SP's Military Yearbook 2009-2010

Page 142

 Abbreviations & Index toward rear of yearbook


Definition Throughout history, advances in technology and strategy have revolutionised the way wars are fought. Many definitions have been coined to describe the nuances of RMA. The Wikipedia says, “The military concept of RMA is a theory about the future of warfare, often connected to technological and organisational recommendations for change”. RMA results when a nation seizes an opportunity to transform its military doctrine, training, organisation, equipment, tactics, operations and strategy in a coherent pattern in order to wage war in a novel and more effective manner. RMA can be defined as “a major change in the nature of warfare brought about by the innovative application of technologies, which combined with dramatic changes in military doctrine and operational concepts, fundamentally alters the character and conduct of operations.” Transformation is essential to cope with these changes and most countries have put in place organisations dedicated to conceptualising and implementing transformation.


evolution in Military Affairs (RMA) can be considered a phenomenon that is about three decades old. Soviet military thinkers during the period 1960-70 first dabbled with RMA (though the RMA term was not coined by them). The Soviet experiment was primarily with respect to the impact of nuclear weapons and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Their focus was to dovetail the employment of nuclear weapons into their war-fighting doctrine, giving them the cutting edge in future wars. More than a decade later, in the mid-eighties, Chief of Soviet General Staff Marshall Nikolai Ogarkov revived the debate about RMA with reference to precision guided conventional weapons. The concept caught the fancy of the US much later, who actually coined the term RMA. Militaries worldwide have been experimenting and adopting RMA. Chinese interest in RMA and the structure of the future US armed forces is strong and is being incorporated into the Chinese strategic military doctrine. Their interest in the RMA theory and practice was accelerated due to the dramatic and speedy victory of the US over Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War, wherein the US dominance was achieved through precision weaponry, satellites and superior information and communications technology. The power of technological advances coupled with matching strategy and concepts, organisations and training was fully apparent. This was a catalyst for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to get going on the path to ‘Informisation’.

Perspectives The global debate on RMA is centred on the following perspectives:  This perspective highlights the political, social and economic factors worldwide, which might require a completely different type of military and organisational structure to apply force. It focusses primarily upon changes in the nation state and the role of an organised military in using force.  This most common ‘System of Systems’ perspective on RMA highlights the evolution of weapon technology, information technology, military organisations and military doctrine including three overlap-


65 SP's MILITARY YEARBOOK | 2009-2010 | 39th Year of Issue



RMA in the Indian military is ongoing, but needs to be drastically focussed and accelerated. We must be able to protect our information systems, attack/influence the information system of the adversaries and leverage our strengths to gain decisive advantage in a battle space where our national security is threatened.


www.wikipedia.org; SP Guide Publications

Transformation through RMA


1 Military Affairs Revolution in


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