May 2024 Leland Magazine

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Jeffrey Stites


Lisa P. Stites


Liz Brinker


Chuck and Sue Cothran


Carla Edstrom

Jan Morgan-Swegle

Joe Jancsurak

Patricia Langer

Louise Sheffield-Baccarny

Lisa P. Stites

Jeffrey Stites


Jeffrey Stites 910-471-7741


Kris Beasley

Leland Magazine is published once a month by Live Oak Media. The

The Summer People

Sure the summer people can mean visitors coming to our community to enjoy a vacation near the beach, and golf, and all the things we love as residents, but it’s also the people who shine bright as they help our community be a warm and welcoming place.

In this issue we profile a few of these Summer People. First, you’ll read about all that the fine folks at Habitat For Humanity do to help our most needy citizens, which is now to include a new and improved Re-Store we can all enjoy while we help to give back. We also spoke with the owners of KinderStop, a place where kids can spend some time while parents need to run errands or take a break. And we spoke to Sheriff Brian Chism as he enters his second year as our county’s top law enforcement officer. He’s a “local boy made good” and his love for our community shines through our interview. We think you’ll be inspired, have your heart warmed and be even more thankful for the Summer People that make up our community. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 2
Annual Subscription: $45 email 910-471-7741
writers are not necessarily the
of the staff.
Leland Magazine PO Box 10175, Southport, NC 28461 email 910-471-7741

Conserve Wate r Conserve Wate r



Odd Addresses

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Even Addresses

Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Raise your lawn mower blade, taller grass provides shade for soil and better water retention.

Water early in the morning or late in the evening when water is less likely to evaporate.

Inspect irrigation system for leaks and install rain sensors on irrigation.

Position sprinkler heads on grass and gardens; avoid wasting water on sidewalks, driveways, and the street.

User soaker hose or drip irrigation.

Add a shutoff nozzle to your house.

Use native plants that need less water.

A l l t h e w a t e r t h a t w i l l e v e r b e i s , r i g h t n o w . N a t i o n a l G e o g r a p h i c


Renew, Rebirth, Restore

What Habitat For


Does For Our Community

As I drive around the town of Leland, I see so many construction sites—new apartments, new retail stores and new homes. So I should not have been surprised to see signs on the corner of Dresser Lane and Village Road announcing a groundbreaking on April 18 for a new structure. But this isn’t your typical construction site—the is the re-birth of the Brunswick County Habitat for Humanity Leland ReStore., and that’s something to get excited about.

According to Kate Grinstead, Development Manager and Jason Gaver, the Interim Executive Director for Brunswick County Habitat for Humanity, they will be celebrating their 31st year in Brunswick County in June and will be building their 100th home this summer. The new ReStore will be bigger and stocked with furniture and home goods. The store will be open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 am to 4 pm. The store accepts donations of gently used home goods, furniture, books, construction materials, holiday items and more. They also sell brand-new area rugs, paint, laminate flooring, and mattresses. The ReStore facility has a truck that will come to your home and pick up your furniture to make it even easier to donate those items that don’t fit the coastal vibe that we enjoy here in the South.

“We used to occupy the old Chi-

nese restaurant on Village Road,”

Kate said, “but we didn’t own the land or the building. It was small and not really ideal for a ReStore.

We purchased the land for the new building and are ready to break ground. Currently, there are three Habitat ReStores in Brunswick County. This one will be a 15,000 square foot retail building using indoor and outdoor space. We will have more room for donated items. Get ready for a beautiful space.”

Kate looks at the ReStores like a

cycle. “Let’s say you decide to downsize your living arrangements and move to a warmer place. You donate your gently used furniture to us for the ReStore and we sell it at a reduced cost to consumers. Some may be Habitat Homeowners, but we are open to the public. We take the proceeds from what we sell and use it to offset the cost of building homes for others.”

Like most people, I thought Habitat for Humanity was all about building houses for underprivileged people. I found I was way off the mark.

“A lot of people have a preconceived idea that we give homes away for free,” Jason explained. “That’s not true. The people who ultimately receive a Habitat for Humanity home go through an application and selection process. We work with people who either live, worship and/or work within Brunswick County. If you look at our

website, you will see that prospective homeowners have to demonstrate a need for safe, affordable housing. They are typically low to moderate income families, whose income does not exceed 60 percent of the area median income as defined by HUD.”

“We have found that families come to us for a variety of reasons — unpredictable rent increases, overcrowded living conditions, or the lack of means to affordable financing,” Kate said. “Once the perspective homeowner applies and is accepted, they partner with us, performing “sweat equity” by helping to build their home or the homes of others. Part of their sweat equity can be fulfilled through volunteer work in our ReStores, and admin office where they also take homeownership classes. Our homes are built by teachers, sheriffs, nurses, EMS workers, construction workers, and even grocery store clerks. Basically, we are you.”

“It takes 30 volunteers a day to staff our three Brunswick County stores,” Kate said, “and we are al- /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 4
Jason Gaver, Brunswick County Habitat For Humanity Interim Executive Directo Groundbreaking for the new ReStore


ways looking for people to help us. If you can’t donate furniture, home goods, or help us build a home, please think about giving us the gift of time and volunteer at one of our stores. Go to our website to see our other locations in Brunswick County. We really need your help. It takes more than a village; it takes a community.”

Manager of Current ReStore and Hailey, Assistant Manager

The mission of Habitat for Human-

Jason explained how new homeowners become a part of the Habitat community, and the community at large. “Our homeowners must be able to pay on an affordable mortgage,” he said. “We make a reasonable effort to ensure that the mortgage does not exceed 30 percent of the homeowner’s gross monthly pay, and they are required to attend financial education and budget planning classes. We work with USDA and First Bank, and they can offer these homeowners a rate that could be three or four points lower than the norm.”

I was widowed when I was 24, and I had a baby to take care of and a low paying job. I spent the next 10 years in apartments—some better than others. I dreamed of giving my child a home—a home without nasty neighbors, shared swing sets and broken-down laundry facilities. I wanted a home to build my dreams. I wish I had reached out to Habitat for Humanity, but I’m glad that others can.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”

The people who work with Habitat for Humanity understand that. They live it every day.

ity isn’t only to build homes or sell gently used items, it’s also to bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Their vision is “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.”

To learn more about homeownership or volunteer opportunities, visit /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 5

Kid’s Care For All

From Drop-in Care To Before/After School Care, It’s Kinderstop

It all began in 2015 at the Brunswick Forest pool, where Leland moms Liz Long and Jessica Middleswarth first became friends. Today, the duo co-own and manage KinderStop Drop-In Child Care (since 2019) in Waterford Village near Port City Java and KinderStop On-Site Child Care (since 2020) with locations at Classical Charter School locations in Leland, Southport, Whiteville and at the Wilmington School of the Arts. The owners include silent partner Lisa Dobstaff, a former pre-kindergarten teacher and Leland mom. A combined staff of 50 oversees myriad activities at the On-Site campuses, which serve 400-450 students from kindergarten through middle school, and the Drop-In facility, which accommodates as many as 60 children ages 12 months to 12 years.

So, what is drop-in childcare? Simply put, it’s a place where parents can bring their children for a few hours while mom and dad run errands and get things done, or just enjoy some alone time. The hours are great: 8:30 am – 6 pm, Monday through Thursday; 8:30 – 10 pm on Fridays; 9 am – 10 pm on Saturdays.

The idea for KinderStop Drop-In Child Care stems from one of those a-ha moments, says Middleswarth, who brings to the table business-management experience gained from her experience as an area manager for Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

“Liz contacted me because she wanted to open her own business and felt I would be a great partner,” says Middleswarth. “We discussed many ideas but kept asking, who will watch our kids while we’re running a business. Then a light bulb went off and we decided Leland really needed a flexible childcare company. A place for parents who don’t need full time day care but rather a play place that offered flexible affordable care.”

The welcoming space has many child-centric features that include a lending library, train depot, kitchen, a stage for dress-up and performances, a movable television and gaming system, a climbing wall and a calm room with a mat, pillows, blankets, books and sensory-friendly toys such as fidget objects.

Perhaps what distinguishes the facility most of all is the emphasis that Middleswarth and Long place on behavioral management and the use of positive-specific language delivered in measured, calm tones to lessen defiant behavior.

“Instead of saying ‘Don’t run, we say ‘Walk.’ Why? Because the former allows them to hop without really disobeying,”

“The past five years has taught us the importance of being willing and able to pivot and to be ready for anything,” says Long. Today, the four On-Site campuses offer homework assistance, special projects and engaging play activities and are different from the Drop-In facility. “We have the systems in place to ensure that our programs are consistently run on each of our campuses, adds Long.

Secure in their faith, Middleswarth and Long see God’s hand in all they’ve accomplished. “He brought us together and has guided us through so much,” says Middleswarth. As they look to the future, the duo hopes that He will continue to guide them as they consider expansion plans.

says Middleswarth, a mother of three, including a child diagnosed with autism. “If we’re cleaning up after an art project, we’re specific and may ask everyone to put their crayons in the box, rather than just saying everyone clean up. The more we use positive-specific language, the more children follow instructions, resulting in happier children and staff, and a high level of engagement.”

As for KinderStop On-Site and its four campuses, timing meant the world to the owners. “When Covid hit in 2020, KinderStop Drop-In shut down for six weeks to help flatten the curve,” says Long, a mother of two with the interpersonal skills she gained as an interior designer and legal secretary. “When we reopened, we took a financial hit because we could only be at 50-percent capacity. Meanwhile, we were awarded the on-site care contract for the three Classical Charter School campuses in March 2020, followed by the Wilmington School for the Arts in the spring of 2022.”

“We were supposed to begin providing afterschool care in July 2020 to coincide with the Classical Charter Schools’ calendar,” continues Middleswarth. “However, the start of the school year was delayed because of Covid, and we were asked to run a summer camp starting in June while adapting to state rules and regulations created for childcare, schools and camps and which seemed to change on a weekly basis.”

“We would love to add several more schools, when the time is right,” says Long. “As we grow, we will never lose site of our core values—kindness, safety, engagement and community—and our faith in God.” /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 6 Business Profile Nicole Weller LPGA / PGA Golf Teaching Professional 912-695-5211 Drive Your Game Forward with Nicole Weller Instructing Local Area Golfers at Compass Pointe Golf Club Golf Digest Best Teacher in State 2023-2024 • Top 50 LPGA Teacher US Kids Golf Master Teacher Wake Forest University D-1 Scholarship Player Master’s Degree - Sport Psychology PGA & LPGA National Award-Winner
KinderStop investor Lisa Dobstaff engages readers at Drop-In facility. KinderStop co-owners Jessica Middleswarth and Liz Long /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 7 Mulch • Topsoil • Pine Straw • Pavers • Firepits Brick • Block • Stone • Gravel and much more WE DELIVER Family Owned and Operated

Community Sheriff Brian Chism

Local Beach Kid Grows Up To Serve

Editor’s Note: Whether they moved here from other parts of North Carolina or out-ofstate, many people in our beach towns are from somewhere else. As time moves on, however, we’re seeing more “beach kids” who have grown to adults and stayed right in here in Brunswick County, where they found something they love doing in the place they loved growing up. Sheriff Brian Chism is one of them, having grown up on Oak Island, now living off the island but with a career that allows him to support all of Brunswick County. We were glad for the chance to sit down with the Sheriff and learn more about his first year in office and his future plans.

Just about one year ago, Sheriff Brian Chism took his first oath of office as Sheriff, and though he has worked in law enforcement there for 20 years, his main goal remains the same — helping people in any way possible. The Sheriff’s position is elected every four years, but Sheriff Chism was appointed when former Sheriff John Ingram retired. The Sheriff credits his staff for helping to make his transition to his new position an easy one. “I was kind of concerned about the transition at first, because you don’t know what it’s like until you sit in the seat, but I have a great command staff here and got nothing but support,” he said. “I am very humbled and grateful for that. And the community welcomed me as well. I am just blessed.”

Sheriff Chism also counts family and living on the coast among his blessings. As a child growing up on Oak Island, Sheriff Chism said the children played outside, rode their bikes all over the west end of the island and when the sun was setting or Dad whistled, we knew it was time to go home.

“My wife is from here, born and raised. Oak Island is home for me, and every time I drive over the bridge, the stress just kind

of goes away. I love going to see my Mom and Dad on Oak Island,” he said.

He and his wife Serena have been married since 2005, though they’ve been together 26 years.

“My dad coached her brother in soccer. She hated me in high school,” he said with a smile.

Sheriff Chism didn’t start out his working life knowing he wanted to be in law enforcement. As a teenager, he worked at the former Country Kitchen restaurant on Oak Island bussing tables and then cooking. He worked in started working with John’s Plumbing and stayed in that job for several years.

He recalled visiting a cousin who had served as a Marine and was working with Prince William County police in Virginia.

“I did some ride alongside with him and I thought I could see myself doing this. I got more passionate about service. I wish I had gone into the military when I was 18 years old, but I didn’t want anyone telling me what to do. That passion for helping people, what better way to do that than become a law enforcement officer,” he said.

“I did plumbing for seven years, so I know what real work is,” he said. “I realized that was not what I wanted for a career.”

“I know that sounds cliche, but that’s literally why I got into law enforcement — to help people.”

He asked a deputy sheriff here in Brunswick County where to start, and was told to look into the Basic Law Enforcement Training program at Brunswick Community College.

“When I did that, everything just fell into place like it was meant to be,” he said. “I never looked back.”

The Sheriff said every aspect of the Sheriff’s Office helps people in some way, shape, or form. The administrative staff helps people who come to the office looking for help with reports, concealed carry permits, fingerprinting for jobs, etc. Deputies on patrol answer 911 calls and detention center employees work to help with rehabilitation. Telecommunicators answer the phone and /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 8
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send help to people asking for it.

“Every aspect is about helping and serving the community of Brunswick County,” he said.

Like many deputies, Sheriff Chism started out on patrol. After seven months, he became a K-9 officer. He said he “worked his tail off” those first seven months.

He recalled knowing he wanted to do something with narcotics, but also wanted to work with dogs. “So for seven months, I was at training day when I was off, on my own time, learning about the dogs and what they did, and even working with some of the dogs, being the bite dummy in the suit. I was that guy getting beat up by the dogs,” he said. When a position came open, he was the one to get it, and he worked in that unit for 10 years. He said that their main focus was to push people off the street corners into houses, and the narcotics team took over from there. He had taken over the K-9 unit, and was training K-9 officers when a new position was created for a 1st Sergeant on the road for each of the four shifts, and he filled one of those slots. He was promoted to lieutenant and


supervised all of patrol, then took over the civil and warrants division as well, then K-9s and School Resource Officers.

“Throughout my 20-year career, I have supervised or been in every division of the Sheriff’s Office,” he said.

Now the Sheriff runs a department with 348 employees, sworn and non-sworn, with a volunteer corps assisting.

When Sheriff Chism started as a deputy, he said he planned to stick with one agency, to start and finish at the same department. He said that when Sheriff Ingram and Rep. Charlie Miller, then the Office’s Chief Deputy, approached him about being Sheriff, it hadn’t been something he sought and that he always wants his work to speak for itself. Now as Sheriff, he said the job comes with its share of stress, but that he really is enjoying it.

“You don’t know what’s going to happen or when it’s going to happen, but something is going to happen every day,” he said. He said other than that uncertainty, and dealing with personnel issues, being Sheriff is the best job because he gets to meet new people and help them.

“One goal that I have for myself is I don’t want to be that person who only comes a certain time in the year or every four years,” he said. “What I am doing now is something I want to maintain — being out in public, going to events, speaking to people, and going into communities.”

Sheriff Chism spoke highly of community support as well, saying that in April, the Office received permission to install a memo-

rial for fallen officers, which is being funded through donations.

And while the community he serves continues to grow, Sheriff Chism said his intention is to work with the county commissioners in assessing any resource or personnel needs to accommodate that growth. “It is imperative to public safety that we stay on top of the growth in our county, which can be very challenging given how fast we are

growing. But with the hard work and dedication of our staff and the support of our county commissioners as well as our community, I am very optimistic about the future,” he said.  Sheriff Chism speaks highly of community support the Office sees, saying that in April, they received permission to install a memorial for fallen officers, which is being funded through donations.

“The perception is that everyone hates law enforcement, but in Brunswick County, I think the citizens love us. I feel like we have a good relationship with our citizens, and that’s because we’re out there” he said. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 9 Nicole Weller LPGA / PGA Golf Teaching Professional 912-695-5211 Master Your Game with Nicole Weller Instructing Local Area Golfers at Compass Pointe Golf Club Golf Digest Best Teacher in State 2023-2024 Top 50 LPGA Teacher US Kids Golf Master Teacher Wake Forest University D-1 Scholarship Player Master’s Degree - Sport Psychology PGA & LPGA National Award-Winner Swing For Success:
Private Personal Training Create healthy habits that transform your life! First Session FREE!! Call or text (910) 389-7029 • Cameron Peacock

Keeping Fit Eating On Vacation

Don’t Let Stress of Vacation Eat Away At You

Victor Fernandez is owner of Fernandez Fit, helpjng clients achieve personal and professional success through health and fitness

Morethan a month has passed since my family’s trip to Disney World in March, and of course, “How was your trip?” has been the most popular question I have received from people asking about our time in the Happiest Place on Earth. The No. 2 question…“How was the food?” Which as a professional health and fitness coach, I took to mean, “How did you eat healthy?”

The answer…

It actually was easy – for a couple of reasons.

First, unlike many people nationwide these days, I’m not an all-in or all-out kind of person. I didn’t attempt to stay as disciplined and dedicated as I am at home, and I didn’t blow up in one week all the work I have done for more than a decade, and all the gains I have made along the way.

Secondly, thanks to my wife Shelly’s meticulous research, I prepared in advance for where we would eat and what those restaurants offered.

Long before traveling to Orlando, Florida, she mapped out our daily itinerary for the entire week, nearly down to the minute.

Along with being able to maximize our time in each of the parks we visited, that helped us pinpoint the best option for meals, specifically lunch and dinner, each day. With that information in hand, we began researching various restaurants and eateries that would best fit into our daily plan.

Then we checked out their respective menus. So, when it was time to eat, I walked into each establishment with a solid idea in mind of what I would eat.

No fuss – and most importantly, no stress – because I began each day knowing I could enjoy myself without getting off track, and I didn’t have to worry about the choices I made because I already was confident in the choices I would make.

And with Memorial Day, the unofficial

start to the summer season, fast approaching, a little advance preparation will go a long way to making your vacation plans as stress-free as possible (at least nutritionally speaking, anyway).

Here are some helpful tips to keep top of mind when you’re on vacation so you can focus on having guilt-free fun in the sun while staying on track with your health and fitness goals:

* Don’t Head Out Hungry: Have a healthy snack before heading out to satisfy your hunger. It’s no different than when you head to the grocery store. If we aren’t hungry while walking up and down each aisle, we stand a better chance of not putting a bunch of unhealthy options in our shopping cart.

* Don’t Eat While Waiting: Don’t fill up on bread and other appetizers while waiting for main course. I used to make this common mistake over and over again in my heavier days when unhealthy choices were a staple of my diet. Often, there are fewer healthy versions of appetizers than dinners. So, staying away from those fillers leaves much more room for our meal.

* Order Vegetables and Protein: Calorie-dense vegetables and lean proteins, such as chicken and fish, satiate us faster and keep us stay satiated longer. Vegetables provide slow-metabolizing fiber, and proteins take longer to metabolize as well.

* Have a Salad With Dressing on the Side: Salads are always a healthy choice, especially with lean protein included. But dressings high in calories, sugar and saturated fat quickly make those same salads unhealthy option.

I’m simple with my salad dressing. I have used olive oil and vinegar all my life, but a tasty balsamic vinaigrette can provide the same nutrients while adding some zesty flavor to your meal. Also, I dip each forkful of salad in the dressing instead of pouring it on to savor the flavor without adding extra unwanted calories.

* Eat Slowly, Stop Early: Portions at restaurants often are two to three times larger than the average portion size. I cut my meal in half and put one half into a box to take home for a meal the next day. Then I take my time eating. Studies show it takes our brain 20 minutes to signal our stomach that we are full. When we eat quickly, our stomach often is full long before we know it is.

These tips seem simple, don’t they? That’s because they are.

The work we do each day to stay healthy and fit is hard. But the process we should follow doesn’t need to be. It can – and should – be simple and straightforward, even when our normal routine changes at vacation time.

Work smarter, not harder…and of course, enjoy!

And if you want to learn more about meal prepping in advance or simply have a conversation about your fitness goals and needs, contact me at 814-504-7774 or, or head to for more information. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 10 /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 11 Found a new community? Looking for a new church? Visit with us at the bridge Presbyterian Church 1444 Lanvale Road in Leland Sunday services 9:00 and 10:30 am Children’s breakout Sunday School during our 9:00 am service. Found a new home? Leland Hardware Leland Hardware 117B Village Road • Leland • (910) 383-6688 Behind Truist Bank in Leland M-F 7:30am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm VILLAGEROAD S. NAVASSA ROAD 74 76 133 BUS 17 FEATURING Stihl/Weber/Traeger Grills Key Copies • Paint • Small Engine Repair Your favorite local hardware store

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Civil War In Key West

Cape Fear Civil War Round Table Meeting


The May 9 meeting of the Cape Fear Civil War Round Table features a presentation by Dr. Angela Zombek, Ph.D., associate professor of history at UNCW. Dr. Zombek, an expert on the prisoner of war experience in the Civil War, will talk about the strategic Union outpost of Key West, including the use of Fort Zachary Taylor as a prison for blockade runners, Confederate sympathizers and Union miscreants. It was no “Margaritaville.”

Fort Taylor, on the southwest tip of Key West, overlooks the watery pass where the waters of the Gulf of Mexico blend into the Atlantic Ocean. Cruise ships pass and fade into the background as beachgoers soak up sun, swim, snorkel, and witness magnificent sunsets, but it was much different from 1861 to 1865.

Today, Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park is one of the most sought after attractions in Key West and in the Florida Park System, but during the Civil War, Fort Taylor was the “Gibraltar” of the Gulf,” defending U.S. interests against European powers in the Western Hemisphere, and headquartering the Union Navy’s East Gulf Blockading Squadron. According to the American Battlefield Trust, “Union seamen brought 299 captured blockade runners, their crews, and tons of supplies to Key West, which contributed to the Union victory as supplies in the Confederacy became scarce. U.S. authorities auctioned off captured vessels and cargo and held blockade runners and disloyal civilians – from Key West and elsewhere – in Fort Taylor.”

the waters between the Florida Keys, Cuba, and the Bahamas would be an attractive theater for naval warfare. Fort Taylor guarded these waters and oversaw the “entire cotton crop of the country” on its way to market. Dr. Zombek (PhD University of Florida) is an historian of the Civil War Era and is Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is also coordinator of the Masters Program in History at UNCW and the managing editor of “Interpreting the Civil War” series at Kent State University. She is the author of “Penitentiaries, Punishment, and Military Prisons: Familiar Responses to an Extraordinary Crisis during the America Civil War” (Kent State University Press). Her current book project, “Stronghold of the Union: Key West Under Martial Law,” is under contract with The University Press of Florida.

ditions were brutal with approximately 30,000 Union soldiers and 26,000 Confederates dying while imprisoned. Deaths occurred most often because of medical conditions including infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, yellow fever, malaria, etc. Many also died because of malnutrition and exposure to the elements.

But Professor Zombek’s talk will go beyond the topic of incarceration. “The Civil War looks different from Key West,” she notes. Despite Florida’s secession, Union troops secured and occupied Key West, a strategic military and economic outpost, for the U.S. throughout the entire Civil War. The Union garrison, including the 2nd United States Colored Infantry come 1864, fortified Key West against potential Confederate and foreign attacks, confronted civilians with Confederate sympathies, and enforced both confiscation policy and the Emancipation Proclamation, from which Key West was not exempt despite the fact that it remained under U.S. control.

run the blockade. Most blockade running ships were built in the United Kingdom and British citizens often served on the ships. Cotton from the south escaped through the blockade and the small, fast ships “ran” to neutral harbors like the Bahamas and Havana, Cuba, where the cotton was loaded onto larger ships bound for Europe. In Europe, the cotton was sold and the Confederacy bought weapons and other military supplies (and private blockade runners bought scarce consumer goods such as coffee, luxury clothing and so forth) to be carried back to the intermediate ports where they were loaded onto the blockade runners for the dangerous voyage into the blockaded south. By 1864 most Confederate ports were closed to significant blockade running and only Wilmington remained to supply essential supplies to the beleaguered Confederate armies. Make plans to come and hear this fascinating story about a little know aspect of the Civil War. The meeting will take place on Thursday evening, May 9, beginning at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30. As usual, the meeting will be held in Elebash Hall at the rear of St. John’s Episcopal Church at 1219 Forest Hills Drive in Wilmington. The church parking lot and entrance to the meeting room is easily accessed via Park Avenue off of Independence Boulevard. For more information about membership in the Cape Fear Civil War Round Table, go to http:// and pick “Join/Rejoin.”

See you there!

Before the war, Americans North and South recognized Key West’s significance. In 1856, the Key West newspaper Key of the Gulf contended that Forts Taylor and Jefferson on the tiny island of the Dry Tortugas west of Key West would, in any maritime struggle, “constitute the most important rallying points for all the commerce of the Gulf of Mexico” since

She is a native of Ohio and holds an M.A. from the University of Akron and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. She recalls a visit to the Camp Chase historic site in Columbus, Ohio, as the spark that ignited her interest in Civil War history, especially the history of incarceration in the war. Camp Chase became a prison for captured Confederates and many died there. More than 400,000 soldiers—about 194,000 Union and 214,000 Confederate—were captured over the course of the war. Prison con-

To maintain control, Union martial law cracked down on Confederate sympathizers, blockade runners, smugglers and even Union malcontents, including some draft protesters from New York City. At least one British citizen was held when he was captured trying to /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 19

Art Beat

Marilyn Ridgeway

Quilter Teaches Hand-Dyeing of Fabrics

Marilyn Ridgeway has been teaching quilting classes at Brunswick Community College (BCC) Southport Center for several years, and now she is teaching her students how to dye their own fabric to make their own unique projects. Her 20 years of experience making quilts is evident in her fabulous creations, including some with fabrics she dyed herself. Marylin’s quilts are all works of art. My favorite one, she has aptly named Neptune, is one of Marilyn’s masterpieces. It is a large quilt of the god Neptune, and he is hanging up in the hallway at the Southport Center in all his glory. Much of the fabric for that one was hand-dyed by Marylin.

With her quilting classes being so popular, it was only natural that her students also should learn the art of dying fabrics for their own work. “Students saw the possibilities of dyeing and using their fabrics to make a project their own. Hand dyes make beautiful backgrounds for appliqués,” said Marylin. “Students have lots of ideas about what they will do with the fabric.”

Since the Southport Center wasn’t built initially to be an art center but a school with regular classrooms, only a few rooms had sinks and running water. However, they installed a new large sink in the clay storage room not long ago. With this addition, Marilyn and her students can do fabric dying. “Students will have made fifteen yards of unique fabric,” she said. “We made gradient, light, medium, and dark shades specifically in quilts, as quilt patterns are most effective if they contain all three values.”.

Marylin started quilting when she lived on Bald Head Island. She has incorporated a large room in her house for quilt making. The quilt students are now a very tightknit group of artisans. “My dear friend Maria Clancy and I began dyeing fabric after taking a Shibori dyeing class together,” she said. “We be-

gan dyeing fabric for the Old Baldy Quilts and learning more techniques, including batik, indigo dyeing, and ice dyeing,” she said.

“The first class I taught at BCC was a beginning piecing class,” said Marylin. “My friends and their friends actually made up my first class because they wanted me to get back into quilting. One of my friends had never used a sewing machine. Since that traditional first class, we have offered classes in free-motion quilting and walking foot quilting. Some classes will teach techniques like One Block Wonder or New York Beauty, and then the students will pick their own projects. In other classes, we will choose a pattern, and all of us will make the same pattern. The students have grown in number, and now we have a tight group that calls themselves ‘The Quilt Cartel.’”

When Marylin’s class was dying the fabrics, they were all business with creating beautiful fabrics using several different dyeing techniques. “The type of fabric we use is called PFD, or prepared for dyeing. It has no finishes added to it that would impede the dye from entering the fabric. You can also soak fabric for 15 minutes in

soda ash to prepare it for dyeing. Our PFD fabric was Kona cotton. Any natural fabric, cotton, wool, or silk will be dyed with proion dyes. Students dyed some cotton fabric clothing and silk scarves,” she said. “We used Procion Reactive MX dyes for our class,” she said.  “We do Shibori dyeing in five gallon buckets wrapping the fabric around PVC pipes, folding it patterns and then putting into a wooden clamped press to dye.

The process of painting with dye is different. Some techniques require a curing period of 24 hours. The soda ash or dye activator only lasts about an hour, so the fabric will only accept the dye for an hour. However, different processes will require curing for 24 hours. All fabric requires rinsing vigorously to remove any remaining dye par- /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 20
Marilyn Ridgeway with King Neptune

ticles, then laundering and ironing to bring out the beauty of the fabric.”

Check out Marylin’s quilt classes at the Southport Center. She has an unfinished projects class starting in May. “I hope to offer another fabric dyeing class in the Spring quarter. Due to space in the sink room, the class is limited to six students. “It has been a fun class to teach, as the students were very enthusiastic.

Art History Lecture Series

April 17 Art that Shaped America

May 1 Joaquin Sorolla: Spain’s Monet

The presenter, Kirah Van Sickle, is an artist and seasoned storyteller. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from the Academy of Art University, in San Francisco and - is an instructor at the Museum School at Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington. Join her for any or all of these informative talks at the Gallery. The talks

June 12 Post Impressionism: The Genesis of Expressionism

June 26 Watercolor Masters

July 17 Dada, Dreams and Dali


or /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 21 SCAN TO BE SEEN TODAY! EE EETH? D W ! Southport Supply Rd, Bolivia Family Appointments Available
a grant from
Sponsored by
$75 for the entire series. For more info: Gallery Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 5pm • 910-457-5450 130 E West St., Southport
begin at
- Fee is $15 /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 22


May Fishing Report

As Water


Fishing Heats Up

Spring has sprung, but as is typical for our area, summer is already starting to muscle its way in, with temperatures outside having reached the mid to upper 80s as early as mid-April. The warmer weather and water temperatures have triggered increased activity among fish, which is why May, along with September and October, is a favorite among anglers in our area offering a wide range of opportunities inshore and offshore.


Inshore fishing during this time can be particularly rewarding as various species become more active in shallower waters. From snook and redfish to trout and flounder, there’s often a plethora of species to target, providing anglers with plenty of action and excitement. With water temperatures now in the high 60s to low 70s, we’ve started seeing the first flounder showing up in good numbers. Schools of small (peanut) pogies can be found in places like the marinas, wildlife boat ramp area and in the waterway. A quick cast net should catch you all the bait you need to catch those flounder. For those wanting to use artificial bait, a variety of soft plastics rigged on a jib head will net results. Flounder are typically found along the docks on the Southport waterfront as well as holding on points and ledges along area creeks.

If it’s red drum you’re after, fresh shrimp on a Carolina Rig will produce results. This is also the time of year to catch them on topwater plugs first thing in the morning or late in the evening. Main creek channels that dump into the waterway or river are a good place to start, especially on a falling tide as those red drum will be stacked waiting on bait to get washed towards them.


Nearshore action is hot and heavy with Spanish mackerel being the predominant catch. We had an exceptional April with an amazing showing of Atlantic bonito. This was one of the better years in recent memory for these delicious little tuna-like catches. If you are looking to catch Spanish mackerel, my recommendation is trolling a #1 or #2 planer with 30-feet of 20-lb fluorocarbon leader. Look for birds working in 10- to 30feet and you will find the fish.

The first schools of menhaden (pogies) will show up on the beach in mid-May and with them will come the first beach run of king mackerel. Slow trolling live pogies at 1-3 mph near areas like Yaupon Reef and Ocean Crest Pier will provide some very exciting fishing. This first beach run of King

Captain Steele Park, a US Navy Veteran, has been fishing the oceans, rivers, and lakes of southeastern NC since he was 7 years old and knows these waters like the back of his hand. He calls Southport home and captains the Catherine Anne Sportfishing & Excursions fleet. For more information please call at 910-620-9919

Mackerel generally lasts for a week or two then the fish push out to 55-75 feet where they will remain for the season.


If you are itching to get offshore a few miles, check areas like the Shark Hole, Horseshoe, Jungle and Christinas Ledge for the king mackerel. May 1 also ushers in grouper season. Though we have a bit of a short season for gag groupers this year,

there are several other varieties that you can target all season. For the grouper, a great place to look is on ledges, wrecks and rock piles in 90-110 feet. Start by catching some fresh pinfish on a Sabiki rig at the nearshore reefs and putting them down on a grouper rig to yield some exciting action. In those depths, using a 2-hook bottom rig with squid will catch lots of black sea bass and beeliners (vermillion snapper) and as soon as the rig hits the bottom, reel it up 5-8 cranks since they generally suspend above the underwater structures.

In the Gulf Stream, the warm waters and favorable weather conditions make it an ideal time to venture out for an unforgettable experience. The Gulf Stream is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity and abundance of game fish. The waters are often teeming with activity as various species migrate or gather for spawning. Anglers can expect to encounter prized catches such as mahi-mahi, tuna, marlin, sailfish, and many others. Trolling ballyhoo on skirted rigs will yield bites from all of these fish. Early in the month, I still use wire leaders as there are still quite a few wahoo’s around but as the month progresses, I will generally switch over to fluorocarbon leaders throughout my spread. Blue/white, green/ yellow, black/blue, pink/white are some of the colors of the lures I’ve found to be most productive. Toward the end of the month, the mahis will spread out inshore of the Gulf Stream to 100-120 feet. When targeting mahi, don’t be afraid to stop inshore of the normal Gulf Stream spots. Often, I see folks running past the fish in their effort to reach a specific waypoint they are determined to fish. When running offshore, if you see a lot of flying fish, weed lines, and clear blue water, try stopping to fish for a bit and you may find exactly what you are looking for – even 5-10 miles inshore of the “break.” Some of my best days of fishing have been in 120 feet of water.

Finally, if you’re seeking the ultimate fight, push offshore of the break to 100 fathoms (600-ft) and chase blue marlin. This is about the only time of year these fish are around in big enough numbers to catch. Although a few blue marlin do get caught throughout the summer, May is absolutely the best time for this awesome battle. Trolling plugs with squid chain teasers and dredges out in the deep water will entice these sea monsters to bite and give you the experience of a lifetime. So there you have it – I look forward to seeing you on the water and back at the docks with a boatload of fish to show off! /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 23

Golf Tips

Nicole’s Golf Notes Golf’s Consistency Challenge


Nicole Weller instructs local area golfers at Compass Pointe Golf Club in Leland. Feel free to submit your question or topic for the Nicole’s Notes column via her website ‘Contact Nicole’ page. For more information on Nicole and her tips / videos, visit

WheneverI inquire about a student’s goals, the top response is the desire for more consistency. It’s a super popular quest by all golfers. Who wouldn’t want to find the perfect way to move the ball the same way each time — it’s so much more fun, rewarding and easy!

The interesting thing, though, is that consistency is a myth. As human beings who function a little differently every day, a more realistic goal might be to have a smaller window of variability. Instead of the big misses, can the shots have a lot closer pattern, wavering maybe a little this way or that way but not as wide a dispersion?

Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott are world-renown owner coaches of VISION54 (Pia coached Annika Sorenstam and they both coach many great current Tour players, amateur competitors and recreational golfers). They say be a “Master of Variability – Be adaptable! Every day on the golf course will be variable. Consistency is a myth. You want to learn your own common tendencies what you do when playing great and how you get in your own way. Those tendencies can be consistent! By recognizing these tendencies you can start to manage yourself on the course, no matter what happens each day – and you will be a master of your own variability.”

While playing at Wake Forest University on scholarship for the women’s golf team, I had shot my lowest round of golf during a qualifier for a travel event at one point. What a fluid, easy round – I couldn’t do anything wrong! I expected that the next day and tried to find what I had instead of being who I was that day and hitting the shots I had that day and scored a lot higher than expected.

Having great routines and a perfect swing doesn’t mean it’ll come through

as planned. It just increases our odds. Golf is a difficult game for a round, let alone four rounds in a row to win an event at a professional touring level or amateur Club Championship.

Dr. Robert Bjork, distinguished cognitive psychology research professor at UCLA, has done a great amount research on learning and forgetting. Just because one can perform something doesn’t mean it’s been learned and conversely just because something’s been learned doesn’t mean that it can always be performed exactly the same. Two top players at The Masters recently both hit their second shot way right of the 15th green on the final day, very off-line for players of their caliber. How could that happen after all the millions of golf balls they’ve hit with a coach right there? It’s the human factor and just because they’ve learned it doesn’t mean it can always be performed the way we intend, so we need to give ourselves some slack, acknowledge and honor the human factor, and move forward to do it again.

So how can one create a tighter result pattern?

1.Be aware of both your technical skill and your human skills you bring to the table each day, they’ll vary and that’s OK. Just check in with what you have that day. A former colleague of mine who coached at a large SEC university men’s golf team and had played in two U.S. Opens said if his ball curved a little right that day, he played it. If it curved a little left another day, he played it. He

didn’t try to fix it. He learned how to make his shots that day get to the hole. Patterns are a gift, so learn to recognize them and capitalize on them.

2.Spend energy on what you can control and not what you can’t. Golfers spend too much time on trying to micromanage things that are out of one’s control (other people, weather, results, fairness, one’s swing mechanics). Do your best to plan and then not worry, play. Rehearse a swing feel or image away from the ball and then once you address the ball, it’s time to play, not think and micromanage. In The Master’s recently, Ludvig Aberg from Sweden did all his planning (95 percent of his shot) and then spent very little time over the ball and executed his shot (5 percent of his shot). Let go of things you can’t control and focus on your planning, intent, attitude, how you power yourself during a round with food and hydration, how you warm-up effectively… remember it takes only 15 minutes to actually play the game of golf. All the time between those swings are how you can be successful or not, based on what you tend to be attentive to and how you react.

3.Learn to practice better with blocked (repetitive) and random (scrimmaging) type practice so that what’s learned can

then also be performed with variables. I love taking students out on the course or range for Transfer Play Practice. Hitting 10 7-irons on the range is one thing. Super and congratulations! But can you do it after having had five minutes since your last swing on a totally different terrain with the perceived pressure of the match or your friends’ comments? It’s one thing to learn how to shoot a basketball over and over again. It’s another to shoot a basketball with someone charging at you with arms flailing and a crowd cheering for you to miss while you have to pivot, re-set and shoot…did you practice shooting that way? Train better! Check out a brilliant book a colleague of mine, Trent Wearner called “Golf Scrimmages: Realistic Practice Games under Pressure” to help learn how to hit shots.

4.Be okay knowing you can’t be consistent but striving towards a tighter window of variance. A golfer might only hit one shot straight on the range but the other nine were only five-ten yards off in each direction. That’s better than three very straight shots and the other seven shot being 20 yards or more off and ‘out of bounds’…it’s a more playable tendency.

Above all, stay the course, enjoy exploring your game and either being successful on some days and rounds and learning about what could be better on the other days. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 24 /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 25 U ROLOGY ASSOCIAT ES SOU T H EAST ERN NORT H CAROLI NA Schedule your appointment today! (910) 763-6251 1905 Glen Meade Road Wilmington, NC 4222 Long Beach Road SE Suite B Southport, NC (In the former Dosher Urgent Care building) The most complete urological services in the region. Over 50 plus years, four generations of making you a part of our family. Based in Wilmington and Southport. SERVICES: Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery Advance Prostate Cancer Care Kidney & Bladder Cancer Surgery Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction Male and Female Incontinence Urolifts For Treating Enlarged Prostate Low Testosterone Treatment Meet Our Southport Team! NOW SCHEDULING VASECTOMIES AT OUR SOUTHPORT LOCATION!

Union Colored Troops

Brunswick Civil War Round Table Meeting


The Brunswick Civil War Round Table is pleased to announce U.S. Navy Captain Edward W. Gantt (Ret.) will be the guest speaker at its Tuesday, May 7 meeting foe a presentation of “Contributions of the United States Colored Troops during the Civil War.” This meeting will also mark this organization’s 14th anniversary; the group continues to be nationally recognized as the largest Civil War round table in the country with 1,095 members, adding 157 new members since last September. The meeting will be held at Hatch Auditorium on Caswell Beach. Registration begins at 6:15 pm and the program starts at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to hear Capt. Gantt’s enlightening presentation, and help celebrate this festive occasion until monthly meetings resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Despite the Union rejecting Black enlistments early in the war, the United States Colored Troops eventually played a critical role in their victories. More than 180,000 African Americans enlisted, which included 175 USCT regiments, accounting for roughly 10 percent of the Union Army. Their regiments fought with courage and distinction, challenging racist notions about their fighting ability. Their forces fought bravely in battles like Port Hudson and Fort Wagner, and played a key role in capturing Charleston, South Carolina, the “Cradle of Secession,” and Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital, swaying public opinion in the North toward abolition and equality. To this point, President Abraham Lincoln acknowledged that without the military help of the black freedmen, the war against the South could not have been won. Importantly, their service paved the way for greater social equality in the post-war era. It demonstrated that Black men were willing and capable of fighting for the nation, a crucial step toward their eventual civil rights advancement. The USCT’s service paved the way for greater equality for Black Americans, though the fight for civil rights continued for many years.

Capt. Gantt has had a coveted career.

During his first tour of duty, he graduated from the U.S. Army Airborne and Ranger schools at Fort Benning, GA. Later he saw combat as a helicopter door gunner and crew chief in South Vietnam. After graduating from Howard University, he returned to the military, entering the Naval Aviation Officer Candidate School where he received his Naval Flight Officer Wings of Gold. Career duty has taken him around the world, including the Mediterranean Sea, the In-

dian Ocean, and the West Pacific, flying more than 2,000 hours, including from several aircraft carriers. In July 2000, he took command of Navy boot camp at Great Lakes, Illinois, responsible for the development of nearly 50,000 sailors annually. He retired from the Navy in 2003 after 30 years of active service. A few year later, he began a new career as a public school teacher. In 2014 he began an association with the 23rd Infantry Regiment USCT Civil War re-enactors and living historians. And currently he is

a member of Company B, 54th Massachusetts Civil War re-enactors, and president of the re-formed 23rd Regiment USCT in Spotsylvania, Virginia.

For this last meeting of the current season, and one not to be missed, the guest fee is $10, and can be applied toward the $25 annual membership dues, which can include a spouse. For more information about the Tuesday, May 7 meeting, contact president John Butler at Brunswickcwrt@gmail. com, or call him at 404-229-9425. Or, visit their website at to learn more, become a member, or learn about member benefits. The Facebook page also has additional information, news, and updates. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 26
History /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 27



We’ve included events here that were scheduled at press time, but please remember that all events, dates and times are subject to change. For programs offered through the Town of Leland, visit townofleland/ to register online or register in person at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.


Spring Art Market

This juried art market will feature unique, handmade creations from incredible local artisans and makers. Stop by to shop for pottery, home goods, fine art, and more. The show is 10 am to 3 pm at LCAC, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.


Juleps and Jazz

The South Brunswick Islands Women’s Club hosts this Kentucky Derby Fund “Racer,” complete with a best hat contest, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar (with bourbon and jazzy juleps, of course), a live jazz band, silent auction and raffles, and a livestream of the 150th Kentucky Derby. The derby party is 4-7:30 pm at the Brunswick Senior Center, 101 Stone Chimney Road in Supply. Tickets are $75; visit https://www.sbiwc. org/home. The Club raises funds and volunteers with many local charitable organizations in many areas, such as hunger, education, medical care, elder care, and more.


Founders Day — Belville

Join residents in celebrating 47 years as the Town of Belville! The Founders Day festivities will include music, children’s activities and historical/education sessions, all at Riverwalk Park, 580 River Road, SE. Festivities are planned from 10 am to 3 pm (rain date is May 11).


Rose Tour — Wilmington

Tour rose gardens in Wilmington and learn tips for growing roses in the South from garden owners during the 21st Annual Rose Garden Tour. Wear comfortable shoes for walking, and tour gardens in any order from 9 am to 5 pm. The tours are free, but donations will be accepted to benefit the New Hanover County Ability Garden and scholarships to Cape Fear Community College. Tours will go on rain or shine. Visit https:// for more details and to see the garden locations.


Fundraiser Festival for Caridad

Enjoy live music from Shotgun Taxi Inc, silent and live auctions, raffles and a 50/50, dancing and more during this 4th annual fundraiser. The festival is 1-5 pm at Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar, 1175 Turlington Avenue. Bring your dancing shoes and your own chairs for when you need a break. Caridad, Inc. is a local, registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with a mission to empower single mothers to achieve self-sufficiency in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties.


Brunswick Bands Concert

The Brunswick Winds performs ON BROADWAY, 3 pm at Odell Williamson Auditorium on the campus of Brunswick Community College, 150 College Road, Bolivia. Conductor Michael Stringer will lead the group in selections from Broadway favorites such as “Phantom of the Opera,” “Les Miserables,” “Rent,” “Wicked,” “The King and I,” and many more.


Environmental Education for Youth

The Town of Leland hosts this class about the unique characteristics various animals have that help them survive in their environment. Some critters can change color, some have scales or wings, and some have specialized ways of finding food. Participants will play

an interactive game and create a craft during this fun and interactive learning opportunity, 6-7 pm at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.


Brunswick Civil War Round Table

Edward W. Gantt, a retired U.S. Navy Captain, high school teacher, Civil War re-enactor, and currently president of the re-formed 23rd Regiment USCT in Spotsylvania, Virginia will lead this month’s program on “Contributions of the USCTs During the Civil War,” highlighting the fact that nearly 200,000 African American soldiers fought in the Civil War. Registration begins at 6:15 pm. Programs start at 7 pm. The visitor fee is $10 and may be applied toward the $25 annual membership dues. For more information, please contact president John Butler at Brunswickcwrt@gmail. com, or call him at 404-229-9425. See full story elsewhere in this issue.


Tour Dosher Hospital

Dosher Memorial Hospital invites community members to take an in-person tour of the hospital at 1 pm. Local residents will get an up-close look at the services offered and have an opportunity to have questions about the hospital answered by knowledgeable professionals. The tour group will meet in the front lobby of the main hospital building at 924 N. Howe St., Southport. Space is limited, therefore registration is requested. Call 910-457-3900, or email to reserve your spot.


Artist Reception — LCAC

Meet with artist Cathryn Collopy O’Donnell at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way. O’Donnell’s focus is female portraiture, and her works will be featured in the gallery from May 7 to 30.

MAY 10-11

Creating a Character

Actress, author and storyteller Carolyn Evans leads sessions on acting and interpretation — creating a character. The 2-day workshop is 10 am to 3 pm at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site. Space will be limited, and the cost is $25. Visit to register.

MAY 16

Aquatic Biology

This free program will take participants to a local river or retention pond where they can collect freshwater critters, and learn about species diversity and composition. The program is 9 am to noon, and participants will gather at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.

MAY 17

Game Show Night

Enjoy television-style games at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way. This family-friendly game night is from 7-9 pm.

MAY 17

Community Dentistry Day — Coastal Cosmetics Family Dentistry

Residents of Brunswick County may be seen for one of the following services free of charge: a teeth cleaning, one filling, or one tooth extraction. There will be a patient registration (English or Spanish) to complete prior to being seen. The services will be offered 7:30 am to 2:30 pm at the office, 3071 Southport-Supply Road (N.C. 211). First-come, first served; plan to arrive early. All ages are welcome, and as many patients will be treated as is safely possible.

MAY 17

Brunswick Little Theatre

Comedian Lee Hardin performs; the show will also feature special guest Chris Ruppe. Visit https://www. for ticket /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 28

information. This clean comedy show will be at 7:30 pm at the theatre, 8068 River Road SE, Southport.

MAY 18

Women of the Port

This living history event at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site focuses on the Women who worked and lived at the port of Brunswick. Get a chance to see what their life was like and dive into a new perspective of Port Brunswick. This free event is from 10 am to 4 pm at the site, 8884 St Phillips Rd SE, Winnabow (off N.C. 133) and is for all ages.

MAY 18

Hidden Battleship

Enjoy a unique, behind-the-scenes tour of unrestored areas on the Battleship. Participants are led to areas in the bow, third deck, and below, and the superstructure, including all the way to the very top! This program requires climbing ladders, crossing high hatches, and going through tight/confined spaces. The tour is limited to ages 16 and older and tickets sell out quickly. Tickets are $60; visit programs-and-events/ to purchase.

MAY 18

Unserviceable US Flag Collection

Do you have a tattered or faded old flag? The John E Jacobs Legion VFW Post 68 is hosting a flag collection event for unserviceable U.S. flags. This event will be held at Brunswick Beer & Cider, 1313 S. Dickinson Drive, Leland, from 8 am until 4 pm. Come out to retire your old flags and connect with our local heroes.

MAY 18

Contra Dance

Cape Fear Contra Dance leads a night of live music and folk dance. Participants don’t need a partner, and no experience is necessary! The program is 7-10 pm, and a lesson for beginners kicks things off at 7 pm. Flat, closed shoes are recommended. Tickets are

$15; Contra Dance is held at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.

MAY 27

Memorial Day observance

The Town of Belville hosts this Memorial Day recognition with events planned in Riverwalk park, 580 River Road, SE, from 9 am to noon.


Paws-Ability BandFest ’24

Enjoy music from The Sea & Sand Band and Julio and the Saltines at this fundraiser for Paws-Ability, a group dedicated to supporting local rescue groups and improving animal welfare in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties. BandFest ’24 is at the Sunset Beach Town Park, 206 Sunset Blvd. N, from noon to 5 pm; entry is $5. There will be raffles, vendors, food and beverages, and animals ready to find their forever homes. Email or call 910269-6885 for more information.


Riverwalk Marketplace

Thursdays 2-5 pm, Fridays 11 am - 5 pm; Saturdays 10 am - 5 pm; and Sundays 10-4 pm; Produce and fresh seafood, seasonings and all things related to seafood, with the beautiful backdrop of the Brunswick River.

Art Around Town and Art Classes

The Town of Leland hosts this popular series, with free events scheduled March through May. The May 18 session is a miniature pottery planter workshop, scheduled for 10 am to noon at the Leland Library, 487 Village Road NE.

Town of Leland/Parks & Recreation

Check out for more information on classes and programs, including painting, pottery, jewelry-making, acting, dance and more.

Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site

8884 St. Philip’s Rd. SE, Winnabow

There is plenty to do and see, with historic ruins, great information on the site’s

history, and some of the most beautiful riverfront property in the County. Hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday.

NC Maritime Museums - Southport, 204 E. Moore Street

Hours are 10 am to 4 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays. Sensory Saturdays (low light and quiet time in the museum) are the first Saturday of the month, 10 Visit to register for special programs. .

Wilmington River Tours

212 S. Water St., Wilmington

Tour the beautiful Cape Fear River and learn more about the area’s history and ecology. Sunset cruises include acoustic music Thursdays through Sundays! Tours are offered daily, to the north along historic downtown Wilmington, the USS North Carolina Battleship and Eagles Island on the even hours, and to the south under the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge and past the shipyard on the odd hours; visit for schedules and to purchase tickets.

Art League of Leland (ALL) at the Leland Cultural Arts Center

The group welcomes artists of all kinds and meets monthly (except in summer months) 4-6 pm at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, 1212 Magnolia Village Way.

Museum of Coastal Carolina

21 E. Second St., Ocean Isle Beach

The Museum is open Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm, and Sundays 124 pm. Sandbar lectures are 5-7 pm on the second Tuesday of the month.

. Ingram Planetarium

7625 High Market St., Sunset Beach

Doors open at 10:30 am Thursdays through Saturdays; dome shows start on the hour from 11 am to 3 pm. Laser shows on Fridays and Saturdays at 6 pm and 7 pm. A new show debuts in March called Cosmic Mashups, which digs into the science behind black holes. Visit ingram-planetarium/ to see the show schedule.


Wilson Center at Cape Fear Community College

701 N. Third St., Wilmington

May 7 — RAIN: A Tribute to the Beatles

May 11 — 360 All Stars: BMX, basketball, breakdancing, beatboxing, acrobatics, drumming and more!

May 18 — ¡Viva Mexico! ¡Viva America!: Mexican-American music and dance

June 8: The Wilmington Dance Theater presents “Peter Pan”

June 21: Shrek: The Musical, part of the Broadway series

July 2: The North Carolina Symphony presents Stars and Stripes

Visit for more information.

Greenfield Lake Amphitheater

1941 Amphitheatre Dr., Wilmington

May 1 — Portugal, The Man

May 2 — Kip Moore

May 4 — R&B vs HipHop Old School Party

May 9 — The Record Company

May 11 — Loud Music Company

May 16 — Amos Lee

May 19 — An Evening with Dark Star Orchestra

May 26 — Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue

June 7 — The Movement Ways of the World 5th Anniversary Tour

June 10 — The Wood Brothers

Visit https://www.livenation. com/venue/KovZ917A2qV/greenfield-lake-amphitheater-events for tickets.

Live Oak Bank pavilion

10 Cowan St., Wilmington

May 3 — Jordan Davis: Damn Good Time World Tour

May 4 — Cody Jinks /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 29 /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 30 Handcrafted Pottery Available at: THE PAINTED MERMAID 817 N Howe Street, Southport SOUTHPORT, NC • BREVARD, NC • FLETCHER, NC • NORTHEAST, MD • BLUEEARTHWORKS.ETSY.COM Vision Source of Brunswick 4633 Long Beach Road Southport, NC 28461 (910) 457-6667 Dr. Michael Howard Comprehensive routine exams, medical eye care, emergency care Full optical with designer frames and contact lenses Most insurances accepted 1200 North Howe St. Southport 336.953.4254 • VOTED BEST OUTDOOR SHOPPING EXPERIENCE 2023 If You See Us Come on in! DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Ready, Set, Grow!! Get Your Summer Garden Blooming with All in Bloom! 724 N. Howe St. | Open 7 Days a Week Let Us Help You Achieve the Lawn of Your Dreams We work hard, so you don’t have to! • Custom Water Features • Landscape & Hardscape Design • Maintenance Tour departs from Southport Visitors Center • 203 E. Bay Street 910-713-3373 Bring the whole family and join us for a fun-filled ride through Southport’s historic waterfront district aboard our state-of-the-art tram! One Hour Tour Covering: • History and Culture • Movie Locations • Spectacular Coastal Views • Shopping and Dining ADULTS $15 CHILDREN $7 Reservations Advised Voted Best Thing for Visitors To Do!

May 7 — Queens of the Stone AgeThe End Is Nero

May 14 — Hozier - Unreal Unearth Tour 2024



Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar

1175 Turlington Ave, Suite 101, Leland

Full menu featuring seafood — also hosting live music with seating inside and outside.

Local’s Tavern

1107 New Pointe Blvd., Leland

Live music, karaoke, great food, special events and a great neighborhood vibe. All the football games showing on Sundays.

Bridgewater Wines

1132 New Pointe Blvd., Leland

Food and wine, including free wine tastings. Enjoy Tuesday trivia, wine tastings on Thirsty Thursdays, Wine Down Fridays and Sipping Saturdays.

Blossoms Restaurant (Magnolia Greens)

1800 Tommy Jacobs Dr.

Brunswick Beer Xchange Co.

113 Village Road, Leland

Board games, live music and open mic nights, Bunko games on Mondays, open mic comedy night on Wednesdays, trivia and food trucks on Thursdays, and tastings.

Brunswick Beer and Cidery

1313 S. Dickenson dr., Leland

Leland’s first brewery and cidery! Full menu also available

Leland Brewing Company

2115 Ale Ave, Leland

Enjoy a wide variety of beers brewed right on site. Check their Facebook page for upates and food truck visits

Scapegoat Taproom

Reservations are encouraged; call 910-383-0998. Check Facebook for drink and food deals and special events.

2789 Compass Pointe South Wynd NE, Unit 4, Leland

This taproom has more than 40 beers and ciders to choose from, and plenty of wines too, all with a great neighborhood vibe, live music, and food truck appear-

Enjoy college football Saturdays and pro football on Sundays.

LA Times

2851 Maco Rd NE, Leland

Two bars, two patios, arcade games, pool tables, corn hole, cigars, and a great time with great people

Brodee Dogs Brew House

103 A Village Road, Leland

Dogs and burgers with delicious toppings, including a special house sauce, craft beers, and live music.

Don’t see your event or location listed? Try as we might, we don’t catch everything, so to be sure to be included send your events to before the 20th of each month!

Thank you! /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 31 Calendar
602 N. Howe St., Southport (910) 457-7714 JEWELRY REPAIR • WATCH REPAIR WE DO APPRAISALS Master Jeweler on site! Your Hometown Jeweler Since 1976 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram ances. /May 2024/ Leland Magazine 32

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