West TN Medical News InCharge 2015

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No matter how the saying goes, all roads really do lead somewhere. We set out with a destination or an outcome in mind, but then sometimes that course we charted so carefully must be altered because of a road block, curve ball or simply a change in weather. West Tennessee Medical News set out to take our 2015 InCharge cover photo shoot on the quaint sidewalk outside of Jackson City Hall. The fall leaves had peaked and it was lined with crimson and gold trees and gently waving American flags. But the morning of the shoot, it was simply too frigid to ask our six busy healthcare executives to step outside, remove their coats and smile for several camera shots. So we changed the plan and took the shoot inside City Hall. These days, most healthcare executives are in the midst of changing their plans. 2014 has been one of the most interesting years in the recent history of American healthcare. Of course, we stand in awe of the medical breakthroughs we see and read about almost every day. But these days, we also stand in awe of those learning to navigate the changing face of American healthcare…those who manage our systems to keep the lights on, the labs running and the doors open. I think it’s fair to say that some of the finest healthcare leaders in our state make their start in West Tennessee. And some of the finest healthcare leaders in our state and beyond choose to make West Tennessee their home. Dustin Summers, a Paris, Tennessee native, moved away to work and attend graduate school in Washington, DC. Afterward, he was excited to return “home” to the Jackson area to take over the reins at the West Tennessee Primary Care Physicians Association and the West Tennessee Physician’s Alliance. Tom Gee is a well-respected and award-winning hospital executive who held a variety of administrative roles in the corporate healthcare environment before taking on the challenge of a struggling community hospital. With Gee at the helm, Henry County Medical Center has doubled in size and scope of services. Mark Allen is second in command at one of the largest multi-specialty clinics of its kind. He oversees the operation of The Jackson Clinic’s 12 locations across 3 counties and more than 500 employees. The road that led DeAnn Montchal to the West Tennessee area began in Iowa where she gained much of her healthcare management experience. Today, she oversees West Tennessee Healthcare Hospital Services, which includes their Heart and Vascular Center where more heart attack patients are seen than any other hospital in Tennessee. After serving as assistant CEO, COO and interim CEO at Regional Hospital in Jackson, Dale Humphrey moved eastward up the road to Lexington where he now leads Henderson County Community Hospital. And finally, Neal Rager stayed close to home as he made his way toward leadership of the largest multi-specialty freestanding ambulatory surgery facility between Nashville and Memphis. Rager also spent the last year heading the West Tennessee Medical Group Management Association.

ON THE COVER L to R: Dustin Summers, West TN Physicians Alliance & West TN Primary Care Tom Gee, Henry County Medical Center Mark Allen, The Jackson Clinic,

I invite you to turn the page and read how these six are managing the same issues you may be facing and how they’re strategizing for 2015 in our cover story, “West Tennessee Healthcare Executives Tackle Reimbursement Challenges.” As always, I hope you find this directory useful throughout the year when you need to call on those in charge of our medical community. We invite your comments and suggestions in helping us assemble future editions of InCharge Healthcare.

DeAnn Montchal, West TN Healthcare Dale Humphrey, Henderson County Community Hospital Neal Rager, Physicians Surgery Center Photograph By John Perkins


Market Publisher Memphis - West Tennessee - Arkansas pamela@memphismedicalnews.com

2015 // InCharge healthcare // WEST TN MEDICAL NEWS




West Tennessee Healthcare Executives Tackle Reimbursement Challenges By SUZANNE BOYD As 2014 winds down, healthcare executives across West Tennessee are preparing to make the turn to 2015. For our annual InCharge edition, West Tennessee Medical News chose six executives to look in the rearview mirror at what they have faced this year as well as forward to what they see on the horizon. Whether they were running a clinic, an ambulatory surgery center, physician group or a hospital, our healthcare leaders found the road they have traveled this year was a similar for all as is the path ahead. It was of no surprise that reimbursement was a major pothole to be navigated. Across the board, leaders said they had to tighten their belts, evaluate what services they provided and make adjustments where needed. For our hospital leaders, the reduction in reimbursement related to the Affordable Healthcare Act and sequestration, without the accompanying planned expansion of health exchanges and the Medicaid population, were the biggest challenges they faced. Henry County Medical Center’s CEO, Tom Gee said his organization dealt with these reimbursement



WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015


issues by evaluating unprofitable services and making adjustments in staffing and supply costs to offset the pressures. “We have successfully reduced our costs for physician preference items such as surgical implants as well as other supply costs of nearly $1 million by switching our group purchasing organization and supply distributors,” he said. “The cornerstone of our efforts to become more efficient is the implementation of LEAN techniques for process improvement and to change the culture of our organization to meet the challenges of health reform.” Dale Humphreys, CEO of Henderson County Community Hospital, saw a sharp decline in reimbursement on multiple fronts. “Budget sequestration, The Affordable Care Act (ACA), reductions in disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, lack of Medicaid Expansion in Tennessee, and high deductible insurance plans have all contributed to a perfect storm which we’ve struggled with in 2014,” he said. “We have focused more this year on expense management than at any other time in my 26 years in the healthcare industry. It impacts everything we do. Everyone throughout the organization

has been asked to do more with fewer resources. We’ve had to make some difficult choices about staffing, which service lines to offer or discontinue, and how do we best contribute to the overall physical health of our patients as well as the economic health of our community.” Mark Allen, COO of the Jackson Clinic Professional Association, saw the shift from fee for service to a fee for value pay structure as the biggest challenge faced by his organization. “Our primary operational focus over the last several years has been achieving the triple aim in healthcare: improving quality and improving the health of our population while decreasing the overall cost of delivering care,” he said. “We added Clinical Care Coordinators and also added analytical software to our robust Electronic Health Record (EHR) database for the purpose of identifying and closing gaps in care, improving the overall health of our patients and providing the right care at the right time at the right place to make sure we are being good stewards of the healthcare dollar.” On the insurance side of the equation, Physicians Surgery Center administrator and president of West





Tennessee MGMA, Neal Rager had hoped broader coverage would create a more educated patient culture. “Instead, we see a seemingly broader proportion of patients who do not understand the basic tenets of their policies and common vocabulary that every customer should know,” he said. “This is especially challenging when patients are billed in full for deductible amounts when they expected the savings that was promised when the ACA was being pitched to voters.” “We have seen a slight shift in the insured population to a higher deductible plan meaning the insured patient is responsible for more of the cost of their care out-of-pocket. This has made our focus on delivering the right care at the right time at the right place so important in reducing the cost of care for the patient while maintaining high quality care,” said Allen. “We believe this trend will continue and patients will be more in tune to what their care actually costs since more than a copay will be coming out of their own pockets at the time of care. We have committed to our patients that we will help navigate these costs with them through our triple aim efforts.” At West Tennessee Healthcare, vice president of hospital services, DeAnn Montchal says that the system has continued to try to keep the public informed about their options for healthcare coverage and promote the health insurance exchanges. “We acquired a grant to hire patient


WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015

navigators to streamline the enrollment process and answer questions or direct the public to the proper source of information and support. Hopefully more individuals will take advantage of the insurance plans available on the health insurance exchange,” she said. “The greatest issue at the state level is the lack of Medicaid expansion which results in reduced reimbursement for Tennessee hospitals and keeps thousands of our state residents from receiving health insurance coverage.” Because 2014 elections resulted in an impending shift in government power, what could that mean to healthcare and some of the issues raised by recent reform initiatives? Dustin Summers, who recently took the reigns as executive director of both the West Tennessee Physician Alliance and West Tennessee Primary Care physician groups, feels healthcare is not going to sit around and wait on an election or a turn of the tides. “If the next two years are a time of gridlock at the legislative level, it doesn’t change the fact that this will also be a time of change and evolution in the actual delivery and practice of medicine,” he said. “Whether or not the ACA is repelled, amended or fully implemented during this time, physicians and their practices will still face a variety of challenges and opportunities. Those organizations that have a game plan for how best to survive and to grow during this time will be successful regardless of the political climate.” Skeptical of a wholesale repeal of the Affordable Care Act making it



out of Congress is Rager. “Even if it did, the paper the bill is printed on wouldn’t have time to reach room temperature before it was vetoed,” he said. “I am much more optimistic about some type of repeal or reset of the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate. Both parties also seem content to repeal the medical device tax, which, assuming it survives judicial scrutiny only makes the ACA more costly by removing a revenue stream that was intended to fund it.” “I think the biggest positive trend that we will actually see is a healthcare system evolve that produces real improvement in patient care and outcomes,” said Gee. “As we change incentives to promote managing chronic conditions and improve outcomes related to complication and mortality rates, we will see better value for the healthcare dollar. Ultimately, we have to change our mindset from doing this to save money versus improving the quality of care value for the money expended. I think this will occur in the future but we will have to go through what may be at times a painful transition.” Humphreys sees transparency continuing to be a huge trend for everything from healthcare cost to quality outcomes. “Healthcare consumers are going to be making more of their healthcare decisions based on that information,” he said. “We focus a tremendous amount of energy on tracking quality, high reliability, and safety.”


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MedicalEconomics BY BILL APPLING

Dirtiest four-letter word of digital health: “SILO” “Silo” is a business term that has been passed around and discussed at many a board room table during the last 30 years. Unlike many other trendy management terms, this one has not disappeared over time. Silos are seen as a growing pain for most organizations of all sizes. As written by Patrick Lencioni in his book, Silos, Politics and Turf Wars; “Silo-and the turf wars they enable devastate organizations. They waste resources, kill productivity, and jeopardize the achievement of goals.” Just as an organization evaluates internal and external threats, they must include silos as major threats. In their book, Systems Thinking Basics, Virginia Anderson and Lauren Johnson define systems thinking as “holistic and big-picture view of the whole. It is recognizing the interconnections between parts of a system and synthesizing them into a unified view.” Healthcare Policy And Reform The mind-set present among most healthcare stakeholders is that they do not wish to share information with others to create a picture view from a macro-perspective. This type of mentality will reduce the efficiency of the overall operation, reduce morale, and most likely will contribute to the demise of parts or to the whole intention of reform. • “CMS has done more to add to the costs of healthcare, with hurdles and regulations that they themselves could comply with. (Look at the organizational charts for both HHS and CMS)” • “The first comment and criticism I have is that both HHS and CMS rely too much on processes and not enough on outcomes.” • “The Obama Administration was obsessed with healthcare reform policy, but oblivious to the nitty-gritty of implementation.” • “The biggest challenges to providers this year are meaningful use, HIPAA, the Administrative Simplification Act and the implementation of ICD-10, October 1, 2015.” • “Processes upon processes with a changing target, there can be no positive outcomes. The providers and the patients will most definitely know / feel the negative unintended consequences and that is why the ACA will fail. It is not if it will fail, it is when it will fail, unless change and management within HHS / CMS changes and changes fast. (Source: “CMS Hasn’t Got a Clue! J. William (Bill) Appling, Medical Economics, Memphis Medical News, April, 2014) As I mentioned earlier, processes upon processes with everchanging moving targets and the uncertainty in the amount of change is what we face each day. With change, there is conflict and with new information, a spiraling of information. This new flavor of the month involves all levels of an organization, whether the stakeholders are directly or indirectly affected. There are four stages in the change process. First, there is disruption, which causes anxiety, silo protection, and personal gain. The second stage is the intensification, rush, and chaos to make the changes. The time that individuals need to accept or be willing to accept the consequences of the change frequently is not properly allocated. The third stage is the adaptation and evolution stage. (Am I allowed to use the word evolution after this past election?) This stage incorporates the formation of the change. What will the model look like and how will we get there and in what timeframe. The fourth and last stage is the stability phase of change. Once there is acceptance, it does become easier, but does going through this change process always make it better? We as individuals need to accept, to make the new paradigm really work.


WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015

“The goal in healthcare is to create a culture that is accountable to quality care, safety and service to the community. “ (Andrew E. Catalano, “Silos in the Healthcare Business – Conflicts versus Power,” February 26, 2011. Despite the potential for improving patient care, a number of healthcare companies have been slow to go digital. Although some medical organizations have blamed the cost of implementation and the uncertain return on investment as reasons to stay away, one study now suggests that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is keeping healthcare providers from diving in. The study; which was released in December, 2013, by the Bipartisan Policy Center, states that HIPAA is “often misunderstood, misapplied and over-applied in ways that may inhibit information sharing unnecessary. “Despite the significant growth of electronic health information, for the most part, data continues to reside in silos – inaccessible for purposes of improving health as well as the quality, cost and experience of care,” according to the report. Patrick Soon-Shiang, MD is a medical researcher, professor, surgeon and self-made billionaire, whose aim is solving the interoperability crisis and connecting the industry in the most powerful of ways – a direct response of the discontent with the federal government’s EHR Incentive Program. He met with President Obama in 2008 with one single plea: “Please, do not fund EHR systems that will create what I call, medical bridges to nowhere, and unfortunately they’ve done exactly that. My concern is with the way meaningful use has been set up to capture processes. What we really need to do is capture outcomes.” Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee issued a report last year, saying health information technology would be “unable to truly transform our health system unless they can easily locate and exchange health information.” Spearheaded by Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, House members said, “more must be done to bolster interoperability nationwide. Adopting these standards by 2018 is reasonable and should be the highest priority for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), lawmakers wrote. The office of ONC seemed to agree, with its new chief Karen DeSalvo, MD calling interoperability the “Top priority for 2014” earlier this year. HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, in October, appointed Dr. DeSalvo to serve as acting assistant of health, effective immediately. Lisa Lewis, a lawyer who was ONC’s chief operating officer was named acting ONC coordinator. DeSalvo will serve as acting Assistant Secretary “while maintaining her leadership of ONC.” She will continue to work on high-level policy issues at ONC, and ONC will follow the policy direction that she has set.” DeSalvo will continue as chair of the Health IT Policy Committee, continue leading the development of the interoperability road map and remain involved in meaningful-use policy making. She will also continue to co-chair HHS Crossdepartmental work on delivery-system reform. Lewis will provide day-to-day leadership at ONC. Dr. Joseph Schneider, chief medical information officer at Baylor Scott & White Health, in Dallas, expressed concern. “DeSalvo trying to handle two demanding jobs at the same time seldom has positive outcomes for anyone. If you give people too many things to do they don’t get it done terribly well,” he said. (Modern Healthcare, November 3, 2014.) In conclusion, Mr. President. Members of Congress…TEAR DOWN THESE SILOS. Bill Appling, FACMPE, ACHE, is founder and president of J William Appling, LLC. He is a national speaker, presenter and a published author. He serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Memphis and is on the boards of Hope House and Life Blood. For more information contact Bill at j.william.appling@outlook.com.



A Tim Adams Executive Director Jackson-Madison County General Hospital 620 Skyline Dr Jackson, TN 38301 731-541-6008 Adams has been the executive director of West Tennessee Neuroscience and Spine Center since 2009 and West Tennessee Rehabilitation Center since 2011. He oversees the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility, JMCGH Acute Care Therapies, Primary Stroke Center, Sleep Disorders Center and the Neurophysiology Lab. Adams also served as the Transition Director from 2006-2008 during the eighth major addition to Jackson-Madison County General Hospital. In 2001, he was named the Director of Outpatient Services at JMCGH. Previously, he was the director of Safety and Security. Mark H. Allen Chief Operating Officer The Jackson Clinic, P.A. 828 N. Parkway, Jackson, TN 38305 731.422.0285 jacksonclinic.com Allen joined The Jackson Clinic in 2005 and was named the Chief Operating Officer in 2012. The Jackson Clinic has over 130 physicians practicing in 25 specialties and subspecialties. He is responsible for the operations of the clinic’s 12 locations across 3 counties and more than 500 employees. He is an active member of the American Medical Group Associations COO Leadership Council as well as a member of the Medical Group Management Association. David Alred Director of Practice Administration West Tennessee Medical Group West Tennessee Neuroscience & Spine 700 W. Forest Ave., Suite 200 Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.988.9517 Alred is Director of Practice Administration for West Tennessee Medical Group. He provides direction and management for West Tennessee Neuroscience & Spine Center and MedSouth Medical Center located in Dyersburg and Halls. He also directs operations of the Milan School Health Clinic and the WTH Clinic at Marvin Windows and Doors in Ripley, Tenn.


WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015

Bobby Arnold President/Chief Executive Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6730 info@wth.org Prior to accepting the position of President and CEO, Arnold had been Interim President and CEO since June 2009. Prior to that, he had been VP and CFO since 1999. During his 27 years in the healthcare system, he has been accounting manager, accounting director, and controller. Arnold received his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting in 1975 from Union University in Jackson. Arnold oversees all operations of West Tennessee Healthcare system-wide.

B Jeff Blankenship, CPA Chief Financial Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6733 info@wth.org Blankenship joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1996 and has a BSBA from Union University and an MBA from the University of Memphis. Before assuming duties as Chief Financial Officer, his previous positions included Internal Auditor and Controller. Blankenship oversees West Tennessee Healthcare’s Revenue Strategies, Finance Accounting, Reimbursement, Managed Care, Internal Audit, Patient Financial Services, Employer Services, Health Partners, Materials Management and Strategic Development. Barry “Skipper” Bondurant CEO and Administrator Baptist Memorial HospitalUnion City 1201 Bishop Street Union City, TN 38261 731.884.8601 skipper.bondurant@ bmhcc.org Bondurant joined Baptist Memorial HospitalUnion City as administrator and CEO in 2012. Bondurant earned a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Tennessee at Martin, a master’s degree in exercise and sports medicine from the University of Memphis and another master’s degree in business administration from Union University. He previously served as administrator and CEO of Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton and assistant administrator at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City.

Susan Breeden CEO and Administrator Baptist Memorial HospitalHuntingdon 631 R.B. Wilson Drive Huntingdon, TN 38344 731-986-7280 susan.breeden@bmhcc.org Breeden is administrator and CEO of Baptist Memorial Hospital-Huntingdon. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin and began her career with Baptist in 1988 as business office director at Baptist Huntingdon. After a brief absence, Breeden returned in 1993 as administrative assistant and chief financial officer. Breeden was named associate administrator of the hospital in 1996 and was promoted to her current position the following year.

C James C. Caldwell Chief Nursing Officer Henry County Medical Center 301 Tyson Avenue Paris, TN, 38242 731-644-8537 hcmc-tn.org Caldwell is a native of Wynne Arkansas, and over the last 29 years has held many healthcare leadership roles. He has a Bachelor’s of Nursing from Arkansas State University, a Masters in Nursing and a Master’s degree in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix. Caldwell’s outpatient experience includes homecare, durable medical equipment, and home infusion. Caldwell has acute care experience that includes oncology, emergency, trauma, and critical care. Wendie Carlson Vice President, Human Resources West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6767 info@wth.org Carlson joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 2012 with more than 20 years of progressive Human Resource leadership experience. She is the former Director of Human Resources Strategic Services at Baylor Health Care System and former Director of Human Resources at Baylor University Medical Center. Carlson has an MBA from the University of Dallas, and a BBA from the University of Texas at Arlington. She oversees Human Resources and Guest Relations.


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HEALTHCARE John M. Carruth Executive Director of Orthopedics West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, TN 38301 731.541.5136

Carruth has been in the healthcare field for 33 years. For the past 15 years, he has served as a Hospital Administrator at Camden General, Milan General, Humboldt General and Decatur County General Hospital. His current position is Executive Director of Orthopedics for West Tennessee Healthcare. Lisa Casteel Assistant Administrator and Chief Financial Officer Henry County Medical Center 301 Tyson Avenue Paris, TN, 38242 731-644-8478 lcasteel@hcmc-tn.org Casteel joined Henry County Medical Center in 2005 and has a BBA with a Major in Accounting from the University of Memphis and an MBA with a concentration in Health Administration from Bethel University. She is also a Certified Public Accountant. Casteel participates in Strategic Planning, Physician


WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015

Alignment, and Physician Practice Management Strategies. She has direct oversight of areas in Revenue Strategies and Revenue Cycle Management; Logistics and Materials Management; Information Systems, Health Information Management, and Technology Development; Accounting and Financial Reporting; and the Hospitalist Program. Mary Helen Cepparulo Administrator Jackson Urological Associates, PC 28 Medical Center Drive Jackson, TN 38301 731.427.9971 maryh@juassoc.com Mary Helen has enjoyed the many challenges of office administrator for Jackson Urological Associates, PC for 23 years. With the many regulatory and technical changes through the years, she anticipates many more in the future. Mary Helen is a current member of Tennessee Medical Group Management and the national Medical Group Management Association. As a past president of West Tennessee Medical Group Management Association, she has a strong belief that office administrators should network to maintain knowledge and share their experiences.

LeAnn Childress, PT, ATC, ATRIC Director Sports Plus Rehab Centers, Sports Plus AquaTherapies, Work Plus Rehab Center 101 Jackson Walk Plaza Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.234.7593 In 2007, Childress became Director of Sports Plus Rehab Centers which had 5 locations in West Tennessee. Since then, she has spearheaded the addition of 7 new locations including the addition of Work Plus Rehab Center and Sports Plus AquaTherapies in 6 additional counties outside of Madison County. Childress attended Union University before graduating from the School of Allied Health at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

InCharge F Jeff Frieling Vice President/Chief Information Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6748 info@wth.org Frieling joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1989 and has had positions within the system including Administrative Director of West Tennessee Cancer Center, Administrator of Humboldt General Hospital and Director of Applications in Information Systems. He has degrees in Radiation Therapy, Operations Management, Business Management, a certificate in Healthcare Administration and is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. He oversees Information Systems, IT Security, HIM, Bio-Med and the Laboratory Services.

G Thomas Gee, FACHE Chief Executive Officer Henry County Medical Center P.O. Box 1030 Paris, TN. 38242 731-644-8537 tgee@hcmc-tn.org Gee has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee since 1992. Prior to his current position he served 15 years in various administrative roles with Methodist Healthcare in Memphis, Tennessee. His experiences have ranged from a 1000 bed teaching hospital to suburban and rural community hospitals. Under his leadership, Henry County Medical Center has doubled in size and scope of services. He is a past chairman of both the Tennessee Hospital Association and the Hospital Alliance of Tennessee. He was awarded the Meritorious Service Award for a Chief Executive Officer by the THA in 2003 and the Regent’s Award by the American College of Healthcare Executives in 2007. He did his undergraduate work at DePauw University and earned his Masters of Healthcare Administration from Washington University in St. Louis. He is a fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.


Bernie Grappe Executive Director of Marketing West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6730 info@wth.org Grappe became Executive Director of Marketing of West Tennessee Healthcare in May, 2013. He has a BA in CommunicationsJournalism and a Master of Business Administration from Louisiana State University, Shreveport. Grappe has more than 20 years of experience and has served in leadership roles in Louisiana, Florida, Texas and most recently at DCH Health System in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He will be responsible for marketing, communications, public relations and media services. Amy Griffin Vice President/Chief Compliance Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 info@wth.org Griffin joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1998. Previous positions with the system include Controller of Camden General Hospital, Controller of Milan General Hospital and

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WEST TN MGMA 2015 // InCharge healthcare // WEST TN MEDICAL NEWS




Administrator of Camden General Hospital. She has a BSBA in Accounting, an MBA from Union University, and Executive Juris Doctor from Concord University School of Law. She has a Certification in Health Care Compliance. Griffin oversees Compliance, Privacy, IRB, and Safety Engineering.

H Pam Henson, LPC Executive Director Pathways of Tennessee, Inc. 238 Summar Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.8270 pam.henson@wth.org Henson is a licensed professional counselor with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Tennessee at Martin and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from Murray State University. Having been in the mental health field since 1986, she is responsible for 8 Outpatient Mental Health Centers, an Inpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Unit, a Crisis Stabilization Unit, a Mobile Crisis Team and a Walk-In Triage Center. Pathways has approximately 240 total employees and 225 of those are full time employees. They provide over 10,000 units of service each month. Currie Higgs Vice President/Chief General Counsel West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 info@wth.org Higgs joined the West Tennessee Healthcare system in 2000 as Assistant General Counsel and became General Counsel in 2003. She has a BA from Northwestern University, JD-College of William and Mary, Marshall Wythe School of Law. She oversees Legal, Contract Development, Review and Management, Litigation Management, General and Healthcare Laws, Rules and Regulations, Risk Management, Insurance Claims, Certain Safety Issues and Pre-Litigation Matters. Leigh Ann Hughes Chief Financial Officer Hardin Medical Center 935 Wayne Road Savannah, TN 38372 731.926.8299 HardinMedicalCenter.org Hughes is Chief Financial Officer at Hardin Medical Center (HMC). Hughes began her career at HMC as the controller and supervisor of the accounting department. She graduated with honors in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administra-


WESTTN MEDICAL NEWS // InCharge healthcare // 2015

tion from the University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM), then magna cum laude with her Master of Accountancy in 2005 also from UTM. Additionally Hughes holds an Associate of Science in Accounting from Jackson State Community College and in 2008 earned her certified public accountant (CPA) license. R. Dale Humphrey, MHA Chief Executive Officer Henderson County Community Hospital 200 West Church Street Lexington, TN 38351 731.968.1817 www.hendersoncchospital. com Humphrey was named CEO at Henderson County Community Hospital in August of 2013. He previously served as Assistant CEO, COO and Interim CEO at Regional Hospital of Jackson since 2009. Humphrey has 25 years of healthcare experience with a background in business development, managed care contracting, and physician recruitment. He holds a master’s degree in Health Care Administration from Austin Peay. Humphrey and his wife Gloria have two children, son Rob and daughter Mary.

J Karen “Kay” Jordan, CPA, FACMPE Administrator Sports, Orthopedics & Spine 569 Skyline Dr. Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.427.7888 sportsorthospine.com Jordan is the administrator for Sports, Orthopedics & Spine with locations in Jackson, Parsons, Dyersburg and Union City, Tenn. She is a certified public accountant and a Fellow in the American College of Medical Practice Executives and has previously served as adjunct faculty for Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. Jordan has held numerous leadership roles in the Medical Group Management Association and the American Academy of Orthopedic Executives.

K Deena Kail RN, BSN, MBA Executive Director Ayers Children’s Medical Center West Tennessee Women’s Center Jackson Madison County General Hospital 620 Skyline Dr. Jackson, TN 38301 731.541.6447 Kail has been Executive Director of Ayers Children’s Medical Center and West Tennessee Women’s Center since 1997. She oversees Labor and Delivery, Mother/ Baby, Women’s Surgical, Pediatrics, Neonatal ICU, Ayers Outpatient Clinic, Healthy Start, Healthier Beginnings, Therapy and Learning Center, Perinatology, OB Hospitalists, and community education. She has been with West Tennessee Healthcare for 33 years and is passionate about caring for women, children, and families. William A. Kenley, FACH Senior Vice President/CEO Methodist Fayette Hospital 214 Lakeview Drive Somerville, TN 38068 901.516.4057 www.mlh.org Kenley was named Chief Executive Officer of Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital in May 2009. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Administrator and CEO of Methodist North Hospital for 5 years and led the hospital to become the first private hospital in Memphis with an electronic medical record. Since joining Methodist, Kenley has also assumed responsibility for Methodist Fayette Hospital. He holds a master’s degree in health administration from Duke University and a Bachelor of Science degree from Radford University in Virginia. Kenley is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is a member of the Medical Group Management Association, and chairman for The Village at Germantown. Ruby Kirby Administrator Bolivar General Hospital 650 Nuckolls Road Bolivar, Tennessee 38008 731.659.0218 wth.org Kirby has been administrator of Bolivar General Hospital since January, 2002. She began her healthcare care career at West Tennessee Healthcare in 1979 and previously served as Director of General Surgery and SICU at Jackson Madison County General Hospital and Director of Patient Care at Bolivar General Hospital. Kirby has served

InCharge on the board of the Tennessee Technology Center (Whiteville), Hardeman County Health Council and received 2012 Sterling Award in recognition of the Top 20 Most Influential Women of West Tennessee. Donna W. Klutts, RHIT, CMPE Chief Executive Officer West Tennessee Bone & Joint Clinic, PC 24 Physicians Drive Jackson, TN 38305 731.661.9825 www.wtbjc.com Klutts has been in her current position for the past 14 years. The clinic has 13 physicians, 3 Mid-Level Providers, MRI, Physical Therapy and a Surgery Center with a staff of approximately 110 employees. She was awarded the 2013 Administrator of the Year by Tennessee Medical Group Management Association and State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company. Klutts is a Certified Medical Practice Executive by the American College of Medical Practice Executives, a Certified Medical Office Manager and a Registered Health Information Technologist. She is an active member of the West TN MGMA as well as the State and National MGMA Associations. Catherine Kwasigroh Vice President, Hospital Services West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6734 info@wth.org

responsibilities are Director of Human Resources, Risk Management, and Safety with the following departments reporting to him: EMS, Home Health, Hospice, and Quality Improvement. Nicholas P. Lewis Administrator/ CEO Hardin Medical Center – Savannah 935 Wayne Road Savannah, Tennessee 38372 731.926.8000 hardinmedicalcenter.org Nick accepted the position of administrator and CEO at Hardin Medical Center in early 2013. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina and a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Ohio State University. He comes to Hardin Medical Center from Lourdes Hospital in Paducah, Kentucky where he was the chief operating officer. He has been involved with patient experience and quality, patient safety, strategic planning, revenue growth, physician recruitment, and capital construction throughout his career.


Sam Lynd CEO and Administrator Baptist Memorial HospitalTipton 1995 Hwy. 51 South Covington, TN 38019 901-475-5505 samuel.lynd@bmhcc.org Lynd serves as administrator and CEO of Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton. He joined Baptist Memorial Health Care as a Frank S. Groner administrative fellow in 2011 and was an assistant administrator at two Baptist hospitals before coming to Baptist Tipton. Lynd holds a Master of Science in health administration and an MBA from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a Bachelor of Science in health care management from the University of Alabama.

M William I. Mariencheck, Jr., M.D. Chairman, Board of Directors The Jackson Clinic, P.A. 828 N. Parkway Jackson 38305 jacksonclinic.com Mariencheck joined The Jackson Clinic as a Pulmonary/Critical Care physician in 2000. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of

Kwasigroh joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1988. Previous positions with the system include Financial Analyst, Controller-Home Health Services, Executive Director of Finances, Compliance Officer, and Corporate Compliance Officer. She has a BS in Accounting, an MBA and is a Fellow in American College of Healthcare Executives. Kwasigroh oversees the Kirkland Cancer Center, Construction, Engineering, Maintenance, Security, Space and Property Management, Environmental Services, Laundry, Patient Transport, Admitting, Access, PBX and the Call Center.

L Ed Ledden Assistant Administrator Henry County Medical Center 301 Tyson Avenue Paris, TN 38242 731-644-8471 eledden@hcmc-tn.org Ledden has been at Henry County Medical Center since October 1995. His primary


2015 // InCharge healthcare // WEST TN MEDICAL NEWS




Pulmonary Medicine and the American Board of Critical Care Medicine. He has completed the Advanced Management Program at Duke University Fuqua School of Business. He is on the Board of Directors for State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company. He has served on the Board of Directors of the clinic since January, 2005 and as Chairman since March, 2007. Additionally, he is active in the American Group Management Association. Miki Martin, PT Director LIFT Wellness 101 Jackson Walk Plaza Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.425.6882 miki.martin@wth.org Martin graduated in 1993 from University of Tennessee Health Sciences in Memphis with degree in physical therapy. She began her career as physical therapist with JMCGH in December of 1993. She was Manager of Sports Plus North in 2002 and also Sports Plus Fitness in 2007. In 2012 she assumed the role of LIFT Director. Charlie Miller Chief Executive Officer Regional Hospital of Jackson 367 Hospital Blvd Jackson, TN 38305 731.661.2000 Miller has a strong track record leading health care organizations to improved clinical quality, operational performance and growth in market share. He has more than 36 years of experience as a senior executive in health care. He joined the hospital during a time of growth marked by a 12,000-squarefoot expansion to its emergency department. Miller has a master’s degree in business administration from Tulane University and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Virginia Commonwealth University. As CEO, he oversees a staff of more than 600 people as the hospital in north Jackson seeks to continue to improve its level of care while providing more options for patients. Deann Montchal Vice President, Hospital Services West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6732 info@wth.org Montchal joined West Tennessee Healthcare last year following a career that includes being Chief of Operations, UI Heart and Vascular Center at University of Iowa hospitals and Clinics. She has an MBA in Healthcare from University of Phoenix, a BSN and RN from the University of Iowa. She has more than 20 years of experience in cardiol-


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ogy and cardiothoracic care. She oversees West Tennessee Heart and Vascular Center, Radiology, Imaging Center, Respiratory, Pharmacy, Dialysis, Wound Center, Infusion Clinic and PPU. Gina Myracle Executive Director Kirkland Cancer Center 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.5087 gina.myracle@wth.org Myracle has been a part of the West Tennessee Healthcare system since 1980. She oversees all cancer services provided at Jackson-Madison county General Hospital including radiation therapy, medical oncology, research, tumor registry, hospice and community education and screenings. Myracle is also managing the addition of the beautiful, 80,000 square foot Kirkland Cancer Center building located on the hospital campus and was completed in November of 2013.

N Carol K. Nethery, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FCN Acting Dean and Associate Professor Union University School of Nursing 1050 Union University Drive Jackson, TN 38305 731.661.5029 uu.edu/programs/nursing/ about/ Nethery is acting dean of Union University’s School of Nursing, which has graduate and undergraduate degree programs in Jackson, Germantown and Hendersonville, Tennessee. Nethery has practiced as a registered nurse for thirty-five years with twenty-two of those years in administrative / leadership positions. Nethery is board certified as Nurse Executive, Advanced, through the American Nurses Credentialing Center and is a member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives, Tennessee Organization of Nurse Executives, Tennessee Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, and Sigma Theta Tau International. Joyce Noles, BS, RN, EMT-P I/C Director Medical Center EMS 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.425.9503 Noles has been with West Tennessee Healthcare (WTH) since 1997, where she began as a

paramedic in the field. Entering management in 2002 as Benton County manager, moving to Jackson as the Operations Manager in 2005 and then to Director in 2010. Noles serves as the President of the West Tennessee Directors Association, as a member of the Tennessee Ambulance Service Association Board and as a member of the Jackson State Community College Advisory Board.

P Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FACHE Vice President, Physician Services West Tennessee Healthcare 731-541-6736 Piercey is a West Tennessee native who serves as the Vice President for Physician Services at West Tennessee Healthcare. She has a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from Lipscomb University, a Doctorate of Medicine from East TN State University, Pediatrics Residency and Chief Residency also at East TN State University, and a Masters of Business Administration from Bethel University. Her current areas of responsibility include administrative oversight of the West Tennessee Medical Group physician practices, development of a new medical fitness facility (LIFT Wellness Center), community wellness initiatives and disease management, employer services, outpatient physical and aquatic therapy services, community education, and senior services. Dr. Piercey’s clinical background is in pediatrics, with a specialization in child abuse pediatrics. Tina Prescott Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6735 info@wth.org Prescott joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1996 and her previous positions with the system include nurse, clinical manager and Director of SICU as well as Administrator of Camden General Hospital. She has a BSN and a MBA from Union University. Prescott oversees the West Tennessee Women’s Center, Ayers Children’s Medical Center, Med/ Surg, ICU/Progressive Care, Patient Care Standards, Clinical Development, Staffing/ Patient Flow, Emergency Department, and the Chest Pain Unit.

InCharge R

Help your patients live life feeling their very best

J. Neal Rager Administrator Physicians Surgery Center 207 Stonebridge Blvd Jackson, TN 38305 731-661-6340 nrager@pscjackson.com Since 2011, Rager has provided executive leadership to Physicians Surgery Center, the largest multi-specialty freestanding ambulatory surgery facility between Nashville and Memphis. An undergraduate student of history and MBA graduate of Union University, he enjoys research, analysis and writing. Neal also serves as President of the West Tennessee MGMA and hopes to complete the requirements for fellowship in the American College of Medical Executives by the end of 2014. Sandra Ray Administrator Henry County Healthcare Center & Plumley Rehabilitation 239 Hospital Circle Paris, TN 38242 731-642-5700 sray@hcmc-tn.org Ray came to Henry County Healthcare Center in 1998 from Arkansas. She earned a Masters degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas and has worked in healthcare management for 34 years. She is an active member of the Tennessee Health Care Association and her facility has won several awards of Excellence from the American Health Care Association. Bill Rich Chief Operating Officer Regional Hospital of Jackson 367 Hospital Blvd Jackson, TN 38305 731.661.2000 regionalhospitaljackson.com Rich has joined their administrative staff of Regional Hospital of Jackson as the new Chief Operating Officer. He holds a master’s degree in Health Services Administration from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio and a bachelor’s degree in Toxicology from Ashland University. Rich has over 13 years of hospital operations and planning experience, most recently served as the Vice President of Ambulatory Services and Business Development for Community Mercy Health Partners in Springfield, Ohio. There he was responsible for all out-patient services, inpatient support operations and strategic planning & development for the health system. He is very active in the community serving on committees for the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society. He is also a member of the



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Cordova 146 Timber Creek, Suite 200 Cordova, TN 38018

Phone 731.664.1773 Fax 731.664.1751

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Southaven 122 Airways Place Southaven, MS 38671

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2015 // InCharge healthcare // WEST TN MEDICAL NEWS




American College of Healthcare Executives and Kiwanis. Dave Roberts, MD Vice President/Chief Medical Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6683 info@wth.org Dr. Roberts joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 2005. He has an MD from the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences and is Board Certified in Geriatric Medicine and Family Medicine. Dr. Roberts is Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer and works closely with the medical staff, UT Family Medicine, Quality Outcomes, Quality Plus and Patient Safety (Infection Control, The Joint Commission). James Ross Vice President/Chief Operating Officer West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6735 info@wth.org Ross joined West Tennessee Healthcare in 1985. He has an AAS, AS in Nursing, BSN, MSHA and is certified as a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Licensed Emergency Medical Technician, and a Licensed Registered Nurse. Ross manages the overall operations of Jackson-Madison County General Hospital. Carl E. Rudd Administrator/CEO The Jackson Clinic, P.A. 828 N. Parkway, Jackson, TN 38305 731.422.0200 jacksonclinic.com Rudd joined The Jackson Clinic as Administrator/CEO in 1976. Under his leadership, this organization has grown from 23 to 130 physicians with multiple locations. He is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives and has also been a Certified Public Accountant since 1977. He has served on several health-related boards and is active in Medical Group Management Association as well as the Tennessee Society of CPAs.

S Sherry Scruggs Administrator Milan General Hospital Facilities Manager Humboldt Medical Center & Trenton Medical Center 4039 South Highland Milan, Tennessee 38358 731.686.1591 wth.org Scruggs is Administrator of Milan General Hospital and serves as Facilities Manager for both Humboldt Medical Center & Trenton Medical Center. She previously served as Administrator of Gibson General Hospital and also served as Chief Nursing Officer of this facility. She was hired as a staff nurse in 1983 and filled many different management roles throughout the hospital. In 2011, she became administrator over two additional rural hospitals. All three hospitals are owned by West Tennessee Healthcare. Scruggs serves on many teams/committees in the healthcare system such as Lean projects, Clinical Documentation and Strategic Planning. Todd David Siroky Health Law Attorney Siroky Law 316 South Shannon St Jackson, TN 38301 731.300.3636 sirokylaw.com Siroky maintains a diverse practice counseling individuals and institutional clients in the areas of Healthcare Law, Business Law/Commercial Litigation and Estate Planning. Todd routinely counsels physicians, physicians groups, institutional clients, healthcare facilities, healthcare entrepreneurs, and other healthcare providers on a variety of complex healthcare matters, including: fraud and abuse laws, regulatory compliance issues, drafting and negotiating healthcare contracts, medical joint ventures, practice management, physician and other employment agreements, healthcare organizational documents, non-competes, healthcare privacy and security issues, governmental audits, overpayment disputes, commercial healthcare disputes, disputes with third-party payers, medical board investigation and licensing matters, and credentialing matters.

Dustin Summers Executive Director West Tennessee Physicians Alliance Executive Director West Tennessee Primary Care P.O. Box 3367 Jackson, TN 731-424-0040 dsummers@wtpa.com Summers serves as the Executive Director of the West Tennessee Physicians’ Alliance (WTPA) and West Tennessee Primary Care. Prior to joining the WTPA in March of 2014, Summers was employed as the Development Manager at Young Invincibles, a young adult health care advocacy organization, and as the Policy and Program Services Manager at the National Rural Health Association, both organizations are headquartered in Washington, DC. He is a native of Paris, TN and a graduate of the University of TennesseeMartin. Summers also holds a master’s degree in Education from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee and an additional master’s degree in Public Health with an emphasis in Global Health from George Washington University.

T Gary A. Taylor President & Owner Gary A. Taylor Investment Company 2574 Christmasville Cove, Suite H Jackson, TN 38305 731.668.1893 gtaylor@gatinvest.com Taylor has been a local contractor/developer of commercial real estate for over 35 years. Development projects for Gary A. Taylor Investment Company include medical facilities and commercial shopping centers. The company also developed the first Silver LEED-certified medical administration facility in West Tennessee. Gary A. Taylor and associates pride themselves in meeting the real estate solutions of companies, wanting to expand their business.

U Karen Utley Vice President of System Services West Tennessee Healthcare 620 Skyline Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 731.541.6748 wth.org Utley has an ASN and a BSN from Union University and a MPH from University of Memphis. Before assuming responsibilities of the five West Tennessee Healthcare Affiliate


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InCharge Hospitals, previous positions included DON at Humboldt General Hospital, Administrator at Humboldt General Hospital, and Executive Director of Pathways. Utley oversees the five West Tennessee Healthcare Affiliate Hospitals in addition to Medical Center Medical Products and Infusion Services, Pathways, EMS, Sleep Lab, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, EMG, and Home Health Services.

V Amy Vieth, PT, MBA Chief Executive Officer Healthsouth Cane Creek Rehabilitation Hospital 180 Mount Pelia Road Martin, TN 38237 731-587-4231 healthsouthcanecreek.com Vieth joined Healthsouth Cane Creek in February of 2014 and brings over 17 years of experience in healthcare to HealthSouth. She earned her bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and master’s in business administration from Stephens College. Her background includes extensive clinical practice in various settings, as well as nine years of teaching experience in physical therapist assistant education.


West TN Medical News InCharge Company Index A

Ayers Children’s Medical Center, 14 B Baptist Memorial Hospital – Huntingdon, 10 Baptist Memorial Hospital – Tipton, 15 Baptist Memorial Hospital – Union City, 10 Bolivar General Hospital, 14 G Gary Taylor Investment Company, 18 H Hardin Medical Center, 14, 15 Healthsouth Cane Creek Rehab Hospital, 18 Henderson County Community Hospital, 14 Henry County Medical Center, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17

Humboldt Medical Center, 18 J The Jackson Clinic, 10, 15, 18 Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, 10, 14 Jackson Urological Associates, 12 K

R Regional Hospital of Jackson, 16, 17, 19 S Siroky Law, 18 Sports Orthopedics and Spine, 14 Sports Plus Rehab Centers, 12 U

Kirkland Cancer Center, 16 L

Union University School of Nursing, 16

Lift Wellness, 16



West TN Bone & Joint Clinic, PC, 15

Medical Center EMS, 16, Methodist Fayette Hospital, 14 Milan General Hospital, 18 P Pathways of Tennessee, 14 Physicians Surgery Center, 17

West TN Healthcare, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 West TN Medical Group, 10 West TN Physicians Alliance, 18 West TN Primary Care, 18 West TN Women’s Center, 14

Z Janice R. Zimmer, RN, MSN Chief Nursing Officer Regional Hospital of Jackson 367 Hospital Blvd Jackson, TN 38305 731.661.2000 regionalhospitaljackson.com Zimmer was appointed Chief Nursing Officer of Regional Hospital of Jackson in March of 2005. In the nine years she has been at Regional, Zimmer has received the CNO Excellence in Leadership award 4 times. Prior to relocating to Tennessee, she was the Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive for Christus Santa Rosa Health Care in San Antonio, Texas. Her 35 years of health care experience include advanced nurse practice roles, education and administration. Zimmer and her husband Bo have two sons and are active partners with Augustine School of Jackson.

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