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As the days start to draw back and autumn begins, it’s important to make the most of every minute you have. You should still be gathering lots of lovely fresh produce, but now is also time for sowing new lawns, planting bulbs, trees and shrubs, mulching, mulching, mulching, and of course planting the vegetable garden for the months ahead.

Firstly, in your flower garden and your edible garden, get busy and remove anything that has gone to seed and any diseased foliage, and prune back flowering plants that have finished for the season.


LAWNS If your lawn is in need of re-sowing or repair, now is the ideal time to do it, so that it has time to establish, and be looking good for next summer. If you’re re-sowing, take the time to check out all your options. Is your lawn purely ornamental, or do you need a hard wearing lawn for an active family?

PLANT your bulbs for spring flowering this month, before the soil cools down. Early planting gets them off to a great start, as they will begin to develop their roots and settle in ready for spring growth. Remember, daffodils need full sun and well-drained soil.

MULCHING helps retain moisture in the soil, protects roots from frost and keeps weeds at bay. The golden rule is to water well before you mulch, or mulch after rain so you're not locking dry soil in. Add 5–8cm of mulch to your garden beds, taking care to keep it away from the base of your plants, except for strawberries and lettuce, which like to be clean and snug!

VEGE SEEDLINGS of cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, cabbage and winter lettuce can plant now, as well as herbs such as chives, rosemary and parsley.