Visions Alumni Magazine - Winter 2010 - Southern College of Optometry

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I believe every generation wants to make things better for the

At our most recent Board of Trustees meeting, approval was

next. Life blessed me with two wonderful parents, but I still had a

given to come up with solutions through a workable plan to enhance

determination to make my children’s lives better than mine. This

our campus, including the possibility of constructing new classroom

same sentiment is true for the profession of optometry, and it’s

facilities, adding diverse student study areas, and updating our

certainly been the case here at Southern College of Optometry.

40-year-old campus tower. Much work remains as we strategize ways

This Annual Report issue of Visions isn’t so much a look

to make these improvements possible.

backwards as it is a progress report of where we’re headed. Just as

Alumni who graduated prior to 2002 always marvel at the

we want to improve life for our children and grandchildren, as

state-of-the-art clinical experience we provide our interns through

optometrists we should be proud that our profession is stronger than

The Eye Center. Comparably, we intend to improve the learning

ever. As alumni, we can take pride that the college is better today than

environment elsewhere on our campus. Through this action, our

it was yesterday.

Board confirmed its support of our strategic plan and the direction

The responsibility of striving to improve SCO is shared by all of us:

we have taken through our commitment to lead the profession. As

our Board of Trustees, our faculty, our staff, our students, and you, our

stakeholders in our mission, you will learn more about our plans over

alumni. Our alumni are key stakeholders in our mission. Many of you

the coming year.

are fulfilling one of the goals of our Strategic Plan by serving as role models for our profession.

It is a brighter future that we plan to embrace. At SCO, we’re focused on achieving our mission to the fullest extent possible. Many

Regardless of your politics, it is a point of pride to congratu-

of you are too. Throughout 2010 it’s been a privilege to meet and talk

late John Boozman, OD ’77, upon his election to the U.S. Senate as

with alumni at a number of state, regional and national meetings. Just

the first SCO graduate, and the first optometrist, ever elected to that

this fall alone, we’ve visited alumni in Vermont, Virginia, Tennessee,

legislative body. Joe Ellis, OD ’86, is currently leading the American Optometric Association. Another alumnus, David Shannon, OD ’86, is

We’re using new technology to enhance the classroom experience…incorporating a 21st century approach to our clinical instruction.

leading the Association of Optometrists (AOP) in the UK. These leaders allow our students to visualize ways they can improve optometry as future stewards of our profession.

North Carolina and at the American Academy of Optometry. We’ve encouraged our students to become more involved in organized optometry earlier, rather than later. In January 2011, we

Is it any wonder that the college expects more from its applicants

will host our third annual State Day event to bring representatives

and from its students than it did when many of us were optometry

from state and national organizations to network with our students.

students? Striving for excellence is rarely easy. Our patients trust us to

It’s encouraging to see similar State Day events being implemented at

take care of their vision, their most precious sense. The preparation we

other optometry schools.

give our interns is an integral part of this process. How we train and educate optometric physicians is more important than ever.

Even as we look back at the most recent academic year to provide accountability to our stakeholders, we look ahead to 2011.

As you will read in this Annual Report issue, the college is

Your support of our academic and clinical programs will be more

making important progress toward many of the goals outlined in

important than ever. A Southern College of Optometry education

our strategic plan, including our work to educate the best possible

instills a degree of confidence in our graduates. When you think of

healthcare providers. We’re using new technology to enhance the

your alma mater, our hope is that you share this confidence in our

classroom experience. We’re incorporating a 21st century approach to

future and join us in our effort of continuous improvement.

our clinical instruction. Our recruiting effort continually evolves to attract the best and brightest from our applicant pool.

Annual Report



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