Engineering Spectrum Volume XV No.1

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September 2008








September 2008 Vol. XV No. 1 Official Student Publication of the PUP-College of Engineering Established: May 1993

Editor in Chief ORLAND D. TUBOLA Associate Editors ALEXANDER C. DEFEO Managing Editor News Editor Sci-Tech Editor Features Editor Circle Editor Lay-out Editor Art Director Moderator


Staff Writers Joana Inciong, Hazel Ildefonso, Shovie Flores and Edwin Abad Editorial Consultants April Angela Gumban, Marvin John Perdido Contributions, reactions and opinions are accepted in the publication. It should bear contributor’s name, address, course, year and section and signature. Name may be witheld upon request. Forward your contributions to Engineering SPECTRUM Editorial Office Rm423, Engineering and Architecture Building, PUP-NDC Campus, Anonas corner Pureza St., Sta Mesa, Manila or send it via email to

A proud member Alyansa ng Kabataang Mamahayag (AKM-PUP)

WRITING was and still – not my passion. Unlike some of the former Editors in chief of this publication, who were just forced to take up engineering and joined Engineering Spectrum to pursue their passion on writing, I choose my course because of the belief that it has nothing to do with english grammar and literature. In fact, I am even surprising myself that I am now heading a college publication. And again, unlike most of the former EICs of this publication, who had been EIC during their 4th year and retired the next year, I am carrying the responsibility now that I am a graduating student. I was wondering before why no one tried to do the same thing that I did? Now, I know the answer and I learned it the hard way… If anybody would ask, what can I or we in Spectrum can get from all of our sacrifices? Or someone would think, maybe we are getting a lot from this institution that is why we do all these things. The answer would be, yes, we are getting a lot – a lot of experiences.

Most of the things in this first issue were done in my laptop, which is why most of the time I cannot use it for my assignments, programs, design and thesis. In fact, at this very moment my thesis group still doesn’t have a proposal yet and my group mate in design got angry with me when I can’t lend my laptop because it is used for the layout. In doing this first issue, we used our own money. For food during the overnights, fare in doing transactions with a lot of matters, mostly required for auditing purposes and miscellaneous things for us to continue working while we are waiting for our fund. And yes, we can reimburse it, but up to this moment we are not doing so because our fund is just enough for the important things that the institution needs. And it breaks

our spirit when we are treated and we hear words as if we are financially or materially benefitting from this institution. Being a part of this institution gives as more sleepless nights aside from those we spend for our academics. Stress and pressure that the staffs are getting from me and I getting it from myself. And, sometimes, low grades and exam results, in my case, it is frequent. If ever you are wondering if quitting is in my dictionary? Honest answer would be – yes. I thought of it for a lot of occasions already. What keeps me holding or hanging is the belief that this institution plays an important role in this College. Engineering Spectrum acts as a medium for the student who cannot voice out the irregularities they are experiencing themselves for they were told they can do nothing and forced to believe that they are powerless. Engineering Spectrum is with the students when, in some cases, the student leaders in their department Carioca... /p.3

illustration by ARNOLD LALONGISIP

THE entire College is already busy in preparation for the events that will commemorate the College’s three decades of playing an important role in impacting and improving the Philippine society by catalyzing positive changes through affordable quality Engineering Education. By giving opportunity to the less fortunate but intellectually competent Filipinos, who want an engineering degree, the College of Engineering had improved thousands of lives far greater than other engineering institutions in the country. For years, the College envisions itself to be the center of excellence in engineering education and the recent administration is initiating and implementing rules and standards in order to realize that goal. But the College had standards ever since; the problem is, like in the Philippine setting, it was not implemented strictly. The challenge to the administration is to have a strong will in implementing those standards. Standards set for the students must be fully implemented as well as those set for the professors and administrators. But fully practicing the standards will not make the College a center of excellence. Engineering is clearly defined as the application of basic sciences and it will be hard to be excellent in our field if our laboratories offer relics of the past. If the University has a budget for beautification, it is not wrong to assume that, maybe, they can have a budget for the College’s laboratory. Laboratories which will enhance the abilities of the students rather than surrounding’s beautification for display purposes which are all masking the real scenarios. After all, our University—along with other Universities—would be ranked not by the painting of its façade but of the quality of education it delivers. This is not same as saying that students are against welcoming environment. The point is, it is illogical to put much effort on things with least priority and worse, overlooking what is necessary. However, this isn’t setting a limitation for the college’s celebration. In any perspective the college has all the reason to mark its 30th year. It has survived thirty years of insufficiency – budget, professors, books, equipments, name it all. Despite all, it has produced graduates who, somehow, become essential in the industry. And, it has remained to its vision of excellence.

September 2008

East Ave. I FELT the pavement wrap its arms around me and console my yearnings. I heard the walls giving me advices and I saw the center island greeted me and formed a smile. From this day on, this avenue won’t ever be the same again… I was riding on a bus making my way to school. It was 9:30 in the morning and I’m catching my Risk and Investment class by 10:30. Traffic jam hit and I’m stuck among busses. Restfully sitting in an air conditioned bus, observing the scene by the window and reading anything along the way from the gigantic billboard of Survivor Philippines, to LTFRB’s signage of Bawal Umistambay Dito, the tarpaulin that says “I am Ninoy,” and the side walk vendor’s carton ad of “Pranela 4 for 100.” It was fun but I cannot deny the fact that I was late this time. Sometimes I suspect this avenue set me up in traffic jams so it could hear my thoughts—the inner monologues we used to have whenever all we can do is to talk to ourselves. Maybe the road was laughing with me when I was happy or at times weeping when I was disappointed. Who knows? I had crossed this road for almost four years now. I knew its peak hours as well as the best time to cross it

without hassle. I could tell the arrangement of fast food chains and government agencies established along the way. And I could also tell whether GMA 7 had changed its billboard or whether any agency had repainted its façade. There, lying comfortably in an air conditioned bus overseeing a tiring avenue, I thought, somehow my life was like that busy street—polluted by my environment’s influence, crowded by temptations of doing wrong, a venue for several accidents of committing mistakes, a crossroad confronted by different choices and sometimes a dead end where all I can do is to bump on the wall. Almost four years had passed and this avenue still wears the same make up—though with some minimal changes. But still, the basic form remained. Same goes with my life… *** “Alam mo naman ako may fear of the unknown,” I heard my friend said in a cold voice. And it’s true.

Nobody wants to take the risk of being pained and of being wrong with their decisions. And staying on the safe side seems to be the easiest way to avoid such things. But with this, we are also risking the happiness that we could have delighted. That was life all about—taking actions. No matter how frightening and uncertain things might be, take actions for nobody knows what’s going to happen unless it happens. I only have one life, nothing else. I have to take the risks that the daily life had set for me though I also fear that this won’t bring me elsewhere. Mistake has always been a part of my journey. But it has also shown me what was right and what was necessary, so I only have to do the things for which I can only be grateful. I have to pursue the things I’m dying to attain and to get hold of the things I can’t live without. I remember what my Nanay, through our experiences as a family, taught me. She once said that, if I cannot afford to lose something, I should hold on to it no matter how much pain it caused me. She was right. I need to pursue some things without even asking why; having only the reason that I just have to. I just have to do it and explanation East Ave... /p.3


September 2008



Pan de Inhinyerya

Peace Letters

Meaninglessness of Life Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. - Ecclesiastes 2:11,17 (NIV) We all want to become successful engineers and make the most out of our lives. But what would you feel if you hear King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, say, “All of life is meaningless, a chasing after the wind!” As engineering students with high hopes of getting on top of our lives, we will do well to take heed of Solomon’s words of wisdom. This early, we must realize that things are just empty without God. Blaise Pascal, the renowned physicist, understands this well when he said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.” Not great riches, good career, fame, nor anything this world can offer, can fit in that emptiness in your heart. Until you invite Jesus into your life you will always find yourself wanting even when you have achieved much in life. Would you want to see the day when you achieved all you can achieve in life but still, say with Solomon, “All of life is meaningless, a chasing after the wind!”? “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.” Make your life count by living for the Greater Cause – Jesus Christ.



First Column I’M feeling the ache in my back. I have been doing my projects for two to three hours. What matters then? I do not know where am I gonna show my joy but to Him. Thanks for His love, care and mercy for me. My happiness? Overflowing. I am really moved. Thanks to the Lord, everything could be this hard to do, but He eases it all to my heart and mind. *** As I entered my basic education in a typical elementary school and blessed enough to enter in a secondary school, my eyes started to open to the light of life. During those times when life is less complicated, there were not much of the big dreams in my mind. But with less opportunity and stiff competition, I thought I needed a college degree in order to surpass this life. I have to strive harder for my future, for our future, I said. Timing and determination was at my side during those days when I packed my things up to acquire a

college degree. That was here in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Everything was certainly new to me then, the place, the people, the culture, the lifestyle, my routine. Like a natural “probinsyana,” I have to go with the flow and maintain my focus at the same time. I have to exert the best of my effort to keep my studies atop. At this point, being part of the publication, this experience is all new to me once again. Since joining this institution means dealing with the other people. I have met different people who really loves reading and writing –and that is really what they want, what they want to do. This

transition was not easy at all. In my case, it takes a month or two to finish an article. Beginning is really hard. And, now that I have a chance to do things on my own, I can only do my best to keep my head high and my mind soaring. Because with all the noble things that are going on my mind, I cannot really go wrong. Failure may come. But still, I will try to fly. In these cases, I will help myself to see the view of the grassland and the roads on the crowded busy streets. Yet, I still don’t forget, I can still glide over the grassland safely and exactly where I want my feet to take its first step on the land of success. I am afraid. I need to be strong. I have to have faith in Him. And, this is the way I know I can make myself one. *** What matters then? Thanks to the Lord, now and more to come!


...Carioca /p.2 cannot be with them in fighting for what is right. For the so called leaders were just mere followers and are doing things for their own comfort. Engineering Spectrum is there to check the actions of the members of this College when the people who are supposed to do it are not doing it. And Engineering Spectrum, in some way, defines and redefines the culture in our College. Francis Kong said, “Truth is truth!” You cannot redefine it or be politically correct. Half truth is still not truth and half lie is not half truth. Believe it or not, this column is my way of recruiting for my beloved institution. This is my way of inviting

...East Ave./p.2 does not seem to be relevant. I have to move on from there. *** Here I was, lying comfortably in an air conditioned bus, overseeing the lively scene of East Avenue. And during these idle times of my life, I get a grasp of what it is to be alive. It was 10:00 in the morning and I’m about to descend...

anyone to be a part of a great institution. So that they would know how it is as it is and so that we will not waste our time interviewing someone who will promise with all conviction that he or she will never quit and, in a blink of an eye, will be gone. We are searching for those who value their words and are willing… Khalil Gibran said, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” *** I was once told by my professor that I am like an activist. I don’t know if he mean it negatively but I don’t feel bad about it. It is something for me to smile about because I’d rather be dynamic than apathetic. But to that professor I am thankful for he thought me wisdom that I cannot read on books and is beyond what is in the syllabus. *** I don’t know if I can be a good writer for it is still not my passion. But, it is my passion that keeps me writing…

Engineering Spectrum would like to thank: Prof. Angelina Borican of the Office of the President for the support; Prof. Edelyn M. Mariano, Technical Assistant for Administrative Matters, for the advice and understanding on our late overnight letters; Sonia Amigable, CEA Librarian, for the generosity in lending us reading materials we need in the publication; Engr. Remedios Ado thru Engr. Rodolfo Talan of COE Dept. and Jocelyn Delgado of CEHS for sharing their PC for our overnights; And Electrical Engineering Network for the all out support. Thanks! Nice shots! Thank you to Mr. James Brian Ona of Lente Club for giving time for the pictorial and to Baby Girl Pantaleon for sharing her story, straight and honest.Joan>> to the one who put me in the world of letters, NayPie, thank you. To Gpay, Apol, ULy & Germz sa pag-iintay sa LRT…at sa mga boys: Doi, Phvz, Cj at Enche kamusta ang mga biceps?!luv u boiz Wala daw hihigit pa sa pamilya. Salamat kay Amang Robeklue na pinalaki kaming pantay-pantay at maalam sa pagkeme, sa mga kapatid kong si jilen (na parating masama ang loob <labshu!>), si ezra (sige sumaiyo na ang lahat! haha) si jenet (na punong-puno ng grasya) at si ayang (na parating umaasa). Sa katulong naming si wady “frieeeeeeeeends!” Salamat porwan! * m i s s k a n a n i l i a Ü * Sa mga criticals lalo na sa mekmek group maraming maraming salamat!

It’s quite pathetic to think that goal; leaders that will take effort to there are still students who seem to build walls for a stronger and better be ignorant in the college. They are college; leaders that shall motivate the students who pass in and out of students and bring the best upon them; the campus each day, climb stairs a leaders that shall make leaders; leaders hundred times and run in and out of that shall take risk and sacrifice for the classroom yet seem to know others. To rise and to take lead needs nothing about what’s going on around them. They are wanderers. They see initiative. As the saying goes, ‘Brave are those who volunteers’. You just yet they are blind. It’s quite funny that there are still need to decide for it all starts within students who are maybe on their third year but cannot unflinchingly say that Speak your mind. Why not they definitely know the where’s of share your young, fresh and the College premises- not to mention new ideas about anything under the library, the ES Room, which is the sun. This space is then for Carpark A and which is Carpark B true- (and warm-) blood and even the clinic. Yes, some of the CEans-- Ed. engineering students seem to be unaware of the status of the College. you. For the only way to regenerate Some may not even know that this our College is to do the duty which year, our college will be celebrating its lies nearest to us not to search after 30th Anniversary, if so, they don’t grand. Think about it. You are may be on mind. They are insensitive... your third, fourth or fifth year here in Impassive… Blunt… Impressive. The College of our College. Soon you shall be leaving. Engineering population is around What have you shared? What have 5000, but what’s not so impressive is you done? Who have you touched? that students who seem to care, rise Does five years of stay makes sense? and take lead are not more than a It may be late but it’s never too late. hundred. Stately, engineering students Rise and move. Decide and work. You are the former leaders, valedictorians, can still bring impact to our college. salutatorians, honorable mentions, You just need courage to do this. If you are on your first or second awardees and academicians of their respective high schools. But anyway, year, good for you… You still have where are they? They get into usual. years to make, years to prove They cloak themselves. They choose yourself, years to influence, years to to live in a so-called ‘ordinary life’, flourish, and years to serve… Besides, the college has seven free from pressures, free from responsibilities and yet they are academic organizations and eight special organizations to choose from. imprisoned. We have a lot of unseen potentials These orgs are composed of students in the college. Yes, we can count the who rose and took risk. They are seeds in an apple but we can never willing to serve, inspire and give count how many apples can there be selfless love to others. You have grown in a seed for we cannot limit one’s up and matured if you think less upon ability to grow. We can never measure yourself and more and more unto the full extent of ones’ potential. We people around you. So when you are about to leave or are born not to put parameters in our lives. Certainly, every student needs you still have years of stay, touch a ‘paradigm shift’- changing every hearts, touch lives. Let’s touch at least small and ordinary perspective into a some people before we go… more colossal and more enormous oneJocelyn E. Delgado is the presithe paradigm of ‘We’ rather than ‘I’ and the perspective of ‘Ours’ rather dent of the College of Engineering Honors Society (CEHS). This is her wake than ‘Mine’. Although our population is huge up call to the former leaders and acaas compared to other colleges, we are demic achievers that choose to be an still lacking of student leaders- leaders ordinary student to wake their passions that will take the lead in the college to lead again. for the enrichment of its vision and



September 2008

Banana savers ARAW achievers JOANA INCIONG AND HAZEL ILDEFONSO “A UNIVERSITY is not a university without research,” Dean Manuel Muhi emphasized at the very first Annual Research Awards (ARAW) organized by the College of Engineering Student Society for Research and Development (Cessrd) in coordination with the College of Engineering Research and Development Office. The ARAW, which aims to honor the outstanding researches of the CE students, was held at Claro M. Recto Hall, July 8, with no other than the undersecretary of Department of Science and Technology, Dr. Fortunato dela Pena, formally opening the event. Moreover, the majority of fifth year engineering students audience was inspired by the multi-awarded Filipino inventor, Dr. Virgilio Malang who delivered to the crowd that, “It is not the business of the university to fill the students’ minds with facts and figures but to put their brains on fire.” (See related article on this page.) Definitely, it is the same fire that produced seven exceptional researches. Finalists Out of all the researches in the College, seven was recognized by the outstanding panel of judges composed of Vice President for Research and Development Dr. Pastor Malaborbor, Ateneo de Manila Asst. Professor Dr. Celso Co, also an Association of Southeast Asian Nation and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation engineer, and Dr. Jesusa Padilla, Technological University of the Philippines-Director for Research and Development. The seven researches are “Digital Extension Meter for Monitoring Cracks through Radio Transmission in Tanay, Rizal,” “Monitoring the Growth of Lettuce under Controlled Temperature and Humidity,” “Pedal Powered Electronic Rice Grain Dryer and Dehuller for Small Scale Farmers of Jaen, Nueva Ecija,” “Utilizing Plant Extract Scent in Electronic Golden Kuhol Catcher for Small Scale Farming in Brgy. Paombong, Malolos, Bulacan,” “Low Cost Direct Audio Input Hearing Aid with Bluetooth Connectivity for Hearing Impaired Persons,” “Proposed Metro Manila Sidewalk Urinals Powered by Urine with Introduction to UECA (Urine Energy Converting Attachments),” and “Growth of Fusarium Moniliforme upon Exposure to Ultrasonic Wave: An In-vitro Analysis.” Winners were chosen in accordance with the judges’ criteria which are divided into two categories: the paper screening and the oral deliberation. The former includes innovativeness and originality, significance of the research and quality of documentation, and write-ups. The

latter is composed of presentation and organization, significance and impact of the research to life, mastery of the subject, and the ability to answer questions and integrate ideas. After extensive deliberation, a group of banana lover impressed the judges and won the top prize. And the winner is Our country is now on the verge of a crisis. The worsening scenario of food shortages requires every Filipino to save and preserve food for the longest time they can. But how can we do that if there are undesirable organisms that are always ready to invade our food? Fusarium Moniliforme, a kind of fungi that is responsible in the decay of one of our country’s comfort food, the banana. Also, corn and rice grains, the staple food of Filipinos happen to have these fungi. As an answer to a nationwide problem, Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) Batch ’08 students namely, Ryan Rivera, Dian Kristopher Amurao, Elriz John Buenaventura, Norman Deticio, Froilan Francisco, Ma. Ilyn Ilao, Jericho Mapanao, Marlin Victoria and Resty Victorino come up with a study entitled “Growth of Fusarium Moniliforme upon Exposure to Ultrasonic Wave: An In-vitro Analysis” generally aimed to design a device that will generate ultrasonic wave and be used to identify the possible inhibitory effect on Fusarium Moniliforme. The main concern of the study is the banana industry. Saving the Banana Philippines who ranked fourth among the top exporters of banana worldwide has this major problem on preventing their industry from fungi. Indeed, this dilemma results to economic losses of different banana plantations. If not to these fungi that invade the fresh wound of banana hand which causes the speeding up of its decay, who knows, maybe we can be the top banana producing country. With the help of Prof. Armin Coronado from the College of Science (CS), the researchers gain enough knowledge on microbiology, especially on growing the fungi that aid them to culture Fusarium Moniliforme. The sample fungi from banana were treated alone in a new media using in-vitro analysis. From the rotten fruit, the fungi were transferred into a plate for further observation. This seemed to be the hardest part of their study because the treatment is somehow expensive and it requires a lot of patience. “Limited lang yung plate kasi mahal. Saka time pressure din kasi hindi naman puwedeng madaliin ang growth ng fungi,” Ms. Ilao added.

FOR THE BANANAS! Holding their certificates, the researchers won the first ARAW awards with their work, “Growth of Fusarium Moniliforme upon Exposure to Ultrasonic Wave: An In-vitro Analysis” aiming to inhibit the growth of the fungus that speeds up decay of bananas. The device below emits ultrasonic waves that do the trick. Continuous procedures After growing the fungi, three variations of frequency level were applied to test the effect of ultrasonic wave using their own made ultrasonic device and other equipments such as frequency counter, voltmeter, alligator clips, power supply and probe alligator clip. The magnitudes of frequencies are 21, 25 and 29 kHz. The testing, frequency and the output voltage of the device were based from the actual experiments being implemented in electronics field. On the other hand, the time of exposure is segmented every two minutes. Four successive days of observations and up to 15 trials were done to complete the experiment; the researcher noted that there is an inhibitory effect on the growth of Fusarium Moniliforme, that ultrasonic frequencies are useful in inhibiting microorganisms. Outcome The thought of being the champion in ARAW never crossed their mind because for them, win or lose; they know in themselves that their study is something to be proud of. Determination and group work are their keys in making it to the top among others. According to Rivera, “Kayang kaya basta nagtratrabaho kayo bilang group.” One of the great prices that they’ve achieved is the news that there will be a follow-up study on their research. There will be collaboration between the CE and the College of Science to test the effectiveness of ultrasonic wave to the growth of other bacteria. Runners-up During the awarding two researches were

given recognition as runners-up. The study about “Low Cost Direct Audio Input Hearing Aid with Bluetooth Connectivity for Hearing Impaired Persons” bagged the third place. Their study aims to improve speech intelligibility, reduce noise and provides wide hearing range with adjustability to different degrees of hearing loss at very low cost. The second placer used the concept of electro chemistry that deals with the chemical reactions that produce electricity. The enhancement of urinal’s function as a public toilet for male which includes installation of lighting independently from public’s electricity line to promote economical consumption is the main purpose of the research entitled “Proposed Metro Manila Sidewalk Urinals Powered by Urine with Introduction to UECA (Urine Energy Converting Attachments).” As part of the recognition, certificates were awarded to the finalists who made it to the top seven. Indeed, ARAW will be a yearly venture to compliment the outstanding researches in the college. “Kailangan, thesis naman natin ang nasa ARAW next year,” an excited remark by a group of ECE fifth year students.

Malang fires up ARAW SHOVIE FLORES HUMAN being will continue to experiment for as long as there is life on earth- but these experiments do not appear to be well conceived, rather, they are more appropriately described as simple trial and error. Analogous to this is what Dr. Virgilio Malang said in his speech in this year’s Annual Research Awards (ARAW). He uttered that while learning situations may not always end triumphantly, it’s not the business of a university to fill students’ minds with facts and figures but rather to put the students’ minds on fire. Earning a respectable reputation, Dr. Malang, inventor of

the vitamin beer and currently the president of the Manila Innovation and Development Society (Minds), described research as a celebration of innovativeness. Research challenges the mind to bring out something that is noble, useful, and even inventive. It does not only dare the ingenuity of the professionals, but also, the creativity of the student researchers who can make out, one day, a better way- a better alarm clock, or a better skateboard or a much better mousetrap. Hence, it is a challenge for every researcher, imbued with a burning desire to change and transform the world, to leave an incredible mark of legacy, a genius who would leave his world better than when he found it. Filipinos all over the world are

recognized for their ingenuity and creativity- a breeding ground of excellence. In fact, the Philippines produce multiple talents every now and then; drawn upon inspiration, determination and occasional luck. It brings us many inputs whether by design or accidents which sometimes turn out into useful innovations. To visualize this point, Malang showed some samples of inventions showcasing Filipinos innovativeness in research particularly in the areas of aquatic habitat restoration, air, water and soil quality improvement, energy maximization and waste management. For instance, isn’t it surprising to see a fish falling asleep as it was being transported from a place and then waking them up upon arrival, energetic

and alive? Sounds amazing, but inventor Boni Comandante made this possible. Well, nothing really is impossible for Comandante. He even put fish under “ sex change” operation, transforms fishes, tilapia in particular, from male to female fish that grows bigger and faster. In addition, another innovative technology is demonstrated thru a device called the “Khaos Turbocharger,” developed by the automechanic Pablo Planas which feeds the right amount of air and fuel onto cars carburetor for a lesser smoke emission. All of these are just bits of Filipinos’ astonishing inventions. Apparently, there’s still a need for more amazing and valuable inventions, our milieu lingers to be saved and expect changes from our generation. Maybe it can be from you or from any of us.

September 2008



Japan Proves Dingel’s Idea Possible


REGINA VALENZUELA IN year 1969, a Filipino inventor Daniel Dingel created a one of a kind car powered by water (H2O). It has a reactor that uses a 12 volts battery to transform an ordinary tap water with a mixture of salt into a deuterium oxide or heavy water necessary to power up the car. However, the government, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) said that it violates several laws and principles of Thermodynamics and claimed it to be fraud. These laws are the Conservation of Mass and Energy. Since, mass cannot be created nor destroyed, DOST and PNOC doubted when they found carbon on the sample of burnt gas in Dingel’s car knowing that water is composed only of hydrogen and oxygen. Moreover, he used only 1.188 kW battery wherein normally 2246kW is needed to split hydrogen from oxygen. Since the car’s legitimacy is still questionable in principle, Dingle’s car ends up with nothing from the government which did not support the idea. And yet, despite of uncertainties Japan has come up with a similar technology (water powered car) recently launched in Osaka, Japan. Now it’s Japan Unveiled last June 12, 2008, Genepax, a Japanese company has invented a car that can be ran by any kind of water. In just a liter of water the Genepax’s car can run for about 5o miles per hour. Although it may not race against gas- powered car, it is easy to power up since water is abundant and can be obtained in the river, stream, rain, sea or even a tea. Typically, fuelled vehicle has an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) which is needed to propel cars but this car breaks down water into

Genepax’s vs. Dingel’s Unlike Dingel’s car, Genepax’s uses an energy generator, a membrane electrode assembly and to car engines. Using water on cars will improve the engine (MEA), which is located in the back of the car that contains a material that is capable of breaking performance and reduce the operating down water into hydrogen and oxygen through temperature of the car engine. With this, it a chemical reaction using a mechanism which is promotes good water fuel system which lowers similar to the method in which hydrogen is harmful emissions into the environment that produced by a reaction of metal hydride and contribute to the global warming. Here in the Philippines, it is extremely water. When metal hydride is consumed in the undeniable that the never-ending increase of fuel process it becomes the ultimate source of the costs is a burden for all of us. Recently, the car’s energy, making the car hydride – rather gasoline price climbed up to Php 60/liter resulting than water fuelled. The hydrogen is then used to to a minimum fare of Php 8.50 for jeepneys, which only notifies that we are definitely in the generate energy to run the car. Some people have reacted with this scientific midst of a huge oil crisis. breakthrough and questioned the legitimacy of Having an alternative medium (water) in the car, claiming that the technology appears operating car is really a big help especially to also to violate the First Law of Thermodynamics. our country that needs this kind of technology. With this, Genepax is reportedly in the midst of Actually, if Dingel’s invention was just sustained filing a patent for its ground breaking technology by the government or any non-government institution, we shouldn’t be struggling against as an answer to this matter. oil price hike. If somehow, this kind of car will be widely Eco-friendly Car The water-powered car is not just an used in the world, we would no longer need gas alternative or a temporary solution to oil crisis. stations, oil tankers and refineries. Hence, oil It also offers conveniences to our surroundings crisis will be a thing of the past.

Wireless, Widest, Wimax EDWIN ABAD AND EMMANUEL ZERRUDO DO you know what a PlayStation Portable, a Nokia E51, and a laptop have in common? Well, except that all these are hot gadgets, these electronic devices are capable of wireless connection through Wireless Fidelity or Wi-Fi. This application enables gadgets with an internet browser and a wireless modem to hook up to the internet through airborne radio waves. Here in the college, our very own Computer Engineering department has already installed a Wi-Fi antenna recently, but its range is very limited making its signal to reach only on the third floor and very little on the fourth floor. Supposing you are not satisfied with the Wi-Fi service inside the college and you have

these Wi-Fi devices on your own, all you need to do is to find a “hotspot,” where there is a strong Wi-Fi signal and then, get connected! But one problem is that, there are instances wherein you would lose your Wi-Fi connection because of its limited coverage, especially when you are out of its signal radius. If you’re not the type willing to get into these kinds of hassle, you don’t have to worry for these things will soon be a thing of the past, for the future is WiMAX. WiMAX on the move WiMAX short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access is a technology that provides data through wireless connection, making applications such as video

GOD ’S PARTICLE Running across Switzerland and France, this Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – 27 kms long and the biggest ever physics experiment in history – is taking a full blow to unveil the mystery of the universe. By means of colliding protons in this LHC tunnel, scientists are expecting to find the so-called “God’s Particle” a theoretical particle believed to give mass to all other sub-atomic fragments. But this search for the holy grail of physics has brought out different rumors like it will create antimatter and form a black hole that will eventually destroy the earth. So what result will this experiment bring? We’ll just have to wait. Associated Press, AFP and

e are the “Jurassic” in the living generation. We dwell in the jungles of numbers, operations and complex equations. We are, as the majority think we are, in total chaos – constantly immersed in the test of survival. For thirty years, we have endured the challenges endowed by this era of great need, an era wherein invention has been a necessity. And it is amazing to witness how we surpassed all these, with only our own instinct and capabilities to lean on. Our laboratories, our supposedly weapon in this battlefield of building and recreation, is only a collection of the past – withered by thousand hands and depreciated by time. Yet, it has never been a reason not to make ourselves renowned. We’ve embarked ourselves in the timeline of excellence. Yes, we are Jurassic. But we’re not just merely myth; we are the continuity of an extraordinary legacy.


hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity. Since water is just around us, Japanese community believes that the invention may solve the oil crisis and revolutionize the automobile industry as they move towards the mass production of this kind of vehicle.

conferencing, Internet browsing, streaming and broadcast faster than Wi-Fi. It has broader coverage with 48 km range than that of Wi-Fi with only 90 m signal reach. WiMAX still bears the broadband speed of its predecessor (Wi-Fi), 11 up to 54 megabits per second (mbps), depending on the distance of the device from the antennae. And because WiMAX signals are not distributed like Local Area Networks (LAN) among internet shops and offices, the 11 to 54 mbps that your gadget receives is in its purest form. Airborne signals are allocated in an entirely different manner than that of fiber optic cables on computer network hubs. Meaning whether you’re with hundreds of WiMAX user, you’ll still have at most the seamless and fastest wireless internet connection. Connectivity In fact, WiMAX is the fad of 17 cities in Pakistan today, the nation acting as an enormous wireless internet hotspot that lets you connect to the web virtually everywhere; be it on a moving car or train, along the creeks of the Indus River, or maybe even in the middle of the Thar Desert. Locally, Taguig will also get connected sooner wherein the entire public schools in the city will experience e-learning system. With this, the students will be updated on the lesson and acquire the same content of the lectures that their professor is discussing inside the classroom while watching online with their laptops at the comfort of their homes. BlueMedia Communications, company which will provide the city with WiMAX, said that the project is already in the initial phase of linking city offices, buildings, barangay halls and schools through broadband Internet Access. Implementation of this project is then be expected by the end of the year. Technology, nowadays, are in terms getting faster and wider. WiMAX and Wi-Fi are useful and constructive in terms of wireless connection and fast communication. In this world defined by fast track information exchange, having much wider and faster internet connection will definitely put us into the edge.

Guidelines and Contest Rules: 1. The contest is open to all bonafide engineering students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines- Manila. 2. The contest has seven (7) categories specifically: a. Poetry b. Tula c. Essay d. Sanaysay e. Short Story f. Maikling Kwento g. Visual Arts 3. Entries must be in short white bond paper, computerized, double spaced with 1 inch borders on every side. Font must be Arial, 10. For Visual Arts, any medium can be used provided that it should be on Oslo paper or on long bond paper, substance 24. 4. All entries must have a soft copy, in CD, and must be submitted together with the hard copy. 5. Short stories should be 3-10 pages only and 2-5 pages only for the essay. 6. All entries must be original and unpublished. 7. All entries are judged according to the following criteria: Originality -30% Literary/Artistic Expertise - 30% Relevance to the theme -30% Engineering Touch -10% Total -100% 8. An individual can join in all categories. 9. All entries should revolve on the theme: “History, Historic and Making History.” 10. Only the title of the entry should appear on the submitted article and not the name and address of the author. 11. A duly accomplished entry form must be submitted to the ENGINEERING SPECTRUM, Room 423 CEA Bldg. 12. Submitted copies of all entries shall remain with, and will be the property of the ENGINEERING SPECTRUM and JURASSIC literary folio. 13.The ENGINEERING SPECTRUM and JURASSIC Committee has the right to compose the Board of Judges. The judges’ decision is final and cannot be subjected to changes. 14. Three winners will be chosen from each category. All winning entries will be published in the JURASSIC Literary Folio 2008. 15. Certificates and prizes will be given to all winners.

1st Engineering Spectrum Literary Folio Contest



September 2008

History Story A


Tatay knows by heart


s he entered the college in 1981, he witnessed how it struggled from lack of facilities, faculties, and other resources with only about 1000 minds to feed comparing to 5000 of today.

photo by JOAN SALAS

GIMIEL ABUDA AND ANGELO MOLOBOCO It was the time when the students and professors had to provide tools and materials in their classes in order to comply with the necessary discussion and applications; time when most of the faculties were from other schools and were only part timers in the college. But despite all these, he still believes that this college is indeed dynamic. The Witness “If I’m going to rate the college, 10 being the highest, then it would be 11. Growth must continue, we must always aim for something better than best.” Engr. Cesar Buenavides, dearly known as ‘Tatay’, utter these words without any trace of hesitations. It was a face etched with pride and a voice with a distinct tone of loyalty that proved how pleased he was for serving the college. He had been in the moral and scholastic body of the college for almost three decades (and still counting) and had witnessed how the college had strived and grew for its betterment despite of inevitable hindrances. According to him, it almost started out with nothing and education was delivered through the passion and attained through determination.

As the first school year opened, the Institute then offered courses such as Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor in Electronics Engineering and Bachelor in Computer Engineering Technology. Whereas now, having been added the word Science in the different courses, it bloomed to six different departments: CE, CmpE, ECE, EE, IE, and ME. Living within the philosophy of service through education to the poor but intelligent and deserving students, the college sought ways on optimizing the potentials of students and on preparing them for constructive and productive participation and leadership in the community. During the early part of 1985, Tatay affirmed that the college had started producing topnotchers. It had marked its excellence for it produced topnotchers amid short time and this is why it was often compared to other schools which were built way back during the Spanish era.

If I’m going to rate the college, 10 being the highest, then it would be 11. Growth must continue, we must always aim for something better than best.

The First Batch It was in 1979 when the College of Engineering took gradual initiation when the Institute of Technology had been established.

Edge During the term of Dean Ricafranca, with the pursuance of Engr. Estelita Del Rosario, assistance from Japanese Government was sought to help the college boost its educational

potential. As this has been granted, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) required the construction of a building to the Philippine Government so as to house engineering, architecture and science laboratory equipment worth P240 million. Dr. Nemesio Prudente, head of the new PUP Administration, negotiated with the government for the acquisition of a lot for the “Science and Technology Building” at 10.3 hectare University property at NDC in Pureza St., Sta. Mesa, Manila. Through JICA’s great help, the college was relocated to its new building. New facilities were given and expertise practices were set for the faculties. This had been one of the major leaps for the College of Engineering. It upgraded the performance of the college and thus, produced more competitive engineers. CEA has produced 5,052 graduates from 1998 along with the board passers and topnotchers of licensure examinations. Currently, PUP- College of Engineering through its continuous effort of providing affordable but quality education despite of reconditioned school facilities and rigid competitions from other engineering institutions, have

been producing topnotchers and skillful engineers winning the other colleges and universities respect. As Tatay reminisce what had been told to him by his friend in a known company, he said that the company had received two applicants applying for the same position. The applicants were fresh graduates from PUP and from a renowned university. They were evaluated through machine works in order to test their knowledge and performance. The employer then noticed that the one from other school was uncomfortable with that kind of workplace and not attuned to the task. On the other hand, the PUP graduate remained wellsuited and was the one hired. Indeed, it was the skills and work exposure of PUP graduates that helped them to land a job. They have been garnering public praises and companies’ trusts for, as Tatay said, they were honed up with both skills and passion. Payback As future engineers, we will be a part of CEA’s greatest achievements where our potentials, talents, and endowments will be sharpened up and developed. We saw the efforts of the initiators and founders of this institution therefore we are obliged to pay them back with perseverance, good grades, good values, and competitive selves. Tatay said that we are so lucky for we are acquiring our knowledge and exemplary skills from one of the country’s best state universities—the PUP. “Not all will be accepted,” as he point it out. Enrollment among students had been momentarily increasing th from 1986-2007, as its effect, limitations in admittance of students had been in consideration to the annual budget intended by the national government. From the list of examinees and aspirants last enrollment only 20 percent (approximately) of them were accepted. Now stop, think and realize: ‘Oo nga noh ang swerte ko pala!’ Main changes and improvements greatly depend on the leadership of the administration. From his observations on the developments, achievements, and struggles, he formulated his vision for the college being the “center of excellence in the near future.” Now, dynamism must continue and so we must all aim for a total university.

was dedication for developing young minds over low compensation. He was asked when he will resign from serving the college, he wisely answered, “Only old age would separate me from this college.” Despite of the difficulties, the college is in its continuous progress. Although there were hindrances, the amount of determinism will always surmount all of those. The college had stood for a long while and the proofs of its improvement are visible. The façade and the building itself today were better than before and same way goes with the facilities available now. The faculties are getting competitive and it reflects in the quality of students they had produced. Things are getting better. It’s just that, sometimes, we look mostly to what was lacking and not to what was improving. There are flaws and it would always be present in an institution, same with an organization, and same with a company. It was through combined efforts that the flaws could be turned into something useful. At 30 Behind every story is its history and behind that history is the realization that today is far better than yesterday. Indeed, history is nothing more than the account of its unending struggle. College of Engineering had started up with almost nothing and now it has been making its own name—making it something big. It had served through decades and it continue to set forth to hone students. There are thousands of Engineering Colleges and ours stood with a respected name. The brilliance was now evident as it arrives to its 30 th year of anniversary and all the difficulties it surpassed would always define the quality that its name bears. Perhaps, somehow, it had influenced Tatay into the kind of respected man he is today.

Approaching to its 30 year let it be not you being recognized as a student of this college. But you Our Role being recognized As this college writes its own history, we are by this college as also writing our own part from the moment we set one of its treasured foot on its grounds. belong in this student. college. Its honor isour We honor as well as its

Just age “I’m proud to be a PUP faculty.” Passion, fulfillment, and commitment— these are his principles for serving the college. It

shortcomings is ourobligation. It’s a fact that the college mustserve the studentry and it is by will that wereturn its service. Wherever will we be, it is the name and the reputation of this college that we would be carrying. It is our responsibility to make it proud as we offer the skills it instill in us to the outside world. Approaching to its 30th year let it be not you being recognized as a student of this college. But you being recognized by this college as one of its treasured student.


September 2008



had done. But because she needs appreciation to affirm herself that despite of the criticisms, there are still people who look the other way. She needs a kind of assurance that there are people willing to be there for her, to believe in her capabilities, to understand her nature, and to correct her flaws. There are times that she tried to get sympathy. However, she just ended up having small consolation and a big regret—for it takes much of her effort to please other people. She keeps asking herself why a single wrong move of her eyebrows has to define her as a whole. If it is the price of being true to one’s self and if there is really a need to create another ‘her’ to be what other expects her to be. Baby Girl hid nothing to herself; her adverse nature was as bare as her constructive attributes. Perhaps, it is the true spirit of honesty—to be brave enough not just to express but to accept truth even if it caters the worst in us.

rue. Beauty speaks of elegance, order and perfection. It tends to satisfy the thirst of our eyes to see pleasing things—the arrangement of hues, the perfection of symmetry, the softness of whisperings. It has been a social necessity.


NITYANANDA SIMON, JUDY DY AND JOAN SALAS But life was not meant to be valued in accordance to beauty. Society-based belief of its standards was far too shallow to what it truly conveys. The society only sees what it wants to see. And more often, what it sees is of no significance. This story goes beyond to what is traditional—to what is conventional. This story leads to a deeper sense of what it is to be beautiful… Her Story Her name is Baby Girl and she is the misunderstood. She has the beauty that has always been questioned and contested for people saw her as a vain, self-centered individual—outspoken and defensive. Outspoken for she never hesitates to say what ought to be said, even if the price of doing so is losing her own reputation; and defensive for she had put up an image that eventually distanced her against the unsympathetic minds. “Alam ko hindi maganda perception ng tao sa ‘kin, kung pa’no ko maglakad kung pa’no ko itrato ibang tao. Kapag may nagtatanong nga, ‘Kilala mo ba si Baby Girl’? minsan ang sagot agad ‘Ah, yung mataray sa dept. ng CoE?’” Baby Girl has her distinct way of dealing with other people which was mistaken into being arrogant and conceited. She cares not about how people would react to whatever she does, to whatever she says and to whatever impression she creates. She just does things the way she believes it must be done. She never let other people interfere with the way she manages her life, not the type willing to waste time for the sake of getting compliments. Physically, people describe her as someone tall with a fair figure, not too fleshy and not too slim. Someone with a red burgundy highlighted hair, with makeup on, high heels, and an inexplicable level of confidence to wrap it all. She is actually simple but with the way she carries herself, she defines simplicity in a more refined and explicit manner. Some may hear and imagine these descriptions as plain as it is. But in truth, more often, it evoked connotations that build her image in a subjective way.

However, a ‘Baby Girl Pantaleon’ has the same information written as her; same birth date, time, hospital place, Father’s and Mother’s name and other identification data. Joan Pantaleon was in truth not her real name and what comes next was a matter of acceptance. Now, after almost two decades of her life, she had accepted that the name that used to address her is no longer her own. At first, it was unbearable to believe that she had been given a generic name. But life has to move along…and so she does. In her first year, she joined modeling at the Broiler’s bar during their acquaintance party last 2006. And subsequently won as Ms. Computer Engineering 2007 2nd runner up and received special award on her second year. Some says that it’s too much confidence for her to get into pageants. But for her, equality is a virtue. If others can, then why can’t she? It is a matter of belief and taking actions— to be free to act in the way her manner dictates and not to limit her potentials.

The Tendency She had learned how to be deaf when what she’s hearing only makes her feel worthless and to be blind when what she’s seeing are only wounding looks. “Nakikita ko sa mata nila. Meron dyan titignan ka mula ulo hanggang paa, mayayabangan, iirap. Kanino ba ako dapat ikumpara? Hindi naman nila ako kilala.” It was a mixture of anger and confusion as these words came rattling out of her. Anger for it pained her to realize that it is human nature to be judgmental. That we are in the age where the way someone dresses defines their personality, where the way people talk defines how educated they are, and where the appearance of individuals classify their status and limit the rights they ought to have. The society unconsciously forced people to forget a part of their character for the sake of belongingness. We always have to consider being sensitive and thus, have to adopt certain attitudes which sometimes contradict to our personality. Still, it’s human nature. Most people were boxed within common beliefs, caged within supposed understanding. And with this continuous mind set, true individuality gradually fades especially of those who are weak—of those who give less importance to their worth. It is better to let the minds fly, to let it soar and be beyond what the majority sided and realize the wisdom that our individuality defines. Be able to reach the state of mind that dares to hear, to feel, to touch and to see the unseen—a state of mind that is free and growing. Much better if we free our minds for all freedom is attained from within. It was, for baby Girl, more important to accept the true nature of our individuality and not to be drowned into believing that we attain happiness and the respect of other people through pretension. Where in fact, we are making them believe in false assumptions and what hurts, we are fooling ourselves.

Most people were boxed within common beliefs, caged within supposed understanding.

Behold “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ‘Yun ang motto ko, wala lang bagay lang talaga.” Sharing this with laughter, indeed, she has a different kind of optimism that made her took the risk to go beyond her fears—her fear of being rejected and of being misunderstood. Both unresolved fears from the past, which she was now able to manage, turned out to be one of her utmost achievement. To learn to value and make the most of what she has, she opted to open her mind in the positive things and when it seems negative, to believe that it bears positive fruits. To put it in a philosophical doctrine, ours is the best of all possible worlds—and that is how she rules her world.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ‘Yun ang motto ko, wala lang bagay lang talaga.

Etymology Baby Girl Pantaleon, 19, is a 3rd year Computer Engineering student currently working as their department’s student assistant. Her name ‘Baby Girl’ was, for her, a tragic story. She grew up with the name Joan. All of her files bear a name as such. Until the College enrolment, while preparing her papers, she found out that the name ‘Joan Pantaleon’ was not in the records.


“I was prepared for this. I shall stand the test.” “Feeling maganda, maangas, mayabang, akala mo kung sino paglumakad. Kahit ako alam ko ‘yon. Pero kahit ganun, chin up lang dahil kung wala ka naman ginagawang masama walang dahilan para yumuko.” Indeed words are powerful; they hurt us as much as physical aches give. It leaves unseen scars needed to tend on our own for we don’t want pity to be imposed upon us. With all the disapproval that she is getting she still carries herself with immense confidence for she knew by heart that what was important is to develop self-respect. A kind of respect that builds a sense of contentment. “Okay lang sanay na ako. Tuloy lang nila dahil sa kanila tumitibay ako.” Finding strength, however, she admits that she still needs a little incentive from other people. Not because she’s expecting reward for the things she


True to Form “Ganun lang talaga. Ito ako. Wala akong gustong baguhin pa sa sarili ko. Sana lang hindi na maging judgmental ang tao.” Circumstances may have turned her into the tough lady she was, yet still, she was not that strong to linger with insensitivity. She had endured a lot of pain in her soul and sometimes, there is no space to accommodate some more. There are things that are worth accepting and worth changing in ourselves, in our lives. But there are those that, no matter how painful, are still worth fighting and keeping for. For Baby Girl, it was her personality—herself. “Ganon na nga tingin nila sa’yo bakit kailangang ganon pa maging tingin mo sa sarili mo?” Beauty is about faith—about our belief that we are always something more than what other sees in us. It signifies self confidence which is beauty and respect in its profoundest form. To be beautiful is to believe you are beautiful, in whatever definition it may suit. Our uniqueness is God-given and that is unquestionable. Beauty is far from what was visible. It has no standards nor does it bear classification. It exists in all forms, sizes and shapes and by letting the form of an object be what it pleases to be… Light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful. Commit ourselves to the truth—see it as it is, tell it like it is—to find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth. And that is where beauty manifests itself. Beauty is not a chance but a choice.



M. I. L. F.


arimar, awww! Costenita soy Con mis abuelos crecí yo En un lindo y cálido mar Que todito me dió Cuando al amor me llevó” (1000x)


Roll VTR (Ang Nakaraan) Tanghali sa harapan ng Wilgards Enterprise.

Pupoy: (Teary eyes)??? At naglingunan ang lahat ng tao sa paligid sabay hagis ng confetti. “Whooooo!” Dito nagsisimula ang kanyang misyon. (bilis no?) Isang araw… Pupoy: Pagbilan pong yelo! Isa. Wink! At biglang umusok sa paligid hanggang sa wala na siyang makita. Lumipas ang ilang saglit at unti-unting luminaw ang kapaligiran. Maraming tao, ilaw at pati na din camera. “Ano ‘to?” sambit niya habang may nakalagay sa kanyang noo na Loading 73%. Di niya maunawaan ang nangyayari. Bigla na lamang may nagsabing “Pupoy be ready” sabay bigay ng script. “Take 634,507, lights camera action!” (Tan tan tanan tan tan — Imbestigador tune 1000x) Sa puntong iyon ay tila baga batid na ni Pupoy ang gagawin, at nagsimula na nga siya. Pupoy: Magandang gabi! Sa ulo ng mga nagbabagang balita. Mga M.I.L.F. namataan sa Doña CElyA Bldg. kaninang umaga! Alamin natin ang kabuuang balita mula kay Boy Pating, Boy pasok! Boy Pating: Yes Pupoy. Nagkalat na nga ang mga M.I.L.F. dito sa Doña CElyA Bldg. at sa ngayon ay patuloy pa din ang kanilang pamamalagi dito. Ayon sa mga saksi, pawang nakabihis pormal pa daw ang mga ito. Sinosino nga ba ang mga tinatawag nating M.I.L.F.? Para sa kaalaman ng mga estupidyante, sila ay

rito sa fourth floor, Mon Dragon nagpapatrol, back to you Pupoy. Pupoy: Salamat Mon, isang pahabol na balita, mga estupidyante humuhingi ng hustisya! Ang kabuuang ulat na iyan ay ihahatid po sa atin ni Buboy Og, ano ba ito Buboy?

NA-LVS (last video syndrome) si Pupoy sa pinanood niyang video nila Moymoy Palaboy sa YouTube. “Ha---hahaha! Hahahaha! Ubo ubo ubo. Bwahahaha!” Napakamasiyahing bata. Si Pupoy talaga… Siya ang pinakabagong bida sa ating sumbong novela na pinamagatang, M.I.L.F.!

Detective Conan: (malaking boses) Pupoy makinig ka, mula ngayon ay ipinagkakaloob ko na ang “magnifying glass” na ito sa’yo. Ipagpatuloy mo ang gawaing sinimulan namin ni Naruto. Maaasahan ko ba ‘yun? Ikaw na ang bagong magtatanggol sa sangkaestupidyantehan han han han…

September 2008

illustration by ARNOLD LALONGISIP

ang mga Masyadong Instructors na always Late at Falaging absent na patuloy na naghahasik ng lagim dito sa Doña CElyA Bldg. Kaya bilang babala sa ating mga kaestupidyantehan, aba’y mag-iingat ho tayo anu ho? At iyan ang kabuuang ulat sa mga oras na ito. Back to you Pupoy. Pupoy: Maraming salamat Boy Pating! Ang mga pangalan ng mga M.I.L.F. na ‘yan ay nakaflash dyan sa inyong mga screen. Ayan oh, susmaryosep . Kaugnay po ng balitang iyan, atin hong pakatutukan at baka isa sa mga ito ay inyong makilala, ho, narito si Enteng de Leon upang ihatid sa atin ang isa pang balita live mula sa third floor, Enteng? Enteng: Yes Pupoy, aking kakapanayamin ang batang kasama ko dito na itatago na lang natin sa pangalang totoy na siyang nabiktima di umano ng isang M.I.L.F. Totoy maaari mo bang sabihin sa amin kung pa’no ka nabiktima ng M. I. L. F.? Totoy: Bale po kasi, bumili po muna ako ng yelo nun bago pumasok. Di din naman kasi ako malelate dahil lagi naman po mas late itong si Sir Tutut Reindeer, kadalasan pa nga po eh hindi siya pumapasok. Nagpromise na po siya noon na di na mauulit pero ganun pa din. Che. Wala kaming natututunan. Wala! Enteng: Ah ganun ba iho, susmaryosep, yan Pupoy ang balita! Back to the studio. Pupoy: Nakakaawang mga bata anu ho? Samantala, kakapasok pa lamang na balita, isang binatilyo nagrereklamo din! Pepeng Tigre anong balita dyan?

Ni Alagad ni Orig na Kurips


Pepeng: Naku Pupoy, sa ngayon nga eh nasa masamang kondisyon pa itong tatawagin na lang natin sa pangalang boy sumbong na mula din sa lahi ng mga de Leon. Aniya, sana daw ay pumila na lamang siya sa NFA kaysa nga naman wala nang laman ang kaniyang kumakalam na sikmura eh pati utak niya wala ding laman! Inerereklamo ng estupidyanteng ito si Sir Alang Braso dahil sa di madalas na pagtuturo at pag-absent! At kapag papasok naman daw ito ay magpapaassignment lang pagkatapos ay magkukwento ng kanyang talambuhay. Naku po. Ito si Pepeng Tigre nagpapatrol. Pupoy? Pupoy: Maraming salamat Pepeng Tigre. Samantala nasa kabilang linya naman po si Mon Dragon upang iulat sa atin ang nangyari sa isang batang di umanoy di makapasok dahil sa isang masyadong propesor. Mon ano ba yang balitang yan? Mon: Karaniwan na sa mga estupidyante ang ni hindi man lang makabili ng libro sa hirap ng buhay. Ngunit may ilang propesor pa din ang tila baga di alintana ang sitwasyon ng mga iskolar ng bayan. At isa na nga ang propesor na ito na may kunek sa isang bayan ng Rizal ang inirereklamo nitong si nene. Ayon sa kanyang salaysay, pilit daw silang pinabibili nito ng bonggang bonggang lab gown kasama na pati gloves dahil kung hindi ay hindi sila papapasukin nito! “Chaka! Bakit kami bibili nun? Di ba nagbabayad naman kami ng laboratory fee?,” yan ang kaniyang tugon ng amin siyang nakapanayam kaninang umaga. Tama bang gawin ito sa mga umaasa kay sintang paaralan na nagbabayad naman ng laboratory fee? Iyan ang kabuuang ulat mula


Buboy: Pupoy, “hirap na at walang matutunan”, yan ang hinaing ng mga estupidyante nitong propesor na may kunek sa isang magazine at singer na madalas daw hindi umatend ng kanyang klase. Papasok lamang siya upang pasagutan ang mga exercises sa libro at pagkaraan ay umaalis na agad ito. Di man lamang daw nagchecheck ng attendance si ma’am. Dagdag pa nila, wala daw silang mapulot sa librong kanilang ginagamit na required ng propesor na ito. Kahabag-habag talaga ang kundisyon ng mga batang ito na bulok na ang pasilidad na ginagamit ay bulok pa pati ang mga inaasahang magbibigay sa kanila ng kinakailangang kaalaman. Haaay. Buboy Og nag-uulat. Pupoy: Tsk tsk, papaano nga ba tayo makakahuli ng mga ganitong M.I.L.F.? Sino ang dapat manguna, kanino dapat magsangguni? Ang mga dapat ninyong malaman ang ihahatid sa atin ni Omeng Agila. Omeng: Papaano nga ba? Yan ang tanong ng ating mga kaestupidyantehan kung paano sila makakapag sumbong-sumbong dito sa ating tanggapan. Simple lamang ang dapat ninyong gawin, kung kayo ay nabiktima o dumaranas ng hindi patas na trato mula sa mga tiwali at unfair na tao at nagnanais kayo ng ng pagbabago, ipagbigay alam lamang ito sa amin at atin silang paparamdaman. Sumadya o lumihan sa Engineering Spectrum Office, Rm 423 CEA Bldg. Sta. Mesa, Manila. Magsumbong, makialam. Okay? Tandaan, sumbong sumbong kay bonggang bonggang Pupoy. CElyA, kay ganda, atin siya. Pupoy: Hahaha! Maraming salamat Omeng, (ubo ubo) excuse me po! Sa punto pong ito kami ay magpapaalam na. Yan ang kabuuang ulat na aming nakalap sa nakalipas na kwatro siyento oras. Umasa po kayo na sa kabila ng pamemersonal ng ilang M.I.L.F., patuloy po kami na maglilingkod sa inyo ng buong puso, patas at lumalaban para sa sangkaestupidyantehan. Sa ngalan ng mga bumubuo sa liga ng katotohanan, ako po si Pupoy. Dahil hindi natutulog ang balita! Pero natutulog naman kami. Nakatutok kami, oras oras. Maraming salamat sa inyong pagtitiwala! “Marimar, awwww!”

leo herrera

MANONG Smart Pills One day an engineering student and a HRM student were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit turds. One of the boys said, “What is that?” “They’re smart pills,” said the engineering student. “Eat them and they’ll make you smarter.” So the HRM student ate them and said, “These taste like sh*t.” “See,” said the engineering student, “you’re getting smarter already.”



Half to Death An engineering student is walking along the road when he finds a bottle. He rubs it and, you guessed it right, a genie appears. The genie says, “You are allowed to make three wishes. But, I must warn you, anything you get, the other entire college student in your university get twice as much.” The engineering student says, “Okay. Give me a nice house.” The genie replies, “You now have one nice house and the other entire college students in your university have two.” The engineering student says, “Give me a gorgeous woman.” The genie replies, “You now have one gorgeous woman, while the other entire students in your university have two.” The engineering student says, “For my last wish, genie, see that stick over there? Beat me half to death with it.”


ken licarte


September 2008



NO. 4 YOU’RE NEXT! Sitting among other Civil Engineering Topnothers, Melvin G. Singayan wears his medal after the oathtaking ceremony at the Manila Hotel, May 31.--Photo from Mr. Singayan’s Friendster account ow! Congrats! Top 4”! This was the text message from his office mate who first informed him that he had topped in the examination. In doubt and in shock, he looked up at the newspaper the following day. “Nanginginig kamay ko,” he said as he scans the pages of the newspaper. Reading the names: 1 2 3... 4. Melvin Guttierrez Singayan – Polytechnic University of the Philippines And that apparently confirmed everything. It started out as a dream First, he dreamt of becoming a Cum Laude but he failed for he got a low grade in one of his subject on his fifth year—his last year. But God really has a plan. He was destined for something bigger... Out of 2,985 examinees in the May 2008 Civil Engineering Licensure Board Examination, 1,094 had passed. And out of that 1,094, Melvin Singayan ranked fourth. Making a history, he now holds the title for the highest rank that the Civil Engineering community had placed.

him, “the top four resides at room number four.” Tracing his life story, Melvin was ever since a consistent honor student. He graduated Salutatorian during his elementary days and an academic achiever when he was in High school. His stay in PUP was greatly influenced by his friends and especially by his guts. “Sa barkada ko, dalawa kaming may dream maging cum laude, kaya dalawa kami masipag mag-aral.” He even got more motivated when he was acknowledged as the top student of their batch during his sophomore year. He had been involved in different academic activities in and out of the campus. He even represented the school in the contest sponsored by the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine held at the University of Makati where he ranked sixth. “Full time review ako sa review center before the Nov. 2007 board exam. Pumasa ako and then nagwork na ako. Kaya lang, may retake pala. Hindi na ako nag take nun. Hindi ko kasi napaghandaan. So I decided to take the May 2008 examination.”

Who’s there? Like any other, he does not expect topping the board. And like anyone else, he wished for it to arrive. Lucky enough, with a blend of hard work, he had been the fourth on the list of the most outstanding Civil Engineers. The number ‘4’ to him before was his mere boarding house number. But now, every time he looks at it, it was a living sign for him. As what have his board mates sometimes teased

Take two The May 2008 examination was actually his second. Not because he failed on the first but because it was the controversial Nov 2007 batch where the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) had ordered a retake for the two subjects. Instead of taking the retake scheduled January 2008, he decided to work and just wait for the next batch of the exam. He chose to retake the whole board exam rather



than just taking the two subjects where there has been an alleged leakage. Before the examination, he filed a leave of absence on his work to study. Confident enough that he was still equipped with the things he learned, he took the exam and the rest was indeed a history especially for the college. As of the Moment “I’m working as a junior structural engineer at Albert C. Caòete and Associates, company of the former dean of PUP-CEA. Nagdedesign kami ng mga bridges and buildings.” According to him, one of the best things he experienced is that he gets job offers from the line of designing, construction and even works abroad, yet still, he chose to stay. Another thing is that he made his family proud. “Nakikita ko sa kanila na very proud sila. Lalo na at hindi nila alam kung papasa ba ako o hindi.” As a reward for his hard work he had bought a Nintendo DS. His family, on the other hand, had set up a small celebration for him. Now, his dream was of having his own design and construction firm together with his friends. Perhaps, this is less impossible. Whatever he had and will be achieving, for him it would always be because of the good combination of studying and luck as ingredients with God as his Chef. “Masarap sa pakiramdam, dream ko kasi ‘yon na natupad.” In the end, we are measured not by how much we undertake but by what we finally accomplished.

Click Here To Play!

iting your dirty finger nails to escape boredom? Take it away! (Typing…) Enter (Typing…) Moymoy Palaboy Searching…






Have a good laugh with Moymoy Palaboy, a lip-synching duo, who is now making their comic careers from internet grounds to television screens. Here’s the catch! Bubble Gang main stay, James (older) and Rodfil (younger) Obeso in real life, both took course in Polytechnic University of

the Philippines. Rodfil having been finished his Business Management course while James dropped out from Mass Communication. Uploading personal videos has been their most loved hobby since one and a half year ago. They have no purpose of doing such crazy stuff to be recognized, “trip lang po,” as they said. It was in February 2007 that they first posted their video in YouTube (Dirty Pop by N’Sync) and among their numerous videos, Volare is their favorite. Adding up humor to the scene was their Mama Auntie who strikes in and out of the camera and sometimes seems ignoring the boys but all of a sudden dances to the beat. Their mom died two years ago. Finally, leaving a message for their fans, they said that they appreciate all the support for their stupid videos.

umapang na ang mabalasik na karimlan nang mapagpasyahan kong itudla sa tulong ng tinta ng aking pluma at sa subyang na pagkakabulatlat ng isang madilaw na papel ang payak na lathalain kong ito. Sa mabilis at walang humpay na pag-ikot ng salik ng makabagong kaunlaran, alinsabay nito ay unti-unti na ring nababalahaw sa lusak ng pagkalimot ang ating panitikan. Isa na marahil sa mga aandap-andap ang ningas ng pananatili ay ang ating pakikipagtalastasan. Sa kasalukuyang panahon, suntok sa buwan na ang makasugpong ka ng mga indibidwal na masugid pa ring tinatangkilik at pinagiinam ang mapagganyak na pakikipag-ulayaw sa patnugot ng ating sariling wika. Upang mapaigting at makastigo ang mga naunang salaysay, maaari nating ilakip sa kinahuhumalingang paghahatid mensaheng teksto gamit ang ating mga selulang aparatong pang-ugnay ang pagpapalaganap ng mga mabubulaklak nating panitik sa pakikipag-ulayaw. Sa gayon ay makakalabit natin ang gatilyo ng baril ng makabayang pakikipagtalastasan sa pamamagitan ng selulang aparatong pang-ugnay. Hindi dapat tayo mahiratang sa panuntunan sa pagsasaayos, pagtitipon, at pagpapahayag ng ating mga nais ipabatid sa porma ng mensaheng teksto na wala naman talaga sa alituntunin ng pagdadaglat. Sa paggawa natin ng mga mensaheng teksto na ating ipinahahatid, kinakaltas natin ang ilang titik ng mga salita upang mapaikli ang ating kailangang itudlang hanay ng mga pangungusap na hindi natin alintanang pahaw na rin ang pagpapakahulugan sa ating mensaheng ipinahahatid. Ang inyong abang lingkod ay isang masugid na nagpapadala ng aking mga mensaheng teksto sa daloy ng ating mayamang pakikipagtalastasan. At tulad ng nakararami, sabay na sa agos ng daloy-buhay ko sa araw-araw ang pakikisalamuha sa pamamagitan ng mensaheng teksto. Sa pagputok pa lang ng araw, nawa’y wala namang nasabugan, ay ipinaaabot ko na ang malugod kong pagbati ng magandang araw sa mensaheng teksto na may haplos ng mga salitang sadyang katutubo sa ating bayan. Tulad na lamang nito: “Isang banaag sikat na umaga sa iyo. Nawa’y naging lubos ang iyong paghimlay sa iyong lunang pahingahan sa lumipas na banig ng karimlan na lumupig sa ating mga gunita at iginupo tayo sa kawalang malay na paglalakbay. Isang masigabo at mapagpalang araw sana ang landas na iyong tahakin.”. Nagsisilbi na rin iyong ehersisyo upang maging handa ang aking kalagayang intelektuwal para sa pagbayubay sa maghapon. Sa paglubog naman ng araw ay ito ang malimit na patukoy ng aking pakikipag-ulayaw: “Maging lubos sana ang iyong pag-alagwa sa mahimbing na pamamahinga, malikom mo sana ang lakas na iyong inilaan sa pagsasakatuparan ng mga maghapong pinagkaabalahan. Ang kumot ng aking pag-aalala nawa ang magbigay init sa iyong nanlalamig na magdamag.” Hindi ba’t kay inam na magpaalam sa araw na lumipas sa gayong masikap na suyuan? Sa pagsapit naman ng mapanglaw na oras sa katanghaliang tapat, kilitiin ang talampakan ng tagatanggap: “Umaasa ako na natugunan mo na ang hinaing ng nag-aalburuto mong sikmurang sabik sa nauukol na pananghalian upang makapagpatuloy sa pagtupad ng iyong mga gawain. Hangad ko din na hindi malibak ng alinsangang hatid ng katirikang araw ang iyong kalugurang lakas at mithi sa pagsisikap sa iyong mga nakahanay na tungkulin”. Kung ikaw naman ay may katipan at sa hindi inaasahang pangyayari ay maaantala ka sa oras ng inyong pagkikita, maaari mo siyang abisuhan ng ganito: “Ipagpaumanhin mo sanang lubos kung hindi ako makakadaop sa ating tipanan sa pinagkasunduang oras. Sa kadahilanang nasuong sa marubdob na paghambalang ng mga pasadang-masa ang kinalululanan kong karwaheng pinaiigkas ng krudo.” Sa gayong paliwanag ay nailarawan mo ang puno’t dulo ng iyong pagkahuli sa pagpandahaw sa inyong usapan. Kung naglalayon ka naman na mag-alay ng isang pakikipag-kamustahang may himig ng pag-aalala: “Mapukaw ko nawa kahit ilang saglit ng iyong oras. Nais ko lang na kamustahin ang iyong kalagayan, kung nakalagan mo na ang gapos ng karamdamang gumupo sa iyo nitong mga nakalipas na araw…dalangin ko ang iyong pag-igpaw sa malaong panahon buhat sa iyong pagkakaratay sa banig ng karamdaman. Umasa ka na kalakip sa aking mga dalangin ang iyong lubos na paggaling.” Ito’y mainam na pampalubag ng kalooban upang mapasilab ang kugon ng pagnanasang bumuti ng taong pinag-ukulan. Mala-bukayo ding panutsa sa pakikipag-ulayaw ang sumusunod: “Sa aking sintang-tanglaw, dalangin ko lang na lumago ang binhi ng pagmamahalan na itininanim sa lupa ng ating mga pusong nagkakaunawaan, nais ko lamang ipabatid na hindi man tayo magkadaupang-palad sa mga sandaling ito, manalig ka na kaagapay mo ang aking pag-aalala at ang marubdob na alab ng aking pagsinta sa iyo saan ka man pumaroon. Nawa’y lumunsad pa sa lawig ng himpapawirin ang pagtatangi natin sa isa’t isa.” Naaangkop lamang na ang batis ng pakikipagsuyuan ay dumaloy sa gayong lagaslas na may ligamgam at halumigmig upang mamukadkad pa ang bulaklak ng mga nagmamahalan. Lubha talagang makapangyarihan ang mga salita. Maikukumpara ito sa isang balaraw na kapag tumarak sa puso ng pinag-ukulan ay malalim ang uwang na malilikha. Kaya’t gamitin ng may kawastuhan at yaong bukal sa kalooban ang bawat panitik na mamumutawi mula sa ating mga labi at ibubunsod ng ating kaisipan. Naimulat ko sana kayo sa aking adhikaing maibalik ang mga ginintuang araw ng ating kultura. Alalahanin na lang natin ang pamosong pahayag ng ating pambansang bayani Gat. Jose Rizal na, “Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika, ay higit pa sa hayop at malansang isda”. illustration by PAUL LESTER CHICO




10 Spectrum

Monthly Period InDepth

A Time for Frugal Instinct LAURICE VELASQUEZ


illustration by JAN LEO HERRERA

ON July 3, policemen of Station 8 Sta. Mesa came to the PUP Mabini Campus to arrest four accused students who were allegedly involved in a gang rape that happened inside the university premises. The alleged victim was a 16 year-old freshman marketing student of PUP. She was reportedly enticed to join a non-accredited organization—more likely a fraternity/sorority. Reports said that the incident took place within three days (from June 25 to 27) at places inside and outside the university, involving a close to 20 individual while exercising an initiation rite. But due to lack of evidence, the arrested students were released on that same day. PUP administration considered the issue as an isolated case and something not to worry about but the university regarded the matter for it put the name of PUP at risk. The people involved were assured by the school administration to be equally protected in accordance with the law. And on the midst of the issue in the internet, Dr. Dante Guevarra, PUP president, even states that this will discredit PUP as a foundation of tertiary education Subsequently, another issue was brought up: Security measures implemented in PUP are weak. School administration, on the contrary, stressed out that they were doing their best to keep everybody in the campus secured. Like every school, they said that they were strictly implementing the ID system that allows only students, employees and faculties of PUP to be

September 2008

accommodated during class/office hours. Because of budgetary constraint, the university got only 45 security guards to watch over the 15 buildings in the university’s 10hectare compound which resorted on asking police assistance for better security. These matters brought prominent people like Sen. Kiko Pangilinan and CHED Deputy Exec. Dir. Julito Victriolo, to stir school officials. According to them, this should serve as a “wake-up call” not just for PUP, but for every school to take a second look at their security operations. Since the incident happened under the official’s nose, they see a possibility of PUP administration’s negligence or failure of performing their tasks. Almost a month after, August 2, PUP once again caught the attention of the public when an investigative program featured a suspected gaming haven for students within the campus. On the program XXX, “Jasper” sought the attention of ABSCBN to put such thing to an end. He cited that the shop invokes students to play even during class hours that affects their interests in studying. The program also detailed out malicious irregularities with regards to the establishment, like, it violates school and city policies and it has no business permit. “Combat Ground” computer station, formerly located in the 4th floor of Ninoy Aquino Library and Learning Resource Center (Nallrc) Building started operating November last year. It was intended to provide students of PUP their computer needs without

going outside the university. Unfortunately, it then turned out to be an amusement/gaming center for PUPians. According to a city ordinance, amusement/gaming centers must only be placed outside the 50 meter radius around the school compound. Then, why Nallrc building is chosen as a site of this establishment? With PUP administration’s approval, proprietors have chosen Nallrc over another option – Sampaguita Building – because of its age and its tendency to collapse if too much people occupy the place. Mr. Julius Mislang, owner of “Combat Ground,” asserted that the allegations or “misconceptions” about the establishment were not true. He said that the games played in their shop were not initially there. Students downloaded files from the internet and installed it on their units. And to prove XXX was wrong, Mislang, presented the business permit of their establishment. The school administration tried to prevent the incident by issuing memos to the said computer shop on putting these gaming sessions on halt. Mislang stressed out that they have complied with the orders and even reformatted their PCs. Furthermore, he added that “Combat Ground” was launched for the benefit of the students – it has served as a testing ground for newly created softwares and an extension of computer laboratory. According to CHED, PUP, being a state university, is allowed to make any partnership with establishments to help raise funds. But still, Income Generating Projects (IGP) that arises must be conducive to learning and should not affect student’s health and morality. The start of school year 20082009 was not that very good for PUP. For two consecutive months, PUPians experienced predicaments that nobody ever expected to come: the gang rape, which is not resolved until now, and the computer gaming in the library. Both put each PUPians to the test of what we really are – a question of character.

ESCALATING oil price in the world market gone out of control. The thing is, it dictates the inflation rate of an economy in every part of the world to jack up with its every move. Consequently, it “fuels up” not just vehicles and aircrafts but also the basic commodity costs to “take off”. Aside from oil crisis, artificial rice shortage, a locally crafted predicament, is another burden that the Filipinos are shouldering at the moment. Abusive rice traders hoard rice supplies by conspiring with politicians and agricultural officials, thus, making the cost of this staple food to hit the most prohibitive price that it could. If these present crises could hurt every single wealthy family here in our country, how more do we? Let’s have the views of the CEans of this poor man’s University on how they cope up with these challenges in a daily basis. How they cut spending and do necessary efforts to make the both ends meet? How does the crisis on oil and rice affect your life as a student? “Pumapayat na kami.” – Kenneth CoE V “Sa transportation fare malaki tinaas, halos lahat ng baon ko napupunta dun.” –Cess CE IV “First, the price of the daily meal increased, pati yong pamasahe kaya ayon affected ako, mga books hindi ko na nabibili kasi kailangang magtipid.” –Wilson ECE IV “Nagiging pahirap ‘to sa mga studyante, mahal pamasahe, mahal mga bilihin sa loob at labas ng school. Pagkakasiyahin mo maliit mong baon, karamihan sa atin asa lang sa magulang kaso hindi naman tumataas ang sahod. Dapat nating suportahan ang panawagan ng mga magulang nating manggagawa para sa Php 125 wage increase.” – Paolo ME IV “Okay lang walang pinagbago naglalakad lang ako, tapos sa bahay na ako kumakain.” –Neng IE III “Actually dati nga hindi ako nagbabaon ng pagkain, ngayon nagbabaon na para lang makatipid, mahal kasi pamasahe.” -Denz CE II Apparently, the majority sounds the same tune. Everyone is suffering from difficulties brought by the oil and rice crisis. Nobody prohibits us from eating and wandering elsewhere, but budget wise as the climate of our economy demands, we should live the way our money can afford. No more, no less. If we can’t go ahead of it, then ride on it. Regret is if thriftiness is too late when you find nothing at the bottom of your purse.


Surely, these matters brought different tittle-tattle about our university. It raised different questions and opinions that readily need to be answered. But whatever implications it has created, there are two sure things: one, there is someone, in any way the circumstances are, sexually abused; and two, no matter how they sensationalized the issue of Combat Ground, we cannot deny the fact of the goodness of their intentions. In a sense, one may also think that if only ALL students behave properly (especially those freshmen who still have their high school name tagged along with their own) PUP

will never experience such publicity. No matter how great the measures of this university, it would be highly impossible if the problem is within the studentry. However, it is irrational to collectively judge PUPians because of one or two misdeeds. There are raised brows inflicted upon us and there are fingers pointed towards us. The public image, for whatever it is, can either be positive or negative. But PUP is still PUP. It has gone well for a long time and would continue to be. This is a momentary failure and the university will, eventually, move on.

In the Service of BullsEye THEY are the highest valued organization in what is ought to be the “Poor man’s University”. They are the heart of activisms – the head of rallies, the initiator of walkouts, the main critic and the student’s defender. Their mission of putting student’s right above anyone else in the university has chained them together. Jointly, they fight oppression, repression, corruption and dirty politicking. And now, as if fate planned to bond them more, they have to face, hand-in-hand, another battle – battle for their own survival. A Tale of Two Critics Early April of this year, The Catalyst (TC), official publication of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Manila and the Sentral na Konseho ng mga Mag-aaral (SKM) received a notification from PUP Pres. Dante Guevarra that the publication fee (for TC) and SKM fee will not be included in the miscellaneous fees stated on the enrollee’s official receipt. As a result, both organizations resorted to a manual acquisition of fund, creating another line in enrollment procedure. Since paying the said fees is not strictly implemented and depends only upon the student’s discretion, both organizations did not come up with the usual amount they

AMALIA TAMAYO used to have when it undergone with the cashier. And so? The matter is, it has become a notion that finance is essential in keeping an organization alive. As the saying goes, money makes the world go round. Funds are necessary to implement all the projects and functions of an organization. How could a publication be a publication if it’s incapable of producing papers? Or how could a student representative stand up for the studentry if its self is feeble because of bankruptcy? But it is, however, a different case “May pera man o wala, tuloy pa rin” as Austero have said. “Kilalang kritiko ni Dr. Guevarra ang SKM at Kata, bakit kaya nila ginagawa ito?” Joyce Llanto Editor in Chief, TC Failure to comply with the Internal Audit’s requirement has been the ground for TC and SKM fee’s exclusion according to Llanto. Guevarra decided to count out the said payment for TC and SKM in the official receipt so as not to be liable with the complaints concerning the two organizations. But is it a fair decision? Is it reasonable to exclude TC and SKM’s fee just because, according to the two organizations, they have

not yet cleared their financial statement for only one semester? In an article published in The Catalyst, Vol XXXIII (June 2008), TC have cleared the issue with regards to their financial condition, mentioning the funds that weren’t released for the past three semesters and the transparency they are implementing inside the organization. Moreover, Jan Paolo Austero, Vice President SKM said that the SKM is doing its best to comply with the Internal Audit’s condition. “Ang pinakadahilan talaga niyan, pangunahing kritiko ng administrasyon ang SKM.” Paolo Austero, Vice President, SKM In an isolated interview with TC and SKM, both affirmed that the Administration has been doing all these things to hinder the organization in criticizing them.”Ang nangyayaring ito ay form ng repression” Llanto said. “Definitely, repression ’to” Austero seconded. For a long time TC and SKM has been invoking actions that thoroughly review the proceedings taken by the administration. And from the way things are going, it can be deduced that administration has gone weary with these pretty business and, let’s say, found a way to keep these organizations at bay. To hold their funds is to paralyze and to keep them

shut. “Pinipilayan kami ng administrasyon” Llanto even said. But, then again, this is a different case. Because this is PUP, the administration might be wrong. This is PUP Aktibista. This has been the brand of university’s culture, a culture that is imparted up to almost its present successor. Everyone who’s trained to be a student leader here in PUP is immersed in this situation of domination, cultivated in a manner that just one wrong move will force them to bring the issue along in corridors and even on major streets. And this is how we handle things. No one can stop an organization who has, ever since, known how to play these games of despotism. The administration may have the power to control crucial part of these organizations, but it can never stop the business of these groups – to function in the service of the studentry. “Being a student leader is serving. Patuloy kaming lalaban.” -Austero “Matagal na kaming walang pera. Hindi nila kami mapapahinto ng ganito lang. Hindi kami takot.” -Llanto


September 2008

CE Celebrates Pearl Anniversary



SMART extends SWEEP.../p.12

30th day, ERC to top main events JOHN PAUL MURILLO FOUNDED in year 1979, the College of Engineering (CE) will celebrate its 30th anniversary this coming February 2009. With the theme “30 Years of Academic Excellence towards Total Engineering Education for the People,” the entire engineering community: administrators, professors, students and even alumni are collaborating for the success of this once in a lifetime event. As a share, the CE-Student Council, College Consultative Board and the different academic organizations team up in the preparation of the would-be biggest celebration of the College. Every 30th day of the month, different academic organization will hold a variety of events as a way of informing the students and a countdown for the main celebration. The CE Research and Development Office will also host its 2nd Engineering Research Conference (ERC). Year two Being one of the highlights of the celebration and with plans of making it bigger, ERC intends to invite national and international professionals in the industry of engineering from various colleges and universities promoting the theme, “Forging Synergistic Partnership with the Global Industry through Market-Driven Research Initiatives.”

The committee for the conference is proposing for it to be held in different locations such as in St. Benilde, but Engr. Marianito P. Gallego, head of the College of Engineering Research and Development and also the chairman of the ERC, asserts to showcase our own facility and still conduct it here in our University. Unlike the 1st ERC’s five day event, the 2nd ERC will be two days shorter. Engr. Gallego pointed out that it is for the presenters to concentrate more on their research paper. Ergonomics, Safety Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Transportation and Traffic Management, Structural Review, Material Science, MicroStructural Engineering, Medical and Bio-medical Electronics, Microelectronics, Spintronics and Robotics are some of the thrusts and prior research concern of the said conference. Monthly endeavor Engineering students will be expecting to see various activities during the 30th day of the month, starting July up to January 30, conducted by the academic organizations. The activities will serve as a way of countdown to the main celebration and also aims to enlighten the community of the rich history of the College. Philippine Institute of the Industrial Engineering (PIIE) hosted the first 30th day event where they

started the countdown with the theme “Engineering: 30° Elevating, Countdown to Celebrate,” which was led by CE Dean Manuel Muhi and Prof. Adelio Sulit, chairperson of IE department. Likewise, Association of Concerned Computer Engineering Students for Service (Access) put up an exhibit highlighting CE’s achievements from the previous years and a video presentation about the College’s history with the theme of, “3D Imagineer1ng: 3 Decades of Excellence. 1 Engineering College.” Ecess and EEN will be taking their part on the next two consecutive months with the plan of presenting different successful researches made by the students and of conducting a film showing. Intensive Planning For the 30 th year, CE has scheduled a series of activities following the flow of the traditional College Week except for some changes making the celebration more remarkable. A Holy Mass and an Opening Program would kick off the main event to be participated by a number of students and faculties. Something to look forward to are the awarding of the outstanding students, faculties, alumni and feasibilities, series of informative seminars and educational films (documentaries), and the alumni homecoming.

Lost and Found.../p.12 “May nagagamit naman, yun nga lang minsan sira. Kahit nga by group kulang pa din.” Shery-lyn, an Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) student commented. In the Past Sixteen years ago, Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA) bestowed Php240 million worth of equipment to the college. But it did not stand the test of time. “May 2 6 o s c i l l o s c o p e s donated by JICA…as time passes by, nasisira dahil na rin sa katandaan. Since hindi nga nadadagdagan, nung pumasok akong lab head more or less 13 na lang yung natira na pinilit na lamang i-maintain. Apat na taon akong naging lab head, at nang umalis ako pito na lang ‘yung oscilloscope,” Engr. Marianito Gallego, ECE former laboratory head said. Lab fee, what for? These are apparent manifestations of lack of equipment. But every semester engineering students are paying the so-called “laboratory fee.” Ms. Marissa Legazpi, Vice President for Finance (VPF) said that the collected laboratory fee is used for the procurement and maintenance of laboratory equipments, where it is supposed to be spent. But Ms. Legaspi also said that the collected fees from the cashier were accumulated as a whole and therefore, there is no specific allocation for laboratory needs. Any necessity of the laboratory is provided through request of laboratory heads.

According to Engr. Guillermo Bernabe, Civil Engineering (CE) laboratory head, that while they are requesting for the pieces of equipment, “ginagawan na namin ng paraan, minsan sariling bulsa, kailangang self-supporting, tumutulong naman ang student organization, supportive naman sila at may initiative,” he said. “Hindi naibibigay [equipments], kahit ilang beses ng mag-request, kaya maliit na lang ang nire-request,” Engr. Alexander Carrascal, ECE laboratory head said. In a sheet of paper, written are the unchanging pleas of lab heads about their laboratory needs. “’Yung mga request ten years pa bago dumating,” Laga stated. VPF Legaspi explained that the reason for the slow processing of the request is the low budget at hand and on the availability of funds for the laboratories. “Imposible, kahit paano meron,” Legaspi asserts regarding on the statement of some lab heads that they are not acquiring any equipment. Engr. Perez stressed out, “Hindi naman sa walang naibibigay, [nabibigay naman] ‘yung mga expendables tulad ng contact cleaners, fuse, wires, ‘yung mga consumables, pero ‘yung mga equipment, wala.” Due to insufficient budget, VPF Legaspi explained that they are more prioritizing the urgent needs, basic needs such as electricity and water to maintain the utilities. “Hindi lang iyon [laboratory] ang consideration sa paggastos,” she pointed out. Laboratory fee cannot be allocated for its particular use because it is just a tiny fraction of the whole budget. “Hindi pwede i-allocate, abonado pa sa koleksyon ng lab fee ang admin, kulang pa talaga, dinadagdagan pa,”she ended.

Be Better Served As a result of these predicaments, probable solutions were initiated by the laboratory heads. Allocating budget for the laboratory needs every year for where it is supposed to be used is one of the best options according to Engr. Carrascal. “Para gumanda ang equipment, taasan ang budget,” Engr. Edwin Esperanza said. “Maliit ang lab fee, Oo, hindi ako pabor tumaas ang mga bayarin pero kung may kalalagyan naman, okay lang,” CE-Student Council treasurer Ma. Cynthia Esquivel (EE IV) affirmed. Moreover, laboratory heads are giving much effort in maintaining the laboratories. Just as some students have the initiatives to have fund raising like Bingo to acquire laboratory equipment. They are also hoping and asking for some donations in the industry. In the meantime, “President [Dr. Dante Guevara] encourages everyone to indulge in an IGP [income generating project] para makapagpundar para sa pangangailangan ng kolehiyo,” VPF Legaspi said. E n g r. M a r i a n i t o G a l l e g o stressed out this question, “Sino ang maninindigan at magte-take ng responsibility in doing the first action?” as he challenged CEans to initiate in doing such changes for the college. With this, CEans are looking forward for the genuine concern and action from the administration in moving further the good of the students by providing them enough laboratory equipment.

DEAL! Signing the memorandum of agreement between PUP and Smart Communications (from left) Dean Manuel Muhi, Pres. Dante Guevarra, Mar Tamayo and Darwin Flores affirm the continuation of SMART Engineering Education Program. photo by AMALIA TAMAYO Wireless and Broadband Equipment. “We are encouraged by the aggressiveness of PUP students to learn more” Mr. Mar Tamayo, Engineering Head SMART Comm. Inc. remarked on the day of contract signing. According to Muhi, SWEEP phase two beneficiary will be more likely the CoE department since it is more inclined with computer and networking. “Puro software kasi, pang CoE talaga” Muhi reiterated. Engr. Remedios Ado, CoE department head also expresses approval with the new arrangement, “[nagbe-]benefit both parts, natatransfer sa’ten yung technology, in return, yung mga graduates natin when they go out [in the college] hindi na nila kailangan ng training dahil dito pa lang trained na sila.”

Muhi Urges Qualifying Exam CHESTER MIGUEL TO improve the quality of engineering graduates, College of Engineering (CE) Dean Manuel Muhi ordered the full and strict implementation of the student qualifying examination (SQE) to all incoming third year students. SQE is given to incoming third year students with general weighted average of 2.5 and below excluding PE and NSTP and those who failed the standards of their respective curricular programs. Every end of the school year, CE through the various departments conduct a scholastic evaluation to all incoming juniors for the purpose of assessing their academic performance. SQE coordinator Engr. Guillermo Bernabe said that the assessment will boost student’s performance, especially in board examinations. Last year, 86.56% passed the assessment and were qualified to continue in their chosen degree program. While the other 13.44% left, became candidates for dismissal from the College. Students who failed to take and pass the exam were given a chance by some department heads to enroll for 3rd year curriculum. However, if they failed to pass their respective major subjects, they will definitely be removed from the college.

“Dapat lang naman talaga,” Engr. Napoleon Dela Cruz, chairperson of Civil Engineering department pointed out with regards on the strict compliance for dismissal of students. “Kasi may nag-istay dito ng seven years, eight years, nine years na hindi naman talaga dapat,” he continued. Miko Berroya (CE III), SQE passer, in accordance with the examination said, “Dapat pagdaanan [‘yung SQE], para masukat kung natuto ba ang mga estudyante sa paaralan.” Scholastic Evaluation Committee created by the college Dean was responsible for developing the questionnaire, implementation and for the attainment of the guidelines. Mathematics subjects such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, as well as Physical Science such as Chemistry and Physics are contents of the SQE questions. These initiatives, among others are being urged by the College to produce quality graduates who are globally competitive in technical knowledge and skills and, at the same time, transform CE to become a center of excellence in engineering education.

New Handbook.../p.12 Revision of handbook has started long before Prof. Jaime Gutierrez, Director of Student Services take part as a Chair of the committee, together with its members. Among the committee was Faculty Regent Anastacio Gabriel, Student Regent Ma. Sophia Prado, members Atty. Fernando Peòa, Atty. Felipe Cahayon and Prof. Dindo Manuel Bautista, consultants Prof. Albino Amoguis and Henrie Enaje and Committee Secretary Prof. Jimmy Dollaga. Series of individual and group deliberations happened during the revision of 1999 Student Handbook. The output of discussions has then forwarded to different concerned offices in the University for their comments and suggestions. Such offices who reviewed the handbook were the offices of vice presidents for Administration Finance, Academic Affairs, Research and Development and Student Services. Other offices were Coordinating Director, Legal Office, University Center for Cultural and Arts, Registrar and Admission, Ninoy Aquino Library and Learning Research Center, Guidance and Counseling Office, Internal Audit, security force, and students. SHRC editor Dr. Milagros Canares did the final editing prior to the discussions done with the said offices. It was presented to the Office of the President, Office of the Vice President and Board of Regents for approval and subsequent formal reproduction. Few Words Gutierrez encourages every PUPians to understand and absorb what was written in the handbook not just to have it. “Rights, privileges and responsibilities for freedom and rights to be heard and to be informed were written… it will serves as your bible throughout your stay in the University,” he added. Aside from a ready reference material, it also proposes a glance into the workings of the PUP academic community and place of the seekers of knowledge in our educational mainstream. On top of these, Prof. Gutierrez said that the student will likewise receive their copy of the newly revised student handbook before this semester ends.


12 Spectrum

September 2008

PUP Libraries welcome Athena RONALD JAMES MELAD TECHNOLOGY proved once again that there is no hindrance when it comes to information propagation. Online database resources were officially launched exclusively to school officials and college deans at the ICT Lobby of Ninoy Aquino Library Learning Resource Center (Nallrc), July 18. Powered by Athena systemsoftware, these electronic references served as a complement to books available in libraries which will enable students to have quick access on information. On the said launch, GALE CEngage Learning and the C-E Logic (an affiliate of C&E Publishing) introduced how these references make gathering information truly efficient. Preface of the system is presented subsequently to faculties of the university as well in a series of seminars for different colleges having a satellite library. The seminar happened on July 24, in the College of Engineering and Architecture Audio Visual Room (CEA-AVR), is one of it and still joined by CE Logic and some library officials. On the implementation of these resources, eBooks and eJournal’s link was also created in PUP website. Better Library To fully discuss matters governing the scheme, PUP library officials went to a 3-day Conference with C-E Logic and other associates in City Garden Suites, Manila, from July 23 to 25. The event’s theme was: “Conference on Information Access: Internet and Libraries,” and among the topics discussed there are The Internet Manifesto in a Library, Barriers to Internet Access, Censorship and Internet Use in Philippine Libraries, and Philippine Librarianship Updates. As a participant in the said conference, Marcela Figura, Chief of


Technical Services in Nallrc proudly said that we are the first state university to have such technological advancement with CE Logic. She also asserted that everybody (referring to all officials of PUP) has the credit of making this project feasible. Also, Director of Nallrc Mona Lisa Lueb said, “it has been one of our plans [for library].” eLibraries in Construction “yun [eLibraries] ay di pa fully implemented,” said Lueb. She pointed out that as of the moment, libraries of PUP could only offer eBooks and eJournals online and a few units are installed in Nallrc only. She even stressed: “Before December ang plan [start of operation], pero madaming intervening factors like budget.” She also affirmed that eLibraries will be first to establish in Nallrc and Satellite Libraries are to follow. Moreover, the director believed that soon as the facilities like computers are purchased, putting eLib up would be easy since electronic references are readily available and renewable every year. Setting Boundaries According to Sonia Amigable, CEA Librarian, freshmen are the only students to have an access to online database resources in libraries of PUP starting October 1. She pointed out that since the SIS (Student Information System) fee is paid during the freshmen enrollment, the unbound use of electronic references is granted to them by every library in the campus. To make things clear, Director Lueb stressed out that the trial period is only from June 1 to Sept. 30. She even added, everybody can have an access between those dates but it will be a freshman privilege afterwards.

POWDER, ANYONE? College of Engineering Fire Marshall Engr. Nathan Gacute exhibited how should one deal with fire ever it may arise. Led by Dean Manuel Muhi and SF02 Edgardo Raya, College of Engineering conducted its Fire Drill in pursuance of a city ordinance on September 5, 2008. Photo by Edmar Mangahas Familiarizing the System As posted on the internet and tarpaulins in every library of PUP, All pertinent information in books possible may be retrieved online with the help of its databases. Furthermore, these ads showcased that aside from providing an efficient access to information, Online Database Resources offer benefits like covering a greater, wider variety of topics and saving shelf space. They showed however that these resources also have some limitations. It contains some data that are subjective and unreliable, contents disappear without prior notice and some authors are not stated. They also say that system has been adapted by different libraries in the country and even offices, to bring out the best of information t r a n s f e r. A s F i g u r a s a y s , “Importante na talaga ngayon sa mga libraries ang merong ganito, kung tutuusin medyo late na nga tayo.”

Lost and Found The fee that goes no near the LAB


illustration by ALEXANDER DEFEO

FOR 30 years of its existence, College of Engineering (CE) has produced more than thousands of competitive engineers in the field. These engineers, who are currently facing the real world, have been honed in the same laboratories that exist several years ago and up ‘til now. So, what has been the problem? In the field of engineering, it is mandatory to have latest and functional laboratories that could explicitly provide learning access in the recent trends of technology and science. Engineering is defined as the application of scientific principles and it is only in laboratories that

these theories and concepts are proven to be true. And to sustain these laboratories, we, aspiring engineers, are paying the laboratory fee. But, as of the status of these facilities, it is necessary to ask where do these payments go? Sad truth In a group laboratory activity, it is ordinary to notice that one or two will conduct the experiment while the others simply observe, make conversation and even worst, sleep. Because equipment is inadequate, some students tend to be impassive when it comes to experimentation. Sadly, this is the common laboratory

scene in the college. With this, students and laboratory heads have commented over the downgrading and malfunctioning laboratory equipments due to old age and intense use. “Kulang sa tester, voltmeter, and ammeter. By groups ang paggamit ng mga estudyante, hindi kaya ng paisa-isa,” Engr. Vilma Perez, laboratory head of Electrical Engineering (EE) said. Aside from the lack of facilities, Thea, an EE student lamented on the unavoidable fall down of apparatus, “Yung oscilloscope,kailangan pang pukpukin para gumana ulit.” Moreover, Engr. Josephine Laga, IE Laboratory Head called attention to the noticeable lack of equipment, “’Yung IE Lab, reading center na rin, 10 years na iyong ibang pc [personal computer] kaya mahirap na ayusin, pinagsasamasama ang mga parte na okay pa, iyong pwede pang magamit, para makabuo ulit ng isa pang pc.” At present, students find it hard to cope up with their laboratory classes because of the insufficient facilities available for use. LOST and found.../p.11

SMART extends SWEEP for another phase AMALIA TAMAYO AS a continuance of giving back ten years of its business success, SMART Communications Inc. signed another contract for the extension of Smart Wireless Engineering Education Program (SWEEP) (Phase II) last August 28 at the president’s office. With the cooperation of PUP Administration, PUP president Dante Guevarra and Dean Manuel Muhi, SMART under a memorandum of agreement will soon be providing the college with wireless technology. “SMART SWEEP is an industry linkage of PUP, particularly College of Engineering in relation with the latest trends in technology.” Dean Manuel Muhi said in an interview. “linkage sa latest technology na ginagamit sa industry ngayon” he added. SWEEP is a project of SMART that aims to equip universities in Metro Manila with various telecommunications equipment and to provide technical and hands-on training for the faculty member. In the college, SWEEP (Phase I) has started way back in May 2003 with the ECE Department as the beneficiary. “…extension lang (ito) ng phase I”.Phase two of SWEEP, however, focuses on the latest technological advancement in computer and communications.” Muhi said. Part of the agreement is the donation of three computers, 20 Sendfar access point equipment, wireless broadband equipment and a router. Moreover, the company will provide the faculty trainings with series of seminars that tackles the following: Internetworking Fundamentals, Transmission Control Protocol/Internat Protocol (TCP/IP), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 3G Sytems and more about installation and configuration of SMART extends SWEEP../p.11

New Handbook on Release R M M OSE



FINALLY. Student Handbook Revision Committee (SHRC) has productively completed the revision of student handbook. With more emphasis on the rights of students, the newly modified handbook will soon be given out this semester. Modified Substance Upholding its traditional mission based on its founding philosophy SHRC has proposed changes that will significantly enhance the realization of mission in the milieu of a total university. Added in the handbook are the 10 Point Vision towards a Total University and Core Values that aims to transform PUP to become a comprehensive education powerhouse through its effective and efficient delivery of a globalized quality of educational development that will lead to the development of the university. In close coordination of the committee, they also recommended a new grading requirement to students seeking for honors such that to be Suma Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Cum Laude, his or her weighted average must be 1.0-1.25, 1.26-1.50, and 1.51-1.75, respectively. “Nagkaroon ng committee para mag-review ng grades, itinama yong arrangement ng grades, tumaas ang interval para mas beneficial sa students,” Prof. Gutierrez explained. Still, every candidate for honors must have no final grade lower than 2.5 and Incomplete in any academic and non-academic subjects prescribed in the curriculum. University Disciplinary Measures (Section 17) was further explained in the new handbook. It is for the students to know the corresponding disciplinary sanctions and penalties subjected upon them. Handbook also includes matters of concern under headings such as general directives, social norms, registration and academic loadings, scholarships, grading system, graduation requirements, university disciplinary measures, accredited student organizations policies and other relevant information. Extensive process After the long and thorough reviewing of the handbook, the committee has produced a comprehensive revised handbook for the students. NEW Handbook.../p.11

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