Spiritual Lounge E-Mag Sept

Page 21

September 2010

Review - Music

Sleep Sound There are essentially two tracks; one focused on sleep and the other on dreams. Both the tracks start with the sounds of rippling water, proceeding to slow and peaceful sound. Birds chirping, bamboo sounds is a perfect accompaniment in this very relaxing and perfect music for sleep and happy dreams. This is one album worth the purchase. By Amrita Duration: 61:38 minutes New Age Music. Price: ` 325/-

Music for relaxation vol: 2 This is a relaxation CD that is best played as backdrop music in quiet stores, restaurants, beach houses and so on. It is also ideal to play while traveling, since it would sooth the nerves and relax the mind though the journey. By David McGerty Duration 1 hour New Age Music. Price: `. 325/-

Music to awaken super consciousness Donald Walters is a meditator, spiritual teacher and founder of Ananda. He has composed over 300 pieces of music. This CD has 23 tracks with every alternate track called land of mystery. This track acts as an interlude in bits and pieces to other songs in the album. Most of the other songs are compilation from other albums of the same composer. But selected specifically for this theme. A range of musical instruments, such as, piano, cello, violin, tamboura, etc., can be heard in a wonderful compilation. Songs like, life is an adventure; Aum; gayatri mantra; I'm thy joy; make me one with thee; home's where the heart is, etc. It is refreshing to hear Aum and Gayatri Mantra composed differently with non-Indian music as inspiration. By Swami Kriyananda (Donald Walters) Duration: 65:13 minutes New Age Music. Price: `. 299/-


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