Best Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer

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Best Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer Cancer is a deadly disease. The medical definition of cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells inside the body. How cancer is formed? As we know that our body is made up of cells which have the property to divide. There is one more property of cells, named contact inhibition. This property of the cells prevents uncontrolled cell division. The loss of this property results in the uncontrolled cell division which results in the formation of a tumour. The condition is known as cancer.

Are Herbal Medicines Effective for the Treatment of Cancer? Oncology, the branch of medical science which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is attempting to understand which complementary medicine is safe and effective for the treatment of cancer including herbal treatment. It has been seen that some people get relief from herbal medicines, while some people get more relief from prescription medicines. If we compare the herbal medicines with that of the prescription medicines, prescription medicines have some unwanted side-effects. Due to this reason, many people consider herbal medicines more than prescription medicines. Herbal medicines have less side-effects as compared to their counterpart prescription medicines. This is because of their less potency than pharmaceuticals. To get the best results, always purchase these medicines from the ​best herbal anti-cancer medicines manufacturers​.

Research on Herbal Medicines for Cancer Astragalus Research in astragalus has shown that it has reduced side-effects of platinum-based chemotherapy. A Chinese study published in Medical Oncology in 2012 found improved quality of life in lung cancer patients who have taken

combination injection of astragalus. Moreover, the patients who have taken astragalus experienced improved appetite, less pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Ginger In certain lab studies, this herb has shown anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. According to a review published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia in 2000Ginger have shown a reduction in chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. But the intake of ginger is strictly prohibited before and after surgery. Also, ginger should be avoided by patients with a low count of platelets as it promotes bleeding.

Aloe Vera According to a review published in Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews in 2011, Aloe Vera has helped to prevent mouth sores in chemotherapy patients.

Turmeric Turmeric contains a compound named curcumin. A study published in Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology in the year 2011 has shown that it may be safe to combine curcumin extract with gemcitabine chemotherapy to treat patients suffering from pancreatic cancer. Herbal medicines are not as effective as other medicines for the treatment of cancer but can help in the treatment of cancer. These medicines are preferred more by the patients suffering from cancer due to their property of reducing side-effects. All in all, herbal medicines are safer to use as compared to prescription medicines. Moreover, these medicines are easily available on any of the ​herbal medicine manufacturers​.

Contact Us Sriram Herbals Address:​ ​ ​31/1, Seetharampalya, Mahadevpura Bangalore,

Karnataka - 560048 (India)

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