Vol 19 issue 9

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What's in the stars for you?l by Maria Caporale Why do you act the way you do? What actually determines your personality? Some believe that it's all in the stars. Maybe you'll become a believer after reading a little about your sign. Aries (March 21-April 20] Aries people are outgoing, adventurous and always in a hurry. Ariens love to start newthings, but they become bored easily. They are also loyal, generous, courageous, independent and freedom-loving people. Negatively, they can be selfish, impatient, feisty and very selfcentered. Taurus [April 21-May 21] Taureans are earthy, dependable and love wealth and beautiful things. They are gentle and mild unless provoked. Taurus people love to eat, drink and lie about in luxurious surroundings. Tauruses tend to be attractive ijeople. They love all kinds of beauty in nature, art, music and people. On the minus side, Taureans can be very jealous. Pices [Febnirarj 20-March 20] Pisces people have a split nature and often Iseem to be swimming in two different direcItions. They may appear confused at times. fThey are very sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others and often have psychic gifts. On the negative side, Pisceans can be indecisive, impractical, easily confused and lack self-confidence.

Toothaeke - «hy? by Kris Falzone Many high school students are entering the age when they may experience problems with wisdom teeth. Few people are lucky enough to escape trouble with at least one wisdom tooth. The wisdom teeth, technically called "permanent third molars," are the very last four molars on each side of the mouth to erupt. The problem begins because the teeth do not have enough room in the jaw to emerge normally. The most common problem is that the tooth is impacted, meaning it has become "stuck" in the jawbone. The first signs of a problem wisdom tooth are painful, swollen and inflamed gums in the area, difficulty in opening the mouth, and often fever. When such symptoms appear, a dentist should take X-rays. Serious problems occur if the tooth is tihed or lying horizontally. In such cases the tooth should be removed, preferably by an oral surgeon. Usually the removal of an impacted tooth is done fairly quickly, and recovery from the initial surgery is rapid. The patient can probably expect some pain, discomfort and swelling for the next seven to ten days. The risk of complications from extraction of third molars increases with age. For this reason, dentists advise that all four be removed at the same time if one is causing trouble.

Gemini {May 22-June 21] Gemini people are forever youthful, enthusiastic, have a positive outlook on life and an interest in learning. They may change their mood or attitude suddenly, and this can confuse the people around them. Lastly, Geminis are ambitious and have a strong inner drive to succeed and be good at whatever they do. Cancer [June 22-July 23] Cancerians are warm, sensitive people who are usually trustworthy and have good intentions. Material and emotional security are two of the most important things in life to them. They like to do things their own way and usually have the ability to do it. Leo [July 24-Augusl 23] Leos main point is that they want to be recognized as the star of a crowd; the center of attention. They love to express what is in their heart by being warm, outgoing, generous, enthusiastic, and lion-hearted. Leo will only adImit he is wrong if you give him a chance to back down gracefully. However, they love to be loved. They can't understand it when soImeone rejects ihem in love or in friendship.

Virgo [August 24-Seplember 22] Virgos are careful, neat and particular. They are very devoted to their work. They have a strong drive to help people. Virgoans are usually good students. On the surface, Virgos are not emotional, but underneath they are sensitive, affectionate and often passionate. Libra [September 23-October23] Librans are charming people and love beauty which gives them an appreciation for art. Libras are good-looking, charming and fun to be with. They know how to keep the opposite sex interested with an ever-changing variety of tricks to make themselves attractive. Scorpio [October 24-November 22] Scorpios are deep, intense and passionate people. They are even willing to risk their lives in order to accomplish their goal. Scorpios have an intense curiosity about everything. They can be quite jealous and possessive in love, but they are very loyal. Scorpios are independent and can't stand people who try to control them. Sagittarius (November 23-December21] Those born under Sagittarius are open, honest, warm, loving, outspoken and optimistic people. They belong in the outdoors where they like sports and adventure. They love freedom, traveling and meeting new people. They may never be rich, but they will be happy. Capricorn [December 22-January 20] Capricorns are serious people. They hate to waste time, and they can't rest until their obligations are filled. Capricorns are generous and willing to lend a hand. They can seem unapproachable, but underneath they are warm, loving and sensitive. Aquarius (January 21-Febniary 19] Aquarians love their freedom and are not very emotional, but they do have many friendships, even though most of them are not deep. They are ahead of their time and independent. They are always ready to help others. Aquarians secretly enjoy admiration and acceptance.

Ro<c»nk movio/ look po/llivo by Joanne Sutton The Dark Crystal

What would happen if an evil race of Skeksis attempted to take over the world? If there'were no Gelflings left, the world would be in pretty sad shape! If you are not confused by now, then you must have seen The Dark Crystal, rated PG. Set in a mystical world, this movie, created by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, introduces a selfish and heartless race of vulture-like creatures named Skeksis. On the contrary, a gentle Gelfling, a humanlike creature, is also brought about, and it is his job to conquer the twelve remaining Skeksis. This fantasy adventure usually attracts those who love to see a struggle between good and evil. So if you fit under this category, then you

will love The Dark Crystal. The Toy Before 1 saw The Toy, 1 expected it to be another Pryor comedy—-hilarious but not very serious. Well, I was mistaken. The Toy, starring Richard Pryor, Jackie Gleason, Ned Beatty, and Scott Schwartz turned out to be a funny yet touching story. Gleason, as the stereotypical millionaire, cons Pryor, a jobless reporter, into employment as his spoiled son's "toy." The storyline changed to a more serious tone as Pryor taught the boy that money cannot buy everything. It was a nice change to see Pryor in a different type of role. In the end. The Toy left me with a "good feeling." This movie brings back a few values that we tend to forget!


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