Community input call on foreshore plan
Waiting in line TEMPORARY replacement portable toilets at Capel Sound Foreshore Reserve are “horrendous” and don’t compensate campers and visitors for the loss of the old concrete block, a resident says. Chris Major, who complained about the closure of the rundown 1950s block last year, says the “port-a-loos” are an inadequate replacement. “We’ve been waiting since January for a new toilet block and now with the summer onslaught approaching it looks like we’ll have to go through it all again,” she said. “Hundreds of people won’t use them and just go and pee in the bushes.” Ms Major said dance and yoga clubs which visit the area regularly need proper toilets. “Everyone’s complaining,” she said. Capel Sound Foreshore Reserves manager Wayne Nicholls said the concrete toilet block was unsafe and would be replaced. “We are in the process of raising funds to redevelop the whole area which could cost up to $600,000,” he said. “We are at the concept plan stage and are about to start community consultation.” Mr Nicholls said the foundations of the old structure were unsafe and that vandals had torn out copper fittings and a hot water service for scrap. Last year, four portable toilets were installed at the parking area near the beach end of Truemans Road, but these were set on fire and destroyed. “Despite this sad experience four portables will again be installed “before the Melbourne Cup weekend”, Mr Nicholls said. Two portables are at the boat ramp about 200 metres away and are “cleaned daily”.
Stephen Taylor A TOILET block, playground, boardwalk and more picnic facilities may be included in a new foreshore precinct around the Truemans Road beach car park. The features are being assessed by the Capel Sound foreshore management committee as it seeks community input into its plans for the area. An open session will be held 9-11am, Saturday 19 October, at the car park, with committee members and the landscape architect available to answer questions. Digital copies of the plans and a QR code are available on the Capel Sound Foreshore Committee of Management webpage. The site accepts feedback from those unable to attend on the day. Foreshore manager Wayne Nicholls said planned works expected to cost up to $600 included replacing the existing condemned toilet block with a new ambulant and accessible block; constructing a boardwalk with viewing and seating as a meeting point for walkers and riders on the Bay Trail, and adding a children’s playground as none currently exist between Rosebud and Rye. Works would also include re-configuring the parking area to provide better parking and include disabled parking; increasing the number of barbecues and seating areas, and adding spaces for ball games. New fences and more beach pathways would help manage erosion of
Big ideas: Ranger Max Patton with an architect’s drawing of the proposed improvements at Capel Sound forehore. Picture: Yanni
the foreshore and restore vegetation. Mr Nicholls said the existing barbecue facility was built more than 15 years ago and the now condemned toilet block was built in the late 1950-early 60s. He said the area was
used for camping during the holiday season until about 15 years ago when it was made an area for day visitors. “While it is very popular with locals and day trippers the ageing amenity block has received widespread public
condemnation and was found to be beyond renewal,” Mr Nicholls said. “The changes will improve the foreshore and beach experience for locals, day trippers and families using the Bay Trail.” Mr Nicholls said while locals could easily access the foreshore during the year, ironically, it was not easy during the holiday season as the camping areas were always full. “A redeveloped area would provide much better access both in the holiday season and throughout the year,” he said. “The playground will also provide a new beach meeting place for local families. “The area is already highly popular as a meeting place for day-trippers and this work will substantially increase their options. “Everyone using the Bay Trail will welcome it as a new meeting place, particularly families.” Mr Nicholls said the draft plans had been created from an earlier consultation and would be used to generate community input in the final masterplan. He said talks were continuing with Flinders MP Greg Hunt and Nepean MP Chris Brayne about finance for the foreshore works.
Are you newly pregnant or
‘No charge’ green waste event
planning a pregnancy? The Bays Hospital, Mornington Free maternity information session
Friday 25 – Sunday 27 October 2019 Dispose of your green waste for ‘no charge’ and prepare your property for summer! Green waste includes all types of garden waste and untreated timber. No commercial vehicles or commercial green waste will be accepted. Proof of residency is required to dispose of green waste for no charge at this event. (E.g. your driver’s licence with your current address or a current rate notice.)
Handy hints: • Delays may occur at the beginning and end of each day • Mornington can accept a maximum of three cubic metres per trip • Tyabb has less waiting time • You can opt-in to receive a 240 litre fortnightly kerbside green waste bin collection (paid) if you live in the ‘urban area’ of the Peninsula.
Opening hours
Rye Truemans Road Tyabb McKirdys Road Mornington Watt Road
Friday Saturday/Sunday
For more information 5950 1000
Southern Peninsula News
9 October 2019
8am – 4pm 8am – 5pm
Sunday 27 October 2019 12-2pm
For more information and to register Visit: Phone: 03 5976 5262 Cost: Free of charge - bookings essential The Bays Hospital Vale Street, Mornington VIC 3931