Spring 2021 Issue ~ Speak Woman Magazine

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May 2021 Issue ~ Volume 7 -Issue 2

Zoleka Sparks

Man of Vision Spotlight

The Boss Experience

WORLDWIDE Mind Your Business

Be Productive Road To College

Black Son Spotlighting the strength, diversity, and uniqueness of this journey called womanhood



Zoleka Sparks Pg. 24

Black Son

Black Mother’s Love Letter April Murdock

Pg. 13

Road To College Pg. 7

Linda Johnson Pg. 14

Cautney Nelson Pg. 18

Navigating Grief Pg. 10

Man of Vision Spotlight

Mind Your Business Managing Mental Health & Business

Pg. 10

Pg. 15


Dr. Christopher Montgomery

Healthy Recipes Simple & Yummy

Pg. 20

EDITOR’S NOTE Our theme for 2021 continues to focus on manifestation! As we continue to share stories that highlight the power that lies within us all we encourage you to reflect on your own life. What are your desires and how hard are you willing to work to become the person that manifests those dreams and desires? We invite you to share your story of manifestation. Shanda Campbell, Editor-At-Large

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Publisher: Speak Woman Magazine, LLC

Wishing You Happy Mother’s Day

Brooke Brimm

Road To College

Tips For Highschool Seniors

Finish Highschool Strong. Fighting the urge to release the gas and cruise to the finish line (graduation) is important. Finishing strong will increase your GPA allowing for more scholarship opportunities and entrance to the college of your choice as many universities base decisions off of your high school GPA. Don’t forget to complete all your financial documents as soon as possible. Apply and get to know the culture at the Universities you choose. Look at the set up and cleanliness of the facility, especially dorm rooms and showers. Make sure they fit your comfort level. Do not forget to check out the surroundings of the college. Make sure you can access grocery stores, restaurants, recreations, etc. What public transportation is available if student does not have a car. This will be of great importance after your family leaves on move in day. Mentally prepare, as much as possible. While dorm life, parties, and being independent are great it is important to prepare yourself to be an adult. Waking up for classes, managing priorities, and advocating for yourself may become overwhelming. Keeping an open line of communication with family and school administration will make it easier to reach out for help when needed. Have fun. While college can be overwhelming give yourself grace. This is new and just as you adjusted to high school you will adjust to college. Keep your goals in front of you especially on those tough days as a reminder of your why.

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Stop Being Busy &

Be Productive Set Goals

Creating long-term and short-term goals allows us to create action plans and priority lists. Create daily action plans for each set goal. This allows us to test distractions that may come against our set goals. If it does not align with goals we can deprioritize or delegate allowing our focus to be on our set goals. It also allows us to focus on the small details

Empower Your Morning

Over 80% of people admit to mindlessly strolling through social media first thing in the morning which clogs the mind with useless information. Instead use your mornings to listen to empowering messages. This increases your mood and puts you in alignment with your set goals.

Take Breaks & Reward Yourself

Studies have shown that working in 90 minute increments then taking a brief break increases productivity measurably. Breaks allows our brains to rest and recover then come back stronger and more focused. Rewarding accomplishments allows motivation to complete goals.

Get Some Sleep

Sleep is vital to our overall wellbeing. Inadequate sleeping patterns decreases mood, functioning, energy, and focus. Create a wind-down routine to help usher your mind and body into sleep mode.

Navigating Grief Grief is a natural response after loss. The global corona virus pandemic and the dramatic and fast-paced change of lifestyle has brought with it a tremendous amount of grief from losing loved one, dealing with personal illness, navigating financial difficulties, virtual learning, and everything in between. This level of grief can be devastating and is expressed differently by each person. The stages of grief are unpredictable from anger, anxiety, physical illness, guilt, depression and so much more. Here are a few tips to manage grief. •

Understand Grief Stages

Studies have identified the five stage of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. It is important to remember that not everyone will go through each stage and these stages may not come in this order and that many times we cycle through these stages’ multiple times. •

Give Yourself Grace

Many times, while navigating grief, emotions will be all over the place. You may find yourself laughing while crying. You may go from feeling ok to falling into pieces with the weight of the pain you feel. You may have times where you smile then other times you may feel guilty for enjoying life without your loved one. This is normal. Give yourself grace to walk the healing path. •

Stay Connected & Get Help

Remaining close to loved ones that are able to encourage you while navigating grief is vital. Seek professional help with therapist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professionals. This is not a sign of weakness, but strength.

Follow us!! Better yet,

Fly With Us!!! @FlyWithUsLA Find us where you get your favorite podcasts!

The Fly With Us Podcast is a weekly program that highlights self-care and mental health care and protection. Too often, in the black community, we suffer from mental illness because we don’t realize there are simple steps we can take so that they don’t become a larger issue. •

Each episode features a mindfulness minute and a self care assignment, as well as, the brain science that dives deeper into understanding how our brains operate. In addition, there are daily self care assignments posted on our social media platforms that feature self-care tips.

“Empowerment is actively participating in acts that assist in mastering fears, whatever that or those fear(s) happen to be. Being confident in controlling one's own life. Having the ability to be selfcentered and focused. It is the process of becoming more confident and less fearful of possible negative consequences. A good, compassionate, and professional leader is an example of an empowered person.” Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson Speak Woman

Woman To Watch Linda Johnson is a graduate of Webster University holding a Masters Of Arts degree in Leadership and Management. She is a retired U.S. Navy hospital Corpsman and a former U.S. Federal Agent. She lives in a Chicago suburb with her husband Jerry, a real estate business owner, and former Mayor of North Chicago, IL. Linda is also a mentor, model coach, and CEO of Things2Come and Liveops. Additionally, Linda is also the host of “They Made it Happen”; a new Podcast launching Spring 2021. This podcast features professionals, entertainers, business owners, and more.


Apostle Dr. Christopher


Dr. Montgomery's main mission is to manifest the grace of God through the demonstration of the supernatural! Dr. Christopher Montgomery is a global influencer, prophet, supernatural culturalist, and apostolic visionary. As a decorated scholar and founder of an accredited virtual higher education academy, Kingdom Life Academy International, he uses his academic acumen to compliment his leadership style and approach to strategies for advancing God's kingdom.

Check Out Dr. Chris On Speak Woman Podcast

Since his inception into public ministry at the age of 11 in 1998, Dr. Chris has been graced to travel in ministry to over 40 nations. He has also published 8 books. Dr. Chris serves as founder and senior apostle of Kingdom Life Empowerment Fellowship International; a reformation of over 60 churches, ministries, and businesses. He has planted 5 churches both nationally and internationally. He and his wife also serve as senior pastors of Kingdom Life Empowerment Center in Monroe, NC.

Mind Your Business Managing Mental Health & Business Mental health is just as important, if not more important, than your physical health. Mental health, according to mentalhealth.gov, ‘includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.’ The ladder portion of this definition; ‘It (mental health) also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices’ is important to highlight as it pertains to business. Operating a business is stressful, we must interact with others, and countless choices are made every day. Add a global pandemic to the mix and you have a cocktail of aggravation that weighs heavy on us all, especially entrepreneurs. What can you do to manage your mental health AND progress your business?

Get Spiritually Focused Before Making Decisions Whatever your faith and/or belief is this is a time to get back in focus. Create a quiet time each day to center yourself. This simply means to bring yourself from panic (the passenger seat) back to peace (the driver seat). Understanding that when we are in a panic state blood flow to the brain is restricted and decisions made in this state are from a panicked lens, but when I center myself and come to a peaceful calm state blood flows freely allowing me to tap into “witty inventions” which results in creative ideas and “thinking outside of the box”. •

Schedule Time To Manage Your Emotions Scheduling time to address worries and concerns allows you to give yourself permission to be concerned or even worried and list these issues that need solutions. This may seem to contradict our first tip, but it actually enhances it. Allowing time to face concerns while confining them to a limited time slot puts us in the driver seat. It also allows us to have clear questions to match with “witty inventions” that are created from a peaceful state. •

Get Help & Create Coping Skills Many people think that asking for help is a sign of weakness when it is a sign of strength. Saying I am drowning and need a hand to lift me. This does not take away from the greatness within us; it allows us to be human and take care of ourselves and refill, so we are not pouring from an empty cup. Weather it be talking to a close friend or mental health professional it is important to remember that we need each other! This can be combined with finding healthy outlets and unwind to reduce stress. Positive coping skills can also be thought of as self-care. It could be hanging with close friends, exercising, meditating, creating a to do list, or even establishing healthy boundaries to create a work/family balance. The goal is to decrease stress and anxiety that we all feel on this entrepreneurial journey. •

ADVERTISE With Us! We offer advertising space, as well as, feature interviews and spotlights!

Letter To My

Black Son Black Mother’s Love Letter

Dear Son, I want to start by saying thank you. You don't know or maybe I don't say it enough, but you are my "Why". Why I wake up in the morning and push so hard, why I love so deeply, why I know what I want love to "look like" and more prevalentlywhat I know this world has in store for you. I love you HARD and I am quick for correction because the world will be QUICK for correction and HARDLY give you any love. This scares me for you because you are so carefree, thinking "the world isn't like it was when Granny and Pawpaw were young". For this reason alone, my prayer is always; "Father, if you do NOTHING ELSE PLEASE cover my baby EVERY TIME they're not in my presence. I know you are covering, watching over, and providing for me like you always do for the sparrow, please do the same for my child. Let my child NEVER have to call out for me in fear like George Floyd and countless others did. So, father if you do nothing else for me protect my babies. I know I don't deserve to make this kind of request, but I know you to be Jehovah Jireh. Be a refuge my child knows for himself when I'm no longer available."

Son, I recall birthing you and in the midst of the joy of your breath feeling the weight of the task to cultivate a strong man that Will LIVE and not die. Remember, you come from royalty. This does not give you exalted authority, but reverence. Know who you are always. The world will try to convince you otherwise. You will feel unworthy at times. Remember there's NOTHING that will separate you from deserving my love. You are not perfect but you're perfectly mine. I’m proud of the man you are now and patiently anticipate meeting the man you're becoming. They will be a time that you won't be able to call me for an answer, but as long as I can, I will give you all the tools you need to come to a wise conclusion. May your feet be in places I've never been, and your name speak well for you always. When all else fails and you have an encounter with the police, be cautious, be aware, remain calm and GET HOME. ALWAYS GET HOME! -Love Mom (April Murdock)

Healthy Recipes Simple recipes that will make your tastebuds smile

Vegan Pizza on Artisan Flatbread Ingredients

1 Artisan Flatbread 1 cup spinach 1/2 onion 1 cup bell peppers (red, yellow, green) 2 tablespoons Jalapeno 1 zucchini squash 1/2 tomato 1 cup baby bella mushrooms 1 cup plant-based chik’n 1/2 bag of plant-based mozzarella 2 tablespoons EVOO (olive oil)

Marinara and Italian seasoning

• • • • • • • • • •

Directions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Dice all ingredients and pre-heat oven 10 350 degrees. Spread even layer of marinara on flatbread Spread plant-based cheese and load other toppings. Add olive oil and Italian seasoning and place in oven for 30 minutes

Vegan Fried Chik’n (Oyster Mushrooms)


• • • •

Oyster Mushrooms Just Egg (1 bottle) 1 cup Coconut Milk Seasoned Flour Grapeseed or Olive Oil

Directions 1. Heat oil in frying pan 2. Mix Just Egg and Coconut Milk 3. Coat mushroom with flour, dip in egg wash, then coat with flour again. 4. Place in hot oil and flip when light brown. 5. Pair with steamed broccoli for a yummy meal

Cautney Nelson

Cautney Nelson is an advocate for STEM. Cautney is the founder of MillennialScnce giving students in shelters and transitional housing educational support, mentorship, and access to a plethora of industries in STEM fields. Cautney is also the founder of The Drunken Laboratory LLC which is an immersive experience that allows adults (21+) to conduct curated science experiments while engaging in laughs, drinks, and quirky science games. The Drunken Laboratory to re-open Fall 2021.


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Zoleka Sparks “Empowerment is to give of yourself selflessly to assist others in achieving their goals. I believe as human beings we have a charge to consistently uplift and assist each other in every way possible. What we learn is not just to elevate us, but to also elevate others. Doing this keeps us grounded in who we are.” Zoleka Sparks

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Zoleka Sparks is a serial entrepreneur with a

heart for community. She has volunteered with multiple organizations including Multiple Sclerosis Association and Susan Komen’s Breast Cancer Association. Zoleka is the current Board President for Dress For Success Hampton Roads and the CEO of The Boss Experience Worldwide. Additionally, she operates multiple businesses including business consulting, bakery, jewelry boutique, and is a master herbalist.

Zoleka will soon launch a coffee lounge in Atlanta!


What is the inspiration behind The Boss Experience Worldwide? The inspiration behind the Boss Experience Worldwide is to bring confident and successful bosses together that want to give back to the community in a huge way… going worldwide! I believe through our experiences we become the bosses we are today and with everything we have learned we open our hearts to give back to our communities.

How do you manage multiple successful brands while continuing to serve your community as a philanthropist? My brands are based on community principles. Through my businesses I am able to give back in various ways. I do not create anything without the community being attached to it. I am always giving back in some way, shape, or form.

What advice would you give other Kingdom Bosses? The advice I would give to kingdom bosses is to make sure you include the community into crafting your businesses and business ideas. The connections that you will make will greatly help you in your business and the community will embrace you knowing you care. Being of service is what we were put on this earth to do and being able to do it through our businesses helps us do that on a larger scale.

With all the things you are accomplishing how do you find time for self-care and what does that look like for you? The biggest thing in learning self-care is knowing when you need assistance. I had to learn that I cannot do everything, so I have assistants that is able to take over when I take my self-care time and I can feel confident in taking the time off to get my much needed rest and relaxation that everything will still operate in my absence.

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