Creating a contract for cleaning services

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Creating a contract for cleaning services

• If you are running Janitorial Services in Tucson, it is recommended to sign a contract with your clients to have clarity between the client and you.

• Relying only on a verbal agreement may leave you, your clients, or both with unhappiness. A formal agreement will keep communication between the parties clear.


▣The importance of making a contract

First of all, it defines precise requirements and obligations for both the client and the janitorial service provider. In order to avoid misunderstandings or problems later on, the contract stipulates the area of work, the frequency of cleaning, and other crucial elements like pricing and payment terms.


Second, a business cleaning contract may give both parties legal defense. The contract can assist resolve issues fairly and effectively by serving as proof of the agreed-upon terms in the event of any disputes or disagreements.


What should be included in the contract?

• The scope of work should specify exactly which cleaning duties and how frequently they are to be performed by the janitorial service provider.

• The agreed-upon pricing and payment schedule should be specified in the payment terms. A termination provision should also be added to specify the circumstances under which either party may end the agreement.

Having a professional approach to your services might set you apart from the competition in  Tucson janitorial services.
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