Emilson YMCA Winter Programs 2013-2014

Page 1



November 17, 2013 – February 1, 2014 (9 weeks) February 2, 2014 – April 12, 2014 (9 weeks)



“ A good tutor can inspire hope, ignite the imagination,  and instill a love of learning.       ” – Brad Henry The Y provides one-on-one tutoring sessions in the areas of mathematics, language arts and science through instruction tailored to meet each students individual needs. Our educators are responsible for building a child’s confidence in conjunction with developing academic skills. Tutors are placed with individual students to provide support with homework and other academic needs, and are responsible for developing strategies that help each student succeed in the classroom.

Tutoring for All – If your child has a developmental

disability and is struggling in the classroom, they may benefit greatly from the one-on-one tutoring sessions provided by our qualified Special Educator. Inclusion is an important component of the Y’s mission and we happily open our doors to individuals with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, and related developmental and social delays. Working closely with parents and teachers, our Special Educator can help your child in various ways: reinforcing specific subject matter, helping with homework, suggesting improvements in organization and other study skills, boosting a child’s self-confidence, and fostering positive social interactions with peers and adults in the school setting. Please see page 24 for Tutoring Program fees. To schedule your session, contact Jackie Arena, Youth & Family Coordinator at ext. 375.

oUR MIssIoN:

oUR FocUs:


The SouTh Shore YMCA is a nonprofit association of individuals dedicated to improving the quality of life for all through programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body. rooted in Christian tradition and values, the YMCA seeks to serve all people regardless of age, gender, race, religion or economic circumstances. our programs and services strive to strengthen the family, guide the youth of today and meet the ever-changing needs of our community.

For Youth Development:


Nurturing the potential of every child and teen

For Healthy Living: Improving the nation’s health and well-being

For social Responsibility: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors

Show a sincere concern for others

Honesty: Be truthful in what you say and do

Respect: Follow the golden rule

Responsibility: Be accountable for your promises and actions

contact Us soUTH sHoRE YMcA – EMILsoN BRANcH – 75 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339 Phone: (781) 829-8585


cAMP BURGEss/HAYWARD – 75 Stowe Road, Sandwich, MA 02563 GERMANToWN NEIGHBoRHooD cENTER – 366 Palmer Street, Quincy, MA 02169 LAURA’s cENTER FoR THE ARTs – 79 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339 QUINcY BRANcH – 79 Coddington Street, Quincy, MA 02169 EARLY LEARNING cENTER – 1075 Washington St., Hanover, MA 02339 soUTH sHoRE NATURAL scIENcE cENTER – 48 Jacobs Lane, Norwell MA 02061

Fax: (781) 829-8831

Phone: (508) 428-2571 Phone: (617) 376-1384

Fax: (508) 420-3545 Fax: (617) 689-8332

Phone: (617) 479-8500 Phone: (781) 826-7900 Phone: (781) 659-2559

Fax: (617) 773-9135 Fax: (781) 826-7909 Fax: (781) 659-5924

• 2014 WINTER 1 & 2 soUTH sHoRE YMcA • EMILsoN BRANcH


Aquatics Policy:

TEsT * MARk * PRoTEcT At the SOuTH SHORE YMCA we are committed to keeping all patrons as safe as possible while swimming. As such we will be implementing a new protocol in our Aquatics Department called Test  *  Mark  *  Protect. All children under 14 will be given a swim Test. Based on the swim test, or their age, individuals will be given a colored bracelet to Mark what areas of the pool they may use. using this system will help us Protect the children who use our pool. Swim test results will be stored in our system and members will receive a colored membership tag, to bring with them to the pool to receive their bracelet. This will allow a convenient way to know each child’s color and swim ability each time they arrive at our pool or the Y. Swim tests will not need to happen every time you come to swim unless the individual or child wants to try for a higher level or the swim ability has changed drastically. For questions or more detailed information regarding this program, please contact the SOUTH SHORE YMCA Aquatics Department:

table of contents 4–5


Aquatics Programs – Youth Youth Swim Lessons . . . . 6–7 Youth/Teen Aquatics . . . . . . 8 American Red Cross Courses . 8 Competitive Swimming. . . . . 9


Fine & Performing Arts – Youth


Child Care


Gymnastics & Cheerleading Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Health & Well-being – Youth


Sports Programs – Youth




Tennis Programs – Juniors


Youth & Family Programming The Playroom & Youth Areas . . . . . . . . . . 24 Birthday Parties . . . . . . . . . 25

QUINcY BRANcH: Stephanie Higgins, Senior Aquatics Director, ext. 177 Felix Hor, Assistant Director of Aquatics, ext. 107

EMILsoN BRANcH: Jill McCusker, Senior Aquatics Director, ext. 238 Tom Roffey, Assistant Aquatics Director, ext. 243

PARENTs’ NIGHT oUT Need a night out without the kids? Drop them off with our trained Playroom staff and we’ll do the rest! * pizza dinner included.

5:00-8:00 p.m. 1st & 3rd saturday of every month Ages 6 weeks - 11 years

Registration Information


Aquatics Programs – Adults Lessons & Competitive Swimming . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Fine & Performing Arts – Adults


Health & Well-being – Adults Older Adults . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Adult Specialty Classes . . . 30


Personal Training & Sports Programs – Adults


Partnership Program


Tennis Programs – Adults


Program Calendar/ Annual Campaign


See page 23 for fees.




Rates & Information


SouTH SHoRe YMCA Locations


Staff Directory



Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o

Sign up online at www.ssymca.org or phone-in to

(617) 471-5795

therwis e noted

during registration times

winter 1 2014 registration dates:

winter 2 2014 registration dates:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, January 21, 2014



Web (online) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins at 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

Web (online) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins at 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday, November 6 & 7

Wednesday & Thursday, January 22 & 23



Web (online)

All hours

Web (online)


8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.


All hours 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

(Member Service Desk)

(Member Service Desk)

Friday, November 8

Friday, January 24



Web (online) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins at 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

Web (online) Phone-In Walk-In

Begins at 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m.

Winter 1 2014 session begins

Winter 2 2014 session begins

Sunday, November 17, 2013 for 9 weeks

Sunday, February 2, 2014 for 9 weeks

Attention participants: You may only register for Winter 1 Programs during Winter 1 Registration and Winter 2 Programs during Winter 2 Registration.

oNLINE REGIsTRATIoN PRocEss:     Who can register online? Full Members and Non-Members 1. Go to ssymca.org 2. Click on the Register online button and follow the instructions

ted! stay connec “Like”

sHoRE the soUTH

YMcA k on faceboo

PHoNE-IN REGIsTRATIoN INsTRUcTIoNs (Phone lines will be busy! Please be patient.) Payment is required at time of registration. Please have your credit card ready (MC, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, or DISCOVER).

What will I need to register over the phone? 1. Name of a parent/guardian of any child being registered. 2. Name, address, phone number and birth date of any child you are registering. You may only register people in your immediate family.

3. Program Code listed next to the day and time of the program in brochure. 4. Credit card number, expiration date, and name on credit card. 4

cALL:  (781) 264-9494

during registration times only


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o therwis e noted

Registration Information

Credits and Refunds

Please note the following:

— If notification of withdrawal is received 48 hours or more prior to the first class, a full YMCA credit will be issued. A refund may be issued minus a $15.00 processing fee.

1. Due to high call volume, Full Memberships will not be sold over the phone. Please purchase membership prior to designated registration days.

2. Please confirm your birth date and email address with us to help facilitate future web registration. 3. After week 2 of the program schedule, registration will not be allowed without approval from the program director.

— If notification of withdrawal is received less than 48 hours prior to the first class, a $15.00 processing fee will be applied to both YMCA credits and refunds. — If notification of withdrawal is received up to the third class, credits and refunds will be issued minus the number of classes held and a $15.00 processing fee. — After the third class, only a YMCA credit will be issued minus the number of classes held plus a $15.00 processing fee.

Policies: Program Registration, cancellations, Make Up classes, and credit/Refunds

— At this time, YMCA credits can not be applied via On-Line Registration.

Program Registration In order to receive member rates for programs, your membership must be current throughout the entire program session. If it expires during the session and you do not wish to renew, you must pay the non-member rate.

– Only the director of the program can give credits/refunds. Make up classes are not available for classes missed by participants due to personal conflicts.

Wait List Policy

Program Cancellations The YMCA reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment; a full Credit or Refund will be issued. The YMCA may also cancel a class due to unforeseen events, i.e. Safety Concerns, Weather, Building Closures, etc. Make up Classes In the event that a cancelled class can not be made up by the YMCA, a YMCA credit will be issued for the cancelled class.

If a program is full and you are not registered for a program, you may be placed on 3 wait lists. You will make no payment at that time and will be contacted by a program director if we are able to add you into the program (please do not call the YMCA to check your status and please do not come to the first class if you’re on the waiting list). Please make sure we have your correct address, email, and phone number on file.

Financial Assistance The SOuTH SHORE YMCA strives to serve the entire community. Financial Assistance is available to those who cannot afford fees. Assistance is awarded based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances and the funds available. Monies used to fund Financial Assistance are made possible through charitable donations to our Annual Support Campaign. Contact Jane Fallon at 781-829-8585, ext. 308 or visit ssymca.org for an application.

My Y is Every Y  in New england

REcIPRocITY PRoGRAM The Reciprocity program is for full facility/full privilege Y members (those holding adult, family or senior memberships) whose home Y is located in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut. Please remember to check ymca.net for any restrictions that may apply to the Y you will be visiting and to bring your membership ID and a picture ID with you when you visit.

The SouTH SHoRe YMCA’s

voLUNTEERING PRoGRAM When you volunteer, you share your time, talents, experience, hope, vision and enthusiasm. You give the most precious thing of all—yourself. By giving yourself to others, you also give yourself a chance to learn new things, make new friends, shape the future of your community and have fun! Visit ssymca.org to search current volunteer opportunities. And, if you’re still not sure how you can help, just remember…

“No act of kindness,  no matter how small,  is ever wasted.”     —Aesop 5

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted



An intro to the aquatic environment for parents and children. (One parent per child—No evaluation req’d).


(Water Babies, Parent & Tot, and Pre-Pike)


Eel (30 minute class) Preschool without

Preschool swimming is for children ages 3–6 and not yet in first grade.

These classes include the basics of water safety and swimming skills.


(Pike, Eel, Ray, and Starfish)

$80 Full Member; $120 Non-member

$100 Full Member; $149 Non-member

Water Babies (30 minute class)

Pike (30 minute class) Preschool without

6–24 months old w/parent.


Mon Tues Wed Wed Wed Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun

10:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 3:30 9:30 10:30 8:00 10:00 11:20 8:00 9:30 1:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Advanced Water Babies

(30 min. class) 6–24 months old w/parent.

An advanced Water Babies course designed to be more challenging to the parents and babies. Skills addressed will be submersion, back floating, kicking, and breath control.

50AQWBA01 Mon 50AQWBA07 Thurs

9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Parent/Tot (30 minute class) 24–36 months old w/parent.


Mon Mon Tues Thur Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun

10:00 4:00 11:00 9:30 10:00 8:40 9:20 10:40 12:30 8:30

a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.

parent. Student to instructor ratio: 5:1


Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Thur Thur Thur Thur Fri Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun

9:30 10:30 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 10:00 10:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 10:30 11:00 4:30 5:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 4:00 8:00 8:40 9:20 10:40 11:20 9:00 1:00

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

One parent per child, 3–6 years old w/parent.

evaluations  are required!

Children & parents, take a Pike class together. All of the water adjustment skills of Parent & Tot combined with the swimming skills of a Pike class are covered.

Evaluations are required for all new swimming participants in the Preschool and Youth programs, PRIOR to registration! Evaluations are not needed for Parent/Child levels.

Pre-Pike (30 min. class)



Tues Wed Thur Sat Sun Sun

4:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 9:00 1:30

p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.

Evaluation Times Tues/ oct. 29 & Wed/ oct. 30 and  Tues/ Nov. 5 & Thurs/ Nov. 7  from 4:00–5:00 p.m. in the Family Pool.  Also every saturday 12:30–1:00 p.m. No Appointment Necessary

parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed Thur Thur Thur Thur Thur Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun

10:00 11:00 4:00 4:30 5:30 9:30 10:30 11:00 4:00 4:30 5:00 10:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 9:30 11:00 4:00 4:30 5:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 3:30 4:00 9:20 10:00 10:40 12:00 9:30 1:30

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.

Ray (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed Thur Thur Thur Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun

5:30 9:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 10:30 11:00 3:30 5:30 10:00 4:00 4:30 10:30 8:40 9:20 10:10 10:40 1:30

p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o

FoR YoUTH DEvELoPMENT NURTURING THE PoTENTIAL oF EvERY cHILD AND TEEN starfish (30 minute class) Preschool without parent. Student to instructor ratio: 6:1 50AQSTR01 50AQSTR02 50AQSTR03 50AQSTR04 50AQSTR05 50AQSTR06

Tues Tues Wed Thur Sat Sun

10:00 4:30 4:00 5:00 11:00 12:30

a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.


For children grades 1–6.

Each skill level is divided into five components: Personal safety, stroke development, water sports and games, personal growth, and rescue. Please note: A skill evaluation is required for each child not previously enrolled in these programs PRIOR to registration. Please see evaluation times and dates on page 6.

Fees: (Polliwog, Guppy, Minnow, Fish, and Flying Fish) $100 Full Member; $149 Non-member

Polliwog (30 minute class) Student to instructor ratio: 6:1


youth private  swim lessons

(30 min. class) For Preschool and Youth

Ratio either 1:1 or 2:1 with students of similar age and ability to 1 instructor. Fees:* $40 per Private Lesson; $55 per Semi-Private Lesson *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. For more info, call ext. 243.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sat Sat Sun

4:30 5:30 4:30 5:30 4:30 8:40 10:00 12:00 12:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.

Guppy (30 minute class) Student to instructor ratio: 6:1

50AQGuP01 50AQGuP02 50AQGuP03 50AQGuP04 50AQGuP05 50AQGuP06 50AQGuP07 50AQGuP08 50AQGuP09 50AQGuP10 50AQGuP11

Mon Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Thur Thur

4:30 5:30 7:00 4:00 5:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 6:30 4:00 5:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

therwis e noted

50AQGuP10 50AQGuP11 50AQGuP12 50AQGuP13 50AQGuP14 50AQGuP15 50AQGuP16

Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun

4:30 10:00 11:20 12:00 12:30 12:00 1:00

p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Minnow (45 minute class)

Student to instructor ratio: 8:1


Mon Mon Tues Wed Wed Thur Sat Sat Sat Sun

3:45 7:00 7:00 3:45 7:00 7:00 8:30 9:20 10:10 12:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Fish (45 minute class)

Student to instructor ratio: 8:1


Mon Tues Wed Wed Thur Sat Sat Sat Sun

3:45 7:00 3:45 7:00 5:30 8:30 9:20 10:10 1:15

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Flying Fish (45 minute class) Student to instructor ratio: 9:1


Mon Wed Thur Sat Sat

7:00 7:00 7:00 8:30 9:20

p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

Please keep this guide for future reference for program dates; codes are the same in the Winter 2 session, unless otherwise noted.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


Teen Water Polo

Teen Water Polo offers teens the opportunity to learn and play water polo according to the official rules. For 15 minutes the instructors teach the rules to water polo and practice dribbling, passing, and shooting drills. For the remainder of the hour the participants play the game with the instructors as the referee.

Fees:  Included with Full Membership and Teen Night!


8:00–9:00 p.m.

special needs swim


Lap Pool (ages 10–14)

special Needs swim Lessons

Hope Fish

(1 hour class) For Children & Adults

The Special Needs Swim is an Open Swim session in the Family Pool; an opportunity for children and adults with special needs to use the Family pool in a private and safe environment with other special needs people. The slide will be available during the last 15 minutes for everyone who meets the safety requirements.


(30 min. class) All ages welcome. 1:2 ratio

Swimmers with special needs will learn to swim with a parent and instructor guiding them through the lesson. Swimmers will learn basic swim skills while gaining strength through water exercise and having fun with their peers.


Included with Full Membership

$40 Non-member

$100 Full Member; $149 Non-member

50AQSCL01 Sun 12:00–1:00 p.m.

50AQSCL02 Sat 12:00–12:30 p.m.

Registration Required Special needs swimmers may be accompanied by two guests during the Special Needs Swim hour.

We are able to accomodate other times. Contact Jill at jmccusker@ssymca.org or call ext. 238 for more information.

AMERIcAN RED cRoss coURsEs Winter 2014







12/23–12/28 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 2/17–2/20 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 2/25–3/13 4:30 – 9:30 p.m. 3/24–4/9 3:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Mon/Thur Fri/Sat Mon–Thur Tues/Thur Mon/Wed



12/9 1/6 2/3

5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Mon Mon Mon

cPR / FIRsT  AID coMBo


12/7 1/12 2/8

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

Sat Sun Sat



3/8–3/9 4/5–4/6

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Sat/Sun Sat/Sun




4:30 – 9:30 p.m.




3/30 4/13

12:00 – 5:30 p.m. 12:00 – 5:30 p.m.

Sun Mon





$300 Full Member; $350 Non-Member

$65 Full Member; $85 Non-Member

$120 Full Member; $160 Non-Member




$125 Full Member; $150 Non-Member

$325 Full Member; $400 Non-Member

$125 Full Member; $150 Non-Member

For more information, call ext. 243.



Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted



south shore ymca strypers swim team “We don’t want to create champions,  but to create an environment in which  champions are inevitable.”  About Us: Under the leadership of Australian Director Tim Mulvihill, the Strypers swim team is committed to making every swimmer matter. Our primary goal is to provide a safe environment for our members and to help them develop the tools they need to grow personally and athletically. We actively promote the four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. This enables our members to develop in a competitive team environment to be successful in swimming and in life.

Ages: 6–18

space still ble availa

Experience: Novice to national level

Locations: EMILSON and QuINCY Branches — Lincoln Hancock School (Quincy)

Platinum Group

The SSYS Platinum group is for swimmers aged 12–18 who would like to be part of swim team but have significant commitments to other activities. The group is coached by an experienced and certified swim team coach. Participants will be introduced to all of the elements of competitive swimming.

Fees: $240 Full Member; $340 Non-member* 50STEAM09 *Meet fees, equipment and apparel extra For further information please visit www.ssystrypers.com or follow us on Twitter (@SSYStrypers) and Facebook (SSY Strypers Swim Team) or feel free to contact Director of Competitive Swimming Tim Mulvihill at ext. 242 or via email at tmulvihill@ssymca.org.

Please keep this guide for future reference for program dates; codes are the same in the Winter 2 session, unless otherwise noted.


ssystrypers.com for all updates!

The Flyers Introduction to Swim Team 45 min. class / 2 days per week

Designed for swimmers who are ready for more than traditional swim lessons, but not quite ready for the full commitment of swim team. Participants will be educated on the biomechanical elements of all of the competitive strokes including starts and turns. This knowledge will be practically applied through progression-based teaching from basic body balance through swim-specific skill set acquisition.

Fees:  $174 Full Member; $256 Non-Member Tues/Thurs

4:00–4:45 p.m.

Registration is through the Aquatic office. Evaluation is required for new swimmers. Contact Jill at jmccusker@ssymca.org.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted



kids Dance I (45 min. class)

LCA Multipurpose Room Ages 3–5 years

Children are exposed to different styles of dance, while also playing games and having a blast. A great introduction to the world of dance. Instructor: Kerry Dacey.

LCA Multipurpose Room / Ages 4.5–6 years

Pre Ballet (45 min. class) Introduction to classical ballet. Age appropriate ballet vocabulary, skill development, creative expression and fun. Small performance opportunities are available.

Fees: $125 Full Member; $188 Non-mbr 50AEDNC02


1:45 p.m.

kids Dance 2 (45 min. class)

Fees: $150 Full Member; $188 Non-member



LCA Multipurpose Room / Ages 6–9 years

3:45 p.m.

In this fun, active, movement class for kids who love to move, participants explore many different styles of dance. Instructor: Kerry Dacey.

Ballet 1 (60 min. class) LCA Multipurpose Room / Ages 6–9 years

First Level of traditional classical ballet with an expanded ballet and tap vocabulary. Small performance opportunities.

Fees: $125 Full Member; $188 Non-mbr 50AEDNC03


12:45 p.m.

Fees: $150 Full Member; $188 Non-member



4:45 p.m.


Music & Me I (with adult)

Pre Music and Me (with adult) (45 min. class) LCA / Ages 6 weeks–walking

Make friends, have fun, and explore the arts right here at the Y! The youngest connect to their world through music. Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh

Fees: $105 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr 50AEMuS01 50AEMuS03

Wed Fri

12:00 p.m. 11:15 a.m.

Guitar class for kids (45 min. class)

(45 min. class) LCA / Walking–3 years

Winter 2 only / LCA / Ages 8–11

Connect through music. Build listening, tonal recognition, and rhythmic skills while having fun. Toddlers have a musical blast in this high energy class. Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh

Group environment classes teach fundamentals of music and group playing while building self esteem by positive peer encouragement. Beg. to intermediate player.

Fees: $105 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr

$105 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr

50AEMuS02 50AEMuS04


10:00 a.m.


9:15 a.m.

Musical Mavericks (45 mins.) Class promotes development of skills in language, logic, pattern recognition, and creativity through music. Participants sing, move, play games, and learn in a fun environment! This is a great class for young alumni of Music and Me. Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh.

Fees: $105 Full Member; $158 Non-Member Wed

11:00 a.m.

private voice and/or acting lessons Ages 8–Adult • Contact Tyler Cavanagh before signing up at tcavanagh@ssymca.org to schedule lessons

One-on-one coaching. Advance your skill and performance, and build confidence in your abilities. For anyone with experience and passion, desiring to bring their skill to the next level.

Fees: $45/private lesson ($360/8 wks) 50AEYCL05; $22.50 pp/semi-private (2 students) ($180/8 weeks) 50AEYCL06; $15 pp/semi-private (3 students) lesson ($120/8 weeks) 50AEYCL07


(Winter 2 only)

Guitar Ages 8–11



4:00 p.m.

Family Art Nights

Ages 3–5 / LCA Music Room



All Ages Welcome! (1 hour) LCA Art Room

Meet other families and create art together. Participate in collaborative, community art projects that help you learn about one another. Facilitated by Beth Gimore, this class offers a special space for families to learn and play together.

Weekly session Fee: $35 Full Member Family; $53 Non-Member Family

50AEVIS09 January 16 6:00–7:00 p.m. 50AEVIS10 March 20 6:00–7:00 p.m.

LcA: Laura’s Center for the Arts (LCA) is located across the parking lot from the EMILSON YMCA.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted

FINE & PERFoRMING ARTs —  YoUTH coNT. Improv comedy  Winter 2 only Ages 7–12 / LCA Multipurpose Room

Play improvisational games, learn performance techniques, and create comedy sketches! Explore comedic forms while developing confidence. Instructors: Ty and Amy Lemerande of Knighthorse Theatre Company.

Fees: (WINTER 2) $105 Full Member; $158 Non-Member



6:00 p.m.

Mini Magic Musicals (1 hour) Ages 4–7 / LCA Theatre Winter 2 only

A chance for your dramatic young starto-be to shine on stage in a mini magical version of our main stage production: Suessical Jr.! Your child will participate in a small cast and receive personal attention specific to their age, while learning stage presence, confidence, and basic theatre terms. Culminates in a final mini production! Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh.

Fees: (WINTER 2) $125 Full Member; $188 Non-Member



4:00 p.m.

Explore the Arts (45 mins.) Ages 2–4 / LCA Multipurpose Room

Parents and children will experience the joy of creating music, drama and art together in this inter-curricular class. Play instruments, act out stories, and do creative crafts projects. Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh.

Fees: $125 Full Member; $188 Non-Mbr 50AEVIS03


9:30 a.m.


Auditions for sEUssIcAL JR.

Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat, and all of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life onstage in SeuSSICAL JR., a fantastical musical extravaganza from Tony winners Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty (LuCKY STIFF, MY FAVORITE YEAR, ONCE ON THIS ISLAND, and RAGTIME). SEuSSICAL JR. is great fun for the whole family and young performers will be excited to portray the characters from the popular Dr. Seuss books!

Auditions:  Thur. Jan. 16, 4–6:00 p.m.; Fri. Jan. 17, 4–6:00 p.m.; Sat. Jan. 18, 2–4:00 p.m.

Performances: April 4–6, 2014 Participation Fee:

$215 Full Member; $275 Non-Member 50AEYCL01 Contact Kimberly LaCroix to sign up for an audition at klacroix@ssymca.org or 781-826-8048.


oh the Drama! (30 mins.) Ages 3–5 / LCA Multipurpose Room

10+ / LCA Art Rm / Two 6-week sessions

Beginner level. Explore different types of 2D art making from collage to painting. Each week learn about a different contemporary artist. Color theory and basic composition will be touched on each week. Course ends with a gallery opening for friends and family. All materials provided.

Fees: (6 weeks) $125 Full Member; $188 Non-mbr

50AEVIS01 Mon 4–5:30 p.m., ages 10–13 50AEVIS02 Mon 6–7:30 p.m., ages 14–18

Illustration and Animation  (45 mins.) Ages 8–12 / LCA Art Room

An intro to the world of theatre and creative play, this fun class encourages preschoolers to explore their imaginations using masks, storytelling, creative movement, puppets and fairy tales. Instructor: Tyler Cavanagh.

Students will learn how to express themselves through characters that they create, coming up with a short story and then illustrating pictures for it. Then we will bring that character to life in a short animation! Instructor: Steve Belcher.

Fees: $105 Full Member; $158 Non-Mbr

Fees: $110 Full Member; $165 Non-Mbr



10:30 a.m.

visual art

Ages 18–36 months (with adult) LCA Art Room

Let’s get messy! Toddlers begin to share, make friends, and learn shapes, color, and line. Instructor: Beth Gilmore.

Fees: $105 Full Member; $158 Non-Mbr



50AEVIS05 new!

Toddler Art (45 mins.)


Into the Art World (90 mins)



11:00 a.m.

Drawing 101 (45 mins.) Ages 7–10 / LCA Art Room

Learn to draw! We will go over the basics drawing skills — perspective, portrait, landscape and even draw some comic figures. We will use ink pen, colored pencil and charcoal. Instructor: Steve Belcher.

Fees: $110 Full Member; $165 Non-Mbr 50AEVIS07


10:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

kidsPaint (2 hours)

Ages 6+ / LCA Art Room

Come on by with friends to this fun painting session where you will be walked step-by-step through a painting that is yours to keep at the end of class!

Fees: $25 Full Member; $37 Non-Member 50AEVIS06 50AEVIS08

Sat 2/8 10:00 a.m. Sat 4/12 10:00 a.m.

Contact Beth Gilmore to book a private paint party for adults or children.

Don’t miss  “Meet the Artist: Gallery openings” at the LcA  see page 27 for more information

FINE & PERFoRMING ARTs  continued on page 12.

LcA: Laura’s Center for the Arts (LCA) is located across the parking lot from the EMILSON YMCA. 11


scouting out badges

Professional instructors work with Girl Scout troops to meet specific requirements for their skill-building badges in the arts. GIRL SCouT bADGeS— Brownies: Potter, Dancer, Painter; Juniors: Jeweler, Drawing, Digital Photographer Cadettes: Book Artist, Comic Artist Seniors: Textile Artist, Collage Artist

Fees: $6/scout/hr, Members and Non-mbr Other fees may apply. For more information, contact Sage at (617) 479-8500 x 204 or sbrousseau@ssymca.org

Love, Loss and Hope

new! Ellison Center, South Shore Conservatory, 64 St. George Street, Duxbury, MA 02331 Half-day free programs for children ages 6+ who have lost a loved one, and their parents/caregivers. Healing Arts Specialists help children learn to express and soothe emotions, and find resilience in laughter and creativity. Adults gain understanding of cycles and patterns of grief in themselves and their children. Special focus on seasonal holidays and ways to celebrate—and commemorate the lost loved one—with sensitivity and meaning.

Sunday, Nov. 3 1:00–5:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30, 1:00–4:00 pm Pre-registration is recommended by phone at 781-624-8046.


Helping children cope with stress and Emotions   LCA

A 90-minute free program for children ages 6-10 and their parents/caregivers. Children use a blend of art and story to express ideas and feelings they may not have the words to convey. Adults observe and have a mini session of their own, learning ways to supportively engage their children in sharing feelings about stressors (school, divorce, illness and more), and to address emotional distress in helpful ways.

Sessions are 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., the third Saturday of each month: 10/19, 11/16, 12/21, 1/18, 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, and 5/17 50AEYCL02


NoRWELL and scITUATE Before and After school Programs The SOuTH SHORE YMCA’s School Age Child Care Programs give children an opportunity to participate in activities that are fun, challenging, and educational. The program is designed to create an enthusiasm for learning while promoting physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well-being and growth. Enriching activities include homework time, arts and crafts, active group games, and both indoor and outdoor physical activities. Children feel safe and supported while learning, exploring, socializing, and enjoying themselves. All SOuTH SHORE YMCA School Age Child Care Programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and are mandated to uphold all the policies, rules, and regulations pertaining to school age child care licensing.

NoRWELL Before and After school Programs Grades:



Cole, Vinal, and South Shore Charter Schools

scITUATE Before and After school Programs Grades:



Cushing, Hatherly, Jenkins, and Wampatuck Elementary Schools

For more information, please contact Jamie Farrell at 781-829-8585, ext. 262 or visit our website: ssymca.org

school vacation and Holiday Programs Grades: K – 6

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Fees: $45/day

Dec. Vacation

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Feb. Vacation

Dates: Dec. 23, 26 – 31

Date: Jan. 20

Dates: Feb. 17 – 21

Reg. begins 11/11

Reg. begins 12/30

Reg. begins 1/13

Your child will enjoy their school vacations and holidays here at the SOuTH SHORE YMCA! Program activities will promote physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well being and growth. Please send your child with a bagged lunch and a bathing suit and towel if they would like to particiapte in daily free swim. Afternoon snack will be provided. To register, please print an enrollment form off our website at ssymca.org or pick one up at the Y. For more information, please contact Jamie Farrell at 781-829-8585 x262


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted



Pom squad (1 hour class)

Tot 1 Gymnastics (45 minute class)

This class will introduce you to the fundamentals of cheering & tumbling. Learn jumps, arm motions, tumbling, and, of course, a cheer! Pom Poms will be provided for all participants.

These classes follow the uSA Gymnastics development program. Participants will build strength and flexibility while achieving both technique and solid gymnastics skills.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr

Boys Gymnastics

Ages 1–3 years with parent (one parent per child)

In this fun and interactive parent and child program, children will play games, sing songs and meet new friends while developing balance, strength and confidence.

Fees: $99 Full Member; $126 Non-mbr 50GYPT01 50GYPT02 50GYPT03 50GYPT04 50GYPT05 50GYPT06

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

10:15 11:30 9:00 10:15 11:00 9:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.

Tot 2 Gymnastics (45 minute class) Ages 2–3 years with parent (one parent per child)

Fees: $99 Full Member; $126 Non-mbr 50GYPT07 50GYPT08 50GYPT09 50GYPT10 50GYPT11

Mon Wed Thur Fri Sat

11:30 10:15 11:00 9:15 10:15

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.

pre-school A fun filled class that introduces the fundamentals of gymnastics as well as develop eye hand coordination and enhance motor skill development.

Fees: $99 Full Member; $126 Non-mbr Mon Tue Wed Thur Thur Fri Fri Sat

11:15 10:30 10:00 9:15 11:15 10:15 12:15 10:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.

Tiny Tumblers (1 hour class) 4–6 years

Designed for our youngest students who will learn beginner tumbling skills. Explore the trampoline & tumbling aspects of gymnastics, working all gross motor skills.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr 50GYTT01 50GYTT02 50GYTT03 50GYTT04 50GYTT05

Mon Tues Thur Fri Sat

50GYPS01 50GYPS02

Wed Sat

11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

climbers Ages 4–6 (1 hour class)

This 1-hour class is designed for young gymnasts ready to advance their gymnastics skills. utilizing all four events, we will work on the basics and key elements for a solid gymnastics foundation.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr 50GYCL01 50GYCL02 50GYCL03 50GYCL04 50GYCL05 50GYCL06

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

9:00 9:15 11:00 1:00 1:15 11:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m.

For more information on any of the Gymnastics programs, please email rrozzi@ssymca.org

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr Ages 5–6 years (1 hour class)

50GYBG01 50GYBG02 50GYBG03

Tue Thur Sat

4:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

Ages 7+ years (1 hour class)

50GYBG04 50GYBG05 50GYBG06

Tue Thur Sat

5:45 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Boys Tumbling: Intermediate Level (1 hour class) Ages 9+ years

Improve your tumbling skills. This class will develop your technique and air awareness. Build strength, flexibility, and create consistency.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr 50GYBT01


2:00 p.m.

Girls Beginner Gymnastics

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-mbr Ages 5–6 years (1 hour class)

Rollers (45 min. class) Ages 3–4 years



Ages 4–6 years

10:30 10:15 10:00 9:00 11:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.

open gymnastics A great way to perfect a skill and have fun in our spacious Gymnastics Studio. Bring your friends and let our coaches assist and guide you!

Fees: $5 Full Member; $10 Non-mbr Ages Ages Ages Ages

3–6 3–6 5–8 9–12

Mon Wed Fri Fri

12:15–1:15 p.m. 12:15–1:15 p.m. 3:45–5:00 p.m. 5:00–6:15 p.m.

Register at Front Desk 1/2 hour before start of class.

Ages 13–17 Fri

6:15–7:30 p.m.

Register in Gymnastics Studio with Gymnastics staff. Registration begins at 5:45 p.m. Open Gymnastics follows the program calendar — see page 35. Limited space is available in each session time. Registration will be closed when full or 15 minutes into each session time. Pre-registration is not available.

50GYGB01 50GYGB02 50GYGB03 50GYGB04

Mon Tues Wed Sat

4:00 4:00 3:45 12:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

4:00 5:00 4:45 3:45 12:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Ages 7+ years (1 hour class)

50GYGB05 50GYGB06 50GYGB07 50GYGB08 50GYGB09

Tues Tues Wed Thur Sat

Ages 9+ years (1 hour class)



2:00 p.m.

private lessons Ages 7–17 years

Trying to perfect a certain skill, need extra time on an event, or learning a routine? Our coaches can help you, with private lessons! Fees:* $25 per 1/2 hr; $50 per hr *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. Contact Regina Rozzi, Gymnastics Director, at ext. 236.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted




Girls Intermediate Gymnastics (1 hour class) Ages 6–7 years

50GYGI01 50GYGI02 50GYGI03 50GYGI04

Mon Wed Thur Sat

5:00 4:45 3:45 1:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

5:00 3:45 5:45 1:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

(1 hour class) Ages 8+ years

50GYGI05 50GYGI06 50GYGI07 50GYGI08

Tues Wed Wed Sat

(1 hour class) Ages 6+ years

Improve your tumbling skills or learn new tumbling skills while mastering your current ones. For students learning skills up to back walkovers.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-member

Mon Thur

6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Tumble 2: Intermediate  (1 hour class) Ages 7+ years (students must have bridge kick overs for this class)

This class designed for our experienced Tumblers. Working back & front hand springs and r off back hand springs.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-member



4:45 p.m.

Tumble 3: Advanced (1 hour class) Ages 7+ years (students must have back hand springs for this class)

This class designed for advanced tumblers working cross tumbling front & back tucks and aerials.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-member



School year Session

Sept 2013–June 2014

synergy 1 pre-team   (non-competitive)

1 day per week; 2 hours each Mon 4:00 p.m. (Ages 5–7) Tues 6:00 p.m. (Ages 11+) Thur 4:00 p.m. (Ages 8–10)

synergy 2 Adv pre-team   (non-competitive)

Tumble 1: Beginner

50GYT101 50GYT102

gymnastics teams

3:45 p.m.

2 days per week; 2 hours each Mon & Thur 6:00 p.m.

synergy 3 (level 2)

synergy 5 (excel silver/level 4) 2 days per week; 3 hours each Mon & Wed 5:15 p.m.

synergy 6 (excel gold/level 5)

2 days per week; 2 hours each Mon & Wed 3:45 p.m.

3 days per week; 3 hours each Tues & Thur 3:30 p.m. Sat 1:00 p.m.

synergy 4 (excel bronze/level 3)

synergy 7 (level 6 & up)

2 days per week; 2 hours each Tue & Thur 6:30 p.m.

4 days per week Please contact Gymnastics Director

For more information on our Gymnastics Teams, or to schedule a tryout, please contact Regina Rozzi, Gymnastic Director at ext. 236, or by email at rrozzi@ssymca.org. All Gymnastics Team Members must be Full YMCA members.

cheerleading teams   EMILsoN YMcA GEMs Diamond Team (full year)

2 days per week; 2-1/2 hours/day

Tues Sun

5:00–7:30 p.m. 3:00–5:30 p.m.

Tini, Mini, Youth, Junior and senior Levels 1/2 year teams  offered Dec. through May for ages 4–17 years.  Tryouts for placement on our 1/2 year teams will be held on Sat., Nov. 9th from 4:15–5:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 10th from 1:00–2:30 p.m. and Wed., Nov. 13th from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Everyone will be placed on a team and all teams are set to run provided there is sufficient enrollment. No pre-registration required.

cheer Motions

TeNTATIVe PRACTICe SCHeDuLe (half year teams):

(1 hour class) Ages 6+ years

Tiny Ruby Team (half year)

This class designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of cheerleading. Learn jumps, arm motions, and tumbling skills.

Fees: $122 Full Member; $158 Non-member Ages 6+




4:00 p.m.

2 days per week; 1 hour/day

Tues Sat

4:00–5:00 p.m. 2:00–3:00 p.m.

Mini/Youth Emerald Team (half year) 2 days per week; 1-1/2 hours/day

Wed Sun

6:00–7:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Jr./ sr. saphire Team (half year) 2 days per week; 2 hours/day

Thur Sun

6:00–8:00 p.m. 1:00–3:00 p.m.

For more information on our Cheer Teams, please contact Regina Rozzi, Gymnastic Director at ext. 236, or by email at rrozzi@ssymca.org. All Cheer Team Members must be Full YMCA members.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


youth strength and cardio training


strong & Healthy kids!

Teen Trampoline

In an ongoing effort to keep our kids engaged in regular physical activity, we offer instructional visits as a full member benefit to our youth (7–12 years). Children learn how to safely and correctly use selected cardiovascular equipment and strength training equipment along with proper stretching techniques and Health & Well-being Center etiquette. Once fully trained, youth members will be able to use the strength and cardio machines on their own.*

For more information and/or to get your youth started in this popular program, please attend one of our Youth Strength & Cardio Training Orientations** held every: Tuesday 5:15–6:15 p.m. / Studio 2 Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m. / Studio 2

(45 minute class) Studio 3 / 10–15 years

Improve cardiovascular fitness and continually challenge balance & coordination, putting minimal stress on the body while burning calories. Class is performed on springenhanced mini-trampolines with a non-slip surface. Instructor: Carly Donovan

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50HWTCL01


4:15 p.m.

speed & Agility Training   (60 minute class) Studio 2 / 11+ years


The Health & Well-being Center is not a supervised area. Even when they are fully trained, youth ages 7–9 need a parent to accompany them while they use the equipment.

Condition your body with this co-ed class: Speed, Quickness, Strength, & Flexibility. Custom personal training session built around its participants.


A parent or guardian must be present at the orientation with their child.

Instructor: Katelyn Szafir

Orientation starts promptly at the times noted above!***

*** Orientations are informal sessions only.

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50HWTCL02


community collaboration The YMCA has a rich history of collaborating with community institutions to promote youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Cardinal Cushing School is committed to working closely with local school districts and state agencies to offer innovative and individualized opportunities for our students to become active and contributing members of their communities. As neighbors and champions in our community, the opportunity to collaborate will fuel our common goal of bringing the best innovative programs to the special needs population of the South Shore.

special Abilities Fitness and Fun


4:00 p.m.

Yo cycle (60 minute class)

7 Weeks Cycle Studio/Studio 2 / 9–12 years

Height requirement 31” from hip to the floor

Combination class includes 30 minutes of cycling to music and 30 minutes of yoga for flexibility and relaxation. Instructor: Heather Reardon


(7 weeks: 11/15–1/14)

$56 Full Member; $84 Non-member



4:15 p.m.

Pre-school Yoga

(45 min. class) Studio 3 / 3–5 years

using movement based exercises to reduce behavioral issues, improve/increase daily focus and productivity, strengthen functional movement patterns and improve overall health, increase social interaction and meet sensory needs for kids with Special Needs.

It’s never too early to start healthy habits. Children will develop social, sensory and motor skills while having fun!

Fitness and Fun (45 min. class)

Instructor: Meg Durkin

2x per week / Studio 3 / Ages 5–13

Fees: $180 Full Member; $270 Non-member 50HWCCC01 Mon & Wed 4:00 p.m. For more information, contact Katelyn Szafir at ext. 228.


Fit 4 sports (50 min. class) Studio 1 / 9+ years

Calling all NEW young athletes! Condition your body to perform at its best. This sports conditioning class offers a challenging and unique workout geared toward athletes looking to take their training to the next level, or stay conditioned between sports. Workouts include conditioning, speed drills, flexibility and strength training. Instructor: Kyle Britton

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50HWTCL06


4:00 p.m.

Fees: Included in Full Membership; $90 Non-member 50HWYCL04


1:00 p.m.

Registration is required

— Save the Date —

22nd Anniversary of Healthy kids Day! YMCA Healthy Kids day is a free, fun filled day of activities designed to promote healthy kids and families in spirit, mind & body.

April 26, 2014 Contact Katelyn Szafir at kszafir@ssymca.org for more information.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


youth weekday sports clinics and recreation classes new!

sports Mania I (45 minute class)

Lil’ shots  (45 minute class)

Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

each week is a different sport! Children will try a variety of sports such as floor hockey, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse and rookie rugby to name a few. The goal of this class is for children to have fun, meet new friends and get some exercise while learning the basics of a variety of sports. Sneakers are required.

Fees: (9 weeks) $110 Full members; $165 Non-members

50SRYCL10 50SRYCL11 50SRYCL12 50SRYCL13 50SRYCL14 new!

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri

9:15 10:30 9:15 1:00 11:00

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.

sports Mania II (45 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 5–7

Huge Variety! Children will try traditional sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, and floor hockey and also some newer sports like rookie rugby and flag football. The goal of this class is for children to have fun, meet new friends and get some exercise while learning the basics of a variety of sports. Sneakers are required.

Fees: (9 weeks) $110 Full members; $165 Non-members


Tues Wed Thur

4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

snag Golf (45 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

The South Shore YMCA is offering this new and exciting golf program. Along with building good hand-eye coordination, SNAG Golf is a fun way to learn the fundamentals of golf including full shots, pitching, chipping and putting. Equipment is provided/sneakers are required.

Sneakers are required.

Fees: (9 weeks) $110 Full members; $165 Non-members


Mon Wed Fri

11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Tues Thur

9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Ages 3–4

Mommy & Me sport combo

(30 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls

Improve self-esteem, hand-eye coordination and team work. This class is designed to introduce preschoolers to the basic skills of basketball, soccer and more while having the comfort of mom/dad with them. Sneakers are required.

Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

WINTER 1 Session 1 – Nov. 17 to Dec. 21 Session 2 – Jan. 5 to Feb. 1

In this fun and interactive class children will learn basic soccer skills. Learn to dribble, pass, shoot and score while developing balance, strength and confidence.

Winter 2 Session 1 – Feb. 2 to Mar. 8 Session 2 – Mar. 9 to April 5

Indoor soccer  (45 minute class)

Fees: (9 weeks) $110 Full members; $165 Non-members



*No classes 11/28, 11/29, 12/16

*No classes 2/16–2/22

Sneakers are required.

1:00 p.m.

Little LAX  (45 minute class) Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6

Develop skills, improve ability and learn the basics of Lacrosse. Children will participate in fun games and drills and get a taste of this popular sport. Sneakers are required.

4 weeks each session:

Session 1 50SRYCL23 50SRYCL24 50SRYCL25

Mon Thur Fri

10:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m.

Session 2 50SRYCL26 50SRYCL27 50SRYCL28

Mon Thur Fri

10:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m.

Fees: (4 weeks)

WINTER 1 Session 1 – Nov. 17 to Dec. 21 Session 2 – Jan. 5 to Feb. 1

$47 Full members; $71 Non-members

Winter 2 Session 1 – Feb. 2 to Mar. 8 Session 2 – Mar. 9 to April 5


4 weeks each session:

Winter soccER clinic

Session 1 50SRYCL18


10:00 a.m.

This 8-week* clinic will be coached by PTUSA’s full-time professional soccer coaches from the UK.

Session 2 50SRYCL19


10:00 a.m.

Little kickers (45 minute class)

Fees: (4 weeks) $50 Full members; $75 Non-members

Fees: (8 weeks) $98 Full members; $147 Non-members


Learn to dribble, pass and more! This class is packed with fun drills and games and provides a great opportunity for children to learn the fundamentals of basketball.

Boys & Girls

Gymnasium / Boys & Girls / Ages 3–6

These clinics will help to build self-esteem and a love for the game by creating a dynamic and fun filled environment that introduces soccer in a safe and fun way.

Fees: (8 weeks -- *No Class 1/29 or 4/9) $101 Full Member; $127 Non-member




1:00 p.m.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


New England Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art using hands and feet for self-defense. A part of the Emilson Y for over 15 years, this program brings traditional martial arts to hundreds of youth and adults, and helping students advance through the ranks to earn their Black Belts. All classes taught by Black Belt Instructors certified by the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and United States Taekwon-Do Federation (USTF).

Beginner Youth Taekwon-Do (60 min. class) The Center / Boys & Girls / Ages 5–12 For students with no previous Taekwon-Do experience.

Learn age appropriate basic stances, self-defense moves, kicks, blocks, punches and strikes. Students gain self-confidence, self-control and discipline while developing flexibility and coordination.



Youth Basketball clinics  (45 min. class) / Gymnasium/ Boys & Girls

These clinics teach fundamentals of basketball. Learn how to work as a team, do individual drills and most importantly have fun! Instructors: Shanna Postell & Pete Gallagher

Fees: $110 Full Member; $165 Non-mbr Small Shots I – 5 & 6 years Basic fundamentals of basketball. Children will learn how to dribble, shoot, pass & rebound.


(9 weeks) $167 Full member; $249 Non-mbr

50SRYCL36 Tues /Thurs 6:30 p.m.

Youth Taekwon-Do (60 min. class) Studio 1 / Boys & Girls / Ages 6–12 / For students with some previous Taekwon-Do experience and permission from the instructor.

Learn self-defense moves, kicks, blocks, punches and strikes, and gain self-confidence, self-control and discipline in a traditional martial art form.


therwis e noted

(9 weeks) $167 Full member; $249 Non-mbr

50SRYCL01 Tues /Thurs 7:00 p.m.

Teen/Adult Taekwon-Do (60 min class) Studio 1 / All Levels / Ages 13+ / Covers all student levels from beginner to expert.

Learn self-defense moves, kicks, blocks, punches and strikes, and gain self-confidence, self-control and discipline.

Fees: $167 Full member; $249 Non-mbr 50SRACL01 Tues/Thurs 8:00 p.m. For questions regarding the Taekwon-Do program, contact Eric Vining, New England Taekwon-Do at NETKD.ITF@gmail.com

American kempo karate Academy We are pleased to announce a brand new partnership with American Kempo Karate Academy. The EMILSON YMCA will be offering classes to youth ages 4–12.

Little Ninjas (30 min. class) Studio 3 / Boys & Girls / Ages 4–6


9:00 a.m.

Small Shots II – 7 & 8 years Dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding and defensive drills will be taught. Drills are more skill oriented.



10:00 a.m.

big Shots I – 9 & 10 years Advanced class. Emphasis on teaching skills needed for game situation. Drills taught will be shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding & defense.



11:00 a.m.

big Shots II – 11 & 12 years (60 minute class)

Advanced class. Emphasis on ball control, shooting and passing in a game situation. Sportsmanship and team play are key focus in this class.



12:00 p.m.


Gymnasium / Girls / Ages 10–14 Sneakers and knee pads are required.

This progressive program emphasizes respect, discipline, fitness self-control and concentraFees: $112 Full member; $168 Non-mbr tion. From the “Yes, Sir/Yes, Ma’am” to the bow of respect, the children are very attentive to their instructor (at this very influential stage of their lives), all while having fun and earning Introductory volleyball  awards. Part of their classroom activities children are awarded recognition and public praise new! (1 hr class) Learn to pass, set, hit, block for their accomplishments. and more! The program consists of both Thur 3:45 p.m. and Sat 10:15 a.m. practice drills and games each week. No experience necessary. Young Adult (45 min. class) Studio 3 / Boys & Girls / Ages 7–12 Instructor: Jen Harris This progressive program also emphasizes respect, discipline, fitness self-control and 50SRYCL45 Sun 6:15 p.m. concentration. Students will receive physical training and self-defense instruction appropriate for their age. volleyball (1 hr class)

Thur 4:15 p.m. and Sat 10:45 a.m.

All classes will be instructed by AKKA Karate instructors. Parents, if you would like to increase your child’s self-confidence and discipline, improve their concentration & focus, improve their academic & athletic performance, develop greater respect for themselves & others, and learn valuable self-defense skills, then this program is for your child! For more information about the AKKA program or to register your child please contact Linda Montoya, Sport & Recreation Director at 781-829-8585, ext. 260 or lmontoya@ssymca.org


Players learn more about game strategy, offensive play-making and transitioning More intensive drills and game situations make this a fun skill-building class. For those with some volleyball experience. Instructor: Jen Harris



7:15 p.m.



school vacation Week • Feb. 16–22, 2014 dodgeball  tournaments

3 on 3 swish basketball tournaments Boys & Girls / Grades 5–8*

Break up the Holiday & Winter vacations and compete in a double elimination tournament for players of all abilities. Get your team together and play in this exciting event. Prizes for winning team! See you on the court! Teams need minimum of 3 players, maximum of 5. 2 days only. DO NOT DELAY! Reg. deadline is 24 hours prior to tournament.

Fees:  $30 per team – Full members; $40 per team – Non-mbrs

50SRYSP01 Mon, February 17, 2014 50SRYSP02 Fri, February 21, 2014

3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.

* Based on registration, and unless otherwise noted, this will be a co-ed tournament.

5 person teams will play in these double elimination tournaments. Prizes will be awarded! 2 days only DO NOT DELAY! Registration deadline is 24 hours prior to tournament.

Fees:  $25 per team – Full members; $35 per team – Non-mbrs

50SRYSP07 Mon, February 17, 2014 50SRYSP08 Fri, February 21, 2014

10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

* Based on registration, and unless otherwise noted, this will be a co-ed tournament.

volleyball camp

Get an early start  on your soccer skills

Boys & Girls / Grades 5–8

Come learn how to bump, set, hit and serve!

PTUsA soccer camp

Instructors will focus on the fundamentals and techniques of ball handling and advance students to game situations of offensive and defensive strategies.

Boys & Girls / Grades 3–6

As part of its ongoing relationship with the Y, PTuSA is running a camp during February vacation. PTuSA offers a fun, high energy introduction to soccer with the #1 goal of making sure players build self-esteem while falling in love with the game. Small group activities will help players develop a sense of balance, coordination, and a sense of multi-directional movement.

Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Friday, Feb. 21 Little Kickers (boys & girls ages 3–6)

Fees:  $75 Full members; $110 Non-members 50SRYSP09

Boys & Girls / Ages 10–14*

Not into basketball? Looking for something fun to do with your friends over vacation? Come to the Y and show us your dodging, ducking, dipping and diving moves by signing up for our Holiday and Winter dodgeball tournaments.

9:30–10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Friday, Feb. 21

Fees:  $90 Full members; $125 Non-members 50SRYSP11

12:30 – 2:30 p.m.

basketball camp Boys & Girls / Grades 5–8

This camp offers an exciting week of basketball training and game participation to help improve players’ ability. Instructors will focus on dribbling, passing, shooting, and other basketball skills.

Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Friday, Feb. 21 Fees:  $90 Full members; $125 Non-members 50SRYSP12

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

drop-in classes! Every saturday

Every Wednesday

Calling all teens! Do you enjoy playing basketball? Would you like to practice your skills while playing a friendly game? This program is an included benefit of Full Membership and is open to all our teen members, ages 13–17.

Come join in the fun, meet new friends and get a great workout playing an all time favorite sport!


Saturdays 3:00–5:00pm (Full members only)



DRoP-IN TEEN/ADULT voLLEYBALL Fees: Included benefit with Full Membership; $6.00 per night for non-member* Wednesdays 7:00–9:45 p.m. *Sign ups & payment can be made at member service desk.


memBerSHiP SouTH SHore YmCA • emiLSon BrAnCH full membership options HouSeHoLd* memBerSHiP includes: (*Up to 5 people residing at the same address. One person must be 18 years of age or older. A $10.00 monthly charge will be incurred for each additional household member. Proof of residency is required.

• • • • • • •

2 Indoor pools Outdoor Center Cardiovascular equipment Selectorized strength equipment Free-weights Group exercise classes Indoor group cycling

• • •

• •

Full court basketball 6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

Coed dry sauna, whirlpool and steam room Men’s and Women’s locker rooms

(additional fees applicable)

Boy’s and Girl’s locker rooms Family changing rooms Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates Towels available for rental – $1.00 Includes membership to

new! the South Shore Natural Science Center!


Over 120 Exercise & Well-being classes each week

Body Composition Testing

• • • •

Babysitting (ages 6 wks – 6 yrs) Activity Center Lounge The Center (schedules posted)

YounG AduLT/AduLT/Senior membership includes: • • • • •

2 Indoor pools Outdoor Center Cardiovascular equipment Selectorized strength equipment Free-weights


• • • •

Group exercise classes Indoor group cycling Full court basketball 6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

(additional fees applicable)

Over 120 Exercise & Well-being classes each week

• •

Coed dry sauna, whirlpool and steam room Men’s and Women’s locker rooms Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates Towels available for rental – $1.00

Body Composition Testing

Junior memBerSHiP (Ages 10–22) includes: • • •

2 Indoor pools Outdoor Center Cardiovascular equipment (ages 13–22)

Free-weights (ages 13–22) Full court basketball 6 Clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

Selectorized strength equipment

(additional fees applicable)


• • •

Select Teen Exercise & Well-being Classes

Activity Center/Lounge/Center Locker rooms Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates Towels available for rental – $1.00 •

Body Composition Testing

YouTH memBerSHiP** (Ages 0–9) includes:

This membership is available to children of Adult Full Members. A benefit of this Membership is priority registration for classes (before Non-Members), plus use of facility with the Adult Member**. This membership is available to children 0–9 years old with the following guidelines: A parent/guardian age 16 or older MUST be IN the facility while the Youth Member uses designated supervised areas; adult member must be with the youth in unsupervised areas. ** Children ages 0–9 may only join with an adult member

• • • •

2 Indoor pools Activity Center/Lounge/Center Outdoor Center Full court basketball


6 clay tennis courts; 4 Hard tennis courts

(add’l fee—Non-Prime Time only)

Boy’s & Girl’s Locker rooms

Strength Training & New Cardio Equipment available after required

Reduced rate on all classes and priority registration dates Towels available for rental – $1.00

Select Exercise & Well-being Classes for Members (ages 7–9)

training (ages 7–12)


memBerSHiP rATeS & inFormATion SouTH SHore YmCA • emiLSon BrAnCH rates: (rates are subject to change with a 30 day notice.) Full Privilege rates (emiLSon BrAnCH) membership Type: 1 Adult / 1 Youth** (0–9 years) Junior (10–22 years) Young Adult (23–27 years) Adult (28–64 years) Senior (65+ years) Senior Couple (65+ years) Household***

monthly rate*

Joiner’s Fee





Automatic monthly withdrawal












The monthly rate is an ongoing membership that is paid through an automatic withdrawal from a bank account or credit card. To stop the withdrawals, simply fill out our cancellation form stating that you would like to terminate your membership. 30 days notice is required. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE


Children age 0–9 may only join with an adult.


Includes up to 5 people at the same address. One person must be 18 years or older. There is a $10.00 monthly charge for each additional household member.

initial method of Payment: Cash, Check, MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover. A voided check, savings, or credit card information is needed to initiate subsequent bank draft monthly payments. Financial Assistance Available: Please contact Jane at ext. 308 for an application. For information on corporate memberships or additional information: Call Laurie at ext. 269.

Joiner’s Fee The fee can be paid in full at the time of enrollment or, for Adult or Household Memberships, the joiner’s fee may be spread out over a concurrent 3-month period.

Activation Fee A $25 Activation Fee (in lieu of a Joiner’s Fee) will be charged to past Full Members who have previously paid a Joiner’s Fee.

Satisfaction Guaranteed Within 30 days of joining the South Shore YMCA, if you are not completely satisfied with your membership, we will refund your joiner’s fee and any membership dues paid.

Financial Assistance

The South Shore YMCA strives to serve the entire community. Financial Assistance is available to those who cannot afford fees. Assistance is awarded based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances and the funds available. Monies used to fund Financial Assistance are made possible through charitable donations to our Annual Support Campaign. Contact Jane Fallon at 781-829-8585, ext. 308 or visit ssymca.org for an application.

Facility Hours*

Monday–Friday Saturday Sunday

5:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.* 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.* 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.*

*There may be scheduled programs that are held before or after these published times. Only those registered for the program will be allowed in the building.


memorial day: Thanksgiving: 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 4th of July: Christmas: Closed new Year’s day: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. easter: Closed Labor day:

6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Quincy Closed; EMIlSOn YMCA Outdoor Center Only:

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed

For Building Closings and Class Cancellations: Please dial (781) 829-8585, extension 319. member responsibilities: • All YMCA members are required to present their Membership ID Key Tag at the member service desk prior to entering the facility. • Membership ID Key Tags are non-transferable. • A Membership ID Key Tag can be purchased for $2.00 if you have lost yours. • The South Shore YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. ii

SouTH SHore YmCA LoCATionS SouTH SHore nATurAL SCienCe CenTer 48 Jacobs Lane, Norwell, MA 02061 Call 781-659-2559, visit our website at southshorenaturalsciencecenter.org or email us at ssnsc@ssymca.org Open to the public year-round, 7 days a week: Mon – Sat: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sun: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Youth Programs

mammal munchkins (1 hour)

Ages 1.5 – 3.5 years (with a caregiver) Jan. 8 – March 26 (No class Feb. 19)

Hop like a rabbit, trot like a fox, and waddle like a skunk. Learn about mammals and their forest friends through games, music, creative movement, crafts and free play. Space is limited. Fees: $6 Full Member; $9 Non-member Call to register


9:45 a.m.

Green Thumb Adventurers (1.5 hours) Ages 3–6 years (accompanied by an adult) Dec. 5, 19, Jan. 9, 23, Feb. 6, 27

Explore unusual and exotic plants from around the world in the Coes Greenhouse. From meateating plants to ‘living stones’ we’ll create art, cook, experiment and more to discover the secrets behind the remarkable lives of these amazing plants. Fees: $10 Full Member; $13 Non-member Call to preregister

Thur 10:00 a.m.

Tales from the wild (30 min)

Ages 3-5 years (with a caregiver) Dec. 6 – Jan. 28 (no story Dec. 20 & 27)

Join us for a nature themed storytelling that will delight young listeners. Extend your stay to explore the EcoZone, observe the sights and sounds of fall in the woods and trails. Fees: Free with Admission Drop -In


10:30 a.m.

Junior naturalist Volunteer Program (2 hours) Ages 6 – 13 / Dec. 7, Feb. 1, March 1

Emerge in a fun and rewarding volunteer program. Each month we will focus on a different aspect of the Science Center including Animal Care, Trail Work, and tending the Children’s Garden. Must be accompanied by an adult. Volunteer credit for community service received. To apply, please email Chris Jacobs, SSNSC Volunteer Coordinator, at cjacobs@ssymca.org. Fees: No charge Must apply


9:30 a.m.

natural Gifts workshop (2 hours) Ages 5 & up / Dec. 14

Craft a little extra something for Grampa or create a special handmade gift to surprise a friend. While your parents are out shopping, we’ll be working on creations using natural materials to give to others. Fees: $20 Full Member; $30 Non-member 40OEYCL01M, 40OEYCL01N Sat 10:00 a.m.

marine mammals of the Arctic

Animal Tails (1.5 hours) Ages 3.5–5 yrs

(1.5 hours) 4th to 6th grade / Jan. 8 – Feb. 12

Jan. 13 – March 3 (6 Wks – No Class on Holidays)

Come “chill” with us as we learn about some amazing marine mammals from one of the coldest places on Earth, the Arctic. This curriculum, developed by Immersion, will have us investigating why the Arctic is such a special place on this planet, and what techniques scientists are using to discover just how “cool” these mammals are. Most importantly, we’ll explore easy ways to help prevent the Arctic from melting away forever.

Join us in the afternoon for outstanding nature stories, crafts and activities. Meet live animals, explore EcoZone and enjoy walks in the winter woods. For a list of stories, please visit our website – www.southshorenaturalsciencecenter.org. Please dress for the weather.

Fees: $75 Full Member; $100 Non-member 40OEYCL2SM, 40OEYCL2SN Wed 4:00 p.m.

Homeschool Scientists (1 hour)

Group I: Ages 3–6 (Must be accompanied by an adult), Group II: Ages 7–12 Jan. 14, 28, Feb. 11, 25 (4 week series) (2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month)

Join other homeschool families and explore our world through hands-on activities that encourage your child to be the scientist. Each class features a different theme to discover natural or physical science. Fees: $40 Full Member; $55 Non-member 40OEYCL3SM, 40OEYCL3SN Tue 10:00 a.m.

Science Challenge (1.5 hours)

Grades 3–6 / Jan. 14 – Feb. 25 (6 weeks – No Class Feb. 18)

The fall Science Challenge team developed a salamander coverboard survey project for the Science Center, an ongoing study of the critters that live on our grounds. What lasting contribution will the winter Science Challengers make? Fees: $85 Full Member; $100 Non-member 40OEYCL4SM, 40OEYCL4SN Tue 4:00 p.m.

YeSC (“Y " earth Service Corps) (2 hours) Grades 9–12 / Jan. 6 – Feb. 24

Student-led, environmentally oriented volunteering on-site at SSNSC and the Emilson YMCA. Projects may include trail maintenance, animal care, species counts, water quality studies. In some cases, school credit may be awarded. Students groups are welcome to attend. Download an application at ssymca.org. Fees: No charge Must Apply

every other Mon, 4:00 p.m.

Fees: $75 Full Member; $90 Non-member 40OEYCL5SM, 40OEYCL5SN Mon 1:00 p.m.

Cocoa-ology: The Science & nature of Chocolate (1.5 hours) Ages 6–10 years / Feb. 13

Dive into the world’s favorite food: Chocolate! Discover where chocolate comes from, its cultural history & medicinal qualities, and how it is created. We’ll perform chocolate experiments, taste tests, create a special treat to take home, and meet an animal of the rainforest. Fees: $12 Full Member; $15 Non-member 40OEYCL02M, 40OEYCL02N Thur 4:00 p.m.

roV Building (2 hours)

Grades 6–8 / Feb.18, 19, 20, 21

Maritime archaeologists know that without their specialized tools, they would be nowhere. We will test their theory by building our own submersible remotely-operated vehicles, then "splash" them in the pool at the Emilson YMCA. Limited to 10 students.

Fees: $75 Full Member; $100 Non-member 40SVYCL1SM, 40SVYCL1SN Daily 9:00 a.m.

webelos Scout Programs (2 hours) Grades 4 & 5 / Jan. 11 & Feb. 1

Led by SSNSC Naturalists, work towards four badges over a four month period. Come with your den or individually with your parent. (No siblings please)

Jan. 11 – Scientist Feb. 1 – Geologist (March (Forester) & April (Naturalist) dates TBD

Fee: $8/scout. Jan. 11 – 40OESCP01 Sat 1:00 p.m. Feb. 1 – 40OESCP02 Sat 1:00 p.m.

Family Programs Feed the Animals (30 min)

On-going (No Program on Dec. 25 & Jan. 1)

Come watch the Naturalist on Duty feed the animals! Fees: Free with Admission Drop-In

Wed Sat

3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.


Family Programs (Cont.) meet an Animal (30 min) Ongoing

Meet a different SSNSC ambassador each week. Learn fun and exciting facts about the animals that call Southeastern Massachusetts their home.

Fees: Free with Admission Sat


2:00 p.m.

Sea Turtle discovery week

All ages / Ongoing drop-in, Dec, 22 – Jan. 4

Come explore the wonders of these endangered gentle giants through a partnership with New England Aquarium. View real turtle shells and participate in interactive activities and crafts. Fees: Free with Admission

Stellwagen day

All ages / Sat, Jan. 18th

Join us as we transform the Science Center into the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary for the day. Vine Hall will be hosting the traveling Stellwagen Bank art contest winners’ show, and a large interactive shipwreck will be splayed out on the floor for exploration by kids. We’ll test our resistance to cold by trying on our “Blubber Gloves,” and learn about the whales, the fish and the rest of the life of Massachusetts’ very own national marine sanctuary.

winter discovery day (5 hours) All Ages / Sat, Feb. 22

Drop by for an outdoor discovery day at the Science Center! Conduct snow and ice experiments, try out snowshoes, and look for animal tracks left in the snow. Join us for a day of hands-on exploration to see what the season will bring us as we explore the science and fun of the winter season! Come dressed for the weather. Fees: Free with Admission Drop-In


11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Family Snowshoe walk (1.5 hours) 3 & up / Sun, Jan. 19

Bring the family and your snowshoes and join us for a winter adventure in the Science Center’s woods and fields. We’ll look for animal tracks, learn about evergreen plants, and then come inside for hot cocoa. Snowshoeing abilities of all levels welcome. A limited amount of snowshoes for kids and adults will be available for use. In the event of little or no snow, the program will be a winter hike. Fees: $5 Full Member; $8 Non-member 40OEFAM02M, 40OEFAM02N Sun 1:00 p.m.

Penguin Pajama Party (6 hours) All ages / Mon, Jan. 20

Did you know that January 20th is also Penguin Awareness Day? Join us as we party like the penguins do! There’ll be penguin-inspired activities, crafts, and tons of “cool” facts about our favorite feathered-friends from Antarctica. If you really want to unlock your inner penguin, flaunt your best penguin pajamas for free admission! Fees: Free with Admission Drop-In


10:00 a.m.

Celebrate Groundhog day (4 hours) All Ages / Feb. 2

Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? Will there be six more weeks of winter or is spring right around the corner? Just what is a groundhog? Drop in for fun games, crafts, and activities that celebrate this famous furball and learn what “hibernation” is. Fees: Free with Admission Drop-In


12:00 p.m.

10:30 a.m.


Ages 3 & up / Sat., Dec. 28 2 shows: 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

Explore the secret world of bubbles with state of the art soap bubble sculptures! From bubbles as big as bathtubs to fog-filled spinning geometric shapes, Keith Johnson will have the audience roaring with laughter. Discover how to continue the experiments on your own at home. No Strollers please. Fees: $7 Full Member; $10 Non-member Call 781.659.2559 to purchase tickets

dec. Vacation week

Alligators & Crocodiles

For children ages 3–6 December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31

Back by popular demand! Join our favorite herpetologist, Michael Ralbovsky of Rainforest Reptile Shows and learn about alligators and crocodiles. What is the difference between them? If you dare – hold an alligator! It’s a fun and educational show for the whole family.

Animal Stories and more

Through art, outdoor exploration and more, we will explore some of the most beloved children’s literature. Each day will be a new adventure as we meet an animal relating to the chosen storybook. Please dress appropriately to go outside. mon:

Owl babies—meet Hedwig the barred owl


Eggs 123—meet a salamander


Goldie and The Three Hares — meet Toby the bunny


Gilbert Goldfish wants a Pet— meet a snake


Blue Chicken—meet the chickens


One Tiny Turtle—meet our turtles

Fees: Free with Admission Drop-In



Fees: $33/day members; $38/day non-mbrs 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. For more information, email Diane Thureson, Preschool Director at dthureson@ssymca.org or call 781-659-2559.

Ages 3 & up / Sun., Jan. 26 2 shows: 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

Fees: $7 Full Member; $10 Non-member Call 781.659.2559 to purchase tickets

owl Festival weekend owl Prowl (1 hour)

Ages 8 & up / Sat, Feb. 15

Whooo lurks in the night on the trails of the South Shore Natural Science Center? Join John Galluzzo as we kick off our weekend of owl fun with a walk through the woods in search of Eastern Screech and Great Horned Owls. And don’t be surprised if Hedwig hoots at us as well, joining the fun. Bring flashlights and dress for the February cold!

Adult Programs

Fees: $5 Full Member; $8 Non-member

Wed. / Mid-January through mid-March

owl Festival (5 hours)

water watch Lecture Series

Through our partnership with Mass Audubon and the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, Water Watch Lecture presents a full slate of science and history-based lectures pertaining to water in its many forms and associations. Fees: Free with Admission Drop-in


7:00 p.m.

wednesday Bird walks (1.5 hours) Dec. 11 — Jacobs Pond, Norwell

40OEACL04M, 40OEACL04N Sat 7:00 p.m.

All ages / Sun, Feb. 16

Discover Whooo’s Who in the world of Owls. Have a hootin’ good time as you learn about these nocturnal raptors. Enjoy crafts, games, live animal presentations and more. Dissect an owl pellet if you dare! A fun afternoon for the entire family. Fees: $4 Full Member; $7 Non-member Drop-in


11:00 a.m.

eyes on owls Ages 3 & up / Mon, Feb. 17

Jan. 8 — Wompatuck State Park, Hingham

2 shows: 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

Feb. 12 — Willow Brook Farm Preserve, Pembroke

Kick off your school vacation with a visit from our friends at Eyes on Owls! Marcia Wilson will bring her menagerie of owls. Get an up close view of these amazing denizens of the New England fields and forests. It’ll be a hoot!

Winter can bring new life to our favorite old haunts, as wintering bird species like goldencrowned kinglets and red-breasted nuthatches move into places where neotropical migrants recently flitted. Join John Galluzzo, coauthor of the recently released Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas 2 on winter walks aimed at finding those pockets of our colder month forest denizens.

Fees: $7 Full Member; $10 Non-member Call 781.659.2559 to purchase tickets

Fees: $5 Full Member; $8 Non-member Call to preregister

Wed 8:00 a.m.


SouTH SHore YmCA LoCATionS GermAnTown neiGHBorHood CenTer


Come Feel the Spirit at CAmP BurGeSS & HAYwArd Established in 1928, the SOUTH SHORE YMCA Camp Burgess for boys and Hayward for girls are located on Cape Cod, just one hour south of Boston, and situated on over 300 acres of forests, meadows and sparkling freshwater ponds. Camp offers a variety of enriching programs throughout the year appealing to all ages and interests.

Join us for February Vacation! February 16th-21st, 2014 Ages 13-17 Since 1982, the Germantown Neighborhood Center (GNC) has been providing critical support services, needed resources, programs and workshops to the youth and families of the Germantown and neighboring communities of Quincy. Located within one of Quincy’s largest public housing developments, the GNC serves a community of mostly low-income, singleparent households and works with support and guidance from the SOUTH SHORE YMCA to identify and develop strategies to address community needs. Our youth programs give kids a safe environment where they can grow and learn positive values that they will carry with them for a lifetime. Our after school youth programs run from September to June and include: Sports Blast, Fun Size Fitness, Reading Round Up, Dancing Divas and Girl Scouts to name a few. School vacation camps run during February, April and during the summer months for grades K–12. Women’s programs are designed to get women out of the house and build relationships with other women who are in the same situation. Childcare and dinner are often provided. Women are encouraged to bring the whole family while mom engages in skill-building workshops with other women. Our Family Lifelong Learning programs encourage literacy and educational achievement through our GED programs, or Teen Success programs. Our food pantry serves residents all over the City of Quincy with food assistance. We continually work to raise more money, add more programs, and do all that we can to help. Our programs and services work toward giving community members the skills, confidence, and resources to take action and improve their lives.

For more information

visit www.ssymca.org/Germantown or call 617-376-1384 366 Palmer Street, Quincy 02169

enroll now!

We’re off to the White Mountains to ski, snowboard, snow tube, ice skate and just have a blast! We reside and cook delicious meals in our cozy North Conway chalet. Drop-off and pick-up is from our Emilson YMCA in Hanover. Sign up TODAY! Very limited space available. Online reg. opens Oct. 15. Cost: $695 includes accomodation, food, lift tickets, tubing and other night programs. Lessons and rentals available for an additional fee. For more info, contact the Adventure Trips & Teen Director at 508-428-2571, ext. 109.

Summer 2014


Camp Burgess for boys & Camp Hayward for girls

1 & 2-week traditional overnight camp sessions, ages 7–16 Counselor-In-Training Program, age 16

Teen Adventure at Camp Burgess & Hayward

Travel, Outdoor Leadership & Service Learning, ages 12-17

Family Camp

Offered each Memorial Day and Labor Day Weekend. Check our website for add’l year-round, non-summer programs

campburgessandhayward.com 75 Stowe Road Sandwich MA 02563

Tel (508) 428-2571 Fax (508) 420-3545

SouTH SHore YmCA eArLY LeArninG CenTer

n classreowo ms!

early Childhood education promotes hands on learning, exploration, and exciting activities to enhance school readiness skills! Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and Private Kindergarten

Programs include: Full Day, School Day, and Half-Day Location: 1075 Washington St., Hanover, MA 02339 Tel: (781) 826-7900 • Hours of operation: 6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. • Routine and structured classroom learning centers • Critical thinking to promote school readiness • Enrichment programs (Swim, Yoga, and Music and Movement included!) • Kidzone indoor playground • High Scope Curriculum • Outdoor activities

Visit our Early Learning Center website at www.ssymca.org and call Jamee Beaudry, Early Learning Center Director for more information or to schedule a tour. v

SouTH SHore YmCA • emiLSon BrAnCH Address, Phone and Fax 75 Mill Street, Hanover, MA 02339

Phone: (781) 829-8585

Fax: (781) 829-8831

staff directory: executive Staff




Executive Director

Becky Dowd



Associate Executive Director

Lisa Gallagher



Aquatics department Senior Aquatics Director

Jill McCusker



Assistant Aquatics Director

Tom Roffey



Fine & Performing Arts department Senior Director of Fine & Performing Arts

Kimberly LaCroix (781) 826-8048


Before/After School Care department School Age Childcare Director

Jamie Farrell

Childcare Administrator

Kim Crespi

(617) 479-8500

262 144

jfarrell@ssymca.org kcrespi@ssymca.org

Childcare Business Director

Kathy Boothman (617) 479-8500



Leanne Hale



Paul Eastman



Health & Well-being Director

Katelyn Szafir



Assistant Health & Well-being Director

Kyle Britton



Senior Group Exercise Director

Kristen Noonan



Partnership Program Director

MaryEllen Olson



Senior Director of Member Services

Laurie Fournier



Assistant Director of Member Services & Financial Assistance

Jane Fallon





Business Staff Senior Finance Administrator

Facility department Facilities Director

Health & well-being department

membership department

Program Staff Camp Gordon Clark Director

Brendan Casey

Camp Gordon Clark Information Line


Director of Competitive Swimming

Tim Mulvihill



Assistant Director of Competitive Swimming

Casey Ostrander



Gymnastics Director

Regina Rozzi



Sports & Recreation Director

Linda Montoya



Sports & Recreation Program Coordinator

Chere Marrese

Teen Director/MA Youth in Gov. State Director Caitlin Cavanagh





Tennis department Senior Director of Tennis

Bob Carroll



Assistant Director of Tennis

Brandon Benbenek



Tennis Administrative Assistant

Maureen Ahl



Youth & Family Assistant Director

Pamela Holland



Assistant Playroom Director

Mary Plummer



Birthday Party Coordinator

Kathleen Eckland



Youth & Family Coordinator

Jackie Arena



Youth & Family department


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted

sPoRTs PRoGRAMs — YoUTH  coNT.

NFL Flag Football League  spring season

outdoor sports *Please note that classes will be cancelled due to increment weather & make-ups will try to be scheduled. Please dress your child for outdoor play.

Flag Football (5 weeks only)

(45 minute class) Outside Field / Boys & Girls / Ages 5–8

Non competitive program designed with drills & scrimmage fun. This program not only helps young players learn the basics of football but also introduces them to plays used in our NFL Flag football league.

We are taking registration for the SSYMCA spring 2014 season of NFL flag football. YMCA NFL FLAG is the premier youth football league for boys and girls ages 7–14. The program provides young players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in non-contact, continuous action while learning lessons in teamwork. Spring 2014 season runs March 17 – May 18, 2014 • Three age brackets: 7–9, 10–12, 13–15, boys & girls • Teams consist of 10 players. • Practices are once a week. (TBA) • Seven game schedule and Jamboree.

Fees: (5 weeks)

• Games played on Sunday afternoons.

$61 Full Member; $92 Non-member

• Games begin Sunday, March 23, 2014

5–6 years (Boys & Girls)

• All games & practices are held at the South Shore YMCA outdoor field.

50SRYCL21 Sat 10:00 a.m. (3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29) 7–8 years (Boys & Girls)

50SRYCL22 Sat 10:45 a.m. (3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29)

• All teams are coached by parent volunteers.* • All players will receive an NFL team identified Jersey and NFL flag belt.

Rookie Rugby (5 weeks only)

Fees:  $110 Full Members; $145 Non-members

Rookie Rugby is an up and coming noncontact sport. Similar to flag football, participants will be taught the basics through fun and easy drills.

*  PARENTs: We need head coaches and assistant coaches for each team. Coaching flag

(45 minute class) Outside Field / Boys & Girls / Ages 7–10

Fees: (5 weeks)

50SRYLG01 (7–9 years) 50SRYLG02 (10–12 years) 50SRYLG03 (13–15 years) football provides a great opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children, helping them learn, grow and have fun. If you are interested, please contact Linda Montoya at lmontoya@ssymca.org.

$61 Full Member; $92 Non-member

50SRYCL40 Sat 10:00 a.m. (3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29)

private basketball instruction Private instruction can make you an all around better player!


scout programs

Need something fun to do with your den/troop? Looking to earn a badge? The YMCA has a variety of programs including fitness, tennis, sport, outdoor adventure, art classes and many more to choose from.* For more information or to book a program, please contact Linda Montoya at lmontoya@ssymca.org. *Programs are run on a per child fee with a minimum requirement.

Boys & Girls / Ages 10+

The YMCA’s coaching plan focuses on instruction, character development, self-esteem, competition and fun! Individual training is an effective means for a player to improve. The SOuTH SHORE YMCA is now offering private lessons for individuals ages 10 and up. Our professional coaching staff will evaluate and design a personal program for each clients needs. During each workout session our goal is for you to have fun and gain confidence. You will improve your conditioning and fundamental basketball skills working one-on-one with one of our coaching staff.

Private Basketball Instruction Rates:

Group (2–4)

01 03 06 12

01 03 06 12

Hour .............................$040 Pack..............................$115 Pack..............................$230 Pack..............................$460

Hour..........................$050 Pack ..........................$145 Pack ..........................$290 Pack ..........................$580

Non-members may take up to 3 LESSONS ONLY with an additional fee of $10/lesson. For additional information please contact Linda Montoya, Sports & Recreation Director at ext. 260 or lmontoya@ssymca.org.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o



Enroll in the American Red Cross Babysitting course and get the training you need. In this course you will learn how to care for infants through school age children and perform tasks such as diapering, preparing simple meals, and dressing. In addition, the course will offer ideas for toys and games to play with the children. You will learn how to handle emergencies and focus on safe care of infants and children. Students should bring a dinner. Fees: $75 Full members; $110 Non-Mbrs

50TNTCL01 Fri 12/13 4–9:00 p.m. 50TNTCL03 Fri 2/14 4–9:00 p.m.


open Mic Night  with south shore  conservatory Ages 13–18

Teen musicians are invited to join the SSC’s Jazz/Rock/Pop department this winter for a series of Open Mic sessions, here at the Y in the Laura’s Center, and at the SSC’s campuses in Hingham and Duxbury. Sound system (mics, amps), keyboard and drums provided. Bring sheet music for our accompanist or a karaoke track on your iPod. Bands, singer/songwriters, and performing artists of all varieties welcomed. Bring your friends! Performers must call ahead to register (781) 829-8585. ext. 259.

Admission Fee: $10 Jan. 10 Feb. 7

7:30–9:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 p.m.

March 7

7:30–9:30 p.m.

April 11

7:30–9:30 p.m.

leaders club

Teambuilding and group games make learning leadership fun and interactive. Weekly meetings with peers, supervised by adult advisors offer teens the Opportunity to learn leadership skills and discover their own leadership potential. Monthly trips and events such as Leaders Prom and two night rally overnights give teens the opportunity to make friends from all over New England and practice the skills they are developing.

Fees: (September 18 – June 11) $50 Full members; $75 Non-Members

14ONG Wed


50TNTCL02 6:00–7:00 p.m.

Bring your team! Teams will play 7 weeks with an 8th week for the playoffs and championship. Teams consist of 5–8 players and will be given a team shirt that must be worn during play. Teams will be given the official rules once they register. See if your team has what it takes!

Game schedule: 12/13, 12/20, 1/10, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14 and 4/11

Fees: $250 per team Having trouble getting a team together? Reach out to us and we can help! To register your team contact Caitlin at ccavanagh@ssymca.org


Spend your Friday night swimming, singing, and making new friends at the YMCA. Fridays nights are packed with activities that are sure to capture every teen’s interest. From gym games to karaoke and art projects, we have it all at Teen Friday.

Teen Fridays will take place on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.

6:30–9:30 p.m. Fees: $3 Full Members; $7 Non-Members

for  watchming upco ial spveecnts! e

Teen co-ED Dodgeball League Ages 14–17

Laura’s Center, EMILSON YMCA, Hanover South Shore Conservatory, 64 St. George St., Duxbury South Shore Conservatory, One Conservatory Dr., Hingham Laura’s Center, EMILSON YMCA, Hanover

teen fridays! (Ages 10–17)

Grades 6–12

overnights and Trips!

therwis e noted


sAT prep

Getting ready to take your SAT’s? Join us at the YMCA with Kaplan SAT prep to receive professional tutoring. Classes run 5 weeks offering tutoring and practice tests. Access to private tutoring and online services also available.

Register with Kaplan today at KAPTEST.COM or call 1-800-KAP-TEST

Teen Night:  social skills Group (2 hours) MP Room/Teen Night / Ages 10–14

The focus of the group is on fostering positive social interactions with peers and adults in a variety of practical situations. This inclusion program, facilitated by our experienced Special Educator, is geared towards individuals with developmental disabilities. Call Jackie Arena at ext. 375 for more information.

Fees: $180 Full member; $270 Non-mbr 50FAFAM01


5:00 p.m.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o



TENNIs — JUNIoRs beginner and Intermediate—

quick starts

Ages 4–5

For more information, please contact Sue Leu at Ext. 271.

Introduces young children to the game of tennis. Features basic stroke development, hand-eye coordination, drills, games, and most importantly, FuN!

NTRP 1.0 For first-time tennis players, this clinic introduces tennis in a fun and active way by utilizing smaller courts and more manageable equipment.


(45 minute class)

$122 Full Member; $183 Non-member


Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Fri Sat Sat

4:00 10:45 11:30 2:45 10:00 10:45 2:45 2:45 8:45 9:30

p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

NTRP 1.5 For players who have graduated Quick Starts 1.0 or have suitable ability. Features basic strokes, scoring, games, footwork and court etiquette. Fees:

(45 minute class)

$122 Full Member; $183 Non-member


Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Fri Sat

4:00 11:30 12:15 2:45 9:15 10:45 2:45 2:45 10:15

p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m.

Ages 6–10

NTRP 1.0 New to the game? This clinic introduces players to the game’s basic rules, proper strokes and movement. Smaller courts and manageable equipment are utilized to help players progress. (60 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member

50TEFuT01 50TEFuT02 50TEFuT03 50TEFuT04

Mon Wed Fri Sat

4:00 4:00 5:00 12:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

NTRP 1.5 For players familiar with the game’s basics, yet still learning to rally. Players will progress through strokes to game and match play.


(60 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member

50TEFuT05 50TEFuT06 50TEFuT07 50TEFuT08

Mon Wed Fri Sat

5:00 5:00 6:00 1:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

NTRP 2.0 For players capable of sustaining a slow-paced rally. Students will work toward full-court match play and an understanding of scoring a match. Fees:

(60 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member

50TEFuT09 50TEFuT10 50TEFuT11 50TEFuT12

Mon Wed Fri Sat

5:00 5:00 6:00 2:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

NTRP 2.5 Knows how to score and play a match. Learns basic singles and double strategy through drills, live ball play, games, and match play. Fees:

Wed Fri Sat

3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

Parent/child clinic

(60 minute class) Children ages 10–14

This clinic will get you and your child learning tennis quickly so you can be playing games together!


(includes parent & child)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-mbr beginner to NTRP 2.5



(60 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member

NTRP 1.0 50TECHA01 50TECHA02

Tues Thurs

4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Tues Thurs Sat

4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.

NTRP 1.5–2.0 50TECHA03 50TECHA04 50TECHA05

NTRP 2.5 Fees: (90 minute class) $243 Full Member; $365 Non-member


Mon Wed Fri

4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

private/ semi-private  tennis lessons Youth or Adult

Each lesson is specially tailored to meet your needs. Stroke development and strategic techniques are customized to enhance a player’s game. Non-members may take lessons for an additional fee of $10/lesson.


Private 1 Student – $90/Hour; $48/Half Hour Semi-Private 2 Students – $47 pp/Hour; 3 Students – $35 pp/Hour


(90 minute class)

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member

50TEFuT13 50TEFuT14 50TEFuT15

Ages 11–18

Beginner and intermediate drills, stroke production and games along with singles and doubles play emphasized.



therwis e noted

Sun 3:00 p.m.

Private 1 Student – $72/Hour; $39/Half Hour Semi-Private 2 Students – $39 pp/Hour; 3 Students – $29 pp/Hour


Private 1 Student – $67/Hour; $36/Half Hour Semi-Private 2 Students – $36 pp/Hour; 3 Students – $26 pp/Hour

Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your lesson with the pro, otherwise you will be responsible for payment.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


player  development

Junior singles Ladder (Ages 10–18)

This uniquely structured clinic mixes drills, strategy and match play. Players will rotate continually between drills and actual play, allowing them to put to immediate use the shots they have been working on. This clinic provides excellent preparation for the competitive high school player.

Fees: 1 1 2 2

(90 minutes)

Clinic: Clinic: Clinics: Clinics:

Competitive match play with the opportunity to move up and down a ladder based upon results. Every week a new schedule of whom and when you play will be posted. Awards given out at the end of the session. For more info, please contact Brandon at bbenbenek@ssymca.org


(60 minutes)

$135 Full Member; $203 Non-member

NTRP 3.0–4.5  50TEJSL01

$243 Full Mbr $365 Non-Mbr $446* Full Mbr $669* Non-Mbr


3:00 p.m.

NTRP 3.0–3.5

1 Clinic:

Tue Thur Fri Sun

3:30 3:30 3:30 1:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

2 Clinics:

50TEPDV05 Tue & Thur 50TEPDV06 Tues & Fri 50TEPDV07 Tues & Sun 50TEPDV08 Thur & Fri 50TEPDV09 Thur & Sun 50TEPDV10 Fri & Sun

3:30 3:30 3:30 1:30 3:30 3:30 1:30 3:30 1:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Player Development 2 NTRP 4.0–4.5

Tue 5:00-6:30 Thur 5:00-6:30 Fri 3:30-5:00 Sun 12:00-1:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

50TEPDV15 Tue & Thur 5:00 50TEPDV16 Tues 5:00 & Fri 3:30 50TEPDV17 Tues 5:00 & Sun 12:00 50TEPDV18 Thur 5:00 & Fri 3:30 50TEPDV19 Thur 5:00 & Sun 12:00 50TEPDV20 Fri 3:30 & Sun 12:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

2 Clinics:

For more information, please contact Bob Carroll at ext. 229



sunday Tournament Training

This special 2-hour clinic will prepare each player for the battles that come with tournament play through drills and an emphasis on match play. To join, players must have a USTA ranking. To register, please contact Bob Carroll at bcarroll@ssymca.org. Reduced price for players enrolled in 2 days of Player Development Clinics.

5:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

PRIME TIME: $36 / hour Mon–Fri:  sat & sun

5:00 – 10:00 p.m. All Day

JUNIoR coURT RATE $20 / hour (Non-Prime Time ) $25 / hour (Prime Time ) LUNcH TIME TENNIs $20 / hour

Already enrolled in 2 PDV clinics: $200 Full Member;$300 Non-Member This Clinic only: $360 Full Member;

trading shots Juniors and Adults Playing Level 3.0 and above When it comes to improving your game nothing compares to relentlessly trading shots with a steady hitting partner. Our teaching staff will make sure that no matter what shot you hit you better stay ready because the ball is coming back!

Fees: $40/hour

Fees: (2 hours)

1 Clinic:


NoN-PRIME TIME: $32 / hour Mon–Fri :

Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your court time, otherwise you will be responsible for your payment. Please note: You must have a credit card on file to book a court. Members & Guests must pay prior to playing.

Player Development 1 50TEPDV01 50TEPDV02 50TEPDV03 50TEPDV04

Tennis court Fees


$540 Non-Member

Sundays, 3:00–5:00 p.m.

don’t forget our popular

February school vacation  Match Point Tennis Academy  & camp  Feb. 17–21, 2014! That week, the Academy for established junior players will include daily on-court strength and agility training, as well as off-court fitness work. The camp for up and coming junior players (beginners to Level 2.5) will include artwork and/or swimming. Watch for a special brochure on the camps!

evaluations  are required! Evaluations are required for

all new tennis participants  PRIoR to registration No evaluation needed for Beginners and Quick Starts. No fee. To set up an evaluation, contact Brandon at bbenbenek@ssymca.org

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


Building Bridges: Focusing on ABILITY, not disability

These inclusion programs, facilitated by our experienced Special Educator, are geared towards individuals with developmental disabilities. *Classes are limited to 6 participants.

kids konnect! (1 hour) Multi-purpose Room / Ages 6–9

We’ll focus on basic social skills like good sportsmanship and flexibility with an emphasis on “expected” and “unexpected” behaviors. The facilitator will help children navigate the ins and outs of being autonomous in the YMCA for the last 1/2 hour of the program.

Fees: $180 Full member; $270 Non-mbr 50FAFAM03


Teen Night:  social skills Group (2 hours) M-P Room / Teen Night / Ages 10–14

The focus of the group is on fostering positive social interactions with peers and adults in a variety of practical situations. Inclusion is an important component of this program.

Fees: $180 Full member; $270 Non-mbr 50FAFAM01


5:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

Young Adult social Networking Group (2 hrs) M-P Room / Ages 15–18+

This is a new group for individuals looking for social connections and support in integrating into the larger community of the YMCA. Meets bi-weekly.


(Winter 1 – 6 weeks begins 11/21)

$120 Full member; $180 Non-mbr

50FAFAM04 Thur


5:00 p.m.

(Winter 2 – 5 weeks begins 2/13)

$100 Full member; $150 Non-mbr

50FAFAM08 Thur

5:00 p.m.

JoIN THE cLUB! XTREME LEGo club with Tracy   (1 hour) Multi-purpose Room / Ages 7–10+

Building, creating and constructing with LEGOs is the order of business at our new XTREME LEGO Club! A variety of LEGO inspired games, activities, and challenges make this club one-of-a-kind!

Fees: $108 Full Member; $162 Non-mbr new!

XTReMe LeGo Club 1: Ages 7–10 (children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult)

50FAFAM05 Tues new!

5:45 p.m.

XTReMe LeGo Club 2: Ages 10 and up and/or those who have completed LEGO Club 1.

50FAFAM06 Mon

4:30 p.m.

Can’t commit to the full session? Our new Drop-in option is for you!

Drop-in fee: $14 Full members; $20 Non-members



(1 hour) Multi-purpose Room / (all ages welcome, children under 7 must be accompanied by an adult)

This club is for individuals who love to play and discuss Minecraft! Participants are encouraged to bring their device (iPad, iTouch, or laptop) to play with other fan club members. If you don’t have a mobile device, not to worry! During the one hour program, our Lounge computers will be reserved for Minecraft Fan Club Members only!

Parents Night out!

Fees: Members: $20 for 1st child; $10 for each add’l child in the same household Non-mbrs: $30 for 1st child; $15 for each add’l child in the same household Registration forms are available at the Playroom Desk. Please call Jackie Arena, Youth & Family Coordinator at ext. 375 for more information.

Fees: $108 Full Member; $162 Non-mbr 50FAFAM09


4:30 p.m.

Can’t commit to the full session? Our new Drop-in option is for you!

Drop-in fee: $14 Full members; $20 Non-members



Stay tuned for new fun and exciting Y&F programs during winter school vacation weeks! Visit our facebook page at Emilson YMCA Youth & Family Programs for more information!

Family Fun Time  •  saturdays! Spend some quality family time at the Y this winter. We will provide a variety of family friendly activities. The first Saturday of every month: 12/7, 1/4, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Included with Household Membership


Family Time-In

allows families a time and place to come together to have a good time; participate in a variety of fun activities; share, communicate and strengthen their relationships; and meet other families.

11/23, 12/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 3/8, 3/22, 4/12 (the 2nd & 4th Sat. of the month) 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. is game time 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. is movie time 50FAeNR16 Fee: Members $10 per family; Non-members $15 Families have the option of ordering a pizza for an additional $10 per pizza.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


Tutoring at the Y!


The Little Learners Program provides a unique experience in a safe and nurturing environment that allows children to play, learn and socialize with other children their age. Join us for nature themed storytelling, and hands on learning and educational activities that will delight Little Learners. Students will gain persepctive about themselves, learn about interacting respectfully with other life, and discover that they are indeed an important part of nature. Parents can work out in the facility OR leave the YMCA grounds, ONCE the necessary

Fees: Full members

$20 per 1/2 hour; $35 per hour Non-members $25 per 1/2 hour; $45 per hour

forms are completed.

special Education Tutoring:

Fees: $360 Full Member; $450 Non-Member


Tues, Wed & Thur 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 50FAEXT1 (Winter 1); 50FAEXT2 (Winter 2)

Full Members $25 per 1/2 hour; $45 per hour Non-members $30 per 1/2 hour; $55 per hour Purchase a package of new! 10 sessions and get a 1-hour session FREE! Please call ext. 375 for details.


Little Learners Program – 9-week sessions / Ages 3–7 Tales from the Wild (Winter 1); Animal Trails (Winter 2)

✭ ✭ ✭

parents time-out

The vIP Program

The VIP Program* entitles families to double their time in our Playroom. Parents may drop their children off in our Playroom and enjoy all our facility has to offer. The VIP Program entitles a Household Membership to 2 hours of babysitting, twice a day (4 hours per day maximum), including babies. *VIP Program is valid month of issue. Household Members Only

✭ ✭ ✭

Fee: $35

Located in the Playroom, Center & Lounge areas • Tues–Friday • 12:00–3:00 p.m.

Need an afternoon for yourself to go to the spa, to run an errand, or just relax with a friend? We have a great solution for you! Our caring Playroom staff will oversee your child’s fun enrichment activities in our safe YMCA environment. Parents can work out in the facility OR leave the YMCA grounds, ONCE the necessary forms are completed.

Fees: Full Member – $20/1st child (50FAFAM14); $10 for each additional child in the same family (50FAFAM15); Non-member – $30/1st child (50FAFAM14); $15 for each additional child in the same family (50FAFAM15)

the playroom

youth areas

*During unsupervised times the parent/guardian must accompany the Youth Member.


The Activity center**

*Youth Areas are moderately supervised.

6 weeks through 6 years welcome while the parent is at the Y. NOTE: YMCA Key Tag or photo identification is REQUIRED to use this service.

Fees: Included with Household Membership [parent(s) and child(ren) must all be Household Members] $5/hour/1st child for Adult Full Member bringing a Youth Member; $2.50/hour/each sibling $7/hour/1st child for Non-members & visitors; $3.50/hour/each sibling Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m

Limit: 2 hours/day (ages 1 through 6); 1 hour/day (ages 6 wks – 12 mos.) For specific questions about the Playroom, please call the Playroom desk at 781-829-8585, ext. 230.


Enjoy a great place for children* and/or their families to have fun with a focus on the four core values of character development. YOUTH GUIDELINES APPLY.

The Lounge

Come enjoy a quiet place to relax, read, use the computers, eat, and engage in quiet play.

Fees: Included with Household & Youth Memberships

Activity center & Lounge** Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

3:30 – 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

NOTE:* During supervised hours, a parent/guardian age 16+ must be in the facility while Youth Members ages 7–9 are participating in any of the Youth Areas, (Activity Center, Lounge, or Center).

The center

Family Time in the Center is a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to play together in a fun, safe environment with our many age appropriate activities. For the safety of our Playroom participants, the Center is a water-only zone.

The center** Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday

12:00–6:00 p.m. 1:00–6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Note: For The Activity Center, the Lounge, & the Center: Children under age 7 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian age 16+ at all times. **

Schedule and availability subject to change due to programs and special events.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


Birthday Parties coME cELEBRATE YoUR sPEcIAL DAY AT THE Y!  You pick the date, we bring the fun! All parties are one hour 30 minutes of non-stop fun: one hour of activity and another 30 minutes for food, cake, and presents (supplied by members) ore For mation Fee includes trained birthday party staff, specified activities, set up, break down and cleaning of the party, m inforll ext. birthday invitations, and the birthday boy or girl gets a special birthday t-shirt to remember his or her ca


special day. The party room is yours to decorate. The birthday child is the center of all activities.

Fun & Games Party For up to 20 children Love recess? Then come celebrate your birthday with fun and active games! Fees: $250 Full Member; $275 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

sports Party For up to 20 children

Game on! Gather your team and have a ball playing t-ball, flag football, basketball, or soccer! Fees: $250 Full Member; $275 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Toddler Birthday Party For up to 15 children

Come sing songs, pop bubbles, and get messy for your 2nd or 3rd birthday! Fees: $250 Full Member; $275 Non-Mbr new!

Wed Sat Sun

12:30 – 2:15 p.m. 3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

LEGo Enthusiasts! For up to 20 children

Come build and play Lego themed games! Fees: $250 Full Member; $275 Non-Mbr


11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Dance Party For up to 20 children

Learn some dances and play some dancing games. We’ll bring the music — you bring your dancing shoes! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Princess Party For up to 20 children

Be a princess for a day at your own Princess Party! Come dressed as your favorite princess and join us for crafts, games and lots of royal fun! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.


Minecraft Madness

For up to 20 children

Is your kiddo MineCraft crazy? Come play MineCraft themed games and use our “MineCraft” blocks to build a shelter before the monsters come out! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr

Sat 5:30 – 7:15 p.m. Sun 1 – 2:45 p.m. or 2 – 3:45 p.m.

Pirate Party For up to 20 children

Yo Ho Ho! Go on a scavenger hunt, play some games, and have swashbuckling fun new! at a pirate party! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Art Party For up to 20 children

Create a birthday masterpiece with our resident artist and have some fun exploring your creative side! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr

Sat Sun

3:00 – 4:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Pool Party For up to 20 children

(children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult in the water)

Slip down the waterslide and splash your way to a great time at the Y! Fees: $300 Full Member; $350 Non-Mbr

Sat 5:30 – 7:15 p.m. Sun 1 – 2:45 p.m. or 2 – 3:45 p.m.

Tennis Party For up to 20 children Grab your racket and enjoy cardio tennis, music, and games! Fees: $260 Full Member; $285 Non-Mbr


2:00 – 3:45 p.m.

kids Zone Toddler Party  at the Early Learning center!

1075 Washington St., Hanover, MA 02399 For up to 20 children

Perfect for Toddlers! Come play at the Kid Zone, sing some songs, ride bikes, play games, and more. Fees: $250 Full Member; $275 Non-Mbr

Sat or Sun

1:00 – 2:45 p.m.

Deluxe Birthday Party PAckAGE* Supply us with your list of guests and we will do the rest! • Invitations • RSVPs • Paper Goods • Pizza • Water/Juice • Decorations (streamers and 12 balloons) • Goodie bags

• 2 birthday Party Staff Attendants • Set-up – Serve – Clean-up


$425 Full Member; $475 Non-Mbr *For 20 children. Pool parties excluded.

Party Enhancements: Face Painting . . . . . . . . . . . .$40 Caricatures . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 Goodie Bags . . . . . . . . . . . .$50 8 Latex Balloons . . . . . . . . .$10 Paper Goods . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 Additional children . . . .$10 each

Did you know?  The Y rents space for all special occasions. Set the date, and we will accommodate! 25

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted



(45 minute class) Ages 16+.

Fees: $100 Full Member; $149 Non-mbr beginner Learn the basics in swimming.


7:00 p.m.

Intermediate Improve your crawl stroke, backstroke, and breaststroke. Also, treading water, diving, and endurance swimming.


Thur Sat

7:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

Water Aerobics (60 minute class)

Stretching, toning, and cardiovascular exercises, & combined shallow and deep water exercises.

Fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

e— (First com ed) First serv

Tues Tues Thurs Thurs Fri

9:30 7:00 9:30 7:00 9:30

a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.

Deep Water Power (60 minute class)

High intensity total body conditioning in deep water; cardiovascular and muscular strengthening workout using floatation belt and water resistive equipment.

Fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

Tues Thurs

8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.

Aqua Group Personal Training  (60 minutes) 9-week class

Aqua training in a small group setting (6:1 ratio). Instructor leads you through personalized/fun workout.

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50AQWEX07 Mon/Wed

8:30 a.m.

adult private  swim lessons (30 min. class) For Adults

The format can be either one-on-one or semi-private with two students of similar age and ability to one instructor. Fees:* $40 per Private Lesson; $55 per Semi-Private Lesson *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee and are limited to 3 lessons/year. For more information, call ext. 242.


Arthritis Program

An excellent way to burn off fat and build strength and aerobic capacity, using a unique technique called Cross Travel which gets the same cardio effects as running on land without the joint pain!

Warm water exercise program designed for people with arthritis and related conditions. Perform gentle exercises without strain on joints or muscles. Work on balance, coordination, and basic cardio moves.

Shallow Aqua Aerobics Workout

Adult swim Lessons


Hydro Power A High-Intensity

Both swimmers & non-swimmers can participate

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50AQWEX08 Mon/Wed 9:30–10:30 a.m. new!

Aqua Zumba (60 minute class)

A fun Zumba class that combines the benefits of Zumba and water exercise. Fees: Included with Full Membership; $50 Non-member DROP IN CLASS!

Mon 10:30 a.m.

older adults

senior Water Aerobics

Specifically designed for active older adults. Stretching, toning, and cardiovascular exercise in the water.

(60 minutes) 9-week class

Flotation belt must be worn throughout class. A quick “swim” test is required and performed 1st class. AFYAP form is required for participation, and is available at the front desk or through the instructor.

Fees: Included with Full Membership; $69 Non-member


Mon Tues Tues Wed Thur Thur Fri

11:30 8:30 11:30 11:30 8:30 11:30 8:30

a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.

Fees: Included with Full Membership DROP IN CLASS!

Tues/Thur 10:30 a.m.

coMPETITIvE sWIMMING — ADULTs Triathlon swim Technique class Introduction to Swim Team 1 hour class/2 days per week

This class focuses on swimming technique to improve efficiency in the water which conserves the much needed energy required to complete a triathlon.

Fees: $144 Full Member; $180 Non-mbr 50AQMAS04

Mon/Wed 7:00 p.m.


soUTH sHoRE Y Masters  9 weeks / Age 18+

The SSYMCA Masters/Triathlon swimming program helps participants of various ability levels to improve their stroke efficiency (technique) and their fitness. The program is managed by Director of Comp. Swimming, Tim Mulvihill, and led by a team of experienced and enthusiastic coaches. Min. swimming requirement is 200 continuous yards at any speed.


9 weeks

1x per week  50STEAM02 $50 Full Member; $70 Non-Mbr

2x per week  50STEAM03 $65 Full Member; $80 Non-Mbr

Tu/Th M/W Sun

5:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


Meet the Artist: Gallery openings Join us this winter - free and open to all ages! Location: Laura’s Center for the Arts (LCA) Hours: All gallery openings are from 6:00–8:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 19: “solstice” On the eve of the solstice, please come and celebrate with us and view the artwork of artists Pam Golden and Kati Danowski. There will also be a performance of Kimberly LaCroix’s one woman show at 7:00 p.m., Mzungu Memoirs, a piece reflecting on time spent in East Africa.

Friday, January 31: “karie o’Donnell – A solo Exhibition” Join us in January to celebrate the work of Karie O’Donnell. Working out of Brant Rock, Karie is inspired by the wildlife which she depicts in her graphite drawings and oil paintings.

Friday, February 28: “sNAc: The southern New England Artist community” SNAC artists have been collaborating and expanding the art scene throughout Southern New England for several years. Come and see the work of the many artists who are part of this diverse artist group and enjoy a performance by actor Neil McGarry at 7:00 p.m..

Friday, March 28: “still Running: An Art Marathon  for Boston” In response to the recent tragedy at the Boston Marathon, “Still Running: An Art Marathon for Boston” was created by two Boston university Students. Their organization’s goal is to gather the community together to produce works of art as a part of the healing process as well as a celebration of the Boston spirit. For more info. on how to get involved, visit bostonartsmarathon.com

Friday, April 25: “Meet the Artist: The Next Generation” In April we will recognize the immense amounts of artistic achievement in our surrounding schools.

Expressive Painting (2 hours)


Adults / LCA Art Rm /

Beginner level. Delve into the contemporary art world and reflect on our findings through paint. Course is designed to explore the many ways acrylic painting techniques can be used to find personal expressive imagery. All materials provided.

Fees: $125 Full Member; $188 Non-mbr 50AEVIS11


7:00 p.m.

cork & canvas (2.5 hours) Ages 21+ / LCA Theatre

Beth Gilmore guides you step-by-step through the creation of a painting, start to finish. Supplies provided, including complementary wine and refreshments.

Fees: $30 Full Member; $45 Non-mbr 50AEACL01 50AEACL02 50AEACL03 50AEACL04

Fri Fri Fri Fri

12/13 1/10 2/7 3/7

6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

private voice and/or acting lessons Ages 8–Adult • See page 10

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

ornamentally Yours! (1.5 hours)

Design clay ornaments! use coil and slab techniques to make the ornaments in the first class, and then paint them with glazes during the second class. Pieces will be fired in a kiln. Instructor: Pam Golden.

Fees: $56 Full Member; $70 Non-mbr 50AEACL08 50AEACL09 new!

Thu 11/21 7:00 p.m. Thu 12/5 7:00 p.m.

Make a Mug! (1.5 hours)

Learn various techniques to create clay mugs in the first class, and decorate them with glazes in the 2nd. Pieces will be fired in a kiln. Instructor: Pam Golden.

Fees: $56 Full Member; $70 Non-mbr 50AEACL10 50AEACL11 new!

Thu 2/6 7:00 p.m. Thu 2/13 7:00 p.m.

Build a Bowl! (1.5 hours)

Create a clay bowl in the first class, and then paint them with glazes during the second class. Pieces will be fired in a kiln. Instructor: Pam Golden.

sculpt and create (1.5 hours) Adults / LCA Multipurpose Room 6-week class, 1/8–2/12

Join artist and educator Pam Golden for this new adult art class. Explore the use of clay in sculpture and pottery, learn about the process of creation, and get your hands dirty while getting to know other adults in your community.

Fees: (6 weeks) $125 Full Member; $188 Non-mbr



7:00 p.m.

Digital Photography (1 hour) Adults / LCA Art Room

Turn your ‘snapshots’ into “WOW” shots with Brina’s class. Learn how to use manual settings for IMPACT in your photos. A DSLR camera is recommended. Instructor: Brina Healy.

Fees: $135 Full Member; $200 Non-mbr



7:00 p.m.

Fees: $56 Full Member; $70 Non-mbr 50AEACL12 50AEACL13

Thu 1/9 7:00 p.m. Thu 1/16 7:00 p.m.

LcA: Laura’s Center for the Arts (LCA) is located across the parking lot from the EMILSON YMCA. 27

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


structured exercise Moving Forward after cancer

Welcome Home Program for active/retired veterans Health & Well-being Center

(60 min.) Health & Well-being Center / 1X per week for 9 weeks

We want to be your home away from home! We are here to help support and encourage in making friendships and transitioning back into day to day living. This program is specifically geared toward any local service member who is an active or retired veteran. A Certified Personal Trainer, who is also a retired veteran, will help create an exercise regimen designed specifically to support your needs. Instructor: Retired Veteran, Rich Boynton

Our program welcomes survivors of all types of cancer, from the point of diagnosis, through treatment and years beyond. Meet weekly with a Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist who will help you increase your flexibility, strength and cardiovascular endurance. Join us for a monthly educational presentation addressing cancer issues and their impact on your daily life. 1st Monday of the month.

Fees: (1X/week for 9 weeks) Included with Full Membership; $60 Non-Member 50HWACL61 50HWACL62 50HWACL63

Mon Wed Wed

10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Fees: Included with Full Membership; $72 Non-Member 50HWACL60

With: Julie Ferguson With: Leeanne Stronach With: John Nisby

Fri 8:00–11:00 a.m.

For further information please contact Director of Health and Well Being Katelyn Szafir: kszafir@ssymca.org or 781-829-8585 ext. 228.

conquer Diabetes

cardiac & Pulmonary Transition

Pre and Post operative care

This program is for individuals living with diabetes. This class will provide structured workouts based on individual needs. Each participant will meet one-on-one with a trainer to design an exercise plan for strength and cardiovascular work. Instructor: Tyson Sunnerberg

For individuals transitioning from cardiac rehabilitation. This class will provide structured workouts based on individual needs. Each participant will meet one-onone with a trainer to design an exercise plan for strength and cardiovascular work. Instructor: Leeanne Stronach/Kyle Britton

Fees: (2X/week for 9 weeks)

Fees: (2X/week for 9 weeks) Included with Full Membership; $234 Non-Mbr

This program provides each individual with a specific exercise program designed to restore your state of health whether it be recovering from an injury or injury prevention. A great step for people before and after physical therapy. Exercise benefits include decreased pain, increases joint range of motion, increased wound healing, overall muscle tone, and weight loss. Instructors: Kyle Britton/Kate Mortland

(60 minutes) Health & Well-being Center / 2X per week for 9 weeks

Included with Full Membership; $234 Non-Member


Mon/Wed 6:00 p.m. Wed 2:00 p.m.

(60 minutes) Health & Well-being Center / 2X per week for 9 weeks

(60 minutes) Health & Well-being Center / 2X per week for 9 weeks

50HWACL68 Tues/Thur 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m., or 5:00 p.m.

Phase I: (Initial) – 3 Months before/after injury or surgery (or new to the program)

Fees: (2X/week for 9 weeks) Included with Full Membership; $234 Non-Mbr

active older adults


This group meets the 1st Thursday of every month 12/5–2/27

Mon/Wed 11:00 a.m.

Phase II: (Secondary) – 6 Months post completion of physical therapy or at trainer’s discretion.


Live Y’ers is a club for men and women ages 55+. Each week holds something new including luncheons at local restaurants, walking, light exercise/stretching, etc. We host a speaker on the first Thursday of each month. BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch) to these educational, entertaining and informative talks. We also have scheduled day trips to fun & interesting sights through the Live Y’ers Quincy group.


(2X/week for 9 weeks)

$120 Full Member; $234 Non-Mbr


Mon/Wed 11:00 a.m.

This group is ever growing and we welcome new ideas, energy, and friends. Volunteer opportunities available. Contact Leeanne Stronach at ext. 368, for more info.


Included with Full Membership; $24 non-members 50HWACL59 Registration is required

personal fitness Tai chi (60 min. class) LCA / All ages! An ancient Chinese exercise class combining stretching, balancing, relaxing, and meditation techniques. Offers many benefits, including stress reduction, emotional wellness, improved strength, flexibility, balance, and postural alignment. Instructor: Peggy Leung, R.N.

Fees: $54 Full Member; $81 Non-Member 50HWACL01 Mon 8:00 a.m.; 50HWACL02 Wed 7:00 p.m.; 50HWACL03 Sat 2:00 p.m. 28

Thurs 11:30 a.m.

Qi Gong  (60 min. class) LCA / All ages welcome! Qi Gong is a holistic mind/body fitness system. It helps to revitalize the body, lower blood pressure, loosen the various body joints and relax the mind, thus eliminating stress. Superb exercise for cultivating and maintaining general good health. It is also highly effective for the cardiovascular, central nervous and digestive systems. Instructor: Peggy Leung, R.N.

Fees: $54 Full Member; $81 Non-Member 50HWACL04


9:00 a.m.

Winter 1 &2


Classes are

9 weeks

unless o therwis e noted


personal fitness (cont.) new!

Eat. Pray. Love. (1 hour class)

9 weeks / Health & Well-being Center / Adults

Eat healthier, pray that you’ll make it through the workouts, and love your new improved body. •

Weekly check-ins with your Food & Exercise journals

Before and after weight check, measurements and body composition test (optional)

Weekly fitness classes

Learn how to convert your favorite recipes into a healthier option.

Registered Dietician available for consult.

Instructors: Kate Mortland & Christine Galvin


(1x a week option) $129; (2x a week option) $225

Full Members Only

50HWACL14 50HWACL15 50HWACL16 new!

Mon Tues Thur

6:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m.

Pedal Off The Pounds (60 mins) Cycle Studio

Take control of your health and shed the weight you have been stuggling to lose on your own. •

Need help staying motivated keeping a healthy diet & getting regular exercise?

Are you more comfortable joining a weight loss program at a facility you are familiar with and trust?

If you answered YES, then Pedal Off The Pounds weight loss challenge is for you! Instructor: Kate Mortland

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr 50HWACL08


10:45 a.m.

Barre Class

(60 min. class) Studio 3 / Adults

The YMCA’s Barre Pialtes class is a low-impact/high-intensity workout set to upbeat music designed to strengthen, tone and lengthen your body. The barre method is influenced by classical ballet barre technique, Pilates, and yoga. Light weights, small yoga balls, yoga straps and yoga mats will be used. Barre is one of the fastest and safest ways to create results by targeting those difficult to tone areas.


(9 weeks) $126 Full Members; $189 Non Members



Mon Tue Wed Fri

11:00 5:00 10:00 8:30

a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

Hot Hula (60 minute class) Studio 3 / Adults / 9 weeks Are you looking for a high energy, fun, total body workout that is easy to follow and easy on your joints?

Inspired by the dances of the Pacific Islands, HOT HULA fitness incorporates easy to perform dance movements set to the sounds of traditional Polynesian drum beats fused with funky Reggae music resulting in a modern, hip fitness workout. HOT HULA fitness provides a “total body workout” in 60 minuets as it isolates your larger muscle groups, increasing your strength and definition to your core with specific emphasis on the abs, glutes, quads, and arms. Instructor: Bre Paluzzi

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-Member 50HWACL05


11:15 a.m.

Yin Yoga all Over (6 weeks)

Butts and Guts

(75 minute class) LCA / Adults

(60 minute class) Studio 1 / Adults

The practice of Yin Yoga targets the area of the body below the navel and above the knees. It involves coming into a posture that is relaxed, supported and then held for 2-5 minutes. All poses take place in a seated, reclined or supine position. Yin Yoga targets the deep connective tissues of the body (i.e. Fascia/ligaments)

This workout will strengthen, trim and tone those areas and more. This class is a comprehensive, high-intensity workout focusing on the abdominals, obliques, buttocks and thighs.

Instructor: Kerry Delahunt


(6 weeks — Win. 1 only 11/21–1/2)

Instructor: Sue Belanger

Fees: $90 Full Member; $135 Non-Member



1:00 p.m.

$60 Full Member; $90 Non-member




7:00 p.m.

Fast Five (60 min. class) H&WB Center Reset your Resolution!!

For women who want to lose that last 5+ pounds or inches. Take control of your body with cardio exercise while incorporating weights. This 2 day a week class will help you lose the weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Instructor: Audrey Sorensen

Fees: (9 weeks – Winter 2 only) $108 Full Member; $162 non-member 50HWACL09

Mon & Wed 5:00 p.m. 29

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


adult specialty classes designed for those who want to strive for another challenge in their fitness routine! new!

keiser Indoor  cycling certification

(5 hour training) Cycle Studio / Sat., 11/16

Keiser Indoor Cycling continues to be one of the hottest trends in the fitness industry. Enlivened by athletic racing, interval training, and visualization, Keiser Indoor Cycling programming is the future of fitness. The key to exercise adherence is variety. This program constantly evolves from beginner to expert, which develops ultimate fitness without overstraining. Instructor: Karen Peterson, National Trainer for Keiser

Fees:  $99 YMCA Members; $149 Non-member


Saturday, Nov. 16 12:00–5:00 p.m.

Take your cycling class to the next level!

Power Training Workshop new! and Heart Rate Training Work out smarter….not harder! Learn how to utilize the power meter on the computer to maximize fitness gains. The ultimate in performance training. For more information on these workshops contact Kristen Noonan, Group Exercise Director, at 781-829-8585, ext. 300 or knoonan@ssymca.org

boot camp!

(60 minute class) 2X a week for 11 weeks Studio 1 / Adult Men

Boot camp For Men  11 week session / Studio 1 / Adult Men

Kick Start your day! Raise your heart rate with a combination of aerobic, strength training, and agility exercises. A challenging and exhilarating workout with other men just like you getting REAL RESuLTS! Instructor: Tyson Sunnerberg $132 Full Member; $198 Non-Member



8:00 a.m.

co-ed Boot camp (60 minute class) 11 week session / Studio 1 / Adults

Instructor: Tyson Sunnerberg

Fees: (11 weeks)

$308 Full Member; $426 Non-Member



Tues Thur

6:30 a.m.

(60 minute class) 9 weeks/ Studio 2 / Adults

Fees: (9 weeks)

$126 Full Member; $189 Non-Member


$154 Full Member; $231 Non-Member



A great cross-training workout that keeps your body guessing while having fun at the same time. Instructor: Bruce Heller

Fees: (11 weeks) 5:15 a.m. 5:30 a.m.

Insanity  (50 minute class) Studio 3


Mon Wed Wed Fri Sat

6:00 7:00 6:00 9:00 8:00

a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

HIIT the sLoPEs!!! (60 minute class) Studio 2 / Adults

Get ready for the ski and snowboarding season while preventing injury. Condition your body with specific core work, strength training, flexibility, and cardio/endurance training. HIIT (high intensity interval training) intervals to challenge yourself!

Insanity is a revolutionary cardio-based total-body conditioning program based on the principle of MAX Interval Training. Instead of working out moderately with short bursts of intensity, Insanity features longer periods of high-intensity exercise punctuated with short periods of rest. Instructors: Diane Holland/Kristin Evans

Instructors: Audrey Sorensen

Fees:$90 Full Member; $135 Non-mbr

Fees: $108 Full Member; $162 Non-mbr

Tue Thur

6:15 a.m. 6:15 a.m.

kettleBell cardio Fitness (60 minute class) Studio 2 / Adults Burn fat and build strength while having fun!

Various Kettlebell exercises coupled with intense cardio —keeps your heart rate up throughout to not only focus on improving strength but also cardiovascular endurance.

Fees: $126 Full Member; $189 Non-Member 50HWACL32

This class meets twice a week to double your chance to bust your butt (and your gut!) Instructor: Tyson Sunnerberg

Boot camp with Bruce

Fees: (11 weeks)

50HWACL22 50HWACL23 new!

Boot camp For Men II

50HWACL30 new!


5:00 p.m.

Boxing with christine (60 min.) Studio 2

This total-body conditioning boxing class shows you how, incorporating punches as well as athletic drills, to get ready for the ring. No boxing or martial arts experience necessary. Training gloves required.

Thurs 11:00 a.m. Instructor: Sarah Rydwansky

Instructor: Christine Galvin

Fees: $126 Full Member; $189 Non-mbr

TRX® Boot camp (60 minute class) Studio 3 / Adults

Kick your butt in a shorter time! A cardio workout combined with the TRX suspension straps — improves core stability and balance, while combining strength and cardio training. Fees: (9 weeks; 2x per week) $252 Full Member; $378 Non-Member ®


Mon/Wed 6:00 a.m.

Fees: (9 weeks; 1x per week) $126 Full Members; $189 Non Mbrs 50HWACL18 Sun 10:45 a.m.; 50HWACL19 Wed 6:15 p.m. 50HWACL20 Thur 5:00 p.m.; 50HWACL21 Fri 9:30 a.m. 30

Drop-in available for Members only

$20 50HWACL45



9:30 a.m.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted




The Personal Trainers at  the soUTH sHoRE YMcA offer:

MY Y sToRY Personal Training

• Strength & Functional training • Cardiovascular Endurance • Heart Rate training • Flexibility & Balance • Yoga and Pilates one-on-one

• Sport specific training &

I have been enrolled in conquering Diabetes for  several years working with Tyson. Tyson has been helping me get back  to my regular routine. He gives me fitness challenges; he helps me set

• Pre- and Post-Natal.

goals and follows up with me to help me meet them. My blood pressure,

Personal Training Rates:*

cholesterol and weight have all improved. Tyson even challenged me to

1 Hour: $55

do 5k’s. I completed one and am looking forward to trying more. Exercise

(3-Pack $156; 6-Pk $294; 12-Pk $552)

and a great personal trainer will help you see positive results.

Group (2–4 people): $60 (3-Pack $171; 6-Pk $324; 12-Pk $612)

Please refer to our Personal Training biographies found in our Health & Well-being Center or on our website at ssymca.org/millpond/meet-our-personal-trainers/

1/2 Hour: $30 (6-Pack $168; 12-Pack $312) *Non-members will be charged an additional $10 fee. For more information, call ext. 228.

Personal Trainers are available at any hour that we’re open. Contact Katelyn Szafir, Health & Well-being Director, at ext. 228 to get started or with any questions.

body composition test


(by appt only)

nutrition counseling Full Members only

$10 – Non-members

Get assistance with weight management, medical nutrition, and healthy eating. Our Registered Dietician offers individualized nutrition plans and healthy meal planning with recipes to fit your budget. Fees: $65 — 1 hour session, $35 — ½ hour session

To make an appointment, call ext. 255.

Call Katelyn at ext. 228 to schedule a time

Accurately measures your body’s percentage of body fat to lean muscle.

Fees: Included with Full Membership;


teen/adult  tae kwon do (60 min. class) Studio 1 / 14+ years / Covers all student levels from beginner to expert.

Learn self-defense moves, kicks, blocks, punches and strikes, and gain self-confidence, self-control and discipline.

Fees: $167 Full mbr; $249 Non-mbr 50SRACL01 Tues/Thurs 8:00 p.m. For questions regarding the Taekwon-Do program, contact Eric Vining, New England Taekwon-Do at NETKD.ITF@gmail.com

drop-in for basketball or volleyball! DRoP-IN coED  ADULT BAskETBALL  (Full members only)

coed: (Ages 18+) Mon 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Men’s: (Ages 18+) Sat 6:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m.


Fees: Included with Full Membership;$6/night for non-mbrs* Wednesdays 7:00–9:45 p.m. *Sign ups & payment can be made at member service desk.

ADvANcED DRoP-IN voLLEYBALL Player’s skills will be evaluated by volleyball instructor; limited to 18 players/night.

Fees: $4 per night Full Members; $8 per night Non-Members* Thurs 7:30–9:45 p.m. *Sign ups & payment can be made at member service desk. 31


strengthening individuals of all abilities The SOUTH SHORE YMCA Partnership Program is designed specifically for people who need assistance and are interested in a structured exercise program.

Who will you be training with?

How to join the Partnership Program:

Our Partnership Program will provide a volunteer to teach the participant how to properly use the specialized strength training and cardiovascular equipment in our fitness facility. Participants who do not have a partner to work with are eligible to enroll, but may experience a waiting period until a volunteer becomes available.

Call MaryEllen Olson, Partnership Program Director at (781) 829-8585, ext. 322, or for aquatics, contact Bill McCormick at bmccormick@ssymca.org

Eligible participants include persons with:* • • • • •

Neurological Conditions, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s, Traumatic Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries and Water Phobias Wheelchair dependency Blindness Multiple Sclerosis or Cerebral Palsy Stroke or Brain Injury

* Eligibility is based on individual need and determined on a case by case basis. This program is recreational in nature and not to be considered rehabilitation. The volunteers are not trained professionals; the workouts are not to be considered personal training.

What equipment will you use in our Health and Well-being center? You will perform strength-training and cardiovascular exercise on: • Wheelchair-accessible Total Access Cybex strength equipment • Recumbent and upright bikes, treadmills, rowers and ellipticals • Additional Cybex strength machines (for individuals capable of transferring)

• • •

MotoMed Viva 2: for movement therapy Seated Octane elliptical and Sci-fi Stepper with leg straps and wheelchair ramp TechnoGym entry level Easy Line strength equipment (for individuals capable of transferring)

TechnoGym Arm Ergometer

A volunteer will provide one-on-one instruction in our Health & Well-being Center for initial program design and training on the equipment. Your regular workout schedule will depend on you and your training partners’ availability.

What Equipment will you use for training in our pools? In our aquatics center you will discover the physical and psychological benefits of weightless motion. Once you are outfitted with appropriate flotation, the aquatics team will add one or more of the following: Swim Fins, Goggles, Hand Paddles, and Snorkels to maximize your experience. If you are interested in our Aquatics Division of the Partnership Program we have seven volunteers that are available Tuesday– Thursday. If you would like to “test the waters,” our team of aquatic instructors will do an evaluation, equip you with suitable flotation device(s), and instruct you throughout your exercise program to ensure you get a sound and safe water workout. 32

We invite you to first visit and tour our facility. After a brief meeting with the Partnership Program Director, we ask that you: • Complete a Partnership Program application • Fill out a Medical History Questionnaire • Provide medical clearance by a physician • Submit an exercise prescription by a physical or occupational therapist (if applicable)

What does this program cost? The Partnership Program is available to full YMCA members at no additional cost.

volunteer: in the spotlight bob Demaggio, an easy going guy, always goes with the flow... especially when it comes to water. A retired military veteran who served in the Army, Marines and Navy, Bob has always been a take-charge kind of guy. His competitive swimming background in college kept Bob busy along with teaching swimming classes, lifeguarding, and water safety instruction as a young adult. Today, after 40 years in private practice as a dentist, he has come back home to the water. Bob is firmly convinced that the water has a calming and nurturing effect, much like the embryonic womb, what he refers to as “mummy’s tummy.” His words are taken seriously today since he founded the Aquatics Partnership at the Emilson Y, and proves his theory working with Partnership Program Participants who need assistance in the water. As a volunteer, Bob’s new duty station is at the Emilson Y where he leads a growing team of 7 volunteers (Bill Reid, Jim Beal, Jeanine Adams, Sarah Foley, Jim Judge and Laurie Hayes). Bob no longer actively serves his country, but serves his community wholeheartedly at his local YMCA here in Hanover. For more information about our Partnership Program or to become a volunteer, please contact MaryEllen Olson at ext. 322, or Bill McCormick at 339-788-1533.

Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


adult clinics

Beginner & Intermediate clinics Stay in shape or simply discover the joy of tennis. These clinics cover the basics with an emphasis on FuNdamentals.


Intensive drills, games and stroke production, along with singles and doubles strategy.


(60 minute class)

know your pro

Men’s clinics

(90 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member

NTRP 1.0

NTRP 3.0–3.5


Mon Tues Tues Thur Sat

10:30 12:00 6:30 11:00 10:00

a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

NTRP 1.5–2.0 Knows the basics. Can sustain a short, easy rally. Emphasis on drills, stroke production, and learning to play a match.


Mon Mon Tues Thur Sat

10:30 7:30 12:00 11:00 11:00

a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

NTRP 2.5 Knows how to score and is capable of playing a match. Doubles drills and strategy is emphasized.


(90 minute class)

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member


Mon Wed Thur Sat

6:00 6:00 9:00 10:00

p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m.

Advanced clinics

More advanced coaching with an emphasis on progressive drills, games, and doubles strategy.


(90 minute class)

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member NTRP 3.0


Mon Mon Thurs Thur

9:00 6:00 12:00 6:30

a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


Wed 7:30 p.m.

NTRP 3.5 and above



8:00 p.m.

stroke of the Week

Volleys giving you trouble? Serves just won’t go in? This technique-driven clinic is designed to right the wrongs. Each week our certified pros will break down then build up various strokes.


(60 minute class)

$162 Full Member; $243 Non-member NTRP 2.5–3.0


Amanda Albuquerque

Holding the No. 1 position in tennis is nothing new to 22-year-old staff pro Amanda Albuquerque. Whether it’s a uSTA New England ranking at age 10, or as a high school sophomore, junior and senior, the top of the tennis mountain has become a second home for our talented pro. A 2013 graduate of Southern New Hampshire university (psychology degree), she was named to First Team All-Northeast 10 Conference in singles and second team in doubles. Certified to instruct by the Professional Tennis Registry, Amanda continues to pursue a professional playing career.

Wed 9:00 a.m.

drop in  cardio tennis

Doubles Drill and Play

Work on stroke and strategy development but still play games. Combines 45 mins. of drills and 45 mins. of match play for doubles.


(90 minute class)

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member

New! 90 minutes on Sundays!

NTRP 2.5–3.0



10:30 a.m.

NTRP 3.0–3.5



9:00 a.m.

singles Drill and Play

(90 minute class)

$243 Full Member; $365 Non-member NTRP 3.0–3.5


Tues Fri

10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

NTRP 3.5 and above



All Levels

Fees: (Fee per visit / 60 minutes)


$15 Full Member; $21 Non-member


8:00–9:00 p.m.

Fees: (Fee per visit / 90 minutes)

Work on stroke and strategy development but still play games. Combines 45 mins. of drills and 45 mins. of match play for singles.


Keep your heart rate elevated and burn calories while having fun! Cardio tennis features drills that give players of all levels the ultimate high-energy workout.

12:00 p.m.

Please keep this guide for future reference for program dates; codes are the same in the Winter 2 session, unless otherwise noted.

$20 Full Member; $30 Non-member

Sat Sun

8:00–9:30 a.m. 9:00–10:30 a.m.

legends tennis Colder days mean hotter tennis for our Legends Tennis Group. Running October through May, this sign-and-play drop-in league features many of the best seasoned players around. Courts are reserved Mon / Wed / Fri, from 1:30–3:00 p.m. for this group.

Fees: $8 Full members; $12 Non-mbrs Reservations are required — contact assistant tennis director Brandon Benbenek at bbenbenek@ssymca.org.


Winter 1  & 2  classes  are 9 weeks unless o


therwis e noted


adult leagues

Men’s Leagues

Please sign up according to your NTRP rating. See page 22 for evaluation times and dates.

Working Women’ League

new! This level 3.0+ league combines singles and doubles play. The 90-minute format is best of three sets, no-ad scoring. A 12-point tiebreaker will be played in lieu of a third set. Standings will be recorded with first place at sessions end earning a prize.


(90 minutes)

$149 Full Member; $224 Non-member NTRP 2.5–3.0



10:00 a.m.

Ladies’ Doubles Have fun while mastering your strokes in our highly competitive doubles leagues.


Come play in our highly competitive doubles league. You don’t need a partner— just sign up and have fun!

NTRP 3.0–4.0 A 1-hour competitive singles league before work!



(60 minutes)

$110 Full Member; $165 Non-member



6:00 a.m.

NTRP 3.5–4.5


NTRP 2.5


10:30 a.m.


7:00 p.m.

Early Bird Drop in singles

For the player not wanting to commit to playing every week. Just drop in and play with other participants at your level. If a match is not available, use the ball machine for a great workout for no additional cost.

Fees: (Fee per visit / 60 minutes)


10:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m.


5:30 p.m.

Please email Brandon at bbenbenek@ ssymca.org for information on this league

Wed Fri



4:00 p.m.

Drop in Mixed Doubles

Facilitated by a pro and you don’t need a partner to play. Play either for the whole time or, if you’d like instruction while you’re playing, a pro will be there to help! No sign-up necessary—just come on down! Balls included.

Fees: (Fee per visit / 90 minutes) $18 Full Mbr; $23 Non-member NTRP 2.5–3.5


NTRP 3.0–3.5

NTRP 3.5–4.5

(90 minutes)

$149 Full Member; $224 Non-member


(90 minutes)

$165 Full Member; $247 Non-member

$18 Full Mbr; $27 Non-member

(90 minutes)

$149 Full Member; $224 Non-member


Men’s Doubles

Men’s Singles

7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m.



7:00 p.m.

For more information, email Brandon at bbenbenek@ssymca.org

NTRP 3.0

50TEALG04 NTRP 3.5–4.5


Tennis court Fees NoN-PRIME TIME: $32 / hour Mon–Fri :

5:00 – 10:00 p.m. All Day

JUNIoR coURT RATE $20 / hour (Non-Prime Time ) $25 / hour (Prime Time ) LUNcH TIME TENNIs $20 / hour Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs notice is needed to cancel your court time, otherwise you will be responsible for your payment. Please note: You must have a credit card on file to book a court. Members & Guests must pay prior to playing.

Join our

Tennis Department Email List  for the latest Y tennis news.

Contact Bob Carroll at bcarroll@ssymca.org to register or check us out on FaceBook!



NTRP 2.5–3.0 and 3.5 +

When it comes to doubles, nothing compares to having a strong partner. This match-play clinic pairs each of the three players on court ith the Pro for 8-game pro sets in round-robin format. All courts; equal skill levels.


(90 minutes) $243 Full Member; $365 Non-member

5:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

PRIME TIME: $36 / hour Mon–Fri:  sat & sun

play with the pro clinic

50TEPPL01 Wed 12:00 p.m.

private/semi-private tennis lessons For more information on

Adult Tennis Lessons, turn to page 21.

lunch time  tennis! Trade in that trip through the drive-thru for a healthier diet of forehands, serves and volleys. We’ve reduced court rates for the working man and woman. Simply book your court the day of to receive the reduced court rate of $20 per hour. Select courts are available Mon–Fri 12:00–3:00 p.m.

Fee: $20

special needs  tennis clinic Players will learn basics through a combination of exciting drills, games, and match play. Must be independent, able to follow direction, and participate in a group lesson. Lessons provided in a supportive and caring environment.

Fees: $90 Full and Non-members 50TESCL01 Wed 4:00–5:00 p.m.


Winter 1 & 2 2014 Registration WINTER 1: 11/5 Members  | 11/8 Non-Members  | 9 weeks WINTER 2: 1/21 Members  | 1/24 Non-Members  | 9 weeks



No v e m b e r ' 13 T W T


S M 1 2

8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30


10 11 12

13 14

15 16 22 23 29 30

17 18 19 24 25 26 31

20 21 27 28



1 3


10 17 24

11 18 25



5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Fe b r u a r y ' 14 T W T

D e c e m b e r ' 13 T W T 3 4 5

S 2

2 3 9 10

4 5 6 11 12 13

S 1 7 8 14 15

16 17

18 19 20

21 22

23 24

25 26 27




F 6

Ma r c h ' 14 T W T

S 7



6 13

Ja n u a r y ' 14 T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16

S 3 4 10 11 17 18



21 22 23

24 25



28 29 30




5 12



1 2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27

7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29


Ap r i l ' 14 W T 1

6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28



8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30



S 4


11 12 18 19 25 26

Holiday hours no session based programs/ School Vacation


Facility Closed

spring 2014 Registration sPRING: 4/1 Members  | 4/4 Non-Members  | 9 weeks


The Y. so Much More™

The Y is a cause, dedicated to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. For years, we’ve been proud to help our neighbors learn, grow and thrive. Yet we’re called to do so much more. The South Shore faces new challenges that create a greater need than ever for the work we do every day. Fortunately, where some see obstacles, we see opportunities to make a difference.

What does so much more mean? Together, we will: • Expand youth programs to nurture the potential of every child and teen • Focus specific programs on reducing chronic disease and childhood obesity • Educate every generation to protect and preserve our natural resources through environmental and natural science education

cut out and save

• Offer a wide range of camp experiences that through developing independence and fostering a sense of acceptance and belonging, cultivate the future leaders of tomorrow

We need your philanthropic support to make it happen. Every gift makes a difference. Together, we can achieve so much more. ssymca.org/donations

TAsTE  oF THE  soUTH  sHoRE Thursday, March 27, 2014 Join us for the Taste of the South Shore a festive annual event that brings the best of the area’s restaurants together for an evening of celebration complete with wine and beer tastings. This event is a fundraiser for the Annual Campaign “Send a Kid to Camp” appeal to provide financial assistance to enable all children the opportunity to attend summer camps.

Please contact Mary Orne, Director of Annual Giving, for sponsorship information at morne@ssymca.org


soUTH sHoRE YMcA EMILsoN BRANcH 75 Mill Street, hanover, MA 02339 ssymca.org

Non-Profit Organization u.S. Postage

PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 8585



Winter 1: Nov. 5 Winter 2: Jan. 21 Full Members Winter 1: Nov. 8 Winter 2: Jan. 24 Non-Members

WINTER 1 & 2, 2014

sEssIoN DATEs: (9 weeks) Winter 1: Nov. 17 – Feb. 1 Winter 2: Feb. 2 – April 12

sAvE THE DATE  for the following

2014 ANNUAL cAMPAIGN EvENTs  TAsTE oF THE soUTH sHoRE Thursday, March 27, 2014

GoLF cLAssIc

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Seeking volunteers for committees Please contact Mary orne at morne@ssymca.org or (781) 820-1590 for more information!

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