BICYCLIST Magazine #156

Page 8

JOIN US! Stretch It Out II

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We put together a series of stretches that will help warm up the body including the psoas (hip flexors), hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves and quads. Riders should do these before and after a ride or race to improve flexibility, recovery and performance. By Rick Schultz with Amy Schultz, PT, DPT, CSCS

Adductor Stretch Option 1

Option 2

Photo: Jose Galaz

HELP INCREASE ACCESS TO YOUR TRAILS Bend your knees so that your feet are resting flat on the mat. Lift one leg and cross it over the other. Press into your quad, stretching your adductor muscle. Hold the position and then switch legs.

Bend one leg and cross over the other as you did in Option 1 except with your bottom leg extended flat on the ground. Hold the position and then switch legs.

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Hamstring Stretch Start

The San Diego Mountain Biking Association is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and increasing sustainable trail access for mountain biking in San Diego County.


Lie flat on your back and stretch your legs out straight. Interlock your fingers behind your right knee and bend and lift your knee towards your chest.

Keeping your fingers clasped around your leg, gently extend the hamstring of the bent leg towards the sky to stretch the muscle. Hold the position and then switch legs.

Lower Back Stretch Start


Lying on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the ground, gently roll both bent knees over to one side and extend your arms in front of you with palms touching.

Extend your top arm out into a 'T' position with palms up, while keeping your shoulders on the ground. Hold the position and then switch sides.

Coach Rick Schultz specializes in coaching cyclists so that they can achieve their best. He is a certified bike fitter and author of Bike Fit 101: Your Toolset for a Great Bike Fit. Send your questions to or ask on twitter @BICYCLISTxyz #askthecoach

SOCAL LOCAL? 8 | Issue 156

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