VR Gloves : Latest Thrill For Tech Enthusiasts

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hands. A noticeable fact is that these VR gloves are probably not a brand new tech, developed internally by Oculus. The company lately acquired Pebbles Interfaces, which apparently had a virtual reality hand tracking system already in development. High chances are there of it being an extension of that technology only.

Previously also a lot of companies have worked on such haptic gloves and trackable ones. Dexter robotics gloves look like the mechanical exoskeletons which fit in your hands. Manus has been busy creating a much sleeker biker like gloves, while Neurodigital’s Gloveone and Noitom’s Hi5 are the two other variants which are still in development. But the news of a new set of gloves coming into the market from Oculus will spread like wildfire. On the positive side, it will also help other companies know how to develop VR software which takes advantage of unencumbered hands. It can eradicate the gaming limits and increase the business aspect.

Another update from the Oculus research lab is that they are also working on reducing the size of the headsets to glasses which can be carried anywhere. Zuckerberg also mentioned, “advanced optics, eye tracking, mixed reality and new ways to map the human body” in his Facebook post about the lab visit. But our personal piece of advice would be, don’t hold your breath in wait for this new Oculus-branded technology. The gloves will surely be perfected and offered

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