starlight 5

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Answer Key

To write an informal email about a

A 1 B 2

place ñ


Explain the task and write a plan on the board. Hi …, Para 1: greeting, opening remarks (Greetings from Lake Titicaca!) Para 2: describe the floating island you are living on Para 3: closing remarks (See you soon!) … Allow Ss time to complete the task in class or it may be assigned as HW. Encourage Ss to make their emails as descriptive as possible and to use the new vocabulary they learned from the Check these words box.





ñ ñ

It is to Sam and is from Billy. It is an invitation to a party and mentions how to get to Billy’s house. There is a supermarket, a baker’s, a pet shop and a florist’s in Billy’s neighbourhood. 3

To read for specific information ñ

address (n): information, including a street and number, that tells where a building is underground (n): a system of trains that runs under the ground station (n): a stopping point for trains where people can get on and off turn left (phr): to change the direction you are travelling in and go in the direction to your left turn right (phr): to change the direction you are travelling in and go in the direction to your right ñ ñ

Suggested Answer Key

1 2 3

Vocabulary products ñ

ñ ñ


Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally and individually. Have Ss complete the task. Check Ss‘ answers around the class.

Ss reread the text and answer the questions. Check answers around the class.

Answer Key

Going around To present vocabulary for shops and

Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words box.

Suggested Answer Key

Explain the task and brainstorm with Ss for ideas. Write some of the ideas on the board. Allow Ss time to write their sentences. Then organise Ss into pairs to read their sentences to each other. Monitor the activity around the class. Then ask some pairs to read their sentences to the class.


Write the questions from the rubric on the board. Have Ss read the questions and then scan the text. Ss close their books and try to answer the questions with a partner. Play the recording. Ss listen and check.

Answer Key

I have got a brick house. There are many rooms in my house and we have got heating. There is a hospital and doctors nearby. I haven’t got a different view from my window every day because my house can’t move.

2f 1

G 5 H 7

To scan a text to predict its content ñ ñ

To personalise the topic ñ

E 3 F 8


Suggested Answer Key Hi Jane, Greetings from Lake Titicaca! It’s great here! There are forty floating islands on the lake. The local people make the islands out of totora reeds and have got reed huts. They have also got reed boats for fishing and go to school, but they haven’t got doctors or a hospital nearby. It is a very simple life here, but I really like it. That’s all my news for now. See you soon! Lisa

C 6 D 4

Saturday, 20th November 5 pm He takes the underground to Central Station. Then he goes up the stairs and comes out of the tube station into the High Street and turns left at the supermarket. He walks along the street and past the baker’s and then turns left at the pet shop into King Street. He walks across the street and then turns right at the next street and Billy’s house is next to the florist’s.

Grammar 4

To present the imperative ñ ñ

Have Ss read the theory. Explain to Ss that we form the imperative by using the infinitive form of the verb without to. In the negative, don’t is added before the verb.

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