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Nestled in the quaint town of Pagosa Springs sits an abode for mountain enthusiasts to experience the difference well-designed gear can truly make. By combining the finest qualities of wool and other natural fibers with advanced manufacturing techniques, VOORMI has received national recognition as an Americanmade, sustainable outdoor apparel brand.

VOORMI’s humble beginnings started with a mission to show the outdoors community the power behind performance fabrics and innovative apparel. Now with its second location in Bozeman, Montana, chief experience officer

Dustin English says VOORMI will continue to build the next generation of outdoor clothing with simplicity and sophistication. Since he founded the company in 2010, VOORMI has won multiple awards across its impressive line of garments crafted with cutting-edge technology.

“In our world, we believe in building products designed to elevate the full humanpowered experience, wherever that road may lead,” English says.

Versatility is the forefront of every discussion at VOORMI. “We don’t believe in socalled single-purpose clothing,” English adds.

“Whether you’re embarking on a multi-week trip across the world or heading out for a long day in the backcountry, it’s our mission to build pieces that make the bag — every time.”

The team at VOORMI believes every stitch has a story. “Whether it’s the hand-crafted care put into making each piece of VOORMI clothing, the time spent with one of our mountain community-based retail folks sharing epic tales of epic places or the unforgettable memories made around the campfire wearing our gear, it’s those deeper connections to people, places and things that truly matter,” English shares.

VOORMI makes an intentional effort to source and manufacture locally in smaller batches. By producing less waste, the brand serves as a leader in the homegrown outdoor apparel industry.

“At VOORMI, we don’t subscribe to mass produced experiences,” English explains. “We believe in building personal and connected experiences that stand the test of time. And, as textiles and technology evolve to connect us in ways we never imagined, we’ll be there with the same level of trust, integrity and authenticity along the way.” : voormi.com