The footsteps of Messiah in the Psalms

Page 137

PSALM 67. Many would have asked, why is this Psalm noted as a separate one seeing it only contains seven stanzas? Why could it not form part of Psalm sixty six? The answer is not far to seek. Psalm sixty six, as we have already seen covers different aspects of the greatness of the ineffable Name, the past in creation and the future of God’s glory. Psalm sixty seven on the contrary is, in its being, a prayer song of worship. The very first stanza is not a question but a powerful acclamation of the grace and love of an all atoning Creator God. Let us read it in the Spirit:- “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and

cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.” The form of the verb (to) “be” is used here in the present indicative mood which directs us to indefinite mercy and blessing. It can also read: “God IS merciful”. What a declaration! What do we understand under this MERCY? Strong’s analytical concordance, H2603 tells us that under “merciful” we are to understand that a Sovereign God stoops down to us as inferior people bestowing upon us His kindness and favor. Was that not what He did to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and to so many millions since the fall and to all mankind past, present and future when He stooped down in love, sending His Son into this world to die upon a cruel cross to purchase our redemption once AND FOR ALL with His precious blood. In this prayer song we have securely cemented the benediction God gave Aaron and his sons wherewith they had to bless Israel:- “The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” (Num.6:24-26).


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