Spartan Voice

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JANUARY 13TH, 2012



20 Years of V-MAG . . .

and nowhere to

be seen???? By Diana Kim, Christi Peterson & Essence Dickerson This year, we have sadly concluded to the unfortunate fact that V-Mag has disappeared. Where are you?! V-Mag has been apart of Collegiate since 1991 and now has suddenly decided to stop in 2011 (their 20th anniversary). Collegiate without V-Mag is like America without McDonalds. It’s just not happening. Maybe the Mayans were right after all… the world truly is

Mr. B explains how the eye initially perceives


images in the brain.

V-Mag made videos ranging from the highlights of sport seasons to random videos that evoked humor to all the Collegiate community. Some of the most popular V-Mag productions included Pie in The Face, Whatcha Say (Dear Sister), Hallway Linebacker, and many more. We are ready for V-Mag to reunite someday in the future. We just hope it will be soon.

What happened to V-Mag? Taj Holt, “People didn’t finish their projects.” Aaron Evans, “It’s still here, we just haven’t gotten it ready yet.” Mr. B, “As of this year V-Mag is also the Video Two class, and there are many lessons like script writing, sound design, V-Mag, and more. Unfortunately, students did not turn in their V-Mag projects so we moved onto the next lesson.” Will V-Mag return?

Taj, “Yes!” Here are interviews with V-Mag students Aaron, “Yes.” and teachers about when V-Mag will return: Mr. B, “The date is in Process. We are waiting for Mr. How did V-Mag start? Ashbrook to set it for us.” Mr. B, “I had just started the video In the meantime you can relive the good times: department a few years before, and to make the department better known, I created VMag.” feature=watch

By Wynn Hukle Many people have been “pinning” for a few months already, but many have no idea just what Pinterest is all about. A recent virtual phenomena, Pinterest is a website in which one can create virtual collages of images of practically anything that the user finds visually stimulating. It is similar to the former Polyvore, but newer, and more user-friendly. Think the visual stimulation of Getty Images mixed with the addictive trendiness of Facebook or Twitter. Before becoming a Pinterest user, one must request an invite. (Don’t worry, no one is ever rejected.) A week or so later, an email confirmation will be received and one can start “pinning” away. Until then, there is a plethora of images and boards that can be viewed to inspire and entertain one before creating collages. Images ranging from fashion, food, architecture, artistic photography, hand-crafted original art and much more can be found on Pinterest. It is a great way to express one’s artistic flare through collages of images (minus scissors and glue.) Although it seems to appeal to more of a female audience, males can find images and collages on Pinterest as well. In fact, they might gather more “followers” just for that reason. Try it out!

Riley Kemmer on WCS BB The Spartan boys basketball team shot out of the gate this season winning 6 straight. Led by Trace, and Harrison the Spartans have done their best to take all of the negative energy surrounding the team and thrive off it. Expectations were not very high at the beginning of the season to say the least. However, the Spartans have proven them wrong. When the Spartans do what they do best, which is rebound, they become almost unstoppable. Arguably one of the best rebounding teams to come through Collegiate, the Spartans are blessed with the height that most schools can only wish for. With a dominating front court led by the 6’5” Trace, 6’4’’ Scott, and 6’4’’ Elliott, teams have found trouble with the Spartans ability to rebound and push it up the court. The other troubling aspect that other teams find hard to cope with, is the Spartans ability to run the floor. Most teams are limited to having their guards bringing the ball up the court, while for the Spartans you can see both Scott and Trace running the break after a rebound. The Spartans aren’t limited to just their big men though. Having two of the best ball handlers and creative guards, as well as shooters in the league can’t hurt. Both Harrison and Markus bring a lot of experience to the point and shooting guard position. One dimensional guards are a dime a dozen, but when you get two guards who can shoot, create of the dribble, and play defense then you have a solid team. The boys team has all the pieces it needs to be successful and hopefully they put them all in place this season.

2012: What to look forward to!

The Election

As we all ease back into our daily routines after a short two-week break, we are seeking events to look forward The election will be held on Tuesday, November to within the next year. Here’s a list of 12 things to look 6th, 2012. The outcome could have a huge affect on forward to in 2012. our country. “The Dark Knight Rises” It will be the final movie in the Batman trilogy, and the “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” last Batman movie directed by Christopher Nolan. It will be released on July 20th, 2012. The majority of the Upper School has read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. Now there’s going to be a movie for this prelude to Lord of the Summer Olympics Rings. (December 14th) They will be held in London, beginning on July 27th 2012. London will be the first city to host the Olympic Games three times. iPhone 5 Rumor has it the iPhone 5 will be released sometime this year. The exact date for its release is “Breaking Dawn: Part II” The final Twilight movie is coming. Team not yet known. Edward or Team Jacob…which will you choose? (November 16th) iPad 3 It will actually be known as the “updated” Justin Bieber Turns 18. It will be a national holiday for all the beliebers. iPad 2. Although there is no set release date, it will Who knew a guy that age could sing that high? Well be released sometime this year. done, JB. (March 1st) “The Hunger Games” It will be the first movie in the Hunger Games More Technology at Collegiate trilogy, a recently popular series. This fall, Collegiate will be introducing more technology in the classrooms, and every student will have their own device. Class of 2012 Graduation It will be quite exciting for all the seniors who are ready to get out of high school. (May 27th) The End of the Mayan Calendar Apparently it’s the sign of an apocalypse. The calendar ends on December 21st this year. By Kara Maloney and Brie Coyle

New Year’s resolution: “Keep on keeping on.” Mr. Ashbrook

Where Was Christmas? By Bell Schwartz

An Interview with Senior Andrew Elkouri. By: Perri Fisher

As we grow older our views and opinions Q. How many siblings do you have? change and adapt to our maturation. Sometimes the shift can be something R. A. Upwards of 9. (The Lebanese community, we are, well… like rabbits.) small, something harmless, for example a new found love of something that you Q. What colleges are you looking at? detested when you were younger. However, this shift in view can also have a A. I’m going to Wichita State University. more negative effect, Christmas for example. Ever since we learned of the Q. Favorite singer? mysterious gift bearing man the A. Bob Dylan, or Phil Ochs. anticipation for Christmas was almost unbearable. However, in recent years it Q. Five favorite books? seems that the anticipation has descended from a full out fire to slow A. God is not Great, Crime and Punishment, 1984, A Brief burning embers. It seems that this year, History of Time, A People’s History of the United States. more so than in years past, upon Q. Favorite author(s)? returning from break we were all very disheartened by our lack of yuletide joy. A. Christopher Hitchens, George Some students are chalking this up to the Orwell unseasonably warm weather and the stress we all seem to be under. However, Q. Historical figures you hate? do people in warm climates not celebrate A. Richard Nixon, Ruhollah Khomeini Christmas? And everyone at Collegiate, for the most part, are always stressed. Q. Favorite color? These new revelations have some of us fearing the worst, have we out grown A. Blue… on some days red. Christmas? Has our advanced knowledge Q. What is your least favorite thing about the society we live of the inner workings of Christmas in? hindered our ability to properly appreciate the holiday and all that it A. The way people think of power as an end, rather than a brings? Some may argue that this is not means. the case since most of us have been privy to these inner workings for years others Q. Dream job? may argue that this is another result of A. Journalist. the impersonal relationships supported by social networking cites. No one can Q. What are you looking forward to in the future? say for sure what the cause of their lack of holiday spirit was, but next year let us A. Journalism, and more vulgar habits/activities not printable all make a conscious effort to enjoy the in the SV. holiday break and remember the Q. How may kids to you want to have? excitement and anticipation the holiday season use to bring us. Next year instead A. It depends on the woman. of tweeting Merry Christmas, call people to wish them a happy holiday or better Q. Where to you want to live when you are older? yet see them in person or instead of stressing out about what to get people for A. North Korea or any of conflict. I want a passionate contempt, especially for a theocracy, to help me wake up in Christmas, make christmas cookies or home made gifts that help everyone enjoy the morning. It would give me something to fight against and fight for. the holiday! Hopefully, if we do take part in these changes next year our Christmas Q. Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato? spirit will be more up to par and less R. A. Death. Grinchy!


By Elly Vosburgh

That is, the morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. One of the most widespread superstitions in America, Friday the 13th will occur three times this year: in January, April, and July. This date occurs at least once every year and at most three times. Thirteen is considered an unlucky number; many buildings skip the thirteenth floor and several cities do not have a 13th street. However, what’s the big deal about Friday? Some say that it is because Friday is the sixth day of the week. When these two numbers fall together it is considered extremely unlucky, leading to the ill-omened Friday the 13th. One theory states that members of the Knights Templar were slaughtered by order of the King of France on this ill-fated day in 1307. Friday the 13th has become a part of American pop culture, now encompassing horror movies, television shows, novels, comic books and even merchandise. No matter the reason for this inauspicious date, the revulsion to it is merely psychological. Superstitions stem from beliefs or practices and were used to explain events beyond human control. Who knows what practices today will become superstitions in the future, but until then, keep rubbing that rabbit’s foot!


Shelby Clothier “To lose

Mrs. Thiel “To have a better 2012.”


Mr Wren: “To lose 20lbs.” Markus Phox “ To find my mojo & get better at Basketball.”

Curtis Bent “To get bigger.”

The GOP G.A.P.

Newt Gingrich is a candidate who enjoyed a

modicum of success throughout November By Andrew Feist & Edgar Corrigan and into early December. However, Mitt’s rise has lead to Newt’s demise. Gingrich can be seen as a With this years Presidential election just ten months way, the hype for who will get nod from victim of the Romney campaign-Politico approximating that 45% of Romney's commercials the Grand Old Party has taken the nation by in Iowa attacked Gingrich. Since his downfall in storm. The last six months have seen a very Iowa, Gingrich has vowed to destroy to Romney diverse range of candidates, ranging from an unorthodox candidate in Michelle Bachman, to a by whatever means necessary. Gingrich has more traditional GOP candidate in Mitt Romney. started an ad campaign blasting Romney on his involvement with “Bain Capital.” The purpose of We’ve seen the downfall of Herman Cain to

Your Guide to the Primaries

recent surge of candidates like Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Either way you fall politically, this year’s GOP race has been full of excitement and a constant flow of drama. One candidate that has enjoyed a recent surge

the attacks was to expose on Romney as a selfinterested capitalist. The Gingrich hopes to gain momentum in conservative South Carolina.

in popularity is Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum. Santorum, a candidate that emerged out of last week’s Iowa Caucus, didn’t enjoy the early hype that some of the GOP candidates built on this past summer. However, with his finish

believes in uncompromised civil liberties, noninterventionalist foreign policy, and the federal government restricted to its role explicitly listed in the constitution. He plans to eliminate 5 executive departments of government he considers

in Iowa last week (just eight votes behind favorite Mitt Romney), Rick Santorum has emerged as a serious candidate that could turn the tides on Mitt Romney supposed dominance. Rick Santorum, who calls himself a true conservative,

unconstitutional: Education, Energy, Commerce, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security; he would substantially cut every other department, returning to the budget of 2006, and cut at least $1 trillion in the first year. He views

does have some critics. Critics of the Santorum camp claim that his social conservatism is not what America needs at a time of fiscal crisis. Ron Paul has also harshly criticized Santorum as a liberal, citing his support of the No Child Left

the war on drugs as an absolute failure and should be ended, removing all drugs from the list of controlled substances, allowing states to legalize it. His largest emphasis, however, is on monetary policy and the Federal Reserve; he claims our

Behind Act 2001- arguing that the bill doubled the size of the Department of Education -and that Santorum couldn’t be trusted with the fiscal crisis America is facing today. Rick Santorum finished fifth in this week’s New Hampshire

country is experience an elimination of the middle class and suppression of the lower class because of inflation and increase in prices. He is warning about the depreciation of currency, just as he warned about the financial bubble as early as

Primary, but hopes to carry his new found popularity from Iowa into South Carolina’s primary.

2003. His following is young and passionate and calls themselves the "R3volution."

Ron Paul- A libertarian constitutionalist, who

cont. p. 10

2012 MOVIE PREVIEW . . . . ! By: Jake Barrett There is one thing that is a constantly enjoyable experience. The one place that is as good for a first date as it is for a twentieth. That place is: the movie theatre. And boy, are there some surprises in store for you. For all of you action-movie enthusiasts, this year is a jackpot. On February 12th, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is being re-introduced… in 3D. What could be better than three dimensional lightsabers? Sequel to Clash of the Titans, Wrath of the Titans comes out on March 30th, so you can get your fill on ancient cultured violence for the year. The Avengers comes out on May 4th, another superhero movie that is sure to please. A new generation of Spiderman is coming out on July 3rd as a new series of spider is released with what seems to be a different twist. The highlight of everyone’s summers will be The Dark Knight Rises on July 20th. Only two words can adequately describe what this movie will be: Bat. Man. The sequel to the great movie Taken, called Taken 2, will start on October 5th, see Liam Neeson beat up some baddies some more. For all of you Lord of the Ring’s followers, the movie, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, will come out on December 14th, telling the story of Bilbo Baggins, oh boy, more hobbits! If you enjoy the simpler side of life in the PG area of the movie theatre, you have a few goodies coming your way. Madagascar 3, yes another one, comes out on June 8th with all those animals you love, and by all, I mean just the penguins. Another new one to come out is Ice Age: Continental Drift, more talking animals in a series that never dies. And lastly, Finding Nemo is being re-released in 3D (why do all children’s movies revolve around talking animals?) If you like a more serious element in your movies, there are a few that you should catch. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which is already out, is an amazing, if very graphic, movie with suspense and mystery. The Hunger Games comes out on March 30th, but I don’t know much about it except that the book series is very popular. Titanic is another big-name movie to be redone in 3D, so all you girls can once again swoon over a young Leonardo DiCaprio but in 3D this time. Comedies, include settle with Scary Movie 5 that comes out on April 20th. Finally, there’s Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II that plays November 16th, and yes, I put it in the comedy section because I couldn’t think of anything else it could possibly be… well, except stupid.So this year, sit back and watch the moving pictures in a way that you have never seen them before… unless you’re seeing a revamped 3D version of a movie that you have already seen. Enjoy the New Year to its fullest! (because according the Mayans, it’s the last you’ve got).

The Start Of Basketball; The early history of one of the most popular winter sports. By Parth Khare Have you ever wondered about the history of basketball? Yes, you have. Basketball, as we know it, began on January 20th, 1892 in Springfield, Massachusetts by a Dr. James Naismith who wanted to make a game that could be played in the winter. He put together some simple rules and hung up two peach baskets for hoops. He made 9 person teams, like baseball. Since Dr. Naismith or the YMCA didn’t have the money to design a new ball, they used soccer balls. During the first game, someone suggested a name for this new sport, Basketball. As the game gained popularity across YMCA centers, YMCA banned the new sport because of the “rough style”. This sparked outrage and the forming of amateur leagues, like the Amateur Athletic Union and the Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Soon after, competitive basketball leagues, usually within the larger east coast cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, began competing. The first known professional basketball game was played in Trenton New Jersey between the Trenton YMCA and the Brooklyn YMCA. Each player was paid $15 dollars except Fred Cooper who who was paid $16 dollars, officially becoming the first highest paid player. Trenton DESTROYED Brooklyn 15-1 to win the first ever professional basketball game. Two years later, the National Basketball League was formed. As a result, more and more teams began to form leagues including the Philadelphia Basketball League, Eastern League, New York State League, and the Interstate league. Sadly, most leagues only lasted a few weeks and the NBL only lasted five seasons. By 1901, colleges including Yale, Minnesota, Dartmouth, Columbia, Chicago, Utah, and Navy, began sponsoring games. While these colleges began setting up pro teams, some of the preexisting teams were the Original Celtics, the SPHA’s, the Buffalo Germans, the Trojans of New York, and two all African American teams, the New York Renaissance Five(or Rens) and the most famous of all the teams, still in existence today were the Harlem Globetrotters. Thought-out the 1920s Basketball was an mostly unattended sport. The low attendance in most areas forced teams, and leagues to close down almost monthly, but some persevered. Teams such as the Celtics, Rens, SPHA’s and Germans kept putting on a show wherever they went, but for every successful team; there were 20 failures. But this all changed in 1925 with the creation of the American Basketball League(ABL). The ABL was a collection of small teams usually owned by small corporations. It was successful until the Great Depression, because money and food were such short quantity, most Americans could enjoy such a luxury as a basketball game. As America got out of the Great Depression, basketball did too; it began to thrive, with more teams forming. Although the sport’s popularity waned in some periods of time, basketball was able to regain. As time lapsed, leagues and leagues formed, coming together as the NBA, National Basketball League. Who expected such a sport from a tiny town could gain popularity? Sadly, no one. It is now one of the most popular winter sports in America. You now know about the early history of basketball.

Feist/Corrigan cont.

Mitt Romney- This election, jobs and economy play a major role in the electorate base. Mitt Romney is a talented orator and inspirer. He speaks about restoring the American dream and creating a business friendly environment. Despite having created its model in Massachusetts, Mitt wants to repeal the Obama health care mandate. He criticizes Obama a lot, especially on job creation. Romney blames Obama's regulation, misdirected stimulus, and class warfare for the continuation of the recession. The "Massachusetts Moderate" believes his private sector experience makes him more qualified than any other candidate, claiming it take someone to live in the economy in order to understand it. He fights for conservative values especially low taxes, low regulation, fiscal responsibility, and a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. However, having come up through an extremely liberal state, he is on video having said many "progressive" statements, considered skeletons in his closet. It will be interesting to see if any of these "flip flops" will surface to slow his "historic" momentum. This year’s election season has had its fair share of surprises. At the moment, it looks like Romney is going to get the GOP nomination. However, many political analysts think that South Carolina could shift the direction of the race for the nomination, and a candidate like Newt Gingrich could look to dethrone Romney as the clear leader. THE SPARTAN VOICE ACCEPTS THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES: The Spartan Voice is a newspaper operated by students at Wichita Collegiate School. Content in the Voice will consist of articles, editorials, letters, and any other material pertaining to the Wichita Collegiate community. The Spartan Voice was founded in the principle that all students should have an equal opportunity to share their opinion in an open, unbiased forum of discussion.

Students, faculty, administrators, and parents make up the four fundamental parts of the Wichita Collegiate community. Although controversial subjects maybe featured in The Voice, no part of the community will be discriminated against. The views expressed in printed material do not necessarily represent the views of The Spartan Voice or Wichita Collegiate School.


Serjay Sambros, Editor

Wynn Hukle, Jake Barrett,

Edgar Corrigan, James Engel, Andrew Feist, Perri Fisher, Bell Schwartz, Elly Vosburgh, Riley Kemmer, Parth Khare, Christi Peterson, Kara Maloney, Eric Kelly, Diana Kim, Brie Coyle, Joey O’Hara, & Reema Krichati.

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