2014 Summer Rostrum

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earlier era, Richards’s sharp repartee

Richard served with distinction

students, attending their weddings

and clever bon mots would

on the National Speech & Debate

and following their careers.

have earned him a place at the

Association Board of Directors. He

Students and friends returned his

Algonquin roundtable, no doubt

supported expansion of debate


leaving Dorothy Parker speechless.

opportunities and the creation of

As an oral reader of Shakespeare,

Last spring, his former students

new debate events. Former Board

honored him with a trip back

Richard rivaled Orson Welles.

President Donus Roberts lauded

to the Emory tournament. And

Picture Richard as Falstaff or King

Richard as “an extraordinarily good

when it was announced that the

Lear, roles he read with zest.

councilor: a true advocate for

National Tournament Policy Debate


event was to be named Richard

But it was as a debate coach that Richard found his true metier.

Richard was a superb

B. Sodikow Policy Debate, all who

Richard had many opinions, on

tournament director, and attending

knew him were overjoyed that

many subjects—and he was eager

his Bronx Science tournament

they would see Richard in June and

to argue them all, at great length.

was a must for all teams traveling

celebrate his honor with him.

Richard was born to debate, and

the national debate circuit. At

to coach debate, and he became

the National Tournament, Richard

left us suddenly, and far too soon.

America’s premier debate coach.

served as ombudsman, ruling

We would not see him again.

His Bronx Science teams were

on protests with the wisdom

The movie Life of Pi teaches us,

continually in the final rounds at

of Solomon. Richard was very

“The whole of life becomes an act

national debate events.

officious, working long hours

of letting go. . . but what always

without meals or rest.

hurts the most. . . is not taking a

But what was unique was that

Alas, it was not to be. . . Richard

Richard, unlike other great coaches,

He was also very generous.

did not use the star system. Many

When anyone admired one of the

coaches would concentrate on

elegant neckties Richard always

Stratford man sum up the life of

a few bright students. Richard

wore, like Beau Brummel, Richard

Richard B. Sodikow.

coached the largest debate

removed his tie and presented it to

program in America. The Varsity

his admirer as a gift.

team might be winning the famous

Richard had very intense feelings

moment to say goodbye.” Now, as we say goodbye, let the

Shakespeare wrote: “His life was gentle. . . and elements so mixed in him. . . that nature might stand up

Barkley Forum in Atlanta, while at

for people. He loved his mother

and say to all the world. . .‘this was

the same time, ten JV teams would

Lillian, his aunt Nettie, and his very

a man.’”

be competing in the Mid-Hudson

special nieces Sarah, Lois, Jane, and

League in New York. Richard

their extended family of grand

believed every idea was debatable

nieces and nephews.

and that everyone should have the opportunity to debate.

Richard would do anything for a friend. He doted on his former

James Copeland is Director Emeritus for the National Speech & Debate Association.

Rostrum | SUMMER 2014 103

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