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Page 2 The table is spread and theirs a feast of the Lord going on. This is a time to share our love, show someone how to receive the promise of peace and the abundance of joy.

shelter. Lets give to an organization whose primary goal is to assist families in disaster situations. When you pour out your soul to the needy your lack is limitless. During the Election campaign many people gave to Spread the love across your their candidates with hopes communities by sharing His they would win the election, word and feeding the many well it’s over now and we who are currently homeless have to rebuild this country or a family whose income is brick by brick, dollar x’s limited due to circumstances billions, heart to heart and beyond their control. Alwith the Lords help we can though there are signs of truly make a difference. recovery from hurricane Sandy many families are in Whatever you do don’t need of food, clothing, and stress over the upcoming

holiday season, give God His just due and remember her will return unto you a hundred fold, that does not just mean money, but it is in whatever capacity of giving you have toward assisting those whose needs are greater than yours. O’ give thanks unto the Lord for he is worthy of all honor and glory. My favorite quote If you don’t believe in God trust him anyway and He’ll make a believer out of you by manifesting His personal promises toward you.

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from

Dinner Feast

the story here.”

For this Thanksgiving Holiday, my suggestion is to stick to the basics and serve a traditional thanksgiving dinner consisting of a main course, side dishes and desserts such as roasted turkey, baked ham, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy,

cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, candid yams, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie and your choice of cake. Most Important eat healthy, maintain your exercise and diet.



remember Thanksgiving is a declaration of God’s goodness and mercy toward us.

It’d All About Taking A Chance

Samaritan’s Purse is helping in New Jersey and New York in the aftermath of the enormous superstorm that wreaked havoc throughout the northeast. http:// index.php/articles/ hurricane_sandy/ The Red Cross continues to focus on reaching as many people as possible who need our help. Your help is urgently needed to

Please donate today. Financial donations make the greatest and most immediate impact, helping the Red Cross provide shelter, food, emotional support and other assistance to those affected by disasters like Hurricane Sandy.http:// Yes, I want to donate to help provide relief and support for children affected

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Tuesday extended their disaster-relief policies to borrowers whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The aid applies to property owners living in towns and cities along the eastern United States that have been declared disaster areas by President Barack Obama ..http://

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continue to support relief efforts. Getting supplies and meals and water into affected areas is the top priority. Since the beginning of the Sandy relief effort:

More than 5,400 Red

Cross workers have been assigned to operations from Virginia to Rhode Island, with the majority in Greater New York and throughout New Jersey.

The Red Cross has

provided more than 58,000 overnight shelter stays in more than 250 Red Cross shelters.

More than 1.6 million

meals and snacks have been served. The Red Cross has distributed more than 91,600 relief items such as cleanup kits and hygiene kits.

by Hurricane Sandy

cessities for young children,

Hurricane Sandy

baby blankets, clothing and

such as nutritious food items,

caused significant damage along

hygiene supplies.

the east coast of the United

We need your generous gift to

States. In response, Save the

support our efforts. Your dona-

Children has already deployed

tion will help us protect vulner-

people to hardest-hit areas of

able children and provide des-

New Jersey and New York to

perately needed relief to fami-

ensure children's needs are

lies. Donate now to the Hurri-

addressed in the aftermath of

cane Sandy Children in Emer-

the 'superstorm.' Save the Chil-

gency Fund to support Save the

dren has a strong track record

Children's responses to ongoing

of responding to emergencies in

and urgent needs as a result of

the region. In shelters, Save the

the storm.

Children is providing basic ne-

This issue is simple what Natural Pearls are made of, from a biblical perspective and how valuable it is for you to always have such a gemstone in your circle. A pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue specifically the mantle . The mantle is your destiny its delicate, very rare ,valuable fine, and admirable. The finest Pearl is that beautiful garment your wear inside , called backbone and understands trust and lean on Him is your finest quality. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild, or the ghetto, in the trenches, the vagabond, trailer park trash, poor and middle class but they are extremely rare. These wild pearls are referred to as natural pearls (prophets, mothers of zion, daughters of destiny, men of valor, priest, & kings, that know how to partake of the word of God as a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their pathway. The reason they are highly valued is because they acknowledge the Lord is their shepherd during difficult times which makes the quality of their iridescence genuine. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones , lavished with tenacity, cultivated with righteousness, harvest by God and nothing or no one separates them from the mantel placed on their life. They are chosen to partake in the last days ministry , and his promise to live life

PEARL She's just a girl, and she's on fire Hotter than a fantasy, longer like a highway She's living in a world, and it's on fire Feeling the catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away Oh, she got both feet on the ground And she's burning it down Oh, she got her head in the clouds And she's not backing down This girl is on fire This girl is on fire She's walking on fire This girl is on fire

Alicia Keys Girl On Fire lyrics found on


earl Clark is an anointed woman

of God, whom he has purposed to do great things. Hailing from the windy city of Chicago , Illinois , Pearl the twenty- two year old was raised by her mother after the passing of her father in 1994. Growing up in a single parent home with her two bothers Bobby Grace (30) and Jairus Clark (8) was not always easy. Being the only girl, her mother expected more from her because she knew how difficult it was for women to be successful in today’s society. Knowing that God had predestined her baby girl for greatness she pushed her in every aspect of her life especially, spiritually and academically. She did not force her opinions or ideas on her but, she did instill in her to let God lead her and direct her path. Growing up Pearl was a member of Lively Stone Apostolic Church of God under the leadership of District Elder George E. Shaw. At the age of sixteen God led Pearl to Lilydale Progressive Missionary Baptist Church where she is currently a member, under the leadership of the dynamic and talented Rev. Romell Williams Jr. Pearl accepted Christ at a very young age and she understood that being saved makes you different, but it does not dismiss you from life’s circumstances. Many people fail to realize that it is much harder being young and saved in this day and age then it was back in the day. High School was a challenge for Pearl , because she felt the need to try and fit in, but God stepped in and spoke to remind her to be who he has destined her to be and not focus on what the world desires her to be and he would keep his promise and work everything out in her a favor. God did exactly what he said! Pearl is a 2008 alumnus of Morgan Park High School where she graduated with a 4.4 Grade Point Average; she is also a spring 2012 graduate of The University of Arkansas Pine Bluff where she graduated Cum Laude with a

Bachelors Degree of Science in Computer Science. After graduating from The University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, Pearl has embarked upon many new and exciting endeavors. She is the founder of a women’s singing ministry named Genesis: A New Beginning. Genesis was the start of many opened doors of favor for Pearl .

Since the start of Genesis Pearl has begun modeling for One Eye Photography in Joliet , Illinois and her most recent endeavor is her jewelry and hair-bow line called Paris-Ann Accessories. Pearl realizes that it is only by the grace of God that she has made it thus far, and she also understands that the only way she will receive continued blessings and favor is by allowing God to lead and direct her path. This is only the beginning.

It’d All About Taking A Chance

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How awesome it is to have the breath of life bestowed upon my heart



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Home and family mean a great deal to her and it is natural that she should desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where you can enjoy the companionship of family and friends. Whatever she set out to accomplish she’s do her very best to complete in accordance with what she consider to be right. In the home she assumes her responsibilities capably, having the self-confidence to form her own opinions and make her own decisions. Others can rely on her; once she’d given her word her .will

About: Revered Diane London Divine perfection,-As the one sunbeam is composed of seven parts, and thus perfected into whiteness-so seven is the divine number of perfection, or completeness she would be like a princess one who would have an appreciation of the finer things of life. She is seriousminded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in her younger years she had more mature interests than others her age.

First, empowered service. Second, intimate fellowship Third, enlightened authority.

members she would be named powerful and lovely for her abrasive ways of carrying out what the will of God is for all she’d encounter. She would take the gospel of Christ near and far, many would love her for the gift they saw. Importance: Deuteronomy28:13 NIV the LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will

always be at the top, never at the bottom. Isaiah 61:1 & 3 AMP. THE SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound. To grant [consolation and joy]

does her utmost to fulfill a responsibility. However, there is a tendency to be a little too independent in her thinking and it for her to accept the help of others when she should. Due to her strong sense of responsibility, she may experience worry and mental turmoil through assuming more responsibility than she should. Friction could arise through others feeling that she is interfering with their rights and privileges, even though she’s only trying to help. God has anointed this one to do great exploits for him, amid family

to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

Genesis: A New Beginning Genesis was founded and birthed by Pearl Clark. God spoke, and gave her vision to form an all-women’s gospel singing group, and in her obedience to God, Genesis was formed. The vision that God had given for the group was not that of the norm. Pearl felt that God was calling and seeking for something different, Genesis would not just be a group of young women that sing, , but a group of anointed women that ministered. In wanting to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and

obedient to God, Pearl begin to pray and seek God for direction on who would be a part of this ministry, after much prayer and yielding to God, he begin to give her the women that needed to be a part of this vision. The first member that was added to the group was Jazzmyn (Jazzie) Samuels, having her as an addition to the vision was a blessing, because God had already giving her vision and in doing so the name “GENESIS” came to be. Genesis is a group of young, talented and anointed women of

God that consist of five members: Pearl Clark, Jazzmyn Samuels , Victoria A. Carey, Kenya Whaley & Tameeka Cameron. Our goal is to reach out to the people of God and the people of this world, that they may be touched by the gifts that god has bestowed on each of us. Genesis has been blessed to sing in a broad range of styles, but our particular endeavor is to reach souls through ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ through song.


Thank God We Won The Race

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The Seed and the Harvest Reaching hearts is our target A wise man said, sow souls reap a harvest I pull back, an archer of an author A beautiful arch sends the message farther Here I go, meditating in my think tank Just lost my Grandmother yet I give thanks Not to the pilgrims, the pillager’s Only to the mighty Warrior, the Deliverer The seed that was buried and resurrected itself Just to continue the harvest, for God Himself Isaac Carpenter So III We give thanks for more than a wild turkey on a plate We give thanks for grace And extend it to actions misplaced The place setting is set, just reach to accept And the harvest can continue Surpassing simple Thanksgiving menus The Indestructible seed’s dealings are with eternal venue Price is not an issue “Life what I give you” Planted for this time For the influence of mankind A present for a purpose Planted for this phase on earth is Interpreted as this field’s yield is not worthless Reaped a new heart without a surgeon Giving thanks is so urgent, we owe it And as we give it… we shall also sow it Your labor is not without reason Blessed over and over…’s Harvest season

Masters of Business Administra-

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Inside Story Headline


A Musical Pearl Unfolding

I’ve become a fan of Jason Miller, he is definitely a star on the rise. I reached out to Jason because I wanted to know more about his musical gift and to ask him a few questions. Here is the interview : Hello Mr. Miller it’s a pleasure to finally get an opportunity to meet you. Precious Stones Magazine would like to thank you for sharing your time with us today. Jason:

Thank you this is my first Magazine interview and I thank you for the interest in my ministry? Kristina: Your Welcome, Let me start by asking you are you a singer/writer/producer? Jason:Yes, I am a singer, who tends to hold a note from time to time. Kristina: You’re too funny, How old were you when you started writing? Jason: I began writing at the age of 14 by

life experiences & while spending time with a great artist Percy Gray my writing skills improved. I’m finding the purer you are at heart the more expressive and spontaneous your thoughts flow. Writing is an expression of yourself so it’s constantly being birth in me daily. I'm not a instrumental or studio producer, but I can produce a sound out of a choir or group that I hear from within.

Kristina: As a choir director what inspires you to direct with so much enthusiasm? Jason: Oh Directing the choir – THAT is my passion! No matter if I direct 20 singers or 1500 – I just love it, I actually hear God talking to me while I direct so I enjoy leading the choirs or groups to a place in the music where the music itself becomes secondary! When I before the people of God I

love sharing the good news of His words, no matter if it comes through my mouth, my hands or my feet I just get lost in His world.

you written? Jason: I have written over 20 songs such as Traditional, CCM, Christian Rock, Praise & Worship, Inspirational & More.

Kristina: You’re so Inspirational you remind me of my minister of music the late great Kenneth Ward. The songs he wrote were melodious. I especially liked Hold ON To His Hand. Tell us how many songs have

Kristina: When can we expect your new Album? Jason: You can expect the album to be released during 2013 Kristina: What producers do

It’d All About Taking A Chance Page 17


do you work with on your music? Any features we can look forward to? Jason: Right now I'm not working with any producers, but I attend to work with some such as Phillip Feaster, Rick Robinson, Jamel Kimbrough, Percy Gray, Michael Weatherspoon. You can look for some Change Ministry members leading on this album along with Jonathan McReynolds,

Jason Miller is a member of Bright Star Church in Chicago IL under the leadership of Pastor Chris Harris, who preaches an dynamic word of God every Sunday morning at 11am and Bible Study Wednesday at 7:00 pm, located 735 East 44th Street Chicago, IL 60653.

Tim White, Latina Cunningham, Niecy Robertson, Tanesha Jefferson who actually lead songs with us at the recording. Kristina: Who are your musical influences? Jason: My influences are Ricky Dillard, Kirk Franklin, Donald Lawrence & Percy Gray. Kristina: What do you want the listener to come away with after hearing your music? Jason: I want them to leave encouraged, Life changing, giving the glory to God every time they listen & feel a connection with the lyrics. Kristina: You have a unique style in your dress are these your own designs? Jason: Most of my styles come from different clothing stores right here in Chicago & I just vision what I want to look like & search for it

& make it my style. Kristina: What is your martial status? Jason:I am married to La Tonya "Red" Miller for 13 years & Allysia, Sarah, Jason,Jr., & Jeremiah are my kids I've been married 13yrs & been with her for 16yrs Kristina: Do you have a fan page on facebook or twitter. Jason: Yes, with Change Ministry we have a fan page on facebook & twitter Change Ministry Kristina: Jason Miller it has been a pleasure interviewing you. Any last remarks or thoughts you want to leave us with.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Jason: My final thoughts would be Don't give up no matter what the enemy may say & who tries to distract you. Look to the hills from whence cometh your help, Trust & have faith in God for with Him all things are

Caption describing picture or graphic.

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If you desire a unique gift to take to a birthday party, bridal or baby shower? Tanesha has those precious gems you absolutely can’t pass up.

My home is where I experience my greatest creations Taneshas Hughes operates alone and out of the comfort of her own home based in the Saint Louis, Missouri. Her creations are as authentic as her smile. Her gifts are uniquely you and are sure to make you the talk of your event . Your idea, plan, and vision has just become celebratory by Taneshas creations. You can follow her on facebook or visit her web http://


Mohawk hairstyles for black women could be short in hair, and surely not really short on design. Mohawk hairstyles african american women is look a pleasurable and stylish twist over a short style which converts nicely forblack women hair style. African-American women can discover this style for a wonderful option to managing long hair as well as achievable extension and weaves. African American women have benefit of owning extra textured hair, where by having hair styling products, may help to get the wonderful fashionable of Mohawk hairstyles. Bellow is the pictures of Mohawk hairstyles for black women and various design which are available to consider to obtaining modern style in 2013 hairstyles fashion.

Some styles found http:// m/tagged/ africanamericanhairstyles


How TO SEND UR LOVE An Interview with Norbeth Shortt De Jesus Wow what a fascinating way to send your loved ones and friends a special greeting without ever leaving the house. Renee: What ignited the spark in you to start a new business? Norbeth~When I came across my business, I honestly wasn't looking to start one. I was happy in my job and was content. I was always a business owner at heart though. I would sweep carports and wash cars from door to door when I was younger. When I saw the product for this company though, I knew this was something I had to market. Renee: What is Send A Card? Norbeth: Sendoutcards is a website service where people can easily choose pre-made or create from scratch, REAL greeting cards, include photos, their own handwriting and gifts/giftcards, if they wish, and the company will print, stuff, address, stamp and mail them for them. Awesome huh? What attracted you to Send a Card? My husband and I had just gotten married and someone told me that now would be a great time to start doing photo cards each year for the holidays to track the growth of our family. I thought, what a great idea! I was working at Wachovia Securities at the time and I browsed the company's benefits website to see if they had a discount on photo cards somewhere. I came across a link that said Sendoutcards. I told myself, "I have never heard of them" and clicked on the link. When I saw that they would print, stuff, address, stamp and mail my holiday cards for me, I about fell out of my chair! After I got some holiday money, I signed up immediately. I knew it was going to be huge if there were people out there as bad as I was about getting cards out. I sent out over 100 New Years cards that year with a pic of my hubby and I at our wedding and did not address one envelope. It was wonderful. Renee: How do you find people to bring into your organization that truly care about the organization the way you do? Norbeth: I simply ask people for their opinion of my website and ask them to send a free card. The video on the site explains how it works and if they need help like I did in remembering birthdays or doing holiday cards, they will "get it" immediately like I did also. It's all about numbers. The more you share it, the more you get paid. Does everyone sign up? No. But that's ok. There is not a product out there that everyone in the world has. But..I bet they know someone who could use it and those are the people who do. Renee: What have been some of your failures, with Send a Card if any and what have you learned from them? Norbeth: hmmmm...good question. Let me think. The biggest failure I think that comes to mind is spending three years and barely doing anything with my business. I was excited about it and told a few people but still played games on fb for hours. After getting checks in the mail for doing the minimal work I was doing though, I thought..."What if I stopped playing games on fb and used that time to share my business with more people? I bet this check would grow." It did just that and continues to grow from the work I did back then and what I do now. It's so cool how residual income works. How many hours do you work a day on average? N: On average 2-3 hours I guess. It depends. I don't "clock in" per se so please forgive me for not knowing the exact number. I work my business around my life. If my son wants to go to the park or the mall, we go. When my 2 month old is not sleeping and needs Mommy, I am there. My family is first. Anytime I am on facebook though, I am doing my business. People spend 2-3 hours, off and on, on facebook a day easy. I just choose to use it to share my love for God, encourage others, build relationships and share my business. Now, if you include the work that my team members are doing in that number, I probably get paid for 40 hours a week worth of work, if not more. I show people how to do their business once and they run off with it. I get a bonus each month for showing them how and supporting them whenever they need it. That is so amazing to me.

R:What is your mantra? N: Mantra: I am infusing the world with kindness and love. R:What motivates you? N:The days that I need motivation, I think about the level of residual income that I want to provide for my family and for others to experience. The kind of income that comes in whether we work or not. Once you have had a taste of it, like I have, you get excited about the possibilities it can bring to your family and community and...dare I, around you. Honestly though? It doesn't take a lot of motivation for me to do what I do. I truly enjoy it. Sometimes I have to stop myself to eat or sleep, I love it that much. It is my passion and ministry. I encourage people to find a business that fulfills their purpose....your motivation becomes a part of who you are. R: In today’s economy small business are looking for ways to reduce cost and become more efficient whenever possible how has send a card helped you? Norbeth: Because my business helps other businesses receive is a cost effective way for them to appreciate their clients and save on traditional marketing..a one two punch so to speak. I use my business the same way. Every time I send a card to someone, they know it is my business. Even though I am sending it to them to let them know I am thinking about them, it is also a "business card" so to speak. My business works FOR me. I get referrals from people often because of it and so I don't have to spend much if any money on traditional marketing if I don't want to. People will remember how you made them feel and send the love right back to you in more ways than one. It is amazing! Renee: How do you market your business? Norbeth: I market my business mostly on facebook and over the phone. Being a mom of two young children, I don't get out much and choose to stay home with them. I simply build relationships with people and ask for their opinion of my site and/or ask them if they would like to try it out for a month for $9.80 plus postage. The product really does sell itself. The hardest thing is getting people to realize that it is NOT e-cards but REAL greeting cards they are sending. It's pretty funny to hear the light bulb go off though. :)) One of my favorite things to hear? "OH! This is not e-cards? Oh how cool!" lol Renee: Will you share with us the meaning of your name. Norbeth: Thanks for asking about my name! I love sharing this story. My Father named me after my two grandmothers, Norma and Betty and my middle name is Elaine. Before I met my husband, my maiden name was Shortt. Norma, means model, Betty means Consecrated to God and Elaine means Light. Before I met my husband, my name meant...Model, Consecrated to God, Light Short. lol Now though, it means, Model, Consecrated to God, Light of Jesus. I tell him he completed the sentence for me. Renee: That’s so special, one things for certain you can never say you aren’t chosen. It’s been an enlightening interview I 'm happy to know that you put down all your inhibitions and fears to move forward with your hearts desire to reach the world. This has been a great interview! Any last remarks or thoughts you want to leave us with Norbeth: I just hope that people realize that they CAN do it. Whatever IT is in their minds. We CAN infuse the world with love and kindness and become financially free doing it. God is always in control though. He will go before you. Never stress about where life is taking you...just follow that still, quiet voice that won't leave you alone sometimes until you will show you where to go. Be blessed everyone! Norbeth Shortt Dejesus has a fan page on face book and you can also follow her on twitter>


ail art is becoming popular among young girls. One can ex-

press their moods and feelings with the help of nail art. The trend of creating nail polish design is fast catching on. However before you decide to pick some nail polish designs for yourself make sure that you conduct some amount of research on the type of design that you want.

Next, think about the colors that you will be using. If you plan to match the designs with any particular outfit make sure that you think about the colors that you should be using. Start with a base coat and keep a tooth brush or a toothpick handy when you start with the designs. You can buy nail polish design kit from any departmental stores too. by Mellow Williams, Cincinnati, OH

Though, the First Lady may be attributed the credit for popularizing pearls. However are favored by royalty since time immemorial. They are classic and demure. Someone wearing the pearls will always look elegant though never overpowering, this is the feature of this organic gem. The most important feature of the pearls is that they make a subtle fashion statement. Along with this they can be used as an accessory for any dress. So, whether you wear it a glamorous cocktail dress or with the beautiful wedding gown it will just blend in beautifully. Even accessorizing a power business suit or even a casual blouse or sweater with jeans can be a good idea. It is a little to put in words the beauty pearl jewelry invokes. In short pearls are a must have, available in different colors these beautiful pearls are a essential for every woman’s wardrobe...via


Ingredients 15 cups sliced pickling cucumbers 3 onions, thinly sliced 1/4 cup coarse salt 4 cups cracked ice 2 1/2 cups cider vinegar 2 1/2 cups sugar 3/4 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 1 tablespoon mustard seeds


This is a good recipe for anyone who would like to try pickling, but hasn't done it before. It's quite straight forward, not a lot of ingredients.

1Combine cucumbers, onions, salt and ice in a large bowl. 2Mix well. 3Put a weight on and allow to stand 3 hours. (For a weight, I use a plate with a gallon bottle of vinegar or water on top of it). 4Drain thoroughly. 5Combine vinegar, sugar, turmeric, celery seed and mustard seed in a large pot. 6Add drained cucumbers. 7Place pot on medium low heat. 8Bring almost to a boil, but DO NOT ALLOW TO BOIL. 9Remove from heat. 10Seal in sterilized jars, 10 minutes in a hot water bath. . , Although this is not Annette ‘s special recipe her finished product was delicious to everyone who tasted a jar.

SHORT AND SIMPLE WAY TO UNDERSTANDING THE DOMINATE WOMEN Most women are wired in a dominate way primarily because it s their nature, There is really no reason a man should be frighten by this nature in a woman. These women are highly deserving for you hand in marriage. Yes she’s the right choice. These women are able to triumph against adversity alone and are incredibly successful in nearly everything they undertake. Men if you can understand their nature you will find how much of a class act this woman is for your life. Lets revert back to your child hood, one of the most dominating figures in your life is your mother, She was most likely the one to train you how to dress, tell you the pitfalls in life, what you should and shouldn’t do, help you with career choices, or simply young man take out the trash, brush your teeth, keep your clothes clean, wash your hair, take the groceries in the house, or help your sister was the dishes and keep the house clean. This woman was not challenging your manhood, she wasn’t trying to control you , you were participating in basic character training. When the bible speaks of woman being created as a help meet for man, that’s her nature. She tighten your awareness reminding you to keep practicing your qualities such as responsibility, truthfulness and compassion thus emphasizing your excellences as the visionary prepared to accomplish any task before you. and help u to sustain from misfortunes. In reality she is never trying to tear you down , character building is a lifetime commitment it’s not complete because your grown, it’s a daily effort. We understand men and women have different natures and needs but we must also recognize this principle you can't escape nature, it forms the core essence of who you are. Your gender is not a social construct, it's innate. If man understands the nature of his woman her will find that her trait is more submissive to his needs and not one who composes a person who doesn't give others and other options a chance Certainly you will enjoy the fact that this woman is both dominate and submissive not weak, but very strong and confident Love lights the ocean in her spirit soul and body. I believe understanding is key. Any good woman understands the body goes Love clams the sea where the head lead and the head understands the body reacts to its command. The Head is something we Love sent down heavens key will explore in future articles.

to unlock submission it’s called unity

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A pearl speaks of beauty born out of pain.

Single Pearls Single women explore your self control especially when choosing a mate. Poor self control diminishes the pearl you are. You will either be the Pearl that naturally shines with a beautiful spirit having great self control to cognitively evaluate your mate in regard to his suitability, or the one who poor self control only follows their instincts leaving your natural needs unsatisfied and lead to

unhappiness. Character is your most effective attraction. To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616). Your must first explore your own virtues and values and how they correspond to your life and the world around you. There is no new thing under the sun therefore we know that choices are ones we

make of our own accord. You must commit to a lifetime of getting to know you, examine yourself daily although you are fearfully and wonderfully made so is every one you surround yourself with. What makes you distinct is how you control self which guides your actions. Integrity is your ethical code so you must establish morals and rules that sets you aside from everyone else’s normal. You are that Single Pearl

whose self control express a reality that is a billion years ahead of your equidistant gaiety and upmost exhilaration. The inner eye of your imagination catches a glimpse of the profound experience that awaits your discovery. Regardless of your (Single) Pearl shape you symbolize His perfection

the moment you realize your utter beauty. Let your imagination savor this image: a structure of crystalline transparent gold surrounded by a wall of diamond-like jasper, rising from a layered, kaleidoscopic foundation of precious stones of all colors however you’re the chosen light, the fact you are a Pearl symbolic of

the Pearly gates suggests……A pearl speaks of beauty born out of pain. The beauty of a pearl comes from the pain of an oyster. A pearl is formed when a tiny grain of sand gets inside an oyster's shell, causing the oyster to become irritated and uncomfortable. The oyster relieves its pain by

by covering the irritating grain of sand with a soft, lustrous nacre that hardens into a beautiful, glowing pearl. This is a beautiful picture of how the redeemed have emerged like a beautiful, luminous pearl out of the pain of Jesus Christ. The revelation here single ladies is that your self control is highly valuable love is received therefore

never try to force love down anyone's throat, or think you can change a mans thoughts, Whatever is in his /your heart will follow them . You can reciprocate the love that is given. Stay in the posture of faith. Don’t go beneath the power of the one who created you and insult Him thinking He

can’t give you the desires of your heart. Pearls have angels watching over them and can’t allow you weariness make you miss what you been searching for. If in your mind you don’t believe its possible for you then it never will. Last but not least remind your worries that God Got This and That.

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The Process of Promise

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Life is a process everything you do, anything you gain, it all had to go through a process. Did you know that when you die, leave this earth you are going through a process, transitioning unto eternal life. Have you ever wonder why rich people riches die quickly, could it be they didn’t go through God’s process to obtain their riches? Remember Solomon said all is vanity, vanity, vanity, but the abundant life has no vanity

attached to it. It’s already gone through the process. Healing is a process, reaping is a process, sowing is a process God’s promises is a process, He said to be anxious for nothing, don’t be found wanting, when you have to go to the extreme rest assured the devil has you under is control. Process is a dictionary, it is a set or series of actions directed to some end or a natural series of changes; process it’s a

noun, it’s a verb, it’s an n action, it’s a case, it’s a subject, and a method. Can you believe when you look up the word process one of its definitions is life? If I were going to make a visual map of process it would look like this: Process involves development-which is associated with growthwhich is associated with maturation, and strength involving increase. The transformation in process involves metamorphose,

which’s to transmute, to transubstantiate and to change completely. Process has energy associated with your spirit, the magnetism or electricity to generate the power your need to be effective in your enterprise amassed self discovery. Let me say it this way energy in process is your muscles. Process creates your autobiography it’s your background, your intimacy, your affairs, your

acquaintance, knowledge, judgment also experiences, and it’s your lifetime of memories. Process brings together your decorum, your decency, mobility, it’s your virtue, merit, and attitude, and primarily it’s your worthiness. Process is to anoint which is to consecrate, which is to receive favor, additionally being blessed throughout your voyage in life’s projections.

Process is your case, your evidence your litigation, your matter faithfulness brought before the Lord to see in the end if you’ll receive process wings, So as you can see life is a summons, an appendage, an operation, inclusive of cognitive process, including a mental process, IT'S A WORKOUT PEOPLE! Everyday God is walking alongside us.


Wisdom is the principle thing in life, if any of us lack wisdom we are to ask God. You obtain wisdom by trusting in him, it is the ability to understand the true nature of things. The secret of wisdom is having, an openness of mind that explores the truth. When I think of wisdom I think of a willingness to learn, not just the details, but how to build more harmony and unity.

It’d All About Taking A Chance

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PRAYER WORKS LITHONIA, GaA-- For more than three hours on a Tuesday, 2-yearold Myrai Robinson was the focus of a massive search. She was in the backseat of a van that was left running outside New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, when someone stole the vehi-

cle. Police said the girl's caregiver left her inside the van while she went inside New Birth's family life center to work out. The caregiver, was arrested and charged with felony cruelty to children and misdemeanor reckless conduct.

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OUR HERO LITHONIA, Ga. -When 59-year-old Melba Williams saw news reports Myrai Robinson was inside a van stolen from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, she started praying. "I was just asking God to put a shield over that little girl," she said.

Melba Williams heard a baby screaming in the backseat of a grey 2010 Dodge Caravan, and she knew that she had located a missing 2year-old girl who has been kidnapped in an apparent car theft.

"I could hear the baby screaming and I said 'Mama's coming'", Williams told 11Alive News. As a family we thank God and everyone who prayed for our baby to return home safe in her mothers arms.

ANGELS WATCHING OVER HER MY LIL COUSIN I was just asking God to put a shield over that little girl,"

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