NorCal Issue 143, January 2018

Page 37

feed the MACHINE training time: tim rudd Do you know what types of things athletes must to do to improve their health, body composition and performance? Everything I teach my athletes is based on the 3S criteria, developed by Precision Nutrition. 1. Simple: Are the rules easy to follow? 2. Science-based: Are the rules based on sound scientific principles? 3. Successful: Have the rules produced success in others like your athletes? A system based on those three things is absolutely critical. To help you out, here are the exact strategies I’ve used with my athletes for years: 1. EAT EVERY 3-4 HOURS: Now, they don’t need to eat a full meal every few hours – some of them can be smaller snacks. But every few hours they should be getting a dose of good food that follows the other rules below. 2. INCLUDE PROTEIN-DENSE FOODS IN EACH MEAL AND SNACK: The most protein-dense and high-quality proteins come from animal foods (chicken, beef, fish, dairy etc.) Females should get one palm size and males two palm sizes. 3. INCLUDE VEGETABLES IN EACH MEAL OR SNACK: One of the best and easiest things they can do to improve their health and performance is to include veggies in each meal or snack. Get at least one fist size in, but the more the better! 4. EAT MOSTLY UNPROCESSED CARBOHYDRATES: This includes things like rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. These should come from whole food sources that contain no more than 3- ingredients if packaged — and they should control their portions, limiting them to a one cupped palm size for females and two cupped palm sizes for males with each meal. 5. INCLUDE A GOOD BALANCE OF HEALTHY FAT IN YOUR DIET: There are three types of fat: ›› Monounsaturated fat should come from mixed nuts, olives and olive oil. ›› Polyunsaturated fat should come from flaxseed oil, fish oil and mixed nuts. ›› Saturated fat come from animal proteins, butter and coconut oil. Eating all three kinds in a healthy balance can dramatically improve their health, performance and body composition. 6. MAKE SURE TO GET HALF YOUR BODYWEIGHT IN OUNCES OF WATER PER DAY. Our bodies are made up of 60 percent water, and water is absolutely essential for a variety of physiological functions. Your health, performance and body composition will suffer if you don’t drink enough of it. These six strategies will have athletes eating better — and performing better — than much percent of their competition. ✪ Tim Rudd is an IYCA-certified specialist in youth conditioning and the owner of Fit2TheCore.

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January 2018



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