2021 November/December Rostrum

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EQUITY COMMITMENTS FOR 2021-2022 compiled by Nicole Wanzer-Serrano 1




(b) The NSDA will continue to promote its updated Code of Honor to all student and coach members.

(a) The NSDA will continue its work on intentionally infusing equity into the speech and debate topic selection process. (b) The NSDA will continue to encourage the posting and use of a harassment and discrimination policy at speech and debate tournaments. (c) The NSDA will update and increase promotion of our inclusive and equitable tournament checklist. The graphics: BlackIllustrations.com

Nicole Wanzer-Serrano is the Director of Development and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the NSDA.

(e) The NSDA will promote and support the Black Coach Mentor program and seek to facilitate other mentoring opportunities through the NSDA coach accreditation and coach emeritus programs. The NSDA will seek funding to support mentor programs.

The NSDA will highlight and promote best practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion in speech and debate activities.

These equity commitments were inspired by recommendations from our coaches’ caucuses, by feedback from our teacher and student members, and from our own lived experiences. As our Equity Statement says, “The NSDA is committed to modeling and fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion for all speech and debate communities.” We are proud of the strides we have made in this area, but we know there is much work left for us to do. We remain committed to working conscientiously to model and foster an inclusive and equitable speech and debate experience for all. Thank you for engaging with and joining us in this work.

(d) The NSDA will review and update NSDA-produced ballot instructions to reflect equity.

(a) The NSDA will continue to utilize an equity-centered framework for making organizational decisions.


ince 2017, annual equity commitments have served as specific immediate steps the NSDA will take to better reflect our core value of equity. Like previous annual commitments, this list represents work that will occur during one school year.

NSDA will also provide resources to implement key initiatives from the checklist.

The NSDA will reflect equity in its organizational core documents.

(f) The NSDA will use its communication channels to offer additional training tips and best practices on making speech and debate more accessible.

3 The NSDA will strive for leadership that represents the diversity of our speech and debate communities. (a) The Board of Directors will continue to consider diversity when vetting and selecting appointed board members. (b) The NSDA will encourage its district leadership to enhance

To increase our transparency and accountability, we have listed these commitments on our website at www.speechanddebate.org/equitycommitments. Throughout the year, we will include updates and hyperlinks on that web page announcing our progress on each item. To learn more about our ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and access related resources, visit www.speechanddebate.org/inclusion.

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