Background Check on Prof. Emil Vlajki, Antisemitic Srebrenica Genocide Denier

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Prof. Emil Vlajki, Racist Genocide Denier

By Srebrenica Genocide Blog 29 November 2010. Recent denials of the Srebrenica genocide and anti-semitic statements by Prof. Emil Vlajki merit special attention. Emil Vlajki is a rather controversial politician and an outspoken defender of Serbian causes. Although his real ethnic background is yet to be established, formerly he declared himself as Yugoslav and on occassions Jewish, but recently he suddenly became Croatian (after suspiciously popping up on electoral ballot and winning vice-presidential seat with only 6,000 votes, or 600 votes more than the next candidate for the Bosnian Serb entity known as Republika Srpska). He claims that his father Lujo Vlajki was Croat who died in World War II and his mother was Jewish who divorced his father and later re-married in Israel. However, in the archives of “Most”, the bulletin of the Association of immigrants from former Yugoslavia in Israel, we find that his mother was Bulgarian woman named Marija Vlajki “Bela” (aka: Ashkenazi Belina) who converted to Catholicism after marying his father. Whether Emil Vlajki was later put up for adoption, presumably to Serbian parents owing to his pro-Serb leanings, remains a mystery. He was raised by 'someone' without both parents... by who? We don't know yet.

Whatever his true identity is, Vlajki's troubling statements deserve more scrunity. According to SRNA [Serbian Radio Newspaper Agency], he recently stated “there was no genocide in Srebrenica because 30,000 women, children, sick and elderly were 'safely' released to their homes“and that “he has evidence from the western sources that Jews are guilty for the suffering of Serbian people." Srebrenica: what are the facts? In 1992, three years before the genocide, Serb Army burned almost 300 Bosnian Muslim villages around Srebrenica and neighbouring municipalities [*not including hamlets]. In July of 1995, Serbs committed genocide. According to the appellate judgement of Radislav Krstic, Serb forces “targeted for extinction the forty thousand [40,000] Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica…. Constrained by the circumstances, they adopted the method which would allow them to implement the genocidal design while minimizing the risk of retribution.” Contrary to Emil Vlajki's allegations, Serb forces led by Gen. Ratko Mladić did not release any captured Bosniak civilians to their homes. Instead, dressed in Dutch UN peacekeepers' uniforms, Serb forces had brutally raped between 1,100 and 1,500 Bosniak women and underage girls. At least 499 underage boys were slaughtered in the Srebrenica massacre. Serb forces disguised the separation of Bosniak men from their families, and the subsequent summary massacres, as a ‘military operation’, while at the same time they decided to forcibly expell women and children from the enclave. The judgement states that, “The decision not to kill the women or children may be explained by the Bosnian Serbs’ sensitivity to public opinion. In contrast to the killing of the captured military men, such an action could not easily be kept secret, or disguised as a military operation, and so carried an increased risk of attracting international censure.” It was Bosnian Serb Genera Ratko Mladić that instructed his troops to rape Bosniak women and girls and slaughter men and boys. Accordign to the witness, Nedžida Sadiković, General Mladić announced "the feast of blood" on 12 July 1995. "According to her account, Mladić exclaimed, 'There are so many,' as he spotted the large number of men and boys in the crowd of several thousand refugees. "It is going to be a 'meze' (a long, delectable feast). There will be blood up to your knees,' Sadikovic, 42, remembered him saying. 'Beatiful. Keep the good ones over there. Enjoy them,' he told his troops, according to Sadikovic." According to eye-witness described as 'Plaintif No 10,' "Girls were continually being taken out of the group and they were raped. I was very afraid. I knew a woman whose daughter was taken out of the group and was never seen again. That daughter was a year older than me. My mother was taken by Serbs from the group of refugees during the night of 12th to 13th July 1995. She was then raped. I cannot speak any more of that. She never recovered from that and a year later died of cancer of the womb. She was then 37 years old."

According to testimony of Ramiza Gurdić, "I saw how a young boy of about ten was killed by Serbs in Dutch uniform. This happened in front of my own eyes. The mother sat on the ground and her young son sat beside her. The young boy was placed on his mother’s lap. The young boy was killed. His head was cut off. The body remained on the lap of the mother. The Serbian soldier placed the head of the young boy on his knife and showed it to everyone...I saw how a pregnant woman was slaughtered. There wereSerbs who stabbed her in the stomach, cut her open and took two small children out of her stomach and then beat them to death on the ground. I saw this with my own eyes." According to testimony by Kada Hotić, "There was a young woman with a baby on the way to the bus. The baby cried and a Serbian soldier told her that she had to make sure that the baby was quiet. Then the soldier took the child from the mother and cut its throat." According to Munira Šubašić, "I saw yet more frightful things. For example, there was a girl, she must have been about nine years old. At a certain moment some Chetniks recommended to her brother that he rape the girl. He did not do it and I also think that he could not have done it for he was still just a child. Then they murdered that young boy. I have personally seen all that. I really want to emphasize that all this happened in the immediate vicinity of the base." "Zarfa Turković says she watched through half-closed eyes, pretending to sleep, hoping she would not be next, as four Bosnian Serb men raped a 28-year old Muslim woman... Two took her legs and raised them up in the air, while the third began raping her.People were silent, no one moved. She was screaming and yelling and begging them to stop. They put her a rag into her mouth, and then we were just hearing silent sobs coming from her closed lips. When they finished, the woman was left there." Kadir Habibovic - who hid himself on one of the first buses taking women and children from the Dutch United Nations base in Potocari to government-held territory in Kladanj, "saw at least one vehicle full of Muslim women being driven away from Bosnian government-held territory."

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