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Featured Artist: Kyle Morgan

Driftwood tree at sunset on St. Andrews Beach , Jekyll Island.

Featured Artist:


Kyle Morgan

By Neva Parsons Assistant Editor Photography by Kyle Morgan

Scarlet skies mirrored on calm waters. Bright planets hovering between dark horizon and starry space. Gnarled driftwood against a vibrant, moody sunrise. These are images captured by a camera and rendered into art by photographer Kyle Morgan.

Looking at his work, it’s hard to believe that Kyle has only a year of photography experience under his belt. Currently a resident of Brunswick, Kyle grew up in rural Brantley County but spent much of his time exploring the coastal islands. As a consequence, his landscapes reflect his love for the natural world. “Being out in nature is therapy for me. There’s just something about being on a beach, hearing all the wildlife and ocean waves, while looking up at the Milky Way on a clear night. Really makes you focus on the bigger picture of life and let go of all the small things.”

“The important thing is not the camera but the eye,” famed photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt once said. Kyle credits his father in helping him develop his own “eye” having watched Wayne Morgan take photos for as long as he can remember. After taking many photos on his phone, Kyle asked his father if he could borrow his camera. “Of course, he let me, and it took off from there, asking him countless questions about settings and equipment and going out shooting. I wouldn’t be doing what I am today without him.”

What might the future hold for Kyle? “My dream is to own an art studio and travel for magazines such as National Geographic, Traveler, Discovery, and Planet Earth.”

In the meantime, he’s working in a variety of niches, including portraits, weddings, real estate and drone shots. But landscapes and nightscapes remain his favorite modes of expression. He maintains an Instagram gallery and is anticipating the launch of his own website.

When he’s not pursuing his art, Kyle can be found kayaking or mixing drinks behind the bar at the Jekyll Island Club’s Wharf Restaurant. Not to mention enjoying time spent with his family, whose support obviously means a great deal to him. “I would like to give a big shout out to him [father Wayne] and also my mom, Bonnie Morgan, who is my biggest fan. Thanks so much for all your support.”

Pelican "Freeload George" in front of St. Simons Light.

Shrimper Grave Digger at Sunset, Darien

Boardwalk at sunset , Jekyll Island.

To view more of Kyle's work, please visit his instagram gallary: @k.morganartistry or email him: k.morganartistry@gmail.com