2 minute read

Board Meetings & Bombs

Earlier last year the Braided Rivers Community Trust Board (BRCT) had a conversation about how to gain a better understanding of the community into which it makes grants; where they may have had skills missing on the Board and how they could fill those gaps from within our community. One gap identified was that while they regularly funded projects to benefit youth in our community, they didn’t have a ‘youth voice’ on the Board.

With this in mind, Ashburton College was approached about finding a suitable youth representative to join the Lion Foundation Regional Grants Committee, a call went out to Year 12 students, and Jack Jones was duly appointed. He talks with Judy McAuliffe about his role with BRCT/Lion Foundation and his plans for the future.


competed in the Best of the South Island Target Shooting team v Best of the North Island. He’s also hoping to have the opportunity to compete against Australia and the United Kingdom.

Inspired by action and army movies, on leaving school Jack has plans to join the NZ Army followed by the Police Force, eventually moving to the Bomb Squad. “There’s just so much action going on around the world, I want to be part of that. I like the idea of being right in the thick of it, inspecting locations for possible explosives, dismantling bombs and so on. The thought of being a part of something bigger than myself is exciting,” he smiles.

Jack’s mates and his teachers are aware of his role with BRCT and have been very supportive. “In between meetings I try and keep an ear to the ground, listen to what’s happening with youth around town. It’s not always people coming forward to request grants, we have ideas too so we’re also thinking about who and what we could be supporting financially. I quite often have someone point out a particular group that might benefit from a grant.”

BRCT CEO Robert Reid says that Jack’s appointment has more than achieved the original goal. “There have been numerous positive comments about the insights Jack brings to the table. His involvement is seen as a really positive move, allowing more effective granting.”

There’s no doubt exciting times lay ahead for Jack. “This will be my last year with BRCT, but someone else will step in. “he says. “I’ve been very fortunate to have this experience, and what I’ve learned in that boardroom is amazing.”

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