National Honor Society and the Science National Honors Society, has been inducted into Rho Kappa. She has also participated in the Florida House of Representatives Messenger Program and is an active volunteer in Sarasota County. In 2020, Quinn took first place at the Engineering Regional Stem Fair and received the Yale Science and Engineering Association Award and the Florida Power & Light Excellence in Engineering Award. Quinn will attend Barnard College in the fall.
Abigail is a senior at Sarasota Military Academy where she served as Regimental Commander of a unit of approximately 700 cadets. This spring she completed her Girl Scout Gold Award which focused on helping teens with stress management. She is involved in her local Boys & Girls Club and is a board member of the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce. Abigail looks forward to studying mechanical engineering at the University of Florida starting this coming year. Who is your role model? My role model is NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli. Her story resonates with me as she has a military background and she is a part of NASA’s upcoming Artemis mission. This will make her one of, if not the first woman to visit the moon. Her perseverance and commitment to each thing she does inspires me to bring a similar determination to each thing that I do. SRQ Quinn Bernadette
She would go on to draft SB 1450 and HB 1311 to address policy change on this issue; both bills have secured bipartisan support in Tallahassee.
Who is your role model and why? My role model is my grandmother who was a nurse. She wanted to attend Barnard but was unable to pursue that dream due to her personal circumstances. I will be attending Barnard in the fall with the ultimate goal of becoming a pediatric oncologist. Having spent some time at Seattle Children’s Hospital, I was able to see the way doctors work with children. It was inspiring and I’d like to be able to do that for children one day.
What is one of your goals for the future? After graduating, I’d like to go to the University of Florida or the U.S. Military Academy. After that, I hope to go to law school. My top pick would be Yale or Harvard. I would like to become a JAG (Judge Advocate General) lawyer. I’ve worked pretty hard throughout high school to get where I’m at so being nominated as a leader means so much to me.
Bernadette is the 2022 Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties’ Youth of the Year. Enrolled in Riverview High School’s International Baccalaureate Program where she is in the top 4% of her class, Bernadette manages a busy schedule as President of National Honor Society and Speech & Debate and Vice President of Papillon Club. In 2021, Bernadette was given a letter of Commendation for the National Merit Scholarship Program and was honored with the Anne Frank Humanitarian Award. This year, Bernadette was named a Coca-Cola National Scholar and was honored with the Princeton Prize in Race Relations. Through her work with the Boys & Girls Clubs, Bernadette founded her own non-profit, SHARE Wholeness, to address the prevalence of food deserts in Sarasota County.
Nathan is currently a Junior at Pine View School for the Gifted. He first joined the Boys & Girls Club to pursue his passion for cooking. He then went on to receive funding to launch his own catering business through his participation in Boys & Girls Club’s Perlman Price Young Entrepreneurs Program. In 2021, Nathan joined Boys & Girls Club’s Youth Council and in 2022 he joined BGCSDC as they traveled to Tallahassee for the Florida House of Representatives Messenger Program.

Of course, the pandemic may have temporarily overshadowed other concerns, but there are many other challenges that still loom large in the lives of our smallest and most vulnerable. Whether it’s worrying information about the e ects of social media, the seemingly unavoidable intrusion of politics in all parts of our lives, the changing dynamics in pedagogic thinking, the growing awareness that kids’ professional futures are ever harder to predict, or any of the myriad of concerns that parents have today, our guests were able to answer SRQ ’s questions with honesty and empathy.
A child entering kindergarten in 2022 has spent half their life under the specter of Covid-19, lockdowns, “masks required” signs, social distancing, and all the other choices our society has made to manage the pandemic. It’s hard to overstate the long ripple e ect of this experience on these kids. In Sarasota and Bradenton, we are fortunate to have incredible school directors who are tackling these challenges head-on.
We are fortunate to know that our future, in the form of our children, is in fantastic hands going forward. And at SRQ, we are glad to bring these and other important questions to the fore with our guests. In this edition of SRQ ’s In-Conversation program, we engage local heads of schools with expertise and exposure ranging from early educations, though primary and secondary, and including degree-seekers. Our guests discuss how their institutions are adapting to help kids (and adults) improve themselves with solid education achievements, while also bearing in mind the mental well-being and personal sense of purpose that are necessary foundations for a rewarding life. We hope you enjoy the conversation, and are given the same feeling of hopeful optimism that we received, knowing the quality of professional that are working to make our kids futures brighter.

“Our goal is not only education, but to better the world that we’re in for today’s children, as well as the future.”
— Tanya Ryskind
Maria Eva Chaffin is the founder, owner, and director of Seeds of Life Montessori Academy, an inclusive school serving children from 18 months to 12 years old. Originally from Venezuela, she holds two master’s degrees in education and is currently completing her doctoral research on special needs and Montessori. Her extensive teaching experience includes over 23 years working with neurodiverse children. She is a published co-author on the subject and has been invited to present at Montessori events around the country and host regular teacher education web sessions to help teachers and administrators around the world deliver the best Montessori experience possible. First and foremost, she loves being a Montessori educator and her passion for all children is endless. A er years of experience teaching children, adults and those with special needs, she remains convinced that the Montessori Method is the best way for children to learn.
DR. CHUCK FRADLEY, PRINCIPAL ROWLETT ACADEMY Dr. Fradley has almost 30 years of educational experience. He has held several leadership roles in Manatee County Schools. Currently, he is the Principal of Rowle Elementary Academy, a public charter school, since 2018. His wife of 31 years, Katie, is also a local educator and they have one son, Henry.

FRADLEY: Rowlett has a very interesting background. The school actually opened in 2000 as a public charter school in Manatee County. The magnet draw was communication and arts, and the leadership at that point in time brought in the 7 Habits philosophy for our kids. Over the course of the years, it just got super strong. And then in 2014, the Manatee County School District was looking at making all their schools o er the same programs, which would’ve really hurt the programs that Rowlett o ered. That’s why we became a charter school– to continue to o er those programs. And hence, that’s where the Lighthouse School designation came Everythrough.day,our kids get 30 minutes of what we call lead time, deal time, drop everything and lead. They work on di erent projects that make the community better or the school better.
SRQ MAGAZINE LEADERS IN EDUCATION :: SEPTEMBER 2022 IN CONVERSATION K-5 academy, honestly it’s about building that strong foundation for kids, working on that whole child. Our kids are all learning how to be learners at this stage of the game. So leadership is a huge part of our school. We’re a 7 Habits school–7 Habits of Highly E ective People from the Covey Organization. And we’re a recognized Lighthouse School. Leadership and involving students in decision-making and taking active roles in the classroom, kind of putting them out of their comfort zone, because that builds confidence. The arts are super important for our kids. They receive many di erent arts opportunities, strings, drama, dance on top of what they would get in a typical elementary school. Not necessarily because we want them to be dancers or violinists, but it’s because we’re giving them that opportunity to try something new, have people see them try something new, succeed or fail, practice, get better if they want, move on to something if that’s not their love or your desire. But at the end of the day, when my 10, 11-year-olds leave me and go on to middle school, they have that confidence to be their own person, know what’s right, know what’s wrong, and kind of know what they want. Social interaction took a hit with the pandemic. So the more opportunities we can give our kids to be socially successful is important. The academics are going to come, but we really have to build on that foundation because we can’t plan on what the world’s going to be in 10 years. So I think our job here is to just give them that strong foundation where they can be confident leaders and make the best decision with what’s WAS
Tanya has worked with the Montessori Foundation for many years and is an internationally admired leader in the Montessori school community. Tanya brings a broad set of experiences and skills from her years in both the legal and educational fields. Most importantly, Tanya has experience as a Montessori teacher trainer, an International Montessori consultant, motivational speaker, author and frequent presenter at Montessori conferences around the world. She currently serves on the board of the majoringNewofprograms.SheMontessoriofUnitedtheTeacherAccreditationMontessoriCouncilforEducation(MACTE),agencyrecognizedbytheStatesDepartmentEducationtoaccreditTeacherEducationholdsaBachelorArtsfromtheUniversityofHampshire,cumlaude,inSocialServices, “I’m very happy to say that we may have different names for the things that are important in our creed, but I think we all have a creed that is trying to produce citizens that are an advantage for the community, for the churches they come from, from the families that they serve.”
I get petitions all the time to do di erent things, so our kids are showing leadership in lots of ways. But yes, it’s actually been since the school was a normal district school, and we’ve just been able to continue to fund it since we’ve gone charter. We had the autonomy to do so. As a district school, you had to do what you were told to do. As a charter school, I control where our resources go, and that’s very important to us.
Dr. Holbrook is regional chancellor at USF SarasotaManatee campus. She has served as president, The Ohio State University; interim president, AeronauticalEmbry-RiddleUniversity;SVP for academic affairs and provost, University of Georgia; VP of research and dean of the graduate school, University of Florida; and serves on numerous advisoryboards in education and health-related fields.
CHAFFIN: The set of principles for Seed of Life is important. Kids are connecting, engaging, and belonging in an environment where they feel safe, they trust, and they are part of the community.
STOKES: In our mission statement as might be expected, it would embody our savior as part of being a Christian school. So we talk about the love of Christ, we talk about learning about the scriptures, but one of the things that’s most important is that we serve. And so I think we find the service piece historically at this school has led to everything from environmental things to service projects in the community to mission trips. I’d like to say that for Dr. Holbrook, I have seen the impact that USF branches had with local employment. And even though we have dual enrollment, not at her school, we know what she was saying about dual enrollment and that’s part of a service connection. I think because some of our students are looking at what they’re going to do with their careers, even as juniors in high school. And so the more that we can help students develop their
— Joseph Stokes srq
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Mr. Joseph Stokes has made education his life’s work with over 45 years of experience in both the public and private sectors. Throughout his impressive career, Mr. Stokes has served as a district administrator, school principal and classroom teacher. Mr. Stokes is now serving as the Head of School at Sarasota Christian School. Tanya (continued)Ryskind
“I find that it’s a fine line to walk. And as a school, we have to be careful because we can’t show our specific personal opinions on things, because then that becomes possibly an influencer, whether we want it to or not.” — Dr. Chuck Fradley
86 | SRQ MAGAZINE_ SEPT22 LIVE LOCAL IN CONVERSATION with an emphasis on counseling. Her minor was in Spanish. She went on to earn her Juris Doctorate from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. She holds Montessorielementarycertification from both the American Montessori Society and the International Montessori Council. Tanya’s continuing studies include Neuroscience and Learning through Harvard University, Oceanography and Meteorology at the State University of New York, Brockport.

FRADLEY: We’re looking at two and a half years of impact with the pandemic. I feel very fortunate in Florida that we opened up the way that we did. My school was ready to go with instruction because we kind of saw the writing on the wall, and so we went straight to virtual and were ready to rock and roll. And then the next year, the majority of our kids came back to school. I’d say maybe a third stayed home. But even the kids that came back, we still didn’t let them work together. There were no partnerships, no group work. At best, they may have co-authored something on Google Classroom. So even kids that came to school are still in the same situation where they didn’t have the same opportunities. So whether they’re learning from home or learning from school during a pandemic, socially, it’s pretty much the same.
I think kids today have a lack of knowing how to play. When they go to a playground, they’re looking for the teacher to direct that play time, they don’t know how to interact with each other. Of course, we’re getting kids after COVID, who were locked for so long that they are looking for help in building relationships.
“We have counseling centers and we have advisors and you don’t have to make an appointment. You can stop in and there will always be an advisor ready there for you.”
HOLBROOK: There are so many resources that are available to students. There are still students who are experiencing the di culties of COVID and all the challenges that are there. 88
— Dr. Karen A. Holbrook

STOKES: The teacher shortage is not a new thing. If you just went by the numbers of baby boomers who were retiring and the number of replacements that were coming– it was not an equal number. Pay has been an issue for a long time, as well as the lack of autonomy when the profession became more publicized at the state and federal level with less control at the local level. Decisions at schools became more mandated and structured like competency testing. What will bring them back? I think it’s to remove some of the things that created the shortage in the fi rst place.
HOLBROOK: I think somehow we need to get children involved in learning to teach. And we’re hoping to do that in the dual enrollment program but it doesn’t seem to be an exciting career. How do we get youngsters to say, “this is what I want to do”? How do we get the teachers to see this as such an important career that it is? I don’t know. I think we certainly are starting to pay them better. The legislature did a better job of paying teachers to keep them in their career. But I think teachers now in some schools are expected to be the mother, the father, the disciplinarian, and they really serve the students in so many more ways than are expected. They serve the student in so many more ways than just providing the educational experience for them.
“The Impact of social media right now, and kids having the ability at the tip of their fingers to have information in minutes, in seconds of what is going on around the world, what is going on in their community is big.”
— Maria Eva Chaffin

Photo by Wyatt Kostygan
MAKING FRIENDS HAS ALWAYS COME EASILY TO HEATHER TODD. She attributes this to frequent family moves when she was growing up, enabling her to meet and get to know new people all the time. “I was born in Miami and moved to Sarasota when I was five-years old. I went to four different local elementary schools, Sarasota Middle School, Sarasota High School and Riverview High School,” she says. “Looking back, I think that’s what set me up for success with making friends easily.” Based on interviews with current friends and colleagues, however, it seems to be Heather’s sense of compassion, deep community ties and loyal personality that makes her the person that everyone wants to know. As it would for most teens, moving often did present its challenges for Heather.
Having her parents divorce during her freshman year of high school was hard, she tells us. “Extracurricular activities, my brothers and my friends helped me through what I thought would be the most difficult time in my life. I threw myself into softball and got involved in clubs at school, even if the school was new to me. I knew the only way of surviving going from a Sailor to a Ram would be to make friends and be out of my comfort zone,” she recalls. “This experience and the challenges that I faced as an adolescent would lead me to a career choice and would ignite a passion that I had no idea existed inside me.”
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Heather Todd Leads the Way to Success for Local Teens. Barbie Heit.

As the Executive Director of Teen Court of Sarasota for the past seven years, Heather has definitely ignited her passion. With her help and leadership, thousands of youth have received a second chance. And this all started through an internship arranged for her through a mutual friend during her undergraduate social work program at University of South Florida in Tampa.
Every year Teen Court gives approximately 10-15 scholarships per year to graduating seniors. “Our scholarships aren’t based on their past only,” she tells us. “We don’t care what other extracurricular activities they were involved in, or their GPA or SAT score. We care about the empathy and compassion they showed to their peers when their peers needed them most. We care about how they made their community a better place after they made a poor decision.” SRQ Heather Todd was honored as one of SRQ Magazine’s Good Heroes this past December.
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What inspires Heather to do the work she does? “Teen Court gives young people that have gotten off track, a second chance, an opportunity to right their wrong,” she says.
“I was 22 at the time of my internship and my memories and feelings from my high school years were still fresh,” she says. ”I knew I wanted to make a difference with those students. I wanted them to feel supported and empowered through this second chance. I shared at the beginning of every interview that whatever the child did to get to our interview didn’t define them. I wanted them to know that we all make poor choices and that it was okay, we were going to get through this together. The students were all different — no two offenses were the same. With every student that we served I felt more inspired.” For 28 years, Teen Court has served as a juvenile court alternative for at-risk youth. A nonprofit organization, Teen Court provides a range of educational and counseling services for juvenile clients, and is a source of law education for offenders and volunteers alike. Heather went on to get a masters degree in social work, also at USF. She had thought about leaving Teen Court to go onto bigger and better things, but the truth was, “this was as big as it gets,” she shares. “To inspire and empower our most vulnerable population…I was already in my dream job.” Heather continued on as a case manager for 16 years. In those 16 years, Teen Court served more than 8,500 clients and over 3,200 volunteers.
This is evident by our 92% success rate. Our recidivism rate is only 6-8%,” she adds.
Heather and her husband, a police officer and cancer survivor, have two sons, the oldest named after one of her favorite Teen Court volunteers. “The students and the families that I have worked with over the years have had such a positive impact on me and the experiences have helped me become the mother I am today,” she says. “I have seen firsthand the importance of building confidence, healthy mental wellness, and powerful positive communication.” When the executive director role at Teen Court first became available in 2015, Heather wasn’t sure she even wanted it. With encouragement from women that she respected and admired and her three favorite boys cheering her on, she decided to put her name in the hat. “Completely out of my element in a world of grant writing, reporting and lots and lots of meetings, I found my way,” she says. “If you are passionate about something and never forget what you are working hard for, you can learn anything.” She kept her eyes on the prize of preventing hundreds of students from having a criminal record that would close doors to their dreams and goals. She continued the tradition of inspiring, encouraging and educating young people to be the best that they can be. She hired a staff that believed in the mission and made Teen Court even better than it was before they worked there.
Simply, she always finds a way to help, always, and she does it with the most positive attitude you could ever hope for.”
“The process allows youth to share their story in a court setting and to have a jury of their peers decide their consequences. A true ‘Justice for Youth by Youth’ process. On the case management side, we empower students to see their true potential. We highlight what they are doing right, and do not dwell on what they are doing wrong. We hold them responsible for their choices by making our expectations clear and having them be part of that process. If we respect the process and respect our clients they will be watching and listening. They will continue to volunteer long after they have completed our program.
At Teen Court, Heather has a successful track record in collaborating with the legal and law enforcement leaders throughout the county for the benefit of Sarasota’s teens. Sarasota Sheriff Kurt Hoffman considers her a friend and great community partner. Teen Court Chief Operating Officer, Lori Moran echoes those sentiments. “Heather is a caring person and an inspiration to the youth that walk through our door,” she says. “As a leader, she values her staff and volunteers and is a compassionate mentor to the young people and families we support in Sarasota County. Teen Court is lucky to have Heather at the helm.” Pat Robinson, Deputy City Manager of the City of Sarasota, and former Deputy Chief of Police at the Sarasota Police Department has been a friend and colleague of Heather’s for many years. “Heather has always cared deeply about our community, so it wasn’t surprising to me that she took a position after college here in her hometown that supports the building blocks of the community at large, our youth and their families. She has been a staunch advocate for Sarasota, and our kids, for over two decades. Heather is tireless in her efforts to help kids thrive in difficult circumstances. She gives up her evenings, her weekends, and sometimes brings her two sons and husband to events when she can’t fill a gap in programming to ensure her clients needs are met. She is the epitome of selfless service to the families, and kids, in Sarasota.
“The accomplishments of Teen Court volunteers and clients make my heart burst with pride,” says Heather. “We have doctors, military personnel, attorneys, mechanics, teachers, police officers, entrepreneurs and even a judge that all participated in Teen Court as children. Being a stop on their road map validates that the experience they had with us allowed for them to achieve their dreams. But what makes me cry happy tears are the alumni that are now community leaders and mentors that make a difference and pay it forward every day.” She is also very proud of the Teen Court scholarship program.


We also received The Joint Commission’s Acute Heart Attack Ready Certification for the ER at Fruitville.This designation recognizes hospitals that meet standards denoting the highest level of commitment to consistent and optimal heart attack care. These are just a few of the accolades and awards our hospital receives throughout the year. Without the support of our patients and the community, we would not be able to meet these milestones and recognitions. Your health is what motivates us to do our best every day. Always feel free to reach out to me with your thoughts or questions. Visit lwrmc.com/CEOletter to send me an email. Thank you for choosing Lakewood Ranch Medical Center and be well.
Below CEO Andy Guz of Lakewood Ranch Medical Center and Waterside— honored by the readers of SRQ Magazine as the LWR Best Neighborhood.
Reflecting on Growing Accolades
Fall 2022 TM
Welcome to Living Lakewood, SRQ Magazine’s celebration of all things “Ranch.” This September, our readers recognize the “Best of SRQ Local” winners from our inaugural Lakewood Ranch special section— thank you for your votes and participation in sharing the love with our honorees. In this issue, local restauranteur, Poona Maini, owner of Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine, tells the amazing story of her journey from a small village in India to now running a thriving culinary destination and Eddie Yzeiri, manager of Apollonia, reminisces about his parents running El Greco Cafe on Main Street in downtown Sarasota. Both are a reminder that Lakewood Ranch is young enough as a community that basically everyone has come from somewhere else—that’s one of its biggest strengths. Andy Guz, CEO of Lakewood Ranch Medical Center shares thoughts on providing healthcare services to a community that continues to grow with record-setting speed. And, entrepreneur Karen Medford, owner of Sirius Day Spas, shares the moment when she decided to leave her safe corporate position and set off on her own. Many new faces and families have made Lakewood Ranch their home in the past few years—-it’s a privilege to capture some small part of that surge in the page of Living Lakewood ROBERTS MEDIA Executive
At Lakewood Ranch Medical Center, we remain steadfast in our mission to provide quality care to the members of our community. We believe that collaboration between patients and their medical teams results in better outcomes and care. Reflecting on the past few months, I am proud to say we have added more recognitions to our growing list of accolades. We join other elite hospital from across the U.S. in Newsweek’s Best Maternity Hospitals 2022 List. Our cardiac programs excel, and have the recognitions to prove it. I am proud that we received two American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines and Mission: Lifeline achievement awards for demonstrating commitment to following up-to-date research-based guidelines for the treatment of stroke and heart attack care. This ultimately leads to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital.
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Trailblazer | Medical Forefront, 22 Andy Guz, the CEO of Lakewood Ranch Medical Center has spent the majority of his career in the hospital industry, empowering the work culture and getting out into the communities he serves.
Navigation, 24 A listing guide to dining in the Lakewood Ranch corridor. Greece to India, 28 Wowing University Park patrons for nearly a decade with its fresh Medi terranean cuisine, Apollonia Grill in the Cooper Creek area is the pride of the Yzeiri family. Poonam Maini has walked a triumphant path to where she is now—from growing up in a small village in India to pioneering the successful Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine on Cooper Creek Boulevard.
FEATURES Lakewood Ranch | Best of SRQ Local Readers Competition, 10 Our readers have spoken! The 2022 Best of Lakewood Ranch competition has wrapped and we are so excited to share the winners.
Trailblazer | Getting Sirius, 16 Meet entrepreneur Karen Medford, owner of the Sirius Day Spas on her journey in launching her business.
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Below: Lamb Shank Osso Bucco from Apollonia Grill with Marcho Farms lamb, seasoned and slowly braised with vegetables, fresh herbs and red wine over mashed potatoes. Right: LWR Best Casual Dining Platnium winner Craft Growlers presents its To Go & Tasting Room Prop and Peller Pretzel and 4 Craft Beer Taster.

This page: Seared amberjack on risottomushroom-infusedwithcrispyvegetablesatLuckyPelican,honoredasBestOverallRestaurant.PhotobyWesRoberts.

Getting dolled up for dinner is all good and fun, but when you can’t quite commit to the glitz and glam, these cool and casual spots are the perfect fit for jeans and a t-shirt type attire. Readers loved CRAFT GROWLERS TO GO & TASTING ROOM for Platinum and just two votes behind ATRIA CAFE cruised in for a second place Gold. LUCKY PELICAN made quite the impression popping up again for LWR in Silver and ED’S TAVERN battled for Bronze. Don’t miss Honorable Mention Bourbon and Bones Chophouse.-AC OUR READERS HAVE SPOKEN! THE 2022 BEST OF LAKEWOOD RANCH COMPETITION HAS WRAPPED AND WE ARE SO EXCITED TO SHARE THE WINNERS OF THIS YEAR’S COMPETITION. FROM THE FAVORITE PLACES TO DINE, TO THE BEST NEIGHBORHOODS TO LIVE IN AND THE BEST REALTORS TO PUT YOU THERE, YOU’LL LOVE–AND LEARN FROM–THE RESULTS OF OUR ANNUAL BEST OF LAKEWOOD RANCH COMPETITION.
LWR | BEST CASUAL DINING Craft Growlers To Go & Tasting Room
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The dreaded “what should we have for dinner” conversation is easily put to rest with these winners. Lakewood Ranch voters picked their Platinum prize with LUCKY PELICAN while they gushed over Gold winner ATRIA CAFE. Finish the night with something sweet at Silver sensation WICKED AWESOME ICE CREAM EMPORIUM INC or have a seafood feast at Bronze winner SPEAKS CLAM BAR - ITALIAN & SEAFOOD - LAKEWOOD RANCH. There are plenty more places to pick from looking over Honorable Mentions Grove, Cassariano Italian Eatery Lakewood Ranch, Nancy’s Bar-B-Q at Lorraine Corners, Libby’s, Bourbon and Bones Chophouse and Thai Spice & Sushi. -AC Gabriele Harris (on Lucky Pelican): Great fresh food. Local. JD DeVries (on Wicked Awesome Ice Cream Emporium Inc): Delicious treats and great hospitality. Lisa Grasso (on Speaks Clam Bar - Italian & Seafood - Lakewood Ranch): Incredible food and great service every single time! Platinum WinnerLucky Pelican / Gold Winner- Atria Cafe / Silver Winner- Wicked Awesome Ice Cream Inc / Bronze Winner- Speaks Clam Bar-Italian & Seafood-Lakewood Ranch.

A home is where the heart is but also where your kids can make lifelong friends down the street and a barbeque invitation is only a mailbox away. Being surrounded by a community of kind and inviting people is just as important to making a home as picking out the right paint color. With new developments constantly popping up around Lakewood Ranch, these neighborhoods were standouts. Readers voted WATERSIDE AT LAKEWOOD RANCH a Platinum paradise while THE LAKE CLUB was a feel-good Gold. Voters sang the praises of Silver selection MALLORY PARK AT LAKEWOOD RANCH BY DIVOSTA
Starting the day off right can be as simple as a great plate of eggs and bacon. Lakewood Ranch has plenty of places to jumpstart your joy, starting off with pancake-slinging Platinum winner STATION 400. A true favorite making it onto several Best Of winning categories this year ATRIA CAFE wins one more Gold spot and ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE cracks its way to Silver. Find biscuits and bacon at Bronze winner GROVE -AC
Courtney Barringer (on Station 400): Locally owned and operated Station 400 is always consistent with food, pricing and staff. Kathy James (on Another Broken Egg Cafe): Another Broken Egg restaurant is the “Holy Grail” of pleasurable dining experiences for breakfast or brunch! Not only do they have an over-the-top menu filled with an incredible variety of foods and flavors to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters, their servers are so attentive and friendly and you get all this for a super reasonable price. What more could you want? Oh yes, and it’s conveniently located too! (Try the Biscuit Beignets for a really unique indulgence!) Platinum Winner- Station 400 / Gold Winner- Atria Cafe / Silver Winner- Another Broken Egg / Bronze Winner- Grove.
RANCH became a Bronze-winning best. Check out Honorable Mention Bridgewater for a neighborhood delight. -AC Lucinda Fingado (on Waterside at Lakewood Ranch): Waterside has great proximity to UTC I75 and downtown Sarasota. The homes are beautiful and on large lakes. The developments are within walking distance to downtown Waterside. The downtown was well designed with restaurants situated on a large lake with multiple areas to wine dine shop and exercise. Amy Gorman (on Mallory Park at Lakewood Ranch by Divosta Homes): New houses and townhomes in a carefully planned location with much thought and detail put into the planning. Great recreational facilities-walking paths, pool, spa, grills and parks. Platinum Winner- Waterside at Lakewood Ranch / Gold Winner- The Lake Club / Silver Winner- Mallory Park at Lakewood Ranch by Divosta Homes / Bronze Winner-Esplanade Golf and Country Club at Lakewood Ranch. Above left to right: Lee Wether ington Homes’ Mainstay model earned the readers’ top votes for LWR Best Model Home. Station 400 made it to the finish line first for LWR Best Breakfast+Brunch, photo by Wyatt Kostygan
The unique custom features and specifically the ceiling details make them a clear ‘best model home’ winner. Platinum Winner- Mainstay, Lee Wetherington Homes / Gold Winner- Korina, John Cannon Homes / Silver Winner- The Riviera, Kemich Builders and Consultants Concession Model.
Adrian Morell (on Ed’s Tavern): Ed’s Tavern has a laid back atmosphere. The employees, patrons, food and drinks are great.
Courtney Barringer (on Craft Growlers To Go & Tasting Room): Great casual local spot. Easy going and the simple but delicious menu makes this a favorite place. Aiko M (on Lucky Pelican): I find the seafood at Lucky Pelican to be fresh and their recipes are always very flavorful. I feel their pricing is good for what you get in both taste and portion size. They have a nice happy hour to help with the long waits. Long wait times due to the crowds wanting to eat there. I always recommend Lucky Pelican as a good seafood location.
Platinum Winner- Craft Growlers To Go & Tasting Room / Gold Winner- Atria Cafe / Silver Winner- Lucky Pelican / Bronze Winner- Ed’s Tavern.
LWR | BEST MODEL HOME Mainstay - Lee Wetherington Homes Finding an oasis to call your own can be tricky but these home models showcase the best.
Platinum Winner MAINSTAY - LEE WETHERINGTON HOMES takes the top spot this year while KORINA, JOHN CANNON HOMES is close on their heels for a second place Gold win. Rounding out the category for Silver is THE RIVIERA, KEMICK BUILDERS AND CONSULTANTS CONCESSION MODEL. -AC Gabriele Harris (on Mainstay - Lee Wethington Homes): Great floor plan, beautiful design and attention to detail. Jane Jones (on Korina, John Cannon Homes): I really loved that Korina model. The wine room especially; you could see all the bottle labels. If you go into any subdivision with model homes and there is a Cannon model, their quality will stand above all others. 2022 live local
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LWR | BEST NEIGHBORHOOD Waterside at Lakewood Ranch

THE MALL AT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER to fill their baskets while others grabbed goods at Gold winner COOPER CREEK PLAZA. Silver winner SIRIUS DAY SPA was a third place treat to take yourself out for a day of window shopping. -AC This page, clockwise: Readers voted Rick Chang of Wagner Realty as the LWR Best Lakewood Ranch Realtor specializing in the Lakewood Ranch community. The Mall at University Town Center earned top marks for the LWR Best Shopping destination. 15 Craft Beer Taster from Craft Growlers To Go & Tasting Room, honored with the LWR Best Casual Dining award.
LWR | BEST SHOPPING The Mall at University Town Center
Look no further than these housing experts for all your needs when looking over your housing must-haves checklist. Lakewood Ranch voters know they can trust RICK CHANG, WAGNER REALTY with his expertise as the Platinum winner while others got their Gold-star guidance from second place winner LISA TARJANYI. Sliding into Silver is TINA CIACCHIO, LAKEWOOD RANCH REALTOR, MICHAEL SAUNDERS & COMPANY who can help you sign on the dotted line. Honorable Mentions Barbara A. Milian PA, Lakewood Ranch Realtor- Michael Saunders & Company and Kathy White Realtor: ICON Premium Realty are also ready for housing help. -AC
Helping a community grow is key to its success and these places showed their true colors as wonderful community partners. YMCA LAKEWOOD RANCH BRANCH is pleased to take home Platinum while only a three votes away the Gold goes to FAWLEY BRYANT ARCHITECTURE. This year’s Silver winner was SIRIUS DAY SPA. -AC LWR | BEST REALTOR/ LAKEWOOD RANCH REALTY Rick Chang, Wagner Realty
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Weyli Angus (on Rick Chang, Wagner Realty): Personable, dedicated and a deal maker. Linda Sines (on Lisa Tarjanyi): Tarjanyi Home Sales make you feel like you are family from the start and wants the absolute best for you. They go the extra mile to make the process truly enjoyable. Angela MassaroFain(on Tina Ciacchio, Lakewood Ranch Realtor, Michael Saunders & Company): The ultimate professional who cares about your success and the purchase or sale of your home. Smart. Strategic. Hardest working Realtor I have ever worked with. Platinum Winner- Rich Chang, Wagner Realty / Gold Winner- Lisa Tarjanyi / Silver Winner- Tina Ciacchio, Lakewood Ranch Realtor, Michael Saunders & Company.
YMCA Lakewood Ranch Branch
Clicking through a computer catalog of clothes will never have the same appeal as finding the perfect dress in real life and modeling it for the mirrors in the dressing room. Lakewood Ranch residents turned to Platinum pick

Below: Trailblazer Karen Medford shares her story of launching Sirius Day Spas
ENTREPRENEUR KAREN MEDFORD has been the owner of the Sirius Day Spa since 2018—with locations in Lakewood Ranch and UTC—and her desire for innovation continues to grow. She built her two spas from the ground up, and has hired and managed a staff of 40 people. Prior to her current venture, Medford worked for the Laboratory Corporation of America/ Integrative Genetics for nearly a decade, managing revenue of more than $41 million, and generating nearly $1 million in new revenue as a women’s health clinical specialist.
Getting Sirius

HOW DID YOU DECIDE TO BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR? Family, family, family. My husband has always been an entrepreneur and I respected him for working hard yet always making time for the kids. He was truly the inspiration for me and gave me the courage to take the leap from the corporate world. He continues to grow his businesses and is always there to support me. It was the best decision I ever made, and even though I feel like I am working harder than ever, it is truly what I love. My dream is for my daughters to see that hard work pays off and I hope to have a legacy to leave them.
HOW DO YOU KEEP YOURSELF ENERGIZED AND FOCUSED? Truly, I don’t know what I would do without yoga—whether it is hot yoga or Vinyasa; it is truly my saving grace. Not only does it keep me physically fit and reduce anxiety, but I feel like my best ideas come out of a yoga class. It brings clarity to my mind by helping me see something that was previously “clouded.” LL Below: One of Sirius Day Spas’ most popular treatments is Morpheus8 RF Microneedling (below) and Body Contouring.
HOW DO YOU MANAGE A SUCCESSFUL WORK/LIFE BALANCE? We have a yearly sponsorship with the Sarasota Polo Club so, from December through May, our family packs up every Sunday and heads to the green beach. Even though it is practically across the street, we pack up a day’s worth of picnic food, bubbly, juice boxes, and our lanai furniture to set up our reserved space.
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HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN THE SPA BUSINESS? I always frequented local spas in my business travels as a way to “tune up” for my meetings. All that was great until I had a family, and then being on the road wasn’t so much fun anymore. In my travels, I heard an ad on the radio for a brand-new concept: one spa for all your needs. It was on Sirius XM for a business called Sirius Day Spa. What are the odds?! My husband and I signed on for three franchise locations. Then we realized that there wasn’t much of a benefit to a franchise if you were among the first. Brand recognition was simply not there, and I was spending a ton of money on advertisements and networking every chance I had. After seven months, and just opening the second location at UTC, we discovered the parent company was going in another direction and changing the name. A year of developing a brand that I was truly proud of was about to be changed. It was time to separate and become an independent brand. After a few months, the dream came true. Sirius Day Spa was independent and the name was ours.
HOW DO YOU APPROACH YOUR BUSINESS IN AN ORIGINAL WAY? We trust in our team’s recommendations, analyze and ultimately decide on bringing in new devices, skincare lines or equipment. For example, as per the advice of our lead esthetician, we brought on machines with the works: microcurrent, LED light therapy, ultrasound treatments, etc. It has been our goal every year to continue to innovate and develop. This led to the addition of the medspa team after two years, as well as the latest advancements like IPL machines, Diamond Glow, Morpheus8 RF microneedling, body contouring and laser hair removal.

WRITTEN BY ABBY WEINGARTEN | PHOTOGRAPHY BY WES ROBERTS ANDY GUZ, THE CEO OF LAKEWOOD RANCH MEDICAL CENTER, has spent the majority of his career in the hospital industry—empowering the work culture and getting out into the communities he serves. Guz has been the Chief Executive officer of Lakewood Ranch Medical Center since 2016. He was previously the CEO of a hospital in Pennsylvania, and has worked in executive roles at hospitals throughout the United States. Guz is a board member for the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, the Bradenton Area Economic Development Corporation, Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee County, the Lakewood Ranch Community Fund, and the Sloan Alumni Association Board of Directors at Cornell University. He is also a graduate of Leadership Sarasota, active in the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance and Manatee Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Marshall University and a Masters of Health Administration from Cornell University. Guz lives in Lakewood Ranch with his wife Tami, and daughters Ava and Lana.
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SOME OF THE KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF YOUR WORK AS THE CEO OF LAKEWOOD RANCH MEDICAL CENTER? ANDY GUZ: I oversee the strategy and operations for the hospital, our outpatient physician clinics (Lakewood Ranch Medical Group), and the freestanding Emergency Department (ER at Fruitville). The best way I describe my job is putting the right resources in the right places in order to meet the needs of our patients. This includes the people, equipment, facilities and strategy of the entire organization.
LWRMC will continue to be the leader for healthcare in Lakewood Ranch and beyond. Our challenge, like most organizations in Lakewood Ranch, is to continue

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Check out the first cra beer and growler pub in Sarasota/Manatee. It is both a spot to purchase and fill 64- and 32-ounce growlers from over 45 taps to take home with you, and a casual place to hang out and down a pint as well as delicious sandwiches, beer bites and shareable items. Its cra taps are filled with a wide array of brews, ranging from Belgian-style ales to ciders, IPAs and a big selection of Florida beers. 8141 Lakewood Main St., N103, Lakewood Ranch, 941-822-8131. @cra growlers2golwr, cra growlerstogo.com.
The friendly, neighborhood sports bar—complete with a full menu and outdoor seating area, is right next door to the movie theater. Enjoy finger foods and classic bar bites with friends while watching the game, or take a date to the cinema and follow it up with everything from burgers and flatbreads to wings, chili and entrees like the smoked pulled pork pla er, jumbo shrimp and house smoked ribs. Don’t forget to explore the rotating taps, free to play trivia nights and live music on weekends.
The family at Apollonia Grill creates memorable Mediterranean cuisine with a focus on perfectly-grilled meats and vegetables such as the Apollonia kebabs in lamb, filet mignon or chicken. Featured dishes include the lamb shank osso bucco, moussaka and short rib-ravioli. For accompaniments to the main course, try the robust fisherman’s stew and the roasted beets with whipped feta. 8235 Cooper Creek Blvd, University Park, 941-359-4816, apolloniagrill.com @apolloniagrill
The sense of community. I like to say that “no one is originally from Lakewood Ranch,” which means that we all chose to live here. I think that brings a certain level of pride within the community. It also means that everyone moving here has to find a new healthcare home, which is what we strive to be.
Cra Growlers To Go and Tasting Room
8194 Tourist Center Dr., Bradenton, Ed’sdimsumsarasota.com.941-306-5848,Tavern
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST REWARDING ASPECTS OF THE WORK YOU DO? AND WHAT ARE SOME OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES? I believe there are three things that a healthcare organization must focus on in order to gain the trust of patients and their physicians: safety, quality and kindness. We must always prevent harm to patients, practice the highest quality of medicine and treat everyone well. LWRMC has been one of the most awarded and accredited hospitals in this area, including being named “Top General Hospital” by Leapfrog Group and one of Newsweek’s “Best Maternity Hospitals,” and it is because we do those three things well. I am proud to work with people who share that vision and practice it every day. I also enjoy hearing from community members whenever they’ve had a great experience with one of our physicians or interactions with the hospital. One of our biggest challenges is maintaining that level of culture as we continue to grow. Every new person that is brought into the organization has their own personality and experiences, and we want to hire the best of the best. Hiring the right people is just as, if not more, important than the policies and procedures of an organization.
10719 Rodeo Dr., Lakewood Ranch, 941-907-0400, @edstavernlwr, edTheslakewoodranch.com.Granary Established in 2015 this local breakfast and lunch spot boasts a reputation to not disappoint.
DimSum King Conveniently located in the UTC area, DimSum King offers a delicious assortment of small, medium and large traditional Chinese dishes and, most famously, “dim sum all day,” as their mo o declares. With its comfortable atmosphere and expansive menu, this is the perfect spot for a family dinner, date night or anything in-between.
ATRIA Bread + Coffee opened just last year with a focus on artisan sourdough breads made with whole grains. Using minimal ingredients, all bread loaves are milled in-house every morning for breakfast and lunch service and for full service catering which includes gourmet breadboard options, artisanal toasts and housemade spreads. The cafe itself encompasses a modern yet welcoming interior with specialty coffee and tea beverages, as well as baked pastry goods including muffins, cookies, scones and more.4120 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Bradenton, 941-751-1016, atria.cafe, @atria.cafe Casa Maya Mexican Restaurant Find authentic south-of-the-border flavors with a genuine Mayan emphasis at this casual dining locale. A Guadalajara favorite, signature molcajetes serve up steak, chicken, shrimp, scallops or fish in a heated volcanic stone, mixed with grilled onions, peppers and homemade salsa and fresh tortillas. 8126 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, 941-907-9449, casamayalwr.com.@casamayalwr,
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Serving traditional dishes with both modern and delicious twists, hand-cra ed caffeine, mimosas and a selection of pastries you will find something to enjoy whatever time of day you visit. Whether you indulge in a decadent breakfast of pancakes or benedicts, or fish & chips, fresh salad, soup or sandwich for lunch, there’s something here for everyone. Ideal for families and is dog friendly.
ATRIA Bread+Coffee
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO DURING YOUR NON-WORK TIME? I volunteer on several not-for-profit boards and community civic groups. I enjoy those because it brings people from various backgrounds and industries to provide resources to local residents who face financial challenges. While there are many well-off people in Lakewood Ranch, there are certainly many who need some assistance. Organizations like the Lakewood Ranch Community Fund and Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee, among others, help fill those gaps. My wife, Tami, is a professional violist and plays with the local symphony orchestras. We have two daughters, Ava and Lana, who are active in competitive softball and soccer, so most of my time after work and on weekends is spent at the fields or at tournaments. LL
Another Broken Egg Café A neighborhood favorite, Another Broken Egg offers breakfast and lunch. Get the very french toast topped with bananas, berries, walnuts, cinnamon and whipped cream for a sweet morning, and throw in a mango mimosa to make it even sweeter. Broken Egg offers two-forone specials on domestic beers and house wines on Friday a ernoons. 6115 Exchange Way, Lakewood Ranch, 941-388-6898, Apolloniaanotherbrokenegg.com.@anotherbrokenegg,Grill
2547 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Lakewood Ranch, thegranarylwr.com.941-746-2000, GET YOUR GRUB ON FALL 2022 live local LAKEWOODLIVING expanding along with the community, and we have some exciting things planned for the near future. I moved here in 2016 and, since then, there are so many more people who live and work in the community. We will continue to add more services and specialties to meet the needs of our community.

Pacific Counter
Paris Bistrot
Like their Hillview location, Libby’s Neighborhood Brasserie in Lakewood Ranch plates lunch and dinner daily, and celebrates with weekend brunches. The locale stylishly serves seasonal New American cuisine with sides of excellent service. If their crispy brussel sprouts, Joe’s meatballs, and kale caesar aren’t enough to sell you, some of their best bo les are available half off all day on Wine Wednesdays. 8445 Lorraine Rd., 941357-1570, rie.com/menu-lakewood-ranch.libbysneighborhoodbrasse-LuckyPelicanBistro
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The hype is right. Only Nancy prepares pork shoulder with her secret-recipe 14-ingredient dry rub, cooks it in a barbecue oven for more than 15 hours, and serves it up in a casual and friendly se ing (it’s not called Nancy’s for nothing). The only BBQ open every day, Nancy’s celebrates Free Friday Happy Hour Buffets, Family Meal Deals, and live music every Friday and Saturday night (and alternate Sundays). 14475 State Rd. 70E, Lakewood Ranch, 941999-2390. nancysbarbq.com.
This authentic restaurant serves Sarasotans a traditional Indian dining experience in a laid-back atmosphere. Tandoor’s curry is based on an old family recipe, and they use only the finest ingredients to prepare dishes that are as healthy as they are delicious. Having catered to the community since 2001, they continue to offer dine-in lunch specials Tuesday through Sunday, 50 percent off all bo les on Tandoor Tuesday, and to-go lunch boxes. 8453 Cooper Creek Blvd., Bradenton, 941-926-3077, tandoorsarasota.net.ThaiSpice&Sushi Explore the authentic tastes of Thailand for lunch and dinner at this local favorite. Prepare your taste buds to experience an infusion of Thai flavors in their house-made curries and sauces, and an ever-changing variety of daily soups. Top off your meal with a slice of coconut cake (a family recipe). 8209 Natures Way #111, Lakewood Ranch, 941-907-4747, thaispiceoflakewoodranch.com.Truman’sTapandGrill
Established in 2021, Truman’s serves classic American eats in an inviting, warm atmosphere with a neighborhood feel. You can enjoy sports games over drinks at the bar or a casual meal in the restaurant dining room. This sizable tavern is open daily for lunch and dinner, and hosts Trivia on Tuesdays, half off all premium bo les of wine on Wednesdays, Bingo on Thursdays, and live music on Friday and Saturday nights. 11161 East State Rd. 70 #100, Lakewood Ranch, 941-755-1800, trumanstap.com
Zenobia Mediterranean and Kebab Grill
Toting an impressive assortment of vegetarian appetizers, lunch specials and authentic dinner pla ers for the entire family, this Middle Eastern gem is guaranteed to satisfy your Mediterranean cravings with classics like falafel, baba ghanouj, house-made hummus and shawarma. 1857 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Bradenton, 941-900-2722, zenobia-restaurants.com.
8131 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, 941-388-0564, @parisbistrotlwr, parisbistrotlwr.com.PinchersCrab Shack Vibrant, handpainted signs and tropical parrots abound at this downto-earth seafood shack. Decide between a boatload of mussels or addictive crab-and-cheese dip with a kick to start off your meal. Load up on shrimp scampi with secret family spices or jumbo lump crab cakes, before topping your meal off with homemade Key lime pie or a dreamy chocolate cake ice cream shake. 10707 Rodeo Dr., Lakewood Ranch, 941922-1515, @officialpinchers, SoFreshsa.com/lakewood-ranch-menu.pinchersu-
This neighborhood ale house offers the true taste of Ireland right here in Lakewood Ranch, where community is family. Patrons can enjoy a blend of traditional European family-inspired dishes for brunch, lunch and dinner in a contemporary atmosphere. Kick back with your loved ones for happy hour specials Monday through Friday, and let McGrath’s bring a li le piece of Ireland to you. 8110 Lakewood Main St., Bradenton, 941-210-4398, Nancy’smcgrathsirish.com.Bar-B-Q
With a secondary location on St. Armands, and having just announced GET YOUR DINE ON 2022 live local a third in central St. Petersburg, it’s no wonder this local seafood spot is award-winning. While enjoying its vibrant bar scene and assortment of sea and land dishes, you’ll feel connected to Sarasota Bay without having to make the commute. 8764 East State Rd. 70, Lakewood Ranch, 941-2327646, Tandoorlakewood-ranch.speaksclambar.com/locations/FineIndianCuisine
Lorraine Corners
A fresh fusion of chef-inspired cuisine and cultures, serving up a mainland mix of coastal classics in the form of sushi bowls and burritos in a colorful, upbeat modern cafeteria space. Select your choice of sushi rice, brown rice, noodles or mixed greens for your base, add proteins such as salmon, Krab, tuna, BBQ or baked chicken, shrimp or vegan and vegetarian options and choose to “roll it” or “bowl it”. Pacific Counter is the passion project of three long time friends who wanted to bridge the gap between the West Coast and East Coast with counter creations— they opened their first brick and mortar location in St. Petersburg, FL — the Lakewood Ranch location is their second location.11581 E State Rd 70 #109, Bradenton, 941-739-8039.
Find classic, Italian fine dining with an eye for artful presentation at this central hotspot. There is a bar serving Margherita Flatbread and Fried Ravioli, and casual favorites like the Meatball Sub and MST Burger. Or go full Italiano and order up the Pollo Milanese, Salmon Piccata, MST Gnocchi or Frui i Di Mare. 8131 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, 941-907-1518, @mainstree ra oria, mstra McGrath’soria.com.Irish Ale House
The fast-growing Florida franchise is on a mission to bring fresh, whole foods, rooted in real ingredients. With a trendy, fast-casual approach, the modern hangout is a go-to for a healthful lunch of salads, wraps, bowls and cold-pressed juices. SoFresh is also a great option for diet-specific preferences, including vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo and gluten-free. 11569 FL-70 #106, Bradenton, 941-769-9550, @welovesofresh, Speakslakewood-ranch.lovesofresh.com/location/ClamBar
Hana Sushi Lounge Roll up expecting an artful mix of raw and refined traditional Asian cuisine—and don’t leave disappointed. Say “Aloha” (shrimp, tempura, cream cheese, mango and coconut) to “Godzilla” (spicy tuna, asparagus, eel and avocado) and “King Kong” (shrimp tempura, kani, cream cheese, scallions, spicy tuna, eel and avocado) and leave feeling “Soul Good” (shrimp, cream cheese, avocado, asparagus, salmon and garlic). For those thinking outside the roll, check out the poke bowl selection and bento box specials. 8126 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, 941-907-1290, Inkawasihanasushiloungelwr.com.@hanasushilounge,Peruvian Homestyle cooking in the Peruvian style brings ceviches, empanadas, yucca and more elements to the menu, as well as chifa—a culinary tradition fusing Cantonese Chinese with Peruvian food. The Tallarin Saltado, for example, unites wok-prepared Peruvian flame noodles with green onions, snow peas, peppers and napa cabbage, complete with chicken, beef or seafood. The Amazonian fried rice is a dish you have to try, and the Lomo Saltado is a perfect mixture of two worlds.
Not only is this upscale seafood spot known for its iconic hot and cold selections, including a raw bar and fish market, innovative specials, but its ambience is enough to make this fan favorite your local go-to for lunch, dinner or takeout. 6239 Lake Osprey Dr., Sarasota, Mainluckypelicanbistro.com.941-907-0589,StreetTraoria
Grove Restaurant This latest offshoot from the restaurateurs behind the famed Pier 22 offers a wide variety of cuisine—all with a focus on locally-sourced and fresh ingredients. Seafood lovers will find their fill amongst Shrimp N’ Grits, Stuffed Lobster and Scallop Benedict, while those craving red meat can’t go wrong with the Roast Duckling, New Zealand Rack of Lamb or the Wild Game of the Day. Save room for dessert or an a er-dinner coffee or cocktail. 10670 Boardwalk Loop, Lakewood Ranch, 941-893-4321, @grove_lwr, grovelwr.com.
This andcrepes,aSoup,remainpessine,bistrofamily-owned-and-operatedservestraditionalFrenchcui-directlyfrom“Grandma’sreci-books.”SignaturemenustaplestheauthenticFrenchOnionNicoiseSalad,FoieGras,andvastvarietyofquichesanddessertwithmanychocolate,fruiticecreamaccoutrements.
10667 Boardwalk Loop, Lakewood Ranch, 941-360-1110, @inkawasiperuvianfood, Libby’sinkawasirestaurant.com.NeighborhoodBrasserie

GRILLING UP A STORM OF CULINARY DELIGHTS FOR UNIVERSITY PARK PATRONS FOR NEARLY A DECADE with its fresh Mediterranean cuisine, Apollonia Grill in the Cooper Creek area is the pride of the Yzeiri family. “Apollonia was opened with a vision to bring authentic Greek Mediterranean food to our area. We wanted to offer high-quality recipes but in an approachable and friendly setting,” says Eddie Yzeiri, Apollonia’s manager, who has worked in the restaurant industry for more than 20 years. “Cooking Greek and Mediterranean food is familiar to me because it’s the food I grew up with. A lot of our recipes are family recipes or dishes that have evolved and improved over time.” Eddie Yzeiri and his family also owned El Greco Café on Main Street in downtown Sarasota before launching the Apollonia locale in The Shoppes at UTC. Running a restaurant has always been a collaborative effort.
Above: grilledolives,peppadews,spanakopita,meat,chickenMezemanagerApollonia’sEddieYzeiri;platterfeaturingskewers,gyrohummus,tzatziki,goatcheesebeets,greekagedfetaandpita.
Greece to India

LAKEWOODLIVING of Tandoor’s cherished specialties. And Maini is as involved in the restaurant industry as she is in the nonprofit sphere. She founded the Share Care Global organ ization in 2017—an initiative that supplies healthy food and educational opportunities to poor people in her home village in India (especially women and children). The organi zation also helps teach women how to become entrepreneurs. Maini hopes to one day open a hospital and orphanage in the village, too.
LL POONAM MAINI HAS WALKED A TRIUMPHANT PATH TO WHERE SHE IS NOW —from growing up in a small village in India to pioneering the successful Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine on Cooper Creek Boulevard. Maini initially launched Tandoor on Clark Road in 2001 before relocating to The Shoppes at UTC in 2013, and the restaurant will be mov ing to an expanded space this fall. But doing all this—on her own—has not been an easy endeavor. “My motivation to work hard was providing a life for my children,” Maini says.
“Every meal we sell at Tandoor, it provides a meal to someone in our food shelter; that’s about 400 meals a day,” Maini says. “Before I die, even if there are five people who say ‘Poonam helped change our lives,’ that gives me purpose. I work very hard every day because I know how many people depend on Tandoor—not just my 20 team members but also the people we help in India. That inspires me to work harder. It brings me peace and makes me happy.”
Maini grew up in a village called Garhdiwala in India and entered an arranged marriage when she was in her teens (she even gave a TED talk about her experience a few years ago in New York). She came to the United States in 1989 and eventually settled in Florida, but started Tandoor after her divorce. Maini had three children to support (Milen, now 34; Shamini, now 31; and Shubi, now 24), and her daughters worked with her as servers and hosts in the flagship location. Now her son, Shubi, co-runs Tandoor with his mother. This family culinary tradition has a lengthy history. “I grew up eating the types of items I serve now at Tandoor. My dad was a very passionate cook—not a professional cook but he loved cooking,” Maini says. “I love cooking. As a young girl, when I had to pick a chore, I picked cooking. I just loved being around my dad in the kitchen.” Butter chicken, chicken tikka masala, lamb rogan josh, tandoori chicken and spicy biry ani—all dishes with familial roots—are some “My mother and father opened the restau rant every morning—making the soups, sauc es and getting the restaurant started. When we got in there, the kitchen was ready for cooking and the dining room was ready for guests to come in,” Eddie Yzeiri says. “I worked in the kitchen and my brother worked in the dining room. Both of our wives played a key role in welcoming guests and ensuring that they had a positive experience.” Today, at Apollonia, those roles have evolved, especially since the start of the pandemic. “When restaurants shut down during COVID, it was a very scary time. Our entire family depended on the success of the restaurant; there was no other income,” Eddie Yzeiri says. “But we made it through, being there for each other and staying strong. Our team has grown but we are still involved in the day-to-day operations.” As a follow-up to the 2013 opening of the first Apollonia, the Yzeiris started a second location in The Landings in 2019. The Apollonia menu, at both locales, is rich with beloved items. “Our Lamb Shank Osso Bucco (braised leg of lamb with vegetables, herbs and red wine) is a dish that is quite labor-intensive to make and the end result is this flavorful, super tender and delicious shank that is memorable,” Eddie Yzeiri says. “The Saganaki Cheese is always a guest fa vorite—not only very tasty but it comes with a show by lighting it on fire in front of guests.” Lamb chops, kebabs, branzino, lobster pasta and moussaka are also among the stead fast staples. But there’s always more to come. “We’re very excited for the future. We’re planning to do a renovation in the restaurant at The Shoppes at UTC,” Eddie Yzeiri says. “Along with that, we intend on revamping our menus, and introducing some new and exciting dishes. We’re always continuing to improve.” LL
This page: Poonam Maini of Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine on Cooper Creek Boulevard, photo courtesy of James Corwin Johnson Photography.
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